Bravo sir, im so tired of the wilful ignorance of our citizens. We in the west are unaware the USSR won the cold wars military arms race pretty much by mid- late 1970’s. Mig 31 1982? phased array radar we couldn’t match till what 2000 and the Mitsubishi F-16 version ? We the west won the luxurious goods Cold War vs ussr microwaves tvs phones .
"started in 2014" Started in 2008, possibly even 2006. That's when Russia decided that it could never rely longterm on anything other than domestically produced components for its military equipment. The largescale replacement of gear started in 2012 after Russia built up some additional chipfab capacity and restarted some production lines with modern gear and was done(all equipment in service) in 2018. "open question" Considering how effective the Lancet-53 has been in autonomous mode, i certainly don't expect the S71 to be LESS capable at least. "quite concerning" Nato and EU personnel have been part of the war since day 1. EU and Nato were literally PRE-PREPARED and actively deployed by the time the SMO started. Which means they were also directly or indirectly part of UAs planned attack on Donbass which caused the SMO, which means all of our merry leaders should be tried under the Geneva convention for crimes against humanity. The Polish gravedigger dispute also told us that Poland alone had taken 1800+ KIAs in UA by November 2022 and 5000+ KIAs by May 2023. We also know from going through the tunnels at Mariupol that there were dozens of British, US, French and German personnel there. One of the the best reports about that was done by Darya Dugina, RIP. BadVolf also had a good video with her down in those tunnels, but i can't find it again since YT deleted his channel for doing actual journalism onsite in the Donbass together with Mike Jones aka iEarlGrey. . Wow, you actually outright stated that there's an anti-Russian tech bias and even mentioned examples. I'm surprised your video was allowed at all by YT. This kind of heresy usually gets instantly struck down as "disinformation" or "hatespeech".
300 km is the limit for Missile Technology Control Regime. - Russia is trying to export these missiles, so the range is limited to below 300 km. For their own use, it may have a larger range.
Yeah this is actually similar to the SCALPs and Storm Shadows. They've apparently been so far limited to within 300km in Ukrainian inventory, but it's assumed they can go about 550km when "unlocked"
"300 km is the limit for Missile Technology Control Regime. - Russia is trying to export these missiles, so the range is limited to below 300 km. For their own use, it may have a larger range." 420km against fighter targets. Unknown but greater against "easy" targets, as apparently they can be fired on semi-ballistic trajectories with limited midcourse correction ability. And yeah, export limitations have always been a thing that is never properly taken into account when talking about Soviet or Russian equipment. People just blindly keep pretending that they're the same when nothing could be further from the truth.
Well until i found your channel and many other unbiased channels/less biased ones i was in the same shoes of all the people propagandized by everything. Yes my western superiority complex "we definately have no propaganda, we are great" forced me to be an ignorant fool, but not anymore and the old joke of soviets fits our times very well An interview with a Soviet engineer who defected to USA: Int: What shocked you the most when you arrived in the USA? Eng: I was surprised by the sheer volume of propaganda here. Int: But surely, there is significantly more propaganda in USSR! Eng: Absolutely, but no one there takes it seriously.
...and 98% of Americans think they "know" the truth, when in reality they are probably the most brainwashed. In 2024 I would bet our military "strength" and readiness for combat is where Americans have been fooled and it has gone on for decades. I have a feeling "we" are getting ready to find out just how feeble our military really is
The original SU-57 videos was how I started watching. This is the only channel I support financially. The best analysis of any channel regarding fighter aircraft.
Bruh... its not even close to being the best "fighter aircraft" channel... what are you even talking about (is this the only reputable channel on fighter aircraft that you even watch or something)? The ONLY thing you could be referring to is maybe specifically "Russian" specific "fighter aircraft"... Especially the Su-57. There's plenty better "fighter aircraft" analysis out there, however, most of those focus more on western ones because (surprise, surprise) they're the ones they're most familiar with, they have the most open source information free to the public on them, and because they're using the English (as opposed to Russian) language. That's not to say that Millennium 7* is bad or isn't good/decent either, just that there are far, far better "analysis" of specifically "fighter aircraft" that's out there (unfortunately for us, he's just one of the few ones that will cover and actually speak well of Russian-specific fighter aircraft).
S-71 is clearly a long long range suicide drone designed to be sent into the general area of an enemy stealth fighter picked up on long wave length radar and hone in on it. Similar to Dimitry Lykov, the guy born in tbe wilderness who could track deer to exhaustion over several days in sub zero temperatures barefoot to catch it.
So do tell me which fighter channel gives viewers the quality of information that this channel does. I love it when people say there are others just as good but they cite no examples. If you say a channel like Sandbox then I am going to laugh. That channel might as well be a US government sponsored channel. So do tell what channels compare including the diversity of fighters covered in depth.
I think there is some sense in sending Su-35s with an Su-57. The airspace they're in is heavily watched by NATO assets, but at a long ways away. The Su-35s' radar signatures could drown out any returns from the Su-57, potentially allowing russia to have the Su-57 fly missions without having their signature studied by NATO.
M7, I can honestly say you are the best military aircraft analyst I have watched on UA-cam. As a fighter pilot I find your presentations extremely well researched, always balanced and very informative. I look forward to your next presentation.
Russian aircraft seem to bring out the worst aspects of our (i.e the West's) propaganda! I recall the fuss about the Mig-25: first it was the most scary plane ever, then after we got to examine one it was declared to be hopelessly flawed. Its operational history paints a picture that is right in the middle (i.e pretty good fast interceptor and usable in a few other roles as its speed made it very difficult to intercept). The basic problem is that we are believing our own propaganda! In the old days it went like: oh - it is so good it is scary, then an about turn to :oh, it is crappy! Now is seems to be straight to: it is crappy! This means we are being continually surprised by the capabilities of Russian gear when met in combat. This is a stupid and dangerous attitude.
That's not true what you are saying. Nobody ever said it was flawed. It was not what they thought it was. The mindset of the time was that the MIG-25 was a very fast, very maneuverable jet with a big radar and so on. It turned out to be nothing more than a fast-moving interceptor
@@m.a3914 They sure did, claimed it was hopeless because it would use up all its fuel to get to mach 3.2 (not sure if that claim was actually true but it was not meant to exceed 2.8 anyway). Also criticised it for being made of mainly stainless steel instead of titanium (true but irrelevant).. There were other items I cannot recall, but the general tone was: we were scared, but it is actually crappy....
@@markir9 Yes, because what they had to do to counter that nonexistent threat was called F-15. They thought the MIG was something like the F-15 but it turned out to be a simple bomber interceptor
Mig-25 wasn't a future proofed airframe. Like many soviet things good in the moment but quickly start to lack behind untill a new unit comes around. While the americans constantly upgrade. To be fair the fkrst F-15s and the latest f-15s are the same planes only in name. The more you use and produce an airframe the more flaws you detect and fix. That goes for anything.
And we'd better hope that they don't build a lot of Felons, and that we don't get into a war with them. Why? They'll WIPE THE FLOOR with us! Thanks to Commie Obama, we don't have enough F-22s, the only plane with a prayer of matching up to the Felon. The F-35 isn't good in WVR combat. And, the F-15EX is a 50+ year old design. OTOH, the Russians have a beautiful, capable, agile, and supermaneuverable fighter that can go against anything in the world.
@@yastymanunless the conflict was nuclear there is no possibility that Russia is a military peer of the United states. We've seen what has occurred in their inept assault on Ukraine.
So you're sad that most knowledgeable people on the topic are russian haters? Have you questioned wether this hatred stems from something that could POSSIBLY justify it? No it must be out of absolute nowhere right, pure nazism i guess
Lol, it's shit. This plane looks great on a paper only. It's still not flying and without western electronics it never will. Like armata tank and other russian crap.
Thanks for your unbiased analysis. Having grown up in a NATO military family I know how biased many in the West are as to Russian science and engineering. Having learnt over the years about Russian space/military tech, it never ceases to amaze me how ingenious and resourceful the Russians are, and anyone who underestimates them, does so at their own peril. Would love to see you do a video on the RD-180 rocket engines and their NK 33 beginnings, a masterpiece of rocket science!
Ja som vyrastal v komunistickej krajine (bývalé Československo), v ktorej sme museli kedysi povinne dovážať sovietske (ruské) výrobky. 99% z nich stálo v obchodoch, pretože ich nik nechcel, viac ako polovica z ruských výrobkov nefungovala už pri predaji. Je jedno či to boli hodinky, kávovary, či televízory. Proste ohromná zaostalosť a nekvalita. Rovnako aj ruské motory RD-180 vznikli len kvôli tomu, že rusi kvôli svojej ohromnej zaostalosti vo výpočtovej technike nevedeli vyrobiť raketový motor s veľkou spaľovacou komorou (kvôli tomu sa rusi nikdy nedostali na Mesiac !), preto skonštruovali RD180 s dvoma komorami, čo sú vlastne dva raketové motory spojené dohromady. Čo sa týka NK33, tak tieto sú zodpovedné za tri výbuchy rakety N1, ruského nosiča určeného pre dopravu ruských kozmonautov na Mesiac. Takže žiadne majstrovstvo, ale obyčajný ruský šrot.
@@vilom825 The whole idea of the NK 33 and later rd-180 were that they were closed cycle. This massively increases the efficiency by way of staged combustion. That's why NASA is still using them. Their performance is just better, and as yet NASA have been unable to replicate it. Otherwise these engines would be subject to sanctions, and this is what a congressional enquiry found out when they asked a NASA representative why they were still buying them shortly after the annexation of Crimea. The N1 explosions were due to the alloys combusting in the extreme oxygen rich environment of the engines turbine stage, a problem they fixed by among other things, new stainless steal alloy, and downstream filters to catch debris. I suggest watching 'The engines that came in from the cold, it gives a very good NASA scientist/engineers perspective on how advanced the engines were.
@vilom825 RD-180 was created at 1998. It has nothing to do with Moon project in USSR. RD-170 was developped to work with 250+bar pressure in combustion chamber and it had specific impulse (fuel efficiency) 337.2s (vacuum). While Rocketdyne F-1 was developped to work with 70 bar pressure in combustion chamber and it had specific impulse 304s (vacuum). The difference in fuel efficiency between the RP1+LOX fuel pair engines is clear. There are still no comparable engines in other countries that combine this level of thrust and Isp in one RP1+LOX engine. While methane rockets did not show their commercial success yet.
@@vilom825 "kvôli tomu sa rusi nikdy nedostali na Mesiac" - Ale alespoň na rozdíl od Američanů Rusové neklamali lidstvo tvrzením, že tam byli... "that's why the Russians never got to the moon" - But at least unlike the Americans, the Russians didn't lie to humanity by saying they were there...
One explanation for flying Su/35s with SU57s is using them as "missile buses". The Su57s use their more advanced sensors to detect targets and the flankers (which can carry more or bigger weapons externally) do the shooting, maybe?
@@Milvus_In_Excelsis From my experience, you guys can't even admit that Harley-Davidson bikes are obsolete tech. Genuine hatred toward superior machines and undeserved glorification of domestic traditions. Even obviously irrelevant technology of ww2 aircraft is a "hot topic" for some reason. No other nation is like that. For good, bad or ugly, that's how you guys are. Maybe that's how you landed on the Moon? That's what you'd expect from a tech worshiping faction from some book or game, so who knows?
So was the YF-23. Its a very real thing that beauty is a good thing. That beauty brings out the best in humanity. This is why with the conquest of our nations that our new rulers push the uglification agenda. Everything must be made ugly. The equivalent of rubbing noses in the dirt. Ugly actors, ugly behaviours, ugly outfits, ugly art, ugly moods, ugly architecture.
I rarely comment, however in this case I would like to. The existing first stage engines of Su-57's are really good and Iz-30/AL-51F-1 is even better - whenever it is going to come in full scale production. The main reason why they are not ramping up the production of Su-57 is that they do not need to do it right now !!! The Russian Air Force has plenty of Su-35's, Su-30's, Su-34's and MiG 31BM's and S-400's, S-500's and other Air Defense systems - that are the best in the world. Russia is fighting in the periphery of the Russian Federation and its airforce is intended to defend the motherland unlike the USAF which intends to fight thousands of kilometers away from the continental US and is used for force projection and full spectrum dominance. There is a difference in philosophies on how nations organize their armed forces - hence their priority in armament production. Russia's production of armaments is HUGE that dwarfs the combined West. Do you disagree? You have a tendency to compare apples and oranges and somewhere in all your videos when you talk about anything Russian, you have an inherent bias which you insert somewhere in your videos by mentioning - for example the backwardness of Russian electronics or the bulky radars, etc. Can you compare the combat availability of F-22, F-35's or F-15's with Su-35, Su-30 and Su-57's? What are the hourly costs of flying each of US combat aircraft compared to Russian ones? What are the maintenance costs of each aircraft per flight hour? Can you objectively analyze the reports of Indian, Malaysian and other airforces that operated or currently operates both Russian and American/Western aircraft? Best wishes.
@@WalknTalknStevnHawkn - Dont worry mate....those damn Ruskies still has them washing machines left (which they captured from Ukies and illegaly(!!) imported from the North Koreans, Chinese and the Iranians)from which they are pulling out those electronic chips to make those dummy missiles fly .... 😛.... all of them Posidons, Avengards, Iskandars, Sarmats, Kinzals, Burevestniks, Peresvets, Tu-160Ms, Su-57s, Su-35's, Su-34's, Tu-22M3Ms, Boreys, Severdovinsks, Kalibers, S 500s, Okhotnik and Orion drones, ....aa man am getting tired of typing.... and ofcourse those millions of artillery shells because Russia is a continental land power(hint hint)....all of them fake mate - am telling ya....Putins propoganda eh.... Ofcourse our friend who runs this YT channel here(kudos to him for taking the time and effort in making these videos) knows what those damn Ruskies themselves dont know !!! and what their military priorities are !!! Infact, he appears to know more than the Russian Security Council or the General Staff or the Defence Minister - how dare them Ruskies dont make those Su-57's with 2D flat nozzles !!! - hence, see those damn Ruskies are inferior...I tell you mate.... Cheers
It was reported several times since 2023 that the engine is finished. The problem is the approval of the ministry of defense. It's still undergoing some evaluation tests. Let's see, what changes have to be made, and changes always have to be made, when the military is involved.
Yes. Somewhat true. Engine is not finished until the fat lady sings. AKA ministry of defense approves it. They still didn’t. Everyone that knows thing or two about Russian procurement knows that test engine batch is goner. They will do to it unimaginable things. UNIMAGINABLE! If it conforms with 90% of the requirements in testing … then and just then it will be accepted. They are already flying it from 2018. And test batch was delivered in winter 2021-22. Poor little engines! Engines for T-14 are only reason it’s not in all encompassing serial production. (Ukraine might have something to do with it too). Fat lady didn’t sing approval tune. 🤷🏻♂️ It’s returned to manufacturer with instructions to “do better next time”.
Very similar to the sukhoi project, and why it came with delays. The Russian MoD is much more paranoid and approaches their best aircraft with the utmost scrutiny compared to the more budget offerings. The Su27 program was quite indicative on how this process happens.
@@olexp9017 The Mig-21 was a very successful plane when first introduced, being in many ways superior to equivalent US planes e.g. The F4 Phantom which was big and heavy by comparison. They made over 11,000 if you include Indian variants, so by definition it was one of the most successful jet fighters ever built. By the mid 1970's though it was beginning to be outclassed and the F-16 and F-15 were both far superior - they should have been as they were 20 odd years newer. We won't really know how good the SU-57 is if they only make a low double digit production run of them.
Now some additional info and data for respected M7 and others who are interested in .There is one famous Russian military analyst and journalist Marat Khayrulin. Let us see what he wrote a couple a days ago about Su-57 combat missions. Citation : ''For example, Ukrainians are in a panic from how our Su-57 works. This plane can stay in the air for a very long time, and due to the fact that it sees everything far away and is armed with very long-range weapons, it turns out that it is literally sitting in ambush. Not everyone knows that, at almost every moment of time, one or two Su-57s are in the air. They guard primarily the Black Sea and, apparently, the most dangerous sections of the border and the front. Hence, the unprecedented efficiency - almost any launch of Ukrainian missiles from an aircraft ends with the carrier being destroyed. Now, based on the results of the first year of full-fledged operation, it turns out that one squadron of Su-57 is capable of monitoring the entire current theater of military operations around the clock. Don’t forget, we already have a regiment of such miracle machines in the SMO. We will talk about this in more detail in the following materials.'' Now let us see if this is only writer's speculation or the real facts .So let us see about real aerodynamics and gas dynamics capabilities of one Su-57. Su-57 can cruise in the stratosphere for a long period of time at an actual speed of Mach 1.3 ( 1500km/h of IAS), while the AL-41F1 engines consume as much kerosene as the AL-31F engines of the Su-27 fighter flying/cruising at an altitude of 13 kms at a speed of 0.85M or 1000km/h of IAS (the ideal altitude and speed of the Su-27 flight for long-term cruising, patrolling or overflights).So Su-57 has 50% greater flight speed then Su-27 on the same working mode of engines( Military Power). Su-27 has the volume of all fuselage and wing kerosene tanks about 9.5 tons, Su-57 about 12 tons. Aerodynamic drag is much lower of the Su-57 than of the Su-27. Su-57 has a total wing surface that is 30% larger (82 m2 compared to 62 m2). It is interesting that the weights of empty fighters on the tarmac of the Su-57 and Su-27 are almost the same, about 16 tons. The real combat (tactical) radius of a Su-57 patrolling in the stratosphere in the height (H=10-25kms with V=1.3M ) with 100% kerosene on the tarmac before the pre-flight check and with given AAM's inside the fuselage and underwing weapon compartments is more then 2000 kms including supersonic climb to given altitude on a Full AB mode and navigation ( landing) kerosine reserve. In fact ,Su-57 is the only fighter in the world besides the mighty MiG-31BM/K who can fly( patrol) above the so called Armstrong's line ( 19kms). All of this Su-57 can achieve with the first stage engines AL-41F1 ( Product 117 ) ! What long-range AAM's does Su-57 have? It has Product 180 or R-87 with a maximum launch distance of up to 200kms and with a constant flight speed of Mach 5 and Product 810 or R-97 with a maximum launch distance of over 400kms. Networked in a patrol group, they can exchange data with each other by flying in the stratosphere at a distance of 400 kms sideways from each other. The American F-22A certainly cannot achieve such practical results, nor does it have such a long-range AAM.
дозаправку в воздухе никто не запрещал. по сути время нахождения су57 в воздухе ограничено лишь возможностями пилотов.больше чем 8-12 часов физически сложно пилоту находиться в воздухе.так что учитывая возможность заправляться в воздухе су57 может еще больше летать патрулировать.так они и используются. но увы ресурс мяса в кокпите имеет свое значение...
Over my decades of observing Russian aviation development [I recall being excited by the Foxbat's grabbing of the BAE Lightning's brute force with elegance baton in my teens], I have been impressed by how Russia's approach is to develop 'families' of aircraft. Unlike the US approach, Russia's does not chase trends and fashions but fits extremely careful research in with the practicalities of manufacturing and stockpiling parts. This is in direct contrast to the USA's 'JIT' approach which you covered recently re the ultimately failure of the F-35. My father, a lifelong ex-RAF aircraft addict, always emphasized that flying is the smaller part of making a plane into a weapon, airliner, transporter, rescue asset able to work as and when needed "from cold". That expression puzzled me for years but was made clear late in his life when I took him from his care home to see an Avro Shackleton at a nearby outdoor museum and restoration area near Newark, Notts, UK and a huge quantity of bits and pieces lay labeled on the ground around what he at first thought was his beloved Lancaster but soon muttered "wet feet Shackleton". I went to get some tea a few yards away and when I got back Dad wasn't there. A kindly ex-RAF restoration man said "He is showing us what to do" and there he was inside the fuselage being a fitter's instructor. Although he had little speech by then he could draw and had an uncanny memory for numbers so was, in effect, showing the restorers short cuts to complete and check tasks. The chief restorer explained that he was genuinely useful because having the 'knack' of parts and tools laid out in order and not label sequence saved time and made sense. The man said that damaged bombers had to be got ready "from cold" then I understood the mysterious expression. The Shackleton being the maritime ASW/EW plane derived from the Lancaster bomber was familiar to Dad even though he never worked on one. Sorry this is long-winded but it is evidently relevant to the matter in hand. Having to re-train engineers when designs are outré for the sake of it. A case in point is the short service life of the A-10 whereas the Su-25 equivalent was more conventional and is still in action -- and development. The Su-57 will take as long as it takes and will be a reference point hub of future developments, not just in military uses. "Drones" launched from the aircraft type could have uses in space crew rescue and swapping without launching huge rockets, independent of weather and complicated re-entry time factors.
@@LoserDestiny fitting name, this comment is just brimming with prejudice and ignorance it's not even funny (even calling Russians ruzzian). Anyway, no, Tu-160 does not copy B-1, the outline may be similar but the design is completely different to even the design philosophy and what jobs the two aircraft took, but an amateur like you wouldn't catch it anyway. Su-25 is being used because it is what's needed, it works and it is simple, enough said. As for the T-62, yes they are using it, but these are T-62M upgraded in the 80s, so basically a 1980s tank, the US marines only recently stopped using M60, do I condemn them for using M60? No, why would I, a tank is a tank, and no matter how good it is, it will always get damaged or even destroyed, just as the Leopard 2A5 and Strv 122, they're all modern and all burnt down in Ukraine, but this doesn't make them a bad tank, it is simply their job.
The concept of a design bureau seems like a good idea, providing it does not become a home for past their use by date designers. It would provide continuity and foster corporate memory.
@@LoserDestiny The F-35 is a fad that has failed in the essentials of a combat aircraft. Too many hours down and too expensive and complex to maintain.
@@LoserDestiny "Hell, they are still using T-62 (not T-64!) tanks from late 1950" As mobile gun platforms, yes. Russia has more modern tanks to use for maneuver battles, but a big gun is a big gun. It is better to use it out in the field where it can be used to shell fortified positions during infantry pushes than simply leaving them to rot away in warehouses. Some of them have even been partially buried as part of Russia's defensive lines.
Current "round" nozzles have 2D tvc, but they deflect at angles similar to what can be seen on the image with flat nozzles. So, no regression in that regard Flat nozzles are actually somewhat heavier because of huge flat surfaces that must withstand high G overloads And high speed air flow during maneuvers Flat nozzles help to reduce IR signature when they have with to heith ratio over 2:1 which is actually not the case both on al-51, and on the raptor. There's one unmentioned area in which such nozzles are better than conventional ones: due to their shape they have lower rcs
@@ilyavolkov2556 yep, I'm certain. That's a popular misconception which can be pretty easily debunked. Just have a look at any 57 video and try to find a moment when its nozzles are moving in any other direction than the V pattern
Nice video! The reasons Su-57 was not in full scale production: 1. The engine not ready (perfectly covered in the video. Btw, Rostech announced a month ago that the new engine is ready and, most importantly, has been accepted for Russian Army (VKS) use. Therefore, all newbuilds will be fitted with new engine and, upon completion of the new production line at the factory for Su-57 the deliveries will double from 12 annually to 24 annually. Presently, 67 Su-57s have been ordered by Russian MOD. Most likely, the order will be expanded. 2. There are hundreds of pilots already trained for Su-35S and Su-30SM. It would be smart to provide them with planes they can use with minimal preparation, rather than to retrain them for a new model. 3. Ukraine (NATO in its current state) is not an enemy requiring huge effort to defeat. Russia has a luxury of time to perfect its truly modern designs like Su-57, T-14, T-15, Koalitsiya self-propelled howitsers, S-500s, battlefield robots etc. to use them in battle sporadically in order to test and hone them. The job of destroying Ukraine can be done using proven tools and cheaper, then why pay more?
Like any other Weapon since Tsar era , the Russians start with weapon and they keep upgrading it into something better , for example T-72 and now they have T-72B3M. Despite the financial issues russia had since 90' and wars , they are doing well.
I have just subscribed to your channel. Apart from the wonderful analysis and technical information, even more important or as important is your more objective views than anywhere else I have known. There are a lot of channels covering military and aerospace technology/tactics etc but very few that are so unbiased. The algorithm will push one in the direction that are subtly or not so subtly biased in favour of Western equipment. This sort of bias was there even before the internet age in books and magazines, and heavy amounts of this during the cold war. It just carried on even after the cold war and into the internet age. In short, thank you for being a more objective channel on these matters.
the thing is it is not an airplane and seeing it as one is missing the point. it's a "Frontline Aviation System" as the project was quite clearly called PAK-FA for Perspective Aviation Komplex - Frontline Aviation. Russians did not just make an airplane, they had a vision and the Su-57 airframe is just its visible part.
So, my first attempt for a comment was well and truly a mess! I now try again: I am very thankful for your unbiased and fair way you produce your videos! To have you giving us so much valuable knowledge also from a Russian jet makes you stand out! To many others just can't see beyond politics and are not as fair and neutral just because it is Russian! You actually have just opened my eyes and suddenly I look at this jet in a new way! You don't need to love them to respect their jet! Thanks, keep up your good work!
@@btb300 "microprocessors?" The US about the same level as Russia and the Dutch ASML is pretty much a German Zeiss outcrop. Without Zeiss there would be no ASML. automotive industry? What about it?? Who are you comparing with who? Now that you tried to be a troll, please explain why you expect Russia to be superior than 40 odd countries all put together, and superior at everything? How does that work in your mind?
@@btb300I'm referring to them moving from a brown water navy to a blue water navy in only 30 years. Or the entirety of the cold war as they repeatedly made alarming advances while making huge mistakes. Look up the history of their sub force.
@@charlesmullenax4448 I think catching up becomes increasingly difficult as the technologies involved become more complex, relying on a more intricate web of capabilities in industry and education. After the world war captured German equipment and personell was a huge contributor to their advances. I think Japan could be a better example of catching up and even overtaking in certain areas. There is no denying that Russia has some solid capabilities, but it is difficult to believe that they can just catch up in some critical areas. I agree your sentiment of not underestimating them though.
i think this is the only channel that provides accurate unbiased analysis on military aircrafts and aviation in general. I have really learned a lot and enjoyed every video thank you so much for that. As per the su-57m, I totally agree with you that it is indeed a masterpiece despite the fact that the program has not matured yet. I also believe that its original in every aspect and that the Russians are dead serious about bringing it to becoming a 5.5 gen fighter and further-"they claimed to have designed it as a platform that would evolve by time"- and that they have something still up their sleeves about stealth tech. I've read about them developing some fiberglass coating plus some plasma generating device that would ,if used together, make it invisible to radars as well as other sensors even at close range. I really think that this time their claims about this su-57m program should be taken seriously. what do you think about these claims, sir ??
Much respect from me. Like usually, the best airplane review one can get in english speaking segment of the internet. Without exaggeration. Many thanks with a low bow, well deserved.
This level of neutrality and dedication to doing unbiased research and presenting facts instead of supporting narratives and taking sides is very commendable and speaks a lot about your integrity. I wish there were more analysts like this. Excellent video!
Considering how the Russian Air Force doctorine thinks and works, can we expect a stealth ground attack aircraft (like a next gen for SU-34) to be developed based on the Su-57 platform? I mean, 1- is Su-57 platform as versatile and as good as the infamous Flanker? 2- what kind of aircraft would a low-observability ground attack warplane would be?
Well, it is supposed to be a multirole aircraft. The camera system that shows the pilot the outside environment in the helmet is designed for low level flight. There is a stealth targeting pod being developed. So the Su-57 should be the replacement of the Su-34.
I just don't see why ground attacks would require a specific ground attack flight profile any more. Before precision munitions you needed to fly close to the ground and even rugged A-10s get shot down constantly. Now even A-10s, if used for ground attack, would just be loosing smart munitions from 5000 ft the same as an F-16 or F-35, and none of them need any special ground attack ability other than a technical capability to direct the missiles. It's not like they need to be updated to triple wing spars and so on.
@@Millennium7HistoryTech but wont this cause the same issues as the Ka-50 had? With the pilot not having enough concentration to both fly and searcb for targets? Although with the twin seater variant being patented that might be fixed just as the Ka-52 fixed the issue.
@@lqr824 >I just don't see why ground attacks would require a specific ground attack flight profile any more For the fly-hour cost, su34/35 usage will always be much cheaper that constant usage of superior su57 for such purpose, any jet got limited hours of flying before general big maintance, so why using expensive to maintain 10-radars su57 if you could achieve same goals with cheaper su-34? and payload make big difference as well, if we talk about long term operations, not just 1-time-in-a-year operation
I think that the purpose of the 2D nozzles is to reduce RCS compared to the round ones and maybe some IR reduction which is harder to implement in a round full 3D nozzle.
Okay okay, I will refrain from satire and try to explain to those that don't understand, as we slavs say, "to those stuck in the tank, knock knock". The reason the Su57 is a masterpiece is because the entire russian government budget including defense is 0.35 trillion USD. It costs the US 3x the entire Russian national budget to develop (not build) the F35. Throw enough money at any problem you will eventually get a solution. The fact that the aircraft is combat ready and operational is an even greater feat. Sure, it took a long time, but it came with little cost to the tax payer and didn't burden the nation with so much debt that its on the verge of collapse. Second, Since 2014 the Russians have developed pretty much every single system in house, without having to hack the pentagon (cough, china). This shows that the engineers and scientists there have the necessary expertise and past experience to develop something like this. Not only that, this program was initially conceived during the USSR, and it took some 13 years before the program was green lit for development, and another 9 years to reach truly operational and functional status. Sure, 23 years doesn't seem like much, but the F22 program started in 1981 and the first production started in 1996. That is 15 years. 15 years from concept to production, vs 21, sure, but again, consider that the Russians went through some of the worst economic times in any nations history in the 90's and that they still managed to do all of this without going into national deficit spending by the trillions. This alone makes it a great feat of engineering. Idiots on the internet will always talk about how this plan is a paperweight and cant do half of the things stated, but now we have western sources confirming the air craft does pretty much exactly what it was designed to do, with weapon systems that exceed the russian's claims. I think that is enough proof that we on the ground keyboard warriors don't know anything about this, and the fact that airplanes fly at all, is a miracle that none of us could achieve.
Russians get paid roughly 1/10 what US workers do, so it's not like it was tremendously cheaper if you do a fair analysis. It barely works to begin with, so it doesn't really matter how cheap it was.
The Indians funded the R&D of Su-57. Russians did not spend much money. - I wonder why Indians after burning billions of dollars on this project opted out, considering they need parity with China to balance J-20.
Agree with most everything you say and the SU57 is super sexy and by all accounts a phenomenal aircraft. The fact that it is alleged to have multiple air to air real combat kills with what is essentially pre production prototype airframes is more than extraordinary especially when we remember the F22 took 28 years to achieve its first air to air kill...against a weather balloon🤪 As far as your dig at PLAAF hack, we have to remember that the Chinese had to begin with a blank slate with no technological foundation or experienced scientist in an essentially 3rd country. USSR not only having an advanced aeronautical foundation from real design and production in WWII fighter development also benefited from a cadre of NAZI scientist channelled to the USSR post war (USSR Operation paperclip). What China and Russia has achieved with their 5th gen fighter is truly astounding and the hope is they can contribute to world stability and peace.
@@TheNefastor Sorry did you mean to say Germany is collapsing? According to western World Bank, Russia is biggest economy in Europe and 4th largest in world. It has higher GDP growth than any G7 country and into the for seeable future. Russia will host the BRICS summit in Kazan Russia with 39 nations vying to enter including NATO member Turkiye with attendance by as observer of at least another 50. It is 2024 not 1994.
@@GenghisX999 World stability and peace? Are you not aware that Russia is currently invading Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus and China has been probing Taiwan and Japan's ADIZ in preparation for an invasion for years?
I'm struggling to criticize Millennium 7 without snark (or flattering him). Good points on the Felon's hardware but you didn't say much about data fusion and systems, which you [seemed to agree] were the big selling point for the F35. Also, I think that by not mentioning microchips, Millennium 7 downplayed sanctions by telling us Russia moved to domestic component production. . Russia makes [maybe] 75 nanometer (nm) chips and is striving to domestically do 10 nm chips. The US uses 3nm and is pushing for 2. Iphone's use 5, 4 and now 3nm chips. And you can't just remove a 4nm iPhone chip (or 65nm washing machine chips) and plop them into your Byelka radar. These chips are purpose built. . Because sanctions affect chip imports they DO EFFECT capabilities. You can't engineer the best hardware (engines, wings) or produce the kind of data fusion used in F35s (or Super Hornets, or F15EX, or new F16s). You also can't engineer production equipment (robots) with CPUs based on 75nm, 28nm or even 20nm chips. . One f35 can momentarily track the Felon, then shut its radar and hand to another. An F15 will shoot based solely on data link then as a missile closes an EF18 will turn on jamming --again directing it suddenly using just data link. The SU-57 can't get there from here without good chips.
Looking at F-35's Integrated Core Processor, with its 1Mb CPU cache and 512Mb RAM, it is likely still uses 90nm process CPU from mid 00's, and it HANDLES the data fusion tasks. Possibly it is being upgraded in Block4, but I think that CPU power is not a bottleneck for a modern plane at all. And for realtime processing, custom chips are always more effective than general-purpose CPUs.
@@MrJahbuddha Okay, you seem better informed than I. I thought of f35s as high tech so if chips aren't a bottleneck that's counterintuitive. Sometimes the real world is counterintuitive.
"The US uses 3nm" /facepalm F-22 flies on 80386 derivative.F-35 on pentiumaround2.Su-35 had ten times the processing power of baseline F-35's CPU. New F-35's CPU is roughly double the Su-35's and nobody cares because the code is written for the old one. "One f35 can momentarily track" Can't.Inferior radar,inferior gain and inferior processing capability. "An F15 will" be downed long before closing to launch anything.
Su-57 may or may be not up to par to F-22 Raptor (depending on who you ask) , but it has one major advantage: it is in production, even being a low rate one. And I think nobody serious can question aeronautical engineering mastery in Sukhoi buerau. The only open question remains the effectivness of different installed electronic hardware, which was a problem that also plagued early versions of MiG-29, for example. But it is no secret that even F-35 has some problems with that, despite high volume of production. Very good video, as always.
Even the SU-35 (2778km) can destroy a F22 Dinosaur.... It's much faster than the F22 and has EW on board. by the way I am no Russian or in Russia, but the US tends to make theirs fighters better on paper then in the real world. Just look a the F35 debacle....
The Su-57 has less than 2 dozen in service, with a planned total order of 76 by 2028. At the current rate that is looking at about 60 by then. The F-22 still has more than double that in service and NGAD will be coming not long after. Then there's the more than one thousand F-35s, which is a more capable fighter, reconnaissance, strike, and EW platform than the Su-57. Although the lead is not as large as the F-22 compared to the Su-57 in the fighter department.
@@ImBigFloppa The F-22's readiness rate is bad enough that by 2028 that would equate to actually a really similar number of F-22 and Su-57 fieldablel by 2028.
@@DaleChipplethunk You are comparing the ready units of the F-22 with the total units of the Su-57. What gives you the impression that the most corrupt nation in Europe, with a military that is "second" best in the world and is currently stuck in trench warfare with the poorest country in Europe using Western scraps, will have any kind of reliability or readiness rate? Even if everything went according to plan for the RuAF, and they got 76 Su-57s by 2028, and got an outright impossible 100% readiness rate (lucky to get 60%), it would still be up against 150 far superior Raptors with a readiness rate of a minimum of 50%. A low ball Raptor force versus a laughably generous Felon force and only then can the Su-57 reach the same quantity.
Russian shill? No, I don't see it that way. Context : I am an Australian, a fan of the Spitfire and the P-51D, but I'm also a fan of the FW-190. Does that mean I'm a Nazi? I'm also a fan of Adolph Galland and Erwin Rommel ~ not because they were Nazis, but because both men were exceptional soliders and very good at their job. I recognise talent and merit and courage, intelligence and extreme usefulness. The fact they fought for the 'other side' doesn't change that.
@@horusfalcon More folks do think the way he does. It's just that control of information was always a weapon, so some voices are repressed, while other voices are being promoted. Nihil novi sub sole.
Russia is great at propaganda but Russians will not tell you that India was part of Su-57 program, after they have seen the result they quickly dropped out. China refused to participate too. They all laughed at SU-57 which is a bad attempt to copy American F-22 and F-35
Didnt Su57 fly over Israel with an under wing pod that made the aircraft invinsible two gears ago ?Now they have a high pitch sound that distort radars !
United States, Russia, China F22 Science Fiction Art Su57 Military Art J20 Cold Engineering They respectively represent the wave of American enthusiasm for science fiction films in the last century. The art of war of the Soviet military industry. He studied under the Soviet Union, then studied the American military industry, and then used the most advanced wind tunnel system to blow out the aircraft configuration. God, the planes created by these three countries look like RTS war game art.
I think SU-57 is such a beautiful airplane, at least from the visual point of view, in addition to its recent performance at the Zhuhan airshow by the famous Russian test pilot (who is in his 60s!). The airshow performance by SU-57 was spectacular, especially its almost vertical takeoff! As for Russians "always overplaying their capabilities", recently one of Russia's famous Bolshoi theatre ballet dancers told a story how after being eager to see the West on Bolshoi's tour in the US, he went to the space exhibition or center (I think in NYC), where he noted that Gagarin, the very first man in space in history, was hidden somewhere in a small corner like some insignificant figure, presented on a tiny photograph, easy to miss, whereas secondary US space-related figures were all upfront and centre. Some objectivity, eh? He said that he realized afterwards that no matter the achievements of the Russian people, the West will never give their due acknowledgement and will always downplay them.
India is sticking with Su-30MKI after lots of investment into localizing production and incorporating domestic upgrades. Insufficient reason to move to Su-57. In fact, more Su-30MKI have been ordered for peoduction.
I read a few days ago that russia is talking to india about licensing su-75 to india in a full technology transfer so that the entire plane is built in india.
@@sadiporter2966 India is not interested in Su-75 though Russia is pushing it. The main financial backer UAE backed out following the Ukraine war. India already has at least 4 different fighter planes being developed indigenously.
That's a move they can't go back on and sorryly regret. Russians will never make the same offer twice. The Indians cut themselves out to please their American masters.
Update? I've heard that India is seriously considering Su-57s now, but they are at a crossroads, as usual, with the other option being to get the F-35.
You provide some of the absolute best and neutral, logical, realistic analysis. I'm involved in US defense, and have wanted to message you for some time on subjects you've touched on, however I can't fault you at all about your appreciation for this aircraft. I'm curious to learn more about its true performance. You also shared some details here, especially about the 2 seater, that intrigues me intensely. All the best, thank you for your continued content. Oh, obligatory... "Russian shill!"... just kidding man.
Hi M7 ! First congrats for your comments ! You are one of the few western very objective analysts ( e.g. Bill Sweetman is also very objective). Yes ,Su-57 is actively used during SMO ,practically from the beginning.Su-57 was used in SEAD/DEAD missions with its new heavy very long range hypersonic ARM type Kh-58UShK-TP which has not only passive radar but also passive IR guidance. With engines AL-41F1 ,Su-57 can fly and patrol over so called Armstrong's line ( over 19 kms of alt) and can supercruise in stratosphere fo a long period of a time with real speed of 1.3 Mach ( You are right). Su-57 got six new AAM : Product 171-1 ( R-77-2 ), Product 180 ( R-87 ), Product 270 ( R-47), Product 300M ( R-? ),Product 760 ( R-74M2) and Product 810 ( R-97 ). Also got some new AG weapons like: tactical cruise missile Kh-36 Grom-1 ( Thunder)=120kms , ARM Kh-58UShK-TP=400kms , stealth low flying subsonic operational-tactical cruise missile Kh-69=400kms , new stealty low flying operational-tactical subsonic cruise missile Kh-50 (Product 715 ) =1500kms, two cruise-missiles/combat loitering drones S-71M Monochrom ( HE warhead ) and S-71K Kavyor ( cluster munition)=400kms.,new ASM called Product 720. Of course , there S-70 'Hunter-B' as loyal wingman which can be data linked with every Su-57. One fighter regiment will have 24 Su-57 in 2 sqn's ( each with 12 fighters ) and one sqn with S-70 Hunter-B. Su-57 has 8 AESA radars as part of N036 Byelka radar system ,yes. Four in centimetric X-band ( the main N036 Byelka with 1526 TRM for forward looking, two N036B with 358 TRM each as SLAR and AESA called Epolet-A with 68 TRM for rear looking in the tail boom . Also has four decimetric L-band radars ,two in wingslats and two in LEVCON's. X-band AESA radars are for search/detect/track and lock on of air ,ground and sea targets.Then for ID/IFF nav and comm,also for jamm. X band AESA can be used for ELINT and EW ( ESM,ECM,ECCM). L-band AESA radars are for long range search/detect/track air ,especially LO and VLO targets,then for long range IFF,jamm in L band spectrum. L band AESA can work in Mono and Bi static modes. With all of that 8 AESA ,Su-57 has all around azimuthal coverage ( 360 degrees ).Besides those 8 AESA ,there is four more AESA as part of L402 Himalay active jam system. That AESA are positioned on the sides of the wingtips. About versions... There is the main single-seat version as serial and operational.From 2020 until the end of 2024 all of them are or will be equipped with AL-41F1 engine . From 2025 until the end of 2027 new Su-57 will be equipped with AL-51F .Su-57M ( Project Megapolis) is practicaly the prototype of 6th gen fighter and Sukhoi test pilot Sergey Bogdan already had several test flights were he did nothing at all. Literaly from take off phase to the landing phase. They have two flying prototypes of Su-57M, number 058 and 511 blue.For them they are testing completely new 6th gen engine ( with rectangular rotating nozzles with reverse thrust capability),also DAA ( Digital Antenna Array ). Su-57 ( twin-seat) will be offered to IAF ( Indian Air Force). About aerodynamics..... Only can write ,it is so superior ,simply fantastic( LEVCON's wings with six control surfaces and all moving horizontal and vertical stabilisers,in total 12 of them ! ) Test and combat unit pilots already recognise that Su-57 can do almost every maneuver faster than Su-35S. About gasodynamics .... Even with so called first stage engine AL-41F1 ,Su-57 has excellent agility and maneuverability ,SEP and thrust to weight ratio.That very inovative plasma ignition system of the main and AB chamber is practicaly unique. With AL-41F1 ,Su-57 is the only fighter in the world who can climb through troposphere with supersonic speed.Initial climb rate at 1000m ( even armed with AAM inside those fuselage and underwing weapon compartments ) is more then 380m/s ! AL-51F is in fact completely new design .It has third ( cold only ) air stream for cooling the engine and nozzles ,thus redusing IR signature. Has new composite IGV and serrated nozzle panels as RCS reducing measures besides that radial-coaxial grid as radar blockator inside air intakes( something that operational Su-57 already have). By the way, AL-51F has no classic AB chamber at all. Instead, it has so called multi-ring complex with plasma ignition system. All the best and keep to be so objective and interesting.
@@HansOleBenonisen so you expect all the western sam systems hauled there to be useless...? get back to reality. ukraine isnt naked goat herders with ak47, especially when all of nato supports it. mobile sam systems, ev systems and shoulder weapons make air superiority nearly unachievable concept.
@@HansOleBenonisen Hm ,that ''fantastic'' piece of flying Lada is in fact the real reason why USAF is actively working on the new 6th gen fighter! Yes, it is right. Now if You don't mind I will present You some facts from the history of the fighter aviation. When SR-71 Blackbird became operational, USSR answered with one 3rd gen famous fighter-interceptor. Of course, it was MiG-25. So MiG-25 was 3rd gen fighter( interceptor). USAF answered with 4th gen fighter known as F-15 ,am I right ? Then USSR answered with 4th gen fighter Su-27. So Su-27 was the answer to F-15 and it really was! What was the USAF answer to Su-27? It was 5th gen fighter F-22A ! in the meantime,Russians answered with 5th gen fighter Su-57.USAF answer for Su-57 is ? Understood ? On March 24 1999 , NATO attacked former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( with no real reason of course). Former FRY had air space with area of about 100000 km2. NATO used air spaces of almost every country around FRY. Besides that ,YuAF MiG-29B flew some combat missions that lasted 30-45mins. Do I have to remind that Yugoslav Air Defence force shot down super modern stealth tactical bomber F-117A with so old Soviet made SAM system SA-3 (S-125M Neva-M ) ? On the other side, we have Ukraine with air space of about 600000 km2 ! Ukraine Air Defence force was the biggest and most modern one in Europe (after Russian ) ,with 35 battalions of SAM-10,15-20 battalions of SAM-11 etc. Understood now ?
I must say I am perplexed by all the skeptics out there. Why on Earth would anyone have a belief that "Russian tech suck, bla-bla-bla"? What grounds would one ever have to think that? Their tech may be "rougher around the edges" in some cases and it may sometimes depart entirely from the Western approaches, it does not mean it is bad or comparatively worse. Decades of experience, huge scientific and industrial base, tonnes of resources and - very importantly - the MIC being oriented towards delivering quality and efficient solutions as opposed to overpriced boutique items (Ahem, US MIC), that is bound to produce top-notch stuff. If anything, one should be surprised if some Russian tech turns out to be meh. People are truly uneducated and/or blinded by bias, which leads to ignorant opinions. Anyway, thank you very much for the video! I shall say that it would be a pity if the Russians downgraded the engines to use 2D nozzles, would kind of violate the spirit of this air frame.
Terrible performance in war and very poor reviews by operators of the equipment? They can barely make small-arms, with only a handful of them being equivalent or better compared to the western counterpart, and are basically incapable of making vehicles (anymore, at a time they were competitive).
Sure, why anyone would think that air defense systems that can't protect literally itself for literally life of it - suck... No idea. :D Must be russophobes or something.
i mean its like the t14 armata. overall the rule with russia is if its not documented it doesn't exist. both vehicles have not been shown in use in either ukraine or syria( although russia did say it was used. but no footage exists in a very heavily documented war).
I will join in on the Russian shill-ary. (If that isn't a real word, I'm coining it.) While I agree with the technical praise of the Su-57 towards the end of this video, I would add that, for me, it is by far the most aesthetically pleasing of any of the (combat-ready) fifth-generation fighters. (The F-22 would probably be second.)
You are a great content creator , I love all your videos, and as you say western aircraft have tons of material, and specialized content on the other side of the world is what your videos are all about
Su-57 is so dogged on it's criminal. Did the world forget how experienced, smart and innovative Soviet and now Russian engineers are? If you want an example, remember that F-35B incorporates Yak-141's engine nozzle and control technology. USA also copied Soviet helicopter Turboshaft engines from the Mi-24. Russians are really smart when it comes to making weapons, there's no doubt about that anymore. I believe Sukhoi designers know perfectly well what they are doing. Combat Approved had really cool interviews and inside shots of what the Su-57 is and what it will become. Russia is advancing far faster now thanks to the budget being increased multiple times.
Oh their engineers are top rate, it's their manufacturing that's bargain bin discount level. And their project managers are somehow all getting rich off rather mediocre salaries. Why? For the same reasons that the rest of the country is crumbling. It's the effects of a legacy of a culture of "good enough" that lasted over a century. Russians aren't stupid, they just have different ideas vis-a-vis production efficiency human psychology and an obsession with grandeur.
Yeah, there is no doubt how behind they are. The fact of the matter is that a digitally backward country is trying to create a jet from the digital era.
Su-57 is a good design, Russia's engineers are nothing short of incredible, however, the culture of corruption and bureaucracy creates big problems in the ling run. I'm sure the SU-57's design is an amazing design, but i'm also mostly convinced that the current 'su-57' that we see flying is a SU-24 Bodykit for gathering aerodynamic data and nothing else.
The SU-57 has flown very few sorties so I don’t know how you can make that claim with a straight face and it’s hardly a 5th generation fighter but that’s neither he nor there with the claim you’re making.
@@cryhavoc999 as well as the F-22 if Russia is calling that 💩 box 5th gen then you might as well throw in the F-16/18 😂 bc they’re too scared to go take that flying coffin anywhere near the border no less over Ukraine. I do find these Russian propaganda channels funny though especially when their fanboys and gals take to commenting.
"And i praise ingenuity wherever i see it" Wise words. As a Russian, I also respect the engineering work of other countries, whether it's America or another country from the NATO bloc
Damn, a fellow Ace Combat player. (Technically I only played 'unofficial' Ace Combat 7). Think my most played plane would be Mig-21bis, Su-57 and YF-23. Best plane for the missile silo mission would be Mig-31. The Mig mostly for their secondary machine gun options. I sniped so many NPCs with those. Also would you believe me if I told you that one weird time I am playing the Hugin boss accidentally crash into the tower in the final mission? The whole thing was so dumbfounding that I stared in confusion while the whole game just jammed.
i mean was biased bt he did say so himself and cant blame him alot bs out there that is blindly point is he is also sharing some Russian provided info., while its nothing thats hard to believe and likely accurate, no one can say if its 100% accurate and that goes for any mostly classified info from any country edit: btw i have no reason to believe his channel in general is biased and i dont think it is
Hello millenium, Great content as always. But in response to your "russian schill" comments, my very underqualified and shallow impression. At times, i do feel like you're extremely hard on the western fighters... maybe u.s. fighters... maybe the f35 more specifically. While on the flipside, you are often quick to hand out praise to Russian/Chinese fighter developments. No doubt the su57, or j20 are amazing jets and would make for a formidable foe for even the latest western tech, but these jets are what, 25 years behind the f22, and still lag significantly in capability/features when compared. Again, just a high level impression. I do genuinely love your content, and recognize that you have forgotten more about aviation/fighter development than i will ever know.
Since we live in the western information bubble, this is the impression you have. Since there are so many charlatans who exalt everything western and downplay everything else, every time you hear something that tries to understand rather than apply preconceived ideas, you get the impression that the scale is pending on the other side. If you lived in Russia or China, you would feel the same with inverted sides, albeit probably on a slightly smaller scale than in the collective west.
@@Millennium7HistoryTech In fact, in Russia, everything American is praised no less than domestic, sir. We even have a special word from the last Minister of Defense - "analogovnet". Therefore, Western vehicles destroyed in battle captures our mind as if we were committing original sin online. There are many contradictions in our society, we all grew up on films with Schwarzenegger and Stallone, for a long time society was decayed by stories that nothing good could be built in Russia. Speghetti🙂👌👌 So now, figuratively speaking, our gods have betrayed us and we need to gain a lot more strength to win the fight against them. Carpaccio🤌🤌 Pizza😊
Thankyou for continuing to update us on projects outside of the western world. I am an aircraft enthusiast and at times it can be difficult to find information on aircraft outside of western military air forces.👍
I actually cannot express how genuinely criminaly underated this channel and video actually is and this world and community actually genuinely needs more people actually like you in this world and this is actually the actual real Russian military that the actual American and British BBC propaganda mainstream media actually don't show you is actually really like and actually capable of actually doing and long live China and Russia friendship ❤😂🎉🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺
@@张康令 yes but actually no and actually get a life for once you racist hater and sorry l actually couldn't hear you cause your actually that irrelevant and actually stop promoting misinformation and nobody actually asked for your opinion keyboard warrior and that's actually ironic coming from you and you actually not even worth my time.
Isn't there a western tactic as well that uses F-35's to lock air targets for F-15 missile trucks? Why shouldn't the russians simply employ the same tactic between the Su-57 and Su-35? In that case the Su-35's would be "escorting".
Aim-120 is a pretty short range missile. Why would anyone need an F-35 to designate target’s for F-15s if they're capable of detecting those themselves?
@@ГеоргийМурзич 100 miles is not what I would consider "Short range". Its more about data sharing. The F35 radar / sensor suite is leaps above an F15. Its passive systems alone could be used to direct F15s to the "area" while it stays invisible.
When people make fun of the Su-57's low numbers, they completely forget (or didn't know in the first place) Russia's fighter production philosophy. Instead of producing hundreds of aircraft as soon as the prototype flies and getting hundreds of problem-filled units as a result, and then make another variant where all is fixed like the west does (for example, the disastrous F-35 programme); Russia produces small batches of 3 or 4 aircraft, eatch slightly different to the previous batch, until the aircraft works exactly as intended, THEN they produce it in the hundreds but not all at once putting a dent in the economy like 'Murica does, like 25 or so at a time.
You talk about the same country that produces jets with engines that last 2 to 3 times less than the Western engines. Also, how can the F-35 be a disaster when there are over 1,000 produced? F-35 has one of the lowest number of accidents of any modern jet too, half of which being pilot mistakes. How can that program be a disaster? F-35 has one of the lowest costs of any fighter jet too.
@@m.a3914 Clearly you know nothing about the F-35's development. The program started in th 90s and they entered service in the 2000s (apologies for forgetting exact years). Since they entered service until 2015, they had tonnes of problems: fuel leaking into the cockpit, software glitches, electrical components frying, engine failures, hydraulics issues, you name it. The programme was an absolute shit-storm until 2015 when they finally solved all the problems... After producing >200 of them. The reason why there's over a thousand of them NOW is because they entered production in the hundreds when all the problems were solved, but they still produced hundreds of faulty aircraft before 2015.
@@meme_thunder Sure... Now point exactly where the disaster is? The 2nd ever production SU-57 fell from the sky. That's much worse than having some simple mechanical or software issues. It happens, move on! That's absolutely, perfectly normal for something so complex to have some issues.
Thank you. Superb explication and explanation, as always. Daniele’s photographs are an excellent complement to your research and preparation. Cheers from NZ🇳🇿.
There were more F-35 accidents than SU-57s are flying both from pilot mistakes and mechanical failures. The jet is already inferior in many areas and the number of operational jets is few that it becomes irrelevant. Even if it has participated, to which there is absolutely no evidence whasoever, the few numbers make it irrelevant for big operations.
"Even if it has participated, to which there is absolutely no evidence whasoever, the few numbers make it irrelevant for big operations." Are you calling the Ukrainians liars?
Wouldn't Su-35 escorts possibly provide the Su-57 with background noise so that it's harder to detect and properly measure in some way? Just distorting the statistics, rather than hiding it etirely. Or if S-57s sensors are better then could it be helping the Su-35 targetting via datalink with the 35s acting as missile trucks essentially?
@@Տիգրան-ժ1է It has several pylons, but it's stealth characteristics are ruined by external ordonance. If they want to have a stealth plane it can't be flying with all pylons full.
That is not how things work. You first send the "stealth" fighter to cripple the defenses and radars, then you bring the less advanced planes. You don't want to lose planes and waste ammunition for nothing.
Imagine being one of the 24/25 pilots to fly one of these. You must be an ABSOLUTE animal in the cockpit. Would not mess with this plane purely for that factor...
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Bravo sir, im so tired of the wilful ignorance of our citizens. We in the west are unaware the USSR won the cold wars military arms race pretty much by mid- late 1970’s.
Mig 31 1982? phased array radar we couldn’t match till what 2000 and the Mitsubishi F-16 version ?
We the west won the luxurious goods Cold War vs ussr microwaves tvs phones .
Okay, so you never had dinner with Putin -- but have you ever eaten Poutine? Try it with Russian salad dressing, which is quite tasty.
@@manofsan 1 big, bright flash and then u won't need dinner,supper, breakfast, lunch !
Good Video:)
"started in 2014"
Started in 2008, possibly even 2006. That's when Russia decided that it could never rely longterm on anything other than domestically produced components for its military equipment.
The largescale replacement of gear started in 2012 after Russia built up some additional chipfab capacity and restarted some production lines with modern gear and was done(all equipment in service) in 2018.
"open question"
Considering how effective the Lancet-53 has been in autonomous mode, i certainly don't expect the S71 to be LESS capable at least.
"quite concerning"
Nato and EU personnel have been part of the war since day 1. EU and Nato were literally PRE-PREPARED and actively deployed by the time the SMO started. Which means they were also directly or indirectly part of UAs planned attack on Donbass which caused the SMO, which means all of our merry leaders should be tried under the Geneva convention for crimes against humanity.
The Polish gravedigger dispute also told us that Poland alone had taken 1800+ KIAs in UA by November 2022 and 5000+ KIAs by May 2023.
We also know from going through the tunnels at Mariupol that there were dozens of British, US, French and German personnel there.
One of the the best reports about that was done by Darya Dugina, RIP. BadVolf also had a good video with her down in those tunnels, but i can't find it again since YT deleted his channel for doing actual journalism onsite in the Donbass together with Mike Jones aka iEarlGrey.
Wow, you actually outright stated that there's an anti-Russian tech bias and even mentioned examples.
I'm surprised your video was allowed at all by YT. This kind of heresy usually gets instantly struck down as "disinformation" or "hatespeech".
300 km is the limit for Missile Technology Control Regime. - Russia is trying to export these missiles, so the range is limited to below 300 km. For their own use, it may have a larger range.
Good point.
Yeah this is actually similar to the SCALPs and Storm Shadows. They've apparently been so far limited to within 300km in Ukrainian inventory, but it's assumed they can go about 550km when "unlocked"
"300 km is the limit for Missile Technology Control Regime. - Russia is trying to export these missiles, so the range is limited to below 300 km. For their own use, it may have a larger range."
420km against fighter targets.
Unknown but greater against "easy" targets, as apparently they can be fired on semi-ballistic trajectories with limited midcourse correction ability.
And yeah, export limitations have always been a thing that is never properly taken into account when talking about Soviet or Russian equipment.
People just blindly keep pretending that they're the same when nothing could be further from the truth.
@@DIREWOLFx75 fighter targets? You're not talking about the same missile, brother
@@aleksandrs1422 R-37M.
Considering it's the only airlaunched missile with that range, i certainly hope so.
Well until i found your channel and many other unbiased channels/less biased ones i was in the same shoes of all the people propagandized by everything.
Yes my western superiority complex "we definately have no propaganda, we are great" forced me to be an ignorant fool, but not anymore and the old joke of soviets fits our times very well
An interview with a Soviet engineer who defected to USA:
Int: What shocked you the most when you arrived in the USA?
Eng: I was surprised by the sheer volume of propaganda here.
Int: But surely, there is significantly more propaganda in USSR!
Eng: Absolutely, but no one there takes it seriously.
It can be very dangerous to actually believe your own propaganda
That's what I been saying. Propaganda in the West have been around for a long time.
The Spanish American war started because of this.
...and 98% of Americans think they "know" the truth, when in reality they are probably the most brainwashed. In 2024 I would bet our military "strength" and readiness for combat is where Americans have been fooled and it has gone on for decades. I have a feeling "we" are getting ready to find out just how feeble our military really is
Реально смешно😏
The original SU-57 videos was how I started watching. This is the only channel I support financially. The best analysis of any channel regarding fighter aircraft.
Agreed. This is the best.
Bruh... its not even close to being the best "fighter aircraft" channel... what are you even talking about (is this the only reputable channel on fighter aircraft that you even watch or something)? The ONLY thing you could be referring to is maybe specifically "Russian" specific "fighter aircraft"... Especially the Su-57. There's plenty better "fighter aircraft" analysis out there, however, most of those focus more on western ones because (surprise, surprise) they're the ones they're most familiar with, they have the most open source information free to the public on them, and because they're using the English (as opposed to Russian) language. That's not to say that Millennium 7* is bad or isn't good/decent either, just that there are far, far better "analysis" of specifically "fighter aircraft" that's out there (unfortunately for us, he's just one of the few ones that will cover and actually speak well of Russian-specific fighter aircraft).
S-71 is clearly a long long range suicide drone designed to be sent into the general area of an enemy stealth fighter picked up on long wave length radar and hone in on it. Similar to Dimitry Lykov, the guy born in tbe wilderness who could track deer to exhaustion over several days in sub zero temperatures barefoot to catch it.
So do tell me which fighter channel gives viewers the quality of information that this channel does. I love it when people say there are others just as good but they cite no examples. If you say a channel like Sandbox then I am going to laugh. That channel might as well be a US government sponsored channel. So do tell what channels compare including the diversity of fighters covered in depth.
I think there is some sense in sending Su-35s with an Su-57. The airspace they're in is heavily watched by NATO assets, but at a long ways away. The Su-35s' radar signatures could drown out any returns from the Su-57, potentially allowing russia to have the Su-57 fly missions without having their signature studied by NATO.
"potentially" doing a lot of work in there 😂💀
You significantly underestimate the fidelity at which modern radars operate
@@SP3NTT radar sees balloon as UFOs
@@SP3NTT i think you overestimate how much fidelity is left after a 300km return trip.
Perhaps, but the exposed fan blades might make it much less stealthy than it otherwise could have been.
Aside from politics and actual performance, Su-57 is the most beautiful figther jet ever.
YF-23? Also the J-20 was growing on me...
It's a weapon it's not meant to be beautiful
Politics and performance can ruin the appeal of a beautiful woman.
That's true
@@virgildicielo6614 Two things can be true at the same time.
M7, I can honestly say you are the best military aircraft analyst I have watched on UA-cam. As a fighter pilot I find your presentations extremely well researched, always balanced and very informative. I look forward to your next presentation.
@@MichaelE-n ya right
"As a fighter pilot"... what squadron are you in? And what country?
@@leonleeoff2216 what, it's possible to make money making fun of NAFOids?
@@JohnDorian-j7x 😂😂😆
That's more like it....some of the BOT and disinfo comments are really tedious but eh, full spectrum DUMBinence.....
Russian aircraft seem to bring out the worst aspects of our (i.e the West's) propaganda! I recall the fuss about the Mig-25: first it was the most scary plane ever, then after we got to examine one it was declared to be hopelessly flawed. Its operational history paints a picture that is right in the middle (i.e pretty good fast interceptor and usable in a few other roles as its speed made it very difficult to intercept).
The basic problem is that we are believing our own propaganda! In the old days it went like: oh - it is so good it is scary, then an about turn to :oh, it is crappy! Now is seems to be straight to: it is crappy! This means we are being continually surprised by the capabilities of Russian gear when met in combat. This is a stupid and dangerous attitude.
That's not true what you are saying. Nobody ever said it was flawed. It was not what they thought it was. The mindset of the time was that the MIG-25 was a very fast, very maneuverable jet with a big radar and so on. It turned out to be nothing more than a fast-moving interceptor
@@m.a3914 They sure did, claimed it was hopeless because it would use up all its fuel to get to mach 3.2 (not sure if that claim was actually true but it was not meant to exceed 2.8 anyway). Also criticised it for being made of mainly stainless steel instead of titanium (true but irrelevant).. There were other items I cannot recall, but the general tone was: we were scared, but it is actually crappy....
@@markir9 Yes, because what they had to do to counter that nonexistent threat was called F-15. They thought the MIG was something like the F-15 but it turned out to be a simple bomber interceptor
But you are talking about the public. I assure you there are many US agencies studying every part of the su-57s looking for vurnelableties
Mig-25 wasn't a future proofed airframe. Like many soviet things good in the moment but quickly start to lack behind untill a new unit comes around. While the americans constantly upgrade. To be fair the fkrst F-15s and the latest f-15s are the same planes only in name. The more you use and produce an airframe the more flaws you detect and fix. That goes for anything.
Love your videos, i'm a huge military aviation fan and i'm always learning something from you!
You have to give it to the Russians, they know how to make beautiful and lethal aircraft. Love from the US
🇷🇺🤝🇺🇲 Respect from Russia.
I will put this screenshot right in to my memory box! 🌍🤝🌎🤝🌏
And we'd better hope that they don't build a lot of Felons, and that we don't get into a war with them. Why? They'll WIPE THE FLOOR with us! Thanks to Commie Obama, we don't have enough F-22s, the only plane with a prayer of matching up to the Felon. The F-35 isn't good in WVR combat. And, the F-15EX is a 50+ year old design. OTOH, the Russians have a beautiful, capable, agile, and supermaneuverable fighter that can go against anything in the world.
Thank you!! Your weapons are also crazy beautiful 💪and great engineering, in all areas.
God forbid our big guns ever collide in full 🙏
@@yastymanunless the conflict was nuclear there is no possibility that Russia is a military peer of the United states. We've seen what has occurred in their inept assault on Ukraine.
Nice to see someone knowledgeable who isn't just a Russian hater :)
So you're sad that most knowledgeable people on the topic are russian haters? Have you questioned wether this hatred stems from something that could POSSIBLY justify it? No it must be out of absolute nowhere right, pure nazism i guess
woah woah lets take it easy it was "alright" i have proof this script was sent from his boss in Moscow j,s. im btw a "credible source"
@@rookiexreviews Show us the proof.
I'm not a fan of Russia, but being biased about their capabilities is a mistake we in the West cannot afford to make. Well stated.
@@rookiexreviews bigmouth.... 😂
I highly respect your channel. This is a very rare unbiased channel on the internet right now. Amazing work my man!
Lol, it's shit. This plane looks great on a paper only. It's still not flying and without western electronics it never will. Like armata tank and other russian crap.
@@hroznyhroznys Yes mister counter intelligence lol
Now it's raining in Milan, but when a new video comes out it's always a wonderful day. Daje Otis
Otis has not taken part in the video hence because it is so short and on point (but less funny).
@@Marcellogo maybe it's at skunk works doing the upgrade for block 3😎
e non sembra smettere...
@@krisnaturati9687 Increment three of F-35 is giving an Otis clone to each of them: it would help them to get a CLEANER aerodynamics...
Thanks for your unbiased analysis. Having grown up in a NATO military family I know how biased many in the West are as to Russian science and engineering. Having learnt over the years about Russian space/military tech, it never ceases to amaze me how ingenious and resourceful the Russians are, and anyone who underestimates them, does so at their own peril. Would love to see you do a video on the RD-180 rocket engines and their NK 33 beginnings, a masterpiece of rocket science!
Ja som vyrastal v komunistickej krajine (bývalé Československo), v ktorej sme museli kedysi povinne dovážať sovietske (ruské) výrobky. 99% z nich stálo v obchodoch, pretože ich nik nechcel, viac ako polovica z ruských výrobkov nefungovala už pri predaji. Je jedno či to boli hodinky, kávovary, či televízory. Proste ohromná zaostalosť a nekvalita. Rovnako aj ruské motory RD-180 vznikli len kvôli tomu, že rusi kvôli svojej ohromnej zaostalosti vo výpočtovej technike nevedeli vyrobiť raketový motor s veľkou spaľovacou komorou (kvôli tomu sa rusi nikdy nedostali na Mesiac !), preto skonštruovali RD180 s dvoma komorami, čo sú vlastne dva raketové motory spojené dohromady. Čo sa týka NK33, tak tieto sú zodpovedné za tri výbuchy rakety N1, ruského nosiča určeného pre dopravu ruských kozmonautov na Mesiac. Takže žiadne majstrovstvo, ale obyčajný ruský šrot.
@@vilom825 The whole idea of the NK 33 and later rd-180 were that they were closed cycle. This massively increases the efficiency by way of staged combustion. That's why NASA is still using them. Their performance is just better, and as yet NASA have been unable to replicate it. Otherwise these engines would be subject to sanctions, and this is what a congressional enquiry found out when they asked a NASA representative why they were still buying them shortly after the annexation of Crimea. The N1 explosions were due to the alloys combusting in the extreme oxygen rich environment of the engines turbine stage, a problem they fixed by among other things, new stainless steal alloy, and downstream filters to catch debris. I suggest watching 'The engines that came in from the cold, it gives a very good NASA scientist/engineers perspective on how advanced the engines were.
@vilom825 RD-180 was created at 1998. It has nothing to do with Moon project in USSR.
RD-170 was developped to work with 250+bar pressure in combustion chamber and it had specific impulse (fuel efficiency) 337.2s (vacuum).
While Rocketdyne F-1 was developped to work with 70 bar pressure in combustion chamber and it had specific impulse 304s (vacuum).
The difference in fuel efficiency between the RP1+LOX fuel pair engines is clear. There are still no comparable engines in other countries that combine this level of thrust and Isp in one RP1+LOX engine.
While methane rockets did not show their commercial success yet.
All the good stuff russians have was created in Ukraine. Ukrainians is the only ingenious and resourceful post-soviet nation.
@@vilom825 "kvôli tomu sa rusi nikdy nedostali na Mesiac" - Ale alespoň na rozdíl od Američanů Rusové neklamali lidstvo tvrzením, že tam byli...
"that's why the Russians never got to the moon" - But at least unlike the Americans, the Russians didn't lie to humanity by saying they were there...
One explanation for flying Su/35s with SU57s is using them as "missile buses". The Su57s use their more advanced sensors to detect targets and the flankers (which can carry more or bigger weapons externally) do the shooting, maybe?
That's the F18E/ F15EX role with F35. Reasonable to think the Russians would crib the idea.
That is true, it is one of the possibility.
S-70 Okhotnik is supposed to fulfill the same role.
@@Maslukerwont be operational before ru collapses
@@namesurname624 You know how the song goes: Dream on!
Very few have the courage to be unbiased nowdays.
how come you are not swallowing uncle sams favorite intel agency narrative
You can not find someone more biased towards anything that isn't American than him.
@@Houthiandtheblowfish "both sides!" "russia isnt bad!"
@@Milvus_In_Excelsis From my experience, you guys can't even admit that Harley-Davidson bikes are obsolete tech. Genuine hatred toward superior machines and undeserved glorification of domestic traditions. Even obviously irrelevant technology of ww2 aircraft is a "hot topic" for some reason.
No other nation is like that. For good, bad or ugly, that's how you guys are. Maybe that's how you landed on the Moon? That's what you'd expect from a tech worshiping faction from some book or game, so who knows?
@@Milvus_In_Excelsisbc he isn’t glazing every little American plane he’s biased ok 💀
IDK how good it is, but it’s a gorgeous plane
thats a win in my book
Pros: design looks good with livery Cons: it is trash 🚮
@@Valkaze111 yeah i think they lost one so far to Ukrainian drone strike on the ground
So was the YF-23. Its a very real thing that beauty is a good thing. That beauty brings out the best in humanity. This is why with the conquest of our nations that our new rulers push the uglification agenda. Everything must be made ugly. The equivalent of rubbing noses in the dirt. Ugly actors, ugly behaviours, ugly outfits, ugly art, ugly moods, ugly architecture.
@@Valkaze111 like how Russian shovels are trash. Hey how was RF able to defeat a 700k strong nato proxy army ?
I rarely comment, however in this case I would like to.
The existing first stage engines of Su-57's are really good and Iz-30/AL-51F-1 is even better - whenever it is going to come in full scale production. The main reason why they are not ramping up the production of Su-57 is that they do not need to do it right now !!! The Russian Air Force has plenty of Su-35's, Su-30's, Su-34's and MiG 31BM's and S-400's, S-500's and other Air Defense systems - that are the best in the world.
Russia is fighting in the periphery of the Russian Federation and its airforce is intended to defend the motherland unlike the USAF which intends to fight thousands of kilometers away from the continental US and is used for force projection and full spectrum dominance. There is a difference in philosophies on how nations organize their armed forces - hence their priority in armament production.
Russia's production of armaments is HUGE that dwarfs the combined West. Do you disagree?
You have a tendency to compare apples and oranges and somewhere in all your videos when you talk about anything Russian, you have an inherent bias which you insert somewhere in your videos by mentioning - for example the backwardness of Russian electronics or the bulky radars, etc.
Can you compare the combat availability of F-22, F-35's or F-15's with Su-35, Su-30 and Su-57's? What are the hourly costs of flying each of US combat aircraft compared to Russian ones? What are the maintenance costs of each aircraft per flight hour?
Can you objectively analyze the reports of Indian, Malaysian and other airforces that operated or currently operates both Russian and American/Western aircraft?
Best wishes.
They don't need it right now... 🤡
@@WalknTalknStevnHawkn - Dont worry mate....those damn Ruskies still has them washing machines left (which they captured from Ukies and illegaly(!!) imported from the North Koreans, Chinese and the Iranians)from which they are pulling out those electronic chips to make those dummy missiles fly .... 😛.... all of them Posidons, Avengards, Iskandars, Sarmats, Kinzals, Burevestniks, Peresvets, Tu-160Ms, Su-57s, Su-35's, Su-34's, Tu-22M3Ms, Boreys, Severdovinsks, Kalibers, S 500s, Okhotnik and Orion drones, ....aa man am getting tired of typing.... and ofcourse those millions of artillery shells because Russia is a continental land power(hint hint)....all of them fake mate - am telling ya....Putins propoganda eh....
Ofcourse our friend who runs this YT channel here(kudos to him for taking the time and effort in making these videos) knows what those damn Ruskies themselves dont know !!! and what their military priorities are !!! Infact, he appears to know more than the Russian Security Council or the General Staff or the Defence Minister - how dare them Ruskies dont make those Su-57's with 2D flat nozzles !!! - hence, see those damn Ruskies are inferior...I tell you mate.... Cheers
@@WalknTalknStevnHawknWould you address any other point or at least address that point with more than an emoji?
Yeah, that's what I thought...
The author is being ironic about those who talk about the backwardness of Russians. Otherwise, it is nice to read your comment.
It was reported several times since 2023 that the engine is finished. The problem is the approval of the ministry of defense. It's still undergoing some evaluation tests. Let's see, what changes have to be made, and changes always have to be made, when the military is involved.
Yes. Somewhat true.
Engine is not finished until the fat lady sings. AKA ministry of defense approves it. They still didn’t. Everyone that knows thing or two about Russian procurement knows that test engine batch is goner. They will do to it unimaginable things. UNIMAGINABLE!
If it conforms with 90% of the requirements in testing … then and just then it will be accepted.
They are already flying it from 2018. And test batch was delivered in winter 2021-22.
Poor little engines!
Engines for T-14 are only reason it’s not in all encompassing serial production. (Ukraine might have something to do with it too). Fat lady didn’t sing approval tune. 🤷🏻♂️
It’s returned to manufacturer with instructions to “do better next time”.
Very similar to the sukhoi project, and why it came with delays. The Russian MoD is much more paranoid and approaches their best aircraft with the utmost scrutiny compared to the more budget offerings. The Su27 program was quite indicative on how this process happens.
@@singular9 Sukhoi project? What exactly do you mean?
They are over cautious @@foshizzlfizzl
@@foshizzlfizzl probably referring to earlier Sukhoi Aircraft projects like the Flankers and the Fencer.
An excellent, well-researched video. I agree: achievement is achievement, even when the accomplishment belongs to an adversary.
25 planes built is hardly an achievement: How many F-35s does the US and it's allies have? Over 1000
F35 is a pos that doesn't even work correctly. The Russians have the right approach of making smsll batches with improvement @shuathe2nd
@@shuathe2nd The design & development is the achievement, not the numbers produced.
@@shuathe2nd So MiG-21 is way better plane then 🤣
@@olexp9017 The Mig-21 was a very successful plane when first introduced, being in many ways superior to equivalent US planes e.g. The F4 Phantom which was big and heavy by comparison. They made over 11,000 if you include Indian variants, so by definition it was one of the most successful jet fighters ever built. By the mid 1970's though it was beginning to be outclassed and the F-16 and F-15 were both far superior - they should have been as they were 20 odd years newer. We won't really know how good the SU-57 is if they only make a low double digit production run of them.
Thats a nice flying shovel. Extremely good.
Armed with hypersonic canned tomatoes.
Now some additional info and data for respected M7 and others who are interested in .There is one famous Russian military analyst and journalist Marat Khayrulin. Let us see what he wrote a couple a days ago about Su-57 combat missions.
Citation :
''For example, Ukrainians are in a panic from how our Su-57 works. This plane can stay in the air for a very long time, and due to the fact that it sees everything far away and is armed with very long-range weapons, it turns out that it is literally sitting in ambush. Not everyone knows that, at almost every moment of time, one or two Su-57s are in the air. They guard primarily the Black Sea and, apparently, the most dangerous sections of the border and the front. Hence, the unprecedented efficiency - almost any launch of Ukrainian missiles from an aircraft ends with the carrier being destroyed.
Now, based on the results of the first year of full-fledged operation, it turns out that one squadron of Su-57 is capable of monitoring the entire current theater of military operations around the clock. Don’t forget, we already have a regiment of such miracle machines in the SMO. We will talk about this in more detail in the following materials.''
Now let us see if this is only writer's speculation or the real facts .So let us see about real aerodynamics and gas dynamics capabilities of one Su-57.
Su-57 can cruise in the stratosphere for a long period of time at an actual speed of Mach 1.3 ( 1500km/h of IAS), while the AL-41F1 engines consume as much kerosene as the AL-31F engines of the Su-27 fighter flying/cruising at an altitude of 13 kms at a speed of 0.85M or 1000km/h of IAS (the ideal altitude and speed of the Su-27 flight for long-term cruising, patrolling or overflights).So Su-57 has 50% greater flight speed then Su-27 on the same working mode of engines( Military Power). Su-27 has the volume of all fuselage and wing kerosene tanks about 9.5 tons, Su-57 about 12 tons. Aerodynamic drag is much lower of the Su-57 than of the Su-27. Su-57 has a total wing surface that is 30% larger (82 m2 compared to 62 m2). It is interesting that the weights of empty fighters on the tarmac of the Su-57 and Su-27 are almost the same, about 16 tons. The real combat (tactical) radius of a Su-57 patrolling in the stratosphere in the height (H=10-25kms with V=1.3M ) with 100% kerosene on the tarmac before the pre-flight check and with given AAM's inside the fuselage and underwing weapon compartments is more then 2000 kms including supersonic climb to given altitude on a Full AB mode and navigation ( landing) kerosine reserve. In fact ,Su-57 is the only fighter in the world besides the mighty MiG-31BM/K who can fly( patrol) above the so called Armstrong's line ( 19kms). All of this Su-57 can achieve with the first stage engines AL-41F1 ( Product 117 ) !
What long-range AAM's does Su-57 have? It has Product 180 or R-87 with a maximum launch distance of up to 200kms and with a constant flight speed of Mach 5 and Product 810 or R-97 with a maximum launch distance of over 400kms. Networked in a patrol group, they can exchange data with each other by flying in the stratosphere at a distance of 400 kms sideways from each other. The American F-22A certainly cannot achieve such practical results, nor does it have such a long-range AAM.
дозаправку в воздухе никто не запрещал. по сути время нахождения су57 в воздухе ограничено лишь возможностями пилотов.больше чем 8-12 часов физически сложно пилоту находиться в воздухе.так что учитывая возможность заправляться в воздухе су57 может еще больше летать патрулировать.так они и используются. но увы ресурс мяса в кокпите имеет свое значение...
Over my decades of observing Russian aviation development [I recall being excited by the Foxbat's grabbing of the BAE Lightning's brute force with elegance baton in my teens], I have been impressed by how Russia's approach is to develop 'families' of aircraft.
Unlike the US approach, Russia's does not chase trends and fashions but fits extremely careful research in with the practicalities of manufacturing and stockpiling parts. This is in direct contrast to the USA's 'JIT' approach which you covered recently re the ultimately failure of the F-35. My father, a lifelong ex-RAF aircraft addict, always emphasized that flying is the smaller part of making a plane into a weapon, airliner, transporter, rescue asset able to work as and when needed "from cold". That expression puzzled me for years but was made clear late in his life when I took him from his care home to see an Avro Shackleton at a nearby outdoor museum and restoration area near Newark, Notts, UK and a huge quantity of bits and pieces lay labeled on the ground around what he at first thought was his beloved Lancaster but soon muttered "wet feet Shackleton". I went to get some tea a few yards away and when I got back Dad wasn't there. A kindly ex-RAF restoration man said "He is showing us what to do" and there he was inside the fuselage being a fitter's instructor. Although he had little speech by then he could draw and had an uncanny memory for numbers so was, in effect, showing the restorers short cuts to complete and check tasks. The chief restorer explained that he was genuinely useful because having the 'knack' of parts and tools laid out in order and not label sequence saved time and made sense. The man said that damaged bombers had to be got ready "from cold" then I understood the mysterious expression.
The Shackleton being the maritime ASW/EW plane derived from the Lancaster bomber was familiar to Dad even though he never worked on one.
Sorry this is long-winded but it is evidently relevant to the matter in hand. Having to re-train engineers when designs are outré for the sake of it. A case in point is the short service life of the A-10 whereas the Su-25 equivalent was more conventional and is still in action -- and development.
The Su-57 will take as long as it takes and will be a reference point hub of future developments, not just in military uses. "Drones" launched from the aircraft type could have uses in space crew rescue and swapping without launching huge rockets, independent of weather and complicated re-entry time factors.
Thank you for the story!
@@LoserDestiny fitting name, this comment is just brimming with prejudice and ignorance it's not even funny (even calling Russians ruzzian). Anyway, no, Tu-160 does not copy B-1, the outline may be similar but the design is completely different to even the design philosophy and what jobs the two aircraft took, but an amateur like you wouldn't catch it anyway. Su-25 is being used because it is what's needed, it works and it is simple, enough said. As for the T-62, yes they are using it, but these are T-62M upgraded in the 80s, so basically a 1980s tank, the US marines only recently stopped using M60, do I condemn them for using M60? No, why would I, a tank is a tank, and no matter how good it is, it will always get damaged or even destroyed, just as the Leopard 2A5 and Strv 122, they're all modern and all burnt down in Ukraine, but this doesn't make them a bad tank, it is simply their job.
The concept of a design bureau seems like a good idea, providing it does not become a home for past their use by date designers. It would provide continuity and foster corporate memory.
@@LoserDestiny The F-35 is a fad that has failed in the essentials of a combat aircraft. Too many hours down and too expensive and complex to maintain.
@@LoserDestiny "Hell, they are still using T-62 (not T-64!) tanks from late 1950"
As mobile gun platforms, yes. Russia has more modern tanks to use for maneuver battles, but a big gun is a big gun. It is better to use it out in the field where it can be used to shell fortified positions during infantry pushes than simply leaving them to rot away in warehouses. Some of them have even been partially buried as part of Russia's defensive lines.
Current "round" nozzles have 2D tvc, but they deflect at angles similar to what can be seen on the image with flat nozzles. So, no regression in that regard
Flat nozzles are actually somewhat heavier because of huge flat surfaces that must withstand high G overloads And high speed air flow during maneuvers
Flat nozzles help to reduce IR signature when they have with to heith ratio over 2:1 which is actually not the case both on al-51, and on the raptor.
There's one unmentioned area in which such nozzles are better than conventional ones: due to their shape they have lower rcs
The su-57’s current nozzles are 3d not like the su-35’s 2d nozzles
Are you sure about the round nozzles being 2D I swear i've seen them move in 3d I might just be misunderstand you though lol
@@ilyavolkov2556 yep, I'm certain. That's a popular misconception which can be pretty easily debunked. Just have a look at any 57 video and try to find a moment when its nozzles are moving in any other direction than the V pattern
Thank you for your video. The Russian's have always done things differently, this is what makes them an interesting subject.
Nice video!
The reasons Su-57 was not in full scale production:
1. The engine not ready (perfectly covered in the video. Btw, Rostech announced a month ago that the new engine is ready and, most importantly, has been accepted for Russian Army (VKS) use.
Therefore, all newbuilds will be fitted with new engine and, upon completion of the new production line at the factory for Su-57 the deliveries will double from 12 annually to 24 annually. Presently, 67 Su-57s have been ordered by Russian MOD. Most likely, the order will be expanded.
2. There are hundreds of pilots already trained for Su-35S and Su-30SM. It would be smart to provide them with planes they can use with minimal preparation, rather than to retrain them for a new model.
3. Ukraine (NATO in its current state) is not an enemy requiring huge effort to defeat. Russia has a luxury of time to perfect its truly modern designs like Su-57, T-14, T-15, Koalitsiya self-propelled howitsers, S-500s, battlefield robots etc. to use them in battle sporadically in order to test and hone them.
The job of destroying Ukraine can be done using proven tools and cheaper, then why pay more?
Like any other Weapon since Tsar era , the Russians start with weapon and they keep upgrading it into something better , for example T-72 and now they have T-72B3M. Despite the financial issues russia had since 90' and wars , they are doing well.
Theirs no such thing as non biased, but your video is incredible with such little bias that it could be considered so well done
Video about Russian Jet Fighters
Western Bots : *Russophobic intensified*
It's not phobia when the danger is very real. Ruzzians are now most despised on this planet.
I have just subscribed to your channel. Apart from the wonderful analysis and technical information, even more important or as important is your more objective views than anywhere else I have known. There are a lot of channels covering military and aerospace technology/tactics etc but very few that are so unbiased. The algorithm will push one in the direction that are subtly or not so subtly biased in favour of Western equipment. This sort of bias was there even before the internet age in books and magazines, and heavy amounts of this during the cold war. It just carried on even after the cold war and into the internet age.
In short, thank you for being a more objective channel on these matters.
I like your channel because it is very serious , very serious, I repeat . I am from Colombia.
A good update on the Su-57. Fantastic work as always.
Is being pro Russian a crime?
@@filecile7363👨✈️🏳️🌈🇺🇸 no way😮
I don't care i love Russia 😂
No. Psychologists have a name for it. It's called being an high IQ individual.
the US has done so much in the world that everyone on the other side is automatically a good guy
In youtube. You will be censored.
Very good channel ...i like watching professionals talking ..thx from Slovenia su 57 ❤😊
I agree, the Su-57 is a fantastic airplane and great design should be respected on its own merits.
the thing is it is not an airplane and seeing it as one is missing the point. it's a "Frontline Aviation System" as the project was quite clearly called PAK-FA for Perspective Aviation Komplex - Frontline Aviation. Russians did not just make an airplane, they had a vision and the Su-57 airframe is just its visible part.
So, my first attempt for a comment was well and truly a mess! I now try again: I am very thankful for your unbiased and fair way you produce your videos! To have you giving us so much valuable knowledge also from a Russian jet makes you stand out! To many others just can't see beyond politics and are not as fair and neutral just because it is Russian! You actually have just opened my eyes and suddenly I look at this jet in a new way! You don't need to love them to respect their jet! Thanks, keep up your good work!
I think people forget that the Russians have a history of catching up quickly. Never underestimate your enemy.
Like the automotive industry or microprocessors?
How are those appliances? Yeah not much after nearly a century.
@@btb300 "microprocessors?"
The US about the same level as Russia and the Dutch ASML is pretty much a German Zeiss outcrop. Without Zeiss there would be no ASML.
automotive industry?
What about it?? Who are you comparing with who?
Now that you tried to be a troll, please explain why you expect Russia to be superior than 40 odd countries all put together, and superior at everything? How does that work in your mind?
@@btb300I'm referring to them moving from a brown water navy to a blue water navy in only 30 years. Or the entirety of the cold war as they repeatedly made alarming advances while making huge mistakes. Look up the history of their sub force.
@@charlesmullenax4448 I think catching up becomes increasingly difficult as the technologies involved become more complex, relying on a more intricate web of capabilities in industry and education. After the world war captured German equipment and personell was a huge contributor to their advances. I think Japan could be a better example of catching up and even overtaking in certain areas. There is no denying that Russia has some solid capabilities, but it is difficult to believe that they can just catch up in some critical areas. I agree your sentiment of not underestimating them though.
Argumented, detailed, professional!
I love your videos! PLEASE KEEP UP THE VIDEOS !
i think this is the only channel that provides accurate unbiased analysis on military aircrafts and aviation in general. I have really learned a lot and enjoyed every video thank you so much for that. As per the su-57m, I totally agree with you that it is indeed a masterpiece despite the fact that the program has not matured yet. I also believe that its original in every aspect and that the Russians are dead serious about bringing it to becoming a 5.5 gen fighter and further-"they claimed to have designed it as a platform that would evolve by time"- and that they have something still up their sleeves about stealth tech. I've read about them developing some fiberglass coating plus some plasma generating device that would ,if used together, make it invisible to radars as well as other sensors even at close range. I really think that this time their claims about this su-57m program should be taken seriously. what do you think about these claims, sir ??
Much respect from me. Like usually, the best airplane review one can get in english speaking segment of the internet. Without exaggeration. Many thanks with a low bow, well deserved.
This level of neutrality and dedication to doing unbiased research and presenting facts instead of supporting narratives and taking sides is very commendable and speaks a lot about your integrity. I wish there were more analysts like this. Excellent video!
@@ColetteHart neutrality ? Lmao
Shut up, you didnt even watch the video
Considering how the Russian Air Force doctorine thinks and works, can we expect a stealth ground attack aircraft (like a next gen for SU-34) to be developed based on the Su-57 platform? I mean, 1- is Su-57 platform as versatile and as good as the infamous Flanker? 2- what kind of aircraft would a low-observability ground attack warplane would be?
Well, it is supposed to be a multirole aircraft. The camera system that shows the pilot the outside environment in the helmet is designed for low level flight. There is a stealth targeting pod being developed. So the Su-57 should be the replacement of the Su-34.
I just don't see why ground attacks would require a specific ground attack flight profile any more. Before precision munitions you needed to fly close to the ground and even rugged A-10s get shot down constantly. Now even A-10s, if used for ground attack, would just be loosing smart munitions from 5000 ft the same as an F-16 or F-35, and none of them need any special ground attack ability other than a technical capability to direct the missiles. It's not like they need to be updated to triple wing spars and so on.
@@Millennium7HistoryTech but wont this cause the same issues as the Ka-50 had? With the pilot not having enough concentration to both fly and searcb for targets? Although with the twin seater variant being patented that might be fixed just as the Ka-52 fixed the issue.
@@lqr824 >I just don't see why ground attacks would require a specific ground attack flight profile any more
For the fly-hour cost, su34/35 usage will always be much cheaper that constant usage of superior su57 for such purpose, any jet got limited hours of flying before general big maintance, so why using expensive to maintain 10-radars su57 if you could achieve same goals with cheaper su-34? and payload make big difference as well, if we talk about long term operations, not just 1-time-in-a-year operation
@@iplaygames8090ka-50 did not have like 8 radars on board with thermals
Soviet/Russian Aviation/Military Power and Technology is Awesome. Su-57 is a Beautiful Bird. I will always love the Tu-160 White Swan and Tu-95 Bear.
The pleasure was mine. Thank you.
I think that the purpose of the 2D nozzles is to reduce RCS compared to the round ones and maybe some IR reduction which is harder to implement in a round full 3D nozzle.
What’s the book at 10:48?
Okay okay, I will refrain from satire and try to explain to those that don't understand, as we slavs say, "to those stuck in the tank, knock knock".
The reason the Su57 is a masterpiece is because the entire russian government budget including defense is 0.35 trillion USD. It costs the US 3x the entire Russian national budget to develop (not build) the F35. Throw enough money at any problem you will eventually get a solution. The fact that the aircraft is combat ready and operational is an even greater feat. Sure, it took a long time, but it came with little cost to the tax payer and didn't burden the nation with so much debt that its on the verge of collapse.
Second, Since 2014 the Russians have developed pretty much every single system in house, without having to hack the pentagon (cough, china). This shows that the engineers and scientists there have the necessary expertise and past experience to develop something like this. Not only that, this program was initially conceived during the USSR, and it took some 13 years before the program was green lit for development, and another 9 years to reach truly operational and functional status. Sure, 23 years doesn't seem like much, but the F22 program started in 1981 and the first production started in 1996. That is 15 years. 15 years from concept to production, vs 21, sure, but again, consider that the Russians went through some of the worst economic times in any nations history in the 90's and that they still managed to do all of this without going into national deficit spending by the trillions.
This alone makes it a great feat of engineering. Idiots on the internet will always talk about how this plan is a paperweight and cant do half of the things stated, but now we have western sources confirming the air craft does pretty much exactly what it was designed to do, with weapon systems that exceed the russian's claims. I think that is enough proof that we on the ground keyboard warriors don't know anything about this, and the fact that airplanes fly at all, is a miracle that none of us could achieve.
Russians get paid roughly 1/10 what US workers do, so it's not like it was tremendously cheaper if you do a fair analysis. It barely works to begin with, so it doesn't really matter how cheap it was.
The Indians funded the R&D of Su-57. Russians did not spend much money. - I wonder why Indians after burning billions of dollars on this project opted out, considering they need parity with China to balance J-20.
Agree with most everything you say and the SU57 is super sexy and by all accounts a phenomenal aircraft. The fact that it is alleged to have multiple air to air real combat kills with what is essentially pre production prototype airframes is more than extraordinary especially when we remember the F22 took 28 years to achieve its first air to air kill...against a weather balloon🤪 As far as your dig at PLAAF hack, we have to remember that the Chinese had to begin with a blank slate with no technological foundation or experienced scientist in an essentially 3rd country. USSR not only having an advanced aeronautical foundation from real design and production in WWII fighter development also benefited from a cadre of NAZI scientist channelled to the USSR post war (USSR Operation paperclip). What China and Russia has achieved with their 5th gen fighter is truly astounding and the hope is they can contribute to world stability and peace.
@@TheNefastor Sorry did you mean to say Germany is collapsing? According to western World Bank, Russia is biggest economy in Europe and 4th largest in world. It has higher GDP growth than any G7 country and into the for seeable future. Russia will host the BRICS summit in Kazan Russia with 39 nations vying to enter including NATO member Turkiye with attendance by as observer of at least another 50. It is 2024 not 1994.
@@GenghisX999 World stability and peace? Are you not aware that Russia is currently invading Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus and China has been probing Taiwan and Japan's ADIZ in preparation for an invasion for years?
I'm struggling to criticize Millennium 7 without snark (or flattering him). Good points on the Felon's hardware but you didn't say much about data fusion and systems, which you [seemed to agree] were the big selling point for the F35. Also, I think that by not mentioning microchips, Millennium 7 downplayed sanctions by telling us Russia moved to domestic component production.
Russia makes [maybe] 75 nanometer (nm) chips and is striving to domestically do 10 nm chips. The US uses 3nm and is pushing for 2. Iphone's use 5, 4 and now 3nm chips. And you can't just remove a 4nm iPhone chip (or 65nm washing machine chips) and plop them into your Byelka radar. These chips are purpose built.
Because sanctions affect chip imports they DO EFFECT capabilities. You can't engineer the best hardware (engines, wings) or produce the kind of data fusion used in F35s (or Super Hornets, or F15EX, or new F16s). You also can't engineer production equipment (robots) with CPUs based on 75nm, 28nm or even 20nm chips.
One f35 can momentarily track the Felon, then shut its radar and hand to another. An F15 will shoot based solely on data link then as a missile closes an EF18 will turn on jamming --again directing it suddenly using just data link. The SU-57 can't get there from here without good chips.
Looking at F-35's Integrated Core Processor, with its 1Mb CPU cache and 512Mb RAM, it is likely still uses 90nm process CPU from mid 00's, and it HANDLES the data fusion tasks. Possibly it is being upgraded in Block4, but I think that CPU power is not a bottleneck for a modern plane at all.
And for realtime processing, custom chips are always more effective than general-purpose CPUs.
@@MrJahbuddha Okay, you seem better informed than I. I thought of f35s as high tech so if chips aren't a bottleneck that's counterintuitive. Sometimes the real world is counterintuitive.
@@jeffzaun1841 besides russians can always buy/order chips from China, so it cannot be a bottleneck in their production.
No one used 3nm chips for military software .
"The US uses 3nm"
F-22 flies on 80386 derivative.F-35 on pentiumaround2.Su-35 had ten times the processing power of baseline F-35's CPU.
New F-35's CPU is roughly double the Su-35's and nobody cares because the code is written for the old one.
"One f35 can momentarily track"
Can't.Inferior radar,inferior gain and inferior processing capability.
"An F15 will"
be downed long before closing to launch anything.
Your videos are pure gold. They should be pay-per-view.
always a pleasure watching your videos, congrats from Argentina!
Su-57 may or may be not up to par to F-22 Raptor (depending on who you ask) , but it has one major advantage: it is in production, even being a low rate one.
And I think nobody serious can question aeronautical engineering mastery in Sukhoi buerau.
The only open question remains the effectivness of different installed electronic hardware, which was a problem that also plagued early versions of MiG-29, for example. But it is no secret that even F-35 has some problems with that, despite high volume of production.
Very good video, as always.
Even the SU-35 (2778km) can destroy a F22 Dinosaur.... It's much faster than the F22 and has EW on board. by the way I am no Russian or in Russia, but the US tends to make theirs fighters better on paper then in the real world. Just look a the F35 debacle....
The Su-57 has less than 2 dozen in service, with a planned total order of 76 by 2028. At the current rate that is looking at about 60 by then. The F-22 still has more than double that in service and NGAD will be coming not long after.
Then there's the more than one thousand F-35s, which is a more capable fighter, reconnaissance, strike, and EW platform than the Su-57. Although the lead is not as large as the F-22 compared to the Su-57 in the fighter department.
@@ImBigFloppa The F-22's readiness rate is bad enough that by 2028 that would equate to actually a really similar number of F-22 and Su-57 fieldablel by 2028.
The F-35 has SOME problems, how about numereous & serious problems?
@@DaleChipplethunk You are comparing the ready units of the F-22 with the total units of the Su-57. What gives you the impression that the most corrupt nation in Europe, with a military that is "second" best in the world and is currently stuck in trench warfare with the poorest country in Europe using Western scraps, will have any kind of reliability or readiness rate?
Even if everything went according to plan for the RuAF, and they got 76 Su-57s by 2028, and got an outright impossible 100% readiness rate (lucky to get 60%), it would still be up against 150 far superior Raptors with a readiness rate of a minimum of 50%.
A low ball Raptor force versus a laughably generous Felon force and only then can the Su-57 reach the same quantity.
Russian shill? No, I don't see it that way.
Context : I am an Australian, a fan of the Spitfire and the P-51D, but I'm also a fan of the FW-190. Does that mean I'm a Nazi? I'm also a fan of Adolph Galland and Erwin Rommel ~ not because they were Nazis, but because both men were exceptional soliders and very good at their job. I recognise talent and merit and courage, intelligence and extreme usefulness. The fact they fought for the 'other side' doesn't change that.
I really wish more folks thought the way you do.
@@horusfalcon More folks do think the way he does. It's just that control of information was always a weapon, so some voices are repressed, while other voices are being promoted.
Nihil novi sub sole.
Russia is great at propaganda but Russians will not tell you that India was part of Su-57 program, after they have seen the result they quickly dropped out. China refused to participate too. They all laughed at SU-57 which is a bad attempt to copy American F-22 and F-35
one day all of us in the west will either be dead or labelled a not see.
Not a fan of the Australian General who defeated the over rated Rommel?
Didnt Su57 fly over Israel with an under wing pod that made the aircraft invinsible two gears ago ?Now they have a high pitch sound that distort radars !
United States, Russia, China
F22 Science Fiction Art
Su57 Military Art
J20 Cold Engineering
They respectively represent the wave of American enthusiasm for science fiction films in the last century.
The art of war of the Soviet military industry. He studied under the Soviet Union, then studied the American military industry, and then used the most advanced wind tunnel system to blow out the aircraft configuration.
God, the planes created by these three countries look like RTS war game art.
You make the best aviation videos M7! TY.
I think SU-57 is such a beautiful airplane, at least from the visual point of view, in addition to its recent performance at the Zhuhan airshow by the famous Russian test pilot (who is in his 60s!). The airshow performance by SU-57 was spectacular, especially its almost vertical takeoff! As for Russians "always overplaying their capabilities", recently one of Russia's famous Bolshoi theatre ballet dancers told a story how after being eager to see the West on Bolshoi's tour in the US, he went to the space exhibition or center (I think in NYC), where he noted that Gagarin, the very first man in space in history, was hidden somewhere in a small corner like some insignificant figure, presented on a tiny photograph, easy to miss, whereas secondary US space-related figures were all upfront and centre. Some objectivity, eh? He said that he realized afterwards that no matter the achievements of the Russian people, the West will never give their due acknowledgement and will always downplay them.
India is sticking with Su-30MKI after lots of investment into localizing production and incorporating domestic upgrades.
Insufficient reason to move to Su-57.
In fact, more Su-30MKI have been ordered for peoduction.
I read a few days ago that russia is talking to india about licensing su-75 to india in a full technology transfer so that the entire plane is built in india.
India is not interested in Su-75 though Russia is pushing it. The main financial backer UAE backed out following the Ukraine war.
India already has at least 4 different fighter planes being developed indigenously.
The Su30 seems to be very capable and cost effective...
That's a move they can't go back on and sorryly regret. Russians will never make the same offer twice. The Indians cut themselves out to please their American masters.
I've heard that India is seriously considering Su-57s now, but they are at a crossroads, as usual, with the other option being to get the F-35.
You provide some of the absolute best and neutral, logical, realistic analysis. I'm involved in US defense, and have wanted to message you for some time on subjects you've touched on, however I can't fault you at all about your appreciation for this aircraft. I'm curious to learn more about its true performance. You also shared some details here, especially about the 2 seater, that intrigues me intensely.
All the best, thank you for your continued content.
Oh, obligatory... "Russian shill!"... just kidding man.
Feel free to contact me, I really value the imput form the professionals!
Hi M7 !
First congrats for your comments ! You are one of the few western very objective analysts ( e.g. Bill Sweetman is also very objective). Yes ,Su-57 is actively used during SMO ,practically from the beginning.Su-57 was used in SEAD/DEAD missions with its new heavy very long range hypersonic ARM type Kh-58UShK-TP which has not only passive radar but also passive IR guidance. With engines AL-41F1 ,Su-57 can fly and patrol over so called Armstrong's line ( over 19 kms of alt) and can supercruise in stratosphere fo a long period of a time with real speed of 1.3 Mach ( You are right). Su-57 got six new AAM : Product 171-1 ( R-77-2 ), Product 180 ( R-87 ), Product 270 ( R-47), Product 300M ( R-? ),Product 760 ( R-74M2) and Product 810 ( R-97 ). Also got some new AG weapons like: tactical cruise missile Kh-36 Grom-1 ( Thunder)=120kms , ARM Kh-58UShK-TP=400kms , stealth low flying subsonic operational-tactical cruise missile Kh-69=400kms , new stealty low flying operational-tactical subsonic cruise missile Kh-50 (Product 715 ) =1500kms, two cruise-missiles/combat loitering drones S-71M Monochrom ( HE warhead ) and S-71K Kavyor ( cluster munition)=400kms.,new ASM called Product 720.
Of course , there S-70 'Hunter-B' as loyal wingman which can be data linked with every Su-57. One fighter regiment will have 24 Su-57 in 2 sqn's ( each with 12 fighters ) and one sqn with S-70 Hunter-B.
Su-57 has 8 AESA radars as part of N036 Byelka radar system ,yes. Four in centimetric X-band ( the main N036 Byelka with 1526 TRM for forward looking, two N036B with 358 TRM each as SLAR and AESA called Epolet-A with 68 TRM for rear looking in the tail boom . Also has four decimetric L-band radars ,two in wingslats and two in LEVCON's. X-band AESA radars are for search/detect/track and lock on of air ,ground and sea targets.Then for ID/IFF nav and comm,also for jamm. X band AESA can be used for ELINT and EW ( ESM,ECM,ECCM). L-band AESA radars are for long range search/detect/track air ,especially LO and VLO targets,then for long range IFF,jamm in L band spectrum. L band AESA can work in Mono and Bi static modes. With all of that 8 AESA ,Su-57 has all around azimuthal coverage ( 360 degrees ).Besides those 8 AESA ,there is four more AESA as part of L402 Himalay active jam system. That AESA are positioned on the sides of the wingtips.
About versions... There is the main single-seat version as serial and operational.From 2020 until the end of 2024 all of them are or will be equipped with AL-41F1 engine . From 2025 until the end of 2027 new Su-57 will be equipped with AL-51F .Su-57M ( Project Megapolis) is practicaly the prototype of 6th gen fighter and Sukhoi test pilot Sergey Bogdan already had several test flights were he did nothing at all. Literaly from take off phase to the landing phase. They have two flying prototypes of Su-57M, number 058 and 511 blue.For them they are testing completely new 6th gen engine ( with rectangular rotating nozzles with reverse thrust capability),also DAA ( Digital Antenna Array ).
Su-57 ( twin-seat) will be offered to IAF ( Indian Air Force).
About aerodynamics..... Only can write ,it is so superior ,simply fantastic( LEVCON's wings with six control surfaces and all moving horizontal and vertical stabilisers,in total 12 of them ! ) Test and combat unit pilots already recognise that Su-57 can do almost every maneuver faster than Su-35S.
About gasodynamics .... Even with so called first stage engine AL-41F1 ,Su-57 has excellent agility and maneuverability ,SEP and thrust to weight ratio.That very inovative plasma ignition system of the main and AB chamber is practicaly unique. With AL-41F1 ,Su-57 is the only fighter in the world who can climb through troposphere with supersonic speed.Initial climb rate at 1000m ( even armed with AAM inside those fuselage and underwing weapon compartments ) is more then 380m/s !
AL-51F is in fact completely new design .It has third ( cold only ) air stream for cooling the engine and nozzles ,thus redusing IR signature. Has new composite IGV and serrated nozzle panels as RCS reducing measures besides that radial-coaxial grid as radar blockator inside air intakes( something that operational Su-57 already have). By the way, AL-51F has no classic AB chamber at all. Instead, it has so called multi-ring complex with plasma ignition system.
All the best and keep to be so objective and interesting.
Interestingly enough Russia doesn't have control of the air space above Ukraine.
How come when they have this "fantastic" piece of flying Lada?
@@HansOleBenonisen so you expect all the western sam systems hauled there to be useless...? get back to reality. ukraine isnt naked goat herders with ak47, especially when all of nato supports it. mobile sam systems, ev systems and shoulder weapons make air superiority nearly unachievable concept.
@@HansOleBenonisen MSNBC told you that?...sucker!
@@HansOleBenonisen Hm ,that ''fantastic'' piece of flying Lada is in fact the real reason why USAF is actively working on the new 6th gen fighter! Yes, it is right.
Now if You don't mind I will present You some facts from the history of the fighter aviation. When SR-71 Blackbird became operational, USSR answered with one 3rd gen famous fighter-interceptor. Of course, it was MiG-25. So MiG-25 was 3rd gen fighter( interceptor). USAF answered with 4th gen fighter known as F-15 ,am I right ? Then USSR answered with 4th gen fighter Su-27. So Su-27 was the answer to F-15 and it really was! What was the USAF answer to Su-27? It was 5th gen fighter F-22A ! in the meantime,Russians answered with 5th gen fighter Su-57.USAF answer for Su-57 is ? Understood ?
On March 24 1999 , NATO attacked former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( with no real reason of course). Former FRY had air space with area of about 100000 km2. NATO used air spaces of almost every country around FRY. Besides that ,YuAF MiG-29B flew some combat missions that lasted 30-45mins. Do I have to remind that Yugoslav Air Defence force shot down super modern stealth tactical bomber F-117A with so old Soviet made SAM system SA-3 (S-125M Neva-M ) ?
On the other side, we have Ukraine with air space of about 600000 km2 ! Ukraine Air Defence force was the biggest and most modern one in Europe (after Russian ) ,with 35 battalions of SAM-10,15-20 battalions of SAM-11 etc. Understood now ?
Absolutely brilliant video, I really like the facts and the photography too
I really enjoy your pod cast. It is so impressive and professional. Thank you.
I must say I am perplexed by all the skeptics out there. Why on Earth would anyone have a belief that "Russian tech suck, bla-bla-bla"? What grounds would one ever have to think that? Their tech may be "rougher around the edges" in some cases and it may sometimes depart entirely from the Western approaches, it does not mean it is bad or comparatively worse. Decades of experience, huge scientific and industrial base, tonnes of resources and - very importantly - the MIC being oriented towards delivering quality and efficient solutions as opposed to overpriced boutique items (Ahem, US MIC), that is bound to produce top-notch stuff. If anything, one should be surprised if some Russian tech turns out to be meh. People are truly uneducated and/or blinded by bias, which leads to ignorant opinions.
Anyway, thank you very much for the video! I shall say that it would be a pity if the Russians downgraded the engines to use 2D nozzles, would kind of violate the spirit of this air frame.
Terrible performance in war and very poor reviews by operators of the equipment? They can barely make small-arms, with only a handful of them being equivalent or better compared to the western counterpart, and are basically incapable of making vehicles (anymore, at a time they were competitive).
I agree @@ArchOfficial
Track records
Sure, why anyone would think that air defense systems that can't protect literally itself for literally life of it - suck... No idea. :D Must be russophobes or something.
i mean its like the t14 armata. overall the rule with russia is if its not documented it doesn't exist. both vehicles have not been shown in use in either ukraine or syria( although russia did say it was used. but no footage exists in a very heavily documented war).
I will join in on the Russian shill-ary. (If that isn't a real word, I'm coining it.) While I agree with the technical praise of the Su-57 towards the end of this video, I would add that, for me, it is by far the most aesthetically pleasing of any of the (combat-ready) fifth-generation fighters. (The F-22 would probably be second.)
It's so sad that YF-23 lost at the competition. Probably it's the best looking fighter jet ever
Su jets is awesome technology 😍
You are a great content creator , I love all your videos, and as you say western aircraft have tons of material, and specialized content on the other side of the world is what your videos are all about
Thank you!
360 degree of radar coverage !
I guess you've got to look out for that friendly fire.
would it be able to guide fox 3s while going cold ? because that would be cool as fok
@@NANOG-P8 fox is a NATO standard callname not russian
@@NANOG-P8that's what it sounds like and absolutely changes how I view su-57
@@NANOG-P8 I think that is the idea, don't know about the rear x band antenna but the side antennas can track going very cold
@@gior987 so what?
Su-57 is so dogged on it's criminal. Did the world forget how experienced, smart and innovative Soviet and now Russian engineers are? If you want an example, remember that F-35B incorporates Yak-141's engine nozzle and control technology. USA also copied Soviet helicopter Turboshaft engines from the Mi-24.
Russians are really smart when it comes to making weapons, there's no doubt about that anymore. I believe Sukhoi designers know perfectly well what they are doing. Combat Approved had really cool interviews and inside shots of what the Su-57 is and what it will become. Russia is advancing far faster now thanks to the budget being increased multiple times.
Oh their engineers are top rate, it's their manufacturing that's bargain bin discount level. And their project managers are somehow all getting rich off rather mediocre salaries. Why? For the same reasons that the rest of the country is crumbling. It's the effects of a legacy of a culture of "good enough" that lasted over a century. Russians aren't stupid, they just have different ideas vis-a-vis production efficiency human psychology and an obsession with grandeur.
@@hresvelgr7193Lockheed bought the IP of the Yak-141 for the JSF/ X-35.
Yeah, there is no doubt how behind they are. The fact of the matter is that a digitally backward country is trying to create a jet from the digital era.
Ukranians mostly. Otherwise the Su-57 would fly on 5th generation engines, and not Arkhip Lyulka AL-41
Su-57 is a good design, Russia's engineers are nothing short of incredible, however, the culture of corruption and bureaucracy creates big problems in the ling run. I'm sure the SU-57's design is an amazing design, but i'm also mostly convinced that the current 'su-57' that we see flying is a SU-24 Bodykit for gathering aerodynamic data and nothing else.
Su-57 is the most tested new 5g aircraft in real war.
The SU-57 has flown very few sorties so I don’t know how you can make that claim with a straight face and it’s hardly a 5th generation fighter but that’s neither he nor there with the claim you’re making.
@@azovandy14.88 man, it does action in real war. No other so called "5th gen" fighters do that. Russia is far ahead.
@@yr2235 F35s?
@@cryhavoc999 as well as the F-22 if Russia is calling that 💩 box 5th gen then you might as well throw in the F-16/18 😂 bc they’re too scared to go take that flying coffin anywhere near the border no less over Ukraine.
I do find these Russian propaganda channels funny though especially when their fanboys and gals take to commenting.
Don't worry we will be seeing F35's fighting soon enough with the recent escalation of 4 brigades of NK troops joining with the reds
SU57❤ best in history
Millennium7HistoryTech forgot to give you a heart.
"And i praise ingenuity wherever i see it"
Wise words. As a Russian, I also respect the engineering work of other countries, whether it's America or another country from the NATO bloc
One of the rare unbiased and informative sources on www, especially on YT! All backed by knowledge and expertise.
Amazing video! thanks!
I watched top gun maverick and it taught me the Su-57 is an illegal terror weapon in the skies due to it tried to shoot down F-18s and an F-14.
Great and unbiased analysis as always, thank you.
Subscribed. People that refuse to Learn, refuse to Grow.
Sukhoi and MiG are my favourite aircraft in ACE COMBAT series. SU-57 way better looking and fun to play than any western aircraft .
In a game not proven in combat
Damn, a fellow Ace Combat player. (Technically I only played 'unofficial' Ace Combat 7).
Think my most played plane would be Mig-21bis, Su-57 and YF-23. Best plane for the missile silo mission would be Mig-31. The Mig mostly for their secondary machine gun options. I sniped so many NPCs with those.
Also would you believe me if I told you that one weird time I am playing the Hugin boss accidentally crash into the tower in the final mission? The whole thing was so dumbfounding that I stared in confusion while the whole game just jammed.
Okay Russian sh... great objective analysis my friend, probably the few ones still left in the west sadly.
i mean was biased bt he did say so himself and cant blame him alot bs out there that is blindly point is he is also sharing some Russian provided info., while its nothing thats hard to believe and likely accurate, no one can say if its 100% accurate and that goes for any mostly classified info from any country
edit: btw i have no reason to believe his channel in general is biased and i dont think it is
F-35 pilots keep photos of the SU-57 in their lockers.
Keep your enemies close
She's got a fat ass, but can really move...
Best thing about being inside an f-35 is not having to look at it?)))
@@zloychechen5150 Idk why people say the F-35 is ugly, it looks fine
Yes they do.
Absolutely essential and interisting reporting and analysis. Superb, well done.
Very informative, thank you!
Hello millenium,
Great content as always.
But in response to your "russian schill" comments, my very underqualified and shallow impression. At times, i do feel like you're extremely hard on the western fighters... maybe u.s. fighters... maybe the f35 more specifically.
While on the flipside, you are often quick to hand out praise to Russian/Chinese fighter developments. No doubt the su57, or j20 are amazing jets and would make for a formidable foe for even the latest western tech, but these jets are what, 25 years behind the f22, and still lag significantly in capability/features when compared.
Again, just a high level impression. I do genuinely love your content, and recognize that you have forgotten more about aviation/fighter development than i will ever know.
Since we live in the western information bubble, this is the impression you have. Since there are so many charlatans who exalt everything western and downplay everything else, every time you hear something that tries to understand rather than apply preconceived ideas, you get the impression that the scale is pending on the other side. If you lived in Russia or China, you would feel the same with inverted sides, albeit probably on a slightly smaller scale than in the collective west.
@@Millennium7HistoryTech In fact, in Russia, everything American is praised no less than domestic, sir. We even have a special word from the last Minister of Defense - "analogovnet".
Therefore, Western vehicles destroyed in battle captures our mind as if we were committing original sin online. There are many contradictions in our society, we all grew up on films with Schwarzenegger and Stallone, for a long time society was decayed by stories that nothing good could be built in Russia. Speghetti🙂👌👌
So now, figuratively speaking, our gods have betrayed us and we need to gain a lot more strength to win the fight against them. Carpaccio🤌🤌
Yes, there is no gray graphite paint for airplanes in Russia, so our planes are inferior in capabilities
I have been waiting for this video since learning of the expected delivery dates for the Su57. Many Thanks!!
3-day special delivery operation?
@@billyhw99 That is NOT what I had said! Is English not your native language?
Thankyou for continuing to update us on projects outside of the western world. I am an aircraft enthusiast and at times it can be difficult to find information on aircraft outside of western military air forces.👍
Excellent video, thanks for the update on the evolving platform! Also, please let Otis know that I miss him.
I actually cannot express how genuinely criminaly underated this channel and video actually is and this world and community actually genuinely needs more people actually like you in this world and this is actually the actual real Russian military that the actual American and British BBC propaganda mainstream media actually don't show you is actually really like and actually capable of actually doing and long live China and Russia friendship ❤😂🎉🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺
Actually thank you so much for pining me and your actually to kind lol
Taiwan no#1 (From a Taiwanese)
@@RadicalFloat_95 F-22 is still superior in all aspects to J-20 and Su-57.
Prove me wrong with actual numbers
@@张康令 yes but actually no and actually get a life for once you racist hater and sorry l actually couldn't hear you cause your actually that irrelevant and actually stop promoting misinformation and nobody actually asked for your opinion keyboard warrior and that's actually ironic coming from you and you actually not even worth my time.
@@MiG-31893 sorry I actually didn't hear you cause your actually that irrelevant and I actually genuinely don't even remember asking for your opinion.
Isn't there a western tactic as well that uses F-35's to lock air targets for F-15 missile trucks? Why shouldn't the russians simply employ the same tactic between the Su-57 and Su-35? In that case the Su-35's would be "escorting".
Aim-120 is a pretty short range missile. Why would anyone need an F-35 to designate target’s for F-15s if they're capable of detecting those themselves?
@@ГеоргийМурзич 100 miles is not what I would consider "Short range". Its more about data sharing. The F35 radar / sensor suite is leaps above an F15. Its passive systems alone could be used to direct F15s to the "area" while it stays invisible.
Data links, escort, sensor masking...all reasonable for explaining the Su35 and Su57 combos...
As far as I know, that’s a potential tactic that could be used with an upcoming missile.
When people make fun of the Su-57's low numbers, they completely forget (or didn't know in the first place) Russia's fighter production philosophy. Instead of producing hundreds of aircraft as soon as the prototype flies and getting hundreds of problem-filled units as a result, and then make another variant where all is fixed like the west does (for example, the disastrous F-35 programme); Russia produces small batches of 3 or 4 aircraft, eatch slightly different to the previous batch, until the aircraft works exactly as intended, THEN they produce it in the hundreds but not all at once putting a dent in the economy like 'Murica does, like 25 or so at a time.
You talk about the same country that produces jets with engines that last 2 to 3 times less than the Western engines. Also, how can the F-35 be a disaster when there are over 1,000 produced? F-35 has one of the lowest number of accidents of any modern jet too, half of which being pilot mistakes. How can that program be a disaster? F-35 has one of the lowest costs of any fighter jet too.
@@m.a3914 Clearly you know nothing about the F-35's development. The program started in th 90s and they entered service in the 2000s (apologies for forgetting exact years). Since they entered service until 2015, they had tonnes of problems: fuel leaking into the cockpit, software glitches, electrical components frying, engine failures, hydraulics issues, you name it. The programme was an absolute shit-storm until 2015 when they finally solved all the problems... After producing >200 of them. The reason why there's over a thousand of them NOW is because they entered production in the hundreds when all the problems were solved, but they still produced hundreds of faulty aircraft before 2015.
@@meme_thunder Sure... Now point exactly where the disaster is? The 2nd ever production SU-57 fell from the sky. That's much worse than having some simple mechanical or software issues. It happens, move on! That's absolutely, perfectly normal for something so complex to have some issues.
@@m.a3914 The USA has lost 12 F-35s ._.
@@meme_thunder And?
This is the only unbiased channel i like it
Respect for the owner of channel
Thank you. Superb explication and explanation, as always. Daniele’s photographs are an excellent complement to your research and preparation. Cheers from NZ🇳🇿.
There were more F-35 accidents than SU-57s are flying both from pilot mistakes and mechanical failures. The jet is already inferior in many areas and the number of operational jets is few that it becomes irrelevant. Even if it has participated, to which there is absolutely no evidence whasoever, the few numbers make it irrelevant for big operations.
"Even if it has participated, to which there is absolutely no evidence whasoever, the few numbers make it irrelevant for big operations." Are you calling the Ukrainians liars?
@@jamesrowlands8971 All there is are speculations
Send in the trolls 😉😄
Wouldn't Su-35 escorts possibly provide the Su-57 with background noise so that it's harder to detect and properly measure in some way? Just distorting the statistics, rather than hiding it etirely. Or if S-57s sensors are better then could it be helping the Su-35 targetting via datalink with the 35s acting as missile trucks essentially?
If anything, the Su-57 has a total of 18 suspension points, and it is still unknown whether it can carry several missiles on one pylon
@@Տիգրան-ժ1է It has several pylons, but it's stealth characteristics are ruined by external ordonance. If they want to have a stealth plane it can't be flying with all pylons full.
That is not how things work. You first send the "stealth" fighter to cripple the defenses and radars, then you bring the less advanced planes. You don't want to lose planes and waste ammunition for nothing.
Probably as missile trucks
@@vojtechpribyl7386 if internal, it carries 8
Great video, a great help to all the western fighter pilots (and planners) who need to know this stuff. 😎👍
Fantastically informative video as always!
“Can I see it?”
"Localised entirely within your kitchen?"
lol that was my 1st comment i like to say its so stealthy no one has seen them so i will continue to believe they are mostly inflatable dummies
just go to Ukraine
@@billd9667 no need to fly out of your AA envelope when you can lob missiles 100's of kilometres away.
@@thesayxx , because that's what the stealth planes are for: for staying deep behind the front lines 😁
Great video!
Haters will hate but this is the most beautiful aircraft ever made by humankind. She is a stunner.
Su 34 is gorgeous as well.
As usual, a great video.
Thank you.
Imagine being one of the 24/25 pilots to fly one of these. You must be an ABSOLUTE animal in the cockpit. Would not mess with this plane purely for that factor...