Capitulo 122 resumen en Español Reyhan dice a Nigar si es ella la que escribió la nota y que puede hablar. Narin le dice a Kemal que su fiebre esta un poco alta y que es necesario ir al hospital pero Kemal dice que no es necesario Narin le pregunta si su herida duele mucho y el dice que no pero ella insiste en buscar un analgésico fuerte para el dolor. Reyhan dice que confié en ella y no tenga miedo ya que está en un lugar donde no la pueden escuchar, Nigar contesta que si, Reyhan continúa diciendo que debe contarle todo que puede hablar con confianza, cuando Nigar va a hablar aparece Emir y pide a Nigar que vaya con ella inmediatamente, Reyhan se opone pero Emir dice a Nigar que la necesita urgentemente y que es mejor que vaya rápidamente y que no tomará mucho tiempo. Una vez en la habitación Emir no encuentra una excusa y piensa que puedo pedir que haga , esto te pasa por actuar sin pensar, dice a Nigar que sus camisas están arrugadas , Nigar dice que recién llegaron del planchado , pero Emir insiste y le ordena que las planche, Nigar se molesta y piensa que es mucho el trabajo y que debe encontrar una excusa para evitar planchar y se dice que es una idiota por tener que hacer éso. Kemal dice me salvo la vida eso es todo está en esta habitación por que piensa en Masal no imagines cosas , llega Narin con un antipirético y le toma el pulso , es muy rápido , pregunta si está bien y piensa que la fiebre le está subiendo, le pide que mejor descanse, Kemal piensa que debe dejar de pensar tonteras volver a sus sentidos y calmarse. Reyhan está bañando a su tío y se pregunta por qué escribió esa nota , qué esta pasando, estaba a punto de decirme pero.. cuando descubre una herida en su cabeza que le llama la atención, piensa en cuando lo encontraron en el suelo y piensa seguramente le subió la presión y cayó , pero no no primero hablaré con Nigar. Buscando su teléfono Emir tira al suelo un florero que se rompe y piensa donde tengo la cabeza , es necesario que vuelva a mis sentidos y ordene mis pensamientos. Melike pregunta cómo esta el señor Hizmet, a lo que Reyhan le dice que bien y pregunta si ha visto a Nigar , llega Emir el que también pregunta por Nigar ella contesta que no la ha visto y si necesita algo , Emir contesta que no, Melike se va , Emir dice a Reyhan espera un minuto. Narin dice a este lugar le falta aire , y cuando ve a Kemal levantarse lo reta y dice que el doctor dijo que debe descansar y que prometió que se cuidaría si no no podía salir del hospital , que dijo a Masal que su padre sanaría pronto así que no puede levantarse, Kemal dice que está aburrido en cama , Narin dice que lo entiende pero que debe descansar para poder sanarse y que ella prometió vigilarlo. Emir la lleva a la habitación y dice Nigar no está así que debes limpiar esto, ya no eres mi esposa así que no pensarás que todo iba a ser como antes y se va. Narin está haciendo el puzzle con Kemal y el le dice que no está a gusto haciendo éso , Narin le dice que deberá aguantar la situación hasta que se mejore no hay más que hacer pero que buscará algo que le agrade más , el dice que podría ser una película. Talaz es interceptado por la policía que le dice que debe ir con ellos ya que hay una denuncia en su contra, Talaz protesta y pide llamar primero a su abogado. Narin busca una película en Internet y pregunta a Kemal de que tipo de películas le gusta el dice que no sabe pero que puede ser de acción, llega su hija Masal que dice que está muy aburrida , Narin dice que ya encontró algo que harán todos juntos. Reyhan mientras limpia las palabras de emir cuando le dijo que debía limpiar , también recuerda cuando en el mismo lugar le dijo que la amaba. Emir llega a la habitación y le dice aún no has terminado, debes trabajar más rápido. Emir busca una carpeta pero no la encuentra y dice mientras más intento controlar mi ira nada funciona y comienza a tirar las carpetas, dice no encuentro la carpeta Zafer debe haber traído la equivocada, abre un cajón y encuentra su libreta de matrimonio y algunas fotografías de su boda. Narin , Kemal y Masal están observando el computador él esta aburrido, de esto se da cuenta Narin. Reyhan esta intentando comunicarse con Nigar por teléfono pero no responde, aparece Sefer y dice que no sabe dónde se encuentra que generalmente no hace éso y pregunta si hay algún problema, Reyhan responde que no, que no se preocupe Reyhan dice dónde te metiste Nigar, aparece Emir y pregunta por Nigar, Reyhan contesta que no sabe y Emir responde entonces vienes conmigo. Nigar ha ido a visitar a la suegra , suena el teléfono insistentemente pero no contesta, su suegra pregunta por qué no contesta y ella responde que discutió con Sefer pero que no diga que ella está ahí , que se lo jure. Emir dice a Reyhan que debe ordenar las carpetas y poner en esa caja las que no sean importantes y piensa si crees que te dejará tranquila estas muy equivocada y patea la caja. Reyhan dice si quieres relájate haciendo todo lo que haces pero se que estás sufriendo, por favor no te hagas daño, limpiando se da cuenta que la mesa tiene unas rayas y se acuerda del accidente del tío. Suna recibe la visita de Taci , Suna se alegra porque aunque el lugar es agradable es bueno ver amigos y familiares. Kemal esta molesto porque esta en la cama y no puede trabajar decide llamar a su secretaria. Reyhan continua limpiando y encuentra las fotografías de su boda y un regalo que le hizo a Emir, es una corbata, recuerda que cuando se la dio el iba al trabajo, tenía una reunión importante ella se acerca y le dice que espere un momento, Emir pregunta qué es y ella responde que le compró un regalo, mi esposa me compró un regalo , como no me va a gustar, puedes ponerla y la toma de la cintura Ella le recuerda que tenia prisa y Emir contesta que no es así mi esposa me ha traído un regalo muy hermoso y ella es una mujer muy hermosa de cara y de corazón. Emir llega y ve que ella esta con la corbata. Cavidan intenta comunicar a Cemre , a Melike le pregunta por Reyhan y se dirige al escritorio. Emir le pregunta que si ha terminado , y toma todos los recuerdos y comienza a tirar todos , dice esto se irá a la basura, basura , mira los objetos y dice basura , basura , Cavidan observa y dice es hermoso, Reyhan toma una de las fotografías y la aprieta contra su pecho. Reyhan esta en la cocina dice ¡cómo puedes botar todo esto a la basura? llega Cavidan y dice no has tenido éxito verdad, te ayudare a deshacerte de todo ésto y se dirige al jardín bota todo y le prende fuego Reyhan le suplica que no lo haga pero ella le dice sabes esto me hace muy feliz ahora sabes cual es tu lugar , me llamas señora , nunca me llamaste madre y si lo hubieras hecho estaría muerte , muerta y se aleja riendo , Reyhan llorando rescata una fotografía medio quemada. Kemal esta trabajando con su secretaria cuando llega Narin y le dice que no puede hacer eso , estás enfermo , el dice que no es nada pero como Narin es terca lo envía a descansar. Reyhan regresa a la casa y encuentra a Melike que lleva unas lámparas a guardar y ella se ofrece a llevarlas. En la habitación Narin le dice a Kemal que deje de comportarse como un niño y lo envía a la cama el reclama porque dice que está aburrido y no está acostumbrado a dejar de trabajar. Melike esta molesta con Nigar porque desapareció todo el día , Nigar pregunta por Reyhan . Narin y Kemal conversan sobre un libro que Kemal está leyendo, Narin recuerda un libro que leyó en su país y como lloró con el y que tenían una tradición habrían el libro en cualquier página y lo leían , hace lo mismo con Kemal. Emir recuerda como tiro todas sus recuerdos en una caja como si fueran basura, de repente siente olor a humo y ve que todo esta quemado y piensa quieres darme una lección, todo lo que hemos vivido no vale la pena recordarlo si quieres quemar nuestras almas esta bien veremos como te quemas , te quemaré. Reyhan sentada en la bodega ve un objeto decorativo que llama su atención entra Sefer con cosas para guardar y Reyhan le pregunta y Sefer contesta que la señora Cavidan pidió que se tirara a la basura pero que él lo guardo ya que se podría necesitar, Reyhan pregunta fue la señora Cavidan, se da cuenta que es ella la que golpeó con eso a Hizmet , dice señora Cavidan ....
En la escena 40:08 a Reyhan se le quieren salir los ojos de la pasión que desborda en esa escena, y trasmite tan real...que en la vida real parecen parejas, me quedé tan emocionada en este capítulo 😍😍😍
نن نن There are more beautiful intimacy moments between them but this evil writer will not give a pleasure for the viewers to watch her mind is set up in something unpleasant so she is not ready to stop the abuse now . Her aims are how to keep this nonsense long
نن نن 😁it already did he is nervous can’t do anything keeps following Reyhan around just to have an excuse to talk to her even if he acts like a jerk around her he is lost I just can’t imagine what will he do when he finds out the truth he will be devastated
Ugghh I miss Reyhan's smile and Emir's twinkling eyes when he looks at her. I'm just going to pretend that Episode 122 has only one scene and its the tie scene. Nothing else. 🙅♀️
54:23 Oya and Narin Oya: If you wanted to look after my brother go down. He is working. I told him to lie down but as always he said that I don’t have to interfere. What should I do? He is not thinking about the things I said. Mister has work to do. Kemal: Did Zafer read those things here? Yonca: Read it. He said that MisterKemal should have a look on this document. Kemal: The others you can put away. But this not, this one is very important. Yonca: ok. Are you alright? This one I put behind your back. You made us all very afraid Mister Kemal. Kemal: that’s nothing important. It will go soon. Narin: what does going mean? I don’t understand this here. You are ill and why you are then working?! What’s that right now? Kemal: I am working. Looking for the documents. That’s not holding a stone... Narin: So that means that it is not important what the doctor said right?! Is that so? Kemal: Don’t take it too far. Narin: would you please go to your room. Work can wait. Thanks..that’s not that important. Oh, you Are saying that you don’t have to care for... Ok then. Until you are not standing up, I am here. I will also is your decision. Kemal: I am sorry. Yonca: Thanks to you, it is not important. 57:48 Narin and Kemal in the bedroom Narin: why don’t you hear what I am saying to you? All the time I am looking after you like a child. It would have been better to look after your daughter‘s tooth brush... Kemal: If you allow, I will go to bed. I will lie down, like you told me. So you are hearing me that you have to look after yourself. Narin: oh, I am sorry. I know that I have to lie down, but because of you I don’t have the possibility to do this. Running after you caused me pain. Kemal: to lie down all the time is getting me bored. Narin: bored, is that right? Kemal: I am not used to that. Narin, then read a book. Kemal: What kind of Book. Narin: I don’t know, a Book...I will bring you one.when I am coming back I will not see you outside! Kemal: I have to put myself together and end up my nonsense.
Emir's character is obvious due to a dysfunctional family especially his mom (deranged) that is why he doesn't have strong conviction and right reasoning. This proves that a good foundation begins by how parents teach their kids so that later in life would emulate what they do & how they decide in life. Reyhan is a ray of hope and strength even if she cries a lot becoz she knows the meaning of sacrificing in the name of love Not all people are willing to do. Only few people would know it and would be very convenient for a love that is never challenged by circumstances. There are some scenes which are so vital in understanding the depth of the story yet due to lack of translation give a bit confusion. But that does not mean it jeopardizes the whole story. So it will be helpful if there is a caption. By the way I keep watching it!
Kemal's stolen glances at Narin is so cute! 😍😍😍 That #ReyMir ❤️ scene is so intense! No wonder Emir is so bitter about their divorce. He is very much in love with Reyhan and hoped to have a beautiful life with her until the divorce. Their beautiful memories together is killing him inside. And Reyhan does not give any plausible reason why she filed for divorce. Now, I understand why Emir is acting childish while being so angry/bitter about the divorce. He was trying to punish her as his heart is burning inside. 😔
Now I’m hooked Kemal and Narins love story too, let’s see where it goes, and she’s hiding secrets, like she was a doctor and maybe had husband or boyfriend who wasn’t nice to her and she ran away from that relationship, bcz the way she talks about men , anyway I’m hoping the best
Пусть рейхан все расскажет эмиру. Она его сильно ранила. Он даже на коленях у нее попросил причину развода. Ему трудно . Его тоже нужно понять. Лично мне его жалко. Что бы он там не сделал , он ее любит.
To the scriptwriter: Please don't take it personally but I need to share what I have learnt: In order for you to be respected and successful in your Art you must be authentic. You need the viewer to relate to the story but Season 2 is a chaos. It's embarrassing to watch. Nothing makes sense. We understand that the success of the Season 1 must be very stressful as you are expected to be as good or even better in season 2. I am afraid it is not a success, far from it. Your lack of clarity, senseless plots, so many verbal and psychological abuse against Reyhan's character, the father being hit on the neck and no police investigation, the constant misunderstanding between Emir and Reyhan is unimaginable and yet imagination is what you need to make us believe that everything we are watching is possible. I am afraid it is not. Your lack of authenticity is an insult not only to our intelligence but also to your creativity. We watched every episode of the season 1. But now, like of all of people here, we don't anymore we just watch the promo volume off because we can't take the screaming, yelling and crying. I stopped recommending it "Season 1 only". I wish you would be consistent and would develop the important events from the previous season. the character of Suna ,who was able to move and feel her feet, would be learning how to walk by now. Najar was pregnant nothing to show. Reyhan, would continue her studies (which she did) and focus on her future and be a teacher in her village? BUT most importantly, If you want to "use" some ideas from other series make them yours by making them better.
@N.G. well put. This writer needs to learn more about crime investigations. Her story is all over the place. Reyhan and Emir are like idiots, Cavidan and Cemre and Talaz are evils and keep on complotting with the good people paying the consequences. The writer makes her audience feels like idiots. She did the same thing with the show Emanet. I think she enjoys torturing good people and make them look dumb.
Correct. For instance how can the doctor finalize as stroke when they can see blood and he was hit by a hard object. Why Emir didnt report to the police that his wife was kidnapped. Maybe they are planning to use that gap as a plot for other season....i dont know
09/2023 Here's 3 years later, and I totally agree as I have made the same complaint about season 2,had about 3 good episodes, and after that, it was back to the abuses ,which is sooo derogatory. 😒🤔
Agree! even reyhan was kidnapped by talaz, no investigation happened. This season tortured us mentally and emotionally, I feel sorry for reyhan and emir's characters, because of Cavidan and cemre's evil deeds. Once I hate the story I always fast forward it. 😂😅
I really wish Reyhan would have shown this level of intelligence earlier. Now who knows how far they're going to take this- Emir wanting revenge and his mother trying to torture Reyhan. I hope Emir doesn't go too far, at some point he won't be able to get Reyhan back.
In my opinion, they are prolonging this story far. It is the same storyline over & over. She has been blamed for everything. After a while it is boaring.
She is gaining courage to speak up. In Europe especially Turkey, they consider peasant as lowest class of people which is sad. I noticed in other TV programs rich women abuse servants, spending money and drinking coffee. They show no intelligence.
As for Emir, I would tell him hit a road Jack and don;t look back but I am not Reyhan. We do not choose whom we love, but we have choice and reason in whom we like. Women like Reyhan think they can help hot tempered husbands. Many die in their hands. Again, this is a very sad and confusing story.
@Gigi luv Leila went to tell Talaz that she didn't want a life of crime anymore because Kemal had shown her the right kind of life. Talaz was furious and was going to shoot her. They were on a rooftop and as Leila was moving back she fell off the roof. Kemal found her. She was unconscious and went into a coma and then later died. Sad!
Emir loves Reyhan and she loves him. She is fighting and Uncle hears everything. Her Faith is stronger. Emir. FAITH is not as strong anger has taken it’s place. Anger is a wall. Reyhan has GOD and this why she got stronger. THE PROMISE IS A GODLY PROMISE. Uncle is a believer, and this is why she was brought into the home. Faith. Cemre and Emir mother can not fight FAITH. Cemre surprise that Reyhan called her hand by given her the phone and said call. Chase the devil away, but he will be back. The darkness is beginning show some light. Emir anger will begin dissipate . We are all face with evil in our lives. ANGER
Why emir don't even find out who kidnapped her from the hospital and he is like a monster...poor reyhan she has to suffer for the one she day the truth will be revealed and her sorrow will turn into joy..
But why did Reyhan ripped Emir's heart hiding things like that from a husband to the extent of filing a divorce when at that time Emir loved her so much
What an exaggeration! When domestic violence is a problem in Turkey, it is really shameful. It's a drama, I know, but this violence was'nt needed so much ...very sad!😂😂
It's a problem all over the universe,she should take the young girl away from this horror,very bad for child to see this in real life situation, this is horrendous mental abuse of the father also, when you accept this it continues, how can you want to be with someone even if they say sorry, love doesn't come from this.
Эмир услышал обрывок разговора Рейхан и Джемре в прошлой серии где она сказала : как бы я не отталкивала Эмира он всегда будет меня любить !А он это понял как издевательство с ее стороны ...В этой серии он решил всячески унижать ее и показывать что она для него ни чего не значит ! Р. же начала догадываться что Джавидан ударила дядю и всячески допытывается у нигяр правду,она же в свою очередь пока молчит Кемаль понимает что влюбляется в Нарин и пытается отогнать от себя эту мысль ,но без толку ,он все больше узнаёт что она образованная и воспитанная девушка ,а не дикая грубиянка какой показалась в начале , у них общие интересы в кино и литературе,что их ещебольше сближает P.S если нужен дословный перевод напишите какую сцену ,я переведу 😉
Wow finally this is the first time that I seen that look at Kemal with love she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. That was the best part today it made my day. I loved it 😊
They're the only reason I'm still watching. At least something interesting and sweet even if there's drama surrounding them. I hope they'll end up tog6for real 😍
colibri bleu I know too I was about to give up on this drama am only watching it too because I love Kemal and Narin charter if it wasn’t for them am pretty sure a lot of people would have stopped watching this show with all this drama of Cemre and Carivan that never gets caught. I hope this is the last evil thing they did and that Emir discovers that truth about this two snakes 🐍 🐍 inside his house. I hope they both go to jail.
@@wendyghazzawieh1 exactly. Narin and Kemal's story is much more adult. On the other hand what's happening in the crazy house is too much, and for us viewers not bearable. I can tolerate a high level of drama, but now after my disappointment and just want to laugh about the ridiculousness of this drama. Like you said I think a lot of people are still watching for Narin and Kemal 😍 they also have drama with the Talaz thing, Masal's custody and Narin's background that hides something, but at least it's believable and entertaining
colibri bleu that true I don’t know but for some reason I have a filling the Narin must be a Doctor 👩⚕️ or something like that she knows to much the ways she took care of Kemal when he was injured 🤕 says a lot. But something must have happened that she running away from someone that she hiding from someone. She probably witness something
@@wendyghazzawieh1 Yes....right. very smart n talented character. So mouthy n spit fire tho. But I feel her loudness is something she ls using as a protective machenism for her not to fall in love easily n get involved with a man. She had a bad experience with her first boyfriend. He abandoned her at the boarder n he took everything, passport, money..Narin had to escape on her own n then tried to survive in another country. And having mafia after her she doesn't want to get involved n endanger the family. But knowing LOVE, it has a power of its own n does what it wants....
Emir you so wrong. Emir you are taking Reyhan kindness and meekness, very humble for granted. Old saying you don't miss your water until your Well running dry
Que horror , hasta cuándo hay capitulos de maltrato , muchas series tienen su parte violenta, pero está se la llevó toda la segunda temporada, se que pasa si la quiere alargar dele otro giro , es espantoso , lo que vemos además esto es para entretenernos no para sufrir y llorar como la protagonista, demos descanso por favor, no dañen la serie es bien bonita, la historia, y los artistas muy bonitos.
Como que en Turquía les encanta el maltrato a la mujer, y si , hay otra muy violenta Hercai, el mensaje que dan en estas series es fomentar el maltrato a la mujer, y lo peor es que el mayor maltrato es liderado por las mismas mujeres. Espantoso, maquiavélico, horrendo
@@amandamolina9885 la verdad es que no se... He visto varias novelas y esta es la primera no solo tan mojigata donde el romanticismo es cero.. Sino donde el protagonista maximo es la maldad y la intriga... No lo entiendo... Un Oscar para ese guionista
Yo creo que para que miremos una escena de perdón, arrepentimiento, se descubra la verdad o de amor tendrán que pasar más de 65 capítulos como en la primer temporada donde le dijo que la amaba, ya falta poco no se desesperen. Otra cosa yo se que causa ira e indignación como el la trata no lo justifico pero acuérdense que el se siente engañado porque un día anterior ella le dijo que era lo mejor que le había pasado y al siguiente le pide el divorcio así cualquiera se vuelve loco y el se desquita maltratandola; pero no olvidemos que solo es un personaje chicas.
Emir didn't get to know Reyhan at all cos if he did, he would not be speaking to her so hashly no matter what. He should be asking questions or try to find out another way as Reyhan refuse to answer him.
@sowmyargopalan I didn't like how cruel he was to his ex. He was so mean and only wanting to hurt her which left me ti wonder did you really love her 🤔?
I get that Reyhan is a good person who would never think of disrespecting her elders no matter who they are or what they did, but the time has past come for her to grab Cavidan by the hair and be like, "Bitch don't try me." I mean in all honesty, what would she be able to do if Reyhan fought back a little? Complain to Emir? Emir already depises Reyhan, her grabbing his evil mother by the throat every once in a while won't change that. And if he complains, she can say, "Well seeing the woman who threw my head up against a wall and made my life hell while living here made me act out. Sorry." I mean seriously, how is Emir never present to see his mother's true evil face, but he overhears part of Reyhan's conversations all the time?
24:35....27:12... ahhh i really feel his acting ,feelings nd he hold my breath... in all this scene....that y i love this man especially his angry young man mood 😚😚😚😚... becaz he done it so realistically i deep inside feel it😚😚😚
Me parece que Emir pasó de la ira a la crueldad, y pareciera que volvemos al capítulo 1 Reyhan callada, sumisa llorando por los rincones e incapaz de defenderse de tanto maltrato por parte de Emir y la madre. Menos mal que en este capítulo nos salvamos de Cemre.
Lucy Fleitas Tidavia no se ke Issa el coraje que hizo ayer con Reyhan tal vez le dio gastritis ojalá tarde en aparecer así sólo Reyhan tendrás Emir y Cavidan fregándola 🤨
Ya leas dari macan dari ular ganas dan singa sdg menanti Reyhan dan itu butuh ke e sabaran yg tinggi " fashbir shobroon jamiila" maka bersabarlah dgn kesabaran yg indah sabar sebenarnya Aamiin
Lo mas interesante de hoy es la escena en donde Reyhan recuerda que la regalo una corbata a Emir y según lo que uno intuye o deduce (porque en esta novela es así a uno le toca sacar las conclusiones a palo) en el proceso de anudar la corbata se dieron un beso o sea podemos decir que también hubo algo mas durante esos capítulos de reconciliación por allá en el 90 y pico Jajajaja vuelve y juega las teorías del embarazo
@@yorceliscantillocastro1464 Te lo digo de verdad, Emir no se merece nada, por terco e imbécil, pero a los que quiero le dediquen muuuuuuuchos capítulos de sufrimiento y donde se l@s desacredite totalmente es a Cavidan, Cemre, Talaz y Gonya, nos lo merecemos ya que venimos aguantando de sus terribles maldades desde un principio. Yo lo pido, ya se me cumplió un deseo que fue el café escupido, ahora pido que sufran el doble de lo que están sufriendo los buenos
Gostei muito dos capítulos que assisti em espanhol pena que não tem dublado em português. Gostaria muito que as novelas estrangeiras fossem todas dubladas em vários idiomas. Muito interessante e tem tudo que uma Boa novela deve ter.😍
Que nada querida, o espanhol é lindíssimo pra nós entramos no idioma através da música, da cultura, e a oportunidade de ver séries turcas em espanhol é fantástico. Te digo, se vc começar a ouvir músicas, ver jornais via net, sobretudo ler algo que te goste, verás que além do entretenimento, da descobertas de elementos da cultura turca, ainda saíra no lucro, pois após um tempo verás que vai parecer português (pelo menos pra entender_. Falo por experiência própria! Não foi com as séries, foi lendo textos de temas que precisava estudar e ouvindo música. Te garanto que vale mais a pena do que podemos imaginar. As portas que se abrem, os horizonte que se descortinam com o espanhol é incrível Na verdade seria muito bom se, pelo menos, nós, brasileiros/a, fosse comum ouvir espanhol e entender quase como nosso prórpio idioma (nunca é, claro, mas...) e vice versa para os demais países da América Latina, nossa Pátria Grande!
Emir SALAFRÁRIO. Quer dizer que enquanto fazia forçadamente a vontade do pai e depois gostando mesmo da Reyhan, ele ignorava o fato de ela ser pobre, filha de empregada. Então foi só haver divórcio e ela não assinar mais seu sobrenome, que ele mostrou sua verdadeira face discriminativa e arrogante tal como sua ordinária mãe. A essência da personalidade do Emir é aquela do início da primeira temporada e de agora, humilhar. Enquanto tinha a ilusão de que iriam ser um casal, ele a tratava como igual e agora usa a condição social desprovida de Reyhan para a lembrar de onde ela veio. Ele poderia muito bem, mesmo com a raiva, agir de outra forma e não mandar ela limpar coisas como se ela fosse empregada da casa, afinal, ela está lá é fazendo um grande favor cuidando do pai dele. EMIR DECEPÇÃO. MISERÁVEL e ORDINÁRIO. Fosse eu, iria pra bem longe e ainda que ele pedisse perdão eu não o receberia mais em minha vida. Pois a qualquer momentoe numa raiva qualquer iria desfazer e agir com soberba por ser rico. Esse enredo dessa série é de muito mal gosto.
É verdade ela não tinha nem um dever de limpar pois foi ele quem derrubou ele tinha que chamar quem paga pra fazer este serviço e por isso que eu não me alegro com o amor deles porque tem muito maltratosele destrói o psicólogico dela não cabeça que aguente tanta reclamação
Plzzzzzzzzz upload all epi of this series with english subtitles I love this drama but I can't understand the language plzzzzz do this favour .. Plzzzzzzzzz
Emir ne te fâche pas trop sur Reyhane.Elle a toujours peur de la crier ,comme tu as une voix haute et colère. Elle ne sait plus quoi faire (le travail de la maison ou ton père).Elle a assez de supporter les colères de ta mère et Gemre. Ma fille soit patience,elles vont regretter tous ceux qu'ont fait du mal sur toi .Ne t'inquiète pas Reyhane, tu es courageuse 💐🙏🙏🐞🐞🌻🌻
Nina Petryk его можно как раз понять ,он влюблён и открыл ей своё сердце ,а она можно сказать плюнула ему в душу ,другой бы на его месте и на порог не пустил бы ,а она в наглую сама пришла и заявила что не уйдёт !!!кого бедняге каждый день видеть ее и знать что она рядом 😕А Рейхан дура раз не смогла довериться и в открытую поговорить с мужем !!!
What I don't understand is whenever there is a case like Hekmet bey's accident, hospitals and doctors check the person's body to figure out what has happened. He had a Hemorrhage in the brain, that means they should have checke his head and the marks of a blunt object is quiet different from hitting your head on the floor. When the patient is an elderly person, they check even more because there is always possibilities of elder abuse. How come Reyhan could see the mark on his neck but doctor's missed it????? does not seem realistic at all.
@@yuhye840 exactly . I stopped watching this show now I see that Hekmet bey married another crazy woman. I kept telling him he should marry Malike Abla he did not listen to me.
En realidad he llegado a pensar que al parecer por no ser yo de Turquía no entiendo la propuesta del escritor pero es un verdadero clavo (como le decimos aquí en mi país cuando le propuesta no sirve. 😠
Angela Bastardo En mi país se dice es un verdadero churro . Ya no tiene pies ni manos se atoraron en lo mismo la misma mansión los mismos malos y la pobre que llora y llora a no 👎
Like Mother like Son, what a bunch of wicked people. This Season 2 has sunk deeper than the Titanic. Very cruel family. Unfortunately Reyhan is such a doormat and can't speak up. Normally the lead female has some friend to help but everyone is oblivious to what is happening(where is Oja?) I hope future episodes get better.. how depressing 😧
Reyhan está luchando contra las 🐉🐉y contra el que le den ganas de lastimarla 😢🤷🤷👋👋👋🙅🙏 Saludos, abrazos y bendiciones desde Medellin, Colombia 🇨🇴 07-09-2023.
I loved the episode!!! ❤🙏👍Great potential, reyhans mind is churning, things are moving along!!! And that tie scene!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I'm so hooked, I hate this LOLOL!🤣🤣🤣 the best part, NO CEMRE TODAY!🥳🥳🥳So excited for 123!!!⚘⚘⚘ and yes, reyhan could be expecting!!!!!!👫💏❤🤰👶🌷😘
Emir you are so lucky that you have Reyhan u should respect her instead of torchring her come on man she sacrifice her love just to protect u I know u don't know that I'm also very sad for both of u but u should have to find the truth behind Reyhan's sudden divorce instead of taking revenge and your anger on Reyhan. And also u have no wright to hurt Reyhan because she is not your wife nor she is your servant💔💔😭😭. Emir please tell me which kind of love is this I mean how can anyone hurt anyone which he used to loves like crazy.
Emir is treating reyhan so badly and she's crying and hurting so much can't he see how nuch pain she'd going through but there will cone s day that he'll regret and his pain will be intense nothing will ease his pain
Brenda Maharaj......this problem we have to see the two side. Yes Reyhan cry but Emir suffer more. Reyhan knows what is the problem but Emir doesn't know any thing,so it makes it so hard to take it. He is confused. So he is trying to hate her, to hurt her. She stab him in the heart.
At 40:00 ... i mean seriously director or writer u r trying to fool us???.... can u plz tell me aftet their patch up... in season two is there any day which both have spend happily nd emir went to office... seriously after watching uncountable time its totally wrong scene which have no logic.... i mean in epi 90 they both patch up... right after that when they were going for date... emir's mother was shooted ... nd right after two episodes... emir's father was in hospital nd when he discharged from hospital ryhan was kidnapped nd very next day they go for outing nd that night Cemere told Ryhan u have to take divorce nd then both divorced... so now tell me from episode 90 to 105 emir or Ryhan mostly spend their time in hospital or kidnappers so when Ryhan was soo romantic nd tied his tie nd when she went to market to buy this tie🤔🤔🤔 in whole situation they were too tensed nd upset.... so when they were trying to b so relax nd romantic in whole 15 episodes 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 If i m wrong... u can tell me😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁
I don't know what gonna happen of these two but I am sure of one thing that ozge and Gokberg are in love with each other.they look so natural whenever together
ЭТО всё смотреть тяжело, даже боюсь представить,как можно такое прожить....но унижать человека,которого любишь😍 или любил.....это ниже человеческого достоинства....😑 это предел слабых...Можно было понять гнев,обиду,отвращение в конце концов....но такое ....не приемлимо разумному человеку...
Вы правы . Эмир думает что мучает Рейхан . А на самом деле он не только Рейхан мучает своими поступками и словами но и себя. Страдают оба из за тупости Рейхан . Как такое можно скрыть от любимого
Значит и не любил вовсе, не научился прощать, смирятся и любить - боятся огорчить любимьіх людей. А єто дает только родная семья. Да и что он мог видеть в такой семье с мамашей?
@@окши-ю6н Я не совсем согласна, что 💯виновна она...после всех событий она,возможно,не подумала как следует...не было бы развода 🐍Дже и🐍 Джа продолжали свои делишки...Рейхан понимает,что всё зашло слишком далеко...А тут ещё жизнь дядюшки под угрозой...все молчат,боятся...и поддержки ждать неоткуда🤔😔😔😔🤔
Что слепой не увидеть,а глухой не услышет,то сам нафантазирует.Сколько раз было,услышал конец разговора,потом придумал свой бред и ,пардон,понеслось дерьмо по трубам.
it's sad to see such a weak female leader, usually female heroes of the story in turkish dramas are strong, smart, funny, with an ego. reyhan is sometimes, very rarely, strong enough to defend herself or slap people, other than that, she's as weak as a jelly fish, why make coffee for cavidan ? why not say 'no', why clean the plant in emir 's room ? in a later episode, cavidan and cemre throw food on the floor, and ask her to clean and she listened and got down and started collecting the food from the floor when she could have just walked away ......what is wrong with the writers ? i mean come on, this show, has no logic, no smart heroes, devilish women that run away with stupid crimes that could easily be solved. At least, make the hero confident and strong enough to say ''no''. it was so cringy to watch her clean the plant. In my head, i was saying ''no no please don't make her do it, please let her leave the room, and make him come back to the room and find the plant as it is so he understands he is not able to order her around"" !!!!!!
Smutne i wymyślone z kosmosu, źle dziewczyna robi powinna spakować walizkę i po cichutko wyjechać a nie czekać na kelner poniżenia niech się gryzą sami ze sobą przy swojej budzie.Emir i tak będzie jej szukał z wywieszonym jezykiem ,ja sobie nie wyobrażam ich jako małżeństwo. Ale Rejchan i tak mu wybaczy i powie ze to nie jego wina i jeszcze go przeprosi!Pozdrawiam
So they did kiss for the short period when they were together 😍 I thought nothing happened since Emir said he'll take it slow and they only cuddled at night 😂
He need his wife. Give him back his wife, he will be fine. You're smitten Emir, You’ve got it bad. He misses his wife so much. He needs her now. That's all. Believe me, he is dying here. Only his wife, his talisman.
That's why Reyhan must tell him what happen. The idiot is Reyhan. Emir, we know he only can think when Reyhan with him. Reyhan, in the sudden try to be Nancy Drew but stupid. Before this, when she has been kidnapped, she is shaking the whole body, cannot stand and cannot breath because of the scare. Emir has to sing to soothing her. Reyhan deserves his rage. She hurt him enough.
Emir sucks now his Ego is killing him and Reyhan with the misunderstanding and for the script writers what dont you show Emir Reyhan Past Lip Kissing are you ashamed 😂😂😂
Que flashback foi esse meu povoo !! Que cena linda !! 🥰 Ah ! Precisamos de mais momentos assim, entendo que a trama precisa desses desentemdimentos para ter conteúdo, mas estás cenas lindas entre os dois são uma festa pra alma. Espero que já comece a desvendar as mentiras, as armações e traga de volta momento felizes entre o casal... Gostando de ver o Kemal e a Narin, bem mais próximos também. 🤗 Mas espero anciosa que as najas tenham o que merece e que não demore muito pra isso ...🤨 Amo essa série... Yemin 💕🧿🌻
Ray hand is always keeping secrets to her husband. I pity Emir because of the anger building up in his heart. If only the wife will learn how to be honest and believe in her husband, then things would be great.
Wielka miłość Emira & Reyhan 😍ale brak zaufania do Reyhan ,jego charakter wszystko niszczy ,sprawia jej tyle cierpienia ,ale Myers że Reyhan dojdzie do prawdy i Emir zrozumie swój błąd i w końcu całkowicie zaufa Reyhan bez graficznie zaufać, tylko czy Reyhan przebaczy te wszystkie zniewagi. Życie, niema miłości bez zazdrość, ale szczere uczucie wszystko pokona .Pozdrawiam 💖💖💖💖💖
Reyhan stoi sama a Emir tak sie na niej wyzywa , mysle mimo wszystko czy beda razem to przykre slowa mozna wybaczyc ale na zawsze pozostana w glowie za kodowane........
omg Emir's acting .no words for this man .eyes expression .the ethnicity in personalality .just wonderful😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Capitulo 122 resumen en Español
Reyhan dice a Nigar si es ella la que escribió la nota y que puede hablar. Narin le dice a Kemal que su fiebre esta un poco alta y que es necesario ir al hospital pero Kemal dice que no es necesario Narin le pregunta si su herida duele mucho y el dice que no pero ella insiste en buscar un analgésico fuerte para el dolor. Reyhan dice que confié en ella y no tenga miedo ya que está en un lugar donde no la pueden escuchar, Nigar contesta que si, Reyhan continúa diciendo que debe contarle todo que puede hablar con confianza, cuando Nigar va a hablar aparece Emir y pide a Nigar que vaya con ella inmediatamente, Reyhan se opone pero Emir dice a Nigar que la necesita urgentemente y que es mejor que vaya rápidamente y que no tomará mucho tiempo. Una vez en la habitación Emir no encuentra una excusa y piensa que puedo pedir que haga , esto te pasa por actuar sin pensar, dice a Nigar que sus camisas están arrugadas , Nigar dice que recién llegaron del planchado , pero Emir insiste y le ordena que las planche, Nigar se molesta y piensa que es mucho el trabajo y que debe encontrar una excusa para evitar planchar y se dice que es una idiota por tener que hacer éso. Kemal dice me salvo la vida eso es todo está en esta habitación por que piensa en Masal no imagines cosas , llega Narin con un antipirético y le toma el pulso , es muy rápido , pregunta si está bien y piensa que la fiebre le está subiendo, le pide que mejor descanse, Kemal piensa que debe dejar de pensar tonteras volver a sus sentidos y calmarse. Reyhan está bañando a su tío y se pregunta por qué escribió esa nota , qué esta pasando, estaba a punto de decirme pero.. cuando descubre una herida en su cabeza que le llama la atención, piensa en cuando lo encontraron en el suelo y piensa seguramente le subió la presión y cayó , pero no no primero hablaré con Nigar. Buscando su teléfono Emir tira al suelo un florero que se rompe y piensa donde tengo la cabeza , es necesario que vuelva a mis sentidos y ordene mis pensamientos. Melike pregunta cómo esta el señor Hizmet, a lo que Reyhan le dice que bien y pregunta si ha visto a Nigar , llega Emir el que también pregunta por Nigar ella contesta que no la ha visto y si necesita algo , Emir contesta que no, Melike se va , Emir dice a Reyhan espera un minuto. Narin dice a este lugar le falta aire , y cuando ve a Kemal levantarse lo reta y dice que el doctor dijo que debe descansar y que prometió que se cuidaría si no no podía salir del hospital , que dijo a Masal que su padre sanaría pronto así que no puede levantarse, Kemal dice que está aburrido en cama , Narin dice que lo entiende pero que debe descansar para poder sanarse y que ella prometió vigilarlo. Emir la lleva a la habitación y dice Nigar no está así que debes limpiar esto, ya no eres mi esposa así que no pensarás que todo iba a ser como antes y se va. Narin está haciendo el puzzle con Kemal y el le dice que no está a gusto haciendo éso , Narin le dice que deberá aguantar la situación hasta que se mejore no hay más que hacer pero que buscará algo que le agrade más , el dice que podría ser una película. Talaz es interceptado por la policía que le dice que debe ir con ellos ya que hay una denuncia en su contra, Talaz protesta y pide llamar primero a su abogado. Narin busca una película en Internet y pregunta a Kemal de que tipo de películas le gusta el dice que no sabe pero que puede ser de acción, llega su hija Masal que dice que está muy aburrida , Narin dice que ya encontró algo que harán todos juntos. Reyhan mientras limpia las palabras de emir cuando le dijo que debía limpiar , también recuerda cuando en el mismo lugar le dijo que la amaba. Emir llega a la habitación y le dice aún no has terminado, debes trabajar más rápido. Emir busca una carpeta pero no la encuentra y dice mientras más intento controlar mi ira nada funciona y comienza a tirar las carpetas, dice no encuentro la carpeta Zafer debe haber traído la equivocada, abre un cajón y encuentra su libreta de matrimonio y algunas fotografías de su boda. Narin , Kemal y Masal están observando el computador él esta aburrido, de esto se da cuenta Narin. Reyhan esta intentando comunicarse con Nigar por teléfono pero no responde, aparece Sefer y dice que no sabe dónde se encuentra que generalmente no hace éso y pregunta si hay algún problema, Reyhan responde que no, que no se preocupe Reyhan dice dónde te metiste Nigar, aparece Emir y pregunta por Nigar, Reyhan contesta que no sabe y Emir responde entonces vienes conmigo. Nigar ha ido a visitar a la suegra , suena el teléfono insistentemente pero no contesta, su suegra pregunta por qué no contesta y ella responde que discutió con Sefer pero que no diga que ella está ahí , que se lo jure. Emir dice a Reyhan que debe ordenar las carpetas y poner en esa caja las que no sean importantes y piensa si crees que te dejará tranquila estas muy equivocada y patea la caja. Reyhan dice si quieres relájate haciendo todo lo que haces pero se que estás sufriendo, por favor no te hagas daño, limpiando se da cuenta que la mesa tiene unas rayas y se acuerda del accidente del tío. Suna recibe la visita de Taci , Suna se alegra porque aunque el lugar es agradable es bueno ver amigos y familiares. Kemal esta molesto porque esta en la cama y no puede trabajar decide llamar a su secretaria. Reyhan continua limpiando y encuentra las fotografías de su boda y un regalo que le hizo a Emir, es una corbata, recuerda que cuando se la dio el iba al trabajo, tenía una reunión importante ella se acerca y le dice que espere un momento, Emir pregunta qué es y ella responde que le compró un regalo, mi esposa me compró un regalo , como no me va a gustar, puedes ponerla y la toma de la cintura Ella le recuerda que tenia prisa y Emir contesta que no es así mi esposa me ha traído un regalo muy hermoso y ella es una mujer muy hermosa de cara y de corazón. Emir llega y ve que ella esta con la corbata. Cavidan intenta comunicar a Cemre , a Melike le pregunta por Reyhan y se dirige al escritorio. Emir le pregunta que si ha terminado , y toma todos los recuerdos y comienza a tirar todos , dice esto se irá a la basura, basura , mira los objetos y dice basura , basura , Cavidan observa y dice es hermoso, Reyhan toma una de las fotografías y la aprieta contra su pecho. Reyhan esta en la cocina dice ¡cómo puedes botar todo esto a la basura? llega Cavidan y dice no has tenido éxito verdad, te ayudare a deshacerte de todo ésto y se dirige al jardín bota todo y le prende fuego Reyhan le suplica que no lo haga pero ella le dice sabes esto me hace muy feliz ahora sabes cual es tu lugar , me llamas señora , nunca me llamaste madre y si lo hubieras hecho estaría muerte , muerta y se aleja riendo , Reyhan llorando rescata una fotografía medio quemada. Kemal esta trabajando con su secretaria cuando llega Narin y le dice que no puede hacer eso , estás enfermo , el dice que no es nada pero como Narin es terca lo envía a descansar. Reyhan regresa a la casa y encuentra a Melike que lleva unas lámparas a guardar y ella se ofrece a llevarlas. En la habitación Narin le dice a Kemal que deje de comportarse como un niño y lo envía a la cama el reclama porque dice que está aburrido y no está acostumbrado a dejar de trabajar. Melike esta molesta con Nigar porque desapareció todo el día , Nigar pregunta por Reyhan . Narin y Kemal conversan sobre un libro que Kemal está leyendo, Narin recuerda un libro que leyó en su país y como lloró con el y que tenían una tradición habrían el libro en cualquier página y lo leían , hace lo mismo con Kemal. Emir recuerda como tiro todas sus recuerdos en una caja como si fueran basura, de repente siente olor a humo y ve que todo esta quemado y piensa quieres darme una lección, todo lo que hemos vivido no vale la pena recordarlo si quieres quemar nuestras almas esta bien veremos como te quemas , te quemaré. Reyhan sentada en la bodega ve un objeto decorativo que llama su atención entra Sefer con cosas para guardar y Reyhan le pregunta y Sefer contesta que la señora Cavidan pidió que se tirara a la basura pero que él lo guardo ya que se podría necesitar, Reyhan pregunta fue la señora Cavidan, se da cuenta que es ella la que golpeó con eso a Hizmet , dice señora Cavidan ....
Obgda melocoton p sua tradução!!você nos tira da ansiedade!!!Fique com Deus até amanhã!🙏🙏😘😘😘
Gracias guapita,muchas gracias.💝💝💝💝💝💝
Graçias melocotom que Deus te abêncõe até amãnha se deus quiser
En la escena 40:08 a Reyhan se le quieren salir los ojos de la pasión que desborda en esa escena, y trasmite tan real...que en la vida real parecen parejas, me quedé tan emocionada en este capítulo 😍😍😍
I am loving Nerins & Kemals story mora than Reyhmar & Emir
Emir is going mad today and Reyhan’s silence is making him even crazier
But the flashback was wow 😳 I never saw it coming a kiss in this show
But he's revenge will backfire him
نن نن
There are more beautiful intimacy moments between them but this evil writer will not give a pleasure for the viewers to watch her mind is set up in something unpleasant so she is not ready to stop the abuse now . Her aims are how to keep this nonsense long
نن نن 😁it already did he is nervous can’t do anything keeps following Reyhan around just to have an excuse to talk to her even if he acts like a jerk around her he is lost
I just can’t imagine what will he do when he finds out the truth he will be devastated
emir is actually verbally abusing reyhan
@@murieljah5480 and mentally you can add
Now, i begin to love Kemal and Narin lovestory.
Ugghh I miss Reyhan's smile and Emir's twinkling eyes when he looks at her. I'm just going to pretend that Episode 122 has only one scene and its the tie scene. Nothing else. 🙅♀️
Exactly. The tie scene was legit.
Reyhan ve Emirin uzun zamandan sonra Romantik anlarini özlemisiz❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
54:23 Oya and Narin
Oya: If you wanted to look after my brother go down. He is working. I told him to lie down but as always he said that I don’t have to interfere. What should I do? He is not thinking about the things I said. Mister has work to do.
Kemal: Did Zafer read those things here?
Yonca: Read it. He said that MisterKemal should have a look on this document.
Kemal: The others you can put away. But this not, this one is very important.
Yonca: ok. Are you alright? This one I put behind your back. You made us all very afraid Mister Kemal.
Kemal: that’s nothing important. It will go soon.
Narin: what does going mean? I don’t understand this here. You are ill and why you are then working?! What’s that right now?
Kemal: I am working. Looking for the documents. That’s not holding a stone...
Narin: So that means that it is not important what the doctor said right?! Is that so?
Kemal: Don’t take it too far.
Narin: would you please go to your room. Work can wait. Thanks..that’s not that important. Oh, you Are saying that you don’t have to care for... Ok then. Until you are not standing up, I am here. I will also is your decision.
Kemal: I am sorry.
Yonca: Thanks to you, it is not important.
57:48 Narin and Kemal in the bedroom
Narin: why don’t you hear what I am saying to you? All the time I am looking after you like a child. It would have been better to look after your daughter‘s tooth brush...
Kemal: If you allow, I will go to bed. I will lie down, like you told me. So you are hearing me that you have to look after yourself.
Narin: oh, I am sorry. I know that I have to lie down, but because of you I don’t have the possibility to do this. Running after you caused me pain.
Kemal: to lie down all the time is getting me bored.
Narin: bored, is that right?
Kemal: I am not used to that.
Narin, then read a book.
Kemal: What kind of Book.
Narin: I don’t know, a Book...I will bring you one.when I am coming back I will not see you outside!
Kemal: I have to put myself together and end up my nonsense.
Thank you
Thanx Meryem😍😍😍
Totot[to pelao
Thanks you so much 💐💐💐
Emir's character is obvious due to a dysfunctional family especially his mom (deranged) that is why he doesn't have strong conviction and right reasoning. This proves that a good foundation begins by how parents teach their kids so that later in life would emulate what they do & how they decide in life. Reyhan is a ray of hope and strength even if she cries a lot becoz she knows the meaning of sacrificing in the name of love Not all people are willing to do. Only few people would know it and would be very convenient for a love that is never challenged by circumstances. There are some scenes which are so vital in understanding the depth of the story yet due to lack of translation give a bit confusion. But that does not mean it jeopardizes the whole story. So it will be helpful if there is a caption. By the way I keep watching it!
Narin is so beautiful when she smiles ❤️
Elədir ki var, Narin hər halıyla gözəldir.
Kemal's stolen glances at Narin is so cute! 😍😍😍
That #ReyMir ❤️ scene is so intense! No wonder Emir is so bitter about their divorce. He is very much in love with Reyhan and hoped to have a beautiful life with her until the divorce. Their beautiful memories together is killing him inside. And Reyhan does not give any plausible reason why she filed for divorce. Now, I understand why Emir is acting childish while being so angry/bitter about the divorce. He was trying to punish her as his heart is burning inside. 😔
I hate abusive men in the name of love. Emir is abusive at times. Why not show affection inorder to win her heart.
They never been happy, they sleep in separated rooms.
Reyhan you want Nigar to tell you what she know, but you will not disclose your secret, uunbelievable.
Good point
Right !
Now I’m hooked Kemal and Narins love story too, let’s see where it goes, and she’s hiding secrets, like she was a doctor and maybe had husband or boyfriend who wasn’t nice to her and she ran away from that relationship, bcz the way she talks about men , anyway I’m hoping the best
Reyhanın Atası Anası olmaması bəlkədə onu bu qədər ağlamasının səbəbidir.Allah heç bir övladı ata ana nəfəsindən əskik etməsin.amin
Amir Udueu amin
amin 😔🙏
Allah hec biz evladi atasiz anasiz qoymasin
Пусть рейхан все расскажет эмиру. Она его сильно ранила. Он даже на коленях у нее попросил причину развода. Ему трудно . Его тоже нужно понять. Лично мне его жалко. Что бы он там не сделал , он ее любит.
To the scriptwriter: Please don't take it personally but I need to share what I have learnt: In order for you to be respected and successful in your Art you must be authentic. You need the viewer to relate to the story but Season 2 is a chaos. It's embarrassing to watch. Nothing makes sense. We understand that the success of the Season 1 must be very stressful as you are expected to be as good or even better in season 2. I am afraid it is not a success, far from it. Your lack of clarity, senseless plots, so many verbal and psychological abuse against Reyhan's character, the father being hit on the neck and no police investigation, the constant misunderstanding between Emir and Reyhan is unimaginable and yet imagination is what you need to make us believe that everything we are watching is possible. I am afraid it is not. Your lack of authenticity is an insult not only to our intelligence but also to your creativity. We watched every episode of the season 1. But now, like of all of people here, we don't anymore we just watch the promo volume off because we can't take the screaming, yelling and crying. I stopped recommending it "Season 1 only". I wish you would be consistent and would develop the important events from the previous season. the character of Suna ,who was able to move and feel her feet, would be learning how to walk by now. Najar was pregnant nothing to show. Reyhan, would continue her studies (which she did) and focus on her future and be a teacher in her village? BUT most importantly, If you want to "use" some ideas from other series make them yours by making them better.
@N.G. well put. This writer needs to learn more about crime investigations. Her story is all over the place. Reyhan and Emir are like idiots, Cavidan and Cemre and Talaz are evils and keep on complotting with the good people paying the consequences. The writer makes her audience feels like idiots. She did the same thing with the show Emanet. I think she enjoys torturing good people and make them look dumb.
Correct. For instance how can the doctor finalize as stroke when they can see blood and he was hit by a hard object. Why Emir didnt report to the police that his wife was kidnapped. Maybe they are planning to use that gap as a plot for other season....i dont know
09/2023 Here's 3 years later, and I totally agree as I have made the same complaint about season 2,had about 3 good episodes, and after that, it was back to the abuses ,which is sooo derogatory. 😒🤔
Agree! even reyhan was kidnapped by talaz, no investigation happened. This season tortured us mentally and emotionally, I feel sorry for reyhan and emir's characters, because of Cavidan and cemre's evil deeds. Once I hate the story I always fast forward it. 😂😅
Thank you.
There is no sense of privacy in Tarhun house. They eavesdrop to no end. First Cemre used to linger around ReyMir's room and now Emir's mom does it.
The way emir behaving is soo funny 🤣 😆 😂 like a kid that he's toys is missing 🤣
Emir nasıl işadamı, sürekli evde hiç dışarıya gitmiyor. Bu pek çalışan birine benzemiyor yaaaa🤪😄
Zaver onun yerine calışıyor😂
Reyhanin emire aldığı hesiye sahnesi hangi bölümduü?
offf besdirin uzatmayın artığ bu nedir hamı susur üreyinde danışır gerçekler ortaya çıxsın artığ bezdik vallah .
Eynen sizinle eyni fikirdeyem kino anlamını itirmeden gerçekler çıxsın ortaya
Ele ona gorede daha baxmiram.eseblerimi pozdu bu serial.
Eynən uzandıqca uzanır çox sıxıcı uje
Daha izləmirəm eyni olaylar maraqsız eləcə fraqmanina baxram
I really wish Reyhan would have shown this level of intelligence earlier. Now who knows how far they're going to take this- Emir wanting revenge and his mother trying to torture Reyhan. I hope Emir doesn't go too far, at some point he won't be able to get Reyhan back.
Your right, and he's already done so much to her. 🙄😢
In my opinion, they are prolonging this story far. It is the same storyline over & over. She has been blamed for everything. After a while it is boaring.
She is gaining courage to speak up. In Europe especially Turkey, they consider peasant as lowest class of people which is sad. I noticed in other TV programs rich women abuse servants, spending money and drinking coffee. They show no intelligence.
As for Emir, I would tell him hit a road Jack and don;t look back but I am not Reyhan. We do not choose whom we love, but we have choice and reason in whom we like. Women like Reyhan think they can help hot tempered husbands. Many die in their hands. Again, this is a very sad and confusing story.
@Gigi luv Leila went to tell Talaz that she didn't want a life of crime anymore because Kemal had shown her the right kind of life. Talaz was furious and was going to shoot her. They were on a rooftop and as Leila was moving back she fell off the roof. Kemal found her. She was unconscious and went into a coma and then later died. Sad!
Dizinin guzel kismi Taci❤️🧿Suna.Ve gormedigimiz Reyhan❤️🧿Emir sahnesi.
Emir loves Reyhan and she loves him. She is fighting and Uncle hears everything. Her Faith is stronger. Emir. FAITH is not as strong anger has taken it’s place. Anger is a wall. Reyhan has GOD and this why she got stronger. THE PROMISE IS A GODLY PROMISE. Uncle is a believer, and this is why she was brought into the home. Faith. Cemre and Emir mother can not fight FAITH. Cemre surprise that Reyhan called her hand by given her the phone and said call. Chase the devil away, but he will be back. The darkness is beginning show some light. Emir anger will begin dissipate . We are all face with evil in our lives. ANGER
Very well said! God bless
Emir should stop taking decisions when he is angery they go a long way to affect him.
He shouldn’t talk either 🤣🤣🤣
Why emir don't even find out who kidnapped her from the hospital and he is like a monster...poor reyhan she has to suffer for the one she day the truth will be revealed and her sorrow will turn into joy..
But i don't want her to forgive him just like that i want him to suffer
This is the way women are treated in most countries, unfortunately.
But why did Reyhan ripped Emir's heart hiding things like that from a husband to the extent of filing a divorce when at that time Emir loved her so much
Emir is bad tempered always yelling at Reyhan, not knowing how cruel his mother is,his character is very foolish
What an exaggeration! When domestic violence is a problem in Turkey, it is really shameful. It's a drama, I know, but this violence was'nt needed so much ...very sad!😂😂
It's a problem all over the universe,she should take the young girl away from this horror,very bad for child to see this in real life situation, this is horrendous mental abuse of the father also, when you accept this it continues, how can you want to be with someone even if they say sorry, love doesn't come from this.
You are the English comment i was looking for.. Can you pls tel me... Which episod ws the tie scene in?
Эмир услышал обрывок разговора Рейхан и Джемре в прошлой серии где она сказала : как бы я не отталкивала Эмира он всегда будет меня любить !А он это понял как издевательство с ее стороны ...В этой серии он решил всячески унижать ее и показывать что она для него ни чего не значит !
Р. же начала догадываться что Джавидан ударила дядю и всячески допытывается у нигяр правду,она же в свою очередь пока молчит
Кемаль понимает что влюбляется в Нарин и пытается отогнать от себя эту мысль ,но без толку ,он все больше узнаёт что она образованная и воспитанная девушка ,а не дикая грубиянка какой показалась в начале , у них общие интересы в кино и литературе,что их ещебольше сближает
P.S если нужен дословный перевод напишите какую сцену ,я переведу 😉
Спасибо огромное , теперь хоть что- то поняла. А то смотрю и ничего не понимаю .
Вы молодец, я примерно так поняла.Но спасибо Вам и от других тоже.
Это и без перевода понятно ))
@@ek6823 Очень хорошо.
ŴįηgŜ øf ßυŧŧęŕҒłγ рада за вас 👌
Wow finally this is the first time that I seen that look at Kemal with love she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. That was the best part today it made my day. I loved it 😊
They're the only reason I'm still watching. At least something interesting and sweet even if there's drama surrounding them. I hope they'll end up tog6for real 😍
colibri bleu I know too I was about to give up on this drama am only watching it too because I love Kemal and Narin charter if it wasn’t for them am pretty sure a lot of people would have stopped watching this show with all this drama of Cemre and Carivan that never gets caught. I hope this is the last evil thing they did and that Emir discovers that truth about this two snakes 🐍 🐍 inside his house. I hope they both go to jail.
@@wendyghazzawieh1 exactly. Narin and Kemal's story is much more adult. On the other hand what's happening in the crazy house is too much, and for us viewers not bearable. I can tolerate a high level of drama, but now after my disappointment and just want to laugh about the ridiculousness of this drama. Like you said I think a lot of people are still watching for Narin and Kemal 😍 they also have drama with the Talaz thing, Masal's custody and Narin's background that hides something, but at least it's believable and entertaining
colibri bleu that true I don’t know but for some reason I have a filling the Narin must be a Doctor 👩⚕️ or something like that she knows to much the ways she took care of Kemal when he was injured 🤕 says a lot. But something must have happened that she running away from someone that she hiding from someone. She probably witness something
@@wendyghazzawieh1 Yes....right. very smart n talented character. So mouthy n spit fire tho. But I feel her loudness is something she ls using as a protective machenism for her not to fall in love easily n get involved with a man. She had a bad experience with her first boyfriend. He abandoned her at the boarder n he took everything, passport, money..Narin had to escape on her own n then tried to survive in another country.
And having mafia after her she doesn't want to get involved n endanger the family. But knowing LOVE, it has a power of its own n does what it wants....
Emir you so wrong. Emir you are taking Reyhan kindness and meekness, very humble for granted. Old saying you don't miss your water until your Well running dry
Que horror , hasta cuándo hay capitulos de maltrato , muchas series tienen su parte violenta, pero está se la llevó toda la segunda temporada, se que pasa si la quiere alargar dele otro giro , es espantoso , lo que vemos además esto es para entretenernos no para sufrir y llorar como la protagonista, demos descanso por favor, no dañen la serie es bien bonita, la historia, y los artistas muy bonitos.
Toda la razón no he visto una serie con mas maltratos a la mujer, en estos tiempos, que esta.
😂😂😂😂😂Me hace gracia... No hay ni una escena romantica por la censura... Pero para la maldad no hay ninguna..da mucho ke pensar🤔
Concordo em tudo
Como que en Turquía les encanta el maltrato a la mujer, y si , hay otra muy violenta Hercai, el mensaje que dan en estas series es fomentar el maltrato a la mujer, y lo peor es que el mayor maltrato es liderado por las mismas mujeres. Espantoso, maquiavélico, horrendo
@@amandamolina9885 la verdad es que no se... He visto varias novelas y esta es la primera no solo tan mojigata donde el romanticismo es cero.. Sino donde el protagonista maximo es la maldad y la intriga... No lo entiendo... Un Oscar para ese guionista
Yo creo que para que miremos una escena de perdón, arrepentimiento, se descubra la verdad o de amor tendrán que pasar más de 65 capítulos como en la primer temporada donde le dijo que la amaba, ya falta poco no se desesperen.
Otra cosa yo se que causa ira e indignación como el la trata no lo justifico pero acuérdense que el se siente engañado porque un día anterior ella le dijo que era lo mejor que le había pasado y al siguiente le pide el divorcio así cualquiera se vuelve loco y el se desquita maltratandola; pero no olvidemos que solo es un personaje chicas.
Emir didn't get to know Reyhan at all cos if he did, he would not be speaking to her so hashly no matter what. He should be asking questions or try to find out another way as Reyhan refuse to answer him.
An entire episode with no cemre😊 woah i lived to witness this day😂😂😂
😂😂😂 another day will also come when she will be exposed
I was very happy not to see Cemre
Oh but emir was as cruel as cemre that I didn't even realise she wasn't there in the entire episode
@sowmyargopalan I didn't like how cruel he was to his ex. He was so mean and only wanting to hurt her which left me ti wonder did you really love her 🤔?
Por favor Melocotón, dónde estás?....estoy perdida, sin tu ayuda, gracias por tu tiempo y es esfuerzo por traducir.
Más tarde... Ahora esta en su trabajo..
Haha ya somos dos. Esperando a Melocotón ...😜😜😜
Yo tambien estoy esperando a melocoton,cuando puedas premero tu trabajo👍🙋🙋😘😘
Jajajajaja hay si Melocoton eres nuestro mejor regalo
@@Faith-With-God tres...
Allahım sevənləri ayıranların cəzasını özün ver🙏
Illahi Amin
Vermir da vermir🙄😯
@@georgia8546 bu dunyada vermesede o birsi dunyada verecey
Теперь Кемаль будет лежать несколько серий, в больнице не были ещё 3 участницы этой истории.
I get that Reyhan is a good person who would never think of disrespecting her elders no matter who they are or what they did, but the time has past come for her to grab Cavidan by the hair and be like, "Bitch don't try me." I mean in all honesty, what would she be able to do if Reyhan fought back a little? Complain to Emir? Emir already depises Reyhan, her grabbing his evil mother by the throat every once in a while won't change that. And if he complains, she can say, "Well seeing the woman who threw my head up against a wall and made my life hell while living here made me act out. Sorry." I mean seriously, how is Emir never present to see his mother's true evil face, but he overhears part of Reyhan's conversations all the time?
@tarheel715 u r so right emir is never der to with the evil side both his mom and the obsessed friend, the series is getting more and more ridiculous
Izlemiyorum ama bir bakayim ne olmus dedim hala ayni seylar yorulmadinizmi artik😴😴😴😴😴
24:35....27:12... ahhh i really feel his acting ,feelings nd he hold my breath... in all this scene....that y i love this man especially his angry young man mood 😚😚😚😚... becaz he done it so realistically i deep inside feel it😚😚😚
I am completely agree with you,
Yes dr
Me too😂
Me parece que Emir pasó de la ira a la crueldad, y pareciera que volvemos al capítulo 1 Reyhan callada, sumisa llorando por los rincones e incapaz de defenderse de tanto maltrato por parte de Emir y la madre. Menos mal que en este capítulo nos salvamos de Cemre.
Sii..hoy aliviadas por no tener que soportar a ka cara de bagre.. De Cemre.. 😏😏😏
Emir parece como cavidan, mesma crueldade
Lucy Fleitas Tidavia no se ke Issa el coraje que hizo ayer con Reyhan tal vez le dio gastritis ojalá tarde en aparecer así sólo Reyhan tendrás Emir y Cavidan fregándola 🤨
She deserves every bit of it the only thing I don't agree with is treating her as a servent n she's only helping them
Ya leas dari macan dari ular ganas dan singa sdg menanti Reyhan dan itu butuh ke e sabaran yg tinggi " fashbir shobroon jamiila" maka bersabarlah dgn kesabaran yg indah sabar sebenarnya Aamiin
Lo mas interesante de hoy es la escena en donde Reyhan recuerda que la regalo una corbata a Emir y según lo que uno intuye o deduce (porque en esta novela es así a uno le toca sacar las conclusiones a palo) en el proceso de anudar la corbata se dieron un beso o sea podemos decir que también hubo algo mas durante esos capítulos de reconciliación por allá en el 90 y pico Jajajaja vuelve y juega las teorías del embarazo
Bebé a bordo
No que novela , toda la semana girará entorno a las teorías. Saludos.
@@yorceliscantillocastro1464 Te lo digo de verdad, Emir no se merece nada, por terco e imbécil, pero a los que quiero le dediquen muuuuuuuchos capítulos de sufrimiento y donde se l@s desacredite totalmente es a Cavidan, Cemre, Talaz y Gonya, nos lo merecemos ya que venimos aguantando de sus terribles maldades desde un principio.
Yo lo pido, ya se me cumplió un deseo que fue el café escupido, ahora pido que sufran el doble de lo que están sufriendo los buenos
Asi es ... con esa escena nos dan a entender que si hubo algo mas y la idea del embarazo ya no es tan descabellada como antes pensabamos.
Çocuklar, dizide üçüncü AŞK başlıyor- Taci Suna!
Gostei muito dos capítulos que assisti em espanhol pena que não tem dublado em português.
Gostaria muito que as novelas estrangeiras fossem todas dubladas em vários idiomas.
Muito interessante e tem tudo que uma Boa novela deve ter.😍
Também acho, mas não consigo ver a segunda temporada em espanhol! Só vi a primeira.
Que nada querida, o espanhol é lindíssimo pra nós entramos no idioma através da música, da cultura, e a oportunidade de ver séries turcas em espanhol é fantástico. Te digo, se vc começar a ouvir músicas, ver jornais via net, sobretudo ler algo que te goste, verás que além do entretenimento, da descobertas de elementos da cultura turca, ainda saíra no lucro, pois após um tempo verás que vai parecer português (pelo menos pra entender_. Falo por experiência própria! Não foi com as séries, foi lendo textos de temas que precisava estudar e ouvindo música. Te garanto que vale mais a pena do que podemos imaginar. As portas que se abrem, os horizonte que se descortinam com o espanhol é incrível Na verdade seria muito bom se, pelo menos, nós, brasileiros/a, fosse comum ouvir espanhol e entender quase como nosso prórpio idioma (nunca é, claro, mas...) e vice versa para os demais países da América Latina, nossa Pátria Grande!
Kemal and Narin reading Hafiz.... Great scene!
امنيتي البس نظميه هيه والمخرج اصفر واذبهم بساحة التحرير واخليهم يطلعون حركه قلبي بيهم😤😤😤
زَزَمِٰـِۢرًّدٌّۿۿہ هههههه
اني اكره مكافحة الشغب بس يسوون فضل اذا خلصونة منهة
ليش اصفر😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇮🇶✌️
لبسيهم احمر أحسن😂😂😂
Reyhan pls do not let emir hurting you that way..use your away and leave him huhu..i really feel you😢😢😢
Finally, Narine became successful to takeover the role of Laila.
The dr in the Istanbul hospital is so unprofessional not knowing and not questioning about the hit on hikmats head,
Are crazy this is the drama not real life 😂
Fatxiya Husein although it is not a real life drama, make it more realistic.
Великолепный кадр с галстуком, очень красивые и любовь красивая и музыка!!!
Но эмир тупой так нечего невидить и не чувствует слипой.
@@ЛайлоНарзиева-ь3ъ а мужчины все многое не замечают. Их так создал Господь. Женщина думает а он решает.
Думала она завяжет галстук а стойт как будто не умеет.
Emir SALAFRÁRIO. Quer dizer que enquanto fazia forçadamente a vontade do pai e depois gostando mesmo da Reyhan, ele ignorava o fato de ela ser pobre, filha de empregada. Então foi só haver divórcio e ela não assinar mais seu sobrenome, que ele mostrou sua verdadeira face discriminativa e arrogante tal como sua ordinária mãe. A essência da personalidade do Emir é aquela do início da primeira temporada e de agora, humilhar. Enquanto tinha a ilusão de que iriam ser um casal, ele a tratava como igual e agora usa a condição social desprovida de Reyhan para a lembrar de onde ela veio. Ele poderia muito bem, mesmo com a raiva, agir de outra forma e não mandar ela limpar coisas como se ela fosse empregada da casa, afinal, ela está lá é fazendo um grande favor cuidando do pai dele. EMIR DECEPÇÃO. MISERÁVEL e ORDINÁRIO. Fosse eu, iria pra bem longe e ainda que ele pedisse perdão eu não o receberia mais em minha vida. Pois a qualquer momentoe numa raiva qualquer iria desfazer e agir com soberba por ser rico. Esse enredo dessa série é de muito mal gosto.
É verdade ela não tinha nem um dever de limpar pois foi ele quem derrubou ele tinha que chamar quem paga pra fazer este serviço e por isso que eu não me alegro com o amor deles porque tem muito maltratosele destrói o psicólogico dela não cabeça que aguente tanta reclamação
@@franciscalima6212 vai saber pq ela quis continuar, indo pra 3 temporada
Plzzzzzzzzz upload all epi of this series with english subtitles I love this drama but I can't understand the language plzzzzz do this favour ..
Gerçekler neden açıka çıkmıyor hep aynı 😣😣😣😣
Diziyi uzatmak için yapıyorlar hiç şaşırmıyorum artık sonuçda günlük dizilerin hepsi öyle👎
Reyhan eslinde her şeyi basa dusure ama key kimi baxmagi meni lap esblesdirir
@@ilahealiyeva7971 niye susur başa düşmürem
Çıxacaq evlənəcəkler dedim ya
@@aylababayeva3739 50.bölüm sonra belkem
Emir ne te fâche pas trop sur Reyhane.Elle a toujours peur de la crier ,comme tu as une voix haute et colère. Elle ne sait plus quoi faire (le travail de la maison ou ton père).Elle a assez de supporter les colères de ta mère et Gemre. Ma fille soit patience,elles vont regretter tous ceux qu'ont fait du mal sur toi .Ne t'inquiète pas Reyhane, tu es courageuse 💐🙏🙏🐞🐞🌻🌻
Know we pray for the peace in the world and Rayhan may allah help us.emir is very handsome but not clever.
He is always idiot
And not very handsome either, needs a shave, a haircut, and a few brain cells to figure things out
Такую мамашу даже врагу не пожелаешь, хотя такую тупую жену тоже
Ну и мужа 👶 под стать своей мамаши тоже как-то не очень хотелось бы .....Другая давно бы сбежала и забыла его😤😡😠 имя
Nina Petryk его можно как раз понять ,он влюблён и открыл ей своё сердце ,а она можно сказать плюнула ему в душу ,другой бы на его месте и на порог не пустил бы ,а она в наглую сама пришла и заявила что не уйдёт !!!кого бедняге каждый день видеть ее и знать что она рядом 😕А Рейхан дура раз не смогла довериться и в открытую поговорить с мужем !!!
@@eliusub7901 Reyxan radi dyadi prişla i ona videla pismo tam napisana çto ne uydi otsuda ...
@@ninapetryk6165 Где есть любви хотя бы капля , там есть терпенья океан
Schmidt Valentina красивая фраза ,но в жизни всегда почему то наоборот 😕всегда обижают и делают больно тем кого больше всего любят ...
Old emir again now!!but new lover TAJI ❤️SUNA how sweet they’re ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋😘😘😘
What I don't understand is whenever there is a case like Hekmet bey's accident, hospitals and doctors check the person's body to figure out what has happened. He had a Hemorrhage in the brain, that means they should have checke his head and the marks of a blunt object is quiet different from hitting your head on the floor. When the patient is an elderly person, they check even more because there is always possibilities of elder abuse. How come Reyhan could see the mark on his neck but doctor's missed it????? does not seem realistic at all.
Exactllyy..and the thingy from which she hit her was also covered with blood lol
@@yuhye840 exactly . I stopped watching this show now I see that Hekmet bey married another crazy woman. I kept telling him he should marry Malike Abla he did not listen to me.
Reyhan why didnt you fight Cavadan off and take your stuff.I hope you tell Emir about this.We are tired of you keeping quiet about everything.
En realidad he llegado a pensar que al parecer por no ser yo de Turquía no entiendo la propuesta del escritor pero es un verdadero clavo (como le decimos aquí en mi país cuando le propuesta no sirve. 😠
Angela Bastardo un clavo ardiendooooo
Angela Bastardo En mi país se dice es un verdadero churro . Ya no tiene pies ni manos se atoraron en lo mismo la misma mansión los mismos malos y la pobre que llora y llora a no 👎
Какие то мужчины не решительные, а актеры очень хорошие
Carne picada al horno
Like Mother like Son, what a bunch of wicked people. This Season 2 has sunk deeper than the Titanic. Very cruel family. Unfortunately Reyhan is such a doormat and can't speak up. Normally the lead female has some friend to help but everyone is oblivious to what is happening(where is Oja?) I hope future episodes get better.. how depressing 😧
Reyhan está luchando contra las 🐉🐉y contra el que le den ganas de lastimarla 😢🤷🤷👋👋👋🙅🙏 Saludos, abrazos y bendiciones desde Medellin, Colombia 🇨🇴 07-09-2023.
I loved the episode!!! ❤🙏👍Great potential, reyhans mind is churning, things are moving along!!! And that tie scene!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I'm so hooked, I hate this LOLOL!🤣🤣🤣 the best part, NO CEMRE TODAY!🥳🥳🥳So excited for 123!!!⚘⚘⚘ and yes, reyhan could be expecting!!!!!!👫💏❤🤰👶🌷😘
Poor Emish is dying with love for Reyhan
Emir you are so lucky that you have Reyhan u should respect her instead of torchring her come on man she sacrifice her love just to protect u I know u don't know that I'm also very sad for both of u but u should have to find the truth behind Reyhan's sudden divorce instead of taking revenge and your anger on Reyhan.
And also u have no wright to hurt Reyhan because she is not your wife nor she is your servant💔💔😭😭.
Emir please tell me which kind of love is this I mean how can anyone hurt anyone which he used to loves like crazy.
Yurt diwindan izleyenler layk edin sayimizi bilek
Kemal Narin ❤
Bu dizinin gaymagi
Narin chok daha dogal aparir rolunu ❤
Emir is treating reyhan so badly and she's crying and hurting so much can't he see how nuch pain she'd going through but there will cone s day that he'll regret and his pain will be intense nothing will ease his pain
Brenda Maharaj......this problem we have to see the two side. Yes Reyhan cry but Emir suffer more. Reyhan knows what is the problem but Emir doesn't know any thing,so it makes it so hard to take it. He is confused. So he is trying to hate her, to hurt her. She stab him in the heart.
It is Reyhans own fault that Emir treats her bad because she wont tell him about his mom and Cemres abusive attitude towards her.
heleşükür reyhan anladin dayini kim buhale getirdi cavidan kotese layik
شفت الصوره فرحت عبالي تصالحو
اثاري تذكر🤣
ههههههه كنت باش نتفرج ياخي كقريت المساج متاعك بطلت طولو فيه بالفارغ
وأخيرا تلقيت مع أحد يتكلم العربية
لك تحية مني عربية مغربية وتركية 😘😘😂
@@lonamarocrifiya3301 اهلا بيك تحية لك من اختك التونسية
تعيشي وتاكلي غيرها يا حب
مساء الجمال
Noor Noor ااي والله اني هم 🙁😒
At 40:00 ... i mean seriously director or writer u r trying to fool us???.... can u plz tell me aftet their patch up... in season two is there any day which both have spend happily nd emir went to office... seriously after watching uncountable time its totally wrong scene which have no logic.... i mean in epi 90 they both patch up... right after that when they were going for date... emir's mother was shooted ... nd right after two episodes... emir's father was in hospital nd when he discharged from hospital ryhan was kidnapped nd very next day they go for outing nd that night Cemere told Ryhan u have to take divorce nd then both divorced... so now tell me from episode 90 to 105 emir or Ryhan mostly spend their time in hospital or kidnappers so when Ryhan was soo romantic nd tied his tie nd when she went to market to buy this tie🤔🤔🤔 in whole situation they were too tensed nd upset.... so when they were trying to b so relax nd romantic in whole 15 episodes 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
If i m wrong... u can tell me😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁
Интересно ...другие тоже как я читают только комментарию!!!!😆😆
Да я тоже читаю коминтарю.
Да, я читаю. Где можно найти перевод, смотрю на лица их и все, нихрена ничего не пойму
Алия Нукатова могу помочь с переводом !напишите что перевести !🙂
Толька ваши переводы помагают понять и то не полностью просьба по больше комментари с русским переводом
Нет другие еще пишут комментарии.
Etirazını nədən etmirsən Yağmur, nə vaxt səsini qaldırmağa son qoyacaqsan, bizdə qızlar səsini belə qaldırmırlar.
Apparently the gift tie was during their five minutes if happiness.
Susan Kenard я тоже 😂
Susan Kenard
The tie romance made my night .... ah so ooooo long time 😙😙😙😙😙😙😙
Zareen Islam they definitely did the “deed” ....😂😂
When did she give it to him? I do not remember she ever did give him this gift
I don’t remember the scene Reyhan gave a gift to Emir. Was it really such a scene or they just fitted this in for Rayhan pregnancy?
There was no such scene before in any of the past episodes. They added this scene in as a flashback for Reyhan.
Biktim artik reyhani sevenler kalp atsin demekden simdiii Beni sevenler kalp atsin♥️😂😂😂
Gunel Huseynova ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I don't know what gonna happen of these two but I am sure of one thing that ozge and Gokberg are in love with each other.they look so natural whenever together
Please make my only prayer come true they become truly in love and get married they have my blessing in a reality away from the evil dream ❤️
ЭТО всё смотреть тяжело, даже боюсь представить,как можно такое прожить....но унижать человека,которого любишь😍 или любил.....это ниже человеческого достоинства....😑 это предел слабых...Можно было понять гнев,обиду,отвращение в конце концов....но такое ....не приемлимо разумному человеку...
Вы правы . Эмир думает что мучает Рейхан . А на самом деле он не только Рейхан мучает своими поступками и словами но и себя. Страдают оба из за тупости Рейхан . Как такое можно скрыть от любимого
Значит и не любил вовсе, не научился прощать, смирятся и любить - боятся огорчить любимьіх людей. А єто дает только родная семья. Да и что он мог видеть в такой семье с мамашей?
@@окши-ю6н Я не совсем согласна, что 💯виновна она...после всех событий она,возможно,не подумала как следует...не было бы развода 🐍Дже и🐍 Джа продолжали свои делишки...Рейхан понимает,что всё зашло слишком далеко...А тут ещё жизнь дядюшки под угрозой...все молчат,боятся...и поддержки ждать неоткуда🤔😔😔😔🤔
@@ИгорьГетман-ь2э Боюсь, там дианоз скоро будет как у маман🤕🤕🤕говорят же,если разозлить человека, он прольёт то, чем наполнен💩💩💩💩💩
@@ninapetryk6165 вы правы. 👍Не бывает одна сторона виновата. Если бы не этот взрывной характер Эмира то она сказала бы ему.
Marqlidi bu zamana qeder hec bir doktor ve bir kimse hikmet beyin boynundaki yyara izin gormedi bir reyhan gordu. Bu yara tazeyken he qan axmadi😂😂😂😂😂
Ben bu senaristin piskolojisinin bozuk olduna inaniyorum. Zevk aliyor reyhanin alamasindan manyak
Senarist psikologik hasta olduguni hepimiz anliyoruz evet ama bu qadar sacmalamasi hep kotu insanlari kazandirmasi coook fazla😡😡😈😈
I cant see her crying anymore😔😔😔😢
Narin yeter be Kemala Balkabağı dediyin
ليش انا كمان بطلع انى بحلم انى بشاهد المسلسل هذا وببعد عنه ومعاد تابعو 🙂هما بس بيتخيلو وبيعشو مبسوطين ونحنا منكدين😒😂
اميرة البيدق صح هم منكدين علينا عشتنا و هم ولا على بالهم ههههه
Теперь Эмир подумает, что это все сожгла Рейхан и все превратила в пепел.
Что слепой не увидеть,а глухой не услышет,то сам нафантазирует.Сколько раз было,услышал конец разговора,потом придумал свой бред и ,пардон,понеслось дерьмо по трубам.
Да,к сожалению, он уже такой вывод сделал
@@АлияАлия-й8й ну вот он такой и если любишь воспринимай его разным, таким какой он есть. Конечно сценаристы переборщили.
Arogancja u Emira na samym szczycie!!!!!! Podziwiam Rejhan że jest w stanie znieść okrucieństwo tego okrutnego człowieka
Gercekler aciqa cixsin artiq, eyni weylere baxmaqdan uge sixilirir insan. Bir az hizlawdirin lutfen, lutfen
40:11 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love #Reymir #yemin forever 💖💖💖💖
Me encanta la pareja que hacen Kemal y Narin
Как бы не был зол, но любимому человеку нельзя причинять боль
Да нормальный человек и не сможет , когда любимого обижаешь больно себе , потому что он твоя половинка ❤️
Согласна с Вами.Вы умница!!!
@@irinapetrova6035 Совершенно согласна с Вами
Кто кому причинили?
Pani Irino zgadzam się z Panią całkowicie!!
it's sad to see such a weak female leader, usually female heroes of the story in turkish dramas are strong, smart, funny, with an ego. reyhan is sometimes, very rarely, strong enough to defend herself or slap people, other than that, she's as weak as a jelly fish, why make coffee for cavidan ? why not say 'no', why clean the plant in emir 's room ? in a later episode, cavidan and cemre throw food on the floor, and ask her to clean and she listened and got down and started collecting the food from the floor when she could have just walked away ......what is wrong with the writers ? i mean come on, this show, has no logic, no smart heroes, devilish women that run away with stupid crimes that could easily be solved. At least, make the hero confident and strong enough to say ''no''. it was so cringy to watch her clean the plant. In my head, i was saying ''no no please don't make her do it, please let her leave the room, and make him come back to the room and find the plant as it is so he understands he is not able to order her around"" !!!!!!
Jakie smutne Nie mogę doczekać się następnego odcinka . Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Smutne i wymyślone z kosmosu, źle dziewczyna robi powinna spakować walizkę i po cichutko wyjechać a nie czekać na kelner poniżenia niech się gryzą sami ze sobą przy swojej budzie.Emir i tak będzie jej szukał z wywieszonym jezykiem ,ja sobie nie wyobrażam ich jako małżeństwo. Ale Rejchan i tak mu wybaczy i powie ze to nie jego wina i jeszcze go przeprosi!Pozdrawiam
So they did kiss for the short period when they were together 😍 I thought nothing happened since Emir said he'll take it slow and they only cuddled at night 😂
Duyqusuz balkabağı olunca cox gözəl dedi narin🤣🤣
He need his wife. Give him back his wife, he will be fine. You're smitten Emir, You’ve got it bad. He misses his wife so much. He needs her now. That's all. Believe me, he is dying here. Only his wife, his talisman.
DaDiDu Da his a idiot and don’t even deserve to be married to a sick dog
How is that love
It’s disgusting
Is that the way to get his wife back?????. You have to be a Man enough!!!!!!. I don't respect to his way
That's why Reyhan must tell him what happen. The idiot is Reyhan. Emir, we know he only can think when Reyhan with him. Reyhan, in the sudden try to be Nancy Drew but stupid. Before this, when she has been kidnapped, she is shaking the whole body, cannot stand and cannot breath because of the scare. Emir has to sing to soothing her. Reyhan deserves his rage. She hurt him enough.
T perché meuf. 🤨🤨
She refused conversation with him, she broke her promise never to hide anything from him. She left him dry .
Narin 💕 Kemal
Emir sucks now his Ego is killing him and Reyhan with the misunderstanding and for the script writers what dont you show Emir Reyhan Past Lip Kissing are you ashamed 😂😂😂
Que flashback foi esse meu povoo !! Que cena linda !! 🥰
Ah ! Precisamos de mais momentos assim, entendo que a trama precisa desses desentemdimentos para ter conteúdo, mas estás cenas lindas entre os dois são uma festa pra alma. Espero que já comece a desvendar as mentiras, as armações e traga de volta momento felizes entre o casal...
Gostando de ver o Kemal e a Narin, bem mais próximos também. 🤗
Mas espero anciosa que as najas tenham o que merece e que não demore muito pra isso ...🤨
Amo essa série... Yemin 💕🧿🌻
Queria ela legendada em português
@@djelanev Tem em espanhol aqui na página.
@@aldenicealves6133 Dublado em espanhol ou legendado em português
@@djelanev Dublado em espanhol.
@@aldenicealves6133 não tô achando em espanhol pode me ajudar por favor
Ray hand is always keeping secrets to her husband. I pity Emir because of the anger building up in his heart. If only the wife will learn how to be honest and believe in her husband, then things would be great.
بالنسبه لعمو حكمت اكثر من عشرين حلقه ساكت اكيد بيدفع فلوس للمخرج علشان يشل المشاهدين
Wielka miłość Emira & Reyhan 😍ale brak zaufania do Reyhan ,jego charakter wszystko niszczy ,sprawia jej tyle cierpienia ,ale Myers że Reyhan dojdzie do prawdy i Emir zrozumie swój błąd i w końcu całkowicie zaufa Reyhan bez graficznie zaufać, tylko czy Reyhan przebaczy te wszystkie zniewagi. Życie, niema miłości bez zazdrość, ale szczere uczucie wszystko pokona .Pozdrawiam 💖💖💖💖💖
Reyhan stoi sama a Emir tak sie na niej wyzywa , mysle mimo wszystko czy beda razem to przykre slowa mozna wybaczyc ale na zawsze pozostana w glowie za kodowane........
Czy to możliwe żeby mężczyzna tak odnosił się do kobiety?!!!!! Przecież ten cały Emir to prymityw kompletny!
Jestem wstrząśnięta do głębi zachowaniem chloptasia swojej "mamusi" on jest niezrównoważony powinien się leczyć!!