FFXIV Dawntrail Job Action Trailer REACTION - Healers

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @jemm113
    @jemm113 3 місяці тому +28

    People mentioned AST losing the time magic, and I sympathize. But an easy way to bring it back is by upgrading the heal spells to look like time reversal! So now instead of standard healing, it’s flavored as us reversing the damage taken! And I think an ability that boosts the dot we apply and making it look like time speeding up could be fun!

    • @StmaclGaming
      @StmaclGaming 3 місяці тому +8

      I mean... it kinda already is? During the early AST quests when you heal people they're stunned and describe it as their wounds closing in front of their eyes, which when you consider conjury is such a big thing it wouldn't suprise them unless that specific method is unique.

    • @flyfreemeru
      @flyfreemeru 3 місяці тому +1

      at this point, they should make astro time mage or green mage

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому +1

      In lore, that is exactly what you do. As mentioned above, during your job quests when you heal someone, they describe it as different from what a conjurer or a chirurgeon would do, and it felt like the process of getting hurt/sick was being reversed until they felt healthy.
      Macrocosmos is literally that, you do not even need to appeal to lore, it reverts HP back to the state it was before a point in the fight (aka before the big hit you prepared it for).
      And if you want to play along with lore and immerse yourself in the gimmicks of the job, the delayed healing abilities like Horoscope and Exaltation for example can easily fit under that time reversal healing fantasy.

  • @fluffyfang4213
    @fluffyfang4213 3 місяці тому +7

    I said all I wanted for WHM was a dash and I got what I wanted.
    Now for speculation! I doubt it's locked behind Temperance even though that'd be thematic. Looks like they dashed to the edge of the enemy's hitbox, but I'm hoping you can target allies as well (so you can have a WHM and SGE in your static and be everyone can be traumatized by the Bullet Bill healers).

    • @phiefer3
      @phiefer3 3 місяці тому +4

      The dash isn't targeted at all. They mentioned in the breakdown that it's a dash forward, so it's more like what dnc and rpr have, rather than a true gap closer.

  • @fluffdafire157
    @fluffdafire157 3 місяці тому +6

    I like how drak either didnt notice or completely ignored the second debuff/ dot

    • @SuperShesh2
      @SuperShesh2 3 місяці тому +2

      non healer players only caring about healing name a more iconic duo
      (Yes I know its more likely that it was just subtle because he noticed whm and sages, but isn't that a problem in and of itself? How unnoticable it is?)

  • @evag67
    @evag67 3 місяці тому +2

    As a WHM you can now Rescue someone into danger and use your gap closer to escape it. If faster enough only they'll die.

  • @ArtForSwans
    @ArtForSwans 3 місяці тому +4

    What I think Astro is going to be now is at the start of a fight, you will get Balance, Arrow, Spire (probably a damage buff, a defense buff, and a heal) and Lord of Crowns which might continue to be an AoE attack. Then 60 seconds later during the downtime, you'll get Spear (dps), Bole (defense), and Ewer (heal) along with the Lady of Crowns for AoE healing. I'm going to have to see it in action before I jump on that "AST is dead, its identity is gone" bandwagon
    EDIT: Alright I'm going to put my new idea here just so I can point to it if I end up being right. I think Diurnal and Nocturnal sect will come back as buffs. You'll start with Diurnal, then when you draw, you'll get Balance, Arrow, Spire, and Lord and then the buff will switch to Nocturnal. Drawing under Nocturnal will give you Spear, Bole, Ewer, and Lady and switch the buff back to Diurnal. Remember, we can't see buff or debuff icons in the job action trailer, and that won't be something they'll put in the Live Letter powerpoint.
    If we evolve the idea further, maybe Diurnal and Nocturnal would actually affect the job somewhat, like maybe switching from Diurnal to Nocturnal gives you the Astrodyne damage up effect, while switching from Nocturnal to Diurnal gives you the increased healing from Astrodyne. I don't think that'll be enough to appease the people who are upset, but I would be satisfied.

  • @AngelScolarus
    @AngelScolarus 3 місяці тому +4

    Now that seals are no longer a thing for AST cards, I'm curious as to the significance between each of the 6 suits ("Gates" as the AST job quest calls them).

  • @defiantmars9910
    @defiantmars9910 3 місяці тому +14

    I do think people were overreacting to the the SCH part of the Endwalker trailer, but I do agree that Expedient (before finding out how strong its value's were) was not as impressive as something like Macrocosmos in terms of visual and audio effects. One of those "feedback" issues like with the Gunbreaker SFX complaints.
    Compare that to a full on transformation like Seraphism here in Dawntrail, this one is definitely more eye catching. I am definitely excited to see healers getting more damage buttons. If we can get some of that mentality applied to the earlier levels too, I think many players would be a lot more engaged. Prospectively, Dawntrail is looking pretty good on that front.

    • @kataku8609
      @kataku8609 3 місяці тому +3

      For me, Seraphism is a fun ability ai am eager to get and try on. But my problem stands from it changing you into an Angel, while Eos/Selene are fairies. Why can't we turn into a fairy instead?

    • @SuperShesh2
      @SuperShesh2 3 місяці тому +1

      That's my entire opinion on these healer changes. If it was a start, this would all be great (the chain strategem combo, whm presence of mind, etc). But as far as they've shown, its the end not a start so its very disappointing.
      Especially scholar, like you give sage an on demand aoe dot and lock scholar's behind a 120 second cooldown???? When we literally had shadowflare and WHM had aero 3 and the like??? And this was at 50, I can almost guarantee this extra dot is locked behind level 100 content for literally no reason (especially sages, like that just makes sense to have)

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@kataku8609 the ability is called "Seraphism", Eos and Selene make way for "Seraph" for the summon, your LB as a Scholar is "Angel Feathers" and it's literally Seraph flying around.
      The basic aesthetic of Scholar is tied to fairies, for sure, but it's been clear for a while that the higher form was always more towards seraphic (aka angelic) features as you progress.

    • @kataku8609
      @kataku8609 3 місяці тому

      @@silvergrove8517 I know, I just wish they would have stuck to Faeries. Just personal aesthetics. Will still play SCH so it is mostly a minor nitpick.

  • @haydarinna631
    @haydarinna631 3 місяці тому +10

    14:10 my brother in christ, you were the one complaining about the aesthetic of Viper's gauge.
    I feel like I have to call you out. Why are you trying to make it seem like people were mad about SCH's strength/viability based on the trailer when really the actual complaints were mostly about how bad SCH looked and felt to play. It is extremely unauthentic to step over hundreds of legit arguments about SCH to point and laugh at ONE very obviously silly argument. I dropped SCH at the end of ShB but I still really really HATE when people do this. You are effectively underplaying other people's complaints about the job even though you are here using your platform to complain about the jobs you play and hope to get them changed based on your own experience while trying to silence other people who want to to the same with their jobs. I respect you as a content creator and I really wish you could just try to be more genuine as a person. It's not just you who does this but you should know that it is really uncalled for.

  • @Firestar1992
    @Firestar1992 3 місяці тому +3

    I’m going to main AST for Dawntrail, so I’ll let you know how it jives with me. Though if they take away my Earthly Star I will rage.
    Sage is pretty easy imo. I got the hang of it really early in EW. But like Samurai, I don’t put effort into memorizing the names because aaaaa.

    • @MyVanir
      @MyVanir 3 місяці тому

      Sage, in terms of gameplay, is basically white mage, but shields. It has a lot of reactive skills and the proactive pre-aoe shields have barely any setup, compared to stuff like Seraph, all of the delayed pet abilities and Soil placement being jank sometimes for scholar.

  • @Silidirian
    @Silidirian 3 місяці тому +2

    Something I see a lot of people skipping over with SCH is what looked like Emergency Tactics, and how both Adlo and Succor both became instant casts after using it. They went and made ETac into reverse Eukrasia

    • @peculiar
      @peculiar 3 місяці тому +1

      That is likely the effect of Seraphism.

  • @leafgreenbeast
    @leafgreenbeast 3 місяці тому +1

    on not getting caught in the 'glare trap': what exactly are you supposed to spend time doing when nobody's in need of urgent healing? (either due to your party not being idiots and standing in orange all the time, because your super chunky heals would be a waste/overheal, or via your super overpowered and redundant healing kit having already handled it with a shield or regen without requiring further input due to the heavily scripted nature of fights)
    what are you supposed to do when you're going through story and by yourself in instances?
    these situations take up vast swathes of every fight in the game, from level 1 to level 90 (soon to be 100), and you're expected to just *sit there bored and pressing glare*, with occasional *spicy* dopamine hit from applying a single-target dot (how exciting! at least we'll be getting aoe dots clawed back from SE's clutches from the great ShB en-dumbening, this will surely address this issue of lack of downtime activity).
    like, the reward for being good at the job and having friends who are good at *their* jobs is sitting with your thumb up your butt the entire time.

  • @NikopolAU
    @NikopolAU 3 місяці тому +1

    1:34 Drak is like an entire expansion behind in knowledge :D
    AST doesn't change other player's action speed :)

    • @phiefer3
      @phiefer3 3 місяці тому +4

      He knows that, he's talking about the lore and background that ast is based off of from previous titles and how that doesn't work in this game. IE in other titles a major feature of time/space mages is haste and slow/stop effects, but that design doesn't work in 14 for some of the reasons that he mentioned.

  • @Sammysnows
    @Sammysnows 3 місяці тому +4

    Did I hear they actually bring back the old card style again
    if this is true then AST is not just this dmg card for you and this dmg card for you
    also finally SCH got the most spotlight on Healer because of that Angelic mode

    • @linkthoy
      @linkthoy 3 місяці тому +3

      It is true, they talked about it in the live letter. There are 3 effects now instead of 1 and you always draw all 3 plus a minor everytime you draw, no rng. The effects are a damage mit, a damage buff, and a heal. I think minor arcana are the same as current, but you just draw 1 then the other alternating.

  • @TOAGamer1
    @TOAGamer1 3 місяці тому +14

    The fact that people are complaining about a "forced enshroud" with Seraphism is insane to me. If you play normal content you dont have to press the button. If you play content harder than normal content you've got bigger things to worry about than your character's glam.

    • @MyVanir
      @MyVanir 3 місяці тому +5

      Anyone complaining about that should be forced to play zoomed in so their character takes up the center 1/3 of the screen, with all effects turned fully on permanently.

    • @toomanyinterests2271
      @toomanyinterests2271 3 місяці тому +3

      Or just wait for the first 24 man raid, you could use it then because with all the effects going off if you can find your character you deserve an achievement.

    • @Michael-lt5hb
      @Michael-lt5hb 3 місяці тому +1

      As a scholar main, I'm really not looking forward to the forced enshroud, but there are easy ways around it.

    • @TOAGamer1
      @TOAGamer1 3 місяці тому

      @@Michael-lt5hb Exactly SCH has so many buttons you dont need everything especially in normal content.

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому

      I mean, I can understand people just not feeling a new ability (remember how mocked things like Expedient were before people actually tried them out and now it is unanimously respected as a strong tool?) just from the trailer. Scholars in particular seem to want something more out of the aesthetic of the job. I think no one serious would make the claim that the job is not performing well, but the real problem are some anti-synergy, a lack of strong aesthetic, and a general lack of strong vibe from the job.
      Based on all that, I can understand the gut reaction to how Seraphism looks (I doubt anyone will be mad about how it actually works once they get their hands on it) but so far, I have yet to hear an argument against it that I found compelling.

  • @coldReactive
    @coldReactive 3 місяці тому

    If you're here watching these in order, after Astrologian, comes Dancer. Sage comes after Ninja, and White Mage comes after Viper. Scholar comes after Samurai.

  • @FEPwner86
    @FEPwner86 3 місяці тому +7


  • @dist0rt3dhum0r
    @dist0rt3dhum0r 3 місяці тому

    Sch saw Whm's wings and went "Hold my beer".

  • @Xalvador_Ysellian
    @Xalvador_Ysellian 3 місяці тому +1

    Kinda living for the complete confusion in this vid but also hoping people don’t take it as fact

  • @mfyippekiyay728
    @mfyippekiyay728 3 місяці тому

    it took 4 clips for me to realize drak said "here to react" instead of "here to yak" 😆
    i wasnt wrong tho.

  • @Petitlutinjaune
    @Petitlutinjaune 3 місяці тому

    Omg i can’t wait for DT’s spofie bullet bill memes with that new whm gap closer 😂

  • @SNAFUq
    @SNAFUq 3 місяці тому

    Kinda conflicted on what I want to main for Dawntrail. Started out as a White Mage main all the way through Shadowbringers, but changed to lasers and the gap closer. Now White Mage is getting movement shenanigans, and the artefact gear is looking like the OG lvl 50 set (my fave of WHM). Gonna be a hard choice to make...

  • @toomanyinterests2271
    @toomanyinterests2271 3 місяці тому

    Rng in ffxiv can work the problem is that methods to control the rng didn't, if maybe they leaned into the time magic aspect and allowed AST to manipulate the timing on card skills gcds, storing a card by freezing time on a card or seal and other such possibilities, it could of worked it would have been a massive undertaking but it could have been possible.

  • @leafgreenbeast
    @leafgreenbeast 3 місяці тому

    "cool concepts can still *feel bad*, depending on the setting"
    yeah, BLU is a great example!
    let's have a bunch of "broken" debuffs and secondary status effects from monsters... that literally everything is immune to, or that will *become* immune after 2 applications of an effect just due to how the resist system intrinsically works in 14
    let's have a bunch of elemental attacks... in the expansion after every aspect of elemental damage and resistance was removed from the game--except eureka, which BLU is permanently and explicitly banned from (despite their "devaluing (real) player's achievement obtaining" argument being moot since there's already BLU-specific achievements for savage raid content and the same could be done for deepdungeon and eureka achievements)
    let's have the single most-requested job from both JP and internationally for six years straight... specifically designed by the devteam to be impossible to use without a squad of 3-7 other similarly geared, spell-learned, execution skilled, and (most importantly) willing people to participate in any aspect of the game. permanently locked from story (in the story-centric rpg), or any content not so old it's completely barren (and cant help FILL the barren queues due to being banned by name from all participation outside the BLU quarantine)
    at least it's a better class-fantasy summoner than actual summoner, given the sheer number of primals it can reference.

    • @SuperShesh2
      @SuperShesh2 3 місяці тому

      But summoner gets Bahamut 2!!!! That fixes its job fantasy right??? :D
      (Summoner died for Pictomancer and BLU to just be better than it at everything aesthetically)

  • @c-loslando8420
    @c-loslando8420 3 місяці тому +3

    AST was fun when I had Nocturnal.

    • @HyouVizer
      @HyouVizer 3 місяці тому +1

      co-healing yes, solo healing no as noct wasn't remotely practical. You didn't have sch auto heal fairy or shield heal crit doubling it's shielding to make up for it. Just kept using more gcd shield heals cuz no regen to save mp in long run, needed up doing less dmg and burning your mp quicker.

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@HyouVizerI remember the days when everyone was saying that Diurnal was not as strong as WHM and Nocturnal was not even close to SCH so the devs really should either buff them (but not to the point where it made the other obsolete) or pick one and stick with it.
      It's funny now seeing some people look back with rose-tinted glasses.

    • @HyouVizer
      @HyouVizer 3 місяці тому

      @silvergrove8517 exactly, but they kept Neutral Sect so 20s of gcd heal shields and also oGCD shield heal Celestial Intersection 2 charges every 30s. That's more than enough.
      _comment posted pre-7.0 AST rework_

  • @RixsEmporium
    @RixsEmporium 3 місяці тому

    Excited for Astro! EW Ast was annoying as heck for me haha. All the healers look rad this time around imo

  • @Auesis
    @Auesis 3 місяці тому +3

    Regarding SCH, I see people talking about losing the "battle tactician" angle but I've always seen divine/angelic themes as going hand-in-hand with battle themes. Some of the most prominent battles in fiction are holy wars, angels vs. demons etc. Divine generals are a trope at this point. Diablo being the most obvious example.

    • @peculiar
      @peculiar 3 місяці тому +6

      That is a personal opinion though. SCH, as shown through in-game lore, has always been depicted as a tactician in the Nymian Marines. I am vastly disappoint with the visual change aspect of Seraphism.

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому

      ​@@peculiarthat is also a personal opinion. The battle tactician angle is what you start as, having no knowledge of the job beyond the soul crystal and someone from that era to guide you through. Past a certain point, the battle tactician angle gives way to the fairies and eventually Seraph, without disappearing.
      The military tactics of Scholars come from an era of war in which they were underdogs trying to hold back people who had more raw power, with limited resources and manpower. Those are not the circumstances of a modern Scholar who has mastered the job to the point of being able to substitute their fairy companion for an angel, where is the battle tactic in that? It's just raw power at that point, and Seraphism looks to be an ever bigger power boost so what is the issue?

    • @peculiar
      @peculiar 3 місяці тому

      @@silvergrove8517 I feel like you're acting purposely obtuse on this. "The issue" is that some people do not like the physical transformation Seraphism forces on the character model. So two things speaking directly to this:
      1) _Hopefully_ the wings they included in the Job Actions trailer are just placeholders, and whatever model they actually end up going with in the live game look better than those things.
      2) If you are happy with the character model changes? Bully for you. That's fine and all; But not everyone is happy with it. That's the entire point of people posting these comments stating they don't like it. I don't see how that is so difficult to understand when it's pretty clearly stated.

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому

      @@peculiar again, what an odd response. It is a visual change, of course some people are not going to like it, for a plethora of reasons. As they should, there is nothing wrong with that. All I'm saying is that some arguments against it are weird and others are just plain wrong. You don't like the aesthetic of Seraphism? Cool, "bully for you" like you said, nothing to argue here. But when some people start to talk as if Scholar was never "angel-themed" and that is why this change makes no sense, I will challenge that because that is simply not true.
      Also not cool on your part to assume that I like it in any way. At no point did I ever mention how I felt about the change, only that it makes sense thematically based on everything we have learned on the SCH lore throughout the game.
      On a purely aesthetic impression? Not what I would have gone for personally, and even from what they showed us, assuming I was on board with this evolution, I am convinced they could have made it look a lot better and appealing than it came across.

    • @peculiar
      @peculiar 3 місяці тому

      @@silvergrove8517 "when some people start to talk as if Scholar was never "angel-themed" and that is why this change makes no sense, I will challenge that because that is simply not true."
      Cool, have at it. Think whatever you like.

  • @derecktaylor6310
    @derecktaylor6310 3 місяці тому +2

    Astro was the job that brought me into the game and quite literally everything that I loved about the job has been removed. No more seal Managment (which was never hard to begin with) no more unique effects with the cards. No more being the flexible healer. I know some people will love this direction for AST but I am not one of them. I’ll still play the job but it’s not going to be my go to healer anymore sadly.

  • @peculiar
    @peculiar 3 місяці тому +3

    14:54 - "...Why an angel...?" *E X A C T L Y.*
    When did SCH 'change' from a battlefield tactician to angel-flavored? Answer: It shouldn't have.

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому

      When? Ever since your LB was "Angel Feathers"? Or when the game explicitly made it so that the better version of your fairies is Seraph, an angel?
      I would not have been against a fairy-themed transformation, mind you, but I am baffled at the reaction against Seraphism, as if Scholar's aesthetic has not been trending towards something in that vein. Of course, I am a big of the field tactician aspect but the raw power of angelic powers clearly supercedes that, especially considering that the tactical prowess of the Scholars of Nym was a necessity due to who they were fighting and how limited their resources were compared. Wouldn't it make sense that they would evolve past this limitation in different circumstances?

    • @peculiar
      @peculiar 3 місяці тому

      @@silvergrove8517 An LB doesn't "belong" to SCH. It is role-based.
      I understand about Seraph but that is a single skill. It's not like that one thing would be expected to define the entire job.
      "...but I am baffled at the reaction against Seraphism, as if Scholar's aesthetic has not been trending towards something in that vein."
      You being baffled by people not liking Seraphism means nothing further than another personal opinion in the discussion, though.

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому

      @@peculiar no, "Angel Feathers" is specific to Scholar. Of course, all the LBs have the same effect and fulfill the same need in each role, but the LB3 is flavored to each job to highlight something about it and it would be dishonest to pretend that SCH's LB3 being Seraph flying around and spreading her feathers means nothing for the identity of the job.
      Well, yeah, just like your opinion is that SCH should have "remained" only a battle tactician when it was never the only aspect of the job. I am commenting on the fact that I find it odd that people had such a gut reaction to Seraphism and how incongruent some of the arguments against that aesthetic evolution are, nothing more or less.

  • @phase269
    @phase269 3 місяці тому

    Healer? More like green DPS, the only healer in this game is warrior 🥳 Astro new cards go 🎉

  • @WineRedEchos
    @WineRedEchos 3 місяці тому +5

    how do so many people who play this game for a living not know anything about half the jobs?

    • @omensoffate
      @omensoffate 3 місяці тому +2

      If you have to ask this I worry about you

    • @SirRafarga
      @SirRafarga 3 місяці тому

      A lot, like everyone who streams from what I seen lol

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 місяці тому

      Sometimes they seem to not know things about the jobs they claim to like the most or even jobs they actively play with. It's a bit distracting at times.

  • @michealwatts7469
    @michealwatts7469 3 місяці тому +1

    Gonna say it: If you still have your fairy as SCH and its abilities then congrats you still have the job..
    AST has cards once every 60 seconds... No randomness too just the mundane timer rotational junk like everyone else. I truly miss Stormblood AST without question.