Linux Command Line Tutorial For Beginners 2 - ls command in Linux

  • Опубліковано 25 кві 2024
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    ls command Lists the files in the current directory, in alphanumeric order, except files starting with the “.” character. ls lists information about the FILEs (the current directory by default). Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is specified.
    Linux and UNIX ls command help and examples ls command in linux. ls - Unix, Linux Command. ls - Linux Command - Unix Command Linux man page - ls command. cd command in linux. cat command in linux. grep command in linux. pwd command in linux. mkdir command in linux. cp command in linux. ls command in linux. ln command in linux
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  • @prajwalr6792
    @prajwalr6792 4 роки тому +52

    Just a correction, about the rights.. d is for directory.. next are rwxrwxrwx, these are permissions for owner, group and others respectively.. The "-" symbol means that particular right is not available.. e.g., The desktop folder has "drwxr-xr-x", it means d is directory, rwx means owner has permission to read write and execute, group has r-x so group has read and execute but not write permission, others have r-x which is again read and execute but not write permission.

  • @gaddeganesh6925
    @gaddeganesh6925 6 років тому +116

    In "ls - l" for permissions you have mentioned that permissions are seperated by minus symbol that is wrong. Permissions will always be set of rwx which are read write and execute. If amy permission is not there then that will be minus

  • @MayurPanghaal
    @MayurPanghaal 5 років тому +26

    I am learning one lesson a day. Big thank you !!

  • @kumarshivam8077
    @kumarshivam8077 5 років тому +13

    Thanks sir for giving us such a valuable resources. This is the only place where i have found useful resources for my linux subject. Thank you sir from my heart.

    • @Anonymous-wd1dk
      @Anonymous-wd1dk 4 роки тому

      galat sikha rha haii lodu

    • @aryaakula5604
      @aryaakula5604 3 роки тому

      @@Anonymous-wd1dk yes, some parts, but mostly he is teaching right

  • @karamazovsc
    @karamazovsc 7 років тому +19

    It is fantastic, i love learning about Linux.

  • @adityabagchi
    @adityabagchi 7 років тому +3

    very well explained. perfect for a beginner

  • @Douglas-hw8is
    @Douglas-hw8is 3 роки тому +1

    Great tutorial - you teach very well. Many, many thanks. Duncan

  • @armandomolina2034
    @armandomolina2034 5 місяців тому

    Gret videos so far, thank you for making this series.

  • @riturajshekhar2547
    @riturajshekhar2547 7 років тому

    Great tutorial man!! Keep the good work up!

  • @waywardspirit7898
    @waywardspirit7898 5 років тому +6

    Thank you so much for the tutorials !! I have been researching linux for a couple months now and I have yet to get that "ah ha" moment. Until now. Most all tutorials for "beginners" assumes there is "some" previous command knowledge and your vids walked me through as if I am a true beginner (which I am) I think i'm finally getting it. ...Might be a dumb question but, why would one need to learn all these commands just to look at, list or open files verses simply clicking on the directories icon in the main window? (or typing out "move" commands verses simply dragging and dropping the file icon). Seems like 10 times the work for the same result. Thank you again for the great tutorials. :)

  • @naumansafdar6821
    @naumansafdar6821 2 роки тому

    Sir Ur tutorials r amaizing .......I will do it all and Ur method of teaching is great too

  • @narendrak8365
    @narendrak8365 6 років тому

    Very good tutorials, Thanks.

  • @soniakhan9871
    @soniakhan9871 3 роки тому +2

    It's just fabulous you clear every point....thanku so much.... I really enjoy the way of ur teaching..... 😊

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @sahilkumarsingh
    @sahilkumarsingh 6 років тому +2

    good and detailed explanation

  • @amberlum9581
    @amberlum9581 6 років тому

    what a good video!!! Thank you so much for making this video and share with us!!

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @neerajmahapatra5239
    @neerajmahapatra5239 4 роки тому +1

    Great explaination bro😜👌😜👌 loving it ...

  • @ramyad8136
    @ramyad8136 2 місяці тому

    Oh boy! Impressive explanation 😊

  • @Stevesteacher
    @Stevesteacher 4 роки тому +4

    Really an amazing video for beginners!

  • @sooryadeviga3038
    @sooryadeviga3038 5 років тому

    Nice tutorial.thank you sir

  • @maryammansuri1248
    @maryammansuri1248 Рік тому

    Thank you, I enjoyed the video and learning

  • @saadrehman3156
    @saadrehman3156 3 роки тому

    Great Man, loved it

  • @mouleshm210
    @mouleshm210 3 роки тому

    best explanation for linux in utube

  • @khalidbakhtyar9105
    @khalidbakhtyar9105 Місяць тому

    Thanks for everything its great lessen I learn. More about the Linux again thank so much for

  • @princess2chiru
    @princess2chiru 4 роки тому +1

    really good introduction ... I did tried years ago to use linux and did fail spectacular
    this time I understand what to do

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe


    Thank you so much valuable video

  • @prakharawasthi1590
    @prakharawasthi1590 6 років тому +4

    Although the Tutorial is quite good for beginner but there is a small mistake in Users Permission (8:30) , -rwx-w-r-- ----> If this is the Users Permission shown means the very first dash indicates the file type i.e. " - " is a regular file " s " is a special file , " d " signifies Directory , now after the first dash there will always be 9 space which will be occupied by some or the other Rights . Taking example of -rwx-w-r-- , We divide it as - , rwx , - w - , r - - . Noe as discussed already the first dash is Directory type the next set i.e. rwx indicates Owners Right which is Read Write Execute , then coming to group rights i,e, - w - means read is missing execute is missing only write is allowed (this is just an example), Now lastly the rights for the third group i.e r - - means Only read is allowed and write and execute is missing.

    • @rinjakundu
      @rinjakundu 5 років тому

      was wondering how come no one noticed this mistake!

    • @satyamrai2577
      @satyamrai2577 2 роки тому

      thanks for the correction.

  • @JubileeGiggles
    @JubileeGiggles 4 роки тому +4

    I think man is short for manual, if that helps. Gives you the user manual of all the functions of a command

  • @jdmac44
    @jdmac44 5 років тому +3

    You know what makes your teaching videos so great? You're not trying to show your face and then the screen and then your face and then the screen... I can't stand it when I'm trying to learn code from a MOOC and the teacher feels like they have to show their face, when I"m trying to remember what I just saw on the desktop/terminal they were working in! There are other great things, but I just thought I'd say that I appreciate that you just focus on the code with the display, not worrying about being a star. :)

  • @priya200328
    @priya200328 5 років тому +1

    The Uburtu I am using is on a USB stick so would this be the same even if it was downloaded on the computer? Is this why I keep getting permission denied to access my doucuments?

  • @birajamishra
    @birajamishra 2 роки тому

    Good to learn this 🔥

  • @divaharm2534
    @divaharm2534 2 місяці тому

    Big thank you.

  • @jagadeeshyeddula1198
    @jagadeeshyeddula1198 6 років тому

    Thank you
    Very much..

  • @zakaryakhan9218
    @zakaryakhan9218 7 років тому

    very useful for me and maybe for others

  • @soumyakantapradhan4212
    @soumyakantapradhan4212 5 років тому

    Thannk you somuch sir

  • @refrank7684
    @refrank7684 3 роки тому

    awesome presentation

  • @bahar5517
    @bahar5517 Місяць тому


  • @hgaubaul
    @hgaubaul 7 років тому

    good tutorial!

  • @ashutoshardu
    @ashutoshardu 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much 🙏

  • @vellaengineer4408
    @vellaengineer4408 6 років тому

    thanku so much!!!!!

  • @pritirani2275
    @pritirani2275 5 років тому

    thnks sir for this knowledge.. plz make more video for terminal cammnad based on industrial work..

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @ujjalsamanta5841
    @ujjalsamanta5841 5 років тому

    god bless you

  • @outhounazakaria6899
    @outhounazakaria6899 4 роки тому

    thank you brother

  • @gauravsavlani5725
    @gauravsavlani5725 2 роки тому

    great video thank you

  • @jjww2788
    @jjww2788 3 роки тому

    thank you sir.

  • @AdityaGupta-kd7qf
    @AdityaGupta-kd7qf 3 роки тому

    Thanks man!

  • @mahavirsingh3432
    @mahavirsingh3432 4 роки тому

    God bless you

  • @siayush
    @siayush 6 років тому

    awesome tutorial

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @rOnNiecHaRles16
    @rOnNiecHaRles16 7 років тому


  • @tamyboy1
    @tamyboy1 6 років тому +2

    why would anyone dislike a video teaching them something

  • @haole647
    @haole647 6 років тому

  • @sushantjagadale
    @sushantjagadale 5 років тому


  • @techbbas
    @techbbas 3 роки тому

    great content

  • @dhanushsivajaya1356
    @dhanushsivajaya1356 3 роки тому

    Thankyou sir

  • @bianco1974nero
    @bianco1974nero 7 років тому +5

    A little mistake exists beginning from 8:30 when you speak about permissions. :)

  • @kudakwashekatsande1718
    @kudakwashekatsande1718 7 років тому

    nice videos bro

  • @farshadalaei-1512
    @farshadalaei-1512 7 років тому

    Thank you

  • @user-ogdbalsuzf6
    @user-ogdbalsuzf6 Рік тому +1

    why should there be a forward slash before home but not before Documents directory?

  • @chinnarisirisha528
    @chinnarisirisha528 3 роки тому +1

    Can u prefer some books for linux for easy understanding 😁😁

  • @DataWiseDiscoveries
    @DataWiseDiscoveries 4 роки тому

    My first day in linux and getting excited to learn more ... please guys if you know any other channel which deals about linux nicely then please comment ... ok have a nice day and god bless you...

    • @reactive6625
      @reactive6625 3 роки тому +1


  • @mariembenzineb4522
    @mariembenzineb4522 6 років тому

    thank you :)

    • @nnhh6979
      @nnhh6979 3 роки тому +1

      I cheked your channel
      I saw your videos . dakchi 3ndk awesome

  • @virajawati2475
    @virajawati2475 7 років тому

    We can also write ls -la command it shows same output. longlist and hidden file

  • @charlesklein7232
    @charlesklein7232 4 роки тому +1

    your very professional you could be teaching at a college. the only problem is the fact that clearly English is not your first language. you are the first person i found and return to when i started Linux from w2k. im curious what type of equipment are you using and how do you make videos. i would like to make them.

  • @moviehook9981
    @moviehook9981 Рік тому

    Thanx Brother

  • @satyashivam4480
    @satyashivam4480 3 роки тому

    ls to list down all directory in our current directory
    ls ~ , ls ../..
    -alS l for long S for sorted on basis of size a for all (also hidden directory)
    ls *a to list all directory ending with a in our current directory.
    ls -d to list only directory and not file
    ls > to store the result in file

  • @cosmoalpha
    @cosmoalpha 2 роки тому

    thank you

  • @Aslamyousfzai
    @Aslamyousfzai 5 років тому +1

    Could you plz increase your text font size, bcz I can't able see this ,so pls make sure to increase your text size 🙏🙏🙏

  • @somanasatish1365
    @somanasatish1365 3 роки тому

    Are these basics enough for learning aws

  • @elnurmammadov7477
    @elnurmammadov7477 4 роки тому


  • @ankursrivastava110
    @ankursrivastava110 5 років тому +1

    Please give difference between ls -d */ and ls -d

  • @shreyasb.s3819
    @shreyasb.s3819 2 роки тому

    Really good video.
    But if share all the commands in single notepad , again we can practice after watching that video.
    Otherwise again need to watch video. Double work.

  • @PoojaKumari-gv8bf
    @PoojaKumari-gv8bf 5 років тому +1

    what does the digit mean that is written before username and after drwxr-xr-x??

    • @reactive6625
      @reactive6625 3 роки тому

      The number of hard links for that file.

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @mustfun18
    @mustfun18 6 місяців тому

    How to open terminal
    In my system it is not coming
    Can u send the application link

  • @annepumurali2001
    @annepumurali2001 5 років тому

    List the how many commands useful for learners like echo,cat,script,Cal,date e.t.c and some example questions. How the questions are asking in tutorials let's do video on that

  • @muhammadrafiqulislamkhan6994
    @muhammadrafiqulislamkhan6994 6 років тому

    First of all Thank you. Can you tell me where Linux works and why should we learn linux . I have not enough knowledge about programming language.

    • @selva81652
      @selva81652 4 роки тому

      It is used in many corporate companies over windows because linux is more secure and virus protection than windows

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @bhorseman3067
    @bhorseman3067 4 роки тому

    Do you need a virtual graphical interface to access Desktop? I cannot access my laptop's desktop and I tried cd Desktop/ and

  • @ansh0419
    @ansh0419 4 роки тому +2

    "-" permission explanation is wrong. "-" means permission not given.

  • @umamurugan6045
    @umamurugan6045 3 роки тому

    Why / is used at the end of end command?

  • @prajwalachar5244
    @prajwalachar5244 Рік тому

    Hello sir Make one video for resume regarding linux please as a fresher

  • @mikediaz9033
    @mikediaz9033 Рік тому

    What are your credentials .
    Con or Honorable?

  • @aminezerradi5022
    @aminezerradi5022 4 роки тому +1

    hello i saw the video it's a great material but when i type ls in my kali linux it return blank Notinhg

    • @j33mskie56
      @j33mskie56 3 роки тому

      Me too

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому +1

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @abdulhannan773
    @abdulhannan773 6 років тому +1

    Mistake exists beginning from 8:30

  • @armandomolina2034
    @armandomolina2034 5 місяців тому

    hey, at 13:25 i cannot save the ls- lS > out.txt
    ls: -: No such file or directory
    ls: lS: No such file or directory

  • @nakibuukasharon9773
    @nakibuukasharon9773 5 місяців тому

    At 14:30. Mine is showing permission denied 😢 am a beginner please in need more help, my folder is not created

  • @236anoushka
    @236anoushka 6 років тому

    Hello Sir
    In exams what kind of question can come for ubuntu.. For ma practical exam?

  • @danycock8493
    @danycock8493 2 роки тому

    I am getting error message.not able to open any home folders like access such file or folder exists.

  • @sanatasound
    @sanatasound Рік тому


  • @swatiyp6502
    @swatiyp6502 Рік тому


  • @mstfakml3475
    @mstfakml3475 5 років тому

    Can you tell us which linux version you use here?

  • @ashmeetgujral768
    @ashmeetgujral768 3 роки тому

    does ls -al list only hidden files in long format?

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @munol2524
    @munol2524 9 місяців тому

    I ran ls-lRa > file.txt on my root directory. I got a text file containing 52,10,352 line.

  • @isumitd9586
    @isumitd9586 4 роки тому

    Its fascinating. Hope u have given advance cli commands also in other videos

  • @jiveshshrivastav9722
    @jiveshshrivastav9722 3 роки тому +1

    Every time I write the result of the command to a file using > filename, it overwrites it.
    Is there any way to append it and not overwrite it?

  • @surajsarsambi4866
    @surajsarsambi4866 4 роки тому

    ls .. bring us to present directory or show the content of home directory
    ls ../.. show the content of root directory

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

  • @novadeathstar9961
    @novadeathstar9961 7 років тому +1

    whats that - symbol it looks like a hypon but isnt

  • @de_elper6259
    @de_elper6259 5 місяців тому

    Trying to select file, example I use ls desktop/ and in getting something like no such file or directory.. please what I'm I doing wrong

    • @thiruyadav125
      @thiruyadav125 3 місяці тому

      Generally ls desktop/ gives list of files or directories in /desktop, if there is no files in side desktop shows total is 0 ,if it shows no such file or directory means there is no /desktop file or directory ..linux is case sensitive.

  • @pavithralakshmi2802
    @pavithralakshmi2802 5 років тому

    Sir after using the ls -lS > out.txt it shows that permission denied

    • @ProgrammingKnowledge
      @ProgrammingKnowledge  5 років тому +2

      That means you don't have access to the directory you are working in.
      You have two options here . One use sudo in front of your command. The second, use this command in the directory in which you have right access

    • @pavithralakshmi2802
      @pavithralakshmi2802 5 років тому

      ProgrammingKnowledge thank you sir

  • @priya200328
    @priya200328 5 років тому +1

    It says permission denied when I type ls Douments/ can someone explain to me what to do please?

    • @Anonymous-wd1dk
      @Anonymous-wd1dk 4 роки тому

      type "chmod u+x Documents"

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      Hey plz support my channel to subscribe

    • @priya200328
      @priya200328 3 роки тому

      @@techbbas Sub to mine and I'll sub to yours :D

    • @techbbas
      @techbbas 3 роки тому

      @@priya200328 ok I subscribe to your channel

    • @priya200328
      @priya200328 3 роки тому

      @@techbbas Done!!

  • @navyajanaki3087
    @navyajanaki3087 6 років тому +1

    the allowed permissions for both user, group and other are only 3 permissions respectively but not four they are read write execute ... please try to teach properly

  • @ProgrammingKnowledge
    @ProgrammingKnowledge  8 років тому

  • @rebazomer7821
    @rebazomer7821 4 роки тому +1

    i donot know why most of people tell - symbol mines this is called hyphen