I think it would be a good idea to make a platform to stand on comming off the rollers frame. First off that would add more weight to the roller and 2nd you don't have to walk behind it. Just like thoes stand up mowers that look similar to this setup.. looks like a great idea. I need my yard rolled. We have a mole problem in the states. I have it bad in my yard. Thanks
You need to roller a lawn regularly if you want it to look good and not uneven to walk on although you must also remember to spike every now and then to help with drainage. I have a couple of old Suffolk Punch mowers with decent rollers I use just to keep the lawn level otherwise I mow it with a regular rotary mower as the blades on the cylinder cutting wheel don't last long finding springs from the odd peg or stones coming off the textured finish on the garage..... Good build and as good video, cheers.
On peut mieux faire, diviser le rouleau en trois parties, deux montées à la place des roues du motoculteur et la troisième attelée à l'arrière pour "rouler" la partie centrale 😉
We do it in the states from the winter months the ground gets so wet it gets soft and become very unlevel and very ruff to drive a mower across it. When you roll it at the beginning of the mowing season we do it on a day where the soil is soft from a fresh rain as to be able to compact it back down to make a level ground again. Then some people pull the roller behind a mower to lay the grass into a pattern going back and forth to make nice lines like a baseball field or soccer field. Hope that clears it up my friend.
To je za napravljeno za ekipu koja održava prvoligaške nogometne terene, uređuju okućnice, no prije svega profesionalci su za travu...Navodno nakon prozračivanja travnjaka, gnojenja itd. slijedi valjanje valjkom, i do sad su imali ručni valjak i težak je bio no sad im je ovo idealno.
Vrlo domišljato,super valjak mnogo bih pomogao i u poljeprivredi,svaka cast
Možda si trebao postaviti mjesto za stajanje na konstrukciju tako da ne moraš hodati iza mašine.
I think it would be a good idea to make a platform to stand on comming off the rollers frame. First off that would add more weight to the roller and 2nd you don't have to walk behind it. Just like thoes stand up mowers that look similar to this setup.. looks like a great idea. I need my yard rolled. We have a mole problem in the states. I have it bad in my yard. Thanks
Evo ti ideje za Update na valjku, mozes da navaris jedan ram pozadi i tako da samo stanes gore iza valjka i ne moras da ides za njim peske.
Add a window wiper style blade for cleaning the drum.
your work is professional, your workshop is top
Привет, так за ней не набегаешься, сделай место чтоб сидеть и управлять!)
trebao si staviti na valjak da mozes stajati na njemu, lakse za koristiti a i dodatna tezina
Salve, io ci ho messo un seggiolino per non camminare a piedi e stare più comodi, lo usiamo per fare le piazzole a gli alberi di ulivi. 😁😉💪👍
You need to roller a lawn regularly if you want it to look good and not uneven to walk on although you must also remember to spike every now and then to help with drainage.
I have a couple of old Suffolk Punch mowers with decent rollers I use just to keep the lawn level otherwise I mow it with a regular rotary mower as the blades on the cylinder cutting wheel don't last long finding springs from the odd peg or stones coming off the textured finish on the garage.....
Good build and as good video, cheers.
Ich hätte da noch ein Trittblech zum draufstehen rangeschweißt . Mehr Gewicht und mehr Spaß bei der Arbeit . Mfg.
Malo produžiti okvir i staviti stolicu
Bravo 💪😂😁
Well done !
Nice video
I replaced my cultivator wheels with concrete filled buckets. Good enough for my use.
So Perfekt
Ovo Meni treba uzasno sada hahah pozdrav brate !
Hehe nije teško za napravit😁
I like this😁
what engine you use?
😂😂😂😂 mit dem teil würd ich voll auf den Mund Fallen
Why do we need to roll the ground?
Did you make welding table?
Прошу тебя сделай прицеп для велосепеда ПОЖАЛУСТА
On peut mieux faire, diviser le rouleau en trois parties, deux montées à la place des roues du motoculteur et la troisième attelée à l'arrière pour "rouler" la partie centrale 😉
Koliko dugo vec imas taj einhelov braslles solo udarni odvijac i kako se pokazao,planiram kupnju istog.
imas na kanalu video
Wann machst du weiter mit dem 6x6 Projekt
Should make so u can stand on it for weight
That's what I thought he was going to do was ride on it
Надо было сиденье к катку приделать , что б не ходить пешком .
I wanted to ask when you will continue with the bmw pickup. The last video was 11 months ago, which is why I wanted to ask. Best regards
Did ur friend pay u for the roller
Zdravo, gde moze da se kupi ovakav tocak? Imam isto ovakvu frezu, trazim slican tocak kao na snimku, ja pravim valjak za valjanje teniskih terena.
Iskreno ne znam, dobio sam ga od kolege da mu napravim valjak...Po izgledu ja bih rekao od neke preše...
Koliko je tezak valjak?
novi pistol za bojanje
Hiii bro
Habis berapa juta itu bang biaya pembuatan nya??
dali je valjak na prodaju?
Noup 😉
Jel mozes rec zasto to radis?
@@zanko7007 znam to,nego pitam zasto valja travu
@@zanko7007 da bolje raste ili zbog neceg drugig
@@zanko7007 ok
We do it in the states from the winter months the ground gets so wet it gets soft and become very unlevel and very ruff to drive a mower across it. When you roll it at the beginning of the mowing season we do it on a day where the soil is soft from a fresh rain as to be able to compact it back down to make a level ground again. Then some people pull the roller behind a mower to lay the grass into a pattern going back and forth to make nice lines like a baseball field or soccer field. Hope that clears it up my friend.
To je za napravljeno za ekipu koja održava prvoligaške nogometne terene, uređuju okućnice, no prije svega profesionalci su za travu...Navodno nakon prozračivanja travnjaka, gnojenja itd. slijedi valjanje valjkom, i do sad su imali ručni valjak i težak je bio no sad im je ovo idealno.
Staje sa BMW
Majstore daj nam kakvu zgrtalicu za snijeg za motokultivator, nemamo svi one kosilice ko kod tebe
Imaš na kanalu 😉
@@DShomemade Stariji video pa promakao, hvala lepa
Ovo ne služi ničemu
Cemu bi to trebalo sluziti ?
Posle košenja ili?
You are so right about that it was just the waste of time and money and effort to.
You are so right about that it was just the waste of time and money and effort to
great job ❤. let's interact😅