MERCEDES BENZ,GLE 350,W166, Removal/install Headlight

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @darrylfoye1791
    @darrylfoye1791 3 роки тому +6

    Good job bro, I want to swap my headlights on my 2013 ML350 to my 2015 ML400 but it seems to time consuming. Again good job.

  • @vermont1day3
    @vermont1day3 3 роки тому

    A skilled technician.

  • @isamora4685
    @isamora4685 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for the video

  • @markioffe122
    @markioffe122 9 місяців тому

    very nice but I have the same car but with parking sensors. I unscrewed the 2 10mm under the fender flare and the top bolt from under the hood but mind is still mounted somewhere. any ideas? thank you.

  • @dieseltortilla
    @dieseltortilla 6 місяців тому

    Can i upgrade hid inteligent headlights to the halogen headlught? Do I need to transfer install HID harness ? Or programming required?

  • @Александр-п5э7е

    Спасибо 🙏🔥

  • @impgilgamesh5660
    @impgilgamesh5660 2 роки тому

    Hello , I ordered mine from Amazon , I have a gla 2018 200d I put in the socket and there was other 2 extra sockets on my new headlights and when I put it in it showed an error on my dashboard but when I saw your video it said install in reverse order does that mean I should install it reversed as in flipped ?

  • @boza5382
    @boza5382 3 роки тому

    can i ask you one thing? my gle350 has no splash shield under the engine(just front of the engine) , so i can see the ground through the engine space. is it normal?

  • @synergyexpressinc6850
    @synergyexpressinc6850 Рік тому +11

    What a stupid design, you need to remove the bumper to replace the head light ,

  • @jameslopez4060
    @jameslopez4060 3 роки тому +1


  • @RickyMohar
    @RickyMohar 2 роки тому

    Looks like the plastic undercover is destroyed