Very enlightening! Appreciation for blessing the seekers of knowledge with truth and beauty and understanding of the intelligently designed human being, created by an awesome Creator.
Surprisingly well done presentation -- simply sharing the current state of knowledge and, for the most part, allowing the viewer the choice of what to believe. As the true complexity of how "life" is manifest around us is understood, it becomes harder and harder (to not say impossible) to ascribe it to random chance -- especially for those who insist that the universe will end in an entropy "death". IOW, natural systems are strongly driven towards randomness, not order. So, as randomness increases and energy is lost, things will freeze into non-life. Now, with advances in our understanding of the self-organizing seen in plasma systems, even this "law" of entropy is being challenged. So, the "full truth" has not been ascertained, so stay curious and willing to learn.
great presentation. brings to mind the phrase by michael behe of 'irreducible complexity'. everything is needed and everything has a function and a purpose. it is not the creator who needs to be told this but his creation.
I have read peer reviewed studies of the Dutch hunger, where actually the intergenerational effect was detrimental to their offsprings health; namely, they had higher incidence of multiple chronic diseases (diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, etc)
Alle glory, power and wisdom tot Him, who not only created this baffling complexity, but also bowed down to this, his own creation, in a humiliation never to be fathomed, in order for oud relatioship with Him te be restored.
@@rembrandt972ify It's definitely not that either. But I do have a hard time believing that atoms can organize themselves over time, in such a manner that molecules and cells are formed. Formed in such a way to have an extremely complex coding system that can adapt and change over time. I know there's reasonable explanations for evolution, etc. But without the complex building blocks from the beginning nothing would ever be able to learn and adapt to its environmental surroundings. Hopefully i make a little bit of sense lol. I'm not a scientist at all though, which is probably quite obvious.
@@716Video Atoms do 'organize themselves.' They follow the rules of chemistry which are based on electromagnetism. There is a lot of organic chemistry that occurs before anything adapts, much much more before anything learns.
@@rembrandt972ify I think God, abiogenesis and evolution are all correct. Abiogenesis and evolution are facts, and I think God exists too. When I say God, I mean a first uncaused cause that created many universes perhaps...maybe infinite universes. Also, I know that many religions are outdated and fake, and I am not religious.
Creationists accept the double helix complex DNA molecule, but don't accept how it works. HERE IS A QUESTION THAT SCREWS CREATIONISM: Genetics obviously functions as a science, so whatever it's based on must be sound. What is in the genetic students exam before they graduate? Is it, "mutations sometimes working, bringing new hybrid populations"? Or is it, "mutations never working, and can never bring new hybrid populations"?
Well if you're screwing with creationism, gosh I'm sure glad you don't ask if God could make a rock so heavy God couldn't lift it. As for mutations, they predominantly do damage. Mutations are errors. How long would it take to accumulate enough errors to make a totally new protein? Too long. Trillions of trillions of years. Also, along the way, the protein-in-progress wouldn't have any benefit or advantage, so natural selection wouldn't preserve it. Do we ever see examples anywhere of hierarchal, integrated systems being formed by the accumulation of errors?
@@grundja1 Are you saying that genetics makes creationists? Where did you get that from? A creation science site obviously. There are less than 1% of geneticists who happen to be creationists and they have to abide by the same disciplines as all geneticists. Whatever disciplines genetics is based on must hold true, cos genetics functions as a science. So whatever is in the textbooks has to be right. Creationists rewrite genetics, but they are caught out, cos not one single creationist can answer this question: What's in the genetics textbooks, secular genetics or creation science genetics?
@@KenJackson_US Is that from genetics textbooks or is it rewritten genetics by creationists? There are less than 1% of geneticists who happen to be creationists and they have to abide by the same disciplines as all geneticists. Whatever disciplines genetics is based on must hold true, cos genetics functions as a science. So whatever is in the textbooks has to be right. Creationists rewrite genetics, but they are caught out, cos not one single creationist can answer this question: What's in the genetics textbooks, secular genetics or creation science genetics?
@@Justwantahover, your questions reflect an approach from the authoritative model of science. That is, you don't believe and respect something because the *data* indicates it, you respect it because of *who* says it. That's dangerous. The authoritative model of science (and based on evolution too) is what allowed the Nazis to declare blacks, Jews and Slavic people were genetically inferior. But you don't see anyone who defends evolution talking about how long it would take for a protein to evolve. They don't talk about it because evolution is totally indefensible when you start looking at the fine details. I not only accept that DNA is a double helix, I accept that helicase enzymes know where to start separating the strands so that polymerases can replicate it or transcribe it into messenger RNA. I accept that topoisomerase cuts, unwinds and reconnects the double helix as helicase separates it, so that twisting tension doesn't interfere. I accept that there are a number of other complex protein components that are *vital* to life. So did helicase, polymerase and topoisomerase evolve? How did life exist before them? And after the first one evolved, what advantage or benefit did it offer by itself that caused natural selection to preserve it? If you think about the details with honesty, you'll lose your faith in evolution. Life was designed.
@@livinginthespirit407 We can't see it because it doesn't exist. What evidence do you have? Do you have a testable model? How about a proposed mechanism? No, of course not, all you have are bald assertions.
DNA is vital to know your origins, bloodline is passed down through ancestors reminds of kekkei genkai through breeding. That reminds Naruto anime stuff 😮
Dr. Purdom: " can you look at this and say "it just random"?" Well, you don't, because it isn't just random. Part of it is random, the part where reproduction produces changes in organisms, but the other part is only random in the sense that there can be random changes in an environment. Once the environment changes, it picks the mutations that are most beneficial, so that really isn't "just random". A creek flows, and then an earthquake changes it's course, or cuts it off entirely. All of the organisms that depended upon that creek are going to be subjected to this event. Those organisms that are best able to deal with it, will live on, while others will die off. It's important to remember that most organisms do die off. Near 99% of life on earth is extinct. Changes happened in the environment, or in the genetics of the organism, or both, and the organism couldn't live through it. Those organisms that did live through it sure look like they were designed. but they weren't. They just obeyed the laws of reproduction. Organisms that fit better in the environment had more offspring, and eventually whatever it was that allowed them to succeed where others failed, spread throughout their species. While the process yields results that look like design, the process is "designing" only in the sense that organisms with greater reproductive success spread their genes throughout the species. When a stream flows down a mountainside, why does it take the route that it does? When you look at the complexity of the streambed, and how well the stream fits the streambed, you could say the streambed was designed to carry that stream. But no one says that. The water flows down obeying the law of gravity, and the principle of least resistance. And creates an incredibly complex streambed with odds so long against it being the way it is, a mathematician would say it couldn't happen. Yet there it is.
To hold such intrinsic, detailed information, one listening must naturally question the validity of the speakers words and knowledge. I didn't realise we had such in depth understanding of such matters. Rather than anterior and ariel (not mermaid or moron-mon) remote reads, why not a simple in person, direct, ONE-TO-NUN conversation? Seriously, simplicity is the way forward. Who taught the intellectual world to be such good liars and stone faced poker players? I wish I could actually enjoy cannabis. But noooooooooo. ANXIETY!!!
Jehova created everything. How can the fetus start to form tiny cells in 9 months a baby is born. Only God can create, awesome things, all beautiful for all humanity.
We confess our sins from what Adam and Eve done when they sinned which they died, so we will die also. We inherit death from Adam and Eve which has caused mutations, defects, degrading.
@@lylemiro9218 Yes all sins came from that original sin, and it formed in our ancestors cells which are DNA, and RNA. I am not an expert in biology, but it was what the creationist said.
I am not an expert either, but I have learned from the creationist about evolution and creation seeing the truth, and I know by my own experiences from observation , and experiments about fossils.
@@anotherpointofview222 "What is sin .." It's explained clearly in the bible. If you read it and don't believe it, then explain how you made it past the first verse.
@@2fast2block Did you mean the third chapter of Genesis, not the first verse of the Bible. Also explained in Romans 5:12- 19. I'm just trying to understand, what you meant. The first sin was in Chapter 3,
There is in this Universe much of what seems to be design. But instead, we repeatedly discover that natural processes-collisional selection of worlds, say, or natural selection of gene pools, or even the convection pattern in a pot of boiling water-can extract order out of chaos, and deceive us into deducing purpose where there is none. The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined only by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of life’s meaning. We long for a Parent to care for us, to forgive us our errors, to save us from our childish mistakes. But knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable. If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal. Karl Sagan
@@VernCrisler it is just an hypothesis but yes aliens could have evolved from scratch. They could even be different.. Electric or something else. If you get interested in mathematical fields like Turing's machine, game of life, vin Neumann cellular automatas or Chaitin theory on evoluable software you can think about intelligence arising from chance logic gates. This is a field that has to be researched, but How god came to exist is never asked. It is always the burden of proof for aliens
@@mouvementebr3575 Game of Life productions don't really prove that new information can arise spontaneously from chance. All the "objects" in the Game of Life are a result of the original program (how it was designed). While we might not be able to predict all the configurations -- because we are limited in our computational and memory capacity -- a mathematical archangel could predict all the new "objects" just by looking at the original program.
@@VernCrisler yes but Gregory Chaitin did prove the possibility of intelligent design with evolvable random software. This is a brand new field of research and nobody should jump on non scientific conclusions or stories like the Bible, even intelligent design advocates
@@mouvementebr3575 "Yes but" what? You cited the Game of Life and other cellular automata as proof of something, and now you just drop them? OK. Chaitin's idea is no better proof of design coming from chance. For instance, his notion of metabiology is actually teleological or goal oriented (because he only accepts positive or neutral mutations, not harmful mutations). For that reason, it is not a valid formulation of a naturalistic theory of evolution. Perhaps you should set aside your evolution books and read your Bible instead.
If the Old Testimony and the DNA are both from the same God, then there must exist a very high correlation between both of them. With computers is would be possible, to check, if such a correlation exists. And one important check is also, that either with DNA or with the Old Testimony forecasts must be made, which can be proofed or disproofed by experiment.
Samuel didn't support science, because of Isa, Jesus and Mary Madelene, was she tripolar? 😵💫 Why though it doesn't matter? Only during ovulation. And DNA and vitamin E and Vitamin A, and is PCR tests are they admissible, my brain is like that emoji dam bipolar 1a through 27a but that's what Happens. Sudo Knock -p 433 but that's patches
When we understand, how to construct nano machines, we can give them similar features like the DNA. We just construct a lot of different machines and give them opportunity, to experience kind of evolution. Perhaps we even could do a computer simulation. If DNA would be proof, that God exists, then the question is, why did God wait so long, than humans could find it out that way ?
God waited until we could understand DNA, right after Darwin’s theory gave atheists a religion to grasp on to! Evolution requires the spontaneous generation of life, which was proven scientifically impossible by Louis Pasteur! The creation of DNA is scientifically impossible by evolution, it would be the same as a computer operating system’s code coming together from random events without a keyboard to type each letter!
@@professorneturman2249 It has nothing to do with religion, just the proven facts of science! Maybe a Pulitzer Prize winning scientist can convince you? Dr. George Wald, a professor of biology at Harvard University who won the Nobel Prize in 1967 in physiology, he is also an atheist, and an evolutionist! “When it comes to the origin of life we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution. The other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. . . . Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved 100 years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy, and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion-that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God . . . I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution.” Evolution was proven scientifically impossible over 150 years ago, the only scientific conclusion for the creation of life is life was created by God! According to science, matter cannot be created or destroyed, so how did all of the matter in the universe get created? The only scientific conclusion is that matter was created by God!
@@professorneturman2249 hey, ask this "Professor" how we even got creation by his godless means and watch him run from that. You just profess what a joke you are.
Reasonable: God created creation. Unreasonable: Creation created itself. If unguided evolution was true there would enough physical proof to be obvious.
Atheist know that she's talking the creation narrative. Have her explain how Eve being a clone of Adam but a different gender populated the earth with inbreeding.
@@professorneturman2249 you, as always, run from the evidence and can't provide any evidence that shows how DNA just came about all on its own. You love being a loser and showing that.
"If you are right" So you listened to what they had to say with their science to back them up. Here's what you consider your science to show we should doubt them: "you don't have to blabber so much.." You're not embarrassed commenting like that?
I truly appreciate how Dr. G.P. breaks down the information.
I love Dr. Georgia's presentations about DNA.
Great stuff!
Very enlightening! Appreciation for blessing the seekers of knowledge with truth and beauty and understanding of the intelligently designed human being, created by an awesome Creator.
Dr Georgia Purdom's contributions are marvelous
I have trust issues with company jargon ln design
and indeed, there are scientists also acknowledging the fact that "junk" DNA is not really junk but is functional
Surprisingly well done presentation -- simply sharing the current state of knowledge and, for the most part, allowing the viewer the choice of what to believe.
As the true complexity of how "life" is manifest around us is understood, it becomes harder and harder (to not say impossible) to ascribe it to random chance -- especially for those who insist that the universe will end in an entropy "death". IOW, natural systems are strongly driven towards randomness, not order. So, as randomness increases and energy is lost, things will freeze into non-life.
Now, with advances in our understanding of the self-organizing seen in plasma systems, even this "law" of entropy is being challenged. So, the "full truth" has not been ascertained, so stay curious and willing to learn.
Fantastic! Great information that you will not hear from the educational curriculum.
You won’t hear it as presented for sure; there were at least 3 fallacies in his opening statement that any high school graduate should have seen.
Dr Georgia also has outstanding instructional abilities and articulative
These videos are awesome, thanks for posting!
great presentation. brings to mind the phrase by michael behe of 'irreducible complexity'. everything is needed and everything has a function and a purpose. it is not the creator who needs to be told this but his creation.
Thank you, it's good to learn the complexity in our living cells DNA
Very useful video. Thank you so much
I have read peer reviewed studies of the Dutch hunger, where actually the intergenerational effect was detrimental to their offsprings health; namely, they had higher incidence of multiple chronic diseases (diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, etc)
How do you get 6 ft of anything in something the size of a cell. mindblown!!
Origins of DNA is cool thing to talk about
Thanks for sharing that
Company origins and dna is just jargon
I get excited like a horse and stomp my foot like one must be one 😂
Alle glory, power and wisdom tot Him, who not only created this baffling complexity, but also bowed down to this, his own creation, in a humiliation never to be fathomed, in order for oud relatioship with Him te be restored.
Also, Redox Signaling Molecules are the foundation of cellular health. I drink them every day. Helping thousands of people.
i love this vidio/which sould be shown in schools
No wonder Dr. Anthony Flew the former atheist became a believer after studying DNA.
His first name was Antony.
Thanks for your fantastic videos.
Are the instructions for making the DNA contained within the DNA?
Apparently it formed by itself by accident.
@@716Video No, it was created by an imaginary man using magic.
@@rembrandt972ify It's definitely not that either. But I do have a hard time believing that atoms can organize themselves over time, in such a manner that molecules and cells are formed. Formed in such a way to have an extremely complex coding system that can adapt and change over time. I know there's reasonable explanations for evolution, etc. But without the complex building blocks from the beginning nothing would ever be able to learn and adapt to its environmental surroundings. Hopefully i make a little bit of sense lol. I'm not a scientist at all though, which is probably quite obvious.
@@716Video Atoms do 'organize themselves.' They follow the rules of chemistry which are based on electromagnetism. There is a lot of organic chemistry that occurs before anything adapts, much much more before anything learns.
@@rembrandt972ify I think God, abiogenesis and evolution are all correct. Abiogenesis and evolution are facts, and I think God exists too. When I say God, I mean a first uncaused cause that created many universes perhaps...maybe infinite universes. Also, I know that many religions are outdated and fake, and I am not religious.
This is why the scriptures talks about generational curse; make sense to me now.
Creationists accept the double helix complex DNA molecule, but don't accept how it works.
Genetics obviously functions as a science, so whatever it's
based on must be sound.
What is in the genetic students exam before they graduate?
Is it, "mutations sometimes working, bringing new
hybrid populations"?
Or is it, "mutations never working, and can never bring
new hybrid populations"?
That's odd.... More creationists came out of my BioChem class in college than went in precisely because they understood how it works.
Well if you're screwing with creationism, gosh I'm sure glad you don't ask if God could make a rock so heavy God couldn't lift it.
As for mutations, they predominantly do damage. Mutations are errors. How long would it take to accumulate enough errors to make a totally new protein? Too long. Trillions of trillions of years. Also, along the way, the protein-in-progress wouldn't have any benefit or advantage, so natural selection wouldn't preserve it.
Do we ever see examples anywhere of hierarchal, integrated systems being formed by the accumulation of errors?
Are you saying that genetics makes creationists? Where did you get that from? A creation science site obviously. There are less than 1% of geneticists who happen to be creationists and they have to abide by the same disciplines as all geneticists.
Whatever disciplines genetics is based on must hold true, cos genetics functions as a science. So whatever is in the textbooks has to be right. Creationists rewrite genetics, but they are caught out, cos not one single creationist can answer this question:
What's in the genetics textbooks, secular genetics or creation science genetics?
Is that from genetics textbooks or is it rewritten genetics by creationists?
There are less than 1% of geneticists who happen to be creationists and they have to abide by the same disciplines as all geneticists.
Whatever disciplines genetics is based on must hold true, cos genetics functions as a science. So whatever is in the textbooks has to be right. Creationists rewrite genetics, but they are caught out, cos not one single creationist can answer this question:
What's in the genetics textbooks, secular genetics or creation science genetics?
@@Justwantahover, your questions reflect an approach from the authoritative model of science. That is, you don't believe and respect something because the *data* indicates it, you respect it because of *who* says it. That's dangerous. The authoritative model of science (and based on evolution too) is what allowed the Nazis to declare blacks, Jews and Slavic people were genetically inferior.
But you don't see anyone who defends evolution talking about how long it would take for a protein to evolve. They don't talk about it because evolution is totally indefensible when you start looking at the fine details.
I not only accept that DNA is a double helix, I accept that helicase enzymes know where to start separating the strands so that polymerases can replicate it or transcribe it into messenger RNA. I accept that topoisomerase cuts, unwinds and reconnects the double helix as helicase separates it, so that twisting tension doesn't interfere. I accept that there are a number of other complex protein components that are *vital* to life.
So did helicase, polymerase and topoisomerase evolve? How did life exist before them? And after the first one evolved, what advantage or benefit did it offer by itself that caused natural selection to preserve it?
If you think about the details with honesty, you'll lose your faith in evolution. Life was designed.
In a sea of agenda driven theory of evolution propaganda, it's nice to get an honest perspective.
Too bad she doesn't have any evidence or honesty.
@@rembrandt972ify The evidence is overwhelmingly there but believers in evolutionism are just unable to see it.
@@livinginthespirit407 We can't see it because it doesn't exist. What evidence do you have? Do you have a testable model? How about a proposed mechanism? No, of course not, all you have are bald assertions.
In a sea of CSP lies without passing a polygraph, but that's a cid to me
So who created god ???
There must be something or someone who hasnt beggining.
@@Ljubav999 Maybe, maybe not. How could you tell?
Bipedal primates.
God's helix is possibly Israel hologenetic?
what is your religious group?
They only lecture everyday biochemistry
DNA is vital to know your origins, bloodline is passed down through ancestors reminds of kekkei genkai through breeding. That reminds Naruto anime stuff 😮
Dr. Purdom: " can you look at this and say "it just random"?" Well, you don't, because it isn't just random. Part of it is random, the part where reproduction produces changes in organisms, but the other part is only random in the sense that there can be random changes in an environment. Once the environment changes, it picks the mutations that are most beneficial, so that really isn't "just random". A creek flows, and then an earthquake changes it's course, or cuts it off entirely. All of the organisms that depended upon that creek are going to be subjected to this event. Those organisms that are best able to deal with it, will live on, while others will die off. It's important to remember that most organisms do die off. Near 99% of life on earth is extinct. Changes happened in the environment, or in the genetics of the organism, or both, and the organism couldn't live through it. Those organisms that did live through it sure look like they were designed. but they weren't. They just obeyed the laws of reproduction. Organisms that fit better in the environment had more offspring, and eventually whatever it was that allowed them to succeed where others failed, spread throughout their species. While the process yields results that look like design, the process is "designing" only in the sense that organisms with greater reproductive success spread their genes throughout the species. When a stream flows down a mountainside, why does it take the route that it does? When you look at the complexity of the streambed, and how well the stream fits the streambed, you could say the streambed was designed to carry that stream. But no one says that. The water flows down obeying the law of gravity, and the principle of least resistance. And creates an incredibly complex streambed with odds so long against it being the way it is, a mathematician would say it couldn't happen. Yet there it is.
To hold such intrinsic, detailed information, one listening must naturally question the validity of the speakers words and knowledge.
I didn't realise we had such in depth understanding of such matters. Rather than anterior and ariel (not mermaid or moron-mon) remote reads, why not a simple in person, direct, ONE-TO-NUN conversation?
Seriously, simplicity is the way forward. Who taught the intellectual world to be such good liars and stone faced poker players?
I wish I could actually enjoy cannabis. But noooooooooo. ANXIETY!!!
Foresight helix about my DNA origins? Possibly and Insight
Jehova created everything. How can the fetus start to form tiny cells in 9 months a baby is born. Only God can create, awesome things, all beautiful for all humanity.
@Erich Abrams so this is how it all happened without God by what you think is a reasonable answer...
"It could be aliens also."
You're such a joke.
And decode matrix hologenetic mix
This is why i dont change my bloodline with the" nephilim shot juice" .
God given d. And. Na. Only.
One mans junk is another mans treasure. Call it treasure DNA.
And encode hologenetic Cherokee astrological valkyrja inactive encode with Crispr x prototype
We confess our sins from what Adam and Eve done when they sinned which they died, so we will die also. We inherit death from Adam and Eve which has caused mutations, defects, degrading.
@@lylemiro9218 Yes all sins came from that original sin, and it formed in our ancestors cells which are DNA, and RNA. I am not an expert in biology, but it was what the creationist said.
I am not an expert either, but I have learned from the creationist about evolution and creation seeing the truth, and I know by my own experiences from observation , and experiments about fossils.
What is sin does it become encoded into DNA?
@@anotherpointofview222 "What is sin .."
It's explained clearly in the bible. If you read it and don't believe it, then explain how you made it past the first verse.
@@2fast2block Did you mean the third chapter of Genesis, not the first verse of the Bible. Also explained in Romans 5:12- 19. I'm just trying to understand, what you meant. The first sin was in Chapter 3,
There is in this Universe much of what seems to be design.
But instead, we repeatedly discover that natural processes-collisional selection of worlds, say, or natural selection of gene pools, or even the convection pattern in a pot of boiling water-can extract order out of chaos, and deceive us into deducing purpose where there is none.
The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined only by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of life’s meaning. We long for a Parent to care for us, to forgive us our errors, to save us from our childish mistakes. But knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable.
If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal. Karl Sagan
And Irish Wicca origin design helix it's like like the false perception
Good science there, but why do you never consider the Aliens hypothesis, instead of looking at an old book that only gives some small stories
Where did the aliens come from? Did they evolve or were they designed?
@@VernCrisler it is just an hypothesis but yes aliens could have evolved from scratch. They could even be different.. Electric or something else. If you get interested in mathematical fields like Turing's machine, game of life, vin Neumann cellular automatas or Chaitin theory on evoluable software you can think about intelligence arising from chance logic gates. This is a field that has to be researched, but How god came to exist is never asked. It is always the burden of proof for aliens
@@mouvementebr3575 Game of Life productions don't really prove that new information can arise spontaneously from chance. All the "objects" in the Game of Life are a result of the original program (how it was designed). While we might not be able to predict all the configurations -- because we are limited in our computational and memory capacity -- a mathematical archangel could predict all the new "objects" just by looking at the original program.
@@VernCrisler yes but Gregory Chaitin did prove the possibility of intelligent design with evolvable random software. This is a brand new field of research and nobody should jump on non scientific conclusions or stories like the Bible, even intelligent design advocates
@@mouvementebr3575 "Yes but" what? You cited the Game of Life and other cellular automata as proof of something, and now you just drop them? OK. Chaitin's idea is no better proof of design coming from chance. For instance, his notion of metabiology is actually teleological or goal oriented (because he only accepts positive or neutral mutations, not harmful mutations). For that reason, it is not a valid formulation of a naturalistic theory of evolution. Perhaps you should set aside your evolution books and read your Bible instead.
But encodes a message to me the universe
But Irish origins and its building blocks
If the Old Testimony and the DNA are both from the same God, then there must exist a very high correlation between both of them. With computers is would be possible, to check, if such a correlation exists. And one important check is also, that either with DNA or with the Old Testimony forecasts must be made, which can be proofed or disproofed by experiment.
Do tell how you somehow are on to something that showed DNA is or isn't designed.
It’s testament
Irish origin encoded History
The false perception of they say, their baseless
Samuel didn't support science, because of Isa, Jesus and Mary Madelene, was she tripolar? 😵💫 Why though it doesn't matter? Only during ovulation. And DNA and vitamin E and Vitamin A, and is PCR tests are they admissible, my brain is like that emoji dam bipolar 1a through 27a but that's what Happens. Sudo Knock -p 433 but that's patches
Well astrology/astronomy and that person you speak of that isn't supported of evolution is Samuel. DNA VS JEHOVAH VS SCIENCE ETC DNA/JEHOVAH/ETC WINS
1888 need him
How does this not have 30,669 likes?
Cain was marked. Maybe mutation?
IF GOD Suddenly TAKES YOU BY YOUR HAND, you Unquestionably would know.
God also gave you free will, cause you don't believe it doesn't make it untrue.
When we understand, how to construct nano machines, we can give them similar features like the DNA. We just construct a lot of different machines and give them opportunity, to experience kind of evolution. Perhaps we even could do a computer simulation.
If DNA would be proof, that God exists, then the question is, why did God wait so long, than humans could find it out that way ?
God waited until we could understand DNA, right after Darwin’s theory gave atheists a religion to grasp on to! Evolution requires the spontaneous generation of life, which was proven scientifically impossible by Louis Pasteur! The creation of DNA is scientifically impossible by evolution, it would be the same as a computer operating system’s code coming together from random events without a keyboard to type each letter!
@@PaulNewfield-PasadenaCAU-wb4xg Your ignorance of the facts is astounding. Did you have religious schooling
@@professorneturman2249 It has nothing to do with religion, just the proven facts of science! Maybe a Pulitzer Prize winning scientist can convince you?
Dr. George Wald, a professor of biology at Harvard University who won the Nobel Prize in 1967 in physiology, he is also an atheist, and an evolutionist!
“When it comes to the origin of life we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution. The other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. . . . Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved 100 years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy, and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion-that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God . . . I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution.”
Evolution was proven scientifically impossible over 150 years ago, the only scientific conclusion for the creation of life is life was created by God! According to science, matter cannot be created or destroyed, so how did all of the matter in the universe get created? The only scientific conclusion is that matter was created by God!
@@professorneturman2249 hey, ask this "Professor" how we even got creation by his godless means and watch him run from that. You just profess what a joke you are.
Vitamin A when comes to DNA
I have trust issues
And what is an "evolutionist"?
Even if a God exists, it is nothing like your Christian/Jewish God.
Reasonable: God created creation.
Unreasonable: Creation created itself.
If unguided evolution was true there would enough physical proof to be obvious.
Then explain why evolution is still ongoing
@@professorneturman2249 says the joke who refuses to give evidence how creation happened on its own when you are asked to.
Sorry,never been a creation
No origination.all science is science fiction.ypu have been dreaming a long time
Gods name is Jehovah, in the original bible hebrew scriptures his name is mentioned 7000 times
Why do they lie to him this god they believe
Sorry but this was a bit wishy washy and not a very good talk at all. Im not even sure where shes going with all this junk dna um yea ok so?
Sorry,no DNA we only dream this stuff up
Athiets disliked this video 😂 they're literally shaking 😂 sooo triggered.
Atheist know that she's talking the creation narrative. Have her explain how Eve being a clone of Adam but a different gender populated the earth with inbreeding.
@@professorneturman2249 you, as always, run from the evidence and can't provide any evidence that shows how DNA just came about all on its own. You love being a loser and showing that.
If you are right , you don't have to blabber so much..
"If you are right"
So you listened to what they had to say with their science to back them up.
Here's what you consider your science to show we should doubt them:
"you don't have to blabber so much.."
You're not embarrassed commenting like that?
T-rex dna from
English Christian encode and decode
When we were chimpanzees? Lmao.
Why does your propaganda sound so scripted?
Religion disguised as Science
Does that make it not true?
And the motors in your cells prove the Creator, don't they?