찬송가396장 우리 주님 밤새워

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • See our Lord Christ all night long
    1.See our Lord Christ all night long Deep m prayer is kneel-ing down.
    On His head lies cold the dew When a Her-mon's mount He pray'd.
    Let us all then ris-ing up Join with Him in fer-vent prayer.
    As the cock's crow wakes the dawn So our souls will wake and pray.
    2.I-mi-tate Christ as at dawn He is pray-ing earn-est-ly.
    At His feet pray, knee-ling down, For His grace we would re-ceive.
    In our own souls seek to gain Ov-er-flow-ing full-ness now.
    Make we pray, Lord, with one mind Lift-ing up our calls to you.
    3.Give pro-tec-tion e-ven now As you guide us to life's end.
    As we wake up eve-ry day Each dawn faith-ful-ly to pray.
    For the Spi-rit's help to us End-less thanks we owe to God.
    With our pray-ing hearts sin-cere Let us walk the Lord's own Way.
    [출처] 한영 찬송가 391장부터400장까지 NWC악보 PPT악보 반주MR 소프라노 엘토 테너 베이스 찬송가전곡악보|작성자 성경과찬송뉴