Psalm 46 - A Loving Presence Through It All - Yes!

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • I started this video to share an inspirational Lectio Divina reading. However, as I began, my heart seemed to be moved to share more deeply from a very intimate place. Perhaps a hidden place that I was glimpsing and simply tried to speak of as it was happening. So this may feel a little "different" than some of my other videos. I go to a place of silence and stillness and listening....I listen to what is arising from the depths of my own soul, and try to bring it into the light.
    I invite you to listen to this Lectio Divna....and let it go deep, penetrating the very bone and marrow of your being. You may hear something completely different than I did in those moments. Afterall, we are not here to live one another's spiritual experience....but to live our own, to trust our experience with God and to live it out with courage and grace and love in our every day life in a way that good fruit, eternal fruit will naturally come forth and bless the world.
    This is a longer video than I normally publish, but it is what arose and so I just decided to stay in the flow, to let it be what it is.
    May you always be discovering the depths of God's Love that dwells within you, around you, above you, below you, and you in this God as well. Inseparable! God is ever with us! Just awakening to the Reality of this infinite Holy Energy always abiding in me and me in It, is glorious.
    My heart opens during this video to a new level of honesty and acceptance. I speak of the unique kind of "aloneness" that I often feel in the midst of those whom I am closest to. But aloneness is not loneliness. As I embrace the "aloneness" I find a unity that connects me to all, all creation, all people no matter how different we may appear to be....and a deeper depth of love for them (as well as for God and myself) bubbles up from within me that I didn't even know was there. And I know that even as I type this it doesn't make sense - but it DOES when I see God as Spirit, the Energy, the Infinite One in which we all live and move and have our being. We are alone yet united. We are each sparks of this Eternal Light. Each of of us born as a different expression of God living in and through us as we awaken and embrace our belovedness in God.
    Oh how I long to fan into flame this love that abides in us all....and how I long to let down my guard enough to let others fan it into flame in new and creative ways as well.
    Well, I am finding it difficult to even express what I am trying to say I will be silent now; trusting and praying that you will "awaken" (I use that word only because I can't think of another at the moment, but perhaps you resonate with a different word) awaken to Love in a way you never have before.
    May we each live our unique life as the Love and Light God knows us to be in this world today. Jesus the Christ was born into this human world to proclaim this Good News! Some listened and found abundant life, and others closed their eyes, their hearts, and their ears and missed it. I want to be ever-seeing with the eyes of my heart this glorious Mystery of Christ in me, my hope, my glory. Know thyself In God, and know God in thyself. Rest there. Find refuge there. Abide there.