My spark of life is keeping me on but i feel like everyone try to bury me. In bad moments i like to listen this song. When i do concentrating my anger to carry on
I'm sure i, like many others, when hearing this song for the first time, it hit hard. Especially when we were younger and being seen as "unusual" for not being into the norms or what was "cool" at the time. It's a powerful song and a song we've all continued to refer back to during the difficult moments in life.
I'm 26 now. It's been like 8-9 years since I first heard this. I still listen to it, and it still hits hard. Because I'll amways be different and for the most part, alone. Not because I won't change, or fit in. At this point I don't even know how to. And yeah, I still won't. I am what I am. A solitary individual who chooses his own path. Who refuses to fit in with the blind stupid masses wasting away their lives in blind madness. I'll live alone and die alone, but I'll be alive - If you know what I mean. Never again will I be reminded of living within the world of the jaded, and I'll live my own life, my own way, to the fullest. Even my fullest may be different to that of the crowd, but that's okay.
That is a stupid motto because I would never want to change myself. Because I would rather die than to change myself. But that isn't a motto because that is a statement.
If you support this. You band together. Rise up. Destroy the current societal architecture and replace it with something that at least has a semblance of intelligence.
This song speaks to me. It's a summary of all of me. My morals. My beliefs. My code and principals. My faith and my fight. I'll never give in. I won't let others indoctrinate me and consume me. Even if it means going through pain all my life, I won't be like them. I see their evil and their blindless. I'm awake. And I'm alive. Through this fight, I'm more alive then I would ever be otherwise. It gives my life a purpose. A meaning. That's why I will never change.
many people hate these guys because they promote bad behavior in kids I say to them listen to this song this song promotes being yourself and not being ashamed of who you are `to change myself I'd rather die`
This and "Indestructible" are my most favorites songs from Disturbed Until this day is one of the songs that defines myself *"To change myself, I'd rather die"*
This video rocks!! And it was your first one!!! I've listened to it a hundred million times and still love all the creativeness you out into it!!!! Ten thousand upon ten thousand, glad you're part of the team buddy!! Keep rocking our socks off and so so so very much thank you very much for the credit given where credit is due to my fav peeps at he end. Well done magoo. *Pound it
Disturbed is the perfect level of heavy for me, I just wish they would innovate a little more. I love all their albums but I feel that they have the talent to branch out more from their recipe of success. Either way, they kick fucking ass
holy shit someone talking about music on this thread holy hell call CNN WE NEED THE WORLD TO KNOW THIS! (after scrolling through pointless arguments i should say)
***** Sorry, CNN is too busy with their Situation Room...mean know what I mean. That and trying to keep Sarah Palin from shooting Wolf Blitzer.
I wouldn't "change myself" for nobody!!!! It's never worth it. Disturbed is so fuckin great I love that I can get a message from every song I listen to
I don't care what anyone else says, THIS is real talent. All this new stuff our generation has created is crap, and most of it isn't even really them singing...
Usually I don't swear, but on this occasion, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! Am I glad I found this song, this was my first time hearing it and it blew me away. Thank you for uploading this song with the lyrics.
Finally someone that doesn't see themselves as superior because they listen to a niche genre! Metal elitists hardly better than those that listen to only popular types of music- taste is mostly subjective, one whole genre isn't inherently better than another just because you happen to prefer it. There are songs just as passionate, meaningful and lyrically complex as this from other genres. You just have to be open-minded and bare the utter shit that you hear while you look for them.
This describes my life quite well. People always tell me to change and even when I tried they didn't accept me anyway. So I basicly decided to do whatever I want as only a few people seem to like me how I am as a person. Many just seem to try to fit in with others even if it kills there personalitys. It's always a fight against the hole world to be different from others and most don't even care what it does to people that just want to be themselfs.
The people around me that try to change me get taunted. I’ll make sure you find me disgusting or don’t like me. And you people don’t know what I mean by that, so I’ll say that I have no remorse. :D
`To change myself I'd rather die` truest words I have ever hearted and everyone condemns these guys when they are telling people that you shouldn't change your self according to what people say you should be like and how you should fit in with society where as other people say that they should change themselves to fit in with public standards and I'm sat here saying `why should I I know what I want to be and I know what I am and I will not change myself for you because the people who care don't matter and the people that don't care matter
Holy shit! Six-and-a-half minutes of goosebumps from pure amazingness (for lack of being able to think of a real adjective). A great song by a great band.
Forgot to mention the goosebumps are not from any substance use, just heard this song for the first time and it gave me goosebumps the whole extent, even though I'm completely sober.
Draiman once quoted that his lyrics are always taken from personal, traumatic, meaningful experiences. Whether they be his, a loved one's or evident things in the world, it's irrelevant. These songs have meaning, and are actually quite deep. Screw the haters, this stuff is relevant to the world they live in, like it or not they can't not pay attention to the points Disturbed is trying to get across.
I can relate to this on so many levels. I'm 52 and am wondering. Those of you, who like me, have always felt different, an alien, a stranger in a strange land, a one eyed man in the land of the blind. Are you aware the bible refers to gods "peculiar people" no less than 8 times in various locations? Ever consider you may be one of these rare individuals born into this asylum? Not trying to preach, just reaching out a little to others that may feel as I do... food for thought.
NOPE! FORVER A DISTURBED WARRIOR!!!! Nothing better than listening to David while you do homework or while your about to fight! This band was designed to talk about matters important and to rock out! Best band ever!
Amazing news! You can like Rock and Metal while still liking Rap, Pop, R&B, Country, whatever. Its called being open minded! You can also choose not to like certain kinds of music, thats called being selective! But saying what you like is better than what others like is called being closed-minded and dumb. Don't be closed-minded and dumb, aim to be as awesome as this song is.
And this is good news, but the people that don’t listen to country or other genres just aren’t into them. It’s not that they’re not open minded. Don’t you think? :)
I love this song so much! It is my favorite one on this album. Reminds me of the V.C. Andrews DeBeers series that starts off with the book Willow. This song seems to perfectly describe Willow's half brother(he's an artist) and how he is disgusted and enraged on how he and his mother are treated in Palm Beach, Florida.
Halleluiah brother! I'm 14 and love Static X, Soil, Three Days Grace, Hollywood Undead, Spineshank, Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold and Element Eighty.... oh yeah I forgot Bullet For My Valentine!
I love the way that though the music is enough to move you the lyrics hit the sweet spot of making you listen to what he has to say without being preachy about it... *sigh ~ Disturbed is awesome :')
wow... I'm a honors student at a catholic school who goes to church weekly, and I fucking love this band. why cause I interpret it with my faith. Look at it from this perspective: the person saying the lyrics is a "slave"(for lack of a better word) who is now refusing to change at the hands of his task masters. IRL: people like me refusing to let into peer pressure and the media. This song advocates being: drug free, abstanant, and an individual.
White walls with the lyrics of MULTIPLE Disturbed lyrics written in sharpie. My 5'5" blonde, dainty mom was so awesome for letting me express all parts of me... it helps that she was a fan, too.
Disturbed- I'm alive ( with Lyrics), When David Draiman puts together a song he does it well, because his Lyrics inspire a true life worth living, long live hard rock bands who impress us daily with their great job of electrifying music too warm the soul!
Except, "religious nutters" only want what's best for you. Lol, that's like saying "You can't tell me what to do mom!" Of course, after reading 2 articles on 'the freed athiest' or some other religious hating site with a generic name like that you might automatically assume religiousness is about living like a cult follower. But really, in your obstinate behavior, you're lying to no one but yourself. In any case, this song goes out to athiests who harrass and mock and ridicule, and sometimes physically abuse, religious people for believing in their God. You won't change their mind, even killing them won't work, yet people like you still think harrassing them will change anything. LOL Funny enough, this song applies MANY times more for a religious person than an athiest. Wtf do athiests hold above everything else? (And that question is already hard enough to pin point btw) What? Their own life? If they did they sure as hell wouldn't die to protect their own life, nor would they "deny sin" as the song implies, if athiests don't believe in sin... Words the song mentions like "redemption","My sacrifice" "blessed" "salvation" ect. have nothing to do with a secular athiest world, it's more religiously tied than anything else. Also you listen to Talyor swift so shut up.
Great message, and even better as a song. And i persive the song like a call of become in what you belive, in your conviction and values not in to a puppet or one more from the moob.
''Hope you enjoy my second ever video, please tell me if its a good attempt in comments. thanx.'' How the truck is this your video? Don't act like this took any effort..
Nunca mais serei desolado E nunca mais serei lembrado de que vivemos dentro do mundo dos enfraquecidos Eles matam minha inspiração É minha obrigação nunca mais deixar que isto aconteça Onde começo? As opções são infinitas Negando o pecado Minha arte, minha redenção Eu carrego a tocha de meus pais diante de mim A coisa que eu mais valorizo na vida não pode ser tirada de mim Nunca haverá um motivo pelo qual cederei ao seu conselho de mudar, prefiro morrer Sozinhos não entenderemos Farei o maior sacrifício Você não pode prever onde isso acabará Nunca me pegará vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Perigo, novamente não pode ser considerada Eu enfureço novamente, dispersando minha raiva Onde começo? As opções são infinitas Minha arte, minha redenção, minha única salvação Eu carrego o dom com o qual fui abençoado Minha alma à deriva em oceanos de loucura Reparando o buraco que você criou Não estou sozinho, irmãos me dêem seus braços agora A coisa que eu mais valorizo na vida não pode ser tirada de mim Nunca haverá um motivo pelo qual cederei ao seu conselho de mudar, prefiro morrer Sozinhos não entenderemos Farei o maior sacrifício Você não pode prever onde isso acabará Nunca me pegará vivo! Não sou escravo Você se sente corajoso? ou está enlouquecendo? Nada mais de jogos Não vai ser a mesma coisa Se eu segurar minha raiva dentro de mim Não há significado Minha alma sangra Tive demais do seu tipo Uma sugestão, use seu discernimento Antes de me considerar cego A coisa que eu mais valorizo na vida não pode ser tirada de mim Nunca haverá um motivo pelo qual cederei ao seu conselho de mudar, prefiro morrer Sozinhos não entenderemos Farei o maior sacrifício Você não pode prever onde isso acabará Nunca me pegará vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! Estou vivo! I'm Alive Never again will I be desolate And never again will I be reminded We're living within the world of the jaded They kill my inspiration It's my obligation To never again, allow this to happen Where do I begin? The choices are endless Denying the sin My art, my redemption I carry the torch of my fathers before me The thing I treasure the most in life cannot be taken away There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your remorse To change myself, I'd rather die Lonely, we'll not understand I will make the greatest sacrifice You can't predict where the outcome lies You'll never take me alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive Danger, then, cannot be considered I rage again, dispelling my anger Where do I begin? The choices are endless My art, my redemption, my only salvation I carry the gift that I have been blessed with My soul is adrift the oceans of madness Rehearing the rift that you have created I end on the whole numbers, give me your arms now The thing I treasure the most in life cannot be taken away There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your remorse To change myself, I'd rather die Lonely, we'll not understand I will make the greatest sacrifice You can't predict where the outcome lies You'll never take me alive I'm no slave Are you feeling brave? Or have you gone out of your mind? No more games It won't feel the same If I hold my anger inside There's no meaning My soul is bleeding I've had enough of your kind One sugestion, use your discretion, Before you label me blind. The thing I treasure the most in life cannot be taken away There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your remorse To change myself, I'd rather die Lonely, we'll not understand I will make the greatest sacrifice You can't predict where the outcome lies You'll never take me alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive
Great to see! Not enough younger people have any Appreciation for good old school tunes. Glad you are enjoying some light metal music that also pushes a good political agenda
all my friends hate this kind of my friends hate this kind if music but I was brought up around it so... they sy the lyrics are meaningless and they say it encourages its listeners to do nothing but when they actually listen to the lyrics `to change myself I'd rather die` or `there will' never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice` they realize that it encourages young people to love what they are and not change who they are
I can sing all their songs perfectly and I am a twelve year old girl, But all that aside this song fits me 100% because I feel so much pride in being a Nationalsozialistischen and listening to Disturbed, Genesis, Tears for Fears, Powerwolf, und Timeless miracle! Ignore the Deutsch on der word and, the, und national socialist it happens randomly und Ich just go with it.
"The thing I treasure most in life, cannot be taken away." Epic, Amazing and Endless.
The love for my child
My spark of life is keeping me on but i feel like everyone try to bury me. In bad moments i like to listen this song. When i do concentrating my anger to carry on
@@bartekszczerbiak1417 great comment.
My identity
"I'm alive" in the context of the song that is the most defiant statement possible. I love it.
I'm sure i, like many others, when hearing this song for the first time, it hit hard. Especially when we were younger and being seen as "unusual" for not being into the norms or what was "cool" at the time. It's a powerful song and a song we've all continued to refer back to during the difficult moments in life.
I'm 26 now. It's been like 8-9 years since I first heard this. I still listen to it, and it still hits hard. Because I'll amways be different and for the most part, alone. Not because I won't change, or fit in. At this point I don't even know how to. And yeah, I still won't. I am what I am. A solitary individual who chooses his own path. Who refuses to fit in with the blind stupid masses wasting away their lives in blind madness. I'll live alone and die alone, but I'll be alive - If you know what I mean. Never again will I be reminded of living within the world of the jaded, and I'll live my own life, my own way, to the fullest. Even my fullest may be different to that of the crowd, but that's okay.
@@thatonerandomguy.4300 Try being 65....all the same....
I am from Nairobi, Kenya. I am big Disturbed and Chevelle fan. I hope the two bands tour our beautiful continent one day.
David's voice always sends chills down your spine. Who agrees?
Yeah, I agree 1000%
"to change myself I'd rather die'
That is my new motto
You need to change yourself only if it's good for you, but don't listen to others, 90% people are evil :)
Same its mine too
Oj simpson a good time to call you today but not sure
That is a stupid motto because I would never want to change myself. Because I would rather die than to change myself. But that isn't a motto because that is a statement.
@@tawanahickey9234 Pink Floyd cough…George Floyd had the same one 🤣
This is my favorite song by disturbed. The lyrics are so powerful, and they remind me of my own struggle in life.
This song is basically almost all of my life beliefs rolled together. When I found this, I was just surprised at how much I supported it.
u've been rickrolled
why did you feel the need to go through all these comments just to keep saying "ok"?
@@damir_van_kalaz She or he is crazy
If you support this. You band together. Rise up. Destroy the current societal architecture and replace it with something that at least has a semblance of intelligence.
This song speaks to me. It's a summary of all of me. My morals. My beliefs. My code and principals. My faith and my fight. I'll never give in. I won't let others indoctrinate me and consume me. Even if it means going through pain all my life, I won't be like them. I see their evil and their blindless. I'm awake. And I'm alive. Through this fight, I'm more alive then I would ever be otherwise. It gives my life a purpose. A meaning. That's why I will never change.
Lonely Warrior my gosh how could you read my mind?
Same here.
many people hate these guys because they promote bad behavior in kids I say to them listen to this song this song promotes being yourself and not being ashamed of who you are `to change myself I'd rather die`
Feels good to not be alone, Brother.
Nice edge mate
Stay woke amirite?
This is the best disturbed song, literally goosebumps everytime
This and "Indestructible" are my most favorites songs from Disturbed
Until this day is one of the songs that defines myself
*"To change myself, I'd rather die"*
This video rocks!! And it was your first one!!! I've listened to it a hundred million times and still love all the creativeness you out into it!!!!
Ten thousand upon ten thousand, glad you're part of the team buddy!! Keep rocking our socks off and so so so very much thank you very much for the credit given where credit is due to my fav peeps at he end. Well done magoo.
*Pound it
This song is a call to all who have suffered or are suffering through one of life's many trials. Know you are not alone!!!!
over 196 million likes for the sound of silence well done men !!!!!!!!! keep it up
Incredible song from an incredible album. For me, I'm Alive is up there with Judas Priest's Painkiller as one of the ultimate HM tracks of all time.
This song is 17 years old yet still hits hard
Disturbed is the perfect level of heavy for me, I just wish they would innovate a little more. I love all their albums but I feel that they have the talent to branch out more from their recipe of success. Either way, they kick fucking ass
This has not one bit of heavy, I still love disturbed tho, if you want heavy listen to the extirpation agenda by aborted
Marco Acevedo So I'm not the only Aborted fan who occasionally switches to stuff like this?!?!
holy shit someone talking about music on this thread holy hell call CNN WE NEED THE WORLD TO KNOW THIS! (after scrolling through pointless arguments i should say)
***** Sorry, CNN is too busy with their Situation Room...mean know what I mean. That and trying to keep Sarah Palin from shooting Wolf Blitzer.
+WolfkinNorthclaw lmao, sarah might just get her way too. that bitch is psycho
I've been listening to disturbed since I was 13 and my love for them just keeps getting stronger. I love how real their lyrics are. Disturbed forever
I wouldn't "change myself" for nobody!!!! It's never worth it. Disturbed is so fuckin great I love that I can get a message from every song I listen to
the chorus of this songs just speaks to me. cant explain why,its just great
I don't care what anyone else says, THIS is real talent. All this new stuff our generation has created is crap, and most of it isn't even really them singing...
I'm so happy because I'm seeing them and another band live in 2017
Usually I don't swear, but on this occasion, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! Am I glad I found this song, this was my first time hearing it and it blew me away. Thank you for uploading this song with the lyrics.
For someone who doesn't usually swear, you're good at it.
I dunno, that was some pretty basic swearing. A true master is more creative.
When I meant I dont usually swear, what I meant was not a fucking lot LOL
This song means so much, I'm proud to be who I am! They'll never take me alive!
Finally someone that doesn't see themselves as superior because they listen to a niche genre! Metal elitists hardly better than those that listen to only popular types of music- taste is mostly subjective, one whole genre isn't inherently better than another just because you happen to prefer it.
There are songs just as passionate, meaningful and lyrically complex as this from other genres. You just have to be open-minded and bare the utter shit that you hear while you look for them.
This describes my life quite well. People always tell me to change and even when I tried they didn't accept me anyway. So I basicly decided to do whatever I want as only a few people seem to like me how I am as a person. Many just seem to try to fit in with others even if it kills there personalitys. It's always a fight against the hole world to be different from others and most don't even care what it does to people that just want to be themselfs.
HELL YES!!!!! That's what I like to see
The people around me that try to change me get taunted. I’ll make sure you find me disgusting or don’t like me. And you people don’t know what I mean by that, so I’ll say that I have no remorse. :D
This song just describes my soul so well.
I'm only 1 minute in and I already love this song!
one click to your channel and ive already gotten cancer, who are you even trying to be lmao fucking leafy fanboy
Your comment just gave the entire human race stage 4 cancer.
I don't understand the need of people to look at UA-cam channels and hate on them on an unrelated comment
Cause reasons.
Great, someone said something, now I have cancer
`To change myself I'd rather die` truest words I have ever hearted and everyone condemns these guys when they are telling people that you shouldn't change your self according to what people say you should be like and how you should fit in with society where as other people say that they should change themselves to fit in with public standards and I'm sat here saying `why should I I know what I want to be and I know what I am and I will not change myself for you because the people who care don't matter and the people that don't care matter
Always listening to this when I'm depressed. It really helps a lot.
The long pause at the end is just so you can recover from your mind being blown.
lol totally! But I just jump right back to the music!
JinxAnimatia9902 No shame in it :)
So true!!!
Holy shit! Six-and-a-half minutes of goosebumps from pure amazingness (for lack of being able to think of a real adjective). A great song by a great band.
Forgot to mention the goosebumps are not from any substance use, just heard this song for the first time and it gave me goosebumps the whole extent, even though I'm completely sober.
All their songs are very relate able for me. Great band
Draiman once quoted that his lyrics are always taken from personal, traumatic, meaningful experiences. Whether they be his, a loved one's or evident things in the world, it's irrelevant. These songs have meaning, and are actually quite deep. Screw the haters, this stuff is relevant to the world they live in, like it or not they can't not pay attention to the points Disturbed is trying to get across.
I can relate to this on so many levels. I'm 52 and am wondering. Those of you, who like me, have always felt different, an alien, a stranger in a strange land, a one eyed man in the land of the blind. Are you aware the bible refers to gods "peculiar people" no less than 8 times in various locations? Ever consider you may be one of these rare individuals born into this asylum? Not trying to preach, just reaching out a little to others that may feel as I do... food for thought.
Perhaps I would like to hear you it brother!
I wish I saw this comment years ago
The1stDukeDroklar I feel your pain
what the hell ?
@@ralphduran1155 But he should not preach.
NOPE! FORVER A DISTURBED WARRIOR!!!! Nothing better than listening to David while you do homework or while your about to fight! This band was designed to talk about matters important and to rock out! Best band ever!
Amazing news! You can like Rock and Metal while still liking Rap, Pop, R&B, Country, whatever. Its called being open minded! You can also choose not to like certain kinds of music, thats called being selective! But saying what you like is better than what others like is called being closed-minded and dumb. Don't be closed-minded and dumb, aim to be as awesome as this song is.
And this is good news, but the people that don’t listen to country or other genres just aren’t into them. It’s not that they’re not open minded. Don’t you think? :)
I love this song so much! It is my favorite one on this album. Reminds me of the V.C. Andrews DeBeers series that starts off with the book Willow. This song seems to perfectly describe Willow's half brother(he's an artist) and how he is disgusted and enraged on how he and his mother are treated in Palm Beach, Florida.
WARNING!!! Dont hold sharp objects while listening to this song....
+Nyx Adapum If you do the name of this song won't apply to you (:
+Tim Benson Or your Stuff/Friends/Pets/etc...
I might be alive but with +Nyx Adapum's advice people next to me won't be LOL
Great Picture You Have, Can You Please Give It To Me?
Nyx Adapum Oh god you're right, I've just skinned my cat.
this song speaks to me in ways i thought nothing helps me realize alot i love it :)
Halleluiah brother!
I'm 14 and love Static X, Soil, Three Days Grace, Hollywood Undead, Spineshank, Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold and Element Eighty.... oh yeah I forgot Bullet For My Valentine!
You still rocking out? 🤘
You are 22 now!!
Ten Thousand Fists is by far my favorite Album of all time!!!
Man, this is AWESOME!
Same to change liking disturbed I'd rather die
XD Oh heck yeah!!!!
this is so true this should be on the global news if there is any news cast like that.
the thing I treasure most in life.......cannot be taken away
I am aware that this song is not most suitable one to exemplify my point, but you Mr. Draiman, Sir have a brilliant command of the English language.
There will never be a reason why,i will surrender to your advice,to CHANGE my self I'd rather DIE!!!...
Bob Bobson Honestly that's bad advice, disturbed
I love the way that though the music is enough to move you the lyrics hit the sweet spot of making you listen to what he has to say without being preachy about it... *sigh ~ Disturbed is awesome :')
Awesome song!
Awesome profile picture.
MrTacoman007 Thank you! I find your icon cool!
Always original, and always gets me where I live 😍
wow... I'm a honors student at a catholic school who goes to church weekly, and I fucking love this band. why cause I interpret it with my faith. Look at it from this perspective:
the person saying the lyrics is a "slave"(for lack of a better word) who is now refusing to change at the hands of his task masters.
IRL: people like me refusing to let into peer pressure and the media. This song advocates being: drug free, abstanant, and an individual.
Jesse, this is EXCELLENT! And I stand with you on the meaning of this song all the way...
when the manager tries to show me an easier way to do my job
haha btw go cubs
i have been looking for this song but could never think of the name finall epicness has been restored to my life
The theme when the courier against ulysses
P.S. love the song
this comment deserves all the likes
You're horrible. So is the writing and acting for Lonesome Road.
Linkin Park, Disturbed, Rammstein, Slipknot - best bands of the 90's - glorious '94, '95, '96 streak xD Much respect and love!
So true but there are the best bands in history though
Finally found a song to play at my funeral. Just for the lols 😂
For my funeral, I'm gonna fill my body with popcorn kernels and get cremated... for the lols.😁
@ Qq l
@@coryparrish525 same!
Cory Parrish that sounds absolutely horrifying
@@Dkownzall it's a funeral, not a wedding
2018 I still love this song and it gets blasted every Friday night.
to change myself, i'd rather die!
love that part... :3
When it comes to fandom, no one can possibly be bigger.
I wish Disturbed made a cover for Paint It Black, by the Rolling Stones.
@@tawanahickey9234 Why are you replying to every comment saying just "ok"?
White walls with the lyrics of MULTIPLE Disturbed lyrics written in sharpie. My 5'5" blonde, dainty mom was so awesome for letting me express all parts of me... it helps that she was a fan, too.
Disturbed- I'm alive ( with Lyrics), When David Draiman puts together a song he does it well, because his Lyrics inspire a true life worth living, long live hard rock bands who impress us daily with their great job of electrifying music too warm the soul!
Thank you for this! I miss this kind of music. Today's pop is so awful. It will not take me alive!
The music you play when you finally realize you've beaten halo 1 2 3 and 4 on legendary
Michael Kean That day will never come for me I'm afraid.
Michael Kean
forget the assault rifle, hitch a ride on my Scorpion :D
Starchild3215 okay give me the cannon
Grabs cannon triggers sqeauls with joy then blows the hell out of wraith
Michael Kean
Be right back, gotta hijack a wraith.
Michael Kean Too bad you had to go through all that to finally listen to this masterpiece...
You did a very good job with the lyrics and the type of text you chose fits the song very good. Good job,dude!
See Goku, i told you redeeming Frieza was a bad idea!!
Edit: Bruh, 4 years later, i dont even remember commenting this. Im sorry y'all 😅
***** yeah!
The Chorus In This Song Is Amazing
I'm alive...? Who knew disturbed did
I love this song. Disturbed's songs are great and I love that I can find myself (sometimes) in them. I love Disturbed.
This song goes out to all you door-knocking Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, and any other religious nutter.
Um...ok then
Except, "religious nutters" only want what's best for you. Lol, that's like saying "You can't tell me what to do mom!" Of course, after reading 2 articles on 'the freed athiest' or some other religious hating site with a generic name like that you might automatically assume religiousness is about living like a cult follower. But really, in your obstinate behavior, you're lying to no one but yourself. In any case, this song goes out to athiests who harrass and mock and ridicule, and sometimes physically abuse, religious people for believing in their God. You won't change their mind, even killing them won't work, yet people like you still think harrassing them will change anything. LOL Funny enough, this song applies MANY times more for a religious person than an athiest. Wtf do athiests hold above everything else? (And that question is already hard enough to pin point btw) What? Their own life? If they did they sure as hell wouldn't die to protect their own life, nor would they "deny sin" as the song implies, if athiests don't believe in sin... Words the song mentions like "redemption","My sacrifice" "blessed" "salvation" ect. have nothing to do with a secular athiest world, it's more religiously tied than anything else. Also you listen to Talyor swift so shut up.
Maybe you should listen to the lyrics
Another poetic masterpiece by the great David Draiman and his talented musician comrades!! \m/ \m/
This it's their best song .
Oh I dont know "the game" is up there as well
been searching for this for ages damn feels good to finally listen to it
5:47 when the drugs kicks in
Great message, and even better as a song.
And i persive the song like a call of become in what you belive, in your conviction and values not in to a puppet or one more from the moob.
Honestly sounds like something V would chant.
B for Burrito.
your thumbnail will kill us all
Don't you mean a 'crazy person, that thinks he's a dog'?
Stormeris Don't you mean a crazy dog that thinks he's a person who thinks he's a dog?
Nice disturbed is awesome I'm live
''Hope you enjoy my second ever video, please tell me if its a good attempt in comments. thanx.'' How the truck is this your video? Don't act like this took any effort..
Whta the truck dude
He put the lyrics to it.....admittedly he couldn't even do that right, since he made the video several minutes too long but he did do something.
Nunca mais serei desolado
E nunca mais serei lembrado
de que vivemos dentro do mundo dos enfraquecidos
Eles matam minha inspiração
É minha obrigação
nunca mais deixar que isto aconteça
Onde começo?
As opções são infinitas
Negando o pecado
Minha arte, minha redenção
Eu carrego a tocha de meus pais diante de mim
A coisa que eu mais valorizo na vida não pode ser tirada de mim
Nunca haverá um motivo pelo qual cederei ao seu conselho
de mudar, prefiro morrer
Sozinhos não entenderemos
Farei o maior sacrifício
Você não pode prever onde isso acabará
Nunca me pegará vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Perigo, novamente não pode ser considerada
Eu enfureço novamente, dispersando minha raiva
Onde começo?
As opções são infinitas
Minha arte, minha redenção, minha única salvação
Eu carrego o dom com o qual fui abençoado
Minha alma à deriva em oceanos de loucura
Reparando o buraco que você criou
Não estou sozinho, irmãos me dêem seus braços agora
A coisa que eu mais valorizo na vida não pode ser tirada de mim
Nunca haverá um motivo pelo qual cederei ao seu conselho
de mudar, prefiro morrer
Sozinhos não entenderemos
Farei o maior sacrifício
Você não pode prever onde isso acabará
Nunca me pegará vivo!
Não sou escravo
Você se sente corajoso?
ou está enlouquecendo?
Nada mais de jogos
Não vai ser a mesma coisa
Se eu segurar minha raiva dentro de mim
Não há significado
Minha alma sangra
Tive demais do seu tipo
Uma sugestão, use seu discernimento
Antes de me considerar cego
A coisa que eu mais valorizo na vida não pode ser tirada de mim
Nunca haverá um motivo pelo qual cederei ao seu conselho
de mudar, prefiro morrer
Sozinhos não entenderemos
Farei o maior sacrifício
Você não pode prever onde isso acabará
Nunca me pegará vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
Estou vivo!
I'm Alive
Never again will I be desolate
And never again will I be reminded
We're living within the world of the jaded
They kill my inspiration
It's my obligation
To never again, allow this to happen
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
Denying the sin
My art, my redemption
I carry the torch of my fathers before me
The thing I treasure the most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your remorse
To change myself, I'd rather die
Lonely, we'll not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
Danger, then, cannot be considered
I rage again, dispelling my anger
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
My art, my redemption, my only salvation
I carry the gift that I have been blessed with
My soul is adrift the oceans of madness
Rehearing the rift that you have created
I end on the whole numbers, give me your arms now
The thing I treasure the most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your remorse
To change myself, I'd rather die
Lonely, we'll not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm no slave
Are you feeling brave?
Or have you gone out of your mind?
No more games
It won't feel the same
If I hold my anger inside
There's no meaning
My soul is bleeding
I've had enough of your kind
One sugestion, use your discretion,
Before you label me blind.
The thing I treasure the most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your remorse
To change myself, I'd rather die
Lonely, we'll not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
This song is awesome,
who else agrees,
that it would be
a good song, for Batman.
Awesome! There is no bad songs on this album, tell me why god?
This song explains my personality
your second song is better than most lyric videos i ave ever seen
I'm so proud to be a 12 year old metal- girl!!!
Great to see! Not enough younger people have any Appreciation for good old school tunes. Glad you are enjoying some light metal music that also pushes a good political agenda
Ur 23 now , time flies huh?
Brings back a lot of memories
all my friends hate this kind of my friends hate this kind if music but I was brought up around it so... they sy the lyrics are meaningless and they say it encourages its listeners to do nothing but when they actually listen to the lyrics `to change myself I'd rather die` or `there will' never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice` they realize that it encourages young people to love what they are and not change who they are
I just started getting into Disturbed. These guys rock!!
RIP Replay Button
I cannot do anything but agree with dem lyrics :D
As soon as I hear this song I remember of Itachi and Sasuke lol
Absolutely love it! Only thing I'd say is to cut out the minute and a half of black screen at the end. Other than that it was perfect!!!!
I am a little kid I am 9 and I sang the hole song
Good for you keep on rocking! your a rare breed my friend, DO NOT LET METAL DIE!
This world needs kids like you. Good job!
Keep on rocking kiddo! \m/
I can sing all their songs perfectly and I am a twelve year old girl, But all that aside this song fits me 100% because I feel so much pride in being a Nationalsozialistischen and listening to Disturbed, Genesis, Tears for Fears, Powerwolf, und Timeless miracle! Ignore the Deutsch on der word and, the, und national socialist it happens randomly und Ich just go with it.
This kind of thinking will benefit you greatly in life. Thank you.
"reparing the rift that you have created" so Gravity Falls
This was way before that show was even thought of.
Amazing video! Congrats for the editing and the quality. Thank u man!!!
i want to be alive.
Very enjoyable as long as I'm not actually watching the video.
So many misspelled words that it's embarrassing even for me as the reader.