I'm a conservative and I follow him! I love what he does because he focuses on the truth and exposing stupidity regardless of what side they are on. He calls everyone on there bullshit, I love that!
I'd say your popularity is from your ferocity, honesty and consistency. You're also stern and unapologetic which is rare on the left. I love that you are principled and not a partisan hack. And I more often than not agree with your commentary. In other words, you represent a group that has very few other talking heads to relate to. The other channels just don't represent us like you do. That's my opinion.
I enjoy secular talk because it's not obnoxiously liberal, Kyle presents information in a fair and logical manner, and I enjoy the way the information is presented. I originally came to secular talk for the anti-religious segments, but have stayed for the policy analysis.
I'm not alt-right, but I am leaning towards right libertarian. (Not the Ayn Rand flavor. More of the Milton Friedman flavor.) What brought me into Secular Talk was how, even though "Secular Talk" leans to the left, they give compelling arguments for how left-wing ideals might prove better than pure free-market capitalism all over. Not to mention, there's videos of Ron Paul where Kyle gives objective takes on Paul, not the cruddy name-calling TV news does.
Engineer 314 So called “free market capitalism” seems logical, as long as people do not dig too deep into the real outcomes. Friedman has some absolutely terrible arguments, defending his “free market” approach. The Ford Pinto safety argument being the worst (breakdown available on Secular Talk) argument Friedman ever made. Basically, greed is not actually good. Corporatism always occurs with a Laissez-faire market approach & than individual liberty is completely destroyed.
Thank you, that’s all progressives ever wanted. I’m so happy you say that. I think both progressives and libertarians can learn from each other to compromise and get actual policies to help people. Maybe some policies are best left to the government while other should be completely left to the free market. Everything doesn’t have to be totally government or totally free market
I think shows like Secular Talk and The Jimmy Dore show has grown so rapidly over the years is that Kyle and Jimmy are so unapologetic about being right and people appreciate that.
If it wasn't for Kyle, I think that I might have become alr-right. Back 4 years ago, I was finding myself as an atheist and starting watching those toxic atheist videos. Those UA-camrs then also started going after Femanazis and I started believing that that was all feminists. Then I started watching all of Kyles nuanced points and logical thinking and realized how wrong I was. Thank you Kyle
deenman23 I'm talking about UA-camrs like Mr. Repzion and Amazing Athiest and Sargon of Akaad. I went to then for content on athiesm and then I started watching their videos hating Feminazis and then acting like that was everyone. Those channels, at least for me, are gateways to the Alt-Right because of their reliance on watching the most vocal part of a group, which is usually the most toxic. The feminists that you have had experiences with are not a representative sample of most feminists, rather it is the ones that are the most outspoken, the most extreme... which is the most likely for UA-cam to recommend to you.
Well deepman is right that you could of been better with not equating Atheism with those channels. But his reasons for going after feminism are bullshit. Just because the extreme side of feminists are loud doesn't make them the majority.
@deenman23 Lol how is believing all genders should be equal a sexist charged term? You're personal experience on the matter means nothing, people will obviously remember the experiences that fit their bias and ignore the rest.
Robbie Mullen left leaning moderate? I think that best describes me. I didn’t even realize the racism that I was surrounded by when I listened to and agreed with many alt right leaders. They seem to cloud their racism.
I would ask this person what he means my alt right as it’s a term very loosely thrown out there, sometimes toward people that’s are just centre left / centre right. Personally, I think channels like this have grown because your actually talk about topics and don’t hide your opinions. It’s not about agreeing or disagreeing with you, it’s more about actually talking about something meaningful.
I hope you do get alt-right viewers. They might not be alt-right after a few videos! Dismissing people as alt-right in the way the question did is stupid because the point of debate and sharing information is that people can change their minds and people can learn. The person who asked this question is clearly prejudice against people who do not share their views, cos apparently they don't even want them to.
I vote left in Denmark, I am a secular humanist and an atheist, and I am glad that kind of left exists in America. That is why I have subscribed to Secular Talk.
I'm fine with alt right ads on lefty channels. They're good for a laugh and reminder these people exist. Also good to know they are wasting their money on lefties
That's only half of how ads work on UA-cam. Advertisers broadly pick a category, but what they aim at is the specific user, so if you see an ad about anything, UA-cam also picked *you* for that ad, not the channel/video you are watching, which is just part of the data needed to understand what *you* watch. If you watch videogames 90% of the time, for example, you may get a video game related ad here on secular talk. I get every kind of ad, unrelated to this channel and usually not even in english.
I support Kyle and Jimmy because they are true to their ideology, not a political party. Either being just as willing to praise a Republican who supports single payer as condemn a Democrat who takes Wall Street's money. You don't have to agree with people who are unwavering in supporting what they believe to be right but in almost all cases you have to respect it. The two shows aren't only informative but some times even entertaining.
As someone who does identify as a Conservative, I'm glad that there might be alt-right people watching. Maybe they'll learn something from this channel, and try to be more open minded. I know that this channel has helped me be more open to discussion.
The answer is obvious, you two have stood out as unwilling to shill for the establishment dems talking points on the election, russiagate etc. In other words, you two have been willing to be OBJECTIVE. Objectivity is appreciated by people across the spectrum.
The reason you guys have grown is because you don’t buy in to all the Russia bullshit. That’s one of the main reasons I started watching all your videos. And I am not right wing in any way I’m extremely left wing I’m just really tired of hearing about Russia.
A big reason I think is because you aren't afraid to go after both sides and unlike most other progressive channels out there, you use facts and logic rather than feelings
Geralt of Rivia It's the banner under which a lot of insufferable try hard trolls gather, so it sorta does mean something. I guess if it means nothing to you though then fair enough. Just don't be surprised when people make assumptions of your character because of it. EDIT: If you're changing your profile pic then change your "Hail kek" description too.
Geralt of Rivia "Well I stopped waving the communist flag because people kept ignoring my libertarian arguments. I told them the flag didn't mean anything but they wouldn't listen!"
By far you are more consistent on your visions rather than other channels and also you care about Middle East with more honesty rather than other channels. I'm from Iran by the way. Huge Fan!
I'm actually glad the secular talk community has alt-right, even though I'm a progressive. It means that we're not in a giant bubble and our cause is getting out even with the people we disagree with.
black ops It also means that Kyle’s ideas have common ground with people all over the political spectrum, instead of divisive politics like we’re used to.
Actually it means that Kyle is adequately expressing the nature of the problem or what the solution really entails, if he did the alt-right would hate him.
I would imagine a lot of 'alt-right' people are more anti-establishment and more anti-SJW than normal conservatives. As a result, Kyle being anti-establishment, anti-Hillary, and anti-SJW to varying extents can attract supporters in the 'alt-right' even if they disagree with plenty of his other segments.
Maybe some of the “alt rights” that follow you do so because you’re relatively unbiased and you want to have a conversation with people with different views. If only all of your followers felt the same way.
7 років тому+3
"relatively unbiased..." Being unbiased is a canard. Everyone is biased. If some alt-rightists like Kyle it's probably because he's not a partisan Democrat, and a lot of alt-rightists are, let's be honest, dumb shits, who can't discern the difference between attacks on the Democrats--and Obama and the Clintons more specifically--from the left from attacks on them from the right.
If Secular Talk is attracting more right wingers, it would be because he's more anti-establishment. People from both sides of the spectrum, and anywhere in the middle, hate the establishment too. He also analyses things in a more nuanced perspective. He doesn't play for either side "no matter what" therefore his analysis can be taken more seriously.He recognizes that the SJW's can be ridiculous sometimes. I'd say, if he's attracting right wingers, they'd be ones that hate the establishment, agree with many progressive policies, but don't want to be associated with the left, or believe they're still right wingers because they were raised that way.
Not alt-right, but it's not unbelievable that some on the right would watch this channel. Kyle debates the ideas and, unlike some in the media, don't go after supporters of the right, only the politicans of the right. They can watch this channel and get a different point of view without feeling victimized.
This! Someone on the right watching left-wing content is a GOOD thing, and doesn't magically make the left-wing content alt-right! Sadly, many SJW-leftists have problems understanding that.
The reason why Jimmy Dore and especially you experienced such a growth in viewers were because you didn't do a 180° and started lying about how good Hillary was as soon as Bernie lost the primary.
Let's be honest here. Kyle gets paid a decent amount of money to sit in front a camera and talk shit. Now I like the shit Kyle has to say and report on. He usually sums things that are happening in the world quite nicely. Mainly because he's fair on all, not just picking one side. The non-biased honesty is refreshing!
i used to get annoyed when i saw a right wing ad like pragerU or the NRA on kyle's videos, but now I love it. they're effectively paying him to call their bullshit
10:46 is the second time in secular talk history that Kyle has said "Ted Cruz" without saying myyyyueeeeehhhh. I'm Ted Cruz myueeeeeeehhhh I did it for you. I got your back Kyle
Im Libertarian. I subscribe to this station Rush Limbaugh Mark Dice Jimmy Dore HA Goodman and Wikileaks. Its all about infomation make an informed decision.
Yea, those are known as "liberals" which is different than progressives and are more right wing than progressives but less right wing than neoliberals basically it goes like this: anarcho-communist ----> socialist ---> progressive ---> liberal ----> neoliberal ----> libertarian ----> moderate conservative ----> alt-light ----> neocon ----> anarcho-capitalist ---> alt-right
I don't know how many there are but I get the impression that Kyle has some alt right supporters who like him because he has very little patience with the extremes of left-wing activism (if only because it is counter-productive).
The issue is that nowdays some dude interested in Jordan Peterson is labeled as "alt right". I`m kinda conservative and part of you fan base because you are honest and genuine in your believes and not afraid of stepping out of the line, the same with Jimmy Dore. I tend to agree with, for example, Crowder, more, but the fact that you can predict his stance and argument in 100% of the cases makes following him boring and his lack of integrity obvious.
I discovered both you and Jimmy Dore because of TYT. I became an active viewer because I found your segments refreshing and intellectually honest in comparison to main stream media.
I'm highly eclectic in most area's of my life. When it comes to politics I enjoy listening to Kyle, Dave Rubin, Noam Chomsky, Jordan Peterson, Jared Taylor, Paul Joseph Watson, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, and the list goes on and on. I'm not a fan of boxed in ideologies.
I've been following this channel for a loooong time, and I've definitely noticed an uptick in bigotry in the comments. Not sure if they're "fans", or just trolls.
Some of them are trolls, I've noticed previously "libertarian" trolls have basically moved to the alt-right. Also some are actually kyle's fans, they became alt-right because of the youtube skeptic community. They don't see a contradiction between them being victims of a political establishment that consists politicians and corporations being too closely connected, and them being the victims of minorities and women having rights.
Herr Denker Prejudiced, hateful, and discriminatory language isn't just "disagreed with". Behaviors and statements that fit a definition, are that term, so I'm sorry if your ideologies happen to be bigoted, and you are stupid enough to think it's just a difference in opinion. It's time to grow up, and be honest for once.
gustina242 Kind of like the popular buzzword "leftist"or "Marxist", when I guarantee you have no fucking clue what either actually are. Bigotry is bigotry. Behaviors and statements fit the definition. I'm sorry if you don't like it when things fit their definition. Yes, when you make offensive prejudiced, discriminatory, and derogatory statements, defense mechanisms kick in. It's called reality.
Kyle is actually intelligent and principled. I am a Christian conservative and I still watch his show every day. I like watching shows that I disagree with so that I do not live in my echo chamber. The only other host that I watch every day is Ben Shapiro.
He compares healthcare to a fancy couch not because they are both luxury but the fact they are both commodities. Shapiro argues that every commodity has a cost and is most efficient when put in the free market. You could make a solid argument about how some commodities, particularly when they are essential for survival, should be provided by the government. But it is not true that he thinks healthcare is as unimportant as a fancy couch.
but a couch is a completely different thing than healthcare. I don't need a couch to live but I will need healthcare at some point in my life. Many people in this country go bankrupt because of medical bills even with insurance. the free market has failed on healthcare & the last thing it needs is for the companies that run the market to have more control.
As I said, you could make a good argument that people need healthcare to survive so it should not be controlled by the profit-driven private sector. But it is still true that everything has a cost, either healthcare or fancy couch. A socialist system is always less efficient; but under the capitalist system, some people might not be covered. The left would say it is not expensive because it improves productivity and the right would say the uninsured could be helped by the charity. You might argue that even though it might be costly, it is still important to cover everyone due to humanitarian reasons. But it's unfair to say we should not take Shapiro seriously because he sees the situation differently.
alt-right Smasher well if you're a true lover of wisdom you'll expose yourself to opposition to grow whether that would be in your current beliefs or forming new ones. I subscribe to voluntaryism/ the NAP. I believe in free market solutions, though that doesn't make me alt right is does conflict with a lot of what Kyle says but I still enjoy watching him.
alt-right Smasher isn't it interesting how people can change their perspective? I went from left wing to socialist to Communist to Jefferson liberal to voluntaryism. In the end I don't mind listening to opposition because at least we all have enough brains to try to figure life out and what's best for us as the individual and as a society.
I came across a video of conservatives talking about Jimmy Dore. They love him for his honesty, how he craps on corporate Democrats and he makes smart predictions like when he said that Trump would destroy GOP.
Secular Talk and the Jimmy Dore Show have taken off faster than other channels because they routinely release segments where they speak rationally, target the powerful, show passion, and add humor/personality.
I could imagine alt-right followers that despise corporate republicans, safe spaces and micro-aggression finding agreement with Kyle. Sure, Kyle criticises Milo and other Alt-Right figures, but that doesn't happen too frequently (not to say that Kyle doesn't cover it appropriately, it's just that these other issues pop up more frequently so they get covered more often). So it wouldn't surprise me that Kyle has an alt-right base, even though Kyle doesn't like the alt-right. There's just some common ground that he covers regularly.
I found this channel because UA-cam gave it as an example of when an appeal to remonetize a video was upheld. I checked the video, liked the format and stayed ever since.
I can explain why Secular Talk and Jimmy Dore getting viewers much more rapidly because Independents that don't identify as Republican or democrats Or liberal or conservative are a lot of the new viewer
I was very right leaning about 3 Year’s ago. And was still subscribed to your channel to hear different perspectives on issues. I bet there’s more than you think and that’s okay! Your a very reasonable guy and provide lots of evidence for you points. I hope there is alt right followers so that they can here a good progressive talking about the issues.
People actually think the ads are direct from the content providers? Thats fucking stupid. Its a system youtube uses. The channels themselves have nothing to do with this. Ffs some people, man.
I'm far right wing on the issue of immigration...but I'm pretty much in full agreement with you on literally everything else. You likely have followers from all parts of the political spectrum.
Identity politics in general have become stupid in this day and age. If you want to be proud of your race or ethnicity, fine. The reason White identity politics are laughed at is because it is based around ethnostatism, thinly veiled supremacist ideology, and xenophobia.
"Embracing _any_ 'identity' is immoral." This statement completely absurd. How is it "immoral" for me to identify as a human? Hmm? "Hur dur you are pathetic and sad for embracing the human identity. What a herd minded sheep. You are immoral b/c you identify with a group."
I Hate Humans being human is part of my identity, it's not the only thing I am. I am also male among many other things. The sum of all these Identities is what I am. Recognize that identity plays a critical role in society. Lol It's ironic that you call yourself 'I Hate Humans' considering that you are playing into the identity game with that name.
Im a right winger and i would never consider left wingers as my enemy. I think you are worth listening to and you're right about a lot of things. The only people i might call enemies are the extremists who dont believe in dialogue or are violent.
You're as welcome here as anyone else, as far as I'm concerned! People like you keep me sorta kinda proud to be an American, despite current leadership.
A major reason why Secular Talk has exploded is that Kyle is relatable to left-libertarian millennials, not the alt-right. Kyle doesn't have the baggage of Jimmy Dore and Kyle also talks informally rather than the more intellectual style of David Pakman.
Yeah, Jimmy's not too popular with the 'anti-SJW' crowd. He's part of TYT and he spat on Alex Jones that one time. He also recently started a feud with Sam Seder over some left-unity topic. I feel like Jimmy's one of the more controversial personalities whereas Kyle is one of the least controversial.
7 років тому
Your analysis is confused, unifieddynasty. The "anti-SJW crowd" dislike Sam Seder and Michael Brooks far more than they dislike Jimmy Dore. And people who dislike Jimmy because he spat on Jones aren't inclined to like Secular Talk and are definitely not fans of Sam and Michael.
Respectfully, I think your interpretation of my analysis is confused, A.H Man. Though, I do apologize for making myself unclear. My above reply had 2 intentionally discontinuous reasons that detract from Jimmy Dore's potential popularity. Rephrased: 1. Left and right-libertarians ala the 'anti-SJW' crowd dislike Jimmy Dore because of his allegedly authoritarian stances, actions, and affiliations; 2. Jimmy Dore has also picked fights with other progressives/leftists, like Sam Seder, on issues like left-unity. The above 2 reasons distinguish Jimmy from Kyle to a significant extent. Additionally, I would challenge your assertion that "people who dislike Jimmy because he spat on Jones aren't inclined to like Secular Talk." I think there is significant/overwhelming crossover between Kyle's fanbase and the 'anti-SJW' fanbase that overwhelmingly denounced Jimmy spitting on Alex Jones.
I used to be a right-winger until I started listening to Jimmy Dore. He made me see things in a totally different light. Right wingers are very selfish people, and I was very selfish, and Jimmy just cuts through your bullshit. UA-cam recommended Kyle after a while and I loved his content as well,
Jope Dope Dope many of the greatest ideas to ever exist came from selfishness. The fact is that a goal done for yourself is more likely to be reached than one for others. While ideally love would be the core catalyst for motivation that's just not the world we live in and as long as selfishness isn't a hindrance to others it's perfectly fine
I honestly think you get so many viewers because most people can see you do your very best to be as fair and as objective as possible, and just openly admit it whenever your biased for whatever reason. That's how you get people from across the spectrum to come together for common causes, the way politics is supposed to be played by, of and for the people. That and the fact that you take your shit seriously and pump out videos like a political commentary machine lol. And that you actually did what we're all supposed to be doing by getting politically involved and trying to do what you think is best for the planet. And when that snowball starts rolling it can become a global phenomenon. Once people around the world see you CAN change the system and turn it over to the people, they will fight for that change. Keep up the good work ^^
I think Kyle and Jimmy have gotten more growth because they are loud, blunt and outspoken. I love Pakman and watch him too but he’s soft spoken even when he’s giving harsh criticism it comes off as respectful and polite which is good but seeing how the left is constantly being beat over the head BECAUSE we are too polite it doesn’t really give you much to rally behind.
The reason I like you and Jimmy Dore more than other left wing shows though is BECAUSE you slam Shillary and the corporate Dems all the time when others on the "left" won't!!!! But I'm not alt right I'm progressive left.
I think the main reason the progressive channels are growing is because more people are getting into politics after thinking "Why the fuck are we stuck with these two?" during the last election and wanted to learn more. Some went to right wing channels and others came to the left.
I originally found Kyle because of Bernie in the primaries. I think a lot more people are on board with those policies. I subscribed because of way Kyle always has nuanced responses and presents good data.
I consider myself right wing libertarian and Im a follower. I may not agree with you on everything but you give a great synopsis on the mainstream dems, the media, and especially neocons.
I'm attracted to both shows because you both seem genuine, provide relevant content, have a sense of humor, and have no problem swearing. I feel like for the most part, you're the same guy on and off camera.
I'm a conservative and I follow him! I love what he does because he focuses on the truth and exposing stupidity regardless of what side they are on. He calls everyone on there bullshit, I love that!
i like people who are consistent. if it's bad one day for one side, it better be bad on the other side tomorrow
I'd say your popularity is from your ferocity, honesty and consistency. You're also stern and unapologetic which is rare on the left. I love that you are principled and not a partisan hack. And I more often than not agree with your commentary. In other words, you represent a group that has very few other talking heads to relate to. The other channels just don't represent us like you do. That's my opinion.
I enjoy secular talk because it's not obnoxiously liberal, Kyle presents information in a fair and logical manner, and I enjoy the way the information is presented. I originally came to secular talk for the anti-religious segments, but have stayed for the policy analysis.
I'm not alt-right, but I am leaning towards right libertarian. (Not the Ayn Rand flavor. More of the Milton Friedman flavor.) What brought me into Secular Talk was how, even though "Secular Talk" leans to the left, they give compelling arguments for how left-wing ideals might prove better than pure free-market capitalism all over. Not to mention, there's videos of Ron Paul where Kyle gives objective takes on Paul, not the cruddy name-calling TV news does.
Engineer 314 So called “free market capitalism” seems logical, as long as people do not dig too deep into the real outcomes.
Friedman has some absolutely terrible arguments, defending his “free market” approach. The Ford Pinto safety argument being the worst (breakdown available on Secular Talk) argument Friedman ever made.
Basically, greed is not actually good.
Corporatism always occurs with a Laissez-faire market approach & than individual liberty is completely destroyed.
Thank you, that’s all progressives ever wanted. I’m so happy you say that. I think both progressives and libertarians can learn from each other to compromise and get actual policies to help people. Maybe some policies are best left to the government while other should be completely left to the free market. Everything doesn’t have to be totally government or totally free market
@b- dubz Bullshit, take ur conspiracy theories somewhere else.
I’m a republican and am subscribed to secular talk. I like to hear kyles input instead of getting one side.
You're a great person. Listening to other viewpoints. I'm subscribed to Steven Crowder and Ben Shapiro too.
Andrew Robertson cool. So what do you think?
Andrew Robertson
But we're you an 'Alt-right' Republican? Because there's a HUGE difference!
I think shows like Secular Talk and The Jimmy Dore show has grown so rapidly over the years is that Kyle and Jimmy are so unapologetic about being right and people appreciate that.
If it wasn't for Kyle, I think that I might have become alr-right. Back 4 years ago, I was finding myself as an atheist and starting watching those toxic atheist videos. Those UA-camrs then also started going after Femanazis and I started believing that that was all feminists. Then I started watching all of Kyles nuanced points and logical thinking and realized how wrong I was. Thank you Kyle
deenman23 I'm talking about UA-camrs like Mr. Repzion and Amazing Athiest and Sargon of Akaad. I went to then for content on athiesm and then I started watching their videos hating Feminazis and then acting like that was everyone. Those channels, at least for me, are gateways to the Alt-Right because of their reliance on watching the most vocal part of a group, which is usually the most toxic. The feminists that you have had experiences with are not a representative sample of most feminists, rather it is the ones that are the most outspoken, the most extreme... which is the most likely for UA-cam to recommend to you.
Well deepman is right that you could of been better with not equating Atheism with those channels. But his reasons for going after feminism are bullshit. Just because the extreme side of feminists are loud doesn't make them the majority.
@deenman23 Lol how is believing all genders should be equal a sexist charged term? You're personal experience on the matter means nothing, people will obviously remember the experiences that fit their bias and ignore the rest.
@deenman23 I don't think you know what sexually charged means
Same for me.
However it was contrapoints that trully took me out of that shithole 'skeptic' comunity
You're fake news! You sold out to Big Seltzer! TRIGGERED
True though Big Seltzer has a diabolical plan to take over the world and install an one world government. 😱
Ted Cruz is a fan of yours. He loves your MEEEEH! Impression.
Faolan Van Garrett lol his Cruz videos are legendary.
Faolan Van Garrett I like how you scored on the political compass.
I'm Ted Cruz mehhhhhh
Everyone loves it
Why is UA-cam randomly recommending this to everyone lol
I'd talk to the alt-right, but I've heard that chemotherapy is *very* expensive these days.
robert ramirez Troll go back to Sargon's channel with your 3 fans
I’d say a few months ago I was in the alt right. Came across you and I actually changed most of my believes, quite drastically actually.
What are your beliefs now
Robbie Mullen left leaning moderate? I think that best describes me. I didn’t even realize the racism that I was surrounded by when I listened to and agreed with many alt right leaders. They seem to cloud their racism.
My dads Big toe You were never alt-right.
Galt's Gooch Which isn't alt-right.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Gavin Miccines types
Big money does sway people. Just look what big Seltzer did to Kyle.
I keep on getting crtv ads and I hate it
And I'm getting anti-Walters ads where a soda bottle explodes without any Mentos put in
I would ask this person what he means my alt right as it’s a term very loosely thrown out there, sometimes toward people that’s are just centre left / centre right.
Personally, I think channels like this have grown because your actually talk about topics and don’t hide your opinions. It’s not about agreeing or disagreeing with you, it’s more about actually talking about something meaningful.
Gareth Mellon excatly. Im very far from his political point of view, yet I really enjoy watching his videos for information and entertainment value.
The Prager U ads are dreadful.
Scorpio True that.
You should click on every ad for something you hate. Just so they waste their advertising budget.
Sup youtube recommendation algorithm gang
Jeef hey 👋
how and why
I hope you do get alt-right viewers. They might not be alt-right after a few videos! Dismissing people as alt-right in the way the question did is stupid because the point of debate and sharing information is that people can change their minds and people can learn. The person who asked this question is clearly prejudice against people who do not share their views, cos apparently they don't even want them to.
Jackson Batchelor I want to hear about an alt-right person talk about having their mind changed lol.
I vote left in Denmark, I am a secular humanist and an atheist, and I am glad that kind of left exists in America. That is why I have subscribed to Secular Talk.
I know for a fact you have right wing followers. It's all about the quality of the information, and Secular Talk tends to do its homework.
I'm fine with alt right ads on lefty channels. They're good for a laugh and reminder these people exist. Also good to know they are wasting their money on lefties
That's only half of how ads work on UA-cam.
Advertisers broadly pick a category, but what they aim at is the specific user, so if you see an ad about anything, UA-cam also picked *you* for that ad, not the channel/video you are watching, which is just part of the data needed to understand what *you* watch.
If you watch videogames 90% of the time, for example, you may get a video game related ad here on secular talk.
I get every kind of ad, unrelated to this channel and usually not even in english.
I support Kyle and Jimmy because they are true to their ideology, not a political party. Either being just as willing to praise a Republican who supports single payer as condemn a Democrat who takes Wall Street's money. You don't have to agree with people who are unwavering in supporting what they believe to be right but in almost all cases you have to respect it.
The two shows aren't only informative but some times even entertaining.
Yes yes yes which is why i prefer this show and this is what it got me out of daily wire
As someone who does identify as a Conservative, I'm glad that there might be alt-right people watching. Maybe they'll learn something from this channel, and try to be more open minded. I know that this channel has helped me be more open to discussion.
Question about alt-right followers starts at 6:42
The answer is obvious, you two have stood out as unwilling to shill for the establishment dems talking points on the election, russiagate etc. In other words, you two have been willing to be OBJECTIVE. Objectivity is appreciated by people across the spectrum.
THIS. also, he generally makes good arguments and is obviously passionate.
The reason you guys have grown is because you don’t buy in to all the Russia bullshit. That’s one of the main reasons I started watching all your videos. And I am not right wing in any way I’m extremely left wing I’m just really tired of hearing about Russia.
A-Fucking-men from an atheist. :P
I don’t remember Kyle answering audience questions I really wish he would do it again
A big reason I think is because you aren't afraid to go after both sides and unlike most other progressive channels out there, you use facts and logic rather than feelings
Geralt of Rivia
"...you use facts and logic rather than feelings."
*Has kekistan flag as icon*
A practice I'm sure you take part in.
Nukenin MGT The flag doesn't really mean anything
Geralt of Rivia
It's the banner under which a lot of insufferable try hard trolls gather, so it sorta does mean something. I guess if it means nothing to you though then fair enough. Just don't be surprised when people make assumptions of your character because of it.
EDIT: If you're changing your profile pic then change your "Hail kek" description too.
Nukenin MGT I only changed it since a lot of people were misjudging me. And focusing on the flag rather than my argument or point
Geralt of Rivia
"Well I stopped waving the communist flag because people kept ignoring my libertarian arguments. I told them the flag didn't mean anything but they wouldn't listen!"
i can only speak for myself but I dig your channel because you call BS on BOTH sides, its refreshing.
"I've never had a conversation with advertisers"
What about big seltzer?
The only advertiser you try to please is big seltzer.
Soooo many prager u ads on this channel.
By far you are more consistent on your visions rather than other channels and also you care about Middle East with more honesty rather than other channels. I'm from Iran by the way. Huge Fan!
this comment section is nazbol gang
Everything is nazbol gang
I'm actually glad the secular talk community has alt-right, even though I'm a progressive. It means that we're not in a giant bubble and our cause is getting out even with the people we disagree with.
black ops It also means that Kyle’s ideas have common ground with people all over the political spectrum, instead of divisive politics like we’re used to.
Actually it means that Kyle is adequately expressing the nature of the problem or what the solution really entails, if he did the alt-right would hate him.
I would imagine a lot of 'alt-right' people are more anti-establishment and more anti-SJW than normal conservatives. As a result, Kyle being anti-establishment, anti-Hillary, and anti-SJW to varying extents can attract supporters in the 'alt-right' even if they disagree with plenty of his other segments.
MrRenegadePhoenix yea many people are single issue voters, which is sad.
Maybe some of the “alt rights” that follow you do so because you’re relatively unbiased and you want to have a conversation with people with different views. If only all of your followers felt the same way.
"relatively unbiased..."
Being unbiased is a canard. Everyone is biased. If some alt-rightists like Kyle it's probably because he's not a partisan Democrat, and a lot of alt-rightists are, let's be honest, dumb shits, who can't discern the difference between attacks on the Democrats--and Obama and the Clintons more specifically--from the left from attacks on them from the right.
If Secular Talk is attracting more right wingers, it would be because he's more anti-establishment. People from both sides of the spectrum, and anywhere in the middle, hate the establishment too. He also analyses things in a more nuanced perspective. He doesn't play for either side "no matter what" therefore his analysis can be taken more seriously.He recognizes that the SJW's can be ridiculous sometimes. I'd say, if he's attracting right wingers, they'd be ones that hate the establishment, agree with many progressive policies, but don't want to be associated with the left, or believe they're still right wingers because they were raised that way.
Not alt-right, but it's not unbelievable that some on the right would watch this channel. Kyle debates the ideas and, unlike some in the media, don't go after supporters of the right, only the politicans of the right. They can watch this channel and get a different point of view without feeling victimized.
This! Someone on the right watching left-wing content is a GOOD thing, and doesn't magically make the left-wing content alt-right! Sadly, many SJW-leftists have problems understanding that.
You have substance. Pure substance. That's why I come everyday and am sad when I don't see your upload.
Why is there only old Kyle videos in my feed? Pls UA-cam give me more relevant stuff
I get a horribly ironic amount of ads for Praeger U here
The reason why Jimmy Dore and especially you experienced such a growth in viewers were because you didn't do a 180° and started lying about how good Hillary was as soon as Bernie lost the primary.
dasda asda Exactly. I like DP, but he became abitt of a partisan hack for Hill when Bern lost.
dasda asda cough* tyt
Tony H
Tyt just said that she's better than trump just like kyle did.
I'm more libertarian and I like listening to your show, used to be a republican. I like how you state the facts and don't really have a biased opinion
Let's be honest here. Kyle gets paid a decent amount of money to sit in front a camera and talk shit. Now I like the shit Kyle has to say and report on. He usually sums things that are happening in the world quite nicely. Mainly because he's fair on all, not just picking one side. The non-biased honesty is refreshing!
I subscribed to your channel because you used logic and facts to back your arguments and your points of view
I think that's why your channel grew
i used to get annoyed when i saw a right wing ad like pragerU or the NRA on kyle's videos, but now I love it. they're effectively paying him to call their bullshit
10:46 is the second time in secular talk history that Kyle has said "Ted Cruz" without saying myyyyueeeeehhhh.
I'm Ted Cruz myueeeeeeehhhh
I did it for you. I got your back Kyle
Arctic Camel as soon as I saw your comment I just imagined Kyle saying that
You've attracted alt-right people because you are honest. That attracts all kinds of people.
Jope Dope Dope They are subscribed to this channel to troll.
Imagine getting a campaign ad before the video of Kyle bashing that ad
Some on the right enjoy listening to someone who is honest and will hold not only their opponents but their own as well.
The right typically doesn't enjoy honesty
You & Jimmy Dore seem to be genuine! That's why I like your channels. You guys follow everything with more passion in truth.
Im Libertarian. I subscribe to this station Rush Limbaugh Mark Dice Jimmy Dore HA Goodman and Wikileaks. Its all about infomation make an informed decision.
ever got anything useful out of Rush, other than hurricane warnings are ponzi schemes for businesses?
I’m also a libertarian and Rush Limbaugh is nuts
Raquel Beck Taxation is theft mannnn
Oh argument ad absurdum, ad hominem straw man
You don't have alt-right viewers, but you do have a lot of people that watch Sargon of Akkad....
Yea, those are known as "liberals" which is different than progressives and are more right wing than progressives but less right wing than neoliberals basically it goes like this: anarcho-communist ----> socialist ---> progressive ---> liberal ----> neoliberal ----> libertarian ----> moderate conservative ----> alt-light ----> neocon ----> anarcho-capitalist ---> alt-right
*Sargon of Akkad*
Ian Peracca and? He’s an actual liberal, not a regressive!
I have a hard time seeing how any one who watches kyle can watch sargon or any other right wing commentators.
xmifi Whys that? Im an anarcho capitalist, but so what?
I don't know how many there are but I get the impression that Kyle has some alt right supporters who like him because he has very little patience with the extremes of left-wing activism (if only because it is counter-productive).
PragerU ads gave me cancer
rburk854 😅😅😅
The issue is that nowdays some dude interested in Jordan Peterson is labeled as "alt right". I`m kinda conservative and part of you fan base because you are honest and genuine in your believes and not afraid of stepping out of the line, the same with Jimmy Dore. I tend to agree with, for example, Crowder, more, but the fact that you can predict his stance and argument in 100% of the cases makes following him boring and his lack of integrity obvious.
I discovered both you and Jimmy Dore because of TYT. I became an active viewer because I found your segments refreshing and intellectually honest in comparison to main stream media.
I agree with the alt right on some things and with Kyle on some, and on quite a few things they agree with each other. Mind blown, huh.
Filthy Neutral.
I'm highly eclectic in most area's of my life. When it comes to politics I enjoy listening to Kyle, Dave Rubin, Noam Chomsky, Jordan Peterson, Jared Taylor, Paul Joseph Watson, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, and the list goes on and on. I'm not a fan of boxed in ideologies.
I agree for the first time with Lakers fan.
What is your issue?
Immigration is my issue. What's yours?
Jordan Peterson? You poor soul.
I've been following this channel for a loooong time, and I've definitely noticed an uptick in bigotry in the comments. Not sure if they're "fans", or just trolls.
I'd say they're trolls.
Some of them are trolls, I've noticed previously "libertarian" trolls have basically moved to the alt-right. Also some are actually kyle's fans, they became alt-right because of the youtube skeptic community. They don't see a contradiction between them being victims of a political establishment that consists politicians and corporations being too closely connected, and them being the victims of minorities and women having rights.
Herr Denker
Prejudiced, hateful, and discriminatory language isn't just "disagreed with". Behaviors and statements that fit a definition, are that term, so I'm sorry if your ideologies happen to be bigoted, and you are stupid enough to think it's just a difference in opinion. It's time to grow up, and be honest for once.
Kind of like the popular buzzword "leftist"or "Marxist", when I guarantee you have no fucking clue what either actually are. Bigotry is bigotry. Behaviors and statements fit the definition. I'm sorry if you don't like it when things fit their definition.
Yes, when you make offensive prejudiced, discriminatory, and derogatory statements, defense mechanisms kick in. It's called reality.
gustina242 "Buzzwords" fuck off
Kyle is actually intelligent and principled. I am a Christian conservative and I still watch his show every day. I like watching shows that I disagree with so that I do not live in my echo chamber. The only other host that I watch every day is Ben Shapiro.
that guy compared healthcare to buying a fancy couch. and you take him seriously?
He compares healthcare to a fancy couch not because they are both luxury but the fact they are both commodities. Shapiro argues that every commodity has a cost and is most efficient when put in the free market. You could make a solid argument about how some commodities, particularly when they are essential for survival, should be provided by the government. But it is not true that he thinks healthcare is as unimportant as a fancy couch.
but a couch is a completely different thing than healthcare. I don't need a couch to live but I will need healthcare at some point in my life. Many people in this country go bankrupt because of medical bills even with insurance. the free market has failed on healthcare & the last thing it needs is for the companies that run the market to have more control.
As I said, you could make a good argument that people need healthcare to survive so it should not be controlled by the profit-driven private sector. But it is still true that everything has a cost, either healthcare or fancy couch. A socialist system is always less efficient; but under the capitalist system, some people might not be covered. The left would say it is not expensive because it improves productivity and the right would say the uninsured could be helped by the charity. You might argue that even though it might be costly, it is still important to cover everyone due to humanitarian reasons. But it's unfair to say we should not take Shapiro seriously because he sees the situation differently.
If you're in the alt-right, and watch Kyle, how are you still in the alt-right?
alt-right Smasher well if you're a true lover of wisdom you'll expose yourself to opposition to grow whether that would be in your current beliefs or forming new ones. I subscribe to voluntaryism/ the NAP. I believe in free market solutions, though that doesn't make me alt right is does conflict with a lot of what Kyle says but I still enjoy watching him.
Already listened to the opposition when I was a conservative.
Now I'm a Progressive lol
alt-right Smasher isn't it interesting how people can change their perspective? I went from left wing to socialist to Communist to Jefferson liberal to voluntaryism. In the end I don't mind listening to opposition because at least we all have enough brains to try to figure life out and what's best for us as the individual and as a society.
I came across a video of conservatives talking about Jimmy Dore. They love him for his honesty, how he craps on corporate Democrats and he makes smart predictions like when he said that Trump would destroy GOP.
Secular Talk and the Jimmy Dore Show have taken off faster than other channels because they routinely release segments where they speak rationally, target the powerful, show passion, and add humor/personality.
I could imagine alt-right followers that despise corporate republicans, safe spaces and micro-aggression finding agreement with Kyle. Sure, Kyle criticises Milo and other Alt-Right figures, but that doesn't happen too frequently (not to say that Kyle doesn't cover it appropriately, it's just that these other issues pop up more frequently so they get covered more often). So it wouldn't surprise me that Kyle has an alt-right base, even though Kyle doesn't like the alt-right. There's just some common ground that he covers regularly.
What about Big Seltzer's influence on your channel?
Trey Top Dog Ellis im out of the loop. What the hell is this Seltzer??
I found this channel because UA-cam gave it as an example of when an appeal to remonetize a video was upheld. I checked the video, liked the format and stayed ever since.
Im a racist, sexist, patriarchal, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, ableist anti Semite and I LOVE SECULAR TALK!
You are however a bigot.
1) A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.
Jim Morrison Yes! I hate and also I am intolerant of everyone different than me!
@Roland Chang ...so don't become one then fuck-head!
John Torres nice edit.
I can explain why Secular Talk and Jimmy Dore getting viewers much more rapidly because Independents that don't identify as Republican or democrats Or liberal or conservative are a lot of the new viewer
I was very right leaning about 3 Year’s ago. And was still subscribed to your channel to hear different perspectives on issues. I bet there’s more than you think and that’s okay! Your a very reasonable guy and provide lots of evidence for you points. I hope there is alt right followers so that they can here a good progressive talking about the issues.
Big Seltzer and Big Styrofoam have you propped up Kyle. That's why you've had the growth.
People actually think the ads are direct from the content providers? Thats fucking stupid. Its a system youtube uses. The channels themselves have nothing to do with this.
Ffs some people, man.
I'm far right wing on the issue of immigration...but I'm pretty much in full agreement with you on literally everything else. You likely have followers from all parts of the political spectrum.
Is explicitly white identity politics legal?
"Embrace your black identity" = moral
"Embrace your jewish identity" = moral
"Embrace your white identity" = sad white supremacy
Identity politics in general have become stupid in this day and age. If you want to be proud of your race or ethnicity, fine. The reason White identity politics are laughed at is because it is based around ethnostatism, thinly veiled supremacist ideology, and xenophobia.
"Embracing _any_ 'identity' is immoral."
This statement completely absurd. How is it "immoral" for me to identify as a human? Hmm?
"Hur dur you are pathetic and sad for embracing the human identity. What a herd minded sheep. You are immoral b/c you identify with a group."
I Hate Humans being human is part of my identity, it's not the only thing I am. I am also male among many other things. The sum of all these Identities is what I am. Recognize that identity plays a critical role in society. Lol It's ironic that you call yourself 'I Hate Humans' considering that you are playing into the identity game with that name.
Are Zionists sad and pathetic?
Im a right winger and i would never consider left wingers as my enemy. I think you are worth listening to and you're right about a lot of things. The only people i might call enemies are the extremists who dont believe in dialogue or are violent.
Then you are my ally.
You're as welcome here as anyone else, as far as I'm concerned! People like you keep me sorta kinda proud to be an American, despite current leadership.
i would love to hear more of your beliefs. it's nice to meet a polite person whom may or may not disagree with me politically.
A major reason why Secular Talk has exploded is that Kyle is relatable to left-libertarian millennials, not the alt-right. Kyle doesn't have the baggage of Jimmy Dore and Kyle also talks informally rather than the more intellectual style of David Pakman.
I agree with your comment, but I'm just curious: what is "the baggage of Jimmy Dore" that you're referring to? Because he's part of TYT?
Yeah, Jimmy's not too popular with the 'anti-SJW' crowd. He's part of TYT and he spat on Alex Jones that one time. He also recently started a feud with Sam Seder over some left-unity topic. I feel like Jimmy's one of the more controversial personalities whereas Kyle is one of the least controversial.
Your analysis is confused, unifieddynasty.
The "anti-SJW crowd" dislike Sam Seder and Michael Brooks far more than they dislike Jimmy Dore.
And people who dislike Jimmy because he spat on Jones aren't inclined to like Secular Talk and are definitely not fans of Sam and Michael.
Respectfully, I think your interpretation of my analysis is confused, A.H Man. Though, I do apologize for making myself unclear.
My above reply had 2 intentionally discontinuous reasons that detract from Jimmy Dore's potential popularity. Rephrased:
1. Left and right-libertarians ala the 'anti-SJW' crowd dislike Jimmy Dore because of his allegedly authoritarian stances, actions, and affiliations;
2. Jimmy Dore has also picked fights with other progressives/leftists, like Sam Seder, on issues like left-unity.
The above 2 reasons distinguish Jimmy from Kyle to a significant extent.
Additionally, I would challenge your assertion that "people who dislike Jimmy because he spat on Jones aren't inclined to like Secular Talk." I think there is significant/overwhelming crossover between Kyle's fanbase and the 'anti-SJW' fanbase that overwhelmingly denounced Jimmy spitting on Alex Jones.
I think your channel blew up mostly because Bernie Sanders woke us up, and here we are.
Unfortunately this show is swayed by big seltzer. Those bastards.
I'm not alt right, I consider myself more on the conservative front, but I like a lot of your videos.
I used to be a right-winger until I started listening to Jimmy Dore. He made me see things in a totally different light. Right wingers are very selfish people, and I was very selfish, and Jimmy just cuts through your bullshit. UA-cam recommended Kyle after a while and I loved his content as well,
Jope Dope Dope many of the greatest ideas to ever exist came from selfishness. The fact is that a goal done for yourself is more likely to be reached than one for others. While ideally love would be the core catalyst for motivation that's just not the world we live in and as long as selfishness isn't a hindrance to others it's perfectly fine
Selfishness is inherently a hindrance. It's basically the definition. Not giving a shit about people and caring about yourself is a massive hindrance
Kyle, here's my question... do you have legs? XD
Kyle has made an excellent platform for himself because he speaks the truth and nothing but the truth.
I honestly think you get so many viewers because most people can see you do your very best to be as fair and as objective as possible, and just openly admit it whenever your biased for whatever reason. That's how you get people from across the spectrum to come together for common causes, the way politics is supposed to be played by, of and for the people. That and the fact that you take your shit seriously and pump out videos like a political commentary machine lol. And that you actually did what we're all supposed to be doing by getting politically involved and trying to do what you think is best for the planet. And when that snowball starts rolling it can become a global phenomenon. Once people around the world see you CAN change the system and turn it over to the people, they will fight for that change. Keep up the good work ^^
Just kinda realized how much the channels taken off. Been watching since 2015 when I was a junior in high school. Love you Kyle
I saw a Tomi Lauren ad on A David Pakman video, I was like what the serious fuck
the ads for crtv have been pretty offensive i have to say. ive been reporting them as inappropriate
Sally Wolf same
Fucking SJWs. So pathetic. Offense is taken, not given. You both don't deserve to live in a free society.
I think Kyle and Jimmy have gotten more growth because they are loud, blunt and outspoken. I love Pakman and watch him too but he’s soft spoken even when he’s giving harsh criticism it comes off as respectful and polite which is good but seeing how the left is constantly being beat over the head BECAUSE we are too polite it doesn’t really give you much to rally behind.
I'm thinking that Google sees secular talk as "fringe programming", and schedules advertisements as such.
People mistake anti-SJW with alt-right.
cause altright are anti-sjw
The reason I like you and Jimmy Dore more than other left wing shows though is BECAUSE you slam Shillary and the corporate Dems all the time when others on the "left" won't!!!! But I'm not alt right I'm progressive left.
I think the main reason the progressive channels are growing is because more people are getting into politics after thinking "Why the fuck are we stuck with these two?" during the last election and wanted to learn more. Some went to right wing channels and others came to the left.
Jimmy's channel grew a lot because he filled a void of corporate democrat bashing that was left by a certain other channel
Out of curiosity which channel left behind that mentality?
TYT I'm guessing.
ads, what ads, thank you adblocker.
My question exactly. I use Firefox with the adblocker always on
You guys have grown because you're both awsome and tell the truth and dont bullshit.
Support Secular Talk. It's a voice of sanity in a sea of insanity. Keep up the good work mate
I originally found Kyle because of Bernie in the primaries. I think a lot more people are on board with those policies. I subscribed because of way Kyle always has nuanced responses and presents good data.
I consider myself right wing libertarian and Im a follower. I may not agree with you on everything but you give a great synopsis on the mainstream dems, the media, and especially neocons.
I'm attracted to both shows because you both seem genuine, provide relevant content, have a sense of humor, and have no problem swearing. I feel like for the most part, you're the same guy on and off camera.
I just got a Steven crowder youtube recommendation 😁🔫