It seemed to work for a bit. But honestly I needed something a bit more powerful. The battery kept dieing out. Then would have to recharge. I did not want to buy a second battery so ended up selling it. I ended up with a gas powered only because I did not have the patience with the battery s and battery prices. Overall It was fun at first. My neighbors were all amazed because they never seen a electric mower. But there are so many to choose from today its mind blowing. Good luck with your mower search. Thanks 8
I really appreciated your video of putting it together,, Thanks a bunch.
Im here to see how it held up after a period of time. And your likes and dislikes
It seemed to work for a bit. But honestly I needed something a bit more powerful. The battery kept dieing out. Then would have to recharge. I did not want to buy a second battery so ended up selling it. I ended up with a gas powered only because I did not have the patience with the battery s and battery prices. Overall It was fun at first. My neighbors were all amazed because they never seen a electric mower. But there are so many to choose from today its mind blowing. Good luck with your mower search. Thanks 8