Our Unborn Nature/ Adyashanti
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- "This exceptionally clear and engaging satsang explores our most precious gift, 'the great silence of the unborn.' The unborn is that which we were before we were born, are during this life, and will be after death. Until there is a conscious realization of our unborn nature, our experience of life will forever be dominated by the egoic drive to survive. Recorded (full dvd) on February 26, 2005 in Oakland, CA." --- www.adyashanti.org
"If you filter my words through any tradition or '-ism', you will miss altogether what I am saying. The liberating truth is not static; it is alive. It cannot be put into concepts and be understood by the mind. The truth lies beyond all forms of conceptual fundamentalism. What you are is the beyond-awake and present, here and now already. I am simply helping you to realize that." -- Adyashanti
www.adyashanti.... (Adya's free "Teachings" web page with samples in audio, video, and writings)
www.peterspearl... (At the bottom of page there are 4 more audio samples of satsangs and interviews with Adyashanti not found anywhere else on the web)
Thank You Adyashanti. Thank you Todd for sharing this precious Teaching.
adyshanti is a terrific teacher... wise, human, real.
After rereading your post I will say this... If the conditioning is resisting and fighting and attempting to maintain control/dominance then allow it to be as it is compassionately. Resisting the resistance creates more of the internal "war". To end that war compassionate allowance is the best medicine ever.
I believe the biggest problem we have is approaching these teaching with to much grasping when in reality they are meant to be taken very lightly, just as if you were listening to music or a waterfall. As soon as you make any kinda of "statement" it belongs to a "state" and therefore is not absolute truth. So relax and enjoy the ride because you can't really escape it one way or the other.
I attended a retreat six years ago in Santa Cruz. He's the "real deal" if there ever was one!
it just is!!! woohooo!!!
Adyashanti's point of view is to skip that step and live directly from the "unborn", compassionate, relaxed, accepting essence/nature that you have always been no matter the conditioning and discover life from there.
Thank you
No tricking is needed. In fact the opposite is required--- COMPLETE HONESTY. Be compassionate with the conditioning and eventually it will be an ally with the unconditioned nature. This is also known as "letting go" or relaxing or letting thy will be done, etc. You can try this right now as you are, by letting go of any control you are trying exert over life. Explore consciously what happens when and after you do this.
The stillness ,the no thing ,the unborn nature of everyone one same thing while the mind make up of every single human being is different.
A Avadhout.
Sitting and breathing, the two anchors. End of.
Really nice
When you over come your mind you are born again, Read The Present at TruthContest◘Com
this video is amazing i love it.
Also, you can ask the conditioned nature what belief it has about letting the unconditioning to be in the forefront. You might be surprised by the answer. Then you can ask if that belief is really true, how life is when holding that belief, and what life would be like without that belief. Once this inquiry shines light on this the belief it will likely let go of itself. This last bit of inquiry is taught very well by Byron Katie at thework(dot)com.
For me the first few times a lot of anger arose, but it can be very different for you or others. By what you have said I suspect this isn't new for you. But the exploration will never end, will it? Enjoy the ride. Todd
My directions weren't as good as I thought they were. The description box for THIS video is to the immediate right of the video that is playing. It has the "date added", "subscribe to", and then below that is the "(more)" button. Much love.
2 things.
1 - "accepting essence/nature that you have always been no matter the conditioning" suggests that regardless my conditioning my unborn nature will shine through. Thus, I already am. true?
2 - Im sure you can see that the conditioned nature holds a firm stance to maintain its dominance of the organisms navigation. "tricking" the conditioned programming becomes a trickster's method of opening the space for the voice of the unborn.
The conditioned self must become an ally, a platform, an amplifications system for the unborn?
There is a awake master in india his name is ramakant maharaj. Please look him up on google , you will be impressed . Peace
@winstono75 I apologize for making a rather crass statement about Adyashanti. I'm sure he is an extraordinary teacher. I am no one to judge. In answer to your question, I've spent years in the company of Adi Da Samraj and all I can tell you his Spiritual Presence and Transmission is undeniable Divinity in my perception. He was not a public figure. He took mahasamadhi in 2008 but is just as powerfully present now as when he was physically alive.
Do you want to hear lots more Adyashanti for free? Click the "(more)" button in the description section in the right-top hand corner of this page and you will see different links in blue. I personally enjoy the cd's that I have made from downloading these audio samples. Enjoy...
There is no self to get over my friend.
Then, the conditioned nature will have many thoughts. You can watch them from that nonjudgmental point of view and you don't have to believe them and you don't have to act on them. Or--- you can. Let life take the next step. Try this for awhile and give it a chance and see. Enjoy and good luck. Todd.
My friends:
What about man's ideas and teachings? is he wrong or right? where and why?.
who cares that he or anyboy else is divine or not? What is divine any way?
He had some clear, simple and beautiful points..That ego of a man gets its fuel from either of resistance or indulgence. Could somebody let me know why he is wrong?
Thank you
NO; in our unborn nature, we are all unique. Try THAT for a thought, and accept that there's nothing wrong with being who you are, either. No guilt trips or self-pity.
@Countrychiddler Do you have an example of a public person who is divine in your perception?
so.. can I work to condition my personality to allow for the greatest potential ammount of my unconditioned/unborn self to come through and have voice?
or am I running around in circles by making such an attempt?
teach yourself
hey you! Stop arguing!
unborn conditioned = conceptual fabrication/unborn unconditioned =non-conceptual nature. which would you rather be? you are in one or the other at all times.
That shit's pretty tacty if you look at real spiritual literature. Be a man and take on a real Spiritual Master. I'll be right behind ya'.
This guys an ego. It takes one to know one. I've seen the Divine in human form and this guy is not that. He may have a lot of subtle knowledge and intrinsic wisdom but it's all secondary.