0:00 - Intro 1:17 - The concept of living in the end/ state of the wish fulfilled 4:54 - How to jump to the knowing 7:49 - Manifestation techniques 9:32 - The principle of being and deciding 11:17 - First Q&A: What am I doing wrong? Not seeing movement 13:00 - How to occupy the state, what it feels like 17:39 - Indicators of being in the state of the wish fulfilled: seeing the world differently 20:29 - Stop trying 22:27 - Stop the waiting 23:27 - You don't care if it happens in 3D 24:02 - Manifesting an SP (specific person) 26:11 - First comment - feeling emotions during manifesting 31:58 - Second comment - about belief and believing vs knowing and faith 36:09 - Second comment - about rational thinking 38:27 - Choose again and step into new identity 42:07 - The paradox when you don't care/ importance 42:57 - Recap of living in the end 43:45 - Stop looking at feedback from 3D 44:18 - Moving to the new reality - not changing 45:25 - Last comment - hot and cold behaviour / middle part 48:30 - Separating the now moment from the end goal 50:59 - You have to start thinking inclusively 54:40 - Advice for people manifesting SP they have history with 56:27 - Example of personal SP situation 57:30 - You are reality 58:15 - Recommendation about manifesting SP: I am the CEO of my life 1:01:00 - Put yourself in the spotlight + appreciation 1:02:40 - Deciding 1:04:30 - End of video
Well i can cos play anything i want even me working in the logistics department but then,i let circumstances decide for me isn't it? If im not the one making decisions,something else has to do it for me and im done with that way of living life 😉
Wow I was the last comment. You are right, I didn’t even realize how I’ve been deciding it’s not what I want. You just opened my eyes to that now. After the days of no communication somehow I stopped making things apart of my unfolding and decided certain things he was doing was not enough or opposite. I fell back into my old way of thinking. I do believe I am strong enough to stick with my decision, I just have to understand that I can’t let anything that i see in the 3d sway me. Thank you, this was super helpful. I know it’s mine now, no more swaying, everything is apart of it!
I had a great realization after I successfully manifested seeing a pink car. I wanted to manifest a pink car because in my previous experience I rarely saw them. I had previously manifested little things like this and it was simple it wasn’t even really a challenge because I dropped it and I would typically see them instantly or within 24hrs. Seeing the pink car was slightly challenging and I wondered why. I noticed that I was looking for it searching for it. The first day I “decided” I would see it. I saw a pink bike. The next day, and I swear, I saw every red car that ever existed 😂. I saw a tiny cartoon pink car on television but I wasn’t satisfied I wanted to see a pink car on the road. I knew it existed I knew it would reveal itself. The day I saw the pink car I realized I was the person who was searching for pink cars instead of the person who just SEES pink cars. In the past I made a choice to see a white butterfly or a lime green car and gave it little to no thought because they weren’t abnormal for me to see in my reality. But I had the knowing that this isn’t something I see. So that day I said stop looking we just always see pink cars on the road on our tv on our phone everywhere. I didn’t have anything for lunch and decided to go get sushi. I typically get sushi from a grocery store that’s near my house but I wanted to go somewhere nicer. After I pickup my sushi as I’m heading home I see up at the stop light an entirely pink car and I scream because I just instantly manifested something I made an immediate shift and saw what I wanted to see
Gurllll preach!! There is a HUGE difference between the person who searches to see the cars and the person who sees the pink cars!! This! Btw Kyle Jenner has a pink car also (i think)
@ YES. You waste so much time doing. And not just being. Taking audit and seeing who are you being? And not caring what your previous experience ever was. I can’t recall a time I’ve ever seen a pink car in person. I’m sure it’s happened but I had this in mind and still decided I am the person who sees pink cars regularly
Are you the person who NEEDS to affirm NEEDS to visualize in order to have your specific person? Or are they just yours. The I AM is different between the two. I have my sp he’s never stopped loving me or thinking abt me I say all of this without consideration of any previous story
I made my hair grow, I increased my salary by 2,000 lei and now I'm already increasing it by another 2,000, my wrinkles disappeared (I'm deceiving my age anyway), I made more sp-s appear and now I think I'm manifesting a date with a version of you. I feel so much control in this that I prefer to announce first :))))) astept sa se faca 12 noaptea sa dau iar banii cu tamaie 😂😂
Yay! Mine is the 2nd or 3rd comment that you addressed! Starts with “Living in the end to me is dwelling on the things I want to believe no matter what” and you know, I knew you would address mine. When I wrote it I knew.
Mine done and happening. Everything is being taken care of. Freedom, nothing is out of my reach. If i perceive the world differently then reality has shifted. The understanding is important not the formula. Hmmmm I have been working to understand for awhile now. Hmmmm
I love this video spot on actually ❤ wanted to ask how can i live in the moment and decide i am in relationship with sp ? When there is 3p nd parents are against? And how we can be being it as they say? Regardless whatever happening in 3d?😊
But how can I step in into that version of myself? It feels so tiring and fake to decide that I'm already that person. It just feels difficult and I can't get myself to resonate with what I decided. You teach that it is just a choice of perspective and you make it seem very simple (and I believe it can be, don't get me wrong), but I can't wrap my head around that. Simply choosing feels exhausting and like I'm forcing something
It only feels forced when you try to convince yourself from the end you are staying in. Like when your truth is "im poor" and you try to convince yourself otherwise. What i am saying has nothing to do with trying,it's genuinely entertaining another perspective: "wait a second,am i that poor?let me see abundance" and you start seeing it immediately. So yes,i agree, a 2M house to someone who is considering themselves to be struggling ofc it feels forced and unnatural. It's about moving into another truth: "i am abundant" Entering a new truth feels like entering a new world,a new room. Once inside you see what's in it but can't get to see what's inside from another room. Makes sense?
How do those facing health issues and taking meds live in the end. If I am healed then I wouldn’t have to take meds but that’s not something I can wrap my head around to.
Great question! Remember? It's not about what you do (taking meds) but about who you are and you can still decide to occupy the end of health even when taking your pills. There's more,use them as placebos. Every time you take them,take them from "this is helping me" rather than from "i am sick and that's why im taking them" mentality. An ambulance passes by,you can go: "help is on the way" or "somebody may not make it to tomorrow". Do you see the difference?
Girl, no sé como mantenerme en ese "estado" de decidir/decisión cuando manifiesto. Eso es lo que manifiesta no? Me siento medio mal cuando no logro manifestar algo en lo que tenia Fé
I’m sorry, it might be a stupid question but I need to ask: I live my life being that person, and when I have doubt or when my reflection shows me the opposite (no contact or lack of money) I return to my decision and declare that everything is part of the unfolding This way though I’m aware of being a person who is affirming my way there, cause in that moment I don’t feel that person and I feel in the state of manifesting it It such a slight difference but I can feel this is where I get tripped and fall Can you help me with this? Thank you so much for this beautiful video, you are truly great
No question is ever stupid 😁 Ok i have a question for you: is space in between musical notes,absence of music? Is 1000 followers the opposite to success? Is no contact the absence of love? I want you to see that everything is relative: music needs space between notes otherwise it's just noise. Success has many looks and one of them is 1000 followers and the no contact doesn't always mean the absence of love (i assume you still love the person who you're in NC with) But all this things i am describing here are only visible when you make a true choice,the choice of I AM all this. But a real choice/decision as opposed to just some vain affirmation that you say out loud but don't become one with. Also,realise that when you make a decision even if it implies someone else,you're not deciding ab them. You are actually choosing how YOU want to experience them. The decision/choice is about YOU and when you fuse with your decision,because you are literally in a new reality,they also "change" to reflect your change.
@ thank you for your reply! After months of thinking logical and I can see now things in a new prospective, and for example I can see that this moment of no contact it could have many good meanings and I’m not scared by that (I know there is a version of him that loves me and I choose to experience that one). I stopped affirming in vain (don’t use the name of God in vain) long time ago and my only affirmations are to remind myself that I’m the only source and operant power and that I keep choosing my preferred reality, without pushing against the current one cause in this same “””unwanted””” reality there is already the one that I choose. But I still don’t see the reflection and I trust and landed in the knowing of my end, just discouraged by the lack of reflection. Hope it makes sense❤️ I know I’m already there, I’m chilling and enjoy the ride, but when the ride takes too long in linear time I start to question myself 😔
I am sorry I just want to say something about that reading your statement sounds like u are still identifying with the person who is not it casue like she mentioned living in the end also when u stop seeking validation from the 3d sweet heart stop waiting only trust and knowing it’s done it’s mine happening now …
Lack of reflection doesn't mean you are not in your desired end and that things are not happening. You got this,it's not ab being perfect. After all you are learning to live a complete different way so be gentle with yourself ❤️
Before even learning about loa or “ manifesting “ we’ve already been thinking positively about something we want or to happen but still it turned out not we wanted. I’m sure everyone here experienced that. How many times we thought yes this it this is what’s happening but still it did not. Ie: im thinking yes sp likes me turned out no he just ghosted me lol
@@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting ok but how about other things not just sp. example an event, sp and i will attend some occasion ( bday, graduation), but it’s past the occasion and nada. So what now. I was really living in the end that we are in that occasion.
My sp keeps posting loved up pictures with the 3 party. How I stay calm watching this ? Feeling like whatever only the opposite happens. I feel jealous of her and that I’m less.
Stop paying attention to the story you don’t want to continue perpetuating. That reality will always exist stop choosing it. Focus on the reality you want and thank god you don’t have to deal with that one anymore it’s none of your business or concern
I know it might seem difficult at times to do that but it truly does not matter. You are the only one making it matter. You are the beginning and the end. In the reality where you have your sp they do want you and the 3p isn’t there. So start BEING that version of you
Hey, can someone help? So i have a core belief that when i dont care, boys want to be with me and are madly in love. SP was the only one i cared, but i can stop and be like; i dont care what he does, whatever😅 and just forget, move on BUT i guess it is arguing with the BE IT because i state i am not with him. But for me it creates resistance, i wait for it.. it is easier for me to not care like always, will it work?
The not caring part it's a rule u made up for yourself and as long as you have it in place,you'll have to comply to get the desired result. It doesn't look like it but you are in I AM when you don't care and you are in I AM NOT when you care ( i care= he doesn't= not living in the end, i don't care=he cares=living in the end)
When you desire something..what do you do? You mention techniques and processes are unecesary and hold us back, which i totally believe in. But how do you give deacription and fullness to a desire? I.e. i dont juat want Sp, i desire a blissful love w him where he's always showing me love, security, adventure...do you not imagine those things in motion through visualization?
Thank you X I am a bit confused about changing perceptions? Me claiming that I am his girlfriend and everything is unfolding from this point of awareness right now, no matter what is out there Is this a change in prospective? Is it ok if I don't believe it with my logical mind Thank you
Thank you X At the moment I am literally reminding myself who I am every 2 minutes, as my brain says the opposite I am persisting in it There is no fucking way that I am not getting what I want I am tired of believing what's out there and feeling powerless due to past programming I am getting what I want end of story
Great question!!! This is the thing,manifesting is not about bringing in circumstances but about you learning to navigate anything that comes your way in a conscious and intentional maner. You are The All so anything can happen,you are and will continue to express that All that you are in a lot if ways. You will continue to take on infinity of forms and sometimes those forms are gonna be "unwanted" but this is the thing,reality happens inside you not the forms you take. Your reality is always gonna be your truth not the actual 3d circumstance and this is what manifestation is really about
@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting Hello Alexandra! Mă bucur mult că ai mai scos un video ❤ Mulțumim! I will write this in English in case other people are also struggling with this. I would like to kindly ask for your guidance on the following situation: I separated from my SP a few months ago due to a 3P...time went by and I keep manifesting him back...then I also started dating...I am still dating a great guy. However, I still want my SP back and I want my forever with him. But I don't know how to navigate the 3D now because I don't want to hurt the new guy's feelings, I care a lot for him, I like our togetherness a lot...I want things to unfold in a way that gets me what I want with my SP without me having to worry about this "middle". But somehow now I am stuck in "fixing the middle" *What perspective should I give all this or how should I go about embodying the version of me that gets what she wants? I wanna have the opportunity to experience that ideal relationship I desire with my old SP.*
First of all my love,who said that you getting what you want has to result in hurting someone else's feelings? It doesn't have to be this way. It can be for example: your current partner falling in love with someone else meanwhile with you and he also don't know how to tell you. Or whatever else scenario that doesn't imply he is getting hurt How I'd go about all this: I'd be present and live in appreciation of my life exactly the way it is now instead of focusing on what i percieve to not have. Why? Realise, once in an appreciation mind space,you are basically living in the end. That's how you'd feel about your life if you had already what you wanted. And bc u are living here,what you want has no choice but to show up. This is how i go ab physical appearance change. First i start by looking at all the things i already like and this starts creating a momentum of me noticing more and more what i like ab myself. At some point,i am completely fine with how i look like even if nothing has changed and bc i stay in this mental space,the change happens naturally. This is how im losing weight right now as we speak without eating better or exercising. The moment i stopped fighting myself and feeling bad for my weight,that moment is when i started losing weight without even realising
@@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting So what should I do next? Just try to detach from thinking about it and let it unfold on its own? How do I keep dating this guy, but also assume my SP is coming back? My mind sees a huge contradiction in this and is trying to "fix" it somehow.
So dating this guy = no SP then leaving this guy = SP? Leave aside the trying to believe or for it to sound logical from where you stand bc it won't. Just decide to appreciate yourself and all choose to move your awarness from what's missing
@@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting Thank you! Yes, I guess that is how my logical mind is compartimentalising things into SP or no SP So can I just assume it's done as I desire and leave it unfold on its own, while still enjoying being with the new guy?
@dreamonup absolutely! Enjoy,enjoy everything for yourself and once you do,once the trying stops and you just appreciate and stay in the now you are living in the end. That's how the end feels,the moment that you recieve what you want you are busy enjoying. And bc ur living in the end,what you want comes so easily without even thinking ab it
0:00 - Intro
1:17 - The concept of living in the end/ state of the wish fulfilled
4:54 - How to jump to the knowing
7:49 - Manifestation techniques
9:32 - The principle of being and deciding
11:17 - First Q&A: What am I doing wrong? Not seeing movement
13:00 - How to occupy the state, what it feels like
17:39 - Indicators of being in the state of the wish fulfilled: seeing the world differently
20:29 - Stop trying
22:27 - Stop the waiting
23:27 - You don't care if it happens in 3D
24:02 - Manifesting an SP (specific person)
26:11 - First comment - feeling emotions during manifesting
31:58 - Second comment - about belief and believing vs knowing and faith
36:09 - Second comment - about rational thinking
38:27 - Choose again and step into new identity
42:07 - The paradox when you don't care/ importance
42:57 - Recap of living in the end
43:45 - Stop looking at feedback from 3D
44:18 - Moving to the new reality - not changing
45:25 - Last comment - hot and cold behaviour / middle part
48:30 - Separating the now moment from the end goal
50:59 - You have to start thinking inclusively
54:40 - Advice for people manifesting SP they have history with
56:27 - Example of personal SP situation
57:30 - You are reality
58:15 - Recommendation about manifesting SP: I am the CEO of my life
1:01:00 - Put yourself in the spotlight + appreciation
1:02:40 - Deciding
1:04:30 - End of video
Thank you for this!!!💗
You are one of the teacher who gets the manifestation and teach correctly 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
BRILLIANT video... my favourite part is "I am the CEO of my life, I decide. I am not in the Logistics Dept. " 😂 Huge love to you ❤
Well i can cos play anything i want even me working in the logistics department but then,i let circumstances decide for me isn't it? If im not the one making decisions,something else has to do it for me and im done with that way of living life 😉
@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting 💯 absolutely. It's my new mantra. I'll decide and let logistics take care of the how and when 👌💪
Wow I was the last comment. You are right, I didn’t even realize how I’ve been deciding it’s not what I want. You just opened my eyes to that now. After the days of no communication somehow I stopped making things apart of my unfolding and decided certain things he was doing was not enough or opposite. I fell back into my old way of thinking. I do believe I am strong enough to stick with my decision, I just have to understand that I can’t let anything that i see in the 3d sway me. Thank you, this was super helpful. I know it’s mine now, no more swaying, everything is apart of it!
I still forgot to mention something lol 🙈 but i will do it in the next part
@ can’t wait to hear💓
Love listening to you! Can't wait for the next upload!
I had a great realization after I successfully manifested seeing a pink car. I wanted to manifest a pink car because in my previous experience I rarely saw them. I had previously manifested little things like this and it was simple it wasn’t even really a challenge because I dropped it and I would typically see them instantly or within 24hrs.
Seeing the pink car was slightly challenging and I wondered why. I noticed that I was looking for it searching for it. The first day I “decided” I would see it. I saw a pink bike. The next day, and I swear, I saw every red car that ever existed 😂. I saw a tiny cartoon pink car on television but I wasn’t satisfied I wanted to see a pink car on the road. I knew it existed I knew it would reveal itself.
The day I saw the pink car I realized I was the person who was searching for pink cars instead of the person who just SEES pink cars. In the past I made a choice to see a white butterfly or a lime green car and gave it little to no thought because they weren’t abnormal for me to see in my reality. But I had the knowing that this isn’t something I see. So that day I said stop looking we just always see pink cars on the road on our tv on our phone everywhere.
I didn’t have anything for lunch and decided to go get sushi. I typically get sushi from a grocery store that’s near my house but I wanted to go somewhere nicer. After I pickup my sushi as I’m heading home I see up at the stop light an entirely pink car and I scream because I just instantly manifested something I made an immediate shift and saw what I wanted to see
Gurllll preach!! There is a HUGE difference between the person who searches to see the cars and the person who sees the pink cars!! This! Btw Kyle Jenner has a pink car also (i think)
@ YES. You waste so much time doing. And not just being. Taking audit and seeing who are you being? And not caring what your previous experience ever was. I can’t recall a time I’ve ever seen a pink car in person. I’m sure it’s happened but I had this in mind and still decided I am the person who sees pink cars regularly
Are you the person who NEEDS to affirm NEEDS to visualize in order to have your specific person? Or are they just yours. The I AM is different between the two. I have my sp he’s never stopped loving me or thinking abt me I say all of this without consideration of any previous story
Gurly im so proud of you and your progress! Would love to hear more from you 💗
I made my hair grow, I increased my salary by 2,000 lei and now I'm already increasing it by another 2,000, my wrinkles disappeared (I'm deceiving my age anyway), I made more sp-s appear and now I think I'm manifesting a date with a version of you. I feel so much control in this that I prefer to announce first :))))) astept sa se faca 12 noaptea sa dau iar banii cu tamaie 😂😂
Yay! Mine is the 2nd or 3rd comment that you addressed! Starts with “Living in the end to me is dwelling on the things I want to believe no matter what” and you know, I knew you would address mine. When I wrote it I knew.
Yas it's your comment,i hope i was able to get to you and that you understood what i meant. Let me know❤️
Mine done and happening.
Everything is being taken care of. Freedom, nothing is out of my reach.
If i perceive the world differently then reality has shifted.
The understanding is important not the formula. Hmmmm
I have been working to understand for awhile now. Hmmmm
I love that this video showed up in the right time for me. I got reminded not to waver, but to make a decision and stick to it. 💓
100th like by me for this beautiful lady and her wonderful content.
I appreciate it,thank you so much!
Hey beauty, I love this! ❤ The video is amazing, and your explanation is spot on. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together for us! 💕
My pleasure 💓
Amazing and so helpful as always dear Alexandra💕💕💕
Thank you muru🤗
Another great video!!!! Thank you, Alexandra. ❤
My pleasure!❤️
I love you Alexandra Thanks for this video
Very welcome ❤️
Thank you so much for this, love you! ❤️
Welcome my love❤️
I love and appreciate your video's so very much, thank you for making them for us ❤❤❤.
Thank you for being here 💓
I love this video spot on actually ❤ wanted to ask how can i live in the moment and decide i am in relationship with sp ? When there is 3p nd parents are against? And how we can be being it as they say? Regardless whatever happening in 3d?😊
Love this A ! Thank you so much 💕
Donde Pago el VIP para montarme en el bote?? 🤣😂 this video is wonderful so much gems mija! We love you and thank you!!!
Wow that was awesome❤
That last question is so similar to my "circumstances" thanks for answering the questions
I saw a similar comment to the last example and i will answer again in the next upload ❤️
But how can I step in into that version of myself? It feels so tiring and fake to decide that I'm already that person. It just feels difficult and I can't get myself to resonate with what I decided.
You teach that it is just a choice of perspective and you make it seem very simple (and I believe it can be, don't get me wrong), but I can't wrap my head around that. Simply choosing feels exhausting and like I'm forcing something
It only feels forced when you try to convince yourself from the end you are staying in. Like when your truth is "im poor" and you try to convince yourself otherwise. What i am saying has nothing to do with trying,it's genuinely entertaining another perspective: "wait a second,am i that poor?let me see abundance" and you start seeing it immediately. So yes,i agree, a 2M house to someone who is considering themselves to be struggling ofc it feels forced and unnatural. It's about moving into another truth: "i am abundant"
Entering a new truth feels like entering a new world,a new room. Once inside you see what's in it but can't get to see what's inside from another room. Makes sense?
@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting Makes total sense. Thank you for answering!
Listened to the whole thing, such valuable information! Thank you❤❤
Thank you ❤️
Deep explanation thank you for this knowledge and guidance 🫀
This was so helpful thank you! 🤍
Very welcome ❤️
Oh, such a good explanation! I'm half through, but it's so late here, so I'm looking forward to finishing it, manana. Noapte Buna.
It's long,i know🙈 Noapte buna!
You are the best!
So are you!
Thankyou this video is a master class and it shows how much u love your subscribers ❤❤ I appreciate u always 😊
I love the cat woman analogy lol cause I am that woman sexy and sassy haaaaa love it and love u for being soo awesome
I love that identity also😁💅
How do those facing health issues and taking meds live in the end.
If I am healed then I wouldn’t have to take meds but that’s not something I can wrap my head around to.
Great question! Remember? It's not about what you do (taking meds) but about who you are and you can still decide to occupy the end of health even when taking your pills. There's more,use them as placebos. Every time you take them,take them from "this is helping me" rather than from "i am sick and that's why im taking them" mentality.
An ambulance passes by,you can go: "help is on the way" or "somebody may not make it to tomorrow". Do you see the difference?
Girl, no sé como mantenerme en ese "estado" de decidir/decisión cuando manifiesto. Eso es lo que manifiesta no? Me siento medio mal cuando no logro manifestar algo en lo que tenia Fé
I’m sorry, it might be a stupid question but I need to ask: I live my life being that person, and when I have doubt or when my reflection shows me the opposite (no contact or lack of money) I return to my decision and declare that everything is part of the unfolding
This way though I’m aware of being a person who is affirming my way there, cause in that moment I don’t feel that person and I feel in the state of manifesting it
It such a slight difference but I can feel this is where I get tripped and fall
Can you help me with this?
Thank you so much for this beautiful video, you are truly great
No question is ever stupid 😁
Ok i have a question for you: is space in between musical notes,absence of music? Is 1000 followers the opposite to success? Is no contact the absence of love?
I want you to see that everything is relative: music needs space between notes otherwise it's just noise. Success has many looks and one of them is 1000 followers and the no contact doesn't always mean the absence of love (i assume you still love the person who you're in NC with)
But all this things i am describing here are only visible when you make a true choice,the choice of I AM all this. But a real choice/decision as opposed to just some vain affirmation that you say out loud but don't become one with.
Also,realise that when you make a decision even if it implies someone else,you're not deciding ab them. You are actually choosing how YOU want to experience them. The decision/choice is about YOU and when you fuse with your decision,because you are literally in a new reality,they also "change" to reflect your change.
@ thank you for your reply! After months of thinking logical and I can see now things in a new prospective, and for example I can see that this moment of no contact it could have many good meanings and I’m not scared by that (I know there is a version of him that loves me and I choose to experience that one). I stopped affirming in vain (don’t use the name of God in vain) long time ago and my only affirmations are to remind myself that I’m the only source and operant power and that I keep choosing my preferred reality, without pushing against the current one cause in this same “””unwanted””” reality there is already the one that I choose. But I still don’t see the reflection and I trust and landed in the knowing of my end, just discouraged by the lack of reflection. Hope it makes sense❤️
I know I’m already there, I’m chilling and enjoy the ride, but when the ride takes too long in linear time I start to question myself 😔
I am sorry I just want to say something about that reading your statement sounds like u are still identifying with the person who is not it casue like she mentioned living in the end also when u stop seeking validation from the 3d sweet heart stop waiting only trust and knowing it’s done it’s mine happening now …
Who is source u are source of it all ❤❤trust and believe that make it your truth and step into your power be cat woman 😊😊🌹
Lack of reflection doesn't mean you are not in your desired end and that things are not happening. You got this,it's not ab being perfect. After all you are learning to live a complete different way so be gentle with yourself ❤️
When 3d is just front of the face and you can't ignore (like a work you should go from mon-fri) how to deal with?
Before even learning about loa or “ manifesting “ we’ve already been thinking positively about something we want or to happen but still it turned out not we wanted. I’m sure everyone here experienced that. How many times we thought yes this it this is what’s happening but still it did not. Ie: im thinking yes sp likes me turned out no he just ghosted me lol
Lmao that was still the unfolding the problem is you changed your mind from he likes me to he doesn't like me. You are the validation not the 3d
This!!!! It was still the unfolding but you stopped at a circumstance and made that your truth
@@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting ok but how about other things not just sp. example an event, sp and i will attend some occasion ( bday, graduation), but it’s past the occasion and nada. So what now. I was really living in the end that we are in that occasion.
@@Thecvsquare i wasn’t thinking he doesn’t like me. In fact i really thought he does. Never thought he’d be no contact
@@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting no i didn’t make that my truth. In fact i was thinking he really liked me.
My sp keeps posting loved up pictures with the 3 party. How I stay calm watching this ? Feeling like whatever only the opposite happens. I feel jealous of her and that I’m less.
Stop paying attention to the story you don’t want to continue perpetuating. That reality will always exist stop choosing it. Focus on the reality you want and thank god you don’t have to deal with that one anymore it’s none of your business or concern
I know it might seem difficult at times to do that but it truly does not matter. You are the only one making it matter. You are the beginning and the end. In the reality where you have your sp they do want you and the 3p isn’t there. So start BEING that version of you
Hey, can someone help? So i have a core belief that when i dont care, boys want to be with me and are madly in love. SP was the only one i cared, but i can stop and be like; i dont care what he does, whatever😅 and just forget, move on BUT i guess it is arguing with the BE IT because i state i am not with him. But for me it creates resistance, i wait for it.. it is easier for me to not care like always, will it work?
The not caring part it's a rule u made up for yourself and as long as you have it in place,you'll have to comply to get the desired result. It doesn't look like it but you are in I AM when you don't care and you are in I AM NOT when you care
( i care= he doesn't= not living in the end, i don't care=he cares=living in the end)
54:39 ❤
When you desire something..what do you do? You mention techniques and processes are unecesary and hold us back, which i totally believe in. But how do you give deacription and fullness to a desire? I.e. i dont juat want Sp, i desire a blissful love w him where he's always showing me love, security, adventure...do you not imagine those things in motion through visualization?
I simply decide it's done mine and happening
Thank you X
I am a bit confused about changing perceptions?
Me claiming that I am his girlfriend and everything is unfolding from this point of awareness right now, no matter what is out there
Is this a change in prospective?
Is it ok if I don't believe it with my logical mind
Thank you
Yes,you go from i don't have what i want to i have what i want. And no,belief is not necessary. It's enough for you to know yourself there
Thank you X
At the moment I am literally reminding myself who I am every 2 minutes, as my brain says the opposite
I am persisting in it
There is no fucking way that I am not getting what I want
I am tired of believing what's out there and feeling powerless due to past programming
I am getting what I want end of story
Another absolute banger of a video! ❤❤❤ I am going to have to put this one on the rewatch list. You’re the best Alexandra! ❤️🔥
Thank you my love❤️❤️❤️
How about the bad things that happened? I did not decide it. How did it manifest?
Great question!!! This is the thing,manifesting is not about bringing in circumstances but about you learning to navigate anything that comes your way in a conscious and intentional maner. You are The All so anything can happen,you are and will continue to express that All that you are in a lot if ways. You will continue to take on infinity of forms and sometimes those forms are gonna be "unwanted" but this is the thing,reality happens inside you not the forms you take. Your reality is always gonna be your truth not the actual 3d circumstance and this is what manifestation is really about
is your mother tongue a Slavic language by any chance?
This is not true. I don’t want to be prioritised and loved by anyone but from my sp.
@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting Hello Alexandra! Mă bucur mult că ai mai scos un video ❤ Mulțumim!
I will write this in English in case other people are also struggling with this.
I would like to kindly ask for your guidance on the following situation: I separated from my SP a few months ago due to a 3P...time went by and I keep manifesting him back...then I also started dating...I am still dating a great guy. However, I still want my SP back and I want my forever with him. But I don't know how to navigate the 3D now because I don't want to hurt the new guy's feelings, I care a lot for him, I like our togetherness a lot...I want things to unfold in a way that gets me what I want with my SP without me having to worry about this "middle".
But somehow now I am stuck in "fixing the middle"
*What perspective should I give all this or how should I go about embodying the version of me that gets what she wants? I wanna have the opportunity to experience that ideal relationship I desire with my old SP.*
First of all my love,who said that you getting what you want has to result in hurting someone else's feelings? It doesn't have to be this way. It can be for example: your current partner falling in love with someone else meanwhile with you and he also don't know how to tell you. Or whatever else scenario that doesn't imply he is getting hurt
How I'd go about all this: I'd be present and live in appreciation of my life exactly the way it is now instead of focusing on what i percieve to not have. Why? Realise, once in an appreciation mind space,you are basically living in the end. That's how you'd feel about your life if you had already what you wanted. And bc u are living here,what you want has no choice but to show up.
This is how i go ab physical appearance change. First i start by looking at all the things i already like and this starts creating a momentum of me noticing more and more what i like ab myself. At some point,i am completely fine with how i look like even if nothing has changed and bc i stay in this mental space,the change happens naturally. This is how im losing weight right now as we speak without eating better or exercising. The moment i stopped fighting myself and feeling bad for my weight,that moment is when i started losing weight without even realising
@@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting So what should I do next? Just try to detach from thinking about it and let it unfold on its own?
How do I keep dating this guy, but also assume my SP is coming back? My mind sees a huge contradiction in this and is trying to "fix" it somehow.
So dating this guy = no SP
then leaving this guy = SP?
Leave aside the trying to believe or for it to sound logical from where you stand bc it won't. Just decide to appreciate yourself and all choose to move your awarness from what's missing
@@H.E.R.advanced.manifesting Thank you!
Yes, I guess that is how my logical mind is compartimentalising things into SP or no SP
So can I just assume it's done as I desire and leave it unfold on its own, while still enjoying being with the new guy?
@dreamonup absolutely! Enjoy,enjoy everything for yourself and once you do,once the trying stops and you just appreciate and stay in the now you are living in the end. That's how the end feels,the moment that you recieve what you want you are busy enjoying. And bc ur living in the end,what you want comes so easily without even thinking ab it