Thank you for your inquiry. I will put this item up for sale on Yahoo! Auctions. I plan to put it up for sale within this month. This item was released more than 35 years ago, but I repaired it and brought it back to modern times. I have repaired more than 100 items so far, and this "KENWOOD ROXY G7" is the highest performance, the rarest, and the most popular model among them. I am probably the only person in the world who can provide this item with the same quality. For this reason, the price will be high, probably around $1,730. I do not ship overseas, so if you would like to obtain it, please find an auction agent. Thank you.
素晴らしいコンポですね!購入検討しているのですが、ヤフオクでの出品名お教え頂いていいですか? 宜しくお願い致します。
I like it. is it for sale?
What is the price?
Thank you for your inquiry. I will put this item up for sale on Yahoo! Auctions. I plan to put it up for sale within this month. This item was released more than 35 years ago, but I repaired it and brought it back to modern times. I have repaired more than 100 items so far, and this "KENWOOD ROXY G7" is the highest performance, the rarest, and the most popular model among them. I am probably the only person in the world who can provide this item with the same quality. For this reason, the price will be high, probably around $1,730. I do not ship overseas, so if you would like to obtain it, please find an auction agent. Thank you.