Could you go into a bit more detail on how to perform the zero g aileron roll without need for rudder? I´ve been discussing this and we assume there will be no adverse yaw close to zero g. I also suspect the way to do it is to pull up, neutralize, and as the nose starts to fall down around 0,5 g just make the full aileron input cleanly and swiftly. If you however do this from the pullup where you still hold some positive g to hold the nose up, and thus neutralize and roll as one single movement, my guess is there will be an uncomfortable zero/slightly minus g weightless situation, especially in a plane that doesn´t roll very fast i.e. 5-7 sec.
Wish you could time stamp the video for the different types of rolls
Could you go into a bit more detail on how to perform the zero g aileron roll without need for rudder? I´ve been discussing this and we assume there will be no adverse yaw close to zero g. I also suspect the way to do it is to pull up, neutralize, and as the nose starts to fall down around 0,5 g just make the full aileron input cleanly and swiftly. If you however do this from the pullup where you still hold some positive g to hold the nose up, and thus neutralize and roll as one single movement, my guess is there will be an uncomfortable zero/slightly minus g weightless situation, especially in a plane that doesn´t roll very fast i.e. 5-7 sec.
i was expecting a reduction of power on the down line...