What we have in Ethiopia is an ethno fascist totalitarian regime who controls virtually all institutions, including his own Republican guard, Insa, police, security and media. Under such circumstance, there is no any political play field and a participatory democracy. As it can be seen from the above top to bottom dictatorial rule, the alternative is mafia style control by intrigue. Beligena party apparatus is there nominally.But the opdo deep seated intrigue and dirty politics, to loot,destroy and dismantle the nation is done by clandestine network of government financed paramilitary group such as olf -shene and opdo lieu hail,in connection with regional and local opdo members. Take for instance the case of Addis.This grand project to efface historical and antique homes in the name of modernizing is a secret agenda financed by the Arab gulf states. The massive home destruction project in and around Addis are all part of a national sell out Abiy's secret project being implemented by the cooperation with the mayor,police chief,some security elements and opdo business men. When we see the matter this way and the main instrument behind all this is Abiy, then a disturbing background picture immerge about him.In the first place,every thing we heard about him be it family background or education is not true. We know that Jawhar and professor Merara ,were not comfortable about him because in their words he is Dikala/ not real Oromo. Now we know his father is no Oromo; the one who passed away is his step father. Concerning his education,his claim of years attended and graduation,and the official record are in conflict. The reason of mentioning his background is to answer some of the most disturbing of his behaviors,example. For five years there is not any single day where we did not hear innocent blood shed of Amaras. Yet,we see Abiy Ahmed.often,engaged in more destruction as in dividing the church, smiling for camera, mingling with people,and holding speech,with out any feeling of remorse.These could point to the fact of some childhood wound. Just as Melse have been accused of not being loyal for Tegrians because of his mather's Eritrean back ground,so is Abiy by Jawar and friends. Melse try to prove he is real Tegrian by oppressing Amaras and waging unnecessary war against Eritreans.In similar fashion, inorder to prove his loyalty that he is Oromo for the narrow nationalists Abiy Ahmed has to commit ethnic cleansing against Amaras. The question now is is there any thing left in Ethiopia that is not dismantled or distroyed yet? Then,specially at this junction,why are some politicians and parties still working with ethnic opdo party? I am Particularly dem founded with former Bucknell University professor Brehanu Nega.It is not because he does not have information.I believe He even knows Abiy Ahmed made sure,EZEMA does not get a single vote,in the last stolen election.For such things to happen Abiy must have given,in advance, order to his party functionaries,to dump EZEMA votes to Beligena box. Finally, Abiy is emboldened because of lack of citizens moral rectitude.All requires is intellectuals,artists,politicians take a firm stand,by saying I don't want to stand with you for a photo. ከዚህ በላይ ምን እንደ ህዝብ ያላጣነው ያልፈረሰብን ምን ቀረ።ሁሌ ደም እየተገበረ እንዴት እርሱ ጋር ህዝብ መሳበቅን አያቆምም። ኢትዬጵያ ያለ መልስ እና አብይ ለዘመናት ኑራለች ፣ትኖራለችም።አሁንም ሁሉንም ህዝቦቿን በአንድ አይን የሚያዩ እና ለማገለግል የሚችሉ ብዙ ሀቀኛ ዜጎች አሏት። አብይ በአደባባይ ሊወረፍ ሊጠላ እና አቅመ ቢስ ሊድርግ ይገባል ባፈሰሰው ደም ምክንያት።ህዝብ በአንድ ላይ ተነስቶ በውጭ እና በውስጥ አሁኑኑ በቃህ ልንለው ይገባል።
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን እንደዚህ አይነት አስተሳሰብ ያሐው በአብይ ዘመን መኞሩ 🙏
Thank you Dr. Yonas Zewdie for your excellent and wise presentation
እኔ እኮ የገረመኝ ነገር ቢኖር አድስ የተመሰረተው ሸገርን ለመገበት ከአስር አመት በለይ የተቀመጡበት ቤት ለፍተው የየዙት ቤተቸው በደቂቃ እየፈረሱ ልጆቸቸውን ጅብ እየበለበቸው ሜደለይ ነቸው አሁን ፍትህ
Very well said
በምን ዓይነት መነጽር ....ሰው ይቀድማል ብየነው መስበው ,,,,,,,ውሃ ቅዳ ውሃ መልስ ወረ ወረ ወረ ወረ ሰለቸኝ
የአብይ አህመድ አሊ ደጋፊዎችን የሉሲፈር ደጋፊዎች ማለት ነው እነሱንም እጠየፋቸዋለሁ 🤮
እቺ ጥጃ ማደጎንም እንጃ
በሞያክ ብትሰራ ያዋጣካል
ፓለቲካ ያሳደገው የለም የበላው ነው፣
ለምን ቤት ዉስጥ ብቻ አገር ውጡ ከሱ ቤት
የቤት አልቃሽ
What we have in Ethiopia is an ethno fascist totalitarian regime who controls virtually all institutions, including his own Republican guard, Insa, police, security and media.
Under such circumstance, there is no any political play field and a participatory democracy.
As it can be seen from the above top to bottom dictatorial rule, the alternative is mafia style control by intrigue.
Beligena party apparatus is there nominally.But the opdo deep seated intrigue and dirty politics, to loot,destroy and dismantle the nation is done by clandestine network of government financed paramilitary group such as olf
-shene and opdo lieu hail,in connection with regional and local opdo members.
Take for instance the case of Addis.This grand project to efface historical and antique homes in the name of modernizing is a secret agenda financed by the Arab gulf states. The massive home destruction project in and around Addis are all part of a national sell out Abiy's secret project being implemented by the
cooperation with the mayor,police chief,some security elements and opdo business men.
When we see the matter this way and the main instrument behind all this is Abiy, then a disturbing background picture immerge about him.In the first place,every thing we heard about him be it family background or education is not true. We know that Jawhar and professor Merara ,were not comfortable about him because in their words he is Dikala/ not real Oromo.
Now we know his father is no Oromo; the one who passed away is his step father. Concerning his education,his claim of years attended and graduation,and the official record are in conflict.
The reason of mentioning his background is to answer some of the most disturbing of his behaviors,example. For five years there is not any single day where we did not hear innocent blood shed of Amaras.
Yet,we see Abiy Ahmed.often,engaged in more destruction as in dividing the church, smiling for camera, mingling with people,and holding speech,with out any feeling of remorse.These could point to the fact of some childhood wound.
Just as Melse have been accused of not being loyal for Tegrians because of his mather's Eritrean back ground,so is Abiy by Jawar and friends. Melse try to prove he is real Tegrian by oppressing Amaras and waging unnecessary war against Eritreans.In similar fashion, inorder to prove his loyalty that he is Oromo for the narrow nationalists Abiy Ahmed has to commit ethnic cleansing against Amaras.
The question now is is there any thing left in Ethiopia that is not dismantled or distroyed yet?
Then,specially at this junction,why are some politicians and parties still working with ethnic opdo party? I am Particularly dem founded with former Bucknell University professor Brehanu Nega.It is not because he does not have information.I believe He even knows Abiy Ahmed made sure,EZEMA does not get a single vote,in the last stolen election.For such things to happen Abiy must have given,in advance, order to his party functionaries,to dump EZEMA votes to Beligena box.
Finally, Abiy is emboldened because of lack of citizens moral rectitude.All requires is intellectuals,artists,politicians take a firm stand,by saying I don't want to stand with you for a photo. ከዚህ በላይ ምን እንደ ህዝብ ያላጣነው ያልፈረሰብን ምን ቀረ።ሁሌ ደም እየተገበረ እንዴት እርሱ ጋር ህዝብ መሳበቅን አያቆምም።
ኢትዬጵያ ያለ መልስ እና አብይ ለዘመናት ኑራለች ፣ትኖራለችም።አሁንም ሁሉንም ህዝቦቿን በአንድ አይን የሚያዩ እና ለማገለግል የሚችሉ ብዙ ሀቀኛ ዜጎች አሏት። አብይ በአደባባይ ሊወረፍ ሊጠላ እና አቅመ ቢስ ሊድርግ ይገባል ባፈሰሰው ደም ምክንያት።ህዝብ በአንድ ላይ ተነስቶ በውጭ እና በውስጥ አሁኑኑ በቃህ ልንለው ይገባል።
ሌባ ጴንጤ የተሳራ ሐገር አፍራሽ ነው ::
You can't go nowhere, you are opportunist