Day 32 : Was Jesus an unconventional teacher ?

  • Опубліковано 14 бер 2024
  • Was Jesus an unconventional teacher?
    People call him rabí, because they see him as a teacher. It is not just a respectful term of address. His way of encouraging people to live differently fits the image of a teacher in his time. He is not only a prophet announcing the irruption, or in-breaking, of God's reign. He is a wise man, teaching them how to live in response to God.
    But no one confuses him with the interpreters of the law, or with the scribes who work for the priestly hierarchy of the temple. Jesus is not an interpreter of the law. He hardly ever cites the Holy Scriptures, and never quotes the teachers who came before him. He belongs to no school, and fits into no existing tradition. His authority surprises everyone. People have the impression of hearing from him about a radically different way of life.As in all cultures, in the Jewish society of Jesus' time there was a conventional wisdom, shaped over the course of centuries and basically accepted by everyone. Its main source was the law of Moses and the traditions that had been passed down from generation to generation. This religious culture, nurtured with weekly Scripture readings in the synagogues, refreshed in their great celebrations and temple feasts, conserved and updated by its official interpreters, was woven into the whole life of Israel. Internalized in the people's awareness, this religious tradition gave everyone their image of God and the framework of values that shaped their view of life: Israel as the chosen people, its covenant with Yahweh, the law, circumcision, and the sabbath rest. It nourished their identity as children of Abraham. Although Jesus is rooted in the best of this tradition, his teaching has a subversive edge that challenges the conventional religion. One point is clear: the reign of God is coming. People can no longer live as if nothing were happening; they must move from a conventional religion to a life centered on God's reign. What is being taught in Israel no longer provides a basis for life as God wills it. They must learn a new way of responding to the new situation created by the irruption of God.
    Jesus uses the language of popular wisdom to explain his purpose. He's not teaching them to go through the wide door that many people use, which leads to perdition. He wants to show them a new door; it is narrow and not many are going in through it, but it is the way that leads to life. He doesn't want to be a blind guide for these people; there are already many blind persons guiding blind persons, with the likelihood that they will all fall into a pit. Nor does he want to patch an old garment with new cloth, since it only makes a worse tear; or put new wine in old wineskins, since both the wine and the wineskins will be lost. The reign of God requires a new response, capable of transforming everything at its root. New wine goes in new wineskins!
    For your Reflection:
    Do I get inspired by the great teacher, Jesus of Nazareth?
    Our question for tomorrow will be Why love meant so much to Jesus?
    Thank you friends
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