All Characters Burst Animation Without Elemental Effect (OFF) is hilarious

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @conieishere
    @conieishere 10 місяців тому +443

    00:00 - Eula
    00:06 - Yae Miko
    00:15 - Sangonomiya Kokomi
    00:22 - Yelan
    00:31 - Raiden Shogun
    00:41 - Navia
    01:02 - Furina
    01:10 - Kamisato Ayaka
    01:16 - Shenhe
    01:24 - Keqing
    01:33 - Nilou
    01:45 - Hu Tao
    01:50 - Yoimiya
    01:54 - Mona
    01:57 - Ganyu
    02:03 - Jean
    02:13 - Dehya
    02:23 - Klee
    02:30 - Qiqi
    02:33 - Nahida
    02:44 - Neuvillette
    02:57 - Tighnari
    03:01 - Kaedehara Kazuha
    03:13 - Zhongli
    03:19 - Xiao
    03:27 - Alhaitham
    03:35 - Kamisato Ayato
    03:50 - Tartaglia
    03:54 - Wanderer
    04:02 - Baizhu
    04:05 - Diluc
    04:12 - Lyney
    04:26 - Venti
    04:35 - Wriothesley
    04:38 - Cyno
    04:49 - Lynette
    04:59 - Ningguang
    05:01 - Xiangling
    05:11 - Faruzan
    05:14 - Sucrose
    05:25 - Diona
    05:29 - Kuki Shinobu
    05:34 - Fischl
    05:36 - Beidou
    05:43 - Kirara
    05:47 - Barbara
    05:53 - Chevreuse
    06:04 - Yanfei
    06:06 - Yun Jin
    06:14 - Noelle
    06:17 - Kujou Sara
    06:23 - Yaoyao
    06:26 - Amber
    06:31 - Aloy
    06:35 - Sayu
    06:47 - Charlotte
    06:50 - Layla
    06:56 - Rosaria
    07:02 - Dori
    07:05 - Lisa
    07:07 - Collei
    07:13 - Candace
    07:23 - Xinyan
    07:34 - Xingqiu
    07:46 - Bennett
    07:49 - Heizou
    07:56 - Mika
    08:00 - Chongyun
    08:07 - Kaeya
    08:12 - Thoma
    08:15 - Gorou
    08:18 - Kaveh
    08:21 - Razor
    08:26 - Freminet
    sorry if theres any mistakes
    hope this helps someone :3

    • @helper_bot
      @helper_bot 10 місяців тому +13

      i notice that aloy in 4* list

    • @IzzyMezclado
      @IzzyMezclado 10 місяців тому +19

      There’s no Itto 😢

    • @harleyquinn7908
      @harleyquinn7908 10 місяців тому +20

      No albedo

    • @yvegi935
      @yvegi935 10 місяців тому +2

      No gf

    • @cursedcontent4207
      @cursedcontent4207 10 місяців тому +1

      If you ever feel like doing this sort of thing for movement skills or normal attacks, my suggestion is to position yourself on the edge of a flat surface with a cliff, that's what works for me. Some fenceposts also work, but if they're too skinny the character might fall off. Since characters don't step off cliffs when they swing their weapons, you can get a better view of them not moving around. Only downside is the footwork is a little more confusing since it doesn't coincide with their forward movement, but it's great for looking at the rest of the body. For sitations like Scaramouche, I think there are some domains with invisible walls that will work. I remember a couple event ones that did.

  • @meeperbeeper272
    @meeperbeeper272 10 місяців тому +1476

    xiao just looked drunk for a moment before violently flinging himself into the air lmao

  • @skyden4637
    @skyden4637 10 місяців тому +1676

    I love how Navia’s flower petal effects stayed but her *umbrella* is gone

    • @Zero_Li24
      @Zero_Li24 10 місяців тому +60

      It must've been part of her projectile(designed so as to not have to make another independent effect overlayed beside the other effects present in her skill animation, the umbrella, and the shotgun bullets).

    • @JustLienx
      @JustLienx 10 місяців тому +27


  • @froggycolouring
    @froggycolouring 10 місяців тому +1279


  • @BFAJPofficial
    @BFAJPofficial 10 місяців тому +647

    I love how neuvilette just goes into creative mode 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Scribzee2nd
      @Scribzee2nd 10 місяців тому +11

      As well as nahida

  • @nvaoox
    @nvaoox 10 місяців тому +400

    "it's showtime!" **dissappears**
    Also his weapon lagged at the end of his burst lol

    • @xiersome.
      @xiersome. 10 місяців тому +1


    • @PhilipWester
      @PhilipWester 10 місяців тому +3

      Disappeara, spins around, proceeds to shit out a pulsating cat puppet.

  • @rosalynelippington
    @rosalynelippington 10 місяців тому +794

    Love how Lyney at around 4:15 disappears. Fitting for a magician.

    • @redace4821
      @redace4821 10 місяців тому +58

      And man even appear out of thin air.

    • @mio0o0
      @mio0o0 10 місяців тому +40

      the fact that his bow is on his head LMAOO

    • @lakshaykochhar6799
      @lakshaykochhar6799 10 місяців тому +4

      Now, Can You See Me? - 3: Elseworld boogloo.

    • @shikanoinkyoko
      @shikanoinkyoko 10 місяців тому

      I was looking for this comment lmao

  • @nmplayer6674
    @nmplayer6674 10 місяців тому +284

    ayato skill be like the line in microsoft word waiting for user to type

  • @Lucifer_Abysseum
    @Lucifer_Abysseum 10 місяців тому +294

    I laughed audibly when sayu started rolling

  • @Sertice_and_cardamom
    @Sertice_and_cardamom 10 місяців тому +122

    Sara casually flipping off everyone 06:17

  • @karmaruki6618
    @karmaruki6618 10 місяців тому +62

    Other characters: Dissapearing, floating etc.
    Layla: Mostly the same, Unbothered, Still eepy

  • @Nil_Sama
    @Nil_Sama 10 місяців тому +174

    I turned off coop effects just so the game would run on my phone better, so this is literally what I see every time I coop lol~

    • @startea0412
      @startea0412 10 місяців тому +13

      Oh, yes. I remembered how my friend and I fight against geovishap, and when my friend used Bennett ult I didn't see his field😂

    • @scarab5876
      @scarab5876 10 місяців тому +22

      ​@@startea0412same, also with zhongli's pillar. i was so confuse why i'm climbing on air lol

    • @xKaeia
      @xKaeia 10 місяців тому +4

      I did this one time in coop then we were exploring high places and someone is using venti so we could get up. I was confused where to go to get flying.

    • @reality_101
      @reality_101 10 місяців тому

      Wait so you see THAT when they roll with sayu-

    • @Nil_Sama
      @Nil_Sama 10 місяців тому

      @@reality_101 See what??? 👀 Lol thankfully, I haven't seen anyone use Sayu in coop before. 😅

  • @doremi5039
    @doremi5039 10 місяців тому +234

    albedo left the chat

    • @saiyuraa
      @saiyuraa 10 місяців тому +26

      Maybe he never came home, he hasn’t had much reruns has he?

    • @startea0412
      @startea0412 10 місяців тому +1

      Maybe nothing disappeared in his animation

    • @destomu5866
      @destomu5866 10 місяців тому +15


    • @twobees5127
      @twobees5127 10 місяців тому +45

      Itto left with him

    • @Erucaleb7482
      @Erucaleb7482 10 місяців тому +30

      ​@@twobees5127dam they really took half of geo and ran😭😭

  • @thememelord465
    @thememelord465 10 місяців тому +225

    Funfact: Apparently the visual for fanfare(Furina's burst)is exactly how it is shown on this video because she is the only one who can see her salon members and the stage.

    • @dreadfulman5191
      @dreadfulman5191 10 місяців тому +81

      Schizophrenia gaming

    • @thebiggesthatersinworld
      @thebiggesthatersinworld 10 місяців тому +22

      500 years really affected her brain

    • @VrilloPurpura
      @VrilloPurpura 10 місяців тому +17

      You sure? In her vision story it says that her landlord told her "No pets allowed in these apartments - not even if they are a Gentilhomme or Surintendate"

    • @eternalgaming9705
      @eternalgaming9705 10 місяців тому +26

      They meant that in co-op other players see her like that

    • @PPolendina
      @PPolendina 10 місяців тому +4

      furina with the serious table flip 💀

  • @axusexo
    @axusexo 11 місяців тому +381

    Would be funny if bennet charge his E and then fall out that area 😂

  • @sedap_chocolate5368
    @sedap_chocolate5368 10 місяців тому +570

    Keqing and Dehya's burst make the Jade Chamber quaked

  • @legitlyspelunking
    @legitlyspelunking 10 місяців тому +71

    Nilou is just dancing, she doesn't even need a weapon 🥰

  • @tothebeyond6318
    @tothebeyond6318 10 місяців тому +496

    6:35 💀

    • @Fork_a_lore78
      @Fork_a_lore78 10 місяців тому +47


    • @BOC_FOC
      @BOC_FOC 10 місяців тому +16


    • @lukaurbankitek6019
      @lukaurbankitek6019 10 місяців тому +8

      I literally died when she just started rolling

    • @gojihead3195
      @gojihead3195 10 місяців тому

      NINJA! GOOO!!!!!!

    • @bdjsh-q1d
      @bdjsh-q1d 9 місяців тому


  • @clarittal
    @clarittal 10 місяців тому +145

    Lyney really doing magic tricks there

  • @greybey4385
    @greybey4385 10 місяців тому +17

    wriothesley looks like he's anticipating a punch, then hesitates and decides to follow through only a second later

  • @angelaorion3666
    @angelaorion3666 10 місяців тому +99

    Video: 😂😂😂
    Song: 😢💔😭

    • @parauid
      @parauid 10 місяців тому +5

      Unwarranted flashback

    • @kyoshikikresnik6972
      @kyoshikikresnik6972 10 місяців тому +4

      😢 Yep

    • @tot0N
      @tot0N 10 місяців тому +1

      It hits too hard
      Especially the moon holo

  • @FuraUtame
    @FuraUtame 10 місяців тому +111

    Lyney: disappears 4:17

    • @skyden4637
      @skyden4637 10 місяців тому +9


    • @scarab5876
      @scarab5876 10 місяців тому +4

      yelan with her skill too

    • @AminHekmaThoughts
      @AminHekmaThoughts 10 місяців тому +2

      Well we weren’t supposed to dig into his magic trick anyways

  • @AlejandroPzGz
    @AlejandroPzGz 10 місяців тому +440

    6:32 poor Aloy, treated like a 4 star when she is clearly a 3 star character

    • @Random_transPerson
      @Random_transPerson 10 місяців тому +35


    • @wandercrane
      @wandercrane 10 місяців тому +25

      She's a one star actually

    • @Slippersgobrr
      @Slippersgobrr 10 місяців тому +36

      She’s trying her best ok 😔 she can take down robot trexes in horizon. she’s just getting used to this world

    • @User-KomoK
      @User-KomoK 10 місяців тому +1

      Did you mean 1 star?

    • @Firefly-Simp-HSR
      @Firefly-Simp-HSR 10 місяців тому +3

      Holy shit cease fire lmao

  • @OhMySerena889
    @OhMySerena889 10 місяців тому +549

    03:42 Ayato is lagging

    • @cringe805
      @cringe805 10 місяців тому +29

      Ayato does the lag train

    • @titanz_god8435
      @titanz_god8435 10 місяців тому +15

      Shing- shing- shing- shing-

    • @Austeja608
      @Austeja608 10 місяців тому +2

      He doesn't lag
      Server lags

    • @Nwi-
      @Nwi- 10 місяців тому +1

      perfect 500 ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ

  • @sillypillar3
    @sillypillar3 10 місяців тому +79

    This is what you all look like in co-op

    • @Netsuki
      @Netsuki 10 місяців тому +3

      Actually, no. In co-op the effect still is played and You can see it.

    • @sillypillar3
      @sillypillar3 10 місяців тому +12

      @@Netsuki I must have been unclear, sorry. What I meant was there’s no background with the burst from a co-op point of view. For example with navia you can see her posing but the canons are only visible to whoever is playing her. The elemental effects , yes can be visible , but that depends on the burst animation itself. I hope that explains what I meant and clears any misunderstanding. I thank you for the correction though 👍

    • @Netsuki
      @Netsuki 10 місяців тому +3

      @@sillypillar3 Yes and no. Some effects are single player only, like You mentioned. But there are effects that every player sees. If You see blue background and Neuvillette floats, he's doing the burst. But even single player person can't see it if instead of getting the animation, You just get third person view. Sometimes it happens and then there is no background iirc.

    • @sillypillar3
      @sillypillar3 10 місяців тому +3

      @@Netsuki again I thank you for the correction. You’re right, some parts of the burst animations are visible in third person for other players, if I’m not mistaken. I failed to mention that so I’m grateful you filled that in for me.

  • @xAtlatus
    @xAtlatus 10 місяців тому +178

    i still think all the animations and everything are very well done even without all the special effects, they really put good work in all their animations and everyone still looks elegant and good, i mean i bet the animators themselves had to animate these characters without all the special effects, so they made sure they somehow still looked great.
    the only thing why it might look funny is because the weapons don't work at some parts wich may make some things look a bit off and funny, but i still think every character looks great but the special effects just give it extra stuff-

    • @reality_101
      @reality_101 10 місяців тому +3

      Meanwhile Sayu skill:

    • @xAtlatus
      @xAtlatus 10 місяців тому

      @@reality_101 shhh we dont have to talk about that one~

  • @Aowyn05
    @Aowyn05 10 місяців тому +49

    i love how fischl and lyney just disappear lol

  • @YourSecretAdmirror
    @YourSecretAdmirror 10 місяців тому +42

    No one:
    Sayu : ROLL

  • @kewro
    @kewro 10 місяців тому +7

    watching this feels like growing up and realizing you and your friends didn't actually have superpowers but still had fun playing as heroes

  • @supremeoverlord0
    @supremeoverlord0 10 місяців тому +63

    Chongyun and Yelan have such elegant movements for their burst...

  • @andregoncalves9060
    @andregoncalves9060 10 місяців тому +37

    Sayu was the absolute masterpiece of this video

  • @quackyman796
    @quackyman796 10 місяців тому +19

    Honkai World Diva, Moon Halo, and Da Capo truly is cultured 🗿

  • @User-KomoK
    @User-KomoK 10 місяців тому +27

    Honkai World diva.......
    You make me cry.

  • @stellaandfluffy9300
    @stellaandfluffy9300 10 місяців тому +22

    Lyney actually did a magic trick🥲

  • @bjornnilsson2941
    @bjornnilsson2941 10 місяців тому +12

    Rosaria still has one of the coolest ones even without the effect, her drop kicking a huge spear into the ground never gets old. Sayu's roll had me gasping for air tho :D

  • @MarineRX179
    @MarineRX179 10 місяців тому +35

    Genshin without Elemental Effects:
    Fischl: So many chuunibyou friends

  • @larajamila005
    @larajamila005 10 місяців тому +11

    I did hear from a video before that good animation can stand on its own even without special effects. And yeah, this still looks really good

  • @appleworm7196
    @appleworm7196 10 місяців тому +9

    the honkai music is giving me flashbacks lol

  • @columbinadamselettefan
    @columbinadamselettefan 10 місяців тому +14

    1:03 furina magically aged 50 years😔😔

  • @houlen
    @houlen  11 місяців тому +76

    00:00 5★ Character
    04:45 4★ Character

  • @rosalynelippington
    @rosalynelippington 10 місяців тому +19

    2:56. He still has some hydro effects bcs he’s the dragon sovereign lol /j

  • @sergeanthuman
    @sergeanthuman 10 місяців тому +12

    love cynos lighting on his burst, from the eyes to the glow 4:38

  • @mrgraynyx4705
    @mrgraynyx4705 10 місяців тому +12

    Sayu just becomes a tumbleweed

  • @noiringue
    @noiringue 10 місяців тому +35

    omg ive used kuki for almost a year now and i NEVER notice the spinny hand she did after her burst thats so freaking cool!! 😭😭

  • @mensoamrojewel3326
    @mensoamrojewel3326 10 місяців тому +44

    00:22 I can watch Yelan all day. Animation was so smooth too.

  • @ViIsHereLittleWhispering-km1eh
    @ViIsHereLittleWhispering-km1eh 10 місяців тому +9

    Xingqiu’s unanimated flip is so elegant

  • @yurifassarella2401
    @yurifassarella2401 10 місяців тому +1

    "Honey, the pregnancy test was positive!"
    *My father 0.02 milliseconds later: **04:17*

  • @starmoral5456
    @starmoral5456 10 місяців тому +2

    Zhongli: **crosses arms** **world explodes**

  • @its_amberpanda4252
    @its_amberpanda4252 10 місяців тому +1

    Lyney is such a good magician he made himself disappear into thin air :o

  • @kiyomidies
    @kiyomidies 10 місяців тому +7


  • @halfbee7886
    @halfbee7886 10 місяців тому +1

    Them without the burst animation are just a bunch of idols that are good at choreography. I love it.

  • @HayleyEnkeds
    @HayleyEnkeds 10 місяців тому

    Everyone: enjoying the video, having fun while watching
    Honkai impact players: crying to the music

  • @akiko_mei
    @akiko_mei 10 місяців тому +5

    4:15 - 4:25 music fits perfectly

  • @t.tamago
    @t.tamago 10 місяців тому +9

    Venti just ascended 😭

  • @mizucos7
    @mizucos7 10 місяців тому +3

    8:17 Kaveh just... being a normal person😂

  • @Ditto738
    @Ditto738 10 місяців тому +1

    Navia:with this sacred treasure...

  • @simplyjahz1313
    @simplyjahz1313 10 місяців тому +7

    Thanks for making this video! This actually helps me draw poses like some of the genshin characters :DD

  • @9faris3
    @9faris3 10 місяців тому +2

    Yelan's burst is truly hialrious. She is like a predator that can hunt bad people
    But her burst is just her making a pose which actually makes her open to attack from enemy LOL

  • @kokomiyayeah
    @kokomiyayeah 9 місяців тому

    the fact nilou still looks flawless because her burst is her dancing is mesmerizing.

  • @wortelenak2879
    @wortelenak2879 10 місяців тому +2

    2:50 i always curious how neuvillette look like from the front LOLL THANK YOU SO MUCH

  • @JustLienx
    @JustLienx 10 місяців тому +6

    Neuvillette's one is the same thing but without his walking stick 😭

  • @voicelessyy_200
    @voicelessyy_200 10 місяців тому +5

    I just stayed coz of the sound tracks 😅😊

  • @ruikasasfixer
    @ruikasasfixer 10 місяців тому +7

    Kazuha looks normal with or without effects tbh

  • @Rosebxsh
    @Rosebxsh 10 місяців тому

    My faves:
    Ayato: *FULL STOP*
    Yelan: GO SEGZEE *strikes a pose*
    Neuvi:/gamemode creative
    Lyney: the true magic is in the hat🙃
    Lynette: naruto :)
    Xiangling: guoba farting
    Sayu: tanuki abuse

  • @rosalynelippington
    @rosalynelippington 10 місяців тому +5

    It’s so cool how Keqing goes invisible for a sec

  • @rosalynelippington
    @rosalynelippington 10 місяців тому +12

    HI3rd players rn: 😭😫😩

  • @Esmeyippie
    @Esmeyippie 10 місяців тому +2

    Navia's umbrella disappearing implies it's most likely some sort of Geo construct which is funny😭

  • @heavyblastoise
    @heavyblastoise 10 місяців тому +1

    Hutao just flinging empty air around is probably what the others see because.. yknow.. it being a ghost and all that

  • @CremeFrappe13-sh4ui
    @CremeFrappe13-sh4ui 10 місяців тому +3

    Just me staying for the music

  • @brabbits5308
    @brabbits5308 10 місяців тому +1

    Bro yae looks like an anime opening scene

  • @IceBladeCards
    @IceBladeCards 10 місяців тому +1

    1:03 TOO CUTE

  • @Lovelypeachesate
    @Lovelypeachesate 9 місяців тому +1

    Even after this long the audio made me sad 😢

  • @alstaa3434
    @alstaa3434 10 місяців тому +4

    It's called BACK GROUND music for a reason. But yeah play it louder.

  • @InotNari
    @InotNari 10 місяців тому +2

    4:24 Lyney you alright bro

  • @spaceusagid00dles
    @spaceusagid00dles 10 місяців тому +12

    Bro where's Itto and Albedo?? 😭

  • @Malam_NightYoru
    @Malam_NightYoru 10 місяців тому +1

    Xinyan Animations: S TIER
    oh my, did she was a little stronger she would be one of my fav all time lmao
    Also Keqing literally disappearing for almost an entire second and reappearing with a pose is so fitting for how fast she is supposed to be

  • @Rika-sensei
    @Rika-sensei 10 місяців тому +8

    Why all the depressing music in the back😭

  • @TheKyleStylez
    @TheKyleStylez 10 місяців тому +3

    neuvillette straight up looks like hes fly hacking o-o 2:45

  • @jokeisnonexistent6045
    @jokeisnonexistent6045 10 місяців тому +1

    i demand apology video with tears for putting aloy in the 4 star section

  • @TheTAB56
    @TheTAB56 10 місяців тому +1

    Hu tao literally Does a SUPER CRANE KICK while she uses her burst

  • @toxic_icecream
    @toxic_icecream 10 місяців тому +1

    When Keqing just disappeared I lost it.
    But there is something missing: Dehya skill has 2 animations and Chillde has 2 burst animations.

  • @Shubert-hp8bi
    @Shubert-hp8bi 10 місяців тому +1

    kaveh holding air is everything to me for some reason😂

  • @ThisIsPampkin
    @ThisIsPampkin 10 місяців тому +1

    Dehya can do a Second E and she'll do a sick backflip

  • @arunsk3325
    @arunsk3325 10 місяців тому

    Damn you didn't waste venti's burst. Timmy would be proud😂

  • @lairaviancabautista5496
    @lairaviancabautista5496 10 місяців тому +4

    Layla's burst is so beautiful :) match with Ayato's burst to keep the enemies in place.

  • @gegek3955
    @gegek3955 10 місяців тому +1

    The day when videos like these include both of Childe's bursts is the day I can rest easy
    Also the music choice probably ended the stray HI3rd fan

  • @kyoeix814
    @kyoeix814 9 місяців тому +1

    is it just me or ayato looks like someone playing with above 200 ping 🤣

  • @isaisbaela
    @isaisbaela 10 місяців тому +4

    Sayu and Ayato are so funny omg

  • @decayexx2
    @decayexx2 10 місяців тому +4

    why did i almost start crying when the honkai music set in 😭😭😭😭

  • @flowergrill_
    @flowergrill_ 10 місяців тому +2

    Ayato 999 ping animation 😭😭

  • @kristonoprod
    @kristonoprod 10 місяців тому +8

    i love this song ❤️

  • @hurtfashion8699
    @hurtfashion8699 10 місяців тому +2

    Bro said I have the power of god and anime on my side 💀

  • @SonitaTrinidad
    @SonitaTrinidad 10 місяців тому +3

    Me playing with 999 ping: * 0:11 *

  • @evantheatheist
    @evantheatheist 10 місяців тому +1

    Keqing just disappearing goes hard

  • @jessigraphiel9048
    @jessigraphiel9048 10 місяців тому +4

    Honkai World Diva ❤

  • @mikiswordbreaker4805
    @mikiswordbreaker4805 10 місяців тому +1

    Love how Yae Miko disappearing effect like a ghost teasing its prey😅..she is indeed fox demon..

  • @yoisakikanade_
    @yoisakikanade_ 10 місяців тому +1

    Nahh dehya fighting her demons

  • @sharkpower664
    @sharkpower664 10 місяців тому +1

    keqing just disappear and appears out of nowhere 💀

  • @uhmmmm1dk
    @uhmmmm1dk 10 місяців тому

    Lament of the fallen theme, moon halo and graduation trip theme all in the background making me cryyyyy

  • @BlueNecromancer-Blue-
    @BlueNecromancer-Blue- 10 місяців тому +2

    Ayia, no the Hi3 music... curse you... but still the animations are hilarious tho.