What Do You Really Want? / Adyashanti



  • @johnzaldivar551
    @johnzaldivar551 11 років тому +21

    This guy is beyond insightful, he is a freaking western culture modern 'guru'.
    Seriously this guy is freaking enlightened human, a true master.
    Kicking-ass-good!...Excuse my bad expression
    Can't help love this master.
    I really understand this guy! He is clear!
    I'm recommending him to everyone I know!!!!!

  • @chessdude67
    @chessdude67 15 років тому +2

    I am feeling the need to read and listen to others, as I've read and listened to everything Eckhart has put out to the pubic SO many times. I will start with Adyashanti.
    I agree with you, and I will open up to other teachers.
    Thank you.

  • @artmanack
    @artmanack 17 років тому

    I only managed one paragraph of mumbo jumbo you managed 3, wow, you're far wiser than I sir, I bow to your esteemed wisdom. I think I will build an alter in your name and worship it for ever and create yet another religion! I love my neighbour, he's such a sweet guy so I must be doing something right, maybe I will creat another alter for him too!.

  • @wongzoie
    @wongzoie 15 років тому

    Hi chessdude67
    I like both Eckhart & Adyashanti's teachings!
    My advice is just go back watch/listen to Ady. from time to time..a word or two might just enough to get you going!
    I get different things everytime I listen to him. He's really a good teacher... pointing the path!!

  • @ShunyaYoga
    @ShunyaYoga 18 років тому +1

    The Mind gathers and interprets impression from the External. Now, what is meant by the Ego is the tendency of Mind to have preference for certain impressions and hence a greater tendency to consider such as more attractive.

  • @nimim.markomikkila1673
    @nimim.markomikkila1673 9 років тому +9

    "Life sustains itself, even without that impulse to try and sustain life..." That´s it!

    • @apkeeney
      @apkeeney 2 роки тому +1

      It also destroys life

  • @JazzyKat2009
    @JazzyKat2009 13 років тому

    @greenearthnazi20204u J. Krishnamurti was pretty awesome. I'm glad to find someone who truly appreciates him.

  • @notamountain
    @notamountain 14 років тому +2

    Thank you, I feel so blessed to be a recipient of your teachings.

  • @Simon0
    @Simon0 11 років тому

    i totally get that! It is probably a universal experience to experience beautiful things in one part of your life.. and then later it gets taken away. It is never easy i have struggled with the same thing myself.
    For example i meditated for abou5 years and it started to get very deep.. then suddenly i woke up one day and there was a block and i couldnt meditate propeerly anymore. It upset me for about 1 or 2 years then i managed to move on a bit.

  • @Joac0018
    @Joac0018 12 років тому +7

    You're scared of that you don't know.
    - A man who sees reality, a man who knows who he is. Rare being. That's for sure.

    @ASAFYY 16 років тому

    he got to a point that he is connecting to his soul and not to the ego.

  • @victoriadarby1289
    @victoriadarby1289 11 років тому +3

    thank you for sharing this, I was in the right place/time to hear it - really appreciated x

  • @christill21
    @christill21 11 років тому

    all of what he says is true. life has a way of taking care of itself, things will fall into place if you take it easy and dont struggle. when the ego comes back, you begin to struggle and its like walking up stream in strong current.
    my ego is like a road block on a highway that has to be smashed. if i dont chip away at it, my "car" will will repeatedly crash into it.
    this guy is crazily fucking insightful. the funny thing is, i believe anyone can get to that level

  • @ShunyaYoga
    @ShunyaYoga 18 років тому

    Those impressions are very much like "files". Those which Mind are conditioned to find prefereable attractive are taken and moved to bottom of the pile, often times forgetting their presence there, and for the more "attractive" files to be shuffled to the surface. This is the tendency of the Ego.

  • @teamlinx
    @teamlinx 18 років тому

    by ego he means the false sense of self we identify ourselves with. if you can let that go you may find your true self never dies. (that's how i interpreted it)

  • @clearviewmind
    @clearviewmind 18 років тому

    What is there to crush? It's precisely 'ego' that asks the question that is born out of fear "wouldn't we be crushed?"

  • @mawel1955
    @mawel1955 13 років тому

    @chessdude67 I find both easy to understand. In fact after listening to them, I find I can more truly understand Krishnamurti who is sometimes hard to follow. Their teachings are inspired by K, no doubt. Krishnamurti was truly an amazing man. Although at times, I feel that he needed to go into things "more".

  • @chessdude67
    @chessdude67 15 років тому +1

    Thank you for replying. Eckhart is still my number one person. I bought an older DVD from 2001 and love it.
    I will check out these other teachers. Thank you again!

  • @artmanack
    @artmanack 17 років тому +1

    I think that we're pretty much on the same page. I really though seldom read esoteric books, I used to have a library full and read widely on many subjects. One day I cast the lot aside and set off on a journey of discovery based on my own understanding rather than those of another. I travel the world these days and I meet many minds and it's a joy to discuss together in a happy, non-confrontational way matters of life and death. Namaste!.

  • @lomps
    @lomps 18 років тому

    maybe it's a question of willingness & relinquishment, and only when you can trust fully will the doors that need to be opened be opened. takes courage though....

  • @ermiyaswoldearegay9471
    @ermiyaswoldearegay9471 3 роки тому

    Realise your self first, what ever you thought you needed will be also be given to you.

  • @fnog9
    @fnog9 17 років тому

    what do you mean by practical? Personally, I found the Power of Now to be extremely practical, which is exactly why I am finally able to understand Buddhism and other spiritual practices, which used to seem unapproachable. The ability to live in the Now is practical in itself, for love naturally shines through all action while realizing your true nature.

  • @RachelEMacD
    @RachelEMacD 15 років тому

    this guy is really interesting. when you let go of what you really want, and focus on the truth, all that you need comes to you and opens to you. What love!

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u 14 років тому

    @tchiritchou created a successful branch of the Theosophical Society in Germany. He focused on a Western esoteric path that incorporated the influences of Christianity and natural science, resulting in tensions with Annie Besant (cf, Jiddu Krishnamurti, was the incarnation of Maitreya (who was believed to have "over-shadowed" Jesus Christ). (Krishnamurti later repudiated this role and left the Society to pursue an independent career of spiritual teaching.) I

  • @chessdude67
    @chessdude67 15 років тому

    Thank you. I'll look into this.
    Thank you for your advice and time.

  • @sugus80
    @sugus80 17 років тому

    $What you love in him is the divine

  • @tktoadE
    @tktoadE  18 років тому

    My directions weren't as good as I thought they were. The description box for THIS video is to the immediate right of the video that is playing. It has the "date added", "subscribe to", and then below that is the "(more)" button. Much love.

  • @TheRealReasonForDP
    @TheRealReasonForDP 14 років тому

    it seems to become difficult not in letting things happen but making decisions..when we are faced with more than one decision we feel we MUST make a choice and we feel a lot of pressure to do that. How do we flow when there are so many choices to be made? How do we know which is the right one?

  • @Simon0
    @Simon0 11 років тому +1

    in the last two weeks i suddenly had feelings of being a lot more concerned for tohers.. like seeing a fat lady walking down the street looking miserable.. and feeling so upset or sad for her. I thought i twas compassion at first.. but now i am not sure if it si real compassion or it could be some kind of self centered thing.

  • @joinery11
    @joinery11 15 років тому

    Hi chessdude, Ady is one of the best and simplest there is but you could look toward the likes of deepak chopra if you like however Deepak is even more complex and whilst he shares alot of views with Ady he bases alot of what he knows on religion which Ady is less inclined to do. I recommend Adyashantis books, well worth a read.

  • @WutangClan4LiF3
    @WutangClan4LiF3 12 років тому

    i ve experienced it 5 days.. now i m more depressed than ever cause i " lost " it

  • @artmanack
    @artmanack 17 років тому

    You are right to suggest the whole of life is within each of us. Why we look outside of ourselves, reach out to guru's and saints, the church and the masters in order to find enlightenment is beyond me. I think it's because there's so much fear in us. The journey within is challenging and there are no signposts to guide us along the way...

  • @deedoyday
    @deedoyday 13 років тому

    @CultofCthulhu yes, he even says that in a lot of his "teachings".

  • @vikashkrag
    @vikashkrag 9 років тому

    I just want to know, who I am ? why I am here ??
    what the matter of our desire when everything is mortal and temporary...
    so eternal peace must have to be our desire....

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u 13 років тому

    Krisnamurti help me to see the true he truly help me with his teachings but he only points at the truth but just a very little off. i only understood the bible after his teachings . now i have no beliefs and i let everything be as they are and my mind gos quite . i look at what i know 100% .now what Krisnamurti and Adyashanti's dose not say, is something real can easy be turned in beliefs. all government ,laws, religions , prison and good or bad it is real and a belief .

  • @HeavyBarrel
    @HeavyBarrel 13 років тому +1

    My Grandmother came out of semi-consciousness at a hospice for a week. She had alzheimers so she was still confused, but very awake and talking a lot about her parents and things from her youth. Also, said she has to go somewhere. she eventually went back into a semi-conscious state. My family and I whispered to her that its OK to let go, and not to worry because there's nothing left to do here. She died a few days later. I was of course sad, but glad for her.

  • @chessdude67
    @chessdude67 15 років тому

    Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I just joined this channels after having wrongzoie and joinery11. I thank you both. I will go back and start listening to Ady.
    I've read everything, and listened to many dvd's by Eckhart, and need a change. Thank you both again.

  • @rhinohippo
    @rhinohippo 11 років тому +2

    Buddha's 3 marks of existence is impermanence, so you agree with Buddha on that one--"nothing survives". Actually the percentage of people that want to hear what Jesus, Buddha, Adyashanti have to say is very small. It is good that you just don't blindly follow anyone, but this life is very mysterious, isn't it worth investigating what it is to the n'th degree?

  • @kaitlinobrien243
    @kaitlinobrien243 2 роки тому


  • @tktoadE
    @tktoadE  18 років тому

    Do you want to hear lots more Adyashanti for free? Click the "(more)" button in the description section in the right-top hand corner of this page and you will see different links in blue. I personally enjoy the cd's that I have made from downloading these audio samples. Enjoy...

  • @RHODA4649
    @RHODA4649 13 років тому

    @waynebollman You should read a book called 'The origins of Satan by Elaine Pagels. Fundamentalist Christianity is a fear based religion and not what the message of Jesus was about. jesus was talking about being born in the spirit which what Adyashanti is talking about. Its important to look from a wide perspective...

  • @fnog9
    @fnog9 17 років тому

    all of those "authentic" teachers have spoken against idolizing one teacher over another.

  • @holysmile
    @holysmile 14 років тому

    awesome story.........adyashanti is cool

  • @artmanack
    @artmanack 17 років тому

    peace, i will go and look that word up in my dictionary. You assume a great deal sir, do you know me?

  • @hew195050
    @hew195050 Рік тому

    To be free of chronic pain!!!

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u 14 років тому


  • @josephbull6665
    @josephbull6665 2 роки тому +1

    16 years later and I still come back. Now he is hitting 100k+ VIEWS...

  • @atgunchev
    @atgunchev 12 років тому

    comment on "spirituality" that resonates here. a rare find.

  • @squamish4244
    @squamish4244 12 років тому

    I've been prying open doors for a long time. Argh.

    • @squamish4244
      @squamish4244 Рік тому

      And 11 years later, still no success. Terror, confusion, despair. My life was a mess then, and it's a mess now after an appalling amount of very hard work.
      We need better tools, desperately. Adya doesn't have them.

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u 14 років тому

    @tchiritchou I understand what you mean my friend.IS What meant love and peace too you.understand J Krishnamurti quietened my mind then i read and understood the bible .understand the bible is hidden from the wise and fools too. people just don"t a t least any body i know when you see GOD PLAINLY AND HEAR GOD WHEN YOU BEEN THOUGHT BY GOD YOU KNOW LOVE AND PEACE IS WAY AND YOU KNOW NOT TO HATE OR JUDGE AND ALL TRAP, YOU ONLY HAVE TO LOOK AT THE MISTAKE HOLY MEN MADE IN PAST.

  • @thepowerofnow
    @thepowerofnow 17 років тому

    i didnt like too much the guy but indeed the moste important thing is to know who you are. Everything elese its dust in the wind.

  • @artmanack
    @artmanack 17 років тому

    if an experience is immediately lived the whole point is that it should not be processed, the experience just is. The point I make is that man does process,interpret and assimilate and therin lies the curse of human thought. On a practicle level this is sometimes important but when it comes to truth one has to discard this practice. You're repeating my words but in a different form. Any spelling mistakes here? I have a hunch though Mr wise man will know best!

  • @chessdude67
    @chessdude67 15 років тому

    I find it easy to understand Eckhart, but I have a hard time with Adyashanti. Any advice? Does he have easier videos to start with?
    Thank you.

  • @zenrando
    @zenrando 10 років тому +1

    get er dun.!!

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u 14 років тому

    The whole point of JK is that One doesn´t need to b better or worst than anyone (Including J.Christ) , All we need is TO BE.
    And in a world like ours, . Who knows??
    Peace , it´s really hard to find someone who refuses to be the new messiah, and totally reject the idea of being THE guide..people are sheep they need a Shepherd i deeply understand J Krishnamurti it took me awhile i read 1 book 7 times in a month. the silence calls too me the unknown whisper its secret to me.

  • @Empre55
    @Empre55 15 років тому

    I'm subscribin'.

  • @rumioramone
    @rumioramone 2 роки тому

    👁SEER👁 = Self-Eternal-Essence-Realize
    👁SEER👁 = Sustain-Eternal-Essence-Realize
    👁SEER👁 = Sentience-Exist-Exit-Realize
    👁SEER👁 = Surrender-Eternal-Essence-Realize
    Nothing to Lean On... "She saw that all phenomena arose, abided, and fell away. She saw that even knowing this arose, abided, and fell away. Then she knew there was nothing more than this, no ground, nothing to lean on, stronger than the cane she held. Nothing to lean upon at all, and no one leaning. And she opened the clenched fist in her mind and let go, and fell, into the midst of everything."
    The moment that Teijitsu, 18th century abbess of Hakujuan, near Eiheiji, Japan learned to let go.
    This is what the things can teach us:
    to fall patiently, to trust our heaviness
    Even a bird has to do that
    before he can fly. -
    Rilke, Book of Hours, II, 16

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u 14 років тому

    @dustofsoul enlightened ONE IF YOU ONLY KNEW it not a Christian thing. it is real enlightment thing , what is is realty. judging is something to judge. yourself by and others by too make you feel better about yourself . to make you feel secure . most of time judgement is hate .true peace come from love and forgiveness.

  • @mutageno
    @mutageno 13 років тому

    @waynebollman where?

  • @CarsonBoyd
    @CarsonBoyd 15 років тому +1

    Then what remains is too look at where the edge of your love shows up and realize that what lies just beyond that, is God. That's my work as well.

  • @jillkelly1329
    @jillkelly1329 2 роки тому

    😱😱😱so cool!

  • @hnguyen0610
    @hnguyen0610 14 років тому


  • @hopflo11
    @hopflo11 13 років тому

    re: the actual video....lol....i guess the old lady had no fears the ego could throw a tantrum with either...no fear of going crazy, being different...she literally had nothing to lose...

  • @artmanack
    @artmanack 17 років тому

    now, at last, you're talking at a level where I can take the journey with you. You're right to suggest the importance of humour in all this, it's so important to laugh. My concern with the idea of a master is that his ego is such that he sucks people in, that they in turn become slavish to his every word. U.G Krishnamurti was a thoroughly vile ego maniac, his use of language is base to say the least..really quite cruel and sad.

  • @justanotherjam
    @justanotherjam 12 років тому

    I love you.

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u 14 років тому


  • @josephbull6665
    @josephbull6665 2 роки тому +1

    I was 16 when I first watched these

  • @Simon0
    @Simon0 11 років тому

    i also love you.

  • @idrafthalflinger9494
    @idrafthalflinger9494 11 років тому


  • @JazzyKat2009
    @JazzyKat2009 13 років тому

    @greenearthnazi20204u I don't believe Krisnamurti ever "studied" the bible. He says he did not rely on any authority. His enlightenment came from his own soul searching and he asks each one of us to 'go into it ourselves" find out for ourselves. No one can light you lamp, but you.

  • @SkyPilot54
    @SkyPilot54 12 років тому

    money - thats what i want -

  • @ShunyaYoga
    @ShunyaYoga 18 років тому

    That is incorrect. The reason for this is because with the heightened silencing of the ego faculty, what happens is that one puts Mind in the position where Mind has no reference point which may serve the purpose and potential energy of making Mind vulnerable.

  • @Simon0
    @Simon0 11 років тому


  • @waynebollman
    @waynebollman 13 років тому

    I feel the presence of satan here.

  • @WutangClan4LiF3
    @WutangClan4LiF3 12 років тому

    hah what?

  • @Countrychiddler
    @Countrychiddler 14 років тому

    @xjoe1988x God creates nothing. Manifest existance is endless stuff. Pattern patterning. Klik Klak. Klik Klak.
    If you want to realize the truth of this riddle stop thinking of God as creator.
    God is the unmoving source from which all creation springs but "The Dude" has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the results.

  • @artmanack
    @artmanack 17 років тому

    you've been reading too much Krishnamurti, I hope the J and not the U.G!!

  • @chetanarjun
    @chetanarjun 17 років тому

    What a bore...! no grace, no subtilities...i guess i will whatch Osho again and again! So refreshing! Or Eckart, Nisarg Maharaj...