A man after my own heart. Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball. I still do as I have a big collection of video pinball games spanning from 2600 to modern.
My pinball collection only starts at NES, but I am always looking for more. I play the Hell out of Williams Pinball on my phone, especially my all time favorite table - Theater of Magic. 😀 I made it a point to import Pinball Arcade Vol 2 for PS4 from the UK since it wasn't released here.
@pickyourbattlescollecting I did the same with that ps4 game. There was a good one on 3ds store called pinball pulse. Did you grab it before the shop closed?
A man after my own heart. Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball. I still do as I have a big collection of video pinball games spanning from 2600 to modern.
My pinball collection only starts at NES, but I am always looking for more. I play the Hell out of Williams Pinball on my phone, especially my all time favorite table - Theater of Magic. 😀 I made it a point to import Pinball Arcade Vol 2 for PS4 from the UK since it wasn't released here.
@pickyourbattlescollecting I did the same with that ps4 game. There was a good one on 3ds store called pinball pulse. Did you grab it before the shop closed?
Surviving the purrrrge
@IowaRetroGamerDad It really felt like a weight being lifted when I sold most of them off.