Amazing events behind the month of Sha'ban

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
  • Amazing events behind the month of Sha'ban
    The month of Sha'ban has many amazing events that occur in it, both in terms of history and the special features mentioned in the hadith. The month of Sha'ban is not an ordinary month, but a month full of amazing events. From the movement of the Qibla, the night of Nisfu Sya'ban, the practices adopted, to the command to pray, everything confirms that Sya'ban is a month of preparation for Ramadan.
    1. Moving the Qibla from Baitul Maqdis to the Kaaba
    One of the historical events that occurred in the month of Sha'ban was Allah's order to move the direction of the Qibla from Baitul Maqdis (Al-Aqsa Mosque) in Palestine to the Kaaba in Mecca.
    Evidence: Allah says in the Qur'an:
    “Indeed, We (often) see your face turned towards the sky, so We will definitely turn you to the Qibla that you like. So turn your face towards the Grand Mosque..." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 144)
    This incident occurred 16 or 17 months after the Prophet ﷺ migrated to Medina.
    This change in Qibla shows that Islam has its own identity, not following previous religions (Judaism and Christianity).
    2. Nisfu Sya'ban Night: A Night Full of Grace and Forgiveness
    The night of Nisfu Sha'ban (the middle of the month of Sha'ban, namely the 15th night) is known as the night when Allah forgives many of His servants.
    Evidence: Rasulullah ﷺ said:
    "Indeed, Allah looked at His creatures on the night of Nisfu Sha'ban, then He forgave all His creatures except those who were polytheists and hostile people." (HR. Ibn Majah)
    3. Month of Sha'ban: The month of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
    It is narrated that the month of Sha'ban is a month that was loved by the Prophet ﷺ and he often fasted more often in this month.
    Evidence: Usamah bin Zaid radhiyallahu 'anhuma asked Rasulullah ﷺ:
    "O Messenger of Allah, I don't see you fasting as much as in the month of Sha'ban."
    Rasulullah ﷺ answered:
    “It is a month that is often forgotten by people, namely the month between Rajab and Ramadan. "That month is the month when my good deeds are lifted up to Allah, so I want my good deeds to be lifted up while I am fasting." (HR. An-Nasa'i and Ahmad)
    4. The Order of Salawat was given to the Prophet ﷺ
    Several scholars stated that the command to pray to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ came down in the month of Sha'ban in the words of Allah:
    “Indeed, Allah and His angels pray for the Prophet. O you who believe, pray to the Prophet and greet him with greetings." (QS. Al-Ahzab: 56)
    Therefore, many scholars call the month of Sha'ban the month of prayers to the Prophet ﷺ.
    5. The revelation of the verse regarding the obligation to give alms before talking to the Prophet ﷺ
    In Surah Al-Mujadilah verse 12, Allah commands Muslims to give alms before speaking directly to the Prophet ﷺ:
    “O you who believe! When you intend to have a private conversation with the Messenger, then give him charity before the conversation...”
    This law was later lightened, but this verse shows the virtue of giving charity and honoring the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    "Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh"
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    Semoga seluruh umat islam di alam rahim, di alam dunia serta di alam barzakh bisa mendapatkan syafaat drpd baginda Rasulullah SAW , bisa mendapatkan rahmat kasih sayang serta keredhaan ٱللَّٰهُ ﷻ di hari perhitungan esok kelak termasuklah yg punya channel ini juga team/crew channel & saya 🤲🏼 amin