Please take note that we made this video just for fun! Do enjoy! INSTAGRAM : Nurl Ajmal Aqilah / ajmal_aqilah Min Wahida / minwawa Amira Sofee www.instagram....
act , seronok juga mkn spicy ramen ni dgn members or family . nk cabar diri tu dgn level kepedasan . bila ade part of family or members yg xthn pedas bole tgok muke masing2 yg kelakar tu. act, ni salah satu cara untuk seronok . x salah pun. to all haters yg xsuke akn keseronokn yg thu nk kondem org jer itu salah ini salah better tidur jer. xyh bkk youtube ni.
Pro Saufi Hubungan rapat mmg gitu Kita tkkn prnah smpurna thts why kita menegur Ape guna smua yg mngajar kita klau kita dh *sempurna sangat?* #pendapatje
From someone who have lived overseas throughout my life.. becareful on buying these cup noodles especially when not all of them aren't halal certified. Even though they would look the same, let say the original korean ramen noodles some would have halal certified and some doesn't even though they are from the same company. So please double check, especially these ones because the ingredients are in korean. I've lived in Texas and Thailand before I moved to Malaysia. I know how to carefully eat, these ingredients are very tricky. But other than that, these korean spicy noodles are so hot! I've tried one, but not in a cup form (and it's halal certified) I dont know if this one is because some cup noodles aren't halal certified even though they are the same brand and taste-like..
I don't know kalau yang cup ini halal atau tak. tapi I makan benda nih yang ade halal certified. cobe je liat di tesco, because some would say halal and some would not even though the brand and the taste are the same.
+Nurul Fadhilah Don't worry muslims, this is halal and it says on the packet that it is chicken noodles. And as for the ingredients inside the chili packet is made of Korean chili paste which is basically chili and seafood paste. No pork inside!
kpd org2 yg kate drg menunjuk2 iphone tu, jgn cpt slh fhm. drg bkn nk menunjuk tpi dier sdg amik video atau mungkin snapchat video... sbb tu dier bwk kn iphone dier tu ke dpn tunjukkn yg dier sdg record challenge ni. (my opinion) so jgn cpt salah fhm ok. peace!
Yup! I thought they were cute too!Their relationship is adorable!I don't see anything "gedik" in here , some people in the comment section are wayyy to pressed.
A-Soul Don't tell me dumbass!Since I am typing it right now I am going to tell you that you are Jen of those that are dumb ass!You don,t even know if you can't eat it cause the seasoning is the chicken seasoning!Haha
haha. aku mkan 3 pek mi ni sekali mkn. xda arr pedas. mskn mak aq lagi pedas dari ni. cer try mkn Habanero Ramen. top 1 spicy noodle. nak try tp xda pla yg jual sekitar msia nih.. btw, kirim slm kat yg tgh2 tu. awk cute tau! cia..cia..cia..
Hahaha comel ye kakak2 ni tpikan aq tk la yg mengutuk ni.. Kurang ajar giler doh sape mengutuk ni.. Yg kakak tgh2 tu bukn gedik dia just peramah je.. Korang mengutuk dia knp.. Mesti mulut tk leh jagakn.. Buat malu je.. Tengok diri tu dulu ..ini main kutuk org keje ye.. Ini la org zaman skrg.. Tgk diri tu hebat sgt lps tu kutuk org..
Assalamualaikum sahabat seperjuangan dan senegara sekalian, Sebelum korang komen merepek-repek tu, ingat-ingatlah api neraka panas mana yea...^__^ mekaseh
akak yg tengah tu comel + lawak😂
Nur Wahida kan..
NIK LATIFAH JUSOH kan tak gedik ppn kan ada hater kate gedik😂huhh💁
Nur Wahidah betul....betul....betul..😃😃😃
Cantik sangat comel lawar sangat sangat
actually x de la gedik mana pon..yg dok sebok komen vid ni gedik..dia yg sbnarnya gedik..x suka x payah la tgok.. ;)
Rizal Ariffin sbb diorg x de otak nk komen bnda2 negative 🙂
Tak gedik pun
aq tngok laaa ok ja :3 sekurang2 nya dyabaca bismillah sebelum mkn pun .....gedik2 dya pun ingat Allah jgk ...sejuk perut mak mengandung
saya bangkar hang memang, cari salah org je tau,
act , seronok juga mkn spicy ramen ni dgn members or family . nk cabar diri tu dgn level kepedasan . bila ade part of family or members yg xthn pedas bole tgok muke masing2 yg kelakar tu. act, ni salah satu cara untuk seronok . x salah pun. to all haters yg xsuke akn keseronokn yg thu nk kondem org jer itu salah ini salah better tidur jer. xyh bkk youtube ni.
bolehker makan sambil main?
kt afrika tu nk mkn pon x boleh inikan pula main smbil mkab
+Pro Saufi mkan
+Pro Saufi ade sbb knape kite kene puase #hnyammberipndpt
Pro Saufi
Hubungan rapat mmg gitu
Kita tkkn prnah smpurna thts why kita menegur
Ape guna smua yg mngajar kita klau kita dh *sempurna sangat?*
From someone who have lived overseas throughout my life.. becareful on buying these cup noodles especially when not all of them aren't halal certified. Even though they would look the same, let say the original korean ramen noodles some would have halal certified and some doesn't even though they are from the same company. So please double check, especially these ones because the ingredients are in korean. I've lived in Texas and Thailand before I moved to Malaysia. I know how to carefully eat, these ingredients are very tricky. But other than that, these korean spicy noodles are so hot! I've tried one, but not in a cup form (and it's halal certified) I dont know if this one is because some cup noodles aren't halal certified even though they are the same brand and taste-like..
+Nurul Fadhilah i pon tak confident nak makan benda nih. halal ke? halal certified from where all the korean ramen noodles?
I don't know kalau yang cup ini halal atau tak. tapi I makan benda nih yang ade halal certified. cobe je liat di tesco, because some would say halal and some would not even though the brand and the taste are the same.
+Nurul Fadhilah Don't worry muslims, this is halal and it says on the packet that it is chicken noodles. And as for the ingredients inside the chili packet is made of Korean chili paste which is basically chili and seafood paste. No pork inside!
+Sara Ariana yup
Sayyidah Nafisah ,
kakak2 semua ni cantik tapi yang paling cantik tengh tengh tu
nor hizati betul tu nor hazati
Hizati sorry
kpd org2 yg kate drg menunjuk2 iphone tu, jgn cpt slh fhm. drg bkn nk menunjuk tpi dier sdg amik video atau mungkin snapchat video... sbb tu dier bwk kn iphone dier tu ke dpn tunjukkn yg dier sdg record challenge ni. (my opinion) so jgn cpt salah fhm ok. peace!
i come back after 7 years . first vd mukbang samyang masa memula femes dkat malaysia . pleasee make more vd about food pls .
kakak yang pake tudung hitam tu cantik sangat
ok y a
aluna salsabila valina
Betul tu
yg tgh yg putih tu comelllll😍😍😍
putih ke yg tengah tu?
aq perhati je malaysia ni mesti ade je yg nk maki kt komen ni :D
org melayu enn..biasa lah
see what i did there? haHA
ubenhack betul tu
saya disini sebab nk tgk awek tengah tu je..harap next video awek tengah buat the solo bukan the sistrees. hmmm sekadar cadangan.
nak kene taktak nie!
Yup! I thought they were cute too!Their relationship is adorable!I don't see anything "gedik" in here , some people in the comment section are wayyy to pressed.
Akak yang pakai tudung warna kelabu tu tahan pedas akak yang tengah tu lawak akak yang hujung tu cantik 😂😂😂😂😂😂
wuiyshhh ade lgu 2ne1...comeback home..peminat korea ye korang ni...byk lgu 2ne1...peminat 2ne1 ke..CL..Sandara..Park bom..Minzy??
Lukhman Nazril,Aku minat Minzy
Nicky panda aq minat Sandara
+Lukhman Nazril same
tgk depa ni sambil mkn nasi lemak .. tetibe nasi lemak ni pun terasa pedas .. hahah
Comel la kakak yg pkai tdung kelabu tu
Akak yang tengah2 tu comellah😍😘
is that exo's song?!😲😱😱
종인김 yh
y a so good y only
종인김 hi
willis. nisa yes
I notice too
Aku tgok ni dari aku 13 tahun skrg 18 how time flies broooo
kakak2 ni Cantik sangat. I LOVE YOU
Sape lagi yg subscribe lepas tgok diorang ni lawa? Hahaha.. Kita geng
bodoh xde pun lawa
semua kakak yang cantik dan comel
amboi² comey² nyaa 😝
Tgk komen melayu dh mcm wayang 😅 mmg aku melayu tapi tkdela aku tkdela cmtu
haha lucu akak2 ni, mkan maggi tu lidah nya ampek melet2.
yg dkt tgh2 tuh muka mcm adira
Aku pun rasa muka yg tgh tu mcm adira
sikit la
Iya mcm adira kan haha
Akak yang tengahtu kelakar😂😂
*instant noodle* not maggi haha lol
Saye Kpoperz...😀
Haha dian sah-2 kpoperz.. anw hi dian!
mesti pedas kawwwnya!!!?!😭😭
cantiknya orang yg tengah tu😙
sengaja showoff phone apple tu ke??
Saya dtg lgi di video ni lps kak min nikahh😮❤😊
pergh. dalam hati mesti fikir diri tu cun kan. sian lak aku tengok
ikr lol
jgn menghina ciptaan tuhan
+Wifeu Suga btll
Kalau die cantik biarlah tapi kalau die buruk pon terima seadanya sbb die juga ciptaan tuhan
Siti Armanee klu cun takpe jgk ni x cun tpi bajet cun. Sian aku tgk. Tpi takpe la kn make up byk jual skrg ni knn
The one wearing the black hijab is the sweetest.
akak2 ni cantik
Adriana syahfiqah CANTIK DAN COMEL
lame dh akak tk buat video😢😢😢
yg tengah tu cantik yg akak tengah tu
+Puteri Wanie betul tu
Semua akak ni comel sangat2
muslim can't eat haram chicken because the noodle have haram chicken you can't eat that noodle
+rose moe mana tau ?
+rose moe there is no haram chicken u dumbass LOLOL
A-Soul Don't tell me dumbass!Since I am typing it right now I am going to tell you that you are Jen of those that are dumb ass!You don,t even know if you can't eat it cause the seasoning is the chicken seasoning!Haha
+rose moe didnt understand a word u sasid but,,,,ye ur still dumb
cantik la sis'2 nie 😊☺
kakak tiga org ni cantik but.. knp gedik sgt yg tgh tu.. taulh pedas jgnlh smpai nk berdiri bagai...nk tunjuk yg Ramen tu terlalu pedas.. 😒😒
nk nyanyi mse tgh nk mkn.. bismillah akk tu bce x??
yana ney kau xnmpak kerr diorang bce doa bismillah
teddy Batrisyia bising Ah kau...SAKAI
yana ney eeleh.. kau pahal aq tak gne suare pon ape yg bising nye. benggap... kalau kau xske jgn tgk sebok nk mengomen mcm2 blah la kau setan
teddy Batrisyia suka hati nk ckp org setan, mcm lh kau tu xsetan.. 😬😬
tahniah dapat mkn,nnti buat lemang challenge plk
gediknye lah korang ni orang lain mkn jugak ramen tapi tak lah nak menunjuk-nunjuk kepedasan kat orang. So feeling.
tak reti gune penyepit gune lah grafu buat malu je
Ngomong apa toh???
+Aizatul Azreen suka hati doranglah .
+Ezz Rtiey suka hati diorg dgn hang skli kena bala hang tau
+Jon Emre can saye cume bagi komen yang betul yang awk nak backup sngt diorang ni kenape
Min comelll laaaa aishhh geram aku 😂
the one in the middle teruk sangat dah tu pedas! HAHAHAH
akak yang tengah tu comel,cute dan lawak hahahahha😇😇😇😇
aiyooo bekangkang tengah tu...tutup ckit baaa uihhhh
ada la gedik sikit tpi sya suka akk yg tgh tu hahahà lawak + comel xterhingga,..huhuhu
haha. aku mkan 3 pek mi ni sekali mkn. xda arr pedas. mskn mak aq lagi pedas dari ni. cer try mkn Habanero Ramen. top 1 spicy noodle. nak try tp xda pla yg jual sekitar msia nih.. btw, kirim slm kat yg tgh2 tu. awk cute tau! cia..cia..cia..
haha yg tengah tu comel la.. nk nmbo hahaah
yg tengah tuh likee adiraa 💕
Yeah exactly!
best channel
Hahahahaa siot terbaik ahh 👍🏽
yes...I agree with you rose moe
bgusla korang membahasakan diri awk,saya cmtu, member ii i semua woii,wehh,kau ,aku, semua ada😂btw nice video and i like kpop😂i am kpopers hahah
ok ade buat challenge ni jugak..
akak bertiga ni comel lah...kucing akak pun comel☺☺☺
adoi senang cerita smua skali gedik2
semua cantik² dan lwk, comel😆😆
ni baru pedas korea.. ap kate try mad dog 357 plutonium ada berani tak....?? peeeeace yaw
wah kena cuba rasa tu mcm pedas sngat jerr...
+Irfan danial haha..kerek sangat lah
lwk la kowg bertiga nie... so sweet
lawa duh amira , hahahhahahah i've followed ur ig btw xDnanti upload laa ur cover kat youtube
akak tengah tu muka cam adira....Yang lain cantik gila...☺☺☺☺☺
Post lah video lagi...
betul post lh video lagi please😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
Ayun Kamal
aq lagi cantik
Jangan bandingkan orang cantik ke tak
Yang tengah tu cantik and comel
Akak yg tengah tu cantik and comel lah
jp!! aku baru perasan dieorang x ckp Assalamualaikum ponnnn!!!
nk tanya yg korean spicy noodle tuu sebenarnya akak beli kt be?
KT mane nk beli??Area batu caves Selangor Ade???Or speedmart and seven eleven?? Ade??
comel yg tegh tu😊
Hahah mel je memsing rupe korean pn ade 💞💕
cantiknya akk² ni smua...yg tngh tu mcm adira
Min comeynya baq ang ^^
korang semua cute saya suka
mana nk cri ramen nie eh? area klang or shah alam yg jual nie dkt mne eh?
it should be eaten at the same time not one by one. its a challenge not a game when u look at someone eating.
Halal kh ? Aku dh beli tapi tk berani nk makan 😂 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
What song that you sang on 7:33 ?
Akk yang tengah tu comel.. iam kpop tu.. tapi minta bts and exo
betul bts
Semua comelll
kucing tu pun comel 😍😘
Hahaha comel ye kakak2 ni tpikan aq tk la yg mengutuk ni.. Kurang ajar giler doh sape mengutuk ni.. Yg kakak tgh2 tu bukn gedik dia just peramah je.. Korang mengutuk dia knp.. Mesti mulut tk leh jagakn.. Buat malu je.. Tengok diri tu dulu ..ini main kutuk org keje ye.. Ini la org zaman skrg.. Tgk diri tu hebat sgt lps tu kutuk org..
Beli kat mana ni yunk oii ? awk sy cari tak jumpa2 lagi
I want too...where you guys buy this😱😵i like ramen from korea
beli dkt setia city mall ( urban market )
Kat mne tu
Setia alam.
Maggi is a brand , I believe you would want to say instant noodle .
Kak tengah tu cantik la so cute😍😍😍
Can i know where did you buy this ? I've been craving to eat the ramyun really bad !
you can get it from aeon big
Comel la akak akak ni hahah
3:10 - 3:15 ada mksud tersirat tu...haha
hello guy, hai everyone, anyeonghaseyo yang diutamakan, Assalammualaikum kemana?
Assalamualaikum sahabat seperjuangan dan senegara sekalian,
Sebelum korang komen merepek-repek tu, ingat-ingatlah api neraka panas mana yea...^__^ mekaseh
yang tengah tu da la comel yang tepi dia tu macam boleh la yang tepi lagi tu kenapa lempang diri sendiri comellll☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
waktu dia kata baby tu comel
Jangan minum air... Nanti lagi pedas...
hahaha! function gak makan ramai2 walaupun pedas 👍
Memang pedas dah makan pedas gilerr
kakak yg tgh tu comellll.....cantik lak tuu
why they have a cover at the head and I can't understand them
that is because the girls muslim. tutup aurat.
Ethan gamertv every muslim girls have to cover their hair...if they dont do it..they will get sin
no it's just religon how I no because I'm Muslim.
kakak tiga org ni cntik sya suka video akak sebb lucu , kakak yg pkai kain tudung wrna kelabu ngn bunga bunga tu lucuuu