Hey gang just a quick note, some people seem really bothered i included the sacrosanct stuff but they are match play legal until next year and so I want to do them justice. Lots of people have collections of them so i don't want them t be excluded just because games workshop are doing so. Anyway ill redo the list next year when they are legended and hope you like the video
It wouldnt make sense to review the current Tome without the current range. Ty for your effort, also congratulations to your new title, Lord of 4 Thirsters and a dude. Also i want to point out an error in your explanation about Liberators: If they are pointed "perfectly fine" they would be "perfectly fine", but they arent (as you explained very well), so they can not be pointed perfectly fine (should be 80-90p from what the scroll looks like, ofc lorewise the scroll is an insult).
What makes prosecutors even more bonkers is the fact that our storm portal exists, meaning we can now have the pros on the board, buff them up, teleport them and they can reliably get a charge off from 3d6 charge. Give them finest hour +1 to wound, +1 to attacks from prayer, teleport them then all out attack. Just like that they are super efficient point wise and we love them for that.
Yeah that's really cool! It always felt bad that the armies main gimmick - dropping in from Scions - had no synergie with Finest Hour etc. Prosecutors likely are still "just" a missile. Even reinforced they are just 12 wounds and while they will hit hard they likely will promptly die the next turn. And since Redeploy exists even their 3D6 charge isn't a guarantee to make it into their target if we teleport them.
@Onk3lM0 While all true they're VERY cost efficient for their output. Meaning it's still worth and redeploy is just on 1 target and you could have more than 1 choice.
Thank you so much for this video Rob. I’m new to the game, still building two armies, Stormcast and Orcs. This video is so informative! I’m learning about all the units, how best to use them, their cost, effectiveness etc. You’re also teaching how to play the game at the same time. Thank you so much. This is a must-watch video for Stormcast players.
Rob… buddy… I agree 95% with you but the knight vexillor in bottom tier…. What are you doing? Pop him next to a big dragon, does not need his own regiment… people will actively waste resources trying to kill him….
Vexillor & Gryph-hounds oddly seriously underselled here. And he only gave more love to Reclusians because of their large usage in top lists. Thus why personal experience is best.
@ I love my vexillor, he’s the biggest pain in the ass for opponents of your list is tanky… with Karazai or Krondys or SdG, or Stardrakes… even with the Prime and Yndrasta
Hey mate, I've just started a wood elf army and have been watching your reviews. I didn't realise that you did AOS too until my friend linked me this vid. Thanks for all of the vids
Really enjoyed listening to that, great as always. I'd humbly suggest that the Kinght Judicator was underrated, groovy in combination with the mirrorshield for snipering other shooty units.
Thank you for this tier list! I think you are spot on for the most part. However, I do want to challenge you on your placement of the Knight Questor. The Questor Soulsworn, which you have listed as "most effective" do not get to use their once per battle auto teleport unless the Knight Questor is within combat range. You have the Knight Questor listed as "least effective" which doesn't make sense to me because the Knight Questor has all the great things you boasted about the Soulsworn. The Knight Questor has the "Quest Marked" ability giving him +3 control and 5+ ward while contesting the quest marked objective. The Knight Questor also gives the Soulsworn "fight next" after he fights. The Knight Questor has +1 rend against heroes and his crits are mortal! I believe he is a seriously underrated unit. I have earned more points in my games from the Knight Questor and Soulsworn combo than any other unit(s). The Soulsworn by themselves slap hard, but combined with the initial attack of the Knight Questor and then the Soulsworn fighting next, they absolutely wreck as a 1-2 punch. I one shot Nagash in my last game with the Knight Questor/Soulsworn combo, he didn't even get to fight back. And I typically toss the quicksilver draught on the Knight Questor as well making sure he fights first and then the Soulsworn. Thanks again for the list!
This might be bias speaking, but I think the knight judicator is being slept on. When paired with vigilors and it’s built in screen with the gryph hounds, I think it has a lot of potential when used correctly. Give it the mirrorshield and it becomes the single hardest hero to remove. Just double checked, you can get 3A-2+2+ -2r 3D if you use the gryph hound ability. Roll 2+ (OPT) put a dog next to an enemy unit and plus 1 h and w. Not ineffective.
Great content Rob. Thank you very much. I very much align with you although have some differences: - Bastian seems better on paper than in reality (pushing infantry fwd only effective if you know you are going first, otherwise you are giving extra movement to enemies through a shorter charge in turn 1) - I think you were a bit too rough on the new ruination chamber heroes hahahaha. I absolutely love reclusians, they slap pretty hard and the big bird or tornus could synergize well. Not saying the most effective heroes but also not so ineffective - vanquishers are veeeery solid unit, talking from experience hejjeje Thank you once again for such a great content. Really enjoyed the video
Love the video Rob! I will defend the drakesworn Templar avidly! If he fights a monster hero (which in this edition is likely to happen) he becomes a nuclear threat. His weapon will be rend 3 damage 3 and his star drake will be on rend 2 damage 4. Give him strike first and bless weapons and be years them apart!
Great tier list rob, thanks for helping me out with this 400 page long unit roster! I am a little sad the new gryphon person isn't that good but that won't stop me from making a full ruination chamber flavour list!
i will paint that guy up and bring him to a tournament so that all those knowledgeable nerds can explain to me how bad my list is and give unrequested advice
vexilor our best scoring unit for 120 pts... Also he is pretty good in big dragon list. Also he is addition hero what give him additional flexibility. It at least Fine unit...
I've played the Lord Terminos + Reclusian combo twice now and both times felt like it wasn't worth it. Probably good news that I've watched this vid so can realise that now and change - might build Bastian!
Really think Lord-Terminos is super effective with reclusians, because if you charge in with them first you’ve got a massive chunk of damage not only in its 4 with 3 damage a piece, but it’s also crit mortal. Take that with reclusians which are a minimum of 10 attacks, crit mortal, +1 to hit and 2 damage, that’s a very reliable high damage to delete units, also using the artefact makes the terminos untouchable if the opponent doesn’t have any strike first, also it’s been FAQ’d that you can pick 3 units back to back if it’s your fight turn, coming from 3rd edition of Ironjawz, I really like the pseudo smashing and bashing XD
Quicksilver Terminos and 6 Reclusians wrapping him is a contender for best combo in the entire book. Drop them on a point and nothing will lift them all game.
Great review! Pity some of my favs are in “ineffective” but that just ups the challenge and gives my opponent a sporting chance against Sigmar’s finest 😉⚡️ (happy Annihilators & Dragon wizard are soaring comet high tho) Knight-Judicators are too cool not to use(I own several I love ‘em so much) despite the nerf, good ranger-lord that just needs a screen to set-up his shots. But otherwise good spread of greats to not-greats and doesn’t seem lopsided to either. I think the balance team are doing a good job between powerhouses and niche support units
Definitely. Longstrikes & Vigilors replaced K-Judicator as ranged kings/queens easily this edition where they went hard on nerfing SCE’s shooty options(poor Imperatant lost his lightning bolt call down) But metas & rules change but badass models are forever.
K-judicator has a built in screen with his best doggos. Pair him with vigilors and he should be a great hero sniper. I also hate crossbows/bow-guns aesthetically so I’ll never use a longstrike (although I own a unit of raptors I got on the cheap).
one good thing about Astreia, is that she can include anything in her regiment, effectively being the cheapest leader that opens Vanguard Raptors outside of the vanguard chamber. Ususally that's not a problem since most people play Krondys, but I'm a pleb and don't have it, so it's better than Yndrasta or Celestian Prime...
Great stuff as always! I'm wondering when if at any point you'll be looking at a faction pack review for the Idoneth Deepkin? Regardless, keep up the good work!
One second in, I'm going to follow this tier list as the law for what I buy and blame Rob for my own mistakes. (Seriously, spoiled with good content now)
Me: "This is great! I just got the Iridan the Witness box, which has two ways of building the model, and both models look amazing! This is going to be a lot of fun!" Honest Wargamer: "Both units are garbage, bottom of the tier list." Me: "Stabbing me in the heart would've been less painful...."
Thanks for the video, Rob! Updated points definitely recontextualize the Hurricane Raptors. That +1 Attacks prayer is rather laborious to get off, so I wouldn't take it under consideration as much as you do here. I think you're under-valuing Vanquishers & the Knight-Zephyros, as she can teleport on her turns, & is a cheap Vanguard-taker. Then with Vanq's... many good units are 5-6+ models that they'll get double damage versus, hearkening back to the bounty hunters' season...
Love this Tier list, helpful especially for newbies in SCE army, but it seems you missed out one Model/Unit, can't find the Judicator with Boltstorm Crossbow?.
Could be wrong, but I think that while the sacrosanct units get the rest of the year, the little warband groups including Stormsire's Cursebreakers are already legended
Another take for those watching this that get sad about where their models land is to remember this is from a competitive view point. So if like me you want to play the "Bad" models you can still play them but know that the game may be a bit harder for you to win with. But hey an entire computer game industry is created around playing on hard mode (See dark souls). So worry not Ruination chamber lovers we just like giving our opponents a better chance ;)
This ^^ The meta is shifting like the Realmscapes anyway like how Yndrasta used to be mid and now is tops so just play what looks cool and ride the rebalance waves. Also Heraldors were trash tier last edition too but an army with 3 as leaders made it to Adepticon second place because of a good strategy. So even niche units can be played right.
I always say this in these videos. I also try to stray away from bad and that's why I hit effective/ineffective I thinks that's no so over the top as bad
honestly even if the models in the lower rankings get there because they might not be good i will still play with them just because they look cool plus who would not want tornus and gardus in a full hallowed knights list :D
Just started into warhammer as a whole and ended up with 3 knight-questors. Scanned for ever to see why you ranked them least effective now im sad. Time to try my hand at conversions
Drakesworn Templar in the bin is criminal. Especially after talking about many hero monsters are in the game. You think Yndrasta slaps? Drakesworn Templar is the real monster killer.
Nah it's where he belongs. He's good at killing hero monsters. Guess what we are already supremely good at with Longstrikes and Yndrasta who both do it for cheaper? That's right, killing hero monsters. The Templar sadly is just redundant.
hey rob love your videos. im also a juggz admirer, but i usualy listen to you in podcast form, but you stopped uploding to spotify. is this permanent, will you, are you uploading to anothyer podcast platform? i love your videos, but with podcast i can listen to them while i work. either way i love what you do, and tnkx for another cool vid. Ps sorry for the bad engilsh :P
Seeing Ionus up there is wild. He does about 10 damage into a 4+ save unit and he's just as unreliable at praying as any other priest. For 400 points he is neither particularly tanky nor does he good damage nor does he pray exceptionally well. And even if he does get a prayer of it doesn't really matter since the SCE prayer lore is pretty meh. Translocation was great but now we have the portal that does it for free without rolling for it. I don't see what he brings to the table. If he just had kept his auto-pray from 3rd edition he'd be so much better.
Annihilators with hammers are still too expensive. They are 9 wounds for over 200p. On paper they are our biggest damage dealer. But we have no way to get them into combat. They can't Deepstrike and charge since the opponent will just Redeploy away and starting them on the board is rough since they only move 4". The same is true by the way for all our infantry except Prosecutors. They are all very slow with no delivery mechanic like run + charge etc. This is why currently SCE really need Longstrikes. They force the enemy to be honest and come to us instead of just juking our slow units. SCE just has too many units and GW struggles to design their Warscrolls to give them meaningful niches to occupy. Look at the Redeemers for example. They are all fine but ultimately do the same thing so the only one that's played is always the cheapest or the one that does the most damage.
You’re lucky you changed graph-hounds to fine. For 80pts, 6 models, big bases, they are perhaps the best screen / chaff unit in the game. Can you name a better? Plus, if the enemy ignores them, their 9 inch move can usually get them somewhere the enemy doesn’t want them, at which point you chuck finest hour and all out attack on them and enjoy 24 attacks hitting on 3s and wounding on 3s…for 80pts! Did I mention they’re only 80pts!?
Were these battlescrolls written by someone who had an extensive SCE collection who salty about the new units/legendensing? New to AOS with Skaventide and loving the new models but oh my are they mostly mid.
They probably did want to boost SCE win-rates any higher than they already are. We’re top to mid tier at worst so a bunch of strong new guys on top of Portal shenanigans might’ve been bad for balance.
Then they wrote it with mid-level in mind 😅 That’s a good place for a middle of the road starter army like us, don’t want to be overwhelming like Marines because we have those higher(to highest) player numbers already.
I was happy that the game play of the new ruination chamber was poor. I am not appreciating the aesthetic of the new models. Makes it easier to not purchase any of the stormcast.
Aetherwings are really great at scoring victory points for your opponent. If you take them you'll want them to be in the General's Regiment because the Vanguard heroes are lackluster. Being such a fragile unit in your General's Regiment gives up Slay the Entourage way to easily
I have to admit the sheer Irony of new fourth edition models TRASH. 10 year old and 3rd Edition models Meta. GW should wise up. Thanks for a great video! If someone isn’t willing to tell it like it is, then it won’t get fixed.
They always do it though. Helps clear up older stock, just look at Stardrakes now being Temporarily Out of Stock for the last several weeks compared to years barely played. New models don’t have to be strong because pure collector shininess means they sell fast in the first months before slowing down.
Why cant they just nerf tjose damn range units. Stormstrike Crossbows are waaaay to strong. Lost like 3 Games to them because they snipe whatever they want and I cant do a damn thing about it. That should not be possible for such a cheap unit. I find it really annoying.
i'll be honest, Sacrosanct units being bottom tier is whatever. They have been for the last 3 years already. What really pulls my goat is how inflexible they made building lists with them. The various Sacrosanct characters are keyed on being allowed infantry and non-infantry units and none of them can run warrior chamber stuff.
No disrespect meant to those with big sacrosanct collections, but putting them in a tier list when they're on their death bed seems like a bit of a waste of time.
Why? can redo this list next year and that way I'm respectful to the people who do want to play them. Just because games workshop doesn't care doesn't mean I don't
Hey gang just a quick note, some people seem really bothered i included the sacrosanct stuff but they are match play legal until next year and so I want to do them justice. Lots of people have collections of them so i don't want them t be excluded just because games workshop are doing so. Anyway ill redo the list next year when they are legended and hope you like the video
Thanks for that!
It wouldnt make sense to review the current Tome without the current range. Ty for your effort, also congratulations to your new title, Lord of 4 Thirsters and a dude.
Also i want to point out an error in your explanation about Liberators: If they are pointed "perfectly fine" they would be "perfectly fine", but they arent (as you explained very well), so they can not be pointed perfectly fine (should be 80-90p from what the scroll looks like, ofc lorewise the scroll is an insult).
0:00 Intro
1:33 Aetherwings
2:22 Annihilators
5:22 Astreia Solbright
6:54 Aventis Firestrike
8:36 Castigators
9:20 Portaloo
9:39 Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows
11:35 Vigilors
13:50 Celestant-Prime
15:24 Celestar Balistari
15:34 Decimators
16:57 Neave Blacktalon
18:43 Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos
22:05 Knight-Heraldor
23:00 Praetors
24:08 Prosecutors
27:00 Tornus the Redeemed
28:55 Knight-Azyros
30:42 Yndrasta
32:19 Iridan the Witness
35:15 Lord-Vigilant on Morrgryph
36:41 Lord-Terminos
40:02 Lord-Veritant
40:45 Lord-Relictor and Knight-Relictor
43:06 Knight-Vexilor
43:34 Knight-Judicator
43:51 Reclusians
46:42 Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker
48:42 Stormcoven
50:06 Knight-Arcanum
51:17 Karazai the Scarred
52:36 Krondys
53:23 Ionus Cryptborn
54:37 Dracoth units
55:14 Liberators
56:44 Gryph-hounds
57:38 Lord-Ordinator
57:48 Manifistations
58:20 Lord-Celestant on Stardrake
1:00:23 Drakesworn Templar
1:01:23 Dracolines units
1:02:08 Evocators
1:02:50 Gardus Steel Soul
1:04:02 Gavriel Sureheart
1:04:30 Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows
1:05:51Judicators with Skybolt Bows
1:06:27 Knight-Draconis & Stormdrake Guard
1:07:20 Stormstrike Palladors
1:07:54 Vanguard-Palladors
1:09:24 Vindictors
1:09:55 Vanguard-hunters
1:10:40 Vanquishers
1:11:36 Protectors
1:12:30 Retributors
1:13:07 Knight-Zephyros
1:13:15 Knight-Incantor
1:14:19 Knight-Questor
1:14:22 Lord-Castellant
1:14:52 Lord-Celesant
1:14:56 Knight-Venator
1:16:00 Lord-Aquilor
1:16:18 Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger
1:16:47 Stormstrike Chariot
1:17:26 Lord-Arcanum on Tauralon
1:18:23 Lord-Arcanum
1:18:55 Lord-Exorcist
1:19:40 Lord-Imperant
1:20:40 Questor Soulsworn
1:21:24 Steelhearts champions
1:21:28 Sequitors
1:21:42 Vanguard Hammerhand
1:22:08 Farstriders
1:22:11 Xandire's Truthseekers
1:22:55 Stormsire's Cursebreakers
1:23:37 Conclusion
You star!!
You shine as bright as Sigendil itself! Thank you! 🫡 🌟
I liked the part when he rated the gold person
Gold is bold
Vintage custodes
What makes prosecutors even more bonkers is the fact that our storm portal exists, meaning we can now have the pros on the board, buff them up, teleport them and they can reliably get a charge off from 3d6 charge. Give them finest hour +1 to wound, +1 to attacks from prayer, teleport them then all out attack. Just like that they are super efficient point wise and we love them for that.
Knowing me though id roll 3 1s for the charge :/
Yeah that's really cool! It always felt bad that the armies main gimmick - dropping in from Scions - had no synergie with Finest Hour etc.
Prosecutors likely are still "just" a missile. Even reinforced they are just 12 wounds and while they will hit hard they likely will promptly die the next turn. And since Redeploy exists even their 3D6 charge isn't a guarantee to make it into their target if we teleport them.
@Onk3lM0 While all true they're VERY cost efficient for their output. Meaning it's still worth and redeploy is just on 1 target and you could have more than 1 choice.
Amazing vide dude. Getting into stormcast recently and I gotta say the unit roster is a bit of a barrier when you're looking at them competitively.
I'll also be doing a list show
Thank you so much for this video Rob. I’m new to the game, still building two armies, Stormcast and Orcs. This video is so informative! I’m learning about all the units, how best to use them, their cost, effectiveness etc. You’re also teaching how to play the game at the same time. Thank you so much. This is a must-watch video for Stormcast players.
Rob… buddy… I agree 95% with you but the knight vexillor in bottom tier…. What are you doing? Pop him next to a big dragon, does not need his own regiment… people will actively waste resources trying to kill him….
Vexillor & Gryph-hounds oddly seriously underselled here.
And he only gave more love to Reclusians because of their large usage in top lists.
Thus why personal experience is best.
@ I love my vexillor, he’s the biggest pain in the ass for opponents of your list is tanky… with Karazai or Krondys or SdG, or Stardrakes… even with the Prime and Yndrasta
Vexillor being that low is just... It hurts me. Absolute wrong call here imo
Hey mate, I've just started a wood elf army and have been watching your reviews. I didn't realise that you did AOS too until my friend linked me this vid. Thanks for all of the vids
Really enjoyed listening to that, great as always. I'd humbly suggest that the Kinght Judicator was underrated, groovy in combination with the mirrorshield for snipering other shooty units.
Fair fair. I can't be right all the time
Thank you! Been looking like something like this for ages
Hey Rob, I love your content. There is something about tier lists that make me watch hour long videos all the way through
Thanks for the feedback!! I'll try to do more
Thank you for this tier list! I think you are spot on for the most part. However, I do want to challenge you on your placement of the Knight Questor. The Questor Soulsworn, which you have listed as "most effective" do not get to use their once per battle auto teleport unless the Knight Questor is within combat range. You have the Knight Questor listed as "least effective" which doesn't make sense to me because the Knight Questor has all the great things you boasted about the Soulsworn. The Knight Questor has the "Quest Marked" ability giving him +3 control and 5+ ward while contesting the quest marked objective. The Knight Questor also gives the Soulsworn "fight next" after he fights. The Knight Questor has +1 rend against heroes and his crits are mortal! I believe he is a seriously underrated unit. I have earned more points in my games from the Knight Questor and Soulsworn combo than any other unit(s). The Soulsworn by themselves slap hard, but combined with the initial attack of the Knight Questor and then the Soulsworn fighting next, they absolutely wreck as a 1-2 punch. I one shot Nagash in my last game with the Knight Questor/Soulsworn combo, he didn't even get to fight back. And I typically toss the quicksilver draught on the Knight Questor as well making sure he fights first and then the Soulsworn. Thanks again for the list!
This might be bias speaking, but I think the knight judicator is being slept on. When paired with vigilors and it’s built in screen with the gryph hounds, I think it has a lot of potential when used correctly. Give it the mirrorshield and it becomes the single hardest hero to remove.
Just double checked, you can get 3A-2+2+ -2r 3D if you use the gryph hound ability. Roll 2+ (OPT) put a dog next to an enemy unit and plus 1 h and w. Not ineffective.
I just bought Bastian at my local warhammer store. I can't wait to play him
I plan on using him to push my 30 warrior chamber boys forward to take the middle pre-game
Really like the video!
Would love to see this for other factions too!
Great coverage, thanks for your insight.
Merci pour la vidéo et tes précieux conseils, vivement la suite d'analyse des autres armées.
Great content Rob. Thank you very much. I very much align with you although have some differences:
- Bastian seems better on paper than in reality (pushing infantry fwd only effective if you know you are going first, otherwise you are giving extra movement to enemies through a shorter charge in turn 1)
- I think you were a bit too rough on the new ruination chamber heroes hahahaha. I absolutely love reclusians, they slap pretty hard and the big bird or tornus could synergize well. Not saying the most effective heroes but also not so ineffective
- vanquishers are veeeery solid unit, talking from experience hejjeje
Thank you once again for such a great content. Really enjoyed the video
Love the video Rob! I will defend the drakesworn Templar avidly! If he fights a monster hero (which in this edition is likely to happen) he becomes a nuclear threat. His weapon will be rend 3 damage 3 and his star drake will be on rend 2 damage 4. Give him strike first and bless weapons and be years them apart!
Let's see it do well!!
New SCE unit name ideas : Obfuscators, Nomenclatures, Semanticors, Thesauriators, Galefire Retaliators, Cloudflare Claimants, Hammercharge Largehitters
Absolutely bonkers names
Great tier list rob, thanks for helping me out with this 400 page long unit roster! I am a little sad the new gryphon person isn't that good but that won't stop me from making a full ruination chamber flavour list!
i will paint that guy up and bring him to a tournament so that all those knowledgeable nerds can explain to me how bad my list is and give unrequested advice
@@olafolafsson2755 based!
Have a great time. I hope it is fun
vexilor our best scoring unit for 120 pts... Also he is pretty good in big dragon list. Also he is addition hero what give him additional flexibility. It at least Fine unit...
I took that all into account and I hate it
Stormcasts are so similar and have such ridiculous names that I think Rob could put some in there that aren't real and I wouldn't notice....
I may have...
Rob forgot to rate Constipators, but they're only B tier
Yeah he already forgot to rate the Knight Adlatus ;)
@@thehonestwargamerstreams I noticed you missed the lord knight aqueduct riding gryph drake stalker....
I've played the Lord Terminos + Reclusian combo twice now and both times felt like it wasn't worth it. Probably good news that I've watched this vid so can realise that now and change - might build Bastian!
Really think Lord-Terminos is super effective with reclusians, because if you charge in with them first you’ve got a massive chunk of damage not only in its 4 with 3 damage a piece, but it’s also crit mortal. Take that with reclusians which are a minimum of 10 attacks, crit mortal, +1 to hit and 2 damage, that’s a very reliable high damage to delete units, also using the artefact makes the terminos untouchable if the opponent doesn’t have any strike first, also it’s been FAQ’d that you can pick 3 units back to back if it’s your fight turn, coming from 3rd edition of Ironjawz, I really like the pseudo smashing and bashing XD
Quicksilver Terminos and 6 Reclusians wrapping him is a contender for best combo in the entire book. Drop them on a point and nothing will lift them all game.
@ it’s wild how much output you can get with not much setup, even without strike first
I mentioned all this exact combo in the video
Lol. Things will left them. The shooting meta is very real
Great video Rob!!! Very disappointed in the new models, they look so cool!!! But maybe there is a way to make them work lol.
Me too!! Genuinely upset
Great review! Pity some of my favs are in “ineffective” but that just ups the challenge and gives my opponent a sporting chance against Sigmar’s finest 😉⚡️ (happy Annihilators & Dragon wizard are soaring comet high tho)
Knight-Judicators are too cool not to use(I own several I love ‘em so much) despite the nerf, good ranger-lord that just needs a screen to set-up his shots.
But otherwise good spread of greats to not-greats and doesn’t seem lopsided to either. I think the balance team are doing a good job between powerhouses and niche support units
I own 4! Just other middle units do it better for the points
Definitely. Longstrikes & Vigilors replaced K-Judicator as ranged kings/queens easily this edition where they went hard on nerfing SCE’s shooty options(poor Imperatant lost his lightning bolt call down)
But metas & rules change but badass models are forever.
K-judicator has a built in screen with his best doggos. Pair him with vigilors and he should be a great hero sniper.
I also hate crossbows/bow-guns aesthetically so I’ll never use a longstrike (although I own a unit of raptors I got on the cheap).
one good thing about Astreia, is that she can include anything in her regiment, effectively being the cheapest leader that opens Vanguard Raptors outside of the vanguard chamber.
Ususally that's not a problem since most people play Krondys, but I'm a pleb and don't have it, so it's better than Yndrasta or Celestian Prime...
Great stuff as always! I'm wondering when if at any point you'll be looking at a faction pack review for the Idoneth Deepkin? Regardless, keep up the good work!
One second in, I'm going to follow this tier list as the law for what I buy and blame Rob for my own mistakes.
(Seriously, spoiled with good content now)
Asteria is incredibly effective. She's the cheapest warmaster in our army which is huge for our shite regiment building.
This is underrated. Also why I rate Yndrasta even higher
I'm not spending points to do that
Unlocking palladors and raptors for ~200 points is pretty good. I value those units more than Rob though.
Me: "This is great! I just got the Iridan the Witness box, which has two ways of building the model, and both models look amazing! This is going to be a lot of fun!"
Honest Wargamer: "Both units are garbage, bottom of the tier list."
Me: "Stabbing me in the heart would've been less painful...."
Iridan is 3/4 painted on my desk. I share your pain.
I could be just theory crafting, but I feel like the end of turn ability is the important thing that will make Iridan good if it works
Amazing vid! I woulda left out the going to legends stuff tho. 😊
When it all updates next year I'll redo it
Astreia's main appeal for me is she is a 220pt. general that can bring any unit including Vanguard units.
great video, love me some stormcast simple as.
Absolutely love this 🎉
So glad thanks!!
Thanks for the video, Rob! Updated points definitely recontextualize the Hurricane Raptors.
That +1 Attacks prayer is rather laborious to get off, so I wouldn't take it under consideration as much as you do here.
I think you're under-valuing Vanquishers & the Knight-Zephyros, as she can teleport on her turns, & is a cheap Vanguard-taker. Then with Vanq's... many good units are 5-6+ models that they'll get double damage versus, hearkening back to the bounty hunters' season...
All fair points. It's a massive book
Love this Tier list, helpful especially for newbies in SCE army, but it seems you missed out one Model/Unit, can't find the Judicator with Boltstorm Crossbow?.
Yeah I missed them. Ineffective
@@thehonestwargamerstreams Got it, thanks mate, looking forward for more of your reviews soon. Cheers!
Brillant Rob, now we dream of the same for all army!! 😅
Oh boy, I really wish Rob could explain to me what he thinks about the Knight Questor in like, 5 seconds or less!
Rob: 1:14:19
I got you
Rob forgot to rate the Redundantors
Isn't that most of the range
Could be wrong, but I think that while the sacrosanct units get the rest of the year, the little warband groups including Stormsire's Cursebreakers are already legended
Another take for those watching this that get sad about where their models land is to remember this is from a competitive view point. So if like me you want to play the "Bad" models you can still play them but know that the game may be a bit harder for you to win with. But hey an entire computer game industry is created around playing on hard mode (See dark souls). So worry not Ruination chamber lovers we just like giving our opponents a better chance ;)
In a casual game, both you and your opponent also probably won’t play optimally anyways, no matter the army list.
This ^^
The meta is shifting like the Realmscapes anyway like how Yndrasta used to be mid and now is tops so just play what looks cool and ride the rebalance waves.
Also Heraldors were trash tier last edition too but an army with 3 as leaders made it to Adepticon second place because of a good strategy. So even niche units can be played right.
I always say this in these videos. I also try to stray away from bad and that's why I hit effective/ineffective I thinks that's no so over the top as bad
Hi Rob, You smashed the sequitors very quick. What about ther ability tat you cant harm them with atacks other than companion . Love your Videos .
honestly even if the models in the lower rankings get there because they might not be good i will still play with them just because they look cool plus who would not want tornus and gardus in a full hallowed knights list :D
I'd love to see a similar thing for Cities of Sigmar!
Interested to see your list video on these guys
Right I will now stop my third watch of your SCE battletome review- still 1 1/2😂 (not a complaint big man 😉)
Did I hear correctly that you have another channel? You should put a link to it in the description!
It's the honest Wargamer
@@thehonestwargamerstreams youtube search algorithm seems to think that the Streams channel is the only one that exists
Just started into warhammer as a whole and ended up with 3 knight-questors. Scanned for ever to see why you ranked them least effective now im sad. Time to try my hand at conversions
Did I miss the discussion on Naeve's Companions and Lorai? I feel like they just appeared.
The Reclusian shrug is super underrated, it can be inconsistent without Memorians but it makes them feel very effective
I feel reculsians are easy to manage
Prasie algorithm gods!
Lets gooo!
Hope you love it
@@thehonestwargamerstreams i realy did. I just wish foot heroes would be better... They are bad all the times
Where is that interactive card, that seems so useful!
At least most of the subsequent reviews will be quicker as nearly every faction has much smaller rosters.
What is the website you’re getting these warscrolls from?
Age of Index
Can you do this for slaves of darkness also
Great: Belakor, varanguard, chosen... The rest, whatever 😂
For sure but this took 6 hours to record so I'll wait for the battle time
@@michaelbrehmer6450 Unfortunately... (although you forgot those damned Furies)
@@Scarycrow89 haha true😄
Drakesworn Templar in the bin is criminal. Especially after talking about many hero monsters are in the game. You think Yndrasta slaps? Drakesworn Templar is the real monster killer.
Zero percent chance I'm wrong.
Nah it's where he belongs. He's good at killing hero monsters. Guess what we are already supremely good at with Longstrikes and Yndrasta who both do it for cheaper? That's right, killing hero monsters. The Templar sadly is just redundant.
So what’s the OP most effective list of units, as a recap? 😅
Thanks for the video, also what website is that with the stats?
Really making me regret thinking that the Skaventide box was a good call for skaven AND storm cast lmao half the units and in the lowest catagory
This is a great review. What website are you using to look at the warscrolls?
Love seeing 75% of my list in ineffective and least effective categories
Hello, please do one for the ogor mawtribes! I am new and about to plunge into age of sigmar 4 and Ogors are my fav!
hey rob love your videos. im also a juggz admirer, but i usualy listen to you in podcast form, but you stopped uploding to spotify. is this permanent, will you, are you uploading to anothyer podcast platform?
i love your videos, but with podcast i can listen to them while i work. either way i love what you do, and tnkx for another cool vid. Ps sorry for the bad engilsh :P
I second this
No it's not. I'm going to switch platforms for the podcast
Seeing Ionus up there is wild. He does about 10 damage into a 4+ save unit and he's just as unreliable at praying as any other priest. For 400 points he is neither particularly tanky nor does he good damage nor does he pray exceptionally well.
And even if he does get a prayer of it doesn't really matter since the SCE prayer lore is pretty meh. Translocation was great but now we have the portal that does it for free without rolling for it. I don't see what he brings to the table. If he just had kept his auto-pray from 3rd edition he'd be so much better.
Thanks a lot man!
But what did the Lord Celestant do to you?
„You could legally take him, but he’s shit.“
Love those videos! Any idea about the name of site that he is looking the warscrolls from?
*looks at stuff I bought for my SCE army*
Feels bad, man.
What about the second and third part of the ability on the Knight-Arcanum?
I can't help thinking quite a lot of time could have been saved by skipping Sacrosanct Chamber stuff?
Why are protectors not as good as praetors? They seem like a similar role
Be easy, I’m a new AoS player, what is that website that had the unit stats that was being shown? TYiA
Yndrasta is def a nuke. She took out a gothizzar bonereaper and Arkhan the black today. Very pleased.
Annihilators with hammers are still too expensive. They are 9 wounds for over 200p. On paper they are our biggest damage dealer. But we have no way to get them into combat. They can't Deepstrike and charge since the opponent will just Redeploy away and starting them on the board is rough since they only move 4".
The same is true by the way for all our infantry except Prosecutors. They are all very slow with no delivery mechanic like run + charge etc. This is why currently SCE really need Longstrikes. They force the enemy to be honest and come to us instead of just juking our slow units.
SCE just has too many units and GW struggles to design their Warscrolls to give them meaningful niches to occupy. Look at the Redeemers for example. They are all fine but ultimately do the same thing so the only one that's played is always the cheapest or the one that does the most damage.
The best units for the next 4 weeks 😆
Nah they won't hit them
@ Love your irony 😁
What is happening to Sacrosaint units?
1:30 is that you telling yourself?
More than you know
Seriously, does anyone know what the resource is that he's using? The damage on the profile based on unit size and save is so nice.
1hr 26???? Positively brief compared to the stream 😂😂
Does someone know what he is using to see that datasheet of Units ? :o
I like Rob
Let's gooooooi
You’re lucky you changed graph-hounds to fine. For 80pts, 6 models, big bases, they are perhaps the best screen / chaff unit in the game. Can you name a better? Plus, if the enemy ignores them, their 9 inch move can usually get them somewhere the enemy doesn’t want them, at which point you chuck finest hour and all out attack on them and enjoy 24 attacks hitting on 3s and wounding on 3s…for 80pts! Did I mention they’re only 80pts!?
Indeed would have likely just written something very similar, but not make any mention of your being lucky 😎
Does anyone know what website he’s using for the war scrolls? I’m new to the game
Were these battlescrolls written by someone who had an extensive SCE collection who salty about the new units/legendensing? New to AOS with Skaventide and loving the new models but oh my are they mostly mid.
They probably did want to boost SCE win-rates any higher than they already are. We’re top to mid tier at worst so a bunch of strong new guys on top of Portal shenanigans might’ve been bad for balance.
They are worse than mid
When they wrote this book over a year ago they had no idea about the winrates
Then they wrote it with mid-level in mind 😅
That’s a good place for a middle of the road starter army like us, don’t want to be overwhelming like Marines because we have those higher(to highest) player numbers already.
how do you get the dmg on save's to show on age of Index?
Click the dice symbol
@@thehonestwargamerstreams Thanks buddy. Need more coffee it seems!
Ive got dominion and skaventide halves of stormcast
So i got 10 liberators and 10 vindicators
"Theyre garbage!"
I was happy that the game play of the new ruination chamber was poor. I am not appreciating the aesthetic of the new models. Makes it easier to not purchase any of the stormcast.
This reminds me of NiN
Aetherwings are really great at scoring victory points for your opponent.
If you take them you'll want them to be in the General's Regiment because the Vanguard heroes are lackluster. Being such a fragile unit in your General's Regiment gives up Slay the Entourage way to easily
I want to score points and if it's the best option to do so I'll take it
Aww, I clicked on this video hoping that Rob would tell me to f off. Sad Panda...
I'm so sorry
I have watched 56 seconds of this video and yet I know that Rob is wrong about every and all takes.
As Sigmar intended!
I have to admit the sheer Irony of new fourth edition models TRASH. 10 year old and 3rd Edition models Meta. GW should wise up. Thanks for a great video! If someone isn’t willing to tell it like it is, then it won’t get fixed.
They always do it though. Helps clear up older stock, just look at Stardrakes now being Temporarily Out of Stock for the last several weeks compared to years barely played.
New models don’t have to be strong because pure collector shininess means they sell fast in the first months before slowing down.
Give it 3-6 months and all the shite units will swap places with the best, as per the GW 'balancing' MO!
No chance. The scrolls are bad and points won't change that
those are the same pictures.
Literally same images
Why cant they just nerf tjose damn range units. Stormstrike Crossbows are waaaay to strong. Lost like 3 Games to them because they snipe whatever they want and I cant do a damn thing about it. That should not be possible for such a cheap unit. I find it really annoying.
360p for a 12 health unit isn't cheap.
i'll be honest, Sacrosanct units being bottom tier is whatever. They have been for the last 3 years already. What really pulls my goat is how inflexible they made building lists with them. The various Sacrosanct characters are keyed on being allowed infantry and non-infantry units and none of them can run warrior chamber stuff.
Yeah it's rubbish
No disrespect meant to those with big sacrosanct collections, but putting them in a tier list when they're on their death bed seems like a bit of a waste of time.
Why? can redo this list next year and that way I'm respectful to the people who do want to play them. Just because games workshop doesn't care doesn't mean I don't