58 seconds in...AMAZING. Hate when people make fun of us, French Horn is one of the prettiest instruments in a band, and once we get good, we almost always have part or all of the melody.
A lot of times horns don’t get the melody and have pretty boring parts … but when they get the melody, it sounds amazing. In concert bands, horns are often used on the light parts of the beat and in orchestras as a filler for the middle notes in a chord.
I have played the french horn for german and italian orchestras. And I dare say - having tried to play the trumpet and the tuba too, that the french horn is - atleast in my opinion one of the most difficult brass instruments. It needs a TON of control to play it as silk-smooth as these masters. I have to say, every time I hear horns play like that, I feel like I'm getting seduced by a succubus. It's absolutely magical and sublime!
+DiamondEnderCraft 226 well i've never heard them play french horn, only vienna horn. There's a reason it says "vienna horn" in the title. There's a difference.
The Vienna horn is a type of single F horn that uses a special type of valve and is similar in some other ways to the original valveless natural horns of the 17 and 1800s. It is not a separate instrument.
Actually, they're a Bb instrument, that can be lowered down to F by inserting a crook into the leadpipe, ao I've heard. The pumpenvalve and the natural horn mouhpiece give the instrument a different sound to a normal horn used nowadays. They can be more fluid in their movements, and the sound is slightly more mellow. They are also a very heavy instrument for their size. They can weigh as much as a double horn, even though they have much less tubing
The typical double horn used in orchestral playing has an F side and a Bb side, while the Vienna horn is typically in F, though it has removable crooks (sort of an antiquated system) that can change the key. There's a good video on here comparing physical differences if you search 'vienna horn vs french horn'. Sound-wise, the Vienna horn is supposedly more difficult to master, but gets that characteristic heroic horn sound at much lower volume levels. Hope that helps!
I play French Horn in my school, I never really wanted to practice it, and never have. I get through songs decent enough...but this...makes me want to practice.
Horns Rule. I play in the Detroit Civic Youth Orchestra. This has been a dream of mine since i picked up a horn 5 years ago and now I sit at first chair. People who say horns never have the melody have clearly only heard them in a band. (The only professional bands in the US are part of the US military)
Once upon a time I played the F horn as well. Always enjoyed it's mellow and versatile sound. And it was a challenge to play, but I loved it all the same!
Approximately 34 ft of the most treacherous but beautiful high quality brass tubing I ever played. Some day I'll have the $2,559.43 to buy and ship the one I've always dreamed of owning.
+pjzdreamz keep looking on ebay or on Woodwinds and Brasswinds. you can get a nice used horn for under 1200. i dream of having my own too. maybe tax return time :D
oh i know, but thought you might just be interested to have just an F horn, not as special as a Vienna, but still a lovely sound and challenging to play well :)
buying a horn is extremely expensive, the best advice i have is to buy second third or even fourth hand. A new really high quality one can be around £7000+
I agree...i played 2nd horn for this song too! And yeah we have our own (horn) uniqueness!! Especially the counter melody of 'One Last Shot"!! Beautiful!!
What an amazing cover. I love the sound of French horns, and how they make an echo sound. My goal is to learn every instrument that's in a symphony orchestra. Strings and percussion instruments have been taken care of already. I think it's too early to start learning brass instruments due to my heart and lung conditions. So, I started learning flute first and it really tires me out. I hope I get the hang of it soon.
huge one: the Vienna Horn is a single Horn in F with a smaller diapason than the french horn, which is actually two Horns (F and B flat) in one instrument. Therefore it is much harder to play.
Even trumpet players have a lot of troubles with the french horn. Sure, they can play high, but the majority of them have real trouble playing below the clef, and with a broad, dark sound. Coming from the tuba gives you the opposite problems, dark sounds and low range are easy, but high range and bright fanfares are rough. The horn is really two instruments in one with of its extreme range and variety of sounds. From seats 1-4 everyone has a challenge, and all the seats matter for the horn.
I called the local high school and they had 5 spare horns! It's really good luck. I don't know for sure, but one of them's bound to be a double. Thank you so much for your advice though!
GO HORNS :D we might play dis for our sprign concert i asked our band teacher if so.. go horns! :D! i almost made our sister cry on a slow song i played ;)
@978parodies Keep in mind, this is the Vienna horn, and also, the F Horn is VERY hard to play, a lot different from Mellophone. I play both at my school, due to me being the only F Horn player. It's a big honor though, and if you are good at it, salute to you!
Along with mscarstensen, I too have a Conn 8D and love it. It cost me $3,500, though I paid with cash. If you were to pay on credit, it would have cost me $5,800. Sadly, if you go out and buy a cheap horn (regardless of if it is double or single), you run the chance of getting a crappy horn. You're better saving for a while until you can buy a good horn. Also, enlist the help of a teacher to help you pick one out that will really match you if you are a beginner (first few years of lessons).
I AM PROUD TO BE A FRENCH HORN!!!!!! i love being a french horn, my BFF is a barritone and she always says french horns suck, (shes just kidding, cuz i say barritones uck) BUT WE ARE THE BOSS!!!! EVERY ONE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT THE HORNS!!!!!!
Ok for all you posters who say you have been looking for a good fairly cheap double horn.... Most good doubles start at about $3000 and go to about $10,000. I bought a Chinese knock offs for my grandson for $350 and it played pretty well but discovered that it had intonation problems with some pitches that we could not correct. I did find a horn made in China for PAXMAN (Academy model) that only cost $1600 new, I love and use it over all four of my other horns. Wichita Band Instruments.
I'm African American and it used to be that people didn't think African Americans should play Horn at all!!! Why???? the mouthpiece was small and we were "SUPPOSEDLY" not able to play classical music because we were not "refined"!!!! BULL!! I play Horn and COMPOSE!!!!!! I commend you and offer you more words of encouragement and I tell you to NEVER give up and become THE BEST!!!!
Actually @Andrea Picchi the difference between a band and an orchestra is the presence of an abundance of string instrumental(hints: string orchestra) and by the way I am in no way hating on saxophones because I play all the saxes for my school, but I like to be technical about some things and band is one of them, keep on playing everyone, music is amazing
@gwreeves1987 No need to be a hater. when it comes to concert band clarinets are one of the main melody instruments. and dont worry, i study tuba, a cousin of the french horn.
I play the French Horn but it’s no where near as good as these guys. I hope to be as good as them in the future so I can play in well known orchestral groups, but that’s in the future.
I think the french horn is a wonderful sounding instrument when played by an accomplished person. You do not, however, want to be tortured by listening to a novice playing one. I can say only a beginning oboe player sounds worse. And yes, I'm a trumpet player from way back.
also in most orchestras there's way less wind instruments than in bands (for example 1-3 trumpets in orchestras compared to 6+ in bands) and also strings in orchestras
Really man? That hurts... You would think people would have more respect for one of the oldest and most beautiful instruments... We're basically cousins man! From the same section!!
I get that he meant 8Ds as the instrument, but my twisted mind saw him making a chod.. oh wait we are speaking about music, my bad XD yes this was a grand instrumentation. I am however a saxaphone player but enjoy the french horn every once in a while :)
Horns = Master of the orchestra
True ass fack
True Horn=boss
100000000% true
58 seconds in...AMAZING. Hate when people make fun of us, French Horn is one of the prettiest instruments in a band, and once we get good, we almost always have part or all of the melody.
So motivating for any Horn player...
People who say horns never have the melody haven't played in an orchestra.
Such people have played only in an wind orchestra.
or ever watched a movie
A lot of times horns don’t get the melody and have pretty boring parts … but when they get the melody, it sounds amazing.
In concert bands, horns are often used on the light parts of the beat and in orchestras as a filler for the middle notes in a chord.
Dang, those high notes are so pristine, they give me chills.
I play the trumpet and I wish I could play the French horn. It's such an amazing instrument 😩🔥🔥
Vaal Music I started out on trumpet for 6 years before moving to horn. It’s very similar with a slight Embouchure adjustment.
I play horn but I want to test trumpet too you have beautiful attack :)
I played trumpet for like 6 months then switched to French horn and have been playing it for 2 years and I’m first chair
I love trumpet
I LOVE PLAYING FRENCH HORN! This shows how French horns are AMAZING!
5:14 eargasm!!!
emuloVretsaM I was thinking the save thing
I have played the french horn for german and italian orchestras. And I dare say - having tried to play the trumpet and the tuba too, that the french horn is - atleast in my opinion one of the most difficult brass instruments. It needs a TON of control to play it as silk-smooth as these masters. I have to say, every time I hear horns play like that, I feel like I'm getting seduced by a succubus. It's absolutely magical and sublime!
the horns is the soul of the orchestra
They're really good, I wish I could play my horn as well as them
+Alain Riba-Riba You can play french horn as well as them cus they say:"we will do that", and then after some time they do it.
+DiamondEnderCraft 226 well i've never heard them play french horn, only vienna horn. There's a reason it says "vienna horn" in the title. There's a difference.
The Vienna horn is a type of single F horn that uses a special type of valve and is similar in some other ways to the original valveless natural horns of the 17 and 1800s. It is not a separate instrument.
Actually, they're a Bb instrument, that can be lowered down to F by inserting a crook into the leadpipe, ao I've heard. The pumpenvalve and the natural horn mouhpiece give the instrument a different sound to a normal horn used nowadays. They can be more fluid in their movements, and the sound is slightly more mellow. They are also a very heavy instrument for their size. They can weigh as much as a double horn, even though they have much less tubing
Im playing the french horn and i love it
The typical double horn used in orchestral playing has an F side and a Bb side, while the Vienna horn is typically in F, though it has removable crooks (sort of an antiquated system) that can change the key. There's a good video on here comparing physical differences if you search 'vienna horn vs french horn'. Sound-wise, the Vienna horn is supposedly more difficult to master, but gets that characteristic heroic horn sound at much lower volume levels. Hope that helps!
I play French Horn in my school, I never really wanted to practice it, and never have. I get through songs decent enough...but this...makes me want to practice.
If you need a tuba sound who you gunna call?
The Horns
I was in the Shenandoah Jr, High band with Sam Pilafian (name ring a bell)?
Need a flute sound who you gonna call?
The horns
@@Billy69699 looool🤣🤣🤣
I love Horn. Thats becaus I'm playing it :)
Vienna Horns!!!!!
us horns are completely sick. i mean this is played on those really old tube horns. frickin incredible!!!
Very good, like much of the Viennese horn, I am Brazilian and I would love one day to play a horn from vienna ... good job guys!
I’ve been listening to this specific recording for 7 years
Horns Rule. I play in the Detroit Civic Youth Orchestra. This has been a dream of mine since i picked up a horn 5 years ago and now I sit at first chair. People who say horns never have the melody have clearly only heard them in a band. (The only professional bands in the US are part of the US military)
Once upon a time I played the F horn as well. Always enjoyed it's mellow and versatile sound. And it was a challenge to play, but I loved it all the same!
I play the euphonium, but I would love to one day learn to play French Horn like this. Mindblowing work, keep it up Vienna!
Approximately 34 ft of the most treacherous but beautiful high quality brass tubing I ever played. Some day I'll have the $2,559.43 to buy and ship the one I've always dreamed of owning.
+pjzdreamz keep looking on ebay or on Woodwinds and Brasswinds. you can get a nice used horn for under 1200. i dream of having my own too. maybe tax return time :D
+pds tech Woodwinds and Brasswind doesn't sell Vienna horns they only sell single, double, or triple horns but no Vienna.
oh i know, but thought you might just be interested to have just an F horn, not as special as a Vienna, but still a lovely sound and challenging to play well :)
buying a horn is extremely expensive, the best advice i have is to buy second third or even fourth hand. A new really high quality one can be around £7000+
Oh my gosh right before 5:59 it’s amazing(I’m also a horn player)
We horns sound so pretty
I agree...i played 2nd horn for this song too! And yeah we have our own (horn) uniqueness!! Especially the counter melody of 'One Last Shot"!! Beautiful!!
What an amazing cover. I love the sound of French horns, and how they make an echo sound. My goal is to learn every instrument that's in a symphony orchestra. Strings and percussion instruments have been taken care of already. I think it's too early to start learning brass instruments due to my heart and lung conditions. So, I started learning flute first and it really tires me out. I hope I get the hang of it soon.
6:40 amazing
Only horns :O I love it
huge one: the Vienna Horn is a single Horn in F with a smaller diapason than the french horn, which is actually two Horns (F and B flat) in one instrument. Therefore it is much harder to play.
Unlimited power. Coming from a euph guy. Love it.
2:21-2:29, super impressive.
0:58 so impressive
on that day, the world will lose it's appreciation of music
6th grade I was an alto sax player then in 7th grade I switched to french horn and played it through high school. Best decision ever!
Even trumpet players have a lot of troubles with the french horn. Sure, they can play high, but the majority of them have real trouble playing below the clef, and with a broad, dark sound. Coming from the tuba gives you the opposite problems, dark sounds and low range are easy, but high range and bright fanfares are rough. The horn is really two instruments in one with of its extreme range and variety of sounds. From seats 1-4 everyone has a challenge, and all the seats matter for the horn.
This is one of the things that made me decide to go to school for horn ^.^
I called the local high school and they had 5 spare horns! It's really good luck. I don't know for sure, but one of them's bound to be a double. Thank you so much for your advice though!
I play French horn and I hope to play like them
+isabella arriola my Horn is American.
i do to
Me to !
the first horn part!!
This makes me glad I play horn... And it also makes me want to practice. Lol :P
Double major French Horn and Bassoon best of two worlds. Now if I could just figure out Cello.
GO HORNS :D we might play dis for our sprign concert i asked our band teacher if so.. go horns! :D! i almost made our sister cry on a slow song i played ;)
I love the French Horn I luv how it sounds and I play it
These are Vienna Horns..
Calder Thorne Which are basically old style crook horns with pistons instead of rotary valves. Not too much different.
***** except for the superior sound quality and price
I wanna play thissss! :D
Sounds so fun!
sound of french horns always give me goosbumps *_*
@Battlefuzzy I agree, the clarity of the horn should be allowed to shine with this arrangment
AWESOMENESS!!! LUV IT , I PLAY FRENCH HORN MYSELF AND I HOPE TO PLAY LIKE THIS SOMEDAY! but we are playing it in our spring concert Sounds AWESOME!!!
this is very very very good !!! :)
im canadian from quebec im a good french horn double player and its a personal dream too be a player like this in a group of horn :D
@978parodies Keep in mind, this is the Vienna horn, and also, the F Horn is VERY hard to play, a lot different from Mellophone. I play both at my school, due to me being the only F Horn player. It's a big honor though, and if you are good at it, salute to you!
The Vienna horn has the complete series of overtones. It cannot be duplicated.
I'm glad I picked the french horn instead of the trumpet :D
Thank you !
Love it.
Never listened to a beginning violinist? But beyond that,I have to admit that all beginning trumpet players sound great:-)) Signed: Peter (T-bone)
true teaching methods are the best uses are always 50 years ahead
Very good 👍😍
Along with mscarstensen, I too have a Conn 8D and love it. It cost me $3,500, though I paid with cash. If you were to pay on credit, it would have cost me $5,800. Sadly, if you go out and buy a cheap horn (regardless of if it is double or single), you run the chance of getting a crappy horn. You're better saving for a while until you can buy a good horn. Also, enlist the help of a teacher to help you pick one out that will really match you if you are a beginner (first few years of lessons).
muy bueno!!
I fucking die over a well played horn. Such a GORGEOUS sound. Incredible. :)
OMG i want to play a vienna horn when i'm older!!
this is great music
I AM PROUD TO BE A FRENCH HORN!!!!!! i love being a french horn, my BFF is a barritone and she always says french horns suck, (shes just kidding, cuz i say barritones uck) BUT WE ARE THE BOSS!!!! EVERY ONE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT THE HORNS!!!!!!
Ok for all you posters who say you have been looking for a good fairly cheap double horn.... Most good doubles start at about $3000 and go to about $10,000. I bought a Chinese knock offs for my grandson for $350 and it played pretty well but discovered that it had intonation problems with some pitches that we could not correct. I did find a horn made in China for PAXMAN (Academy model) that only cost $1600 new, I love and use it over all four of my other horns. Wichita Band Instruments.
Nice sound :)
I'm African American and it used to be that people didn't think African Americans should play Horn at all!!! Why???? the mouthpiece was small and we were "SUPPOSEDLY" not able to play classical music because we were not "refined"!!!! BULL!! I play Horn and COMPOSE!!!!!! I commend you and offer you more words of encouragement and I tell you to NEVER give up and become THE BEST!!!!
Estupendo sonido.
Actually @Andrea Picchi the difference between a band and an orchestra is the presence of an abundance of string instrumental(hints: string orchestra) and by the way I am in no way hating on saxophones because I play all the saxes for my school, but I like to be technical about some things and band is one of them, keep on playing everyone, music is amazing
The song called Africa: Ceremony and Dance, Star of Wonder Melody, The Firebird Suite. All Horn heavy
@gwreeves1987 No need to be a hater. when it comes to concert band clarinets are one of the main melody instruments. and dont worry, i study tuba, a cousin of the french horn.
amen man.
arranged for 8 or 12 horns means that we have 8 or 12 DIFFERENT SCORES or it means that we have 8 or 12 PLAYERS, maybe 2 per score?
No, it's literally arranged in eight parts. However, 12 horns can play it as well as 8.
Ok,perfect. Tank you
@ultradudemega yamaha sells em, but you'd have to order them, im pretty sure theyre only available on the internet or in austria
I played french horn for 1 year now in 6th grade and soon im going to be in 7th grade
Does anyone know if this recording can be purchased in an MP3 format?
¡Viva la horn section
Anyone know what tracks they go through? I know they start with "The Medallion Calls" but I can't figure out the others to save my life.
An orchestra without horns is like a car without wheels
I play the French Horn but it’s no where near as good as these guys. I hope to be as good as them in the future so I can play in well known orchestral groups, but that’s in the future.
It states in the CD booklet "the arrangements were written exclusively for the Vienna Horns and are not for sale." Time to hone those take-down chops!
LUCKY!!!!!!!!! at least u get the melody once a year.
Just take the horns out and let them hear the difference...giant difference.
yep y see it the canadian brass one time very nice show :P sorry im french haha
I will buy Vienna horns once I got enough savings.
I think the french horn is a wonderful sounding instrument when played by an accomplished person. You do not, however, want to be tortured by listening to a novice playing one. I can say only a beginning oboe player sounds worse. And yes, I'm a trumpet player from way back.
also in most orchestras there's way less wind instruments than in bands (for example 1-3 trumpets in orchestras compared to 6+ in bands) and also strings in orchestras
Really man? That hurts... You would think people would have more respect for one of the oldest and most beautiful instruments... We're basically cousins man! From the same section!!
so cool
French Horn is the Brass sound a la Royale~!!!
they should go to contest or some thin like that because they are very good
+lean tango mango haha!
+lean tango mango You are killing me!
Chicxulub65M lol
Go back to your blues and jazz, French Horns will keep the harmony! >:)
GEMMA JUNGS!!! ❤️💪🇦🇹
my son is learning how to play french horn and he was able to play 5:28-5:39 but is sounded almost perfect!
I get that he meant 8Ds as the instrument, but my twisted mind saw him making a chod.. oh wait we are speaking about music, my bad XD yes this was a grand instrumentation. I am however a saxaphone player but enjoy the french horn every once in a while :)