New ways in organic fruit growing: intelligent covers and Guyot training system for apple

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Even in organic fruit growing, depending on the weather, frequent treatments with plant protection products are necessary. In order to reduce the use of plant protection products, FiBL has set up a trial facility. Among other things, constructions with flexible covers are being tested here. Intelligent covering, controlled by sensors and IT solutions, is intended to completely avoid plant protection applications against diseases. The first results show that the construction is technically feasible, that the prototype has good storm resistance and that the electronic control via sensors and weather forecasts works. One weak point for further development, however, is still the cost of the construction.
    The Guyot system is also being tested on apples under organic growing conditions and compared with the classic spindle system. The Guyot training system for apples has already been used in practice in South Tyrol for several years. The main axis is guided horizontally, as in the Guyot system of vines, and the side shoots are pulled up vertically. This results in a slender foliage and fruit wall with ideal exposure of all fruits to sunlight. This training system thus also offers ideal conditions for mechanising pruning and, in the future, possibly also harvesting.