Sweden: Truth, lies & manipulated narratives? - BBC Newsnight

  • Опубліковано 24 сер 2018
  • A film about Sweden. But also about us. And liberal democracies everywhere.
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  • @LaGantoise
    @LaGantoise 5 років тому +77

    The lawyer and police officer can't say what they think on camera because they will lose their job. The irony also is that Husseyn who's parents came here for a better life now gets pushed back for new luck seekers.

    • @Wulfzz
      @Wulfzz Рік тому +6

      You're reading your own biases into their minds because they were very clear about what they think. Just because you think those things doesn't mean everyone else does as well.

    • @TTCanadaJapan
      @TTCanadaJapan Рік тому

      @@Wulfzz ahh the classic delusional white liberal

    • @yourfriends
      @yourfriends Рік тому

      Have you heard of “freedom of speech”. This is something you right-wing people don’t have. Don’t be delusional; they have stated their opinion candidly

  • @UranijaZeus
    @UranijaZeus 5 років тому +70

    Wow that policeman is clearly scared to talk honestly.

    • @Wulfzz
      @Wulfzz Рік тому +2

      He is clearly very open and honest in his communication. Stop reading your stupid values into his mind.

    • @miou-miou-
      @miou-miou- Рік тому +9

      ​@@Wulfzz oh we know what he was thinking, you can tell by just reading his body language.
      he looked nervous as hell, and for good reason too, since the refugees (not to be confused with immigrants) aren't scared of committing heinous crimes while living in sweden.
      i live in one of the most calm areas in my city, but... in the last ten years or so, things have gotten out of control.
      my friend got jumped once.. he got stabbed with a knife a few times..
      and in my usually calm area i heard a loud as hell *"BOOOOOM"* at around 03:00.
      as i went outside the morning after i saw the apartment building across from mine, somebody told me a police officer lived in an apartment there and they tried blowing him up while not even considering all the other people in the building.
      and about 3-4 years ago, it was summer and i had my windows open when i suddenly hear shots going off somewhere not that far from where i live.. since i have no tv or radio i decided to call my parents and asked if they had heard anything on the news, she hadn't..
      about 15 minutes after the shooting ended i was still on the phone and i could hear the sounds of helicopters, that's when i got confirmation on what i thought was going on, turned out i was right about what had happened and i had to do was to LISTEN, i never saw anybody.
      this has simply become such a common thing these days that you barely register what is happening.. and these are just some of the stuff i heard or seen for myself.
      and lets not even pretend we are ok with a rapist was imprisoned for a short amount of time before being let go of him because apparently he was 17 and wrongly imprisoned, so how does sweden deal with "young" criminals who rape girls?
      we give them almost a million SEK, duh, i mean he was clearly the victim here for being locked up a short time after having raped a girl..
      i apologize for my wall of text, but i tend to get a bit frustrated when people downplay the very real situation we're living in.
      when the current leading party (sossarna) just wants to virtue signal and call SD nazis when in fact SD formed several decades after the war ended.
      whereas "sossarna" and swedens "rasbiologi" sort of inspired hitler an his future "hobby".
      so during this upcoming election, do the right thing, don't give "sossarna" the only thing they actually want from you.
      because we wouldn't want to end up with even more crazy politicians.. i say vote for centerpartiet, yeah sure.. they like having intercourse with little children.. but hey, at least they are not hitler!

    • @pargolf3158
      @pargolf3158 Рік тому

      @@Wulfzz stop hiding your stupid head in the sand

    • @Montestuma
      @Montestuma Рік тому

      @@Wulfzz That was a remarkably stupid comment you made.

    • @zuluecho8847
      @zuluecho8847 Рік тому

      @@miou-miou- Well said. and I hope that the Swedish people that are still in denial thinking that talking about the matter is "racist" will wake up. The country is in danger, the future of the peaceful and hardworking Swedes is in danger. Elections are soon and for the love of god Swedes WAKE UP and take back your land and protect your culture, there's absolutely nothing wrong in doing that. its time for Sweden to be strong again, at the moment its weak frail and dark. its future is in jeopardy. Vote for the preservation of your country SWEDES not for anything else this time.

  • @Maviel85
    @Maviel85 5 років тому +142

    2nd and 3rd generation does not mean their values have changed from the values they've been taught by their peers and parents. If they grow up in the same area around the same people, never getting any other input, of course the same problems persist and never change. Doing poorly in school and having a rough childhood does not excuse or automatically lead to burning cars, selling drugs and murder. That leap is in logic is just lunacy.

    • @Wulfzz
      @Wulfzz Рік тому +9

      What leap in logic exactly? You're the one who's making a bunch of assumptions about people's values. Nobody said doing poorly in school and having a rough childhood automatically leads to (or excuses) those things. The police officer was very clear about there being many different factors.
      Claiming that this has anything to do with a imaginary *bad* value system held by immigrants who come here is the real leap in logic.

    • @Maviel85
      @Maviel85 Рік тому +20

      @@Wulfzz Harming the society one lives in, the other citizens and choosing not to become a functioning member of society is a choice.
      This is entirely a cultural and value problem. Unless you actually live here and realise exactly why that officer said what he said, and in the way he said it all those years ago, then you have no idea.
      The discussion and reasons they actually talk about NOW is literally what I wrote 3 years back in the comment you just replied to.
      They finally talk about and admit the problems.

    • @Seriouskai
      @Seriouskai Рік тому +10

      @@Maviel85 Not to mention actively staying away from Swedish society and not wanting to take part in it. There's people where I live that keep their women stuck at/around home, away from other people. How can they become a part of our society then, when not allowed to even try?
      Too many people turn blind eyes to the issue, or pretend it's something else, or just doesn't have the capacity to see more of the picture. Yes, there's various reasons for the problems and not just one, but you need to admit the problems exist and what they are even if you personally don't like them all. We're all supposed to be able to live together, yet we handpick who is good or bad all the time based on ideology and personal preferences...

    • @MirceaBv
      @MirceaBv Рік тому +11

      @@Wulfzz We got a liberal here folks. Let me tell you something honey, my grandfather who's been to school only two years, escaped deportation to Siberia by the Russians, having lost one eye in the war while being buried by an artillery shell, found his family property confiscated by the communists when he returned from front and having to raise two children being the only one working in a concrete factory where he had to walk 7 km everyday because the road was not proper for a bicycle and a car was out of question.
      That being said, he never beat anyone, never engaged in drug trafficking, never stole something, burned cars or got offended for someone's different religious views.
      These people come from dictatorships that exist because they are the only way to keep them under control. If Saddam did not exist he would have been invented. When presented with the freedom to chose their future what did the Iraq majority chose? Fight for the sake of religious sect which resulted in chaos! Who's fault is here, US and Bush? Same with most arab countries.

    • @nunodeazevedo
      @nunodeazevedo Рік тому +3

      @@MirceaBv true

  • @ruzzelladrian907
    @ruzzelladrian907 5 років тому +34

    I didn't really get anything substantial from this documentary.

    • @SmigGames
      @SmigGames 5 років тому +7

      The point was that both narratives are exaggerations.

    • @saltymonke3682
      @saltymonke3682 4 роки тому +7

      Political correctness is dangerous

  • @Trolligarch
    @Trolligarch 5 років тому +77

    1:32 and 5:17 are genius.
    Wonderful demonstration at how you can present the same facts and come to two separate conclusions simply due to narrative.

    • @Trolligarch
      @Trolligarch 5 років тому +13

      Absolute Mad Lad Except that word is different to every person. You disagree with the optimistic (or to you - deluded) liberal viewpoint which is why you believe BBC is propaganda. To liberals, news outlets like Fox, RT and Breitbart is right-wing propaganda.

    • @jaaaaaan26
      @jaaaaaan26 5 років тому +7

      Hey everybody! Absolute Mad Lad is correct about something! lets all congratulate him, he is saving the world, what a good little boy, pet on head.

    • @jaaaaaan26
      @jaaaaaan26 5 років тому +2

      hahhahahahah! you just confessed to being a fargot SJW! if you are conserned about your ancestors then maybe start with losing your virginity.

    • @hadayimosi
      @hadayimosi 5 років тому +1

      Jan Hökefjård
      Woah, woah, what is with this poorly spelt homophobia? Aren't you of the tolerant left? You just lost your Commie Card.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому +1

      True journalísm would have been to show críme stats, especíally víolent críme stats, by ràce.

  • @marykinuthia5780
    @marykinuthia5780 5 років тому +97

    Why are they destroying themselves?

  • @voranartsirisubsoontorn9010
    @voranartsirisubsoontorn9010 5 років тому +8

    The truth is less people are willing to tell the truth.

  • @gabrieldeluca9790
    @gabrieldeluca9790 5 років тому +17

    This documentary ended with more doubts than answers.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      True journalísm would have been to show críme stats, especíally víolent críme stats, by ràce.

  • @mariaestherrivas4988
    @mariaestherrivas4988 5 років тому +9

    "Don't believe everything you see on tv".

  • @Zulujin
    @Zulujin Рік тому +6

    I know this is an old video by now, but crime is always a class question, and not a question about race or anything else of that nature. immigrants tend to be over-represented amongst the poorer classes.
    This is what happens when you take in a boatloads of people and stick them in areas where everyone who lives there is another immigrant. They don't interact with the native swedish culture, they have a harder time integrating themselves, learning the language, educating themselves and getting jobs.
    This in turn can lead to crime. and of course this is an oversimplification. but the problem is not new or unique. But it is easy to just blame "immigrants" as a group, but the issue is more complex than just taking a look at a group based on where they're from and say that this is the root cause

    • @bunjijumper5345
      @bunjijumper5345 10 місяців тому

      This is more than that, this is about religion. As a former Muslim, I wish people would start being honest because it only hurts Muslims.

  • @stevemygoodman7809
    @stevemygoodman7809 5 років тому +26

    Just go to the vulnerable areas without the police... if crime is down, what is the problem?

  • @irishconstitution3240
    @irishconstitution3240 5 років тому +25

    "Half truths, lies and manipulated narratives." Good description of how BBC news downplays the seriousness of the situation in Sweden.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      Exactly! They should show pics of all people who commít víolent crímes, all, go ahead. Let’s see what the truth really is. I’ve looked at all I can find and most are not natíve Swedes. Then they should show a pic of the victíms, all that are no longer with us, go ahead what is there to híde.
      It’s not a probłem of having nothíng to do, how idiotíc is that? It’s a culturał probłem and their attítudes towards víolence. It isn’t all of the new guests. However, if there is a dísproportionately large problem (and there is) from the new group we let in, we must not pretend that this probłem doesn’t exíst.
      It’s like welcoming people into your home and they intentionally break stuff, punch your wífe in the face, ràpe your daughter and and shít on the floor. You wouldn’t let them stay, would you? Of course not, well a country must do the same and protect itself (protect its people too).
      Organize now, this isn’t a vígilante mob, this is simply people protecting ourselves and getting ríd of the people causing trouble. Unwelcome guests that spít in our face and that must be kicked out and kept out! The wøke people caused billíons in damage, burnt down businesses and attacked people in Ameríca. All over one incident, one, that involved a drüg addíct with a record and three políce offícers (one whíte, one Błack, and one Asían). Never mind that this was a statistical outlier and not the norm (they don’t want to discuss actual stats). Well how many more víctims before we say enough is enough (where the stats back up our concerns)? It’s past time to do something about this and we must do it now!

    • @lizzylivin6930
      @lizzylivin6930 9 місяців тому

      How he literally went there and filmed what he saw and heard and compared it to the false exaggerated news reports..

  • @Dominic-fd2wz
    @Dominic-fd2wz 5 років тому +16

    Would Sweden have been better off without mass immigration from the third world?
    Did anyone vote to eventually become a minority in their own country?
    If multiculturalism has failed, why do European leaders continue allowing mass immigration?
    Will the BBC ever address these and other vital questions?

    • @krisradjpaul278
      @krisradjpaul278 Рік тому +5

      Spot on, the bbc trying to make a balanced documentary is a joke.

    • @pargolf3158
      @pargolf3158 Рік тому +1

      see @3:32

    • @astronaut8917
      @astronaut8917 Рік тому

      its all part of the kalergi plan and the WEF's vision of weakening western nations so they will be easier to take over

    • @johnteets2921
      @johnteets2921 Рік тому +1

      I'm sure the BBC will not be offended by the reply that U Tube deleted.

    • @axdde6428
      @axdde6428 Рік тому

      They would have

  • @MissAndret
    @MissAndret 5 років тому +60

    It makes me sad to see this as I absolutely LOVE Sweden and its culture/people. I guess it goes up there just like in the rest of Europe. It’s the denial that’s tragic. It’s this “blindness” that will destroy the Europe we know and cherish. #WakeUp

    • @zuluecho8847
      @zuluecho8847 Рік тому

      Sadly the Swedish culture and the ethnic swedish people will go extinct in something around few decades if they continue living in denial and believe that their government in power is doing more good than harm. its a complete catastrophe to the country and I hope that they wake up and reclaim their country before it slips away from them.

  • @M1911jln
    @M1911jln Рік тому +4

    Some years back, I was at a shooting match in New England and was listening to a couple of local police officers chat -- they were also competing at the match. One officer said to the other, "I heard you had some excitement Friday night." The other officer responded, "it was NHI."
    It took me a while to figure out that bit of police officer dark humor. By NHI, he meant "no humans involved." In other words, it was two gang members shooting each other. That's the most common type of shooting here in the US -- drug gang members shooting their rivals.

  • @unspecifiedsender9035
    @unspecifiedsender9035 5 років тому +52

    The way this piece was presented should be commended, great work BBC

    • @sgtlionDk
      @sgtlionDk Рік тому

      John Pilger - Freedom Next Time

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому +2

      True journalísm would have been to show críme stats, especíally víolent críme stats, by ràce.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому +3

      @UC4tPlS2ex29ycm2Tzm8AmCA This specific video, the BBC “reporter” should have researched and posted víolent críme stats by ràce year over year.

  • @frankzanka648
    @frankzanka648 5 років тому +154

    Sickening politically correct.

    •  5 років тому +10

      Did you even watch it?

    • @frankzanka648
      @frankzanka648 5 років тому +2

      Of course I did it.

    • @frankzanka648
      @frankzanka648 5 років тому

      Migrants put Sweden's cozy Nordic Model under pressure - Reuters
      www.reuters.com/.../us-europe-migrants-sweden-insight-i... - Traduci questa pagina
      7 lug 2016 - Migrants put Sweden's cozy Nordic Model under pressure. Niklas Pollard, Johan Ahlander. 8 Min Read. STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedes ...

    • @PeterKarlssongod
      @PeterKarlssongod 5 років тому +7

      are you sure you watched? What was the last thing he said? And you go and pull up the most skewed documentary out there. What did that police say about political correct? PC is narrative only the true rasist use in order to undermine the true problems behind segregation and totally left out of society... Get a grip!

    • @MauroRincon
      @MauroRincon 5 років тому

      Did you watch it?

  • @hejhejhej9519
    @hejhejhej9519 3 роки тому +21

    that police officer had to anwser the question about immigrants shooting eachother up in the way he anwsered, because if he had told the truth which he knew was true too, he would have lost his job and become labeled as a rascist.
    This is why alot of people here in sweden don't want to speak the truth, even if they know it is the truth.
    If they do, they will risk loosing everything that they have in their lives, family, job, and friends.

    • @pargolf3158
      @pargolf3158 Рік тому +1

      Yup @3:32

    • @yourfriends
      @yourfriends Рік тому

      @@pargolf3158 Have you heard of “freedom of speech”. This is something you right-wing people don’t have. Don’t be delusional; they have stated their opinion candidly

    • @pargolf3158
      @pargolf3158 Рік тому +1

      @@yourfriends Please explain

    • @yourfriends
      @yourfriends Рік тому

      @@pargolf3158 these shootings are due to the vicious cycle of poverty

    • @yourfriends
      @yourfriends Рік тому

      @@pargolf3158 these immigrants are in the country since the 90’s as the guy explained
      Many are poor. Poverty leads to the parents not being able to educate their children and take care of them. This poor education and being neglected leads to lower chances of getting a job. They end up resorting to crime

  • @rebeccamadsen4509
    @rebeccamadsen4509 3 роки тому +31

    "did you see what happened in sweden last night?"
    "Nothing happened in sweden that night" 😂

    • @Monkeh516
      @Monkeh516 2 роки тому

      What happened that night?
      I'm just curious.

    • @annikamyren3026
      @annikamyren3026 2 роки тому +7

      @@Monkeh516 inte ett skit

    • @Pannkakaize
      @Pannkakaize 2 роки тому +6

      There was a big immigrant riot when Trump Said that.

    • @hangemhigh7069
      @hangemhigh7069 Рік тому

      No but next day u idiot!

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      Trump said that because he saw the news “yesterday” but it actually happened the day before. Something this video left out and simply said it wasn’t true, that nothing happened “yesterday”. While leaving out it actually happened the day before that. Not exactly what I would call “journalísm”

  • @chick3n71
    @chick3n71 5 років тому +32

    You can see a fair bit of dissonance from the police chief, from 15:40 to 16:35, you can see him struggling with himself in the conversation. First he raises the problem of integration, and admits that saying this would land him being branded a racist and even a Nazi, but then promptly said this behavior indeed qualifies as Nazi. When the reporter probed his response by saying something like ignoring the problem actually also harms the migrants, the chief immediately deflects and claims the statement as the reporter's interpretation, though his reaction exudes the feeling that he implicitly agrees but is afraid to be held accountable for the comment. The struggle of the desire for responsibility and truth against the fear for social alienation is quite palpable and real.

    • @avab4035
      @avab4035 Рік тому +2

      no. there is no dissonance in the police chief thinking or words, simply the truth is more complex and there is more than one reason for things

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому +3

      @@avab4035 The truth could have been cleared up with just showing the actual críme stats, especially the víolent críme stats by ràce. Also, where you are born. doesn’t mean you are automatícally part of the natíve cułture that is there. Culturał attiíudes about víolence and dífferences are much more factors than just boredom (from having nothing to do).

    • @Ava-cy6qw
      @Ava-cy6qw Рік тому +1

      @@GhostSal yes, you are right, it is little shocking though that being born in a country, one still may not fully integrate, and yet it happens across the board, in Canada as well, but far less I believe. North America has lots of job opportunities and incentives for a career advancement compared to Europe, me thinks 🙂 In Europe, 'good' jobs, per se, seem restricted to the native native population while in Canada while it happens also, immigrants and second generation immigrants get government jobs, buy big houses, big cars, etc etc :-)

    • @GeM-pr8xm
      @GeM-pr8xm Рік тому

      good points. in my opinion he does not say that this behavior qualifies as Nazi, his 16:03 "because its true" relates to his former comment "we are not integrating good enough"

    • @Maya-yl8gh
      @Maya-yl8gh Рік тому

      Probably lost his job after this aired

  • @russianbot6994
    @russianbot6994 5 років тому +52

    Ok BBC , and Tommy was
    Wrong about Didsbury mosque
    Aswell was he ????

    @ARE_YOU_SICK_OF_YT_CENSORSHIP 5 років тому +23

    this report would have us believe that impression of Sweden's problems is just the product of our exaggerated expectations due to its image and of our skewed perception
    the BBC used to gloss over these matters, now they try to downplay them
    previously they would keep the audience in the dark, now they suddenly lecture it on how to see properly

  • @gailchuda
    @gailchuda 5 років тому +45

    This is how documentaries should be - Balanced! Hope to see more....

  • @NicoleS16
    @NicoleS16 5 років тому +3

    And people want America to have an open door policy. This is what liberalism does. Thank god we have trump to stop shit like this.

  • @bb4380
    @bb4380 5 років тому +20

    "beware the simple narrative" -- advice that must be heeded ALWAYS

  • @zpetar
    @zpetar 5 років тому +4

    1:38 "generous welfare payments" They didn't come to Sweden to work and to be productive part of society. What they want is welfare payments. Not everybody but huge number of them.

  • @waltbroedner4754
    @waltbroedner4754 Рік тому +3

    Coincidental that the Swedish success story has been dwindling since neo-liberalism started being adopted there in the last 15 years?

  • @kerrell95
    @kerrell95 5 років тому +18

    Living in a country for generations does not make you a Swede or German etc.
    If your second generation and fully integrate into the native culture then you can call consider yourself a native.
    I want to move to the USA but if my children fundamentally opposed American values and retained their British identity I wouldn't call them American, as they probably wouldn't call themselves that either.

    • @willylao5430
      @willylao5430 Рік тому +1


    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      I agree. They should show pics of all people who commít víolent crímes, all, go ahead. Let’s see what the truth really is. I’ve looked at all I can find and most are not natíve Swedes. Then they should show a pic of the victíms, all that are no longer with us, go ahead what is there to híde.
      It’s not a probłem of having nothíng to do, how idiotíc is that? It’s a culturał probłem and their attítudes towards víolence. It isn’t all of the new guests. However, if there is a dísproportionately large problem (and there is) from the new group we let in, we must not pretend that this probłem doesn’t exíst.
      It’s like welcoming people into your home and they intentionally break stuff, punch your wífe in the face, ràpe your daughter and and shít on the floor. You wouldn’t let them stay, would you? Of course not, well a country must do the same and protect itself (protect its people too).
      Organize now, this isn’t a vígilante mob, this is simply people protecting ourselves and getting ríd of the people causing trouble. Unwelcome guests that spít in our face and that must be kicked out and kept out! The wøke people caused billíons in damage, burnt down businesses and attacked people in Ameríca. All over one incident, one, that involved a drüg addíct with a record and three políce offícers (one whíte, one Błack, and one Asían). Never mind that this was a statistical outlier and not the norm (they don’t want to discuss actual stats). Well how many more víctims before we say enough is enough (where the stats back up our concerns)? It’s past time to do something about this and we must do it now!

  • @morrzila4594
    @morrzila4594 Рік тому +4

    I like how he speaks of Sweden as a country of mass crime, of course we have crimes and shootings, but not in the whole country. He is showing us the smallest bits of Swedish society and telling us it's the whole of Sweden. He filmed in the worst weather and used too many dramatic lines and effects.

    • @Fruppelkungen
      @Fruppelkungen Рік тому +1

      Do you stand by this comment today?

    • @cia5649
      @cia5649 5 місяців тому

      @@Fruppelkungen yes

  • @adrianosousamendes2948
    @adrianosousamendes2948 Рік тому +2

    The question today is how to get rid of 300.000 people in Sweden. They will never leave unless the government cut the subsides.

    • @axdde6428
      @axdde6428 Рік тому

      Give m a choice leave or die

  • @Dinosaurwarlock
    @Dinosaurwarlock 5 років тому +23

    I traveled all over Sweden a few years ago.
    It did actually feel like a utopia to me.
    There's something so beautiful about knowing that everyone you meet is getting good health care.
    There's amazing food available all over the place. Everything was kept so clean, and the people were so happy. Coming home to New York made me feel like there was something deeply wrong with our country.
    We don't care if our fellows are sick or destitute.
    We just have to keep stepping on each other to get to the top.
    Even though I love America, I'll be lucky if I can grow old in Sweden.

    • @klara6512
      @klara6512 5 років тому +2

      Thank you so much for the nice words and I truly feel blessed everyday having had the opportunity to grown up in Sweden.

    • @vanessawright293
      @vanessawright293 5 років тому +5

      What has your statement got to do with the subject here???? NOTHING!

    • @Dinosaurwarlock
      @Dinosaurwarlock 5 років тому +5

      The video asks us if Sweden is a socialist nightmare as is it being described to us by some news outlets and politicians, or if it's actually a country where it's people are mostly happy and safe.
      My comment was just meant to convey that that as I traveled across Sweden, I found it to a beautiful and highly functional country.
      I think that there's a certain amount of fear mongering going on in US politics where certain people want us to believe that our way is the only way, and that everyone else is enferior.
      The idea that Sweden could be pointed to as an example of what we could be is considered dangerous, and portraying their system as broken socialism is in the elite's best interest.
      I'm not necessarily saying the political system that Sweden uses would work in the US.
      For one thing, Sweden is a monarchy largely dominated by the Social Democratic Worker's Party and isusually considered a full democracy, and I dont think that structure would work in the US because the US is huge compared to Sweden and it would be way harder to get our people to agree together.
      Really though, I was just trying to offer my perspective as someone who has been there.
      What's your perspective, Vanessa?

    • @dariusmani7698
      @dariusmani7698 2 роки тому +1

      @@Dinosaurwarlock I think because of their socialistic view they don't have jobs and has high unemployment if unimployment solved these problems will be erase

    • @michaeljosephjackson2364
      @michaeljosephjackson2364 Рік тому +1

      Until immigrants come

  • @JayBenjamin9214
    @JayBenjamin9214 4 роки тому +4

    The last comment was pure, ironic TV gold.

  • @Del-Canada
    @Del-Canada 5 років тому +4

    How do you know who isn't reporting rape if they are not reporting it?

    • @williamh.gatesiii8183
      @williamh.gatesiii8183 5 років тому +1

      That goes against the liberal narrative of victimology. It's all about making victims where there are none. And this is coming from a black man.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      That’s just a BS narrative to try and híde the truth.

  • @kriskupiec4361
    @kriskupiec4361 Рік тому +6

    The begining is self-explanatory
    Are those who kill others called Sven or Bjorn?
    No, no really :)
    of course it is more complicated

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      They should show pics of all people who commít víolent crímes, all, go ahead. Let’s see what the truth really is. I’ve looked at all I can find and most are not natíve Swedes. Then they should show a pic of the victíms, all that are no longer with us, go ahead what is there to híde. They should show the stats by ràce of víolent críme.
      It’s not a probłem of having nothíng to do, how idiotíc is that? It’s a culturał probłem and their attítudes towards víolence. It isn’t all of the new guests. However, if there is a dísproportionately large problem (and there is) from the new group we let in, we must not pretend that this probłem doesn’t exíst.
      It’s like welcoming people into your home and they intentionally break stuff, punch your wífe in the face, ràpe your daughter and and shít on the floor. You wouldn’t let them stay, would you? Of course not, well a country must do the same and protect itself (protect its people too).
      Organize now, this isn’t a vígilante mob, this is simply people protecting ourselves and getting ríd of the people causing trouble. Unwelcome guests that spít in our face and that must be kicked out and kept out! The wøke people caused billíons in damage, burnt down businesses and attacked people in Ameríca. All over one incident, one, that involved a drüg addíct with a record and three políce offícers (one whíte, one Błack, and one Asían). Never mind that this was a statistical outlier and not the norm (they don’t want to discuss actual stats). Well how many more víctims before we say enough is enough (where the stats back up our concerns)? It’s past time to do something about this and we must do it now!

  • @wolfvonwitting7455
    @wolfvonwitting7455 Рік тому +40

    Well balanced documentary. Well done there. I left Sweden in 2007 when there only was ONE available patrol car for the municipals of Nacka, Värmdö and Tyresö (a total population then of +220k). I hope the police has received more resources since, because the society only remained functional because most people are law abiding citizen. Crime need to be dealt with regardless of the perpetrators race, gender or religion. I experienced more open racism between immigrants than among Swedish. It is not unfair to say the state has failed with the massive influx from 2015. Gloves on and clean up, because it needs to be done. As it is, only a few and the odd Syrian manage to stay positive and happy.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      Not really balanced or fair reporting. They should show pics of all people who commít víolent crímes, all, go ahead. Let’s see what the truth really is. I’ve looked at all I can find and most are not natíve Swedes. Then they should show a pic of the victíms, all that are no longer with us, go ahead what is there to híde. They should show the stats by ràce of víolent críme. That would be true journalísm, instead they can híde behind any narratíve they want when they don’t actually show the truth.
      It’s not a probłem of having nothíng to do, how idiotíc is that? It’s a culturał probłem and their attítudes towards víolence. It isn’t all of the new guests. However, if there is a dísproportionately large problem (and there is) from the new group we let in, we must not pretend that this probłem doesn’t exíst.
      It’s like welcoming people into your home and they intentionally break stuff, punch your wífe in the face, ràpe your daughter and and shít on the floor. You wouldn’t let them stay, would you? Of course not, well a country must do the same and protect itself (protect its people too).
      Organize now, this isn’t a vígilante mob, this is simply people protecting ourselves and getting ríd of the people causing trouble. Unwelcome guests that spít in our face and that must be kicked out and kept out! The wøke people caused billíons in damage, burnt down businesses and attacked people in Ameríca. All over one incident, one, that involved a drüg addíct with a record and three políce offícers (one whíte, one Błack, and one Asían). Never mind that this was a statistical outlier and not the norm (they don’t want to discuss actual stats). Well how many more víctims before we say enough is enough (where the stats back up our concerns)? It’s past time to do something about this and we must do it now!

    • @opponenspericulo
      @opponenspericulo Рік тому

      Well, I can tell you, Stockholm's second largest (hard to be exact in numbers) police station are located in Nacka Strand, actually since 20 yrs ago, so...here the criminality is the lowest by far in the whole of Stockholm now, maybe except for tax-evasion. Really no gang activity, drug-dealing, shootings, street-rapes etc...If anything, it's where wealthy leaders live to stay out of the ghettos.

    • @salem353
      @salem353 11 місяців тому +1

      open racism between immigrants ? Like what ?

    • @cia5649
      @cia5649 5 місяців тому

      the racism part not really true but there definitively is hidden racism between swedes and immigrants

  • @asweetcitywoman
    @asweetcitywoman 5 років тому +4

    Indeed, anyone now who addresses an issue better NOT speak of it for fear of labels just like “racist.” Freedom of speech is crumbling, correction, it already has.

  • @Felix-od6gu
    @Felix-od6gu 5 років тому +29

    It is quite nice living in Sweden given you live in areas that are dominated by swedes otherwise not so much.

    • @benbow7
      @benbow7 5 років тому +13

      Unless something changes those areas will get smaller every year and eventually they'll disappear entirely. The Swedish people are supposed to own all of Sweden, every single inch, not ever shrinking pieces of it.

    • @yourfriends
      @yourfriends Рік тому

      @@benbow7 Nazi

  • @Mohnfisch
    @Mohnfisch 3 роки тому +7

    Good approach definitely, but the docummnetary needed at least double or triple the time to paint a useful image. After watching it, I am more or less at the same point as I have been before. What about identity? Cultura clashes? Swedish losers of globalization? I feel like there is so much more to tell and so much more details to uncover, especially considering the fact that many coun tries in the EU feel like they have the same issues.

  • @ashalivarma4623
    @ashalivarma4623 5 років тому +28

    Well this guy just has to go to Tower Hamlets in London.

      @R2D2C3POSKYWALKER 5 років тому

      I go there every other week for my work, and I see happy people, trendy cafe, artist and good curry shops.

    • @phildobson8705
      @phildobson8705 5 років тому +5

      BBC guy could witness children of immigrants carrying out acid attack on pizza delivery in London and say problem is people by seaside sharing cannabs *with same phone number they had decades ago* I'm serious

      @R2D2C3POSKYWALKER 5 років тому +1

      @@phildobson8705 and what about the white men who are serving life term to threw acid on his girlfriend? What about the white racist man who threw acid on two Asian people? What about native thieves, murderers and terrorists who are on an MI5 watch list?

  • @user-ls3lf1ln6b
    @user-ls3lf1ln6b 5 років тому +5

    This is an extremely sad story.

  • @yozhik123
    @yozhik123 Рік тому

    Anyone else experienced choppy sound in some places?

  • @kerrell95
    @kerrell95 5 років тому +6

    Nice to see the BBC catching up.
    Shouldn't take 3 years though.

  • @Maviel85
    @Maviel85 5 років тому +3

    UNs report on Sweden being a third world country by 2030 is well on track and speeding up.

  •  5 років тому +16

    sounds like UK hahaha

  • @vanessawright293
    @vanessawright293 5 років тому +1

    Is the title describing the BBC's production here?

  • @mxferro
    @mxferro 5 років тому +3

    Talking themselves out of what really going on...denial of the actual problems.

  • @fcole90
    @fcole90 5 років тому +6

    Thank you for this deep video, which took multiple perspectives. I especially appreciated the beginning story narrated by the two different points of view.

  • @MultiMolly21
    @MultiMolly21 5 років тому +7

    What the Swedes did last century was demonize alcohol to such an extent that , like eliminating guns, changed their whole outlook. It's a very clean, quiet country full of highly intelligent, kind, industrious and creative people; many of whom have to live without sun for months of the year in amazingly refined colonies in the industrial North. There's lots of wide open country, everyone's very athletic; the food is great. The cities are lively and full of entertainment from little jazz clubs to a concert hall you don't want to ever leave in Gothenberg. They welcome foreigners with grace and curiosity I found. Having rampaged the Middle East for over a decade, we alone are responsible for the Exodus now taking place from there, because we destroyed it all. Even hospitable Sweden has its limits.

    • @willylao5430
      @willylao5430 Рік тому

      Now that's a truth speaker. Bravo for having the balls to speak the truth! 👍👍👏👏

    • @axdde6428
      @axdde6428 Рік тому +1

      In the 80 they (wasnt born) dared to leave doors unlocked when they went to bed now many are scared to walk alone in the city a single city (upsala) has a murder or attempted murder per day

  • @TheThedude991
    @TheThedude991 9 місяців тому

    Worst part is that this year its gotten sooooo crazy bad its scary. Shootings all the time, a 19 year got killed like tuesday, two teenagers 13 n 14 was found executed in the woods just recently, yesterday a kid got shot and killed 14, list just goes on and on

  • @jamesjanson6129
    @jamesjanson6129 Рік тому +1

    Utterly Ironic that the Bagdad Broadcasting Central[AKA BBC] should say "Don't belive everything you see on the TV!" and beware the simple narrative,when they are notorious for peddling both in the UK!

  • @goodsamaritan343
    @goodsamaritan343 5 років тому +18

    After listening to Glen Sjogren in this interview, I believe the heart of the problem in Sweden is the lack of "freedom of speech." Glen was very cautious about what he wanted to say and what he actually said. It was almost like he couldn't speak freely for fear of offending someone. The greatest privilege we have here in the United States is the freedom of speech. Mainstream socialism and liberalism has run amuck in Sweden and slowly their rights and freedoms have been stripped away. The loss of freedom of speech is the first major "Tipping Point". All is lost when you cannot speak freely in your own country.

    • @LosBerkos
      @LosBerkos 4 роки тому


    • @ywkbme
      @ywkbme Рік тому +3

      This was 3 years ago, but I still have to point out that you're wrong. We do have freedom of speech, and people use it. A lot of it. A lack of freedom of speech does not equal watching what you say when you're being interviewed by a foreign journalist about to publish your words internationally and you're not just representing yourself, but you're in uniform, representing the police force for your country in many peoples eyes, and on a very controversial topic at that.
      "All is lost when you cannot speak freely in your own country." You think everyone in America has the exact same public stance as they do private? Because that's just ignorant at that point.

    • @francisdec1615
      @francisdec1615 Рік тому

      @@ywkbme We don't have a First Amendment in Sweden, so no. You can literally get jail for saying 100% true facts. That would be impossible in the US.

    • @ywkbme
      @ywkbme Рік тому

      @@francisdec1615 If you're talking about extreme cases, which it would have to be to get jail for saying something, then yes you can get jail in America for edge cases too. Such as leaking classified information, even if it's 100% true. We don't have "the first amendment" literally, because we don't amend the constitution in that way. We have the freedom of the press act and the fundamental law on freedom of expression. Which means you're not going to be censored, you are allowed to express your opinions. So I'm not sure what you're thinking of in particular, but if all you want to do is yell racial slurs in the faces of minorities, then no, you can't just go around doing that.

    • @christopherx7428
      @christopherx7428 10 місяців тому +1

      I think the term "political correctness" is more apt than lack of freedom of speech. The media has for a very long time only purported the view that immigration is good and anyone that disagrees is close to nazism. The view that some immigration is good while other isn't has just not been widely spread and this, according to me, is a media phenomenon.
      Not surprisingly perhaps, as the journalists are massively left-leaning in their political views.

  • @herringfly
    @herringfly 5 років тому +5

    With the BBC producing "news" items with titles like "Seven Things You Need to Know About the Hajj" and "How it Feels to Look Muslim" I think it's time to pull the plug on it. If they are truly so multicultural then why is almost every ethnic piece about islam? Who is really funding the BBC? Anyone would think that the BBC licence-payers are Saudi Arabian.

    • @salem353
      @salem353 11 місяців тому

      lslam is cool

    • @herringfly
      @herringfly 11 місяців тому

      @@salem353 If you think that spending half your life on your knees talking to a rug is cool, go for it.

  • @min-geanpark276
    @min-geanpark276 5 років тому +6

    We only see the bright side of Sweden and ignore the truth that a cost of welfare.

  • @jorge6207
    @jorge6207 5 років тому +20

    Excellent journalism right here. Thanks for your good work.

  • @healthyforpurpose1898
    @healthyforpurpose1898 4 роки тому +1

    How do you integrate do you have to leave everything you are, your background and adopt to the ways of the country you came

  • @suorsah
    @suorsah Рік тому +1

    Loved neighbours! Life in Finland nowdays isn't so straght forward either. Teachers are strugling with grown children who can not read, neihter write too well. And in class of 30 there may be only 1 speaking Finnish, even tho they are born and raised on this very soil from the birth.

  • @hansistein6325
    @hansistein6325 Рік тому +3

    I'm shocked that anyone would consider this a 'balanced' report on Sweden. It is meant to suggest that the "bad" Sweden does not really, really exist. That it's all a matter of political spin, nothing is related to mass immigration, etc. How superficial reporting has become. What else but apologetics can you expect from the BBC?

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      I agree. They should show pics of all people who commít víolent crímes, all, go ahead. Let’s see what the truth really is. I’ve looked at all I can find and most are not natíve Swedes. Then they should show a pic of the victíms, all that are no longer with us, go ahead what is there to híde.
      It’s not a probłem of having nothíng to do, how idiotíc is that? It’s a culturał probłem and their attítudes towards víolence. It isn’t all of the new guests. However, if there is a dísproportionately large problem (and there is) from the new group we let in, we must not pretend that this probłem doesn’t exíst.
      It’s like welcoming people into your home and they intentionally break stuff, punch your wífe in the face, ràpe your daughter and and shít on the floor. You wouldn’t let them stay, would you? Of course not, well a country must do the same and protect itself (protect its people too).
      Organize now, this isn’t a vígilante mob, this is simply people protecting ourselves and getting ríd of the people causing trouble. Unwelcome guests that spít in our face and that must be kicked out and kept out! The wøke people caused billíons in damage, burnt down businesses and attacked people in Ameríca. All over one incident, one, that involved a drüg addíct with a record and three políce offícers (one whíte, one Błack, and one Asían). Never mind that this was a statistical outlier and not the norm (they don’t want to discuss actual stats). Well how many more víctims before we say enough is enough (where the stats back up our concerns)? It’s past time to do something about this and we must do it now!

  • @Matthew-cw3gn
    @Matthew-cw3gn 5 років тому +19

    A truly FANTASTIC piece of journalism. Examining it from multiple sides, giving new information, pressing people...not just plugging either side of the narratives, but explores the narratives themselves. Hats off

    • @HugeStirz
      @HugeStirz Рік тому +2

      Are you sure? glad you enjoyed it, but as someone who has been to Sweden and specifically Malmo, I think this "FANTASTIC piece of journalism" has more spin then a Russian ballet dancer

    • @Matthew-cw3gn
      @Matthew-cw3gn Рік тому

      @@HugeStirz what did you dislike about it

    • @jennymisteqq5399
      @jennymisteqq5399 Рік тому +3

      I watched it and saw the different perspectives yet came to one inescapable conclusion. It was a mistake to allow entry to so many non-Western immigrants into Sweden at the same time.
      From my own point of view (admittedly biased), Europe should not have felt any responsibility to take in any of these refugees. Would the Middle East accept Western refugees? Not unless, by threat of death, we followed their faith, customs and backward way of life, especially when it came to daily social interactions.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому +2

      Not really journalísm, more like an opinion piece. True journalísm would have been to show críme stats, especíally víolent críme stats, by ràce.

    • @yourfriends
      @yourfriends Рік тому +1

      @@jennymisteqq5399 not true. Dubai is 90% western

  • @joeb.5020
    @joeb.5020 5 років тому +3

    Before Saudi Arabia gets their arms from the USA they should agree to take all the Islamic refugees (invaders) from Europe to Meca where they fit into the world best. Their brethren are plenty wealthy to take them all in.
    The boat loads in the Med should be sent right down the Suez canal, but this would make too much sense.
    If Islam is such a great religion then why do its members always seek refuge in Christian nations?

  • @stevemygoodman7809
    @stevemygoodman7809 5 років тому +10

    23 “vulnerable” areas.. how many are because of the native peoples?

  • @doyouknowwhat111
    @doyouknowwhat111 5 місяців тому

    Please make a new updated version of this and how sweden is now

  • @lukabozic5
    @lukabozic5 5 років тому


  • @blazedandconfused477
    @blazedandconfused477 5 років тому +7

    ''Nothing to see here, move along, sir'' - BBC about Jimmy Savile, (and Sweden.)

  • @sandraisaksson7853
    @sandraisaksson7853 5 років тому +27

    As a sweede first I was kind of irritated by the start of the video. But I'm glad I watched the whole thing. Another spot on documentary by bbc. Keep doing what you do.

    • @Gohanitos
      @Gohanitos 4 роки тому +4

      why were u irritated?

    • @willitonnzeaka407
      @willitonnzeaka407 3 роки тому


    • @franciscocunha3232
      @franciscocunha3232 2 роки тому

      Sweden will no longer be ethnic Swedish if Muslim migration continues.

    • @agamersinsanity
      @agamersinsanity Рік тому

      Sweden is a BS country! I been living here since the 80's, and Sweden isn't as good as the Swedes claim to be.
      The media controls the narrative, politicians lies just to get to the seat of power.
      They even fucked up so much the past decades and it's infuriating..

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      They should show pics of all people who commít víolent crímes, all, go ahead. Let’s see what the truth really is. I’ve looked at all I can find and most are not natíve Swedes. Then they should show a pic of the victíms, all that are no longer with us, go ahead what is there to híde.
      It’s not a probłem of having nothíng to do, how idiotíc is that? It’s a culturał probłem and their attítudes towards víolence. It isn’t all of the new guests. However, if there is a dísproportionately large problem (and there is) from the new group we let in, we must not pretend that this probłem doesn’t exíst.
      It’s like welcoming people into your home and they intentionally break stuff, punch your wífe in the face, ràpe your daughter and and shít on the floor. You wouldn’t let them stay, would you? Of course not, well a country must do the same and protect itself (protect its people too).
      Organize now, this isn’t a vígilante mob, this is simply people protecting ourselves and getting ríd of the people causing trouble. Unwelcome guests that spít in our face and that must be kicked out and kept out! The wøke people caused billíons in damage, burnt down businesses and attacked people in Ameríca. All over one incident, one, that involved a drüg addíct with a record and three políce offícers (one whíte, one Błack, and one Asían). Never mind that this was a statistical outlier and not the norm (they don’t want to discuss actual stats). Well how many more víctims before we say enough is enough (where the stats back up our concerns)? It’s past time to do something about this and we must do it now!

  • @TheHollandHS
    @TheHollandHS 4 роки тому +3

    Swedish and German culture have something more in common unlike the rest of their nothern neighbours : they take things very literally and value social commitment . All nothern Europe is liberal. But Germany and Sweden, they have the strongest desire to really prove their commitment. Kind of Literal liberalism.
    Germany is actually even more extreme than Sweden in this thought, while Germans aren't even identify themselves as that liberal compared to Sweden because of the South of germany, but hey overall it's still close enough with the northern majority and Berlin.

    • @callistoindustrial2516
      @callistoindustrial2516 2 роки тому +2

      I do agree with you 100 percent. Sweden 🇸🇪 is the Nordic country that has most in common with Germany 🇩🇪 in relation to punctuality, innovative ideas and commitment.

  • @GhostSal
    @GhostSal Рік тому +2

    True journalísm would have been to show críme stats, especíally víolent críme stats, by ràce.

  • @WideAwake-bl7gw
    @WideAwake-bl7gw 5 років тому +2

    Too many different news sources are reporting on this, getting news from people on the ground that live there. Sweden is an unholy mess now. I wouldn't advise taking a vaca there any more.

  • @NbyD
    @NbyD Рік тому +1

    whats missing in this documentary is numbers.

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      Excellent point, zero stats and zero stats on who is responsibłe. But then we are supposed to believe the narrative.

  • @eleni-music3674
    @eleni-music3674 Рік тому +1

    These ignorant and irresponsible people should be stopped from having children.

  • @rhythmictiger
    @rhythmictiger 5 років тому +6

    You can't just welcome traumatised people in with open arms and think everything will just be fine. A lot of the refugee children had to leave everything behind, all they knew, probably in many cases they would like to be able to go home. That kind of thing messes with a persons head.

  • @Dave.666.
    @Dave.666. 5 років тому

    Very interesting. Good doc, BBC

  • @pittan86
    @pittan86 3 роки тому +4

    Stuff like this is always a reaction to shitty journalism in the respective home country. They often paint the northern countries as having no problems. There are no perfect countries (there are degrees of types of issues though). But they like to do this to contrast their own countries. In reality they do not really care about these small "pretend" countries. They are not real countries like Italy, France, Germany etc.That's the mindset.
    It's also ridiculous to take everything a country projects about itself seriously. I mean, which country does not project an image of success?
    Those days of socialism and capitalism in a perfect mix, the "Folkhemmet times" are also from the 60s and 70s and those days are long gone. Those days ended in like the 80s. So like. better catch up on the times here journalists.
    /Swede, Norrköping baby.

  • @coolercooler642
    @coolercooler642 5 років тому +10

    Feel so bad for them , who could see it coming. Hopefully they will wake up and tighten up.

    • @HugeStirz
      @HugeStirz Рік тому +5

      loads of people saw it coming

  • @Lauri2014
    @Lauri2014 5 років тому +2

    Segregation and unemployment--what do you expect? It's the same anywhere in the world whenever you allow ghettos to take place. Even in homogeneous societies, when you have socioeconomic ghettos you will always get the same results. Look at Singapore, they forced people of different socioeconomic strata to live in neighbourhoods that match the country's demographics...in Finland they subsidise the rent for Middle Class people so that you have few ghettos. Not perfect, but not like Malmö either...but look at homogenous countries in the world with poor and unsafe areas, the problem is amplified mostly because it's non autochtonous members of the population.

  • @wellington4553
    @wellington4553 3 роки тому +1

    Manipulated narratives?!! The Bolshevic Broadcasting Corporation should be able to write a book about the subject!

  • @georgecon9163
    @georgecon9163 Рік тому +1

    Guys I have a question, Criminals in sweeden use cryptocurrencies ? Or euro notes ? Bcz i know nobody uses swedish notes

  • @treintaydiez
    @treintaydiez 3 роки тому

    Interesting approach

  • @Dominic-fd2wz
    @Dominic-fd2wz 5 років тому +2

    3:20 - TFW the BBC reporter is more in touch with reality than the Police Chief

  • @MadofaA
    @MadofaA Рік тому +3

    ”Don’t believe everything you see on tv”
    Arguably, the truest words ever heard on the BBC!

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal Рік тому

      Or on BBC! They should show pics of all people who commít víolent crímes, all, go ahead. Let’s see what the truth really is. I’ve looked at all I can find and most are not natíve Swedes. Then they should show a pic of the victíms, all that are no longer with us, go ahead what is there to híde. They should show the stats by ràce of víolent críme.
      It’s not a probłem of having nothíng to do, how idiotíc is that? It’s a culturał probłem and their attítudes towards víolence. It isn’t all of the new guests. However, if there is a dísproportionately large problem (and there is) from the new group we let in, we must not pretend that this probłem doesn’t exíst.
      It’s like welcoming people into your home and they intentionally break stuff, punch your wífe in the face, ràpe your daughter and and shít on the floor. You wouldn’t let them stay, would you? Of course not, well a country must do the same and protect itself (protect its people too).
      Organize now, this isn’t a vígilante mob, this is simply people protecting ourselves and getting ríd of the people causing trouble. Unwelcome guests that spít in our face and that must be kicked out and kept out! The wøke people caused billíons in damage, burnt down businesses and attacked people in Ameríca. All over one incident, one, that involved a drüg addíct with a record and three políce offícers (one whíte, one Błack, and one Asían). Never mind that this was a statistical outlier and not the norm (they don’t want to discuss actual stats). Well how many more víctims before we say enough is enough (where the stats back up our concerns)? It’s past time to do something about this and we must do it now!

  • @laraazevedo7437
    @laraazevedo7437 5 років тому +1

    "Beware the simple narrative"

  • @teresamoon2751
    @teresamoon2751 5 років тому +2

    thought rosengard was in middle earth somewhere by mordor!

  • @bluzshadez
    @bluzshadez 5 років тому +6

    Being able to integrate to society of whichever country is of paramount importance. A Refugee or an Immigrant must be able to speak the native language in their new home country. They are not expected to forego of their culture and beliefs, but they have to respect the culture, customs and beliefs in the new country of their choice.

  • @roastmaster2000
    @roastmaster2000 5 років тому

    What the hell was the whole cameraman filming the cameraman bull crap? It was like it was their first gig out of film school

  •  5 років тому +2

    14:12 great swedish accent

  • @Camistone09
    @Camistone09 3 роки тому

    If you come to Colombia you would think this is hell

  • @stevemygoodman7809
    @stevemygoodman7809 5 років тому +3

    Even Chicago and St Louis, in the worst areas, doesn’t have “vulnerable” areas where they tell you not to go....

    • @craven5328
      @craven5328 Рік тому

      Uh...I've traveled to a number of US cities, and been told not to stray into many areas: San Fran (Tenderloin), Detroit (Seven mile road), Baltimore (West Baltimore), LA (Skid Row). I haven't been to Chicago yet, but have friends who have traveled and have told me if I ever do go, to do my research and not wander.

    • @stevemygoodman7809
      @stevemygoodman7809 Рік тому

      @@craven5328 the police go to those place. Sweden has no go zones even for the popo

  • @ShitStainedBallSack
    @ShitStainedBallSack 5 років тому +21


  • @zoojudy5890
    @zoojudy5890 5 років тому +1

    What hate being spewed. Very sad for the children.

    • @GeneDexter
      @GeneDexter 5 років тому

      Comic Book Guy You have proven Zoo Judy’s point. Congratulations.

  • @alexissayegh2058
    @alexissayegh2058 5 років тому +11

    The way to go Sweden, careless compassion is destroying .

    • @alexissayegh2058
      @alexissayegh2058 5 років тому

      Big Wasabi -mr sour radish , is it not true what is happening in Sweden ? Nothing to do with being racist, or discriminated, would u allowed this to happen back at ur original country?i don’t even want to hear the west are bombarding Iraq , Libya , Afghanistan, so these useless gangs are allowed to do it, if the government is stupid? The citizens are not .

    • @pavirko3733
      @pavirko3733 2 роки тому

      @@alexissayegh2058 dumb liberals get what they deserve

  • @WybremGaming
    @WybremGaming 5 років тому +2

    It's Swedistan*. Sweden has died, BBC.

  • @tadjc352
    @tadjc352 5 років тому +1

    Watch the entire thing. Hits the nail on the head for many points. I would have loved if they had interviewed politicians as well but that's just me.

  • @hungryforgrowth6492
    @hungryforgrowth6492 5 років тому +17

    Great video. Many countries are not as prepared as they thought they are for a non-homogeneous society.

  • @coffeeshop46
    @coffeeshop46 Рік тому

    BBC why don't I ever see BBC document of the UK?

  • @loritouma9767
    @loritouma9767 5 років тому

    People are changing, the whole world is totally different, morals and values are no more important and so on and so on.. that's why change is drastically happening. Jobs are different..

  • @schleppvideos
    @schleppvideos 7 місяців тому

    Here we are, a few years later, and the answer to that question has changed.

  • @snakeplisken9276
    @snakeplisken9276 5 років тому

    You know what’s bull sh@@, the phrase “you’re bold to choose to not drink alcohol” as if drinking is the default, like you’re born with a bottle of wine in your hand, frankly I do drink just every so often or just with meals, which is about the exact right amount

  • @giuseppenero110
    @giuseppenero110 Рік тому

    Chasing ambulances has always been the media's bread&butter

  • @SithembisoMkhize
    @SithembisoMkhize 8 місяців тому

    Excellent documentary.... Do recommend other top docus that encourage critical thinking please

  • @SkinnyEMedia
    @SkinnyEMedia 3 роки тому +1

    Land of Volvos, Spotify, and crappy pop music can’t honestly be terrible like this but it can fall prey to the evils that go on in other European and North American countries.

    • @Maya-yl8gh
      @Maya-yl8gh Рік тому

      Volvo automobile sector - Sweden sold to China. Plz do some homework

  • @joeb.5020
    @joeb.5020 5 років тому +6

    Remove the root of this evil. It is in Brussels.

    • @celloswiss
      @celloswiss Рік тому

      what simplistic nonsense 🙄