@yellowstar234: that is awesome you want to visit Mecca, especially being you are Christian, but unfortunately, to go inside Mecca and to see the Kaaba, you must be Muslim. They are strict about this rule, because of how sacred this site is for Muslims. I'm a convert from Christianity to Islam... And I LOVE it! I cannot wait to take my hajj one day, Insha'Allah (God Willing) and to finally see this wonderful place!
good,as muslim i am proud of that,and if u get the muslim you are now my sister and i respect u and if u dont mind u can change urs name.i have subscribed urs channel now.thanks
I am from indonesia,i have propous to hajj and must queue for 20 years..now i am 45 years old..ya allah please give me time live in is world until i can come to your home,aamiin...aamiin ya robbalalamin.
As Salaam Alaikum...may Allah, Almighty Bless the Hajjis, and give us some of the answer for which they prayed at His Holy house, the Kaaba... and we pray that we all see ourselves as those who will lead the world to a better moral, mental, and spiritual place than it finds itself in today...ameen....alhamdulillah
Mashaallah, ovais ahmad qadry mujadidi qadiree walieee greet you from india. Allah give you more courage to Islamic practice. Spread peace in whole world. Wassalam
May Allah SWT guide all us on the straight path always ❤❤amen alhamdolillah Allah hu akbar subhanallah mashallah beautiful😍❤✨ 💕💘❤💯😭🕋🕋🕋💯😭❤💘💕😭alhamdolillah Allah hu akbar subhanallah mashallah
Inshallah I will go but not with crowd too many people maybe umrah hajj but even umrah hajj is so crowd at least I can stay longer take my time to pray Inshallah if god willing
It has all changed now. Numbers are kept to a minimum. I am afraid of crowds too but it was not like what they show on TV. I was there in August 2018... Alhamdulillah
*So happy to see the School Teacher pray for Peace. I feel it. Feel under attack in my job applications, professional school application and livable wage jobs with 401K. They reject but take much less qualifies, callous employees over me & they suffer but still won't hire me. Such arrogance & pride to their own profit loss*
In the name of Allah bless all people around the world thanks again Allah love us Allah bless all day today and tomorrow Allah bless all Allah is alive Allah is good Allah is love Thank you so very very much Allah
Bismillahir rahmaniir Rahiim! Hajj is an Islamic obligation of all Muslims with means to Allah swt by the Quran Alone. Hajj Kissing the Kaaba after 7 rounds of tawaf is a Symbolic greetings, embrace & kisses to Allah swt & to all our brothers & sisters in Islam, signifying Brotherhood, Equality & Unity of believers, by the Quran Alone, regardless of color, nationality, status, title or class without distinction or favor. Masha'allah! Subhanallah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu'akbar!
@TheForeignStudios not exactly "leave Jesus for Allah" , Islam is the believe in : - Belief in Allah"God" (Who is One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent) - Belief in His Angels - Belief in His Messengers (Noah, Abrahim, Isaac, Jacob, David, solomon,.... Moses, Jesus, Muhammed) - Belief in His Books - Belief in the Last Day(of judgement) - Belief in Destiny (Pre-Ordainment) it's good and the bad
Bismillahir rahmaniir Rahiim! Quran is a must for reading by all people of the World. Allah swt did not Will in the Quran for people to be divided as children of Adam but as One Ummah, One Brotherhood & One Nation under Him by the Quran Alone as the TRUTH, His Only Purpose, Law, Guidance & Way of Life for all of Mankind from Adam till end of time, the Only Path to Eternal Life in Heaven. But the majority of the people commonly neglected to understand the Quran. People claiming as Muslims are not an exception in people who neglected the Quran to understand & follow as Only Way of Life. United Nations & Governments of the World are not governed by the Quran but Charter, Constitution & Laws of men against Allah's Mighty Will in the Quran. Subhanallah! Allahu'akbar!
the word Allah is Arabic for God .Your Christian Bibles that are written in Arabic Use the word Allah for God and Jesus PBUH prayed to God .If you say Jesus is God then who did Jesus pray to Wen he said "OH Lord OH Lord why hath thou forsaken me" Im quite sure he was not praying to himself? so Daniel Freudenberg i dare u to take the Quraan oneday and read this book u fear so much.I mean if brave enuf then surely it will have no affect :)
Sad but true... song by metallica.. People dont want to know the truth, he fear that he will know, so prevent is better than cure for them. So they prevent to read. abd make accusing bad name on islam
@Vam pire : Allah is the CREATOR of all things. (Qur'an 2:117) " To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is. (Qur'an 39:62) " Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs. (Qur'an 40:62) " Such is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of all things, there is no GOD but He: Then how ye are deluded away from the Truth! ALLAH CREATED JESUS. (Qur'an 3:59) similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was. Jesus ALSO called On ALLAH (Eli in Hebrew). (Matthew 27:46) " And about three o’clock Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “MY GOD, MY GOD, why have you forsaken me?” THERE IS NO DEITY EXCEPT ALLAH The QAABA in BACA (NOW MAKKA) IS THE HOUSE OF ALLAH. As meantioned in the Qur'an as well as the bible. (Qur'an 3:96) " The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at BACA: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: BIBLE: (PSALMS 84:3-8) " Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at thy altars, OLord of hosts, my King and my God. 4. Blessed are those who dwell in THY HOUSE, ever singing thy praise! Selah 5. Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. 6. As they go through the valley of BACA they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with pools. 7. THEY GO FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH; the God of gods will be seen in Zion. 8. O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob!Selah
@Vam pire : Allah is God of all, not for Arabs only. Allah created the first human (ADAM) before the languages and tribes. We are all created from a single pair (Adam and eve). (Qur'an 49:13) " O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). Allah MEANSIONED in the Qur'an the way you were created in the MOTHER'S WOMB, and scientifically proven right. (Qur'an 16: 78 )" It is He (Allah) Who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affections: that ye may give thanks (to Allah). (Qur'an 39:6) " He (Allah) created you (all) from a single person: then created, of like nature, his mate; and he sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs: He (Allah) MAKES YOU, IN THE WOMBS OF YOUR MOTHERS, IN STAGES, ONE AFTER ANOTHER, IN THREE VEILS OF DARKNESS. such is Allah, your Lord and Cherisher: to Him belongs (all) dominion. There is no god but He: then how are ye turned away (from your true Centre)? In verse Allah is mentioning he created us (human) in three stages and in the three darkness in our mother's womb. Just recently the science proved it right , that there are three darknesses. Scientificaly known as: 1. Darkness of anterior abdominal wall 2. Darkness of uterine wall 3. Darkness of amniochorionic membrane. Then Allah meantioned the three stages of HUMAN CREATION: ( Qur'an 23:14) " Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create! The three stages scientificaly known as 1. Pre-embryonic stage 2. Embryonic stage 3. The Fetal stage SO SUBMIT YOUR WILL TO THE WILL OF ONE GOD (ALLAH) = ISLAM.
Iam didn't go haji ya Allah Open the door for me came haji I don't have money to came haji Iam ollwas parying to Allah Open the door y rabe ammen summa ammen Islam zindabat Allah bless oll.of Muslimin brother in the world y rabe ammen
Good business for Al Saoud! if i got money for Hajj, i will give it to the poor. it's weird when you pass hungry neighbors and ignore their plight and continue on to buy a ticket for the Hajj. Hajj money must be distributed to poor Muslims. Samali people die of hunger while the Gulf Arabs are overweight! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeird!
Unfortunately the commentator is misleading regarding how women dress for the pilgrimage to Makka. In fact women dress normally, but should cover themselves modestly as commanded in the quran and they are not required to wear white dresses unless that was what they normally wore. Its only the men who are supposed to wear two pieces of shrouds with nothing that is sown like pants and vests.
President Jefferson on Islam in Islam: This is an interesting piece of history...... In 1786, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson met with Arab diplomats from Tunisia, who were conducting terror raids and piracy against American ships (Barbary Pirates). Writing to John Jay, Thomas Jefferson described what he saw as the main issue and the reason why they were attacking Americans who had done them no harm. The following quote is from Thomas Jefferson.... “We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretensions to make war upon a Nation who had done them no Injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our Friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation. THE AMBASSADOR ANSWERED US THAT IT WAS FOUNDED ON THE LAWS OF THEIR PROPHET, THAT IT WAS WRITTEN IN THEIR KORAN, THAT ALL NATIONS WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED THEIR AUTHORITY WERE SINNERS, THAT IT WAS THEIR RIGHT AND DUTY TO MAKE WAR UPON THEM WHEREVER THEY COULD BE FOUND, AND TO MAKE SLAVES OF ALL THEY COULD TAKE AS PRISONERS, AND THAT EVERY MUSSELMAN (MUSLIM) WHO SHOULD BE SLAIN IN BATTLE WAS SURE TO GO TO PARADISE" Were these the words and actions which forced our founding fathers, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adam to denounce Islam as an abomination an opinion shared by Mark Twain and Winston Churchill. Nusrat Rizvi Palm City, Fl
Praise the Lord most high above Allah above 🌞🌗⭐🌙above false kings false gods. 😂😅☝✌👍 Someday I will go there Inshallah on that desert that all prophets was born there from noah to mosess to muhamed & son of virgin🌹maryam 😄😃😀😁
i dont know u but whoevr u are...please with true heart think 1. have you ever thoroughly read your religious book what ever it may be if no then how could you think of switching ...!! 2.have anybody except a muslim told u that it is a good religion , i bet no no ..so its just like some one saying " because i am mexican and it is the most civilized and richest country in world " 3.if u could just single out one muslim country in this world which is civilised or having peace
so you're talking about civilize? no need to educate muslims because muslims were teaching algebra when we westeners were painting our face blue and living in the forest.. without muslims you still think the aeroplane is bird
@345678894 True but they are not sacrificing anything, they are being rewarded plus it is only obligatory for Muslims who have the health and money to do so, once in a lifetime too. You seem like you believe in God, where is your respect to different religions (Islam)??
Jesus died for your sin means your penalty has been paid. Therefore, if you want to be forgiven you MUST repent from you sin. Repentance is essential condition for free forgiveness without penalty. So if you really want forgiveness of your sin to escape judgment of your sin(;hell) on the last day, then I INVITE YOU to REPENT which means turn your back from sin. And on that condition of changed heart and mind Jesus will forgive you and you will go to paradise.
Brother i think you need to watch dr jakir Naik and Reza Aslan lecture about who was really jesus and what was his message What you have as Christians religion is actually created by Roman king and Paul not by jesus peace be upon him
Is Jesus God? according to him in the bible "by myself I can do nothing.. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will.. Jesus said he can do nothing without God. how can he be God? keep on thump sucking.. You're the one who should repent.. I swear the heinous of all sin is worshipping other god than the creator alone
Mecca and Medina (and of course Saudi Arabia) are very interesting. I wanna visit them but I'm a Jew (a gay Jew at that) and I feel like I'm not welcome. I hope it'll change in the future.
Sorry, but it is not going to change, because no one can enter Mecca nor Medina but Muslims. If you are interested, there are plenty of videos showing the sights with background history and the purpose in everything they do on full explanation in depth details about their practice.
First study in islam please whatch Mufti menk ' S video And more other islamic video's We are believe You're prophet mosis (Moosa ibn Imran (S) ) He was a muslim
House of Allah Lord God of the whole World Build-up by Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ishmael and Allah God of the Prophets Abraham Ishmael Isaac Jacob David Moses Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad Last and Final Messenger of Allah God
When Christians say Jesus PBUH paid for sins and then say when u sin u gta repent still! quite strange its like going to a amusement park when u enter they say the rides are free.Then wen u want to go on the rollercoster they say no that ride u cant go on then u also cant go on the fareswheel ....the irony
Dont need if u cannt afford, it not force. but who CAN go. Because it holy land. Majority muslim never go there.. when u go there, u will see all people same, if u son of king, bilionaire, black white,.. u have no diffrent.. u wear the same clothes like other.. that time is u will feel, how small u are in crowd.. this only small, after life, all people from adam untill last will assembly togther,
FIRE to papa: You need to travel all the way to the House of your LORD (Allah). Because QAABA is the blessed HOUSE OF THE LORD. According to the bible all nations will be going there. (ISAIAH 2:2) " It shall come to pass in the latter days that the MOUNTAIN OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; AND ALL THE NATIONS SHALL FLOW TO IT".
Jesus was not a prophet as many muslims claimed, he was born into the flesh to the Virgin Mary his mother. He was many things a carpenter, a rabbi, a teacher. At the begging of time on earth there were no religions at all. Religions are man made.
we believe in that too. We believe that he was a miracle and his born was a miracle. We also believe that he has died yet, God almighty took him up to the heaven and one day 'he will come back to the earth and he will be against you and' that is mentioned in the Bible not the koraan.
@@fartsniffa8043 what I am trying to say is your grandfathers not a Muslim Arab Muslims forcely converted your grandmother into Islam even kid can understand history what's happened those days , you guys are still believing Allah is god and sucking Mohamad is messenger of God , think clearly no god say to humans to kill other religions 🖕
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahu wa Barakotuh my🌙 Muslim Brothers and Sisters Love from Russia
Wa alaikum salam wa rohmatullah wa barokatuh. Love from Indonesia 🇮🇩
Wa Alaikum wasalam Warahmatulahi Wabarakatu love from Austin TX USA
Alhamdulillah...every Muslim 've the chance to go to Mecca & Madinah if one is financially& physically affordable...In sya' Allah
Salam ukhwah from Malaysia...
Ilove russian muslim brother's and sisters I'm form india kerala stete
@yellowstar234: that is awesome you want to visit Mecca, especially being you are Christian, but unfortunately, to go inside Mecca and to see the Kaaba, you must be Muslim. They are strict about this rule, because of how sacred this site is for Muslims. I'm a convert from Christianity to Islam... And I LOVE it! I cannot wait to take my hajj one day, Insha'Allah (God Willing) and to finally see this wonderful place!
Only God alone judges who is Muslim and Ultra-orthodox jews have Kaaba symbol, wearing on their foreheads
I am praying for Jessica have going for Hajj...Insya Allah.
Aamiin yaa robbunaa for my brother
good,as muslim i am proud of that,and if u get the muslim you are now my sister and i respect u and if u dont mind u can change urs name.i have subscribed urs channel now.thanks
yes off course
Piss be upon Allah....Piss be upon Mohamed....and Piss be upon the unholy Quran which I use to wipe my ass.....have a nice day....
@@mikemanners1069 that's rude would you like it if I did it on your religion?
I love all of u so much Muslim American from your brother 🇲🇾
Hi bang
@@elonmusk42 Malaysian
I am from indonesia,i have propous to hajj and must queue for 20 years..now i am 45 years old..ya allah please give me time live in is world until i can come to your home,aamiin...aamiin ya robbalalamin.
Ya RABB, grant us to visit one day as I am student now
Ameen... Thum Aameen
Masha Allah subhaanalla
May Allah bless us all
As Salaam Alaikum...may Allah, Almighty Bless the Hajjis, and give us some of the answer for which they prayed at His Holy house, the Kaaba... and we pray that we all see ourselves as those who will lead the world to a better moral, mental, and spiritual place than it finds itself in today...ameen....alhamdulillah
Mashaallah, ovais ahmad greet you from india.
Masha Allah
Mashaallah, ovais ahmad qadry mujadidi qadiree walieee greet you from india. Allah give you more courage to Islamic practice. Spread peace in whole world. Wassalam
In sha allah i will go there....how amazing to see that in the eyes of GOD is equal...no poor nor rich...
And may God bless him, who is 🌹🌹
May Allah SWT guide all us on the straight path always ❤❤amen alhamdolillah Allah hu akbar subhanallah mashallah beautiful😍❤✨ 💕💘❤💯😭🕋🕋🕋💯😭❤💘💕😭alhamdolillah Allah hu akbar subhanallah mashallah
Masha Allah Subhanallah Ameen
Labbaik allah humma labbaik
ALLAH inkke hajj ko kabool farmaye Ameen ya rabbal aalmeen India
Allah amin
I love Muslim ❤❤❤
Inshallah I will go but not with crowd too many people maybe umrah hajj but even umrah hajj is so crowd at least I can stay longer take my time to pray Inshallah if god willing
Yasmine Nazarine try to go in safar, when the crowd is not so much. May Allah make it easy for you and reward you.
Crowd is tested for u. How u will handle your patient
It has all changed now. Numbers are kept to a minimum. I am afraid of crowds too but it was not like what they show on TV. I was there in August 2018... Alhamdulillah
Nak naik haji nanti benarhkok
Just trust in Allmighty GOD and do what you have to do for his sake and pray for all your loved
sister i respect your opnion ..... but if you love anybody you have to go the way they want you too not the way you want to do it ......
Masha allah alhamdulillah
*So happy to see the School Teacher pray for Peace. I feel it. Feel under attack in my job applications, professional school application and livable wage jobs with 401K. They reject but take much less qualifies, callous employees over me & they suffer but still won't hire me. Such arrogance & pride to their own profit loss*
I want to go so badly but no money.
Assalam o alaikum to all
Allahu akbar ☝️
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
سبحان الله
سبحان الله سبحان الله
سبحان الله سبحان الله سبحان الله
سبحان الله سبحان الله
سبحان الله
جزاك اللهُ
الله أكبر
في أمان الله
Mantab muslim subhanalloh smoga dal lindungan Alloh Amiin
May Allah protect muslims from infidels around the world
Love &bless everybody accept islam
Assalam Alaikkum
Pl download
"Islamone" from playstore ۰۔۰۔۰۔۰۔۰
In the name of Allah bless all people around the world thanks again Allah love us Allah bless all day today and tomorrow Allah bless all Allah is alive
Allah is good
Allah is love
Thank you so very very much Allah
Allahu akbar
Mudan nantinaik haji benarhkok
Bismillahir rahmaniir Rahiim!
Hajj is an Islamic obligation of all Muslims with means to Allah swt by the Quran Alone. Hajj Kissing the Kaaba after 7 rounds of tawaf is a Symbolic greetings, embrace & kisses to Allah swt & to all our brothers & sisters in Islam, signifying Brotherhood, Equality & Unity of believers, by the Quran Alone, regardless of color, nationality, status, title or class without distinction or favor. Masha'allah! Subhanallah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu'akbar!
@TheForeignStudios not exactly "leave Jesus for Allah" , Islam is the believe in :
- Belief in Allah"God" (Who is One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent)
- Belief in His Angels
- Belief in His Messengers (Noah, Abrahim, Isaac, Jacob, David, solomon,.... Moses, Jesus, Muhammed)
- Belief in His Books
- Belief in the Last Day(of judgement)
- Belief in Destiny (Pre-Ordainment) it's good and the bad
Bismillahir rahmaniir Rahiim!
Quran is a must for reading by all people of the World. Allah swt did not Will in the Quran for people to be divided as children of Adam but as One Ummah, One Brotherhood & One Nation under Him by the Quran Alone as the TRUTH, His Only Purpose, Law, Guidance & Way of Life for all of Mankind from Adam till end of time, the Only Path to Eternal Life in Heaven.
But the majority of the people commonly neglected to understand the Quran. People claiming as Muslims are not an exception in people who neglected the Quran to understand & follow as Only Way of Life. United Nations & Governments of the World are not governed by the Quran but Charter, Constitution & Laws of men against Allah's Mighty Will in the Quran.
Subhanallah! Allahu'akbar!
Women wearing white dresses isn't necessary but men must
...even men can also wear coloured dress if they could not afford white one.
American muslims from amerika ber haji
the word Allah is Arabic for God .Your Christian Bibles that are written in Arabic Use the word Allah for God and Jesus PBUH prayed to God .If you say Jesus is God then who did Jesus pray to Wen he said "OH Lord OH Lord why hath thou forsaken me" Im quite sure he was not praying to himself?
so Daniel Freudenberg i dare u to take the Quraan oneday and read this book u fear so much.I mean if brave enuf then surely it will have no affect :)
Sad but true... song by metallica..
People dont want to know the truth, he fear that he will know, so prevent is better than cure for them. So they prevent to read. abd make accusing bad name on islam
@Vam pire : Allah is the CREATOR of all things.
(Qur'an 2:117) " To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is.
(Qur'an 39:62) " Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs.
(Qur'an 40:62) " Such is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of all things, there is no GOD but He: Then how ye are deluded away from the Truth!
(Qur'an 3:59) similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.
Jesus ALSO called On ALLAH (Eli in Hebrew).
(Matthew 27:46) " And about three o’clock Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “MY GOD, MY GOD, why have you forsaken me?”
As meantioned in the Qur'an as well as the bible.
(Qur'an 3:96) " The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at BACA: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
BIBLE: (PSALMS 84:3-8) " Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at thy altars, OLord of hosts, my King and my God. 4. Blessed are those who dwell in THY HOUSE, ever singing thy praise! Selah 5. Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. 6. As they go through the valley of BACA they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with pools. 7. THEY GO FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH; the God of gods will be seen in Zion. 8. O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob!Selah
@Vam pire : Allah is God of all, not for Arabs only. Allah created the first human (ADAM) before the languages and tribes.
We are all created from a single pair (Adam and eve).
(Qur'an 49:13) " O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).
Allah MEANSIONED in the Qur'an the way you were created in the MOTHER'S WOMB, and scientifically proven right.
(Qur'an 16: 78 )" It is He (Allah) Who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affections: that ye may give thanks (to Allah).
(Qur'an 39:6) " He (Allah) created you (all) from a single person: then created, of like nature, his mate; and he sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs: He (Allah) MAKES YOU, IN THE WOMBS OF YOUR MOTHERS, IN STAGES, ONE AFTER ANOTHER, IN THREE VEILS OF DARKNESS. such is Allah, your Lord and Cherisher: to Him belongs (all) dominion. There is no god but He: then how are ye turned away (from your true Centre)?
In verse Allah is mentioning he created us (human) in three stages and in the three darkness in our mother's womb.
Just recently the science proved it right , that there are three darknesses.
Scientificaly known as:
1. Darkness of anterior abdominal wall
2. Darkness of uterine wall
3. Darkness of amniochorionic membrane.
Then Allah meantioned the three stages of HUMAN CREATION:
( Qur'an 23:14) " Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create!
The three stages scientificaly known as
1. Pre-embryonic stage
2. Embryonic stage
3. The Fetal stage
Why so much for accommodations when they get to Mecca?
Iam didn't go haji ya Allah Open the door for me came haji I don't have money to came haji Iam ollwas parying to Allah Open the door y rabe ammen summa ammen Islam zindabat Allah bless oll.of Muslimin brother in the world y rabe ammen
Me too.. we try to get enough money to go there
Amiin ya allah
Good business for Al Saoud! if i got money for Hajj, i will give it to the poor. it's weird when you pass hungry neighbors and ignore their plight and continue on to buy a ticket for the Hajj. Hajj money must be distributed to poor Muslims. Samali people die of hunger while the Gulf Arabs are overweight! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeird!
Unfortunately the commentator is misleading regarding how women dress for the pilgrimage to Makka. In fact women dress normally, but should cover themselves modestly as commanded in the quran and they are not required to wear white dresses unless that was what they normally wore. Its only the men who are supposed to wear two pieces of shrouds with nothing that is sown like pants and vests.
في لخر امرا ت مصلح وا حق وصديق في دنيا قمل 🐥🌷🐥 emirat peoples soft ,best ,gentils and generous the world 🐥🐦 🔦🔮
President Jefferson on Islam in Islam:
This is an interesting piece of history......
In 1786, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson met with Arab diplomats from Tunisia, who were conducting terror raids and piracy against American ships (Barbary Pirates). Writing to John Jay, Thomas Jefferson described what he saw as the main issue and the reason why they were attacking Americans who had done them no harm. The following quote is from Thomas Jefferson....
Were these the words and actions which forced our founding fathers, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adam to denounce Islam as an abomination an opinion shared by Mark Twain and Winston Churchill.
Nusrat Rizvi Palm City, Fl
Praise the Lord most high above Allah above 🌞🌗⭐🌙above false kings false gods. 😂😅☝✌👍
Someday I will go there Inshallah on that desert that all prophets was born there from noah to mosess to muhamed & son of virgin🌹maryam 😄😃😀😁
Bastard. Leave USA, and go live in saudi arabia.
It's not for sight seeing ... it's to fulfil one of the pillars of Islam.
You can come too but declare of shahada.
i dont know u but whoevr u are...please with true heart think
1. have you ever thoroughly read your religious book what ever it may be if no then how could you think of switching ...!!
2.have anybody except a muslim told u that it is a good religion , i bet no no ..so its just like some one saying " because i am mexican and it is the most civilized and richest country in world "
3.if u could just single out one muslim country in this world which is civilised or having peace
so you're talking about civilize? no need to educate muslims because muslims were teaching algebra when we westeners were painting our face blue and living in the forest.. without muslims you still think the aeroplane is bird
It's a name for sandwich
okay :)
@345678894 True but they are not sacrificing anything, they are being rewarded plus it is only obligatory for Muslims who have the health and money to do so, once in a lifetime too.
You seem like you believe in God, where is your respect to different religions (Islam)??
Not a religions
All human in islam
Allah is creator in the world
And all human
Not just like muslims
But true faith of god
Only muslims in islam
they should all go there and stay there
Joe ,
They will ultimately enter into the eternal paradise ,
But what will happen to you .
See a white is no superior to a black
Arab to non arab
Blonde to dark
emirat 🌙🌞☔🍊🍆peoples arrabic la paix in the world 💚💛👏
Jesus died for your sin means your penalty has been paid. Therefore, if you want to be forgiven you MUST repent from you sin. Repentance is essential condition for free forgiveness without penalty. So if you really want forgiveness of your sin to escape judgment of your sin(;hell) on the last day, then I INVITE YOU to REPENT which means turn your back from sin. And on that condition of changed heart and mind Jesus will forgive you and you will go to paradise.
voysa1 yep that's what they are doing ..........REPENTENCE
Brother i think you need to watch dr jakir Naik and Reza Aslan lecture about who was really jesus and what was his message
What you have as Christians religion is actually created by Roman king and Paul not by jesus peace be upon him
Is Jesus God? according to him in the bible "by myself I can do nothing.. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will.. Jesus said he can do nothing without God. how can he be God? keep on thump sucking.. You're the one who should repent.. I swear the heinous of all sin is worshipping other god than the creator alone
If I kill someone you punish another for my sins so how can Jeasus die for your sins
Mecca and Medina (and of course Saudi Arabia) are very interesting. I wanna visit them but I'm a Jew (a gay Jew at that) and I feel like I'm not welcome. I hope it'll change in the future.
Sorry, but it is not going to change, because no one can enter Mecca nor Medina but Muslims. If you are interested, there are plenty of videos showing the sights with background history and the purpose in everything they do on full explanation in depth details about their practice.
study in islam
please whatch Mufti menk ' S video
And more other islamic video's
We are believe
You're prophet mosis
(Moosa ibn Imran (S) )
He was a muslim
Khalid Ibn Valeed ew
it is you who need to change brother!
House of Allah Lord God of the whole World Build-up by Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ishmael and
Allah God of the Prophets Abraham Ishmael Isaac Jacob David Moses Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad Last and Final Messenger of Allah God
When Christians say Jesus PBUH paid for sins and then say when u sin u gta repent still! quite strange its like going to a amusement park when u enter they say the rides are free.Then wen u want to go on the rollercoster they say no that ride u cant go on then u also cant go on the fareswheel ....the irony
LOL ppl don't need to travel thousands of miles to be closer to God.
God is only asking for obedience and no sacrifices
Dont need if u cannt afford, it not force. but who CAN go. Because it holy land. Majority muslim never go there.. when u go there, u will see all people same, if u son of king, bilionaire, black white,.. u have no diffrent.. u wear the same clothes like other.. that time is u will feel, how small u are in crowd.. this only small, after life, all people from adam untill last will assembly togther,
FIRE to papa: You need to travel all the way to the House of your LORD (Allah). Because QAABA is the blessed HOUSE OF THE LORD.
According to the bible all nations will be going there.
(ISAIAH 2:2) " It shall come to pass in the latter days that the MOUNTAIN OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; AND ALL THE NATIONS SHALL FLOW TO IT".
Jesus was not a prophet as many muslims claimed, he was born into the flesh to the Virgin Mary his mother. He was many things a carpenter, a rabbi, a teacher. At the begging of time on earth there were no religions at all. Religions are man made.
we believe in that too. We believe that he was a miracle and his born was a miracle. We also believe that he has died yet, God almighty took him up to the heaven and one day 'he will come back to the earth and he will be against you and' that is mentioned in the Bible not the koraan.
@@rakanalfehaid440 ... Bible is actually an elaborate form of the Holy Scripture Injeel. We Muslims must have to believe in Injeel.
@@hannanpakthini7221 CG k
Islam is scripted story by Mohamad 😂😂😂
@Fazil Ahmed read qunarn completely then u come to know which is scripted 😂😂😂😂 u fool
@@fartsniffa8043 you fool no god tell convert to religion or kill
@Fazil Ahmed fine that may be story, but Islam very big scripted story, you idiot if you read Qur'an never believe that there is god🖕
@@fartsniffa8043 what I am trying to say is your grandfathers not a Muslim Arab Muslims forcely converted your grandmother into Islam even kid can understand history what's happened those days , you guys are still believing Allah is god and sucking Mohamad is messenger of God , think clearly no god say to humans to kill other religions 🖕
@@ChandraSekhar-bd6lv let me guess you're hindu?
Masha Allah
Allahu akbar
Allah amin
Masha Allah
Masha Allah