Gary Player is simply an inspiration for many things including longevity. Plus all the un-fair adversity applied to him just because of the country he was from - he didn't create apartied.
Mr Player you did not win 18 Majors won 9 Majors ! senior Majors do not count,please do not overvalue their importance. Further Mr Player,you do NOT do 1000 sit ups ? you are doing crunches Not proper full sits ups,I've seen you. A crunch is can be easily cheated and at best requires only about 10% of a full body curl sit up. But again Mr Player YOU WON 9 Majors NOT 18....end of !
Legend! Pure Inspiration!
I enjoyed this interview.
Gary Player is simply an inspiration for many things including longevity. Plus all the un-fair adversity applied to him just because of the country he was from - he didn't create apartied.
Mr Player you did not win 18 Majors won 9 Majors ! senior Majors do not count,please do not overvalue their importance. Further Mr Player,you do NOT do 1000 sit ups ? you are doing crunches Not proper full sits ups,I've seen you. A crunch is can be easily cheated and at best requires only about 10% of a full body curl sit up. But again Mr Player YOU WON 9 Majors NOT 18....end of !