I will always despise shaco players. Not the champion, but the players. They are spiteful ingrates who know nothing about how to work together. There are too many players with chips on their shoulders thinking they can jungle by trying to get all the kills. In reality, they bank all their talent on that, sacrificing their team in doing so. It rarely works if ever.... Any jungler mains who read this, I speak as a fellow jungle main. Please help your team so you can get objectives easier. So what if some of your fellow players are shit at the game. Our job is to keep the team above water, not sinking to the bottom of failure.
Day -420.69 of thanking Godzu for playing fun champions
What a toxic match for both sides. Well played, and always nice to see you keeping your cool and just crushing on. GG
Love you godzu
honestly i would build overlords bloodmail or how is it called however instead of jakshos cause that damage would be biig :D
Día 23: Esperando a que Godzu juegue al Nuevo Pantheon AP 🛐
fun games when shaco does all work
@12:45 was hoping Jax hopped into base haha
who exactly was the rune Cut Down for btw
Hello Godzu God bless you 🙏
Day 26 of asking for k'sante top because you are clearly scared of him. Show us why.
Nautilus top pls
still day 493: asking godzu for asol mid🗿
Day 1 of asking for lucian mid 🙃
Day 135: Pyke Top/Mid ❤❤❤❤
Like for pam pam pam start and for urgot pick specific
what elo is this ? still Bronze or moved up now?
It's a normal game bro, he would probably be high diamond if he played rank
Srry, busy yesterday. Day 35 asking Godzu to play aphelios
Still Day 63 of asking for rengar and ivern bot duo with dogzu
37 more days till day 100
would have loved to see a Bloodmail on this build 🥲
I will always despise shaco players. Not the champion, but the players. They are spiteful ingrates who know nothing about how to work together. There are too many players with chips on their shoulders thinking they can jungle by trying to get all the kills. In reality, they bank all their talent on that, sacrificing their team in doing so. It rarely works if ever.... Any jungler mains who read this, I speak as a fellow jungle main. Please help your team so you can get objectives easier. So what if some of your fellow players are shit at the game. Our job is to keep the team above water, not sinking to the bottom of failure.
Early Man early man yeah that’s me