Any parents who thinks it's inappropriate for their 11 year old to start learning about sex has their head in the sand. The reality is most kids that age are already talking about it amongst themselves and as the father of three girls I would rather them learn about it from a book like that rather than a Google search from their friends on the playground ground.
Kids these days have phones at like 10 years old. Chances are they've already seen worse things than what's in that sex book on their friend's smartphones. This isn't the 2000s when I grew up before the iPhone. I'll admit I think 11 is a little young for some of that stuff (like sex positions) considering I was 12 when first learning about sex ed in school. But I'd rather have my kid be aware of sex in a positive way than what the porn industry shows them and what's shared by their friends on their phones. We have to be preventative these days or they'll just be brainwashed into negative sex stereotypes by peers or the porn industry. Having a curated book that can describe sex in a safe and positive way is much preferred for kids. Other questions like 'can you get pregnant through oral?' might seem stupid to us, but to a teen that's a serious question, like a kid learning why the sky is blue. Just because it's embarrassing doesn't make it something to avoid talking about.
I didn't allow my children to have phones until 12-13 at the start of hight school, the same will apply to my younger children who are now 10 and 6. Some forward thinking and planning are useful aswell, like having web safety installed of the phone to block inappropriate sites and apps. Guess my children are lucky that I actually give a toss and did my best to protect their innocence, instead of throwing them a phone and letting em go for gold... 😂
Feel like I'm watching the movie "don't look up" with sky saying "don't believe it". Can't believe they are still pushing anti climate change. Those book sales likely came the novelty factor or people trying to prove it exists
I’m gonna offer my own life experience here regarding the Sex Ed book. I remember we did sex Ed at school in Queensland in 2004. I was 11 at the time. All it involved was watching a baby being born (the woman giving birth had so much pubic hair you couldn’t see anything) and then an 80s video poorly explaining puberty. Needless to say, it raised much more questions than answers. My parents also never taught me about sexual education because it was “inappropriate”. As a result, I learnt about sex, and by extension, relationships, through pornography in my teenage years. As a male, it completely warped my world view on women and relationships. It gave me the impression that I was entitled to sex, and that women were beneath men. I didn’t have my first relationship until I was 23, and it has taken years to de-program myself from that experience in my teenage years. Looking back, that experience did so much damage. What these conservatives don’t understand is that “sex ed” is about much more than just sex. It’s about safety, relationships and navigating through a deeply confusing and traumatising time of your life where you’re very vulnerable. Books like Welcome to Sex are vitally important, and we shouldn’t be diminishing it’s worth simply because it talks about something previous generations have been conditioned to be ashamed of.
They prefer young people being isolated, uninformed, or letting other people in control of their bodies. Like in the US, where marriage for minors is legal in places, and they campaign for no abortion even if the case of rape or incest. But mainly it’s a grift, to stir outrage and circle the wagons
Because we are meant to keep the true nature of the world hidden from kids till they are 18 when we spring it on them and say good luck dealing with all this crap you didn't even know existed till now. Truly masterful parenting skills modern society has developed.
it's culture war rubbish - gives them something superficial to say they are 'protecting children' (actually, teenagers!) while doing nothing to actually help kids and teens!
A child making an informed choice, really! You're expecting a rather adult concept to be present in a child. You know that's not possible. It's why they get treated differently than adults.
Yumi Stynes has said she was happy for “mature” 8 year olds to read this book - the book that had to be blurred because of the content matter! If you have met a 8 year old interested in the sex information in this book, child services should be called, as that’s a sign of abuse. For 8 year olds and younger books like “Everyone’s got a bottom” would be more appropriate and teaches about consent and “private parts” (while using correct biological terms) and that adults shouldn’t be touching you inappropriately.
I'm a grade 6 Teacher, My kids are around 11 to 12 and they are already aware of most if not all of the topics in this book. Guess where they learn it from? It's from the internet, siblings and friends. Anyone who says that young teens shouldn't be learning about this subject from a responsible adult clearly has their head in the sand. There are so few modern resources for parents on this topic and it's so important that parents have options
Given the intelligence level of too many adults in this world, the book could have just as easily been written for them, to teach them what to talk to their kids about and give the answers to the questions that kids of that age group have had to resort to writing into a magazine to get answers for! Combine that with the fact there's still grown adults denying climate change is real, its mind boggling how any of these people actually reached adulthood, least of all were given a platform upon which to publicly bring forth their bollocks in the form of verbal dysentery.
Imagine walking through the aisles of Big W looking for something to be outraged. Peak grifter. Reminds me of vehement anti-gay lawmakers that are found to have secret gay relationships, or moral crusaders that have secret affairs, abortions, or worse, or any outrage merchant hiding behind their grift
Parents need to ask themselves if they want their kids to learn about sex from a well-thought-out book, which teaches them to be safe, or from the cease pit that is the internet. If I had kids, you can bet I'd be buying this book for them. Uneducated kids lead to STDs and teen pregnancies. If you want to protect your kids and help them keep themselves safe, teach them.
My parental education was zero really. Like most teens. They have to learn from peers and whatever pornography they come across. This book sounds like a really good way to answer all the questions kids have. Lets stop listening to the offended. in fact...I'm usually offended that they are offended.
Always amazes me that we are prudish about sex, yet expose children to amazing levels of violence. This book sounds a lot more real than reading dads playboys. Education is always useful, and this is clearly a useful tool for parents to help their children when its appropriate.
So many 13 - 14 y/o's are learning about sex from "Adult" sites in any case. What is desperately required, is for someone to write a fair dinkum book on Relationships. With honest discussion on why young girls are driven to throw themselves at the likes of the - school bully - or other narcissistic, psychopathic opportunist they may encounter along their way.
My parents had that where did I come from book. They never showed it to me but expected me to find it one day. It was very informative. Education can be confronting to the ignorant. Every accusation is a confession.
As a boy growing up in the 70s we had 'The Little Red Schoolbook'. The more people got up in arms about it, the more copies were sold, lent and borrowed. Great free advertising for this book I think, and a great idea for kids to read it too.
Sex education is always tricky in the paradox of, will the education itself encourage the very behaviour it was intended to prevent. As a result, how young is too young? With millions of hours of adult content readily available online, parents need to recognise that their children will be exposed, and likely at quite a young age (even if they don't have their own device, they will know someone who does). The sheer volume of material implicitly normalises many activities that might be considered entirely age inappropriate, or simply unwise for novices, or even pose the risk of serious physical injury for the inexperienced. I'm inclined to think it is better to have the conversation early rather than too late, and this book might facilitate many in having those conversations. The concerns some have raised as to the age appropriateness of the book reminds me of a similar situation with the film "Kids" (1995), which graphically presented the disastrous consequences of bad choices made by young adolescents around drugs, alcohol and sex. Being rated 18+, the audience that might have benefited the most from the film couldn't legally view it.
Good thing we have lots of research on the topic! In the USA, the 'Bible-belt' has a higher teen-pregnancy rate than other areas that don't teach Abstinence-Only education.
The irony is, all these conservative parents (who probably need a little sex education themselves) carrying on over an educational book are ensuring that even more kids get wind of the controversy & will do whatever it takes to see the book for themselves. Most of us adults found our own resources to educate ourselves on sex anyway, whether it was right or wrong so isn't it better to allow your curious pre-teens & teens to get a factual education rather than one filled with misconceptions, fallacies & outright lies?
I remember that little book we had in the 80s, what was it called ...? The game of sex? The way of sex? Shiat what was it called? Edit: oh The Joy Of Sex. Education has always been available.
I had a sex education book like this when I was 9 or 10, and personally I'm glad I did. Growing up, can be confusing AF especially if you have a lot of unanswered questions. I would have wanted to bring up the subject with my parents and I had answers to questions I probably would have asked myself later. I am just talking from my experience but I turned out to be a normal person, happy childhood, no PTSD or anything 👍
I educated both my kids early on in their lives about both pro's and cons of both sex and drugs... I will admit that I was a little worried that by educating them to the good and bad, no holes bard approach that they might see more good than bad and develop a bad habit from my own doing... I wanted them to know all the facts which meant that I couldn't fudge what I was telling them to make one side really bad... I had to trust that they we going to make their own decisions that was right for them... Today they are in their early 20's and both son and daughter are virgin's and have never experienced recreational drugs... Sure you can say that my kids wouldn't tell me if they had... Because I didn't tell my parents... But I was well aware of why I didn't tell my parents and I worked hard at gaining their trust so that they will have no problem telling me anything! They know very well that if they ever get in trouble, no matter what it is! I'm the first person to call because they know that I'm not going to kill them (like I and most kids of my generation used to believe), instead I'm the one who is going to turn up at any hour with the wisdom to straighten out whatever mess that they have got themselves into... And I will not be upset with them! They have both tested me in the past and I didn't fail them.. In fact, in spite of all the education I gave them, my main concern right now is are they actually going to have sex? Are they going to make me a grandfather? It's definitely starting to look like it worked a little bit to well.... Today I find myself actually pushing them to get out there and have some fun.... And as for the age at which kids should be taught? You can't teach them when they are 17 or 18... They won't absorb anything you tell them, at that point in their lives, they think they know everything... Get to them at a young age and it stays with them subconsciously.... It doesn't make them want to go and do it, be it sex or drugs or alcohol or gambling or anything else that is detrimental to their development.... I still remember sex ed in high school, I doubt that there was any kid in the giggling classroom that thought that they were now going to be having sex after that lesson... I doubt that this book will have any negative effects on children... No matter how many sexual positions you showed them from a book... Besides, if kids wanted to find out, I'm sure that they will know how to find Pornhub faster than us oldies....
I don't know about you but back in my day when I was going to school it was called Parentceaft in which the class was ran by a RN from the maternity section of the hospital . We we're taught this at age 10. As the interviewee said go to Google and you get a pleather of info even beyond maturity of a 11 year old.
Look, lets be honest, sex education is not a problem in Australia. Could it be improved? yeah sure, kids are gonna find out about sex from their friends, older siblings and of course the internet in much more graphic detail. So do we need a book like this? The adult me says no, the 13-15yr old past me says YES but he was always a huge pervy teen with too much test.
In relation to children learning about it from the internet. Well parents should exercise greater supervision over what their children are viewing. Also, they should be careful when giving children smart phones.
Sadly it is just UA-cam policy. As much as many of us would like to be 100% transparent in imagery, our videos tend to get de-monetized if we even mention anything on sexuality. Yet most violent stuff is perfectly fine. I know, it's weird 😅
Are you guys serious, how is a book like that at all close to appropriate for children. Yes sex Ed is important, but we don’t need to normalise the extremes in this book. Keep running your propaganda & bias views abc 🙄 Can’t watch anymore
Its meant for 12-15yrs. Yes, I have two daughters and have no issues if they were reading this book at those ages. Would you rather they google sex and reading it from forums/chat boards/pornhub? or a mature person?
@@grottorabbitthat’s why it’s on sale in private business. But right wing woke mob want to censor and ban free speech and freedom and freedom of business
Ask the parents that ask their young kids “have you got a girlfriend or boyfriend at school yet” before the age of consent, or the men that proudly boast and slap each on the back for losing their virginity before age of consent. Some men that are faux outraged now lol
When both parties are underage the law isn't so simple. Plus - and this is, perhaps, the fact most ignored by people who want to ban sex ed - kids who are well informed generally choose to have sex later in life than other kids. If you want to stop kids from fooling around with each other, teaching them about it is statistically your best bet. But here's the kicker: Such kids are also far better at spotting when they're being sexually manipulated by adults. Ask yourself what kind of people would want to ban books that help kids delay their first sexual encounters and avoid being groomed.
@@imalwaysright What is the purpose of these kind of sex-ed now ? Adults who think clearly than kid do that often because of desire, how could you expect a kid Lol, seems idiotic what this book will teach them.
This is the worst episode of Media Watch in the last 125,000 years - feels like I'm watching the ABC proper... Climate Change - Sex Books for Kids - and ripping on Sky News 🤣
* The current official highest registered air temperature on Earth is 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), recorded on 10 July *1913* at Furnace Creek Ranch, in Death Valley in the United States. *
@@michaelandrews4783 A buzzword to describe things they don't like. Similiar to how people in the 70s and 80s for being socialist commies for the smallest of things.
Kids who are well educated on these topics are *less likely* to be abused. And if abused, they are *more likely* to quickly ask for help. This book will help a lot of young people. But conservatives hate this for some reason? I don't understand why they are so against protecting children? 🍭🍬🍭🍬🤹🤹♂
@@MrRatclimaYou don't need to show it to your kids. But you shouldn't be able to decide on behalf of others what resources parents give their kids when it comes to sex ed
I think children should be educated on what to look out for, talking about member size & the different acts in this detail is just so over the top & normalises to young children imo, and they could pick this up in the children’s book section. Let children be children & it’s the parents/schools job on what to watch out for in terms of abuse. Just my 2 cents
Any parents who thinks it's inappropriate for their 11 year old to start learning about sex has their head in the sand. The reality is most kids that age are already talking about it amongst themselves and as the father of three girls I would rather them learn about it from a book like that rather than a Google search from their friends on the playground ground.
Also kids eleven have already learnt what they need to know from Mum and Dad. Teachers should not interfere.
9:00 to 9:15
Holy shit that has to be the best one-liner I've ever, ever seen in a news program. Daaaamn. Brutal and satisfying.
I was screaming with laughter 😂
Kids these days have phones at like 10 years old. Chances are they've already seen worse things than what's in that sex book on their friend's smartphones. This isn't the 2000s when I grew up before the iPhone. I'll admit I think 11 is a little young for some of that stuff (like sex positions) considering I was 12 when first learning about sex ed in school. But I'd rather have my kid be aware of sex in a positive way than what the porn industry shows them and what's shared by their friends on their phones. We have to be preventative these days or they'll just be brainwashed into negative sex stereotypes by peers or the porn industry. Having a curated book that can describe sex in a safe and positive way is much preferred for kids. Other questions like 'can you get pregnant through oral?' might seem stupid to us, but to a teen that's a serious question, like a kid learning why the sky is blue. Just because it's embarrassing doesn't make it something to avoid talking about.
I didn't allow my children to have phones until 12-13 at the start of hight school, the same will apply to my younger children who are now 10 and 6. Some forward thinking and planning are useful aswell, like having web safety installed of the phone to block inappropriate sites and apps. Guess my children are lucky that I actually give a toss and did my best to protect their innocence, instead of throwing them a phone and letting em go for gold... 😂
Feel like I'm watching the movie "don't look up" with sky saying "don't believe it". Can't believe they are still pushing anti climate change.
Those book sales likely came the novelty factor or people trying to prove it exists
I’m gonna offer my own life experience here regarding the Sex Ed book.
I remember we did sex Ed at school in Queensland in 2004. I was 11 at the time. All it involved was watching a baby being born (the woman giving birth had so much pubic hair you couldn’t see anything) and then an 80s video poorly explaining puberty. Needless to say, it raised much more questions than answers.
My parents also never taught me about sexual education because it was “inappropriate”. As a result, I learnt about sex, and by extension, relationships, through pornography in my teenage years.
As a male, it completely warped my world view on women and relationships. It gave me the impression that I was entitled to sex, and that women were beneath men.
I didn’t have my first relationship until I was 23, and it has taken years to de-program myself from that experience in my teenage years. Looking back, that experience did so much damage.
What these conservatives don’t understand is that “sex ed” is about much more than just sex. It’s about safety, relationships and navigating through a deeply confusing and traumatising time of your life where you’re very vulnerable.
Books like Welcome to Sex are vitally important, and we shouldn’t be diminishing it’s worth simply because it talks about something previous generations have been conditioned to be ashamed of.
Why are we afraid of educating our kids on how their bodies work? If we do that, it allows them to make informed decisions.
They prefer young people being isolated, uninformed, or letting other people in control of their bodies. Like in the US, where marriage for minors is legal in places, and they campaign for no abortion even if the case of rape or incest. But mainly it’s a grift, to stir outrage and circle the wagons
WTF are they going to do when their kids discover their own genitalia? Freak out and deny the have genitalia? Idiocy is worldwide!
Because we are meant to keep the true nature of the world hidden from kids till they are 18 when we spring it on them and say good luck dealing with all this crap you didn't even know existed till now. Truly masterful parenting skills modern society has developed.
it's culture war rubbish - gives them something superficial to say they are 'protecting children' (actually, teenagers!) while doing nothing to actually help kids and teens!
A child making an informed choice, really! You're expecting a rather adult concept to be present in a child. You know that's not possible. It's why they get treated differently than adults.
If it’s for 11-15 year olds then it should be very informative and detailed
Yumi Stynes has said she was happy for “mature” 8 year olds to read this book - the book that had to be blurred because of the content matter! If you have met a 8 year old interested in the sex information in this book, child services should be called, as that’s a sign of abuse. For 8 year olds and younger books like “Everyone’s got a bottom” would be more appropriate and teaches about consent and “private parts” (while using correct biological terms) and that adults shouldn’t be touching you inappropriately.
I'm a grade 6 Teacher, My kids are around 11 to 12 and they are already aware of most if not all of the topics in this book. Guess where they learn it from? It's from the internet, siblings and friends. Anyone who says that young teens shouldn't be learning about this subject from a responsible adult clearly has their head in the sand. There are so few modern resources for parents on this topic and it's so important that parents have options
Parents need to protect their kids from conservatives, they have a unnatural obsession with kids
Given the intelligence level of too many adults in this world, the book could have just as easily been written for them, to teach them what to talk to their kids about and give the answers to the questions that kids of that age group have had to resort to writing into a magazine to get answers for! Combine that with the fact there's still grown adults denying climate change is real, its mind boggling how any of these people actually reached adulthood, least of all were given a platform upon which to publicly bring forth their bollocks in the form of verbal dysentery.
Imagine walking through the aisles of Big W looking for something to be outraged. Peak grifter. Reminds me of vehement anti-gay lawmakers that are found to have secret gay relationships, or moral crusaders that have secret affairs, abortions, or worse, or any outrage merchant hiding behind their grift
It happens so many times it's almost a given by those who scream the loudest LOL.
The shock jocks want children to remain naïve and unprotected. We need to ask why. (Okay, we know why.)
Parents need to ask themselves if they want their kids to learn about sex from a well-thought-out book, which teaches them to be safe, or from the cease pit that is the internet. If I had kids, you can bet I'd be buying this book for them. Uneducated kids lead to STDs and teen pregnancies. If you want to protect your kids and help them keep themselves safe, teach them.
Right wing media here haven't learned Australia isn't interested in Republican tactics.
Doesn't stop them - hell, Sky News is insulting Victorians (saying that they all have a mental illness) for voting Labor at the last State Election!
Im 58 i wish there was sex ed. Or books in school growing up ...most of us wouldnt have gotten pregnant in our teen years. 8:34
Service stations have been selling unsealed porno mags since as long as I can remember. That must make them groomers as well
I hope they also protest the bible being available for children. Way worse pornography and actual sexual and physical abuse in there 😬
We are forever grateful for the work of Media Watch.
My parental education was zero really. Like most teens. They have to learn from peers and whatever pornography they come across. This book sounds like a really good way to answer all the questions kids have. Lets stop listening to the offended. in fact...I'm usually offended that they are offended.
Always amazes me that we are prudish about sex, yet expose children to amazing levels of violence. This book sounds a lot more real than reading dads playboys. Education is always useful, and this is clearly a useful tool for parents to help their children when its appropriate.
So many 13 - 14 y/o's are learning about sex from "Adult" sites in any case. What is desperately required, is for someone to write a fair dinkum book on Relationships. With honest discussion on why young girls are driven to throw themselves at the likes of the - school bully - or other narcissistic, psychopathic opportunist they may encounter along their way.
My parents had that where did I come from book. They never showed it to me but expected me to find it one day. It was very informative. Education can be confronting to the ignorant. Every accusation is a confession.
As a boy growing up in the 70s we had 'The Little Red Schoolbook'. The more people got up in arms about it, the more copies were sold, lent and borrowed. Great free advertising for this book I think, and a great idea for kids to read it too.
Glad the comments are available again on these videos
Oh my brother in christ the murdoch climate segment was hard to watch
Sex education is always tricky in the paradox of, will the education itself encourage the very behaviour it was intended to prevent. As a result, how young is too young?
With millions of hours of adult content readily available online, parents need to recognise that their children will be exposed, and likely at quite a young age (even if they don't have their own device, they will know someone who does). The sheer volume of material implicitly normalises many activities that might be considered entirely age inappropriate, or simply unwise for novices, or even pose the risk of serious physical injury for the inexperienced.
I'm inclined to think it is better to have the conversation early rather than too late, and this book might facilitate many in having those conversations.
The concerns some have raised as to the age appropriateness of the book reminds me of a similar situation with the film "Kids" (1995), which graphically presented the disastrous consequences of bad choices made by young adolescents around drugs, alcohol and sex. Being rated 18+, the audience that might have benefited the most from the film couldn't legally view it.
Good thing we have lots of research on the topic! In the USA, the 'Bible-belt' has a higher teen-pregnancy rate than other areas that don't teach Abstinence-Only education.
Because learning about Sex from unrestricted Porn sites on their phones is so much better 🤦♂
Chapters: "too hot to deny," followed by "sex book panic" 😏ABC you cheeky thing
The irony is, all these conservative parents (who probably need a little sex education themselves) carrying on over an educational book are ensuring that even more kids get wind of the controversy & will do whatever it takes to see the book for themselves. Most of us adults found our own resources to educate ourselves on sex anyway, whether it was right or wrong so isn't it better to allow your curious pre-teens & teens to get a factual education rather than one filled with misconceptions, fallacies & outright lies?
Sky news should be shut down
Absolutely, I honestly can't understand how people take their alarmist reports seriously.
ABC should be shut down permanently.
Because you don't agree with their views Stalin?
@@jm2069they don't have 'views' they have nothing but bs, lies, misinformation, propaganda and slander
I had completely forgotten that we had a senator from UAP.
I remember that little book we had in the 80s, what was it called ...? The game of sex? The way of sex? Shiat what was it called? Edit: oh The Joy Of Sex. Education has always been available.
I had a sex education book like this when I was 9 or 10, and personally I'm glad I did.
Growing up, can be confusing AF especially if you have a lot of unanswered questions.
I would have wanted to bring up the subject with my parents and I had answers to questions I probably would have asked myself later.
I am just talking from my experience but I turned out to be a normal person, happy childhood, no PTSD or anything 👍
I educated both my kids early on in their lives about both pro's and cons of both sex and drugs... I will admit that I was a little worried that by educating them to the good and bad, no holes bard approach that they might see more good than bad and develop a bad habit from my own doing...
I wanted them to know all the facts which meant that I couldn't fudge what I was telling them to make one side really bad... I had to trust that they we going to make their own decisions that was right for them...
Today they are in their early 20's and both son and daughter are virgin's and have never experienced recreational drugs...
Sure you can say that my kids wouldn't tell me if they had... Because I didn't tell my parents... But I was well aware of why I didn't tell my parents and I worked hard at gaining their trust so that they will have no problem telling me anything! They know very well that if they ever get in trouble, no matter what it is! I'm the first person to call because they know that I'm not going to kill them (like I and most kids of my generation used to believe), instead I'm the one who is going to turn up at any hour with the wisdom to straighten out whatever mess that they have got themselves into... And I will not be upset with them!
They have both tested me in the past and I didn't fail them..
In fact, in spite of all the education I gave them, my main concern right now is are they actually going to have sex? Are they going to make me a grandfather?
It's definitely starting to look like it worked a little bit to well....
Today I find myself actually pushing them to get out there and have some fun....
And as for the age at which kids should be taught? You can't teach them when they are 17 or 18... They won't absorb anything you tell them, at that point in their lives, they think they know everything... Get to them at a young age and it stays with them subconsciously.... It doesn't make them want to go and do it, be it sex or drugs or alcohol or gambling or anything else that is detrimental to their development....
I still remember sex ed in high school, I doubt that there was any kid in the giggling classroom that thought that they were now going to be having sex after that lesson... I doubt that this book will have any negative effects on children... No matter how many sexual positions you showed them from a book... Besides, if kids wanted to find out, I'm sure that they will know how to find Pornhub faster than us oldies....
I don't know about you but back in my day when I was going to school it was called Parentceaft in which the class was ran by a RN from the maternity section of the hospital . We we're taught this at age 10. As the interviewee said go to Google and you get a pleather of info even beyond maturity of a 11 year old.
My favourite and most intelligent show on television...
It is fine to be outraged by a book titled ' Where Did We Come From?'
The title should have been, ' From Where Did We Come?'
Look, lets be honest, sex education is not a problem in Australia. Could it be improved? yeah sure, kids are gonna find out about sex from their friends, older siblings and of course the internet in much more graphic detail. So do we need a book like this? The adult me says no, the 13-15yr old past me says YES but he was always a huge pervy teen with too much test.
Wait, did she say "have a flick"? 😂
Lolol great result for the crazies, you caused sales to explode.
Why blur out the footage of the book? If it's meant for children why can't us adults look at it in this video?
We need more of you and your show 7:40
Indeed, those commentators need not worry about their penis size. Their usefulness to society though? Definitely...
Parents have to talk to their children , continuously
More importantly the consequences of sexual activity...
Realistically and honestly
In relation to children learning about it from the internet. Well parents should exercise greater supervision over what their children are viewing. Also, they should be careful when giving children smart phones.
Always the Hans Brinkers writing it
a book so appropriate for kids they had to censor the pages shown, amazing work as always abc
UA-cam Policy
@@imalwaysrightUA-cam policy FOR CHILDREN
@@grottorabbitcopyright infringement is a factor, but you wouldn’t comprehend that
Sadly it is just UA-cam policy. As much as many of us would like to be 100% transparent in imagery, our videos tend to get de-monetized if we even mention anything on sexuality. Yet most violent stuff is perfectly fine. I know, it's weird 😅
Book is also aimed at adolescents. It’s amazing how people act like they didn’t go through puberty and have sexual thoughts at that age lmao
It was a flood, imagine having to find accommodation for 1200 people in an emergency.
We dally more and more with right wing fundamentalism.
Are you guys serious, how is a book like that at all close to appropriate for children. Yes sex Ed is important, but we don’t need to normalise the extremes in this book. Keep running your propaganda & bias views abc 🙄 Can’t watch anymore
Woke mob want to censor and cancel everything
You probably say “can’t watch anymore” every video and keep watching anyway 😂😂😂😂😂
It’s also for teenagers, not children. The age you go through puberty
@@imalwaysrightCool, let their parents give it to them.
Its meant for 12-15yrs. Yes, I have two daughters and have no issues if they were reading this book at those ages. Would you rather they google sex and reading it from forums/chat boards/pornhub? or a mature person?
@@grottorabbitthat’s why it’s on sale in private business. But right wing woke mob want to censor and ban free speech and freedom and freedom of business
If the age of consent is 16, how would this be appropriate for 11-15 year olds?
What age is puberty honey?
@@imalwaysright What age is consent honey ?
Ask the parents that ask their young kids “have you got a girlfriend or boyfriend at school yet” before the age of consent, or the men that proudly boast and slap each on the back for losing their virginity before age of consent. Some men that are faux outraged now lol
When both parties are underage the law isn't so simple. Plus - and this is, perhaps, the fact most ignored by people who want to ban sex ed - kids who are well informed generally choose to have sex later in life than other kids. If you want to stop kids from fooling around with each other, teaching them about it is statistically your best bet. But here's the kicker: Such kids are also far better at spotting when they're being sexually manipulated by adults.
Ask yourself what kind of people would want to ban books that help kids delay their first sexual encounters and avoid being groomed.
@@imalwaysright What is the purpose of these kind of sex-ed now ? Adults who think clearly than kid do that often because of desire, how could you expect a kid Lol, seems idiotic what this book will teach them.
This is the worst episode of Media Watch in the last 125,000 years - feels like I'm watching the ABC proper... Climate Change - Sex Books for Kids - and ripping on Sky News 🤣
Burn the book!
* The current official highest registered air temperature on Earth is 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), recorded on 10 July *1913* at Furnace Creek Ranch, in Death Valley in the United States. *
climate alarmists lose again
🍒 picking, know what it is?
Brilliant job missing the point, although given your other comments intelligence is clearly too much for you
Enough of this woke propaganda… get rid of the damn book
You’ve never read a book, have you?
Not so clever, Trevor.
@@michaelandrews4783 A buzzword to describe things they don't like. Similiar to how people in the 70s and 80s for being socialist commies for the smallest of things.
So people aren't free to make their own choices about what books to buy because you wouldn't buy them yourself? So much for freedom.
What evidence supports the supposition that it is parents purchasing the book?
Glad I've got AC!
Media Watch would have a completely different view about the book if it was about Trans people’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you? A tool yes, sharp no.
I'm old. If young people don't rally to deal with climate change, why should I care?
Kids who are well educated on these topics are *less likely* to be abused. And if abused, they are *more likely* to quickly ask for help. This book will help a lot of young people. But conservatives hate this for some reason? I don't understand why they are so against protecting children? 🍭🍬🍭🍬🤹🤹♂
@@MrRatclimaYou don't need to show it to your kids. But you shouldn't be able to decide on behalf of others what resources parents give their kids when it comes to sex ed
I think children should be educated on what to look out for, talking about member size & the different acts in this detail is just so over the top & normalises to young children imo, and they could pick this up in the children’s book section. Let children be children & it’s the parents/schools job on what to watch out for in terms of abuse. Just my 2 cents