wow, amazed again. Ankit could you please make a video on how to insert data from one table A into table B using SQL stored procedure, the procedure should be dynamic whenever we do any DML operations in table A, table B has to be updated the same as table A.
For those who are having issue with creation of table and insertion of data: CREATE TABLE int_orders( order_number int NOT NULL, order_date date NOT NULL, cust_id int NOT NULL, salesperson_id int NOT NULL, amount float NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (30, CAST('1995-07-14' AS Date), 9, 1, 460); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (10, CAST('1996-08-02' AS Date), 4, 2, 540); INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (40, CAST('1998-01-29' AS Date), 7, 2, 2400); INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (50, CAST('1998-02-03' AS Date), 6, 7, 600); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (60, CAST('1998-03-02' AS Date), 6, 7, 720); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (70, CAST('1998-05-06' AS Date), 9, 7, 150); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (20, CAST('1999-01-30' AS Date), 4, 8, 1800);
Great video to understand a self join! But I think it doesn't have anything in common with real tasks. I mean if we have one million order rows it will be really complicated to use this approach. And I most likely will choose sub query or window function. Anyway thanks a lot, Ankit!
Without using join clause. Much simpler. A lesser known trick in SQL. select * from int_orders i1 where amount = (select max(amount) from int_orders i2 where i1.salesperson_id = i2.salesperson_id)
my solution- select s.* from int_orders as s join( select salesPerson_id,max(amount) as max_amount from int_orders group by salesperson_id) as b on s.amount = b.max_amount
more simpler approach will joining two tables on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id and b.amount> a.amount where b.amount is null select a.* from int_orders a left join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id and b.amount> a.amount where b.amount is null ;
anki bhai why we cant use this below query ? select order_number, order_date,cust_id, salesperson_id , max(amount) from int_orders group by salesperson_id ;
Sir, could you please let me know if we can join main table with below query on brackets based on salesperson_id select salesperson_id,max(amount) from init_orders group by salesperson_id after joining can we use normal filter to filter at row level like amount>= max_amount. This was your earlier concept where we find minimum customer joining date using cte but this is join where we enclose above query and give alias Kindly let me know if this is possible.
Hey Ankit , did this question using join with a different method. Will this work fine? Please check Select a.* From(select order_number as order_number_a, order_date as order_date_a, cust_id as cust_id_a,salesperson_id as salesperson_id_a, amount as amount_a from [int_orders]) as a inner join (select salesperson_id,MAX(amount) as amount from [int_orders] group by salesperson_id) as b on a.salesperson_id_a=b.salesperson_id and a.amount_a=b.amount
Hi Ankit I did via following method, let me know if it is acceptable :- select t1.* from int_orders as t1 inner join (select salesperson_id, max(amount) as max_amnt from int_orders group by salesperson_id) t2 on t1.salerperson_id = t2.salesperson_id and t1.amount = t2.max_amnt
Ankit bhai. Shouldn't there be a Where clause used instead of HAVING? I think HAVING will work only after the GROUPBY has done it's work. In that case the results would be different? Please help.
Nice concept. Can you solve this as well. Time status 10.01 on 10.02 on 10.03 on 10.04 off 10.07 on 10.08 on 10.09 off o/p: login logout count 10.01 10.04 3 10.07 10.09 2
Can be simply done using this way: with max_sale as ( select salesperson_id, max(amount) as amt from int_orders) select a.order_number,a.order_date, a.cust_id, b.salesperson_id, b.amt from int_orders a inner join max_sale b on b.salesperson_id = a.salesperson AND b.amt = a.amount;
Hi Ankit, I tried the same problem with below query and got the same answer. select a.salesperson_id, max(b.amount) from [int_orders] a left join [int_orders] b on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id group by a.salesperson_id; Would there be any problem in the result of this query if the data scenario changes? or will it work the same as shown in video
Can you write the solution using CTE. I tried but not able to find out. I am new to SQL. with cte sales as select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,max(amount),rank() over(partition by salesperson_id order by order_number) as rn from orders;
with cte as(select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,amount,count(1) over(partition by salesperson_id) as cnt, rank() over(partition by salesperson_id order by amount desc) as rn from int_orders) select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,amount from cte where rn=1 or cnt=1 order by order_number
select A.order_number,A.order_date,A.salesperson_id,A.amount from int_orders as A left join int_orders as B on A.salesperson_id = B.salesperson_id and A.amount < B.amount where B.amount is null
select a.order_number, a.order_date, a.cust_id, a.salesperson_id, a.amount from [dbo].[int_orders] a inner join [dbo].[int_orders] b on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id group by a.order_number, a.order_date, a.cust_id, a.salesperson_id, a.amount having a.amount >= max(b.amount)
select order_number,order_date,cust_id,a.salesperson_id,a.amount from int_orders a join (select salesperson_id,max(amount) as amount from int_orders group by salesperson_id) b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount=b.amount Order by A.order_number
Hi ankit recently I faced an interview with Infosys. He asked me a question consider a arable has 10 records he asked me how will swap the 1 and 6 records in the table record : 1 have the value Infosys record 6 have the value google we must move the google to 1st place and Infosys to 6th place he asked me the query. Please do a video on this question
You can assign some sequence number first and then swap the sequence number using if else . Post that -apply the update on top of the above flow -- took the above examples : select * , case when rnk=1 then 6 when rnk=6 then 1 else rnk end as new_rnk from ( Select *, rank() over(order by order_date) as rnk from int_orders ) a order by new_rnk
Can't we do it this way? Select a.order_number, a.order_date, a.cust_id, a.salesperson_id, b.amount from int_orders as a join (Select salesperson_id, max(amount) as amount from int_orders group by salesperson_id) as b on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id and a.amount = b.amount order by a.order_number
select a.* from int_orders a left join (select max(amount) as max_amt,salesperson_id from int_orders group by salesperson_id) b ON a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount=b.max_amt where b.max_amt in (select amount from int_orders) Is it correct sir?
Spot on stuff! Ankit bhai can you prepare videos where businesses need some specific KPIs or Reports based on SQL. It can be related to HR, Purchase, Sales and so on. Would be helpful! Thanks in Advance.
I tried doing this with ROW number . Here's my query: SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY salesperson_id, ORDER BY amount DESC) AS Ranking from int_orders; What is wrong with it?
The rectified one select * from (SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY salesperson_id ORDER BY amount DESC) AS Ranking from int_orders)a where a.Ranking=1; this should be solution using window functions ( i do understand window functions to be excluded)
Can anyone please confirm whether below solution works for mentioned problem select a.* from int_orders a left join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount
--Solved it without using CTE, Sub Query, Window functions and without watching the video.. will watch video after posting the solution to match the query..:D Select * from int_orders b where exists ( select salesperson_id, max(a.amount) as larget_Value from int_orders a where b.salesperson_id = a.salesperson_id group by salesperson_id having max(a.amount) = b.amount )
Corrected in next attempt: Select a.order_number, a.salesperson_id, a.amount from int_orders a inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id group by a.salesperson_id , a.amount, a.order_number having max(b.amount) = a.amount;
Hi, Can we do this, select max(order_number) as order_number,max(order_date) as dates, max(cust_id) as cust_id, salesperson_id,max(amount) as amt from int_orders group by salesperson_id
select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,max(amount) as amount from int_orders1 group by salesperson_id i mean you have no where mentioned that you want order by order_number
I always try to do the problems without looking at solution first. Thanks Ankit for making these kind of videos. My solution is different, but I don't know if it is more efficient or not. select o1.* from int_orders o1 LEFT JOIN int_orders o2 ON o1.salesperson_id=o2.salesperson_id AND o1.amount
why I dont get any output..with the same: select o1.order_number,o1.order_date,o1.cust_id,o1.salesperson_id,o1.amount from int_orders o1 left join int_orders o2 on o1.salesperson_id=o2.salesperson_id group by o1.order_number,o1.order_date,o1.cust_id,o1.salesperson_id,o1.amount having o1.amount>max(o2.amount); can anyone help me out here?
Would this be acceptable? select distinct t1.* from int_orders t1 join int_orders t2 on t1.salesperson_id = t2.salesperson_id and t1.amount = (select max(amount) from int_orders t2 where t1.salesperson_id=t2.salesperson_id)
select i.* from int_orders as i left join int_orders as o on i.salesperson_id= o.salesperson_id group by i.order_number, i.order_date, i.cust_id, i.salesperson_id, i.amount having i.amount >= max(o.amount)
Is there any extra logic here select salesperson_id,max(amount) from #int_orders group by salesperson_id i got only 4 rows as salesperson_id (No column name) 1 460 2 2400 7 720 8 1800 this will work out right i might be wrong, is there any reason to that extreme i mean like having self join and comparing records and getting output. please correct me if i didn't understood the question
--find largest order by value for each person and order details -- without subquery , cte , window function , temp table drop table int_orders; CREATE TABLE int_orders( order_number number NOT NULL, order_date date NOT NULL, cust_id number NOT NULL, salesperson_id number NOT NULL, amount number NOT NULL ); alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='yyyy-mm-dd'; INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (30, '1995-07-14', 9, 1, 460); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (10, '1996-08-02' , 4, 2, 540); INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (40, '1998-01-29' , 7, 2, 2400); INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (50, '1998-02-03' , 6, 7, 600); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (60, '1998-03-02' , 6, 7, 720); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (70, '1998-05-06' , 9, 7, 150); INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (20, '1999-01-30' , 4, 8, 1800); commit; --solution select max(ORDER_NUMBER) ORDER_NUMBER ,max(ORDER_DATE) ORDER_DATE ,max(CUST_ID) CUST_ID,SALESPERSON_ID,max(AMOUNT) AMOUNT from int_orders group by SALESPERSON_ID having (count(1)=1) union all select a.ORDER_NUMBER,a.ORDER_DATE,a.CUST_ID,a.SALESPERSON_ID,a.AMOUNT from int_orders a inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount > b.amount MINUS select a.ORDER_NUMBER,a.ORDER_DATE,a.CUST_ID,a.SALESPERSON_ID,a.AMOUNT from int_orders a inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount < b.amount ORDER_NUMBER ORDER_DATE CUST_ID SALESPERSON_ID AMOUNT ------------ ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------- 30 1995-07-14 9 1 460 20 1999-01-30 4 8 1800 40 1998-01-29 7 2 2400 60 1998-03-02 6 7 720 SQL>
smaller solution post just started watching the video . select a.ORDER_NUMBER,a.ORDER_DATE,a.CUST_ID,a.SALESPERSON_ID,a.AMOUNT from int_orders a inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount >= b.amount MINUS select a.ORDER_NUMBER,a.ORDER_DATE,a.CUST_ID,a.SALESPERSON_ID,a.AMOUNT from int_orders a inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount < b.amount
@@ankitbansal6 I think we can even further reduce the size of the query..first self join doesn't seem necessary..may be only directly selecting table minus 2nd itself should be fine
Hello Ankit,
Here is my approach.
select o.* from int_orders o left join int_orders o1
on o.salesperson_id=o1.salesperson_id
and o.amount
Great video. Self joins are so powerful yet many people don't know enough about them. Thanks for the video Ankit.
My pleasure
wow, amazed again. Ankit could you please make a video on how to insert data from one table A into table B using SQL stored procedure, the procedure should be dynamic whenever we do any DML operations in table A, table B has to be updated the same as table A.
Thank you. Ok will plan
Your every questions are awesome ankit , I start watching & practing 5 queries each day .....
Great 😊
For those who are having issue with creation of table and insertion of data:
CREATE TABLE int_orders(
order_number int NOT NULL,
order_date date NOT NULL,
cust_id int NOT NULL,
salesperson_id int NOT NULL,
amount float NOT NULL
INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (30, CAST('1995-07-14' AS Date), 9, 1, 460);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (10, CAST('1996-08-02' AS Date), 4, 2, 540);
INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (40, CAST('1998-01-29' AS Date), 7, 2, 2400);
INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (50, CAST('1998-02-03' AS Date), 6, 7, 600);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (60, CAST('1998-03-02' AS Date), 6, 7, 720);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (70, CAST('1998-05-06' AS Date), 9, 7, 150);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (20, CAST('1999-01-30' AS Date), 4, 8, 1800);
You are a saviour!
Very unique like question. It's Like "SONE PE SUHAGAA".
Great video to understand a self join! But I think it doesn't have anything in common with real tasks. I mean if we have one million order rows it will be really complicated to use this approach. And I most likely will choose sub query or window function.
Anyway thanks a lot, Ankit!
Awesome. Learnt something new about something so obvious.
Wow, I watch your videos and learn something new
Hi Ankit,
Isn't it possible to simply just take group by and max on amount:
Select order_number,date,ID,max(amount)
Group by 1,2,3 order by 3:
You will get all orders in output
Yes. I alsu used that only. But as Ankit said, it resulted in all order ids along with max amount. That is unnecessary repeatation in data.
Superb & Outstanding CONCEPT.
You can use lead lag function.
Without using join clause. Much simpler. A lesser known trick in SQL.
select * from int_orders i1
where amount =
(select max(amount) from int_orders i2 where i1.salesperson_id = i2.salesperson_id)
this is pretty common and its not less known. It's a sub query and its not allowed as per the problem statement.
Very usefull video thanks sharing for your time
my solution-
select s.* from int_orders as s join(
select salesPerson_id,max(amount) as max_amount from int_orders group by salesperson_id) as b on s.amount = b.max_amount
Good. We can use window function aslo to get the desired result.
You can not use as per question. Otherwise question is simple 😃
more simpler approach will joining two tables on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id and b.amount> a.amount where b.amount is null
select a.* from int_orders a
left join int_orders b
on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id and b.amount> a.amount
where b.amount is null ;
thanks Ankit..good question
Beautiful solution!!
anki bhai why we cant use this below query ?
select order_number, order_date,cust_id, salesperson_id , max(amount)
from int_orders
group by salesperson_id ;
We need full order details
@@ankitbansal6 we are getting the desired out also what will you with full order details.
Comgratulations on promotion :)
y have u used left join instead of inner join?@Ankit
select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,max(amount) from int_orders
group by salesperson_id----is this works?
select * from int_orders
where amount in
(select max(amount) from int_orders
group by salesperson_id)
order by order_number
This is brilliant.
Great explanation....
The result should be the same if we use inner join instead of left join, right?
could you please let me know if we can join main table with below query on brackets based on salesperson_id
select salesperson_id,max(amount) from init_orders group by salesperson_id
after joining can we use normal filter to filter at row level like amount>= max_amount.
This was your earlier concept where we find minimum customer joining date using cte but this is join where we enclose above query and give alias
Kindly let me know if this is possible.
This works but question is you can't use sub query or temp table
Very nicely explained Ankit 👍🏻
Thank you 😊
Hey Ankit , did this question using join with a different method. Will this work fine? Please check
Select a.*
From(select order_number as order_number_a, order_date as order_date_a, cust_id as cust_id_a,salesperson_id as salesperson_id_a, amount as amount_a
from [int_orders]) as a
inner join
(select salesperson_id,MAX(amount) as amount
from [int_orders]
group by salesperson_id) as b
on a.salesperson_id_a=b.salesperson_id and a.amount_a=b.amount
u are using sub query
Hi Ankit I did via following method, let me know if it is acceptable :-
select t1.* from int_orders as t1
inner join (select salesperson_id, max(amount) as max_amnt
from int_orders group by salesperson_id) t2
on t1.salerperson_id = t2.salesperson_id and t1.amount = t2.max_amnt
With sub query this question is easy. Challenge is doing without subquery or cte or window functions
Hi Ankit,
Here is my solution with using only join:-
select o1.*
from int_orders o1
left outer join int_orders o2
on o1.amount
Simple and Brilliant.......... Pratik!!
Thanks for sharing
We could have used the group by clause also
Ankit bhai. Shouldn't there be a Where clause used instead of HAVING?
I think HAVING will work only after the GROUPBY has done it's work. In that case the results would be different?
Please help.
You can't use aggregation in where
@@ankitbansal6 I understand that Ankit bhai. But in your video results Order 10 is not getting highlighted. Please check.
Nice concept.
Can you solve this as well.
Time status
10.01 on
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login logout count
10.01 10.04 3
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Thank you 😊 will post a video soon
Can be simply done using this way:
with max_sale as (
select salesperson_id, max(amount) as amt
from int_orders)
select a.order_number,a.order_date, a.cust_id,
b.salesperson_id, b.amt
from int_orders a
inner join
max_sale b
on b.salesperson_id = a.salesperson
AND b.amt = a.amount;
It is mentioned that you should not use CTE
@@ankitbansal6 oh noo..oops, my bad !
Yours is a great solution then :)
ankit pls give a better DDL im getting error in creating a table
Sorry about it. I have updated it. Please try again.
why > is used only = is sufficient
good work as always :)
Thank you 😊
Hi Ankit,
I tried the same problem with below query and got the same answer.
select a.salesperson_id, max(b.amount)
from [int_orders] a
left join [int_orders] b
on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id
group by a.salesperson_id;
Would there be any problem in the result of this query if the data scenario changes?
or will it work the same as shown in video
We need full order details for max amount. Not just sales person id ..
Can you write the solution using CTE. I tried but not able to find out. I am new to SQL.
with cte sales as select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,max(amount),rank() over(partition by salesperson_id order by order_number) as rn from orders;
with cte as(select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,amount,count(1) over(partition by salesperson_id) as cnt,
rank() over(partition by salesperson_id order by amount desc) as rn from int_orders)
select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,amount
from cte where rn=1 or cnt=1 order by order_number
select A.order_number,A.order_date,A.salesperson_id,A.amount
from int_orders as A left join
int_orders as B on A.salesperson_id = B.salesperson_id and A.amount < B.amount
where B.amount is null
it is very hard to digest for me what you wrote 🙄🥺
select * from order234 a
where 1 =(select count(distinct amount) from order234 b
where a.amount
No subquery bro
select a.order_number, a.order_date, a.cust_id, a.salesperson_id, a.amount
from [dbo].[int_orders] a inner join [dbo].[int_orders] b
on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id
group by a.order_number, a.order_date, a.cust_id, a.salesperson_id, a.amount
having a.amount >= max(b.amount)
select order_number,order_date,cust_id,a.salesperson_id,a.amount
from int_orders a join
(select salesperson_id,max(amount) as amount from int_orders
group by salesperson_id) b
on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount=b.amount
Order by A.order_number
Thanks man
Hi ankit recently I faced an interview with Infosys. He asked me a question consider a arable has 10 records he asked me how will swap the 1 and 6 records in the table record : 1 have the value Infosys record 6 have the value google we must move the google to 1st place and Infosys to 6th place he asked me the query. Please do a video on this question
You can assign some sequence number first and then swap the sequence number using if else . Post that -apply the update on top of the above flow
-- took the above examples :
select * , case when rnk=1 then 6
when rnk=6 then 1
else rnk end as new_rnk
from (
Select *, rank() over(order by order_date) as rnk from int_orders
) a
order by new_rnk
Can't we do it this way?
Select a.order_number,
from int_orders as a
(Select salesperson_id, max(amount) as amount from int_orders group by salesperson_id) as b
on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id and a.amount = b.amount
order by a.order_number
As per problem sub query not allowed 😊
@UCrmVcaahqeugmWiyIvEeJGQ you are right. Just equal to should be good. Thanks for pointing out.
select a.* from int_orders a
left join (select max(amount) as max_amt,salesperson_id from int_orders group by salesperson_id) b ON
a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount=b.max_amt where b.max_amt in (select amount from int_orders)
Is it correct sir?
Super 👍
Can this work...
Select order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, max(amount) as amt
From int_orders
Group by 1,2,3,4
Nope. Order number will differ for multiple orders by a sales person
@@ankitbansal6 yes, Thank you for the feedback
Unable to get with cte
Iam new to sql
Can anyone suggest best tutorial solution[provided MINUS is allowed] is a little lengthy :)
Good effort
Spot on stuff! Ankit bhai can you prepare videos where businesses need some specific KPIs or Reports based on SQL. It can be related to HR, Purchase, Sales and so on.
Would be helpful! Thanks in Advance.
Thanks Mohit. If you have any use case let me know. I will prepare the video
I tried doing this with ROW number . Here's my query:
SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY salesperson_id, ORDER BY amount DESC) AS Ranking
from int_orders;
What is wrong with it?
Window functions now allowed 😊
@@ankitbansal6 I just tried using it. That's why asking where's my fault?
The rectified one
select * from (SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY salesperson_id ORDER BY amount DESC) AS Ranking from int_orders)a where a.Ranking=1;
this should be solution using window functions ( i do understand window functions to be excluded)
Can anyone please confirm whether below solution works for mentioned problem
select a.*
int_orders a left join int_orders b
on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount
--Solved it without using CTE, Sub Query, Window functions and without watching the video..
will watch video after posting the solution to match the query..:D
Select * from int_orders b
where exists (
salesperson_id, max(a.amount) as larget_Value
from int_orders a
where b.salesperson_id = a.salesperson_id
group by salesperson_id
having max(a.amount) = b.amount
I guess, I messed up.. after watching the video.. as there is where exists subquery.. my bad.. 😮💨
Corrected in next attempt:
Select a.order_number, a.salesperson_id, a.amount from int_orders a
inner join int_orders b
on a.salesperson_id = b.salesperson_id
group by a.salesperson_id , a.amount, a.order_number
having max(b.amount) = a.amount;
Hi, Can we do this,
select max(order_number) as order_number,max(order_date) as dates, max(cust_id) as cust_id, salesperson_id,max(amount) as amt
from int_orders
group by salesperson_id
That will give wrong output
select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,max(amount) as amount from int_orders1 group by salesperson_id
i mean you have no where mentioned that you want order by order_number
We want order details of highest amount order by each sales person
select order_number,order_date,cust_id,salesperson_id,amount from int_orders
group by salesperson_id HAVING max(amount) order by amount desc
I always try to do the problems without looking at solution first. Thanks Ankit for making these kind of videos. My solution is different, but I don't know if it is more efficient or not.
select o1.* from int_orders o1 LEFT JOIN int_orders o2 ON o1.salesperson_id=o2.salesperson_id AND o1.amount
can u explain why u did o2.order no is null
why I dont get any output..with the same:
select o1.order_number,o1.order_date,o1.cust_id,o1.salesperson_id,o1.amount
from int_orders o1 left join int_orders o2 on
group by o1.order_number,o1.order_date,o1.cust_id,o1.salesperson_id,o1.amount
having o1.amount>max(o2.amount);
can anyone help me out here?
Would this be acceptable?
select distinct t1.*
from int_orders t1 join int_orders t2
on t1.salesperson_id = t2.salesperson_id and t1.amount = (select max(amount) from int_orders t2 where t1.salesperson_id=t2.salesperson_id)
no sub queries allowed
select i.* from int_orders as i
left join int_orders as o on i.salesperson_id= o.salesperson_id
group by i.order_number, i.order_date, i.cust_id, i.salesperson_id, i.amount
having i.amount >= max(o.amount)
it can simply achieve by this way without join option, code below:
select salesperson_id,max(amount)
from int_orders
group by salesperson_id
We need full order details in output
@@ankitbansal6 got it bro thanks
Is there any extra logic here
select salesperson_id,max(amount) from #int_orders group by salesperson_id i got only 4 rows as
salesperson_id (No column name)
1 460
2 2400
7 720
8 1800
this will work out right i might be wrong, is there any reason to that extreme i mean like having self join and comparing records and getting output. please correct me if i didn't understood the question
We need full order details not Just 2 columns
@@ankitbansal6 ohh yeah yeah got it sorry my mistake. Thank you for the reply
--find largest order by value for each person and order details
-- without subquery , cte , window function , temp table
drop table int_orders;
CREATE TABLE int_orders(
order_number number NOT NULL,
order_date date NOT NULL,
cust_id number NOT NULL,
salesperson_id number NOT NULL,
amount number NOT NULL
alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='yyyy-mm-dd';
INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (30, '1995-07-14', 9, 1, 460);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (10, '1996-08-02' , 4, 2, 540);
INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (40, '1998-01-29' , 7, 2, 2400);
INSERT INTO int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (50, '1998-02-03' , 6, 7, 600);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (60, '1998-03-02' , 6, 7, 720);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (70, '1998-05-06' , 9, 7, 150);
INSERT into int_orders (order_number, order_date, cust_id, salesperson_id, amount) VALUES (20, '1999-01-30' , 4, 8, 1800);
from int_orders
having (count(1)=1)
union all
from int_orders a
inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount > b.amount
from int_orders a
inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount < b.amount
------------ ---------- ---------- -------------- ----------
30 1995-07-14 9 1 460
20 1999-01-30 4 8 1800
40 1998-01-29 7 2 2400
60 1998-03-02 6 7 720
smaller solution post just started watching the video .
from int_orders a
inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount >= b.amount
from int_orders a
inner join int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount < b.amount
Thanks for posting 👏
@@ankitbansal6 I think we can even further reduce the size of the query..first self join doesn't seem necessary..may be only directly selecting table minus 2nd itself should be fine
because second self join gives all the smaller sales except largest one and substracting it from main table should be fine to give the desired result.
SQL> --full table
from int_orders a
--all smallers except largest
from int_orders a
inner jSQL> oin int_orders b on a.salesperson_id=b.salesperson_id and a.amount < b.amount;
------------ --------- ---------- -------------- ----------
30 14-JUL-95 9 1 460
40 29-JAN-98 7 2 2400
60 02-MAR-98 6 7 720
20 30-JAN-99 4 8 1800