Paladin Sacrifice Breakthrough level 14 | Ragnarok Mobile SEA Eternal Love | Breakthrough Series #1
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Equip Skill Rune Build : • Paladin 1 Hit Shield C...
Demi-Human Headgear : • 1v5v5 Paladin PVP Aren...
After job level 40, we will get quest to breakthrough our job level.
Many skill level are increase beyond their original level.
Oddly for Paladin Breakthrough mostly means more damage based on atk & refine atk.
Even skill that base on defensive value like Sacrifice and Shield Boomerang will also benefit greatly with atk value.
In this 1st video in breakthrough series I will show the potential of
sacrifice build, not full potential since I don't have related equipment especially Holy Avenger.
But I hope it's enough to give the big picture about sacrifice build after Breakthrough.
Not only limited to paladin sacrifice PvP but also on PVE.
If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to hit LIKE and leave a COMMENT down below. SUBSCRIBE for more video.
Any critics and suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Music by: Verse One & Bensound
Setelah job level 40, kita akan mendapatkan quest untuk breakthrough job level kita hingga ke level 70.
Banyak skill yang level maximalnya bertambah dari aslinya.
Anehnya, skill breakthrough paladin kebanyakan malah fokus ke serangan dibanding pertahanan.
Bahkan skill-skill yang basisnya dari status bertahan seperti Shield Boomerang dan Sacrifice juga jadi diuntungkan dengan menambahkan status atk.
Di video ini gw mau nge info in gimana potensi skill sacrifice setelah breakthrough. Gw ga bisa ngasi unjuk full potensi nya sih, karena gw
ga punya equip2 nya. Tapi semoga bisa ngasi gambarang ke temen-temen semua.
Kalo berkenan jangan lupa LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE ya.
kritik dan saran juga sangat diharapkan.
Music by: Verse One & Bensound
The list of possible supporting equipment/item/useful info for sacrifice build:
Holy Avenger: (desc. is not updated)
-> 40% chance AoE Damage, -2% sacrifice HP cost (Lost the advantage of spear quicken?)
Goblin Leader Card (credit to lulabuy):
-> Melee auto attack brings HP Regen equal to 5% damage
Auto Attack Rune Increase Sacrifice Damage (credit to Muhammad Angga)
If you know other equipment/useful info please let us know in the comment.
Boomerang breakthrough video please
Next video will be about shield boomerang breakthrough, already in editing phase, I will try to upload it before weekend
Big Ard naise sir
For Sacrifice Rune Build,you can always add Auto Attack Rune.It significantly increase atk from auto atk.
Muhammad Angga no need to increase atk since damge is based on HP/VIT. Try using hydra card for pvp and for rune, look for hp% it will increase your life + sacri dmge. I dont easily die on pvp’s. I got 85k life on lvl 85pally. 🤤
I think the attack part after breakthrough is affected by Auto Attack rune, the percentage is not as high as the normal attack but it definitely affect the sacrifice after breakthrough
what's intro song?
Bro can hydra card increase sacrificial damage in pvp? Thank you. Nice vid :)
I think the atk part (after breakthrough) is affected by hydra. Thanks mate!
Sir have u tried muramasa auto stun chance for sacri?
nope, but it would be good idea, thanks mate! I will try if I have time (and zenny XD)
Om bikin video build secrifice dengan holy avenger dong.. penasaran lebih work ini atau shield chain
Pinginnya bro, tp lagi ngelengkapin set tanking dulu wkkw, ntar kalo uda lengkap gw bikin secepatnya
thanks broo
Btw did you realize you invented two builds here.The first is a non crit agi spear build without sacrifice,and one WITH Sacrifice.So imo,you can use Spear Quicken as an alternative for your sacrifice build when not PvP-ing.
numpang tanya bruh... sacrifice bisa critical nggak ya?
jadi mungkinkah build cril pally sacrifice?
Setau gw ga bisa bro hehe, tp ngeri bgt kalo bisa
icic. tengkyu bruh infonya.
thx btw buat videonya yg uda menginspirasi.
need to know if sacrifice can crit or not.
I tried it with luck build + luck meal B, it never crit..
buat pvp enak mana bro sama shield chain 60k hahahha
masih enakan shield chain bro wkwkw, kalo abis breakthrough bisa nyampe ampir 100k damage, itu belum pake hydra/skel work card, uda gitu range lagi 4-5 meter.
gila 60k belom pake hydra dan kawan2 nya.. iya bro, gw dari build SB, liat video lu, langsung pindah... itu build ter oke dan ter masuk akal si menurut gwe hahhaha..
salam brp, paladin 90 enak farm exp dimana beroo??
Gw dari 88 di cookie bro, expnya oke dropnya jg (masih) oke, cuma baru bisa 1 hit SC tanpa buff WS pas abis breakthrough hehe.
Punk/orc lady jg oke expnya, ato kalo mau droppan selain cookie paling ke dark priest/ferus masi agak mayan dropnya kalo dijual di exchange.
@@bigard6715 gw masih di punk, rencana mau ke orclady bro , ngejar breakthrough
orc lady oke juga tuh bro
Muridnya selalu siap nge heal, pak guru 🙏🏻 Tolong jgn playdead2 kaya orang susah 🤭 Wkwkwkwk... peace 🤟🏻
wkwkkwkw, selama ga DC aja ya, ato error keluar party jadi malah di bunuh sama gurunya sendiri
wkwkwk betul Pak Guru..muridnya hobi mangkir emang itu
Valchion Nuzhael heeey yg mangkir itu high priest lu yg uda ga tau kmn itu yeee 😤😤 mamah mamah durhaka si Lamethyst wkwkwk.. ninggalin papah Arday sendirian 😢
Shield chain full skill dan status guide bro..please..salam from jakarta..^^
Saya selalu merekomendasikan build tank ketmn2 kepada chanel km dan papa victory
Thanks bgt bro, shield chain kayaknya di episode ke 4 series breakthrough ini, insyaallah kalo ga ada halangan
@@bigard6715 beh mantapp..sukses trus chanel nya bang.penjelasannya sngt detail ky papa victory.suka subs kmren saya. Aku tggu bro build shield chail walthrough nya..
Sedikit masukan ya bang..klo bs per slide demi slide penjelasannya agak di perlambat tempo nya bang tmbhin sedetik2 aja jd bacanya aku ga perlu pause2 hahaha..^^
@@bigard6715 btw saat ini aku bru aja jd paladin job lvl udh14 tp skill sama sekali blm naikin bang krn bingung mau naikin yg apa.aku buildnya SC punya sih.menurut abang gmna?
Dan apa kah SC tetep akan kalah build sma SB utk mvpan secara party bang? Krn dr kmren aku cb ET sndran hanya tembus di 30 lv nya.itu aku udh pke full buff makanan.krn pnya ku baru main str 98 dan dex 40 .blm ada alokasi ke vit.mohon bantuannya bang
Okay bro, ntar gw coba lambatin biar lebih enak nontonnya, thanks ya masukannya
Kalo buat MVPan lebih tergantung ke equip menurut gw. Apalagi waktu nanti uda punya ymir book jadi bisa reset stat sama skill sesuka hati.
Kalo ET malah beberapa yg pake trik mojok, ga terlalu perlu paladin, bahkan bisa monk/knight jg, asal priestnya revivenya cepet.
buy goblin leader card pleaseee :D
So true! 2 goblin leader + holy avenger = sacrifice actually heal you 3% of max hp every hit, theoretically, would love to try/see this build, really
@@bigard6715 Quick question! How goos would a (sword sac build) holy avenger + 2 goblin leader build be in comparison to going to spear quicken sacrifice? Are there any other Sacrifice builds out? Thanks curious to know !
How about holy avenger?
I'll try to make the video after my tanking set is complete, this video only show how the sacrifice work after breakthrough
Sacrifice is always neutral it just affected by magnum break due to its 20% increase in patk
before breakthrough it always neutral, but after breakthrough the atk part is affected by element, great nature increase my damage against punk
one for all haha xD