Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Davy Jones (Piano Version)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,9 тис.

  • @PatrikPietschmann
    @PatrikPietschmann  5 років тому +1075

    You can now STREAM or DOWNLOAD this track on all major music services, such as Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, Tidal, etc. Here's the link: lnk.to/AHbWFZ

    • @zachdaniels8484
      @zachdaniels8484 5 років тому +8

      My dear friend Patrick you have played the song so well I enjoy it so much!.

    • @imtoobrokern
      @imtoobrokern 5 років тому

      Zach Daniels y

    • @zachdaniels8484
      @zachdaniels8484 5 років тому +2

      @@imtoobrokern because it was great.

    • @James-ho5te
      @James-ho5te 5 років тому

      My only critique is that its played a bit too fast, but besides that I love it!

    • @kkpw12
      @kkpw12 5 років тому +1

      Thank you Patrick for bringing it on Spotify.. I was searching for this score since 2007! Can you please tell the name of this score

  • @Rousseau
    @Rousseau 5 років тому +9152

    THIS IS MY FAVORITE THEME FROM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!! The minor third modulations are so menacing. Love your arrangement :D

    • @bahaltergeil622
      @bahaltergeil622 5 років тому +97

      Can you PLEASE make a vid for battlefield 4 theme?

    • @imjustariceguy
      @imjustariceguy 5 років тому +231

      This is so wholesome. Fellow pianists supporting each other’s work.

    • @lynmcpherson2005
      @lynmcpherson2005 5 років тому +202

      This makes me so happy! My two favorite pianists supporting each other! :D

      @ZEESHANMUKHTAR1 5 років тому +64

      Woah, my two favourite channels.

    • @hedwin_tv8122
      @hedwin_tv8122 5 років тому +23

      This is one of my fav' too, I like the "up is down" song aswell

  • @gh1896
    @gh1896 5 років тому +2450

    This song has always been so haunting to me because it so accurately evokes feelings of profound sadness, loneliness, and anger

    • @motor4027
      @motor4027 4 роки тому +12

      Ye. I'm watching this in 2020....

    • @JavierFlores-eo7sm
      @JavierFlores-eo7sm 4 роки тому +43

      The theme song for most men right now

    • @amya_25
      @amya_25 3 роки тому +41

      Great sadness turned into pure resentment and evil. This song is tragedy itself…

    • @zoe4622
      @zoe4622 3 роки тому +10

      @@JavierFlores-eo7sm and women too.

    • @arthurmorgan830
      @arthurmorgan830 3 роки тому +6

      Zoë no

  • @SpectralLynx724
    @SpectralLynx724 3 роки тому +1219

    Davy Jones's theme is so good, it tells a tale of heartbreak, loss, and rage.

    • @jacoblynch1951
      @jacoblynch1951 2 роки тому +18

      If you haven't heard the organ version you should you can really tell with that version really well

  • @117rebel
    @117rebel 5 років тому +7501

    I can feel Davy Jones’ broken heart in this song.

    • @spykeebrar6973
      @spykeebrar6973 5 років тому +88

      Yes.. That's why he 😭 cry

    • @biscuitbarney806
      @biscuitbarney806 5 років тому +21

      117rebel who couldn’t feel it

    • @missxy8217
      @missxy8217 5 років тому +59

      Not broken. Stabbed.
      Okay sorry

    • @orbitingsentientsatellite4361
      @orbitingsentientsatellite4361 5 років тому +85

      Life is cruel, why should the afterlife be any different?

    • @IIGrayfoxII
      @IIGrayfoxII 4 роки тому +38

      @@spykeebrar6973 He cried as the his heart was close by which is why he got pissed and said "I will not have that "Infernal thing on my ship"

  • @jerodbrown7339
    @jerodbrown7339 5 років тому +11684

    “Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?!”
    - Tentacle Beard Man

    • @pkindia9241
      @pkindia9241 5 років тому +68

      What's his name??

    • @DawndaDom
      @DawndaDom 5 років тому +145

      PK India Davy Jones

    • @tuneboyz5634
      @tuneboyz5634 5 років тому +232

      @@pkindia9241 darude sandstorm

    • @tuneboyz5634
      @tuneboyz5634 5 років тому +126

      @@pkindia9241 michael jordan

    • @renoalkonga2619
      @renoalkonga2619 5 років тому +217

      @@pkindia9241 A japanese pornstar

  • @metalavenger23
    @metalavenger23 2 роки тому +960

    I wish that Disney still made movies like these. This was truly their golden age.

    • @therunningbear3846
      @therunningbear3846 Рік тому +63

      I grew up during the 10 year period (1989-1999) when they made The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, Pochahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Mulan and Tarzan. The characters, the music, the stories... That was their animated Golden Age! :D

    • @arborelf8
      @arborelf8 Рік тому +10

      yeah, it was.

    • @arborelf8
      @arborelf8 Рік тому +18

      @@therunningbear3846 yeah. the new stuff makes me feel weard.

    • @natougaming7650
      @natougaming7650 Рік тому +12

      @@arborelf8 i wish they made another pirate of the caribbean

    • @arborelf8
      @arborelf8 Рік тому +4

      @@natougaming7650 that wold be nice if they did natou.

  • @cosmicpotato3849
    @cosmicpotato3849 4 роки тому +2056

    Can we just appreciate this man’s pinky strength

    • @oskarjaeger72
      @oskarjaeger72 3 роки тому +47

      damn his pinky prolly is the size of my forearm lmao

    • @someone-hz8tj
      @someone-hz8tj 3 роки тому +19

      I can’t watch people playing the piano, i can feel my ring finger hurting my whole hand and pinky being too stiff, idk how they do it

    • @DrJxke
      @DrJxke 3 роки тому +42

      @@someone-hz8tj trust me. It’s not the fingers. It’s the wrists

    • @PianistifiedForYT
      @PianistifiedForYT 3 роки тому +1

      Yea man. I can't

    • @jairflores17
      @jairflores17 2 роки тому +2


  • @duchi882
    @duchi882 5 років тому +3981

    *Meanwhile Captain Jack Sparrow;*
    _"I've got a jar of dirt!"_

    • @thegoodprince3264
      @thegoodprince3264 5 років тому +109

      Duchi “And guess what’s inside it! And guess what’s in-AHH!” Hits the deck.

    • @Grand_Kekthew_
      @Grand_Kekthew_ 5 років тому +26

      The Avengers...

    • @NiCk3rSVK
      @NiCk3rSVK 5 років тому +13

      @@thegoodprince3264 I got iit!

    • @gojeta1999
      @gojeta1999 5 років тому +63

      Apparently that scene was impromptu from Johnny Depp. keira knightley and orlando blooms reactions were genuine confusion as to what he was doing. And it all made it in the final cut

    • @TheFallenGuardian1992
      @TheFallenGuardian1992 5 років тому +17

      Jacky Boy; "I've got a jar of dirt! And guest what inside it!" Davy J.; "Enough!" *Jack see canons* :c Jacky Boy "Hard to starboard.(?)" xc

  • @lestece8716
    @lestece8716 3 роки тому +306

    "Those who are heartless, once cared too much."

    • @orre7601
      @orre7601 9 місяців тому +5

      Well said

  • @PatrikPietschmann
    @PatrikPietschmann  5 років тому +1383

    Thank you very much for your suggestions! Next video: "The Night King"

    • @Halwhey
      @Halwhey 5 років тому +10

      I was just about to request this!

    • @matthewgrohman6064
      @matthewgrohman6064 5 років тому +4

      After that could u do Balto?

    • @Omega-yn7ex
      @Omega-yn7ex 5 років тому +9


    • @Omega-yn7ex
      @Omega-yn7ex 5 років тому +7

      Can u compress it a bit so it isn’t 9 minutes lol

    • @aytcool3866
      @aytcool3866 5 років тому +9

      Please so the theme of Stranger Things

  • @chipmunkDoesStuff
    @chipmunkDoesStuff 5 років тому +689

    She _pretended_ to love me! She *_betrayed_* me!
    Beautiful work for a complex character!

    • @a_dumb_lebean7962
      @a_dumb_lebean7962 5 років тому +12

      "My heart will always belong to you"

    • @nicholaswilliams6475
      @nicholaswilliams6475 5 років тому +6

      I think Jones' emphasis was on the second "she" not "betrayed" but that's just my opinion.

    • @predator2262
      @predator2262 5 років тому +3

      Tia dalma is the real villain , Daivy was a victime of her manipulation

    • @emmanuelgoldstein9168
      @emmanuelgoldstein9168 5 років тому

      He is not a compex character lol

    • @kenkaneki9176
      @kenkaneki9176 5 років тому +5

      "And after which betrayal did you cut out your own heart, I wonder?" Will Turner

  • @legendaryxv2822
    @legendaryxv2822 Рік тому +54

    how is it possible that a single instrument and a single pair of hands, can move my heart in such way. All i can say is : WOW!

  • @Gany915
    @Gany915 5 років тому +491

    The fact he played this without Davy Jones' octopus-like beard helping him is overwhelming!

    • @guitarman0365
      @guitarman0365 5 років тому +16

      the beard actually takes over for a hand that is essentially a claw. davy could never play with that so his tentacles act as one hand. so really it ain't that crazy. Not like davy plays with two hands AND his tentacles. lol

    • @ProfessorArcanum
      @ProfessorArcanum 5 років тому +3

      Though, I am fairly sure the heartbeat plays throughout the entire song and most covers don't include it at all. This is the first one I have seen where it is included and it isn't for the entirety. So I think the tentacles do make quite a difference. I think you'd need two people to fully play this song.

  • @Izzy_G1
    @Izzy_G1 5 років тому +1545

    "10 years i devoted to the duty you charged me. Ten years I looked after those who died at sea. And, finally, when we could be together again...you weren't there. Why weren't you there?"

  • @theredeyther7502
    @theredeyther7502 4 роки тому +80

    Davy Jones was probably the best villain in the franchise and one of the better villains in cinema, you understood his pain and sorrow, we all know his reasons for doing what he did, and his true purpose.

  • @Gordon.F
    @Gordon.F 5 років тому +1719

    Its fun to see the lights of the piano shooting like cannons on the sides of a ship.. :D

    • @slipperei
      @slipperei 4 роки тому +28

      i didn’t see it like that lol thanks!

    • @elyasahadi5250
      @elyasahadi5250 4 роки тому +1

      is that some kind of a sheet or something can you tell me what’s the name of digital sheet

    • @gugu4726
      @gugu4726 4 роки тому +6

      @@elyasahadi5250 its a midi file red on a software like synthesia

    • @elyasahadi5250
      @elyasahadi5250 4 роки тому +1

      Gugu le oh ok thank you and is that the software he’s using ?

    • @gugu4726
      @gugu4726 4 роки тому

      @@elyasahadi5250 I dont know :c

  • @jackmeriustacktheritrix
    @jackmeriustacktheritrix 5 років тому +2401

    *first 60 seconds*
    Me: oh that's not too complicated, I could do that
    Immediately followed by: oh god, oh god, oh god

    • @lavis4448
      @lavis4448 5 років тому +42

      Don't forget the moaning

    • @barsguven
      @barsguven 5 років тому +13

      hahahahah that reaaallyy escalated quickly xD

    • @VThree3
      @VThree3 4 роки тому +15

      You got an orgasm listening to this song? Damn.

    • @magdalenanawrocka1241
      @magdalenanawrocka1241 4 роки тому +2

      Hahah that's me

    • @snehaambre8286
      @snehaambre8286 4 роки тому

      Lmao, gave you the 900th like😂😂

  • @anastasia8461
    @anastasia8461 4 роки тому +76

    Ганс Циммер просто гениальный композитор, мурашки по коже от всех его композиций

    • @grach6618
      @grach6618 4 роки тому +11

      Черт возьми эта музыка как будто говорит о всех приключениях и страданиях деви джонса

    • @UserASM3398
      @UserASM3398 2 роки тому +2

      @@grach6618 Правильно

    • @ДваДебила-с3ъ
      @ДваДебила-с3ъ Рік тому

      немецкий кино композитор, известный своей музыкой к фильмам и компьютерным играм

  • @NPC1921
    @NPC1921 5 років тому +2231

    Ten years I devoted to the duty you charged me.
    Ten years I looked after those who died at sea.
    And finally, when we could be together again...you weren't there.
    Why weren't you there?

    • @adamnqueen3644
      @adamnqueen3644 5 років тому +137

      It's my nature

    • @DuckZone246
      @DuckZone246 5 років тому +130

      @@adamnqueen3644 Would you love me if I were anything else but what I am?
      I. Do not love you.

    • @cristofeltimotius4806
      @cristofeltimotius4806 5 років тому +133

      @@DuckZone246 many things you were davy jones, but never cruel

    • @DuckZone246
      @DuckZone246 5 років тому +98

      @@cristofeltimotius4806 You have corrupted your purpose.. and so your self. And you did hide away what always should have been mine.

    • @ivanfloresgarcia6658
      @ivanfloresgarcia6658 5 років тому +37

      I weren't there because its my nature and because you BETRAYED ME!

  • @kelvingivens1629
    @kelvingivens1629 4 роки тому +94

    This piece pierces my heart, I can feel the pain, the innocence, the loss, the passion, the anger, the hope, and the despair in this piece. I know it's a fictional story but often times people do turn into monsters. I'd say davy jones was a really self aware "villian"

    • @DothFrmBBL
      @DothFrmBBL 3 місяці тому

      Spihk Heartbust!? Spihk Heartbust Can you match aggressive people with other aggressive people depending on new brand for car not including 2009!

  • @Nekonyanchan
    @Nekonyanchan 2 роки тому +28

    the last part hits different. it's like clarity after the rage. and there's nothing left but numbness after dealing with all those emotions. cold and lonely.

  • @marianamariano4875
    @marianamariano4875 4 роки тому +669

    beginning-0:53 play at .75 speed
    0:53-2:37 play at 1.25
    2:37-end play at .75

    • @kingtonyasura3327
      @kingtonyasura3327 4 роки тому +30

      Thank you

    • @deidream1676
      @deidream1676 4 роки тому +18

      I can feel Davy Jones sadness and sorrow

    • @evalewis9729
      @evalewis9729 4 роки тому +48

      .75 speed adds an extra element of sadness that really cool though that's really cool

    • @valrvn3090
      @valrvn3090 4 роки тому +7

      peachy mari it’s sound better, thanks

    • @bryanzafare8591
      @bryanzafare8591 4 роки тому +10

      That’s what I did, it’s just more heart breaking and more emotional

  • @kellieja70
    @kellieja70 4 роки тому +477

    "Boys not here, must have been claimed by the Sea"
    *"I am the Sea"*
    (He has so many good lines but this was the first that came to mind 🙂)

    • @leroyhill9110
      @leroyhill9110 4 роки тому +16

      “Do ya fear death?”

    • @nistorlaurentiu7533
      @nistorlaurentiu7533 4 роки тому +17

      Every time I hear that I can’t just think of “I AM THE SENATE!”

    • @TheEndless_
      @TheEndless_ 4 роки тому +17

      @@leroyhill9110 "SHE'LL NOT HARM US, FULL BORE INTO THE ABYSS!"

    • @leroyhill9110
      @leroyhill9110 4 роки тому +8

      @@TheEndless_ “ARE YOU MAD???”

    • @TheEndless_
      @TheEndless_ 4 роки тому +8


  • @kitsuneboy7173
    @kitsuneboy7173 18 днів тому +1


  • @ALEX-lq9yt
    @ALEX-lq9yt 5 років тому +273

    "Many things you were Davy Jones,but NEVER cruel".

    • @outboundprojectworkshop1270
      @outboundprojectworkshop1270 5 років тому

      I hate when people post the same comment 2 times

    • @elisecarroll7698
      @elisecarroll7698 4 роки тому +1

      Good ol' Jones was always a softie deep down

    • @Alysa-Aiday
      @Alysa-Aiday 3 місяці тому +1

      🎶 Shiver my timbers, shiver my bones. Yo ho heave ho!
      There are secrets that sleep with old Davy Jones. Yo ho heave ho!
      When the main sail's set, and the anchor's weighed, there's no turning back from any course that's made.
      And when greed and villainy sail the sea, you can bet your boots there'll be treachery. 🎶

  • @ZenandtheArtofPiano
    @ZenandtheArtofPiano 5 років тому +27

    I love how you make every note count in your arrangements, like a Swiss watchmaker.

  • @Jo-dz7xy
    @Jo-dz7xy 4 роки тому +710

    A heartbroken man once said: "You weren't there.
    Why weren't you there?"
    An unapologetic goddess said: "It's my nature."

    • @tink6225
      @tink6225 3 роки тому +1


    • @Aatziz
      @Aatziz 3 роки тому +31

      @@alisond929 The heartbroken man answered: "I do not love you"

    • @sebastiansantanaflores3601
      @sebastiansantanaflores3601 3 роки тому +43

      @@Aatziz Narrator: He did love her

    • @Aatziz
      @Aatziz 3 роки тому +27

      @@alisond929 *the goddes turns the heartbroken man back into human form*
      Then the heartbroken man slowly says: "Ca.. lypso.."
      (Edit: a typo)

  • @davyjones5902
    @davyjones5902 4 роки тому +6324

    Are you challenging me to a piano battle?
    I accept mate.

  • @Sabtien1
    @Sabtien1 5 років тому +112

    Hans Zimmer is by far the greatest classical composer alive today. Wow. 🔥👍👏

    • @davyjones2737
      @davyjones2737 4 роки тому +4

      sabtien siddique
      And not me hm?!

    • @unagipalace1707
      @unagipalace1707 4 роки тому

      He's dead....

    • @laurent8693
      @laurent8693 4 роки тому +4

      *cough* john williams *cough*

    • @Jacksoncomplex
      @Jacksoncomplex 4 роки тому

      @@laurent8693 John williams has done some great work, but IMO doesn't come remotely close to hans. All subjective though i suppose aye

    • @thatsnotart_
      @thatsnotart_ 2 місяці тому

      Ludovico Einaudi Bruh

  • @EyadElamir-b9i
    @EyadElamir-b9i 2 роки тому +25

    Hans Zimmer is a pure brilliance, he can deliver so many emotions by one piece.

  • @tianachairman7965
    @tianachairman7965 5 років тому +80

    " Love a dreadful bond, yet so easily severed."
    ~Davy jones

  • @adamnqueen3644
    @adamnqueen3644 5 років тому +976

    Lyrics: (by Fialeja)
    Cruel and cold,
    Like winds on the sea
    Will you ever return to me?
    Hear my voice
    Sing with the tide
    My love will never die.
    Over waves
    And deep in the blue
    I will give up my heart for you
    Ten long years
    I'll wait to go by
    My love will never die
    (Davy Jones)
    Come, my love
    Be one with the sea
    Rule with me for eternity
    Drown all dreams
    So mercilessly
    And leave their souls
    To me...
    Play the song
    You sang long ago
    And wherever the storm
    May blow
    You will find
    The key to my heart
    We'll never be
    Wild and strong
    You can't be contained
    Never bound
    Nor ever chained
    Wounds you caused
    Will never mend
    (Calypso) and you will never end....
    Cruel and cold
    Like winds on the sea
    Will you ever return to me?
    Hear my voice
    Sing with the tide
    Our love will never die.....

    • @theunseenblade5897
      @theunseenblade5897 5 років тому +36

      Had to cry a bit while singing, thank you very much!

    • @SarumanDeWhite
      @SarumanDeWhite 5 років тому +24

      Thank you. I’m just singing this while listening to this awesome playing.

    • @evangelakillian4273
      @evangelakillian4273 5 років тому +26

      Bless that woman who made this lyrics

    • @nhatminhnguyenuc7715
      @nhatminhnguyenuc7715 5 років тому +20

      First Lyrics are not Calypso’s. Those are Davy Jones’s singing to Calypso. Second lyrics are Caplypso’s

    • @adamnqueen3644
      @adamnqueen3644 5 років тому +11

      @@nhatminhnguyenuc7715 I can see where you're coming from, but it makes sense as well because she's a sea goddess, isn't she? So...

  • @lamalpaka2244
    @lamalpaka2244 8 місяців тому +2

    Hi there.
    I remember how I was listening to it like 3-4 years ago and I really liked it
    Today I remembered this song but now I can play piano)))
    And I still like it ❤

  • @nickodonnell7233
    @nickodonnell7233 5 років тому +49

    pretty amazing for only using two hands, and no tentacles.

  • @bcn1gh7h4wk
    @bcn1gh7h4wk 5 років тому +3513


    • @nicholaswilliams6475
      @nicholaswilliams6475 5 років тому +79

      I do believe you mean "Kraken"

    • @seangriffith1899
      @seangriffith1899 5 років тому +24

      Vinheitro should be on here too

    • @f4t.qu0kk4
      @f4t.qu0kk4 5 років тому +17

      @@seangriffith1899 he can use telekinesis so nothing is too hard for Vinheteiro.

    • @mattyice2099
      @mattyice2099 5 років тому +3

      Got your likes up to 420 you're welcome lol

    • @eh_had
      @eh_had 5 років тому

      Such an underrated comment

  • @jackflanagan9499
    @jackflanagan9499 3 роки тому +93

    "One-hundred years aboard the Dutchman!"
    "That debt was paid, mate."

    • @Alysa-Aiday
      @Alysa-Aiday 3 місяці тому

      "By your death.... And yet here you are."

  • @sillybean32
    @sillybean32 5 років тому +649

    Play it at 0,75 speed until 0:52 then back to normal then it's perfect.

    • @lepotato135
      @lepotato135 5 років тому +29


    • @drugnome2657
      @drugnome2657 5 років тому +71

      That was the speed of the original, that's why it sounds so nice

    • @cardinal9466
      @cardinal9466 5 років тому +6

      Thank you, young man/woman

    • @vintagejock3951
      @vintagejock3951 5 років тому

      Thank you

    • @tygilsdorf4895
      @tygilsdorf4895 5 років тому +13

      I cried in the first 10 seconds once I changed it, thank you.

  • @sssorana119
    @sssorana119 5 років тому +190

    It's so beautiful. I am 8 years old and I am learning to play the piano by myself. I wish someday to play like that, to inspire people like you are. so beautiful 🎹❤️

    • @PatrikPietschmann
      @PatrikPietschmann  5 років тому +20

      Thank you very much for your comment! :-)

    • @natalien3952
      @natalien3952 5 років тому +4

      This is so wholesome 💙💙 I’m 17 and have been playing the piano my entire life, I’m so glad my mom wouldn’t let me quit lol

    • @SarumanDeWhite
      @SarumanDeWhite 5 років тому

      You may say that just for likes but you would not buckle down and practise it.

    • @atamori7052
      @atamori7052 5 років тому +3

      @@SarumanDeWhite Let the kid live.

    • @akumabazooka9169
      @akumabazooka9169 5 років тому +1

      @@natalien3952 I wish I was forced to play piano

  • @waltermelon7736
    @waltermelon7736 Місяць тому +1

    I absolutely love the arrangement you made! Many others get some fine parts of the melody wrong.
    I just wished I could play this too...

  • @josephb5989
    @josephb5989 4 роки тому +58

    This is one of the all time greatest Hans Zimmer pieces imo. Once you know about Davy Jones story this piece really tells you everything you need to know about him emotionally. It captures the character perfectly

    • @ladyleonor93
      @ladyleonor93 4 роки тому

      Whats the name of the song?

    • @josephb5989
      @josephb5989 4 роки тому

      @@ladyleonor93 it's just called "Davy Jones" on the POTC2 soundtrack

  • @fireflame8265
    @fireflame8265 4 роки тому +57

    Davy Jones Forever. He will Never die in the hearts of his army. Who’s with me?

  • @RealJohnnyG
    @RealJohnnyG 3 роки тому +5

    Dawg, I appreciate you playing this slowly cuz I could play a half-ass simplistic version but nothing like this. You're a godsend, my guy. Much love.

  • @juanarocha8629
    @juanarocha8629 5 років тому +28

    It's amazing how a broken heart can tear a person's soul between love and hate

  • @coolrock321
    @coolrock321 5 років тому +902

    Pirates 2&3 are two of the most underrated movies ever - 1 is still appreciated to a good extent.
    They were enjoyable at the time but in retrospect if you look past the humor which was pretty decent, the story and the characters are nothing short of brilliant.
    Unfortunately people treat it as solely an adventure comedy, which is awesome btw, but sadly brings down the value these films hold in the critics' and public's eye. I definitely rate the first 3 films amongst the best of film trilogies - star wars, godfather (I think 3 has a good conclusion even if it's not as good as the first two), Bourne trilogy Dollars trilogy, Lord of the rings, toy story and the dark Knight trilogy.
    Edit: Thanks for the comments, Raimi's Spiderman trilogy, Matrix trilogy and new Planet of the Apes trilogy up there as well

    • @theunderdog9353
      @theunderdog9353 5 років тому +34

      For a second, I was starting to fear you wouldn't mention Lord of the Rings 😂

    • @hasankaiser4563
      @hasankaiser4563 4 роки тому +15

      Spot on man! I enjoyed this trilogy thoroughly and was shocked when I saw it's reviews

    • @supremeleader2690
      @supremeleader2690 4 роки тому


    • @Racob12
      @Racob12 4 роки тому

      Obi-Wan Kenobi from you, that’s an incredible compliment 👌

    • @FluffyHippos5692
      @FluffyHippos5692 4 роки тому +4

      I think if pirates was like an r rated Netflix series it could be one of the best shows ever

  • @therealArthurMorgan01
    @therealArthurMorgan01 23 дні тому +1

    Now you are absolutely crazy keep up the music man!❤️

  • @nehalshahofficial.576
    @nehalshahofficial.576 5 років тому +7807

    Now I realize why he used his beard to play this theme.

  • @voorhees_7859
    @voorhees_7859 4 роки тому +115

    Thats amazing..
    Davey Jones is one of my all time favorite characters.
    I feel his pain and his song poetry as his anguish.
    This tutorial helpse appreciate the piano even more seeing those notes fly by and how you have to keep the speed with tempo .
    Like the beat of Daveys heart

  • @charlieshaffer6907
    @charlieshaffer6907 2 роки тому +31

    i’m currently learning how to play this, it’s extremely difficult, and i love every second of it

    • @archiefox_0682
      @archiefox_0682 2 роки тому +1

      Post a vid when you learnt would be interesting to see 👍

    • @zam7z20
      @zam7z20 Рік тому

      Bro it's easier than other themes he make

    • @bully33
      @bully33 Рік тому +5

      @@zam7z20 The two separate tempo for both hands at 1:20 are not so easy + you don’t know his level + why trying to put someone down to appear better ? I hope you’re a child

    • @edwardruppel4845
      @edwardruppel4845 Рік тому +1

      I want to start learning it too.I would really appreciate you if you could tell me where you got the sheet from. Cause I have looked for some sheets now and they are all different, not like this vid.

    • @charlieshaffer6907
      @charlieshaffer6907 Рік тому

      @@edwardruppel4845 My gf got it for me, so I’m not 100% sure where she got it from. I think it was the link in the description of this video, but honestly I’m not sure.

  • @skytanneberger1122
    @skytanneberger1122 4 роки тому +23

    3:01 all I hear in my head everytime is Davy Jones falling and say "Calypso"

  • @souravroy2589
    @souravroy2589 5 років тому +98

    Beautiful piece....now can you please do The Night King

    • @hannesye1541
      @hannesye1541 5 років тому +2

      Sourav Roy nah light of the seven

    • @davidlemming
      @davidlemming 5 років тому +5

      @@hannesye1541 he already did

    • @souravroy2589
      @souravroy2589 5 років тому

      @@hannesye1541 Yeah Hannes he already did it...now it's time for the night king

    • @c-eb3634
      @c-eb3634 5 років тому +3

      If he played "Pay the iron price" he would kill it

  • @andreasg1165
    @andreasg1165 Рік тому +8

    Музыка цепляет за душу, переворачивая все внутри... по другому описать не могу..

  • @Shanstallion
    @Shanstallion 5 років тому +202

    Anyone else like me, who cries deep inside their heart while hearing this music?

    • @xraymone
      @xraymone 5 років тому +1


    • @AngryCarMechanic
      @AngryCarMechanic 5 років тому


    • @tachankaellord3596
      @tachankaellord3596 5 років тому +2

      And outside my hearth too

    • @Wezzel007
      @Wezzel007 5 років тому +5

      I think that is because it is such a crazy melody with so much melancholy in it.
      Sensitive musical people like you feel what you feel while listening to this.
      This piece creates so many different emotions for me as well..

    • @krisp1871
      @krisp1871 4 роки тому

      stop being such cringy little kids

  • @christianjanker9007
    @christianjanker9007 5 років тому +29

    0:50 the moment he realized he got betrayed , emotions run violent, amazing Work

  • @peteschupp4545
    @peteschupp4545 3 роки тому +10

    The official anthem of people with broken hearts

  • @pierrelhommet1118
    @pierrelhommet1118 5 років тому +629

    " She pretended to love me ! She betrayed me ! " Davy Jones

    • @salomonsoussan1776
      @salomonsoussan1776 4 роки тому +4

      Pierre LHOMMET
      You deserve way more than 8 likes

    • @davyjones2737
      @davyjones2737 4 роки тому +6

      Pierre LHOMMET
      Love is just a dreadful bond!

    • @pierrelhommet1118
      @pierrelhommet1118 4 роки тому +1

      @@salomonsoussan1776 Thanks !

    • @pierrelhommet1118
      @pierrelhommet1118 4 роки тому +2

      @@davyjones2737 What else have you not told me ?

    • @davyjones2737
      @davyjones2737 4 роки тому +1

      Pierre LHOMMET
      Don’t let me send my pet. One answer is enough!

  • @loydamaraluen8966
    @loydamaraluen8966 5 років тому +46

    Nieeehhhh I'm a complete beginner and I wanted to learn this piece... The road shall be steep and perilous

  • @DreSttarr-yi7lz
    @DreSttarr-yi7lz 27 днів тому +1

    Played beautifully 👏👏

  • @enlightenedpidgeon4494
    @enlightenedpidgeon4494 5 років тому +101

    Amazing as always. The oblivion soundtrack by M83 would be a brilliant cover from you.

  • @dominicdecoco7950
    @dominicdecoco7950 2 роки тому +8

    My favourite theme from any movie. I’ll keep returning here over and over again

  • @miserymourningstar4680
    @miserymourningstar4680 4 роки тому +9

    I love this piece. It’s so emotional and really shows that Davy Jones is broken-hearted. First you have the pretty start that shows that him and the sea was in love but then when it becomes more aggressive it shows his anger and by the end when it turns back to the calm it shows that he is still in love with the sea and knowing that makes him sad

  • @Butter-mi8cq
    @Butter-mi8cq 5 років тому +53

    I’d love to hear the Back to the Future theme, I think that’d be awesome! But anyways, you do an awesome job, keep it up.

  • @promax5868
    @promax5868 Рік тому +6

    Я просмотрел это 100 раз! Это просто прекрасно! Я мечтаю научится так играть.

  • @ethansmith997
    @ethansmith997 5 років тому +17

    Wow this is the earliest I’ve ever been... amazing music by the way, really great piece selection too!

  • @jthejedigaming8303
    @jthejedigaming8303 5 років тому +1402

    Be carful fair Scroller, thar be edgy comments up ahead, this is as far as I’m going, yer on your own now.

    • @davyjones2737
      @davyjones2737 4 роки тому +38

      I’ll use the dutchmen to go further down

    • @goosbouwsma7464
      @goosbouwsma7464 4 роки тому +25

      Thank you for the advice but no man can kill me

    • @thefutureboah4376
      @thefutureboah4376 4 роки тому +25

      The witch Kimg I am no man

    • @trav157
      @trav157 4 роки тому +8

      I'll take my chances.

    • @sarthdidious96
      @sarthdidious96 4 роки тому +4

      Jthejedigaming I choose my own fate

  • @CT-5555_Fivess
    @CT-5555_Fivess 3 роки тому +81

    Ok now where do I place my 104th finger

  • @math2649
    @math2649 5 років тому +63

    Beautiful as allways. I love "The knight king" from Ramin Djawadi. I think this can be awesome with your special arrangements. Thx again

  • @bigward5653
    @bigward5653 4 роки тому +80

    I want this song at my funeral...please, come to my funeral. (in a long time lmao)

  • @dingens2043
    @dingens2043 2 роки тому +224

    Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
    Will you ever return to me
    Hear my voice sing with the tide
    My love will never die
    Over waves and deep in the blue
    I will give up my heart for you
    Ten long years I'll wait to go by
    My love will never die
    [Verse 1]
    Come my love be one with the sea
    Rule with me for eternity
    Drown all dreams so mercilessly
    And leave their souls to me
    Play the song you sang long ago
    And wherever the storm may blow
    You will find the key to my heart
    We'll never be apart
    Wild and strong you can't be contained
    Never bound nor ever chained
    Wounds you caused will never mend
    And you will never end
    Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
    Will you ever return to me
    Hear my voice sing with the tide
    Our love will never die

    • @zam7z20
      @zam7z20 Рік тому +4

      Fria ordid

    • @bazinkoff8352
      @bazinkoff8352 Рік тому +3

      That is gorgeous, bravo

    • @TheMusicalPotato2
      @TheMusicalPotato2 Рік тому +4

      I stumbled across this comment at just the beginning of a verse and started singing it to myself and turns out I was at the exact right part because everything flowed perfectly and so did the outro.

    • @bobraekevelt7953
      @bobraekevelt7953 11 місяців тому +3

      ​@@bazinkoff8352its an actual song, its not something this commenter msde up

  • @bluelotussama7580
    @bluelotussama7580 5 років тому +1951

    I played this to my octopus

    • @shakthiganesh5117
      @shakthiganesh5117 5 років тому +65

      More appropriate would be "HE BECAME A KRAKEN"

    • @djextinct5945
      @djextinct5945 5 років тому +22

      Shakthi Ganesh more appropriate “HE BECAME CTHULU”

    • @shakthiganesh5117
      @shakthiganesh5117 5 років тому +9

      @@djextinct5945 That too. But I told Kraken because it would be more suitable to the movie piece.

    • @tenchi5951
      @tenchi5951 5 років тому +11


    • @hamadahmed5415
      @hamadahmed5415 5 років тому +2

      Spooked Malk lol 😂

  • @thegoodprince3264
    @thegoodprince3264 5 років тому +10

    Wow! That was beautiful! You did fantastic as usual!

  • @SuperDude312
    @SuperDude312 Рік тому +4

    The amount of practice which must have gone into this, not for this song itself but to be able to play like this. Respect to you dear youtuber !

  • @TheSoprah
    @TheSoprah 5 років тому +396

    "Do you fear death?"
    Me: No. I fear love

  • @gendawg4584
    @gendawg4584 5 років тому +5

    Always love the puff of smoke / color ambiance...
    So much better than the other videos especially since it is also being played by a person.

  • @JAYLID-z8k
    @JAYLID-z8k 5 місяців тому +1


  • @giuseppepapaleo3030
    @giuseppepapaleo3030 5 років тому +59

    0:01 - 3:17 best part

  • @larstb531
    @larstb531 5 років тому +670

    First Seconds: oh, I can play that!
    I was wrong...

    • @roms9270
      @roms9270 5 років тому +8

      Same lol

    • @MrDraggner21
      @MrDraggner21 5 років тому +21

      u can play everything. its just a matter of how long it takes to learn. And once u start....

    • @rgeandlve
      @rgeandlve 5 років тому +2

      True! Lol hahahaha 😂

    • @xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx
      @xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx 5 років тому +1

      You can play a Lyre.

    • @katekatey279
      @katekatey279 5 років тому

      Lars E sameeee haha

  • @zaynes5094
    @zaynes5094 3 роки тому +14

    The heartbreak and darkness I feel in him is reflected in this.

  • @adrianne8878
    @adrianne8878 5 років тому +75

    Cruel and cold, like winds on the sea
    Will you ever return to me?
    Hear my voice, sing with the tide
    My love will never die
    Over waves and deep in the blue
    I will give up my heart for you
    Ten long years I'll wait to go by
    My love will never die
    Come, my love, be one with the sea
    Rule with me for eternity
    Drown all dreams so mercilessly
    And leave their souls to me
    Play the song you sang long ago
    And wherever the storm may blow
    You will find the key to my heart
    We'll never be apart
    Wild and strong, you can't be contained
    Never bound nor ever chained
    Wounds you caused will never mend
    And you will never end
    Cruel and cold, like winds on the sea
    Will you ever return to me?
    Hear my voice, sing with the tide
    Our love will never die
    Written By Fia Orädd

    • @adamnqueen3644
      @adamnqueen3644 5 років тому +2

      Fialeja wrote those lyrics, is that who you mean?

    • @sierraleger3062
      @sierraleger3062 4 роки тому +4

      I was singing that as he was playing the song😊

    • @TheBrewingMiner
      @TheBrewingMiner 4 роки тому

      I’m not the only one!

  • @ZayBurd
    @ZayBurd 3 роки тому +7

    This was the first song I learned to play when I self taught the piano, needless to say I was feeling exactly what Davy was feeling

  • @alexisvan222
    @alexisvan222 4 роки тому +1

    Mom is a concert pianist... I am self taught and let it drop for 10 years. Getting back into it... love your arrangement, I'll start here thanks!

  • @veronicazehr5638
    @veronicazehr5638 4 роки тому +2086

    Davy Jones- "Do you fear death?"
    Captain Jack Sparrow- "You have no idea."

    • @kavinbharathirm9478
      @kavinbharathirm9478 4 роки тому +43

      Yo I just watched the movie for the forth time today...

    • @chinmander
      @chinmander 4 роки тому +18

      Oh so he says death at that part? I always thought he said debt when talking to Jack sparrow at the island meeting

    • @melisarabbani212
      @melisarabbani212 4 роки тому +7

      @@chinmander that caused by his slimy mouth and too heavy in his beard 😝

    • @ok-br3sm
      @ok-br3sm 4 роки тому +12

      I thought he said I have no idea lol 😂

    • @davyjones9921
      @davyjones9921 4 роки тому +5

      Yes... now I think that meant he is scared but idk

  • @bjuganda7758
    @bjuganda7758 Рік тому +12

    Cruel and cold like winds on the sea
    Will you ever return to me
    Hear my voice sing with the tide
    My love will never die
    Over waves and deep in the blue
    I will give up my heart for you
    Ten long years I'll wait to go by
    My love will never die
    Come my love be one with the sea
    Rule with me for eternity
    Drown all dreams so mercilessly
    And leave their souls to me
    Play the song you sang long ago
    And wherever the storm may blow
    You will find the key to my heart
    We'll never be apart
    Wild and strong you can't be contained
    Never bounded nor ever chained
    Wounds you caused will never mend
    And you will never end
    Cruel and cold like winds on the sea
    Will you ever return to me
    Hear my voice sing with the tide
    Our love will never die.

  • @SanDukey
    @SanDukey 4 роки тому +61

    0:00-0:52: I can learn this!
    0:52-3:18: *WAIT*

    • @jigmedyolmo1970
      @jigmedyolmo1970 3 роки тому +3

      That's kind of what I was thinking too.

    • @nigarmm
      @nigarmm 3 роки тому +1


  • @destinabram2246
    @destinabram2246 4 роки тому +2227

    Say it with me ladies and gentlemen:
    *Part of the crew, part of the ship*

    • @themiuss4988
      @themiuss4988 4 роки тому +39

      Part of the crew, part og the ship

    • @shawn3817
      @shawn3817 4 роки тому +35

      Part of the crew, part of the ship

    • @Dream-Garage
      @Dream-Garage 4 роки тому +42

      Part of the crew, part of the ship
      Part of the crew, party of the ship
      Part of the crew, part of the ship
      Part of the crew, party of the ship
      Part of the crew, part of the ship
      Part of the crew, party of the ship
      Part of the crew, part of the ship
      Part of the crew, party of the ship
      Part of the crew, part of the ship
      Part of the crew, party of the ship

    • @wolframirez-kun9354
      @wolframirez-kun9354 4 роки тому +18

      Part of the crew, part of the ship

    • @vampyelvishfae
      @vampyelvishfae 4 роки тому +17

      Part of the crew, PART OF THE SHIP!

  • @laurabanczak1512
    @laurabanczak1512 4 роки тому +224

    Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
    Will you ever return to me
    Hear my voice sing with the tide
    My love will never die
    Over waves and deep in the blue
    I will give up my heart for you
    Ten long years i'll wait to go by
    My love will never die
    Come my love be one with the sea
    Rule with me for eternity
    Drown all dreams so mercilessly
    And leave their souls to me
    Play the song you sang long ago
    And wherever the storm may blow
    You will find the key to my heart
    We'll never be apart
    Wild and strong you can't be contained
    Never bound nor ever chained
    Wounds you caused will never mend
    And you will never end

  • @theeternalguardian4185
    @theeternalguardian4185 4 роки тому +2

    By far one of the greatest villain themes that have ever been created... Through this music u can clearly see how tragic Davy Jones 's story is...He is going to be always my favourite POTC character...

  • @joopahfoopah
    @joopahfoopah 2 роки тому +8

    I feel like this song perfectly ties the arc of Davy Jones together. It starts kind and soft and loving, representing his first ten years waiting for calypso. Then the slow increase in intensity symbolizes his descent into anger and cruelty, twisting him into the monster he would become. Then finally finishing softly again symbolizing his death and him finally being at peace. Maybe I’m just reading too deeply

    • @Lynximus
      @Lynximus 2 роки тому +1

      No, no, this feels right. You not reading to deeply. I think this theme was meant to be deep

    • @sugarbear1846
      @sugarbear1846 2 роки тому

      Wonderfully said :)

    • @mokl27
      @mokl27 2 роки тому

      I agree with the other replies :) I think that’s pretty much it ^^ You hit the nail on the head!

  • @motor4027
    @motor4027 4 роки тому +44

    those who feel pain, suffer greatly
    those who don't have suffered far to much

  • @Untitled_Tr4sh
    @Untitled_Tr4sh Рік тому

    2:11 to 2:24 is when you almost made me cried 😪❤️
    Please keep up the good work of yours!

  • @sumathipothuru8390
    @sumathipothuru8390 4 роки тому +6

    That drop at 2:36 ❤️!!

  • @rivertobias3864
    @rivertobias3864 4 роки тому +7

    Well it took four damn months, but I finally learned and memorized this song! Thank you Pietschmann so much for putting these compositions together, they’re fun to play and you have songs I actually want to learn, and of course they sound amazing. Now to choose my next one lol.

    • @neilpatel1914
      @neilpatel1914 4 роки тому

      Can I ask how long you have been playing piano? I’ve only been playing for about 2 months so far and don’t know at what point I’d be ready to even try to learn this song.

    • @rivertobias3864
      @rivertobias3864 4 роки тому +2

      neilpatel1914 well this sounds discouraging but I have played piano for 12 years. However, many of those years I was just a kid and only doing it because I was forced, so if you were determined you could catch up to me in probably just a few years, and you can attempt this song before that, I mean it may be a very difficult song for you but that just means it’ll take longer for you to learn it, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn it.

    • @neilpatel1914
      @neilpatel1914 4 роки тому +1

      River Tobias. I appreciate your honesty and won’t get discouraged. If anything you encouraged me! I picked up piano knowing it’d be a while before I played many of the impressive songs I see on UA-cam. I’m glad you mentioned that a hard song isn’t impossible, just that it takes longer. That’ll keep me going

    • @igorbellini1062
      @igorbellini1062 3 роки тому

      You but the sheet music to learn it?

    • @kimochiwarui5324
      @kimochiwarui5324 Рік тому +1

      congrats man

  • @Thitavares
    @Thitavares 7 місяців тому

    And that folks, is what a human with one brain for each arm control can do!
    Jokes aside, congratulations Patrik. That was astonishing.
    Thanks for sharing this with the world.

  • @Stefaniamolin70
    @Stefaniamolin70 Рік тому +4

    I love this song!! It makes me cry every time❤

  • @nick-zigzag2677
    @nick-zigzag2677 3 роки тому +3

    There's so many emotions in this song it always makes me feel so sad and hearing it. The pain the sorrow the loneliness the yearning the anger, it hits like a truck and leaves you wishing to help the poor soul who wove this melody

  • @zaynes5094
    @zaynes5094 3 роки тому +2

    Awesome how simply a song can touch and transform someone’s mind and mood based on how the music feels. This gives me the feeling of heartbreak, loss, death.

  • @WelderDiasPiano
    @WelderDiasPiano 5 років тому +43

    Hello Patrik. Do you use any plugin to remove the lens curve and align the piano keys with the synthesia keys?

    • @lojo11audio
      @lojo11audio 5 років тому +4

      Maybe he takes a bit of a wider shot and then crops it down so the lens curve at the edge of the screen is lessened.

    • @jamesmnguyen
      @jamesmnguyen 5 років тому

      Maybe he uses more than one camera?

    • @hannesye1541
      @hannesye1541 5 років тому +2

      maybe he animated the whole vid.

    • @PatrikPietschmann
      @PatrikPietschmann  5 років тому +4

      You can use the Mesh Warp effect in After Effects. ;-)

    • @WelderDiasPiano
      @WelderDiasPiano 5 років тому

      @@PatrikPietschmann Thanks!!

  • @kak4191
    @kak4191 4 роки тому +7

    I sat down to learn this piece recently and let me tell you. It looks hard. It really does. I excepted to give up trying to learn this piece. I’ve only been taking lessons for about two or three years and I’ve never finished a piece because I can never seem to get past one part. I broke this piece down into sections and I’ve so far learned three of six sections. I feel like it’s accessible and I’ll finally be able to play it. (Below are the sections I’ve learned)
    The ending

  • @chrishunter1226
    @chrishunter1226 11 місяців тому +1

    A MIDI file of this would be a gift. Our pianos would echo this which is so beautifully played throughout the world....

  • @michaeljohntalaver4973
    @michaeljohntalaver4973 5 років тому +721

    Who liked the video even before watching it?