Correction! The fictional town in Connecticut is called winter river, and there is actually no such place, but in 1988, during the first film, it would be harder for a person to find that out....
Does anyone remember how funny and quirky Beetlejuice was? There's a sequel coming in 2024, Beetle2Juice....35 year's later from the original.....jeepers creepers, pumpkin pie, Winona!
Correction! The fictional town in Connecticut is called winter river, and there is actually no such place, but in 1988, during the first film, it would be harder for a person to find that out....
Does anyone remember how funny and quirky Beetlejuice was? There's a sequel coming in 2024, Beetle2Juice....35 year's later from the original.....jeepers creepers, pumpkin pie, Winona!