For non Turkish viewers: Scene1: R: is there anything makes u fear N: no not in fact! I just saw..... that... how u saved me from being fired and wanted to thank u..u helped me despite i was never by your side--R: not important but what was so difficult about it to say?- i just am not used to say such thing thats why.... Nigar regrets again for talking to reyhan Scene 2: Emir: ( flashback) its my dault of. course ! Why did i kneel to the woman who told me she cant stand my touch!!! What did u turned me into!!! Why dont u Just leave me alone and get out of my life?! Rejan asks melekeh to make hekmet eat so that he get used to her absence M: why r u crying?-- out of excitement and happiness sis! Scene3: Emir: dad? Have had this soup? Did u make him eat sis? -- yes son he ate from my hand and tnx to reyhan! I don’t know how did she convince him - its good! Its a big progress dad! Im so happy for u! R: there is no more need of me since he’s fine now ( u can tell me go bow! U can get rid of me if i want) E: its bot u to tell is if he’s well or bot! Ill talk to doctor Kemal asks narin why is she breathing hardly and she insists to wait for her tell she comes back K: how do u know first aids and health service ?- N: we can talk after saving our lives first - maybe there is no more time to know it! Narin says they both will survive Scene4: 20:48 Rehsn thanks hekmet for accepting her request Doctor: im seeing more progress than what that i expected Ill call u as soon as the results r delivered Cavidan pretending t b happy and points out indirectly to let reyhan go E: Let’s wait till doctor send us his checkup results mom! Cavidan tells reyham that patients vosot os netter to n keüt short And then warns hekmet that she wont let him b well once she sends Reyhan away Nigar is afraid she will kill helmet if Reyhan leaves Kemal Marks that natin was not well wants to look after her 32.29 Scene5: Cavidan imforms cemre that reyhan will leave soon Nigar is determined to talk to Reyhan and Melekeh asks her whats wrong with her lately R: i intrust zenep to u sis!-M: she will b like a bird in cage!-but promise me u will take care of her!-- i know u r worried of cavidan maam it ill b there for her... why did it happen to us my dear? Why cant u tell me? Maybe we csn solve it together -- there is no solution for it sis! Ill have to go Passerby men r trying g to help kemal and he says „narin is still here „ before fainting 37:45 Z: is the doctor calling??-E: i just hope he give e good news !- yes it can b, we alrady know that he xdnt b on his feet so soon any even if hes progressing, hd will still need reyhan! What if he say don’t let her go?- don’t know my friend i have bo idea! ... hello? Im listening doctor..... he’s doing well and the blood test result is bettter than before-- so i shall leave so u give the family this good news R: it wont b easy for me either uncle ... to leave u alone E: here u go! U were right! Right here u said that Dad is doing well.... isnt it dad? Doctor said your tests results r very good, he was talking optimistic, u will see dad, soon u will b back to your normal days ( to reyhan) and.... as u wanted.... u can go To 43:35 Scene6.: R: like i said before, i intrust zenep to u sis! Z: will u call me everyday?-- yds promise - M: let safar take u -- ill go with taxi 51:13 Nigsr letter: Don’t go! Your uncles life is in danger, u have no idea what can happen to him after u leave! Dong leave him alone! No one here is like how they seem to b! ( flashback.... she doubt cemre) Kemal asks the nurse about narin any she says she was not there last night 56:20 Scene7: Zenep and meleke r happy for reyhan Cavidan: no need to come back if u have forgotten your stuffs ill send it with nigar R: zenep? Take my bag to our room Cavidan goes crazy and melekeh says let her ask Reyhan and she might tell her Crmre says leg me make her realize what can i do with her! 1:00:40 R: what did happen to u uncle? Who diy it? What have u passed through? But dong worry ill gl no where unless i find it out what diy they do with u! Cemre warns reygan to leave within five minutes R: come on go!!! Run to police! I still wont leave! I have nothing more to lose now! U finished my married life! Dont u keep sa kng u love emir? Lets see how much love him! Can u gheow him in prison to spend his lifd ghere? And kets see whag will u ac hieve by doung so! E: what is this noise nom? C: shes back! - E: she might have forgotten smth- i thought so too but she seng her bag in her room bla bla bla E: why did u return? We all know there is no need fir u to stay here! Dad is well u were just here for his sake! and u wanted to leave ! Did u forget it? R: i wont go anywhere! Ill b with my uncle from now on and it will b good if all get used to it! The end
Capitulo 120 resumen en Español Reyhan le dice que diga lo que vio, Nigar le contesta que quería agradecerle que la haya ayudado frente a la Señora ya que ella no está acostumbrada a que sean amable con ella y la habían tratado tan mal que le agradece su ayuda, Reyhan le pregunta si está segura que era eso y Nigar le dice que se expresó mal ya que no está acostumbrada a este tipo de conversaciones. Narin escucha a Kemal decir no llores, y ella le dice que le promete que lo salvará, que se libraran de esto, que no puede dejar a Masal. Sefer le dice que la vio hablar con Reyhan y ella le dice que no paso nada, una vez que se va dice no seas tonta no debes meterte que te importa lo que les pase. Emir esta molesto y dice es mi culpa intentar hablar con una mujer que no soporta ni que la toque , vuelve a tus sentidos es suficiente, ya no está en mi vida. Llega Melike con un plato de sopa para el tío, Reyhan dice que por favor se la de ella y piensa tío bebe esta sopa de maños de Melike así sabre que puedes continuar tu vida sin mi, te ruego que me dejes ir, Melike dice hija eres un ángel cómo hiciste para lograr que el señor Hizmet vuelva a la vida y le pregunta a Reyhan por qué llora y le contesta que de alegría. Narin despierta y pregunta a Kemal como está, él contesta que mareado y ella dice eso es normal y busca agua para que beba. Melike esta dando de comer a el tío y aparece Emir que le pregunta que como logró que comiera, Melike le dice que fue por la ayuda de Reyhan, el dice que está muy feliz de que su padre se recupere. llega Reyhan y dice ya no me necesita y piensa ahora puedes decirme que me vaya , puedes hablar como quieras, puedes decir que no te vea , Emir contesta yo decidiré, no tú, hablaré con el doctor primero quiero escucharlo a él. Narin dice a Kemal que debe llevarlo pronto a un hospital, Kemal contesta que ira con ella , Narin dice que no puede que ella está bien y que solo esta un poco cansada, que sabe que ella es terca y que ira sola y regresará, antes de que se vaya Kemal le dice como sabes hacer todo ésto, ella le contesta que primero irán a casa después debe sobrevivir y que conversarán , se lo promete, después de que salgamos hablaremos todo y ahí me conocerás. Narin a penas puede caminar por los dolores que tiene. Reyhan dice a su tío, gracias , nunca olvidaré tu sacrificio. Llega el doctor le dice que tomará exámenes de vitaminas y de niveles sanguíneos y que luego le avisará, Emir agradece y se van. Cavidan ve al doctor y pregunta si paso algo a Hizmet Emir le dice que está bien y que se alimentó de las manos de Melike , ella agradece a Dios y agrega que ahora Reyhan podrá tomar un respiro ya no será mas como una enfermera y podrá retomar su propia vida, Emir le dice que aún falta los resultados y que no sabe si será así deben estar seguros que su padre está realmente bien. Kemal piensa que ha pasado mucho tiempo y se pregunta dónde está Narin, la que se ve que se desmaya. Reyhan Cavidan le agradece por cuidar a el tío y que su trabajo ha terminado que las visitas a los enfermos deben ser cortas, Reyhan le dice al tío que regresará, una vez solos Cavidan dice al tío la pondré en la puerta y después rezaras para morir y yo podré mirarte desde el lugar donde reposes. Nigar escucha y se da cuenta que el señor estará en peligro una vez que Reyhan se vaya. Kemal recuerda que Narin se veía pálida y que no se notaba muy bien, decide salir a buscarla como puede. Cavidan le está avisando a Cemre que Emir está a punto de sacar a Reyhan de la casa y la invita a tomar un café, agrega que después será el turno de Hizmet, todo esto lo escucha Nigar que se da cuenta que debe avisar del peligro en el que se encuentra el tío a Reyhan. Melike aparece y le pregunta a Nigar si está enferma y ella contesta que no solo está cansada por mucho trabajo. Reyhan recuerda las palabras de Cavidan para que se vaya, llega Melike y Reyhan le pide que proteja a Zeinep, que se la encarga mucho, Melike le dice que no tenga miedo que ella siempre estará vigilando que Cavidan no la moleste. Melike le pregunta que por qué pasó todo esto (la separación) que le diga que juntas pueden resolverlo y Reyhan le contesta que no tiene solución pero que rezará por y ella y por todos. Kemal grita Narin y se desmaya, es encontrado por unos hombre que lo ayudan, Kemal sólo dice no puede ser, no puedo dejar a Narin. Emir recibe la llamada del doctor pero no contesta Zafer le dice que espera que le de buenas noticias y pregunta que pasará porque aunque los resultados sean buenos el tío no se parará tan pronto y si te pide que Reyhan siga acá Emir contesta que no sabe , no sabe qué pasará. El doctor llama y le informa que los resultados son mejores , y Zafer le dice que debe irse pero antes dice que esta feliz , pero que debe pensar y actuar. Reyhan dice al tío que irse no será fácil , llega Emir y le muestra los resultados y dice que papá esta mucho mejor, y que el doctor está muy feliz por eso y que espera verlo como era antes, Reyhan se alegra y dice sabía que estarías mejor , Emir se dirige a Reyhan y le dice el está mejor ahora puede irse. Reyhan se despide de Melike y Zeinep y nuevamente le pide que la cuide y que rezará todo los días por ellas, le dicen que Sefer puede llevarla y Reyhan contesta que ya hablaron de éso , que se irá en un taxi , antes de irse le dice a Zeinep que no descuide sus estudios. Emir camina por el pasillo y ve cuando Reyhan se va. Cavidan y Cemre celebran la partida de Reyhan, le pide a Nigar un buen café espumoso. Emir está desesperado por la partida de Reyhan casi no puede ni respirar. Nigar prepara los cafés y el de Cavidan lo escupe , se los sirve , ambas están muy contentas de lo que pasa y beben el café , Cavidan es la que más lo disfruta y lo encuentra muy bueno, Nigar piensa que es lo que la señora se merece. Reyhan busca dinero en su bolso y descubre una nota que dice, La vida de tu tío está en peligro, ¡no tienes idea de lo que le puede pasar después de que te vayas!No lo dejarán en paz ! ¡Nadie aquí es como parecen! Reyhan recuerda lo que paso con Suna y las pastillas que le daban. Kemal recupera la conciencia y pregunta por Narin su esposa, la enfermera le dice que no sabe donde esta , el se quita las vías y sale en busca de Narin. Tocan a la puerta , es Reyhan que ha vuelto, Cavidan le pregunta que por qué esta ahí , olvidaste algo, Reyhan le dice a Zeinep lleva las cosas a nuestra habitación voy enseguida. Cavidan le dice que su hijo no quiere verla Nigar puede buscarlo la encuentra, pero Reyhan no la escucha. Cemre le dice a Cavidan que ahora ella sabrá de lo que es capaz , y que ni siquiera miró atrás sabiendo lo que puede pasar. Finalmente Kemal encuentra a Narin y la abraza. Reyhan le dice a su tío que te están haciendo , si solo pudieras decírmelo, pero no te preocupes no te dejaré hasta que descubra lo que te están haciendo. Aparece Cemre y le dice que le da 5 minutos para que se vaya sino irá a la policía , Reyhan le dice , vamos corre anda a la policía porque yo de acá no me voy ya lo perdí todo mi matrimonio terminó, dices que estas enamorada, veamos cuanto lo amas, veamos si eres lo suficientemente fuerte para soportar el odio de Emir. emir le pregunta as u madre que es todo ese ruido y ella contesta que Reyhan volvió, que pensó que olvido algo pero no y aún sigue acá. ya están divorciados pero ella regresó se fue a la habitación de tu padre. Llega Emir y le dice aun sigues acá ya no te necesitamos , papá ya está mejor dijiste que te irías lo olvidaste. Reyhan responde no voy a ir a ninguna parte ¡Voy a estar con mi tío de ahora en adelante y será bueno si todos se acostumbran! ...
@@sowmyargopalan Yeah, but I almost threw up when seeing the scene. I will tell you what I like at your writing on the other part. Hugs my dear your awesome!!!
Emir will always love Reyhan, no matter what. She's made a home in his heart and if he ever attempts to take her out, he won't survive. The Reyhan we've all been waiting for is slowly starting to return. I hope this continues from here on out. Reyhan❤️Emir Narin❤️Kemal
True love can a parent's make bad choice to their children.....never it was a wish of hikmet his son to have beautiful wife in and out the heart character humbled polite etc etc
Thanks , Molocoton for all the time and effort you spent to translate. You made people happy . I am sure you are a person with a wholesome personality . I say this because u help so many by doing this. God bless you.
I’ve no idea what r they talking but to see reyhan and emir smiling me too keep smiling..miss my his character..he portray his character as well who always support and advice emir with the positive vibes love reyhan emir and zafer
On the last scene he might try to look angry on Reyhan when she said she's not going anywhere but his eyes were saying what his heart really felt- 'I'm delighted to hear that' 😁
That flicker of emotion was really something, wasn't it... He has the most expressive eyes I've ever seen. He should immediately insure them if he hasn't done already... haha
So sad, thats the thanks one get for been a decent and honest human being, Reyhan you are a very precious gem, and they dont deserve you, go live your life and be the happy spirit you are my Dear girl, I would love to be around your Aura, take care, stay safe
Sag ol Reyhan.Cemreni ne otuzdurdun yerinde.Indi hikmet beyin yiyeni kimi hamisini yerinde otuzdur.Boylr devam et.Sukur Narinle Kemalda sag selamatdilar.cox sevindim Nehayet ki.......
@@nitalopes515 Wonderful! I can follow the story but still, I like to read the translation. My grammar is not that good yet as I am only six months into my Turkish language studies. Good to know I have a fellow South African watching the same series xxx
This what I have been waiting for! That spunk she has,determination, now the wind blow in the other direction, and Uncle is listening. When good starts to fight back, evil will begin fear. You cannot fight GOD. Reyhad grasp her FAITH and hold on.
49:12 Nigar spitting in the coffee (just like in the "colour purple" with Opera) is hilarious 😁 😁 😁 this girl is waking up . I wish she gets the courage to go to Emir with all that she knows.
Today episode is not bad. Finally Reyhan has decided to stand up against Cemre😈. It's a good hope for our ReMir fans😍😍. However today I totally watched only Kemal and Narin scenes. The scene of their hugging each other is the best scene of today episode😍😘🤩💓💖💞👍. It's vey heart touching. I am glad to see them like that🤩. I love Narin and Kemal very much😘💖😘.
I'm so happy to see more and more fans of Narin and Kemal. I'm telling you, they're stealing the show from "little baby" and "angry bird" lol. More interesting and beautiful
I am wondering for EMIR the day when he will discover all the dirty things maded by his mother and the other one who is pretending in love with him.and the worst thing when he will discover what Rehan sacrifid to keep him safe in my opinion he will get a heart attack .
Salam her kese eziz azeriler narinnen kamala gore baxiram onlarin asklari dahada mohkem olsun bravo sene reyhan bax bele ol hemise onlara hedlerini bildir ele lap emirede indi xosuma geldin eslinde emirin ureyide tokulur reyhandan otru amma qururunu yendirmir gorek gelen hefdedeki bolumler nece olacaq
Was I the only one watching the scenes from Narin and Kemal this season that I had deja vu of the first season of scenes with Reyhan and Emir ??: 1. Business guests at Kemal's house, stage in the bedroom, Narin on the bed, Kemal on the floor with aching spine, discuss "loudly" and eventually fall asleep in one bed ... - Reyhan and Emir in the countryside, at Aunt Mukader's, night in one room, Emir with a sore shoulder on the mattress on the floor, Reyhan on the bed, stormy exchanges, and finally fall asleep in one bed ... 2. Kemal rescues Narin, stays "wounded", in an abandoned house in the middle of the forest Narin fights for his life regardless of himself, they spend the night there ... - Emir, saving Reyhan, is wounded, in an abandoned factory in a remote area, Reyhan rescues his life, passes the night ... finally in both cases there is a happy finale ... 🙄🤔
I dont know when Rehyan sufferings will end . I think the writer has dragged to much javida and cemre character . Even the show is getting boring . Nothing new is happening
You're right...sometimes i feel bored....also i hate reyhan...why can't she tell everything to emir....emir will solve the problem...also reyhan's crying makes me bored
Reyhan is back. Emir's life will go upside down again. He loves? He hates? He loves? He hates? He loves like crazy actually Reyhan is back. The more he tried to hate, the more she haunted him. Make it simple Emir, keep loving her. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
The only persons Hikmet can trust are reyhan and melike. Can't wait for Hikmet to rise and spew everything bottled inside and cast the two witches out of the mansion
I wish you could have English subtitles please I want to know what they say I was watching with English subtitles until episode 100 then it stopped please English subtitles please
Axır ki Nigar heç olmazsa bir dəfə də olsun yaxşı bir iş gördü.Allah Reyhanın yardımçısı olsun🙏Yaxşı ki Reyhan qonağa döndü.Kaş ki Emirin də gözləri açıla,gerçəkləri görə.Çox şükür ki Narinlə Kamal da sağ salamatdırlar.Allah onları daim qorusun,mutlu olsunlar.Allahım Reyhanın sevgisini Emirin qəlbinə elə sal ki heç bir zaman onu unutmasın.İnşaallah o da olar🙏
Наконец то Рейхан Бог дал разум, наверно после этой записки, которую она прочитала и вернулась сама в особняк. Решила действовать тихо но решительно.Теперь можно быть спокойно за сюжет.
@@dariabasiladzemumu я думаю Рейхан стала смелей, после того когда она прочитала какую то записку, показали в конце серии и она вернулась в особняк, что было там написано узнаем завтра. Она перестала боятся шантажа Джемре.
Hi friends , after long time, I came to this comment section. Because there were very boring episodes and had nothing to comment here. 🙃🙃 But today kemal and narin's acting was perfect . Do you see ,How much love and carering in their eyeses? Their love story is going to be real marriage . I am became very happy after watching their love 💘 💖😍 💘 And emir and reyhan's seances were not bad today. The truth is going to be revealed .But the problem is their story is always turn to negative side. So i don't know what happen in future . 🤷🤷🤷🤷 however i am glad to see all of you here. Love you all from sri lanka 🇱🇰 😍💖🙏
@@anifrunza6921 😂😂😂 yes i came here in time because my twin sister also watchs yemin too. So when she told me that boring episodes had gone and kemal and Narin's new chapter is started , i came to watch this.
Nigar now only she's awake... Afraid of Emir Mother that much cruel thing she has done.. Nigar afraid if her n she was supporting for both Cemre n his mother... Hereafter she won't keep quite.. Emir has to change a lot for Reyhan poor girl... I feel pitty on her..
Я не понимаю для чего подслушивает Нигяр, если она боится Джавидан как огня, разговаривая со стенкой она смелая,но дальше её смелость исчезает. А Хикмет начинает медленно, но поправлятся с помощью Рейхан. Все радуются.
Hopefully the show starts again, in a better, realistic way.. Goldberg is priceless. He doesn't need words. The actress playing Narin is talented, beautiful, have you seen her family?
For non Turkish viewers:
R: is there anything makes u fear
N: no not in fact! I just saw..... that... how u saved me from being fired and wanted to thank u..u helped me despite i was never by your side--R: not important but what was so difficult about it to say?- i just am not used to say such thing thats why....
Nigar regrets again for talking to reyhan
Scene 2:
Emir: ( flashback) its my dault of. course ! Why did i kneel to the woman who told me she cant stand my touch!!! What did u turned me into!!! Why dont u
Just leave me alone and get out of my life?!
Rejan asks melekeh to make hekmet eat so that he get used to her absence
M: why r u crying?-- out of excitement and happiness sis!
Emir: dad? Have had this soup? Did u make him eat sis? -- yes son he ate from my hand and tnx to reyhan! I don’t know how did she convince him - its good! Its a big progress dad! Im so happy for u!
R: there is no more need of me since he’s fine now ( u can tell me go bow! U can get rid of me if i want)
E: its bot u to tell is if he’s well or bot! Ill talk to doctor
Kemal asks narin why is she breathing hardly and she insists to wait for her tell she comes back
K: how do u know first aids and health service ?- N: we can talk after saving our lives first
- maybe there is no more time to know it! Narin says they both will survive
Scene4: 20:48
Rehsn thanks hekmet for accepting her request
Doctor: im seeing more progress than what that i expected
Ill call u as soon as the results r delivered
Cavidan pretending t b happy and points out indirectly to let reyhan go
E: Let’s wait till doctor send us his checkup results mom!
Cavidan tells reyham that patients vosot os netter to n keüt short
And then warns hekmet that she wont let him b well once she sends Reyhan away
Nigar is afraid she will kill helmet if Reyhan leaves
Kemal Marks that natin was not well wants to look after her
Cavidan imforms cemre that reyhan will leave soon
Nigar is determined to talk to Reyhan and Melekeh asks her whats wrong with her lately
R: i intrust zenep to u sis!-M: she will b like a bird in cage!-but promise me u will take care of her!-- i know u r worried of cavidan maam it ill b there for her... why did it happen to us my dear? Why cant u tell me? Maybe we csn solve it together -- there is no solution for it sis! Ill have to go
Passerby men r trying g to help kemal and he says „narin is still here „ before fainting
Z: is the doctor calling??-E: i just hope he give e good news !- yes it can b, we alrady know that he xdnt b on his feet so soon any even if hes progressing, hd will still need reyhan! What if he say don’t let her go?- don’t know my friend i have bo idea! ... hello? Im listening doctor..... he’s doing well and the blood test result is bettter than before-- so i shall leave so u give the family this good news
R: it wont b easy for me either uncle ... to leave u alone
E: here u go! U were right! Right here u said that Dad is doing well.... isnt it dad? Doctor said your tests results r very good, he was talking optimistic, u will see dad, soon u will b back to your normal days ( to reyhan) and.... as u wanted.... u can go To
R: like i said before, i intrust zenep to u sis! Z: will u call me everyday?-- yds promise - M: let safar take u -- ill go with taxi
Nigsr letter:
Don’t go! Your uncles life is in danger, u have no idea what can happen to him after u leave! Dong leave him alone! No one here is like how they seem to b!
( flashback.... she doubt cemre)
Kemal asks the nurse about narin any she says she was not there last night
Zenep and meleke r happy for reyhan
Cavidan: no need to come back if u have forgotten your stuffs ill send it with nigar
R: zenep? Take my bag to our room
Cavidan goes crazy and melekeh says let her ask Reyhan and she might tell her
Crmre says leg me make her realize what can i do with her!
R: what did happen to u uncle? Who diy it? What have u passed through? But dong worry ill gl no where unless i find it out what diy they do with u!
Cemre warns reygan to leave within five minutes
R: come on go!!! Run to police! I still wont leave! I have nothing more to lose now! U finished my married life! Dont u keep sa kng u love emir? Lets see how much love him! Can u gheow him in prison to spend his lifd ghere? And kets see whag will u ac hieve by doung so!
E: what is this noise nom?
C: shes back! - E: she might have forgotten smth- i thought so too but she seng her bag in her room bla bla bla
E: why did u return? We all know there is no need fir u to stay here! Dad is well u were just here for his sake! and u wanted to leave ! Did u forget it?
R: i wont go anywhere! Ill b with my uncle from now on and it will b good if all get used to it!
The end
Khojista Kamgar Thanks a lot! Really ❤️ Next week I have more time to translate.
@@meryemsa.2014 can't thank you in of did well too
Thank u khojista
It meant a lot
Capitulo 120 resumen en Español
Reyhan le dice que diga lo que vio, Nigar le contesta que quería agradecerle que la haya ayudado frente a la Señora ya que ella no está acostumbrada a que sean amable con ella y la habían tratado tan mal que le agradece su ayuda, Reyhan le pregunta si está segura que era eso y Nigar le dice que se expresó mal ya que no está acostumbrada a este tipo de conversaciones. Narin escucha a Kemal decir no llores, y ella le dice que le promete que lo salvará, que se libraran de esto, que no puede dejar a Masal. Sefer le dice que la vio hablar con Reyhan y ella le dice que no paso nada, una vez que se va dice no seas tonta no debes meterte que te importa lo que les pase. Emir esta molesto y dice es mi culpa intentar hablar con una mujer que no soporta ni que la toque , vuelve a tus sentidos es suficiente, ya no está en mi vida. Llega Melike con un plato de sopa para el tío, Reyhan dice que por favor se la de ella y piensa tío bebe esta sopa de maños de Melike así sabre que puedes continuar tu vida sin mi, te ruego que me dejes ir, Melike dice hija eres un ángel cómo hiciste para lograr que el señor Hizmet vuelva a la vida y le pregunta a Reyhan por qué llora y le contesta que de alegría. Narin despierta y pregunta a Kemal como está, él contesta que mareado y ella dice eso es normal y busca agua para que beba. Melike esta dando de comer a el tío y aparece Emir que le pregunta que como logró que comiera, Melike le dice que fue por la ayuda de Reyhan, el dice que está muy feliz de que su padre se recupere. llega Reyhan y dice ya no me necesita y piensa ahora puedes decirme que me vaya , puedes hablar como quieras, puedes decir que no te vea , Emir contesta yo decidiré, no tú, hablaré con el doctor primero quiero escucharlo a él. Narin dice a Kemal que debe llevarlo pronto a un hospital, Kemal contesta que ira con ella , Narin dice que no puede que ella está bien y que solo esta un poco cansada, que sabe que ella es terca y que ira sola y regresará, antes de que se vaya Kemal le dice como sabes hacer todo ésto, ella le contesta que primero irán a casa después debe sobrevivir y que conversarán , se lo promete, después de que salgamos hablaremos todo y ahí me conocerás. Narin a penas puede caminar por los dolores que tiene. Reyhan dice a su tío, gracias , nunca olvidaré tu sacrificio. Llega el doctor le dice que tomará exámenes de vitaminas y de niveles sanguíneos y que luego le avisará, Emir agradece y se van. Cavidan ve al doctor y pregunta si paso algo a Hizmet Emir le dice que está bien y que se alimentó de las manos de Melike , ella agradece a Dios y agrega que ahora Reyhan podrá tomar un respiro ya no será mas como una enfermera y podrá retomar su propia vida, Emir le dice que aún falta los resultados y que no sabe si será así deben estar seguros que su padre está realmente bien. Kemal piensa que ha pasado mucho tiempo y se pregunta dónde está Narin, la que se ve que se desmaya. Reyhan Cavidan le agradece por cuidar a el tío y que su trabajo ha terminado que las visitas a los enfermos deben ser cortas, Reyhan le dice al tío que regresará, una vez solos Cavidan dice al tío la pondré en la puerta y después rezaras para morir y yo podré mirarte desde el lugar donde reposes. Nigar escucha y se da cuenta que el señor estará en peligro una vez que Reyhan se vaya. Kemal recuerda que Narin se veía pálida y que no se notaba muy bien, decide salir a buscarla como puede. Cavidan le está avisando a Cemre que Emir está a punto de sacar a Reyhan de la casa y la invita a tomar un café, agrega que después será el turno de Hizmet, todo esto lo escucha Nigar que se da cuenta que debe avisar del peligro en el que se encuentra el tío a Reyhan. Melike aparece y le pregunta a Nigar si está enferma y ella contesta que no solo está cansada por mucho trabajo. Reyhan recuerda las palabras de Cavidan para que se vaya, llega Melike y Reyhan le pide que proteja a Zeinep, que se la encarga mucho, Melike le dice que no tenga miedo que ella siempre estará vigilando que Cavidan no la moleste. Melike le pregunta que por qué pasó todo esto (la separación) que le diga que juntas pueden resolverlo y Reyhan le contesta que no tiene solución pero que rezará por y ella y por todos. Kemal grita Narin y se desmaya, es encontrado por unos hombre que lo ayudan, Kemal sólo dice no puede ser, no puedo dejar a Narin. Emir recibe la llamada del doctor pero no contesta Zafer le dice que espera que le de buenas noticias y pregunta que pasará porque aunque los resultados sean buenos el tío no se parará tan pronto y si te pide que Reyhan siga acá Emir contesta que no sabe , no sabe qué pasará. El doctor llama y le informa que los resultados son mejores , y Zafer le dice que debe irse pero antes dice que esta feliz , pero que debe pensar y actuar. Reyhan dice al tío que irse no será fácil , llega Emir y le muestra los resultados y dice que papá esta mucho mejor, y que el doctor está muy feliz por eso y que espera verlo como era antes, Reyhan se alegra y dice sabía que estarías mejor , Emir se dirige a Reyhan y le dice el está mejor ahora puede irse. Reyhan se despide de Melike y Zeinep y nuevamente le pide que la cuide y que rezará todo los días por ellas, le dicen que Sefer puede llevarla y Reyhan contesta que ya hablaron de éso , que se irá en un taxi , antes de irse le dice a Zeinep que no descuide sus estudios. Emir camina por el pasillo y ve cuando Reyhan se va. Cavidan y Cemre celebran la partida de Reyhan, le pide a Nigar un buen café espumoso. Emir está desesperado por la partida de Reyhan casi no puede ni respirar. Nigar prepara los cafés y el de Cavidan lo escupe , se los sirve , ambas están muy contentas de lo que pasa y beben el café , Cavidan es la que más lo disfruta y lo encuentra muy bueno, Nigar piensa que es lo que la señora se merece. Reyhan busca dinero en su bolso y descubre una nota que dice, La vida de tu tío está en peligro, ¡no tienes idea de lo que le puede pasar después de que te vayas!No lo dejarán en paz ! ¡Nadie aquí es como parecen! Reyhan recuerda lo que paso con Suna y las pastillas que le daban. Kemal recupera la conciencia y pregunta por Narin su esposa, la enfermera le dice que no sabe donde esta , el se quita las vías y sale en busca de Narin. Tocan a la puerta , es Reyhan que ha vuelto, Cavidan le pregunta que por qué esta ahí , olvidaste algo, Reyhan le dice a Zeinep lleva las cosas a nuestra habitación voy enseguida. Cavidan le dice que su hijo no quiere verla Nigar puede buscarlo la encuentra, pero Reyhan no la escucha. Cemre le dice a Cavidan que ahora ella sabrá de lo que es capaz , y que ni siquiera miró atrás sabiendo lo que puede pasar. Finalmente Kemal encuentra a Narin y la abraza. Reyhan le dice a su tío que te están haciendo , si solo pudieras decírmelo, pero no te preocupes no te dejaré hasta que descubra lo que te están haciendo. Aparece Cemre y le dice que le da 5 minutos para que se vaya sino irá a la policía , Reyhan le dice , vamos corre anda a la policía porque yo de acá no me voy ya lo perdí todo mi matrimonio terminó, dices que estas enamorada, veamos cuanto lo amas, veamos si eres lo suficientemente fuerte para soportar el odio de Emir. emir le pregunta as u madre que es todo ese ruido y ella contesta que Reyhan volvió, que pensó que olvido algo pero no y aún sigue acá. ya están divorciados pero ella regresó se fue a la habitación de tu padre. Llega Emir y le dice aun sigues acá ya no te necesitamos , papá ya está mejor dijiste que te irías lo olvidaste. Reyhan responde no voy a ir a ninguna parte ¡Voy a estar con mi tío de ahora en adelante y será bueno si todos se acostumbran! ...
Muito obrigada 🥰
muchisimas gracias melocoton
melocoton genia total . Mil gracias
Muchas gracias!!! 😃
Spitting in Cavidan's coffe was everyone's dream. Thank you Nigar!!! You have made our week-end wonderfull!!!😃
și eu simt la fel.....
Loved this scene i had a good giggle 🤣🤣🤣
Ikr!! Finally they have us something to smile about...
@@sowmyargopalan Yeah, but I almost threw up when seeing the scene. I will tell you what I like at your writing on the other part. Hugs my dear your awesome!!!
The scene of the hug between Kemal and Narin 💗is one of the most emotional and great scenes in the entire show.. 💗💗💗
Təşəkkür gözəl ,Narinimiz! Diziyə maraq qatdın ,əsl Azərbaycan qızı kimi ləyaqətli rol oynuyursan , əhsən sənə.
Emir will always love Reyhan, no matter what. She's made a home in his heart and if he ever attempts to take her out, he won't survive.
The Reyhan we've all been waiting for is slowly starting to return. I hope this continues from here on out.
Love your comment ❤
Rayhan will Shaw her strong side good for her
True love can a parent's make bad choice to their children.....never it was a wish of hikmet his son to have beautiful wife in and out the heart character humbled polite etc etc
Might be emir love😍cemre😛😛😛
Love this, agree!!!🌷🌹💗👍
Emir always shivers when he is near to reyhan 😍😘🥰.He was madly in love with this rural beauty😍😍🥰🥰
Yes ❤️❤️
Ah oui ,ça vous l'avez dit
The most beautiful scene of the entire chapter was the reunion of Kemal and Narin at the hospital. Very feeling involved, beautiful.❤❤❤❤❤
Karine i agree❤️❤️❤️
@@nitalopes515 🌹👏👏
Yes i agree. Do you see ,How much love and carering in their eyeses? Their love story is going to be real marriage .
@@asanimadushika96 I hope so🥰🥰🥰
Karine I Agree I loved it I would have been better if they have confessed their love one another the would have been perfect
Yes!!!!!! Yes Reyhan!!!!
I love you so much !! You nailed them!!!
Reyhan left. Amir .s heart went with her . He can hardly breathe. Wow 😮
Kemal ve narin sahneleri icin bakiyorum artik nerdeyse.
Thanks , Molocoton for all the time and effort you spent to translate. You made people happy . I am sure you are a person with a wholesome personality . I say this because u help so many by doing this. God bless you.
I can't find his comments 😢😢
Yes yes much appreciated fir effort.
❤from Melbourne Australia ❤️ 🇦🇺 the other side of the world.
I’ve no idea what r they talking but to see reyhan and emir smiling me too keep smiling..miss my his character..he portray his character as well who always support and advice emir with the positive vibes love reyhan emir and zafer
Good episode: Nigar is here for revenge, Reyhan is braver than ever before and it's making the witches go nuts!!!
I like it when Reyhan says its giid for e eryone and get use to it ..ahahaahaha lol
On the last scene he might try to look angry on Reyhan when she said she's not going anywhere but his eyes were saying what his heart really felt- 'I'm delighted to hear that' 😁
Yes, his eyes can't lie😍
Absolutetly😍emir madly inlove rryhan beauty....emir marry cemre😛😛😛😅script writer n cavidan wanted😛😛😛😞😛
That flicker of emotion was really something, wasn't it... He has the most expressive eyes I've ever seen. He should immediately insure them if he hasn't done already... haha
True!! His eyes speaks a lot!love his acting. :-*
Hahaha, insure his eyes😃. Who is working around here in an insurance company should make him an offer😊.
No leyla
Oh my gosh the way Emir looks at Reyhan reminds me when my ex were looking at me at our work place after our break up 💔
Good for you. Break his heart by being on his face everyday
Excellent acting by Kemal. He was very believable.
Hikmet is also a wonderful actor...... he portrays his role very realistically....
I like that Rayhan can stand for her self if she wants to❤️
Yeah mee too♥️👍👍👍
Worth watching is Kemal n Narin only ! It's real n well portrayed. Good PAIRING n chemistry n acting
Ako lng ba ang pinoy dto😁khit d q naiintindahan sinasabi nila pinapanuod q at pinagpupuyatan🥰🥰
Tingin ka lng sa comment..may translator😊
Ako din po from Philippines😊🇵🇭
Umaasa nlng po ako minsan sa comment
Kc Meron po dun nagtratranslate into English
Sya po ay c melicoton
Pinay din aq tingin sa comment may translate doon
Oh Thank God!i can breathe 😂
I skip many episodes because of their arguments and now my interest come back.oh com'on reyhan.
Watching this serial just because of gokberk and ozgey 💕💖💖
Saba Saleem Me to for my Kemal and Narin is bored 😐
Same here I adore them!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
One of the best episodes 💗💗Kemal 💗Narin💗 are really awesome and beautiful together.. Kemal is so handsome 💗💗💗
Wonderful friendship between emir and zefer.
Kemalnan Narinin sevgisi Reyhanan Emirin sevgisinde guclu olacaq mence
For a man so in love, Emir is blind & easily manipulated by others. That family is toxic; Reyhan & the father are so abused by these "creatures".
Does Emir know that his mother clobbered his father and that she is crazy?
Very I agree
Kemal and Narain is so good together way to go
So sad, thats the thanks one get for been a decent and honest human being, Reyhan you are a very precious gem, and they dont deserve you, go live your life and be the happy spirit you are my Dear girl, I would love to be around your Aura, take care, stay safe
So love the way he yells Narin's name.
Yes yes yes!
Sag ol Reyhan.Cemreni ne otuzdurdun yerinde.Indi hikmet beyin yiyeni kimi hamisini yerinde otuzdur.Boylr devam et.Sukur Narinle Kemalda sag selamatdilar.cox sevindim Nehayet ki.......
Kız reyhan önce cavidani sonra cemreyi şöyle evire çevire yol indir saçını başını sinirim yatissin
Нарин и Кемаль , прекрасно играют свою роль .
Hello from India and waiting for all our TRANSLATER. LUV YOU ALL. v can enjoy this series because of u all... Thank you so much... ALLAH BLESS
Waiting for translation from South Africa's biggest fan of YEMIN!
Carol Lakay Hi S A 🇿🇦I’m also waiting for translation I’m a SA in England
@@nitalopes515 Wonderful! I can follow the story but still, I like to read the translation. My grammar is not that good yet as I am only six months into my Turkish language studies. Good to know I have a fellow South African watching the same series xxx
Narin kemal♥️♥️♥️
Reyhan I'm proud of you girl. Cheers.
Congratulations Reyhan my baby girl. Well done 👏
Now I’m watching for only one reason
Kemal ❤️ Narin 😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗
Definitivamente son los únicos que salvan la serie.
Excuse me .I can't write in ingles...😥😊😊😊
Me too.
Me tooo 😊😊😊
Narinde super 👍👍👍👍❤mavişim benim vallah Reyhanla Narin olmasa diziye hiç bakmazdım🇦🇿❤🇹🇷
This what I have been waiting for! That spunk she has,determination, now the wind blow in the other direction, and Uncle is listening. When good starts to fight back, evil will begin fear. You cannot fight GOD. Reyhad grasp her FAITH and hold on.
Thank u for eng translation
49:12 Nigar spitting in the coffee (just like in the "colour purple" with Opera) is hilarious 😁 😁 😁 this girl is waking up . I wish she gets the courage to go to Emir with all that she knows.
Também gostaria que ela contasse tudo ao EMIR
Go go go Nigar you can do it👍
@@rocelgeronimo7129 yes Woopy did it too LOL
The best scene was when emir saw reyhan go back home
Today episode is not bad. Finally Reyhan has decided to stand up against Cemre😈. It's a good hope for our ReMir fans😍😍. However today I totally watched only Kemal and Narin scenes. The scene of their hugging each other is the best scene of today episode😍😘🤩💓💖💞👍. It's vey heart touching. I am glad to see them like that🤩. I love Narin and Kemal very much😘💖😘.
I have been watching more of Kemal and Narin storyline. But, Reyhan sure stood her ground.
I'm so happy to see more and more fans of Narin and Kemal. I'm telling you, they're stealing the show from "little baby" and "angry bird" lol. More interesting and beautiful
@@colibribleu6747 👍👍👍👍 me too dr. I am also happy to meet a fan of Narin and Kemal. Love from Sri lanka 🇱🇰 ☸️🙏❤
@@arunipoornima9128 😍😍😍
Good girl Reyhan I hope you won’t stop here. I love it when she said to Cemre don’t walk run or call Sefer…….👍👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Allahım şükürler olsun köylü kızı ayıldı
Love all cast members love from Pakistan 🇵🇰. 🇹🇷
I am wondering for EMIR the day when he will discover all the dirty things maded by his mother and the other one who is pretending in love with him.and the worst thing when he will discover what Rehan sacrifid to keep him safe in my opinion he will get a heart attack .
@@zkbri2008 merci kikima très ravi tu me suivre si tu veux et je rajouterai des comtes en français rien que pour toi love uuuuuuuuuuuu
Manuscript writer it's about time you expose the weaker part of human kind. The right should prevail always. Its too long Ryhan been ill treated
Salam her kese eziz azeriler narinnen kamala gore baxiram onlarin asklari dahada mohkem olsun bravo sene reyhan bax bele ol hemise onlara hedlerini bildir ele lap emirede indi xosuma geldin eslinde emirin ureyide tokulur reyhandan otru amma qururunu yendirmir gorek gelen hefdedeki bolumler nece olacaq
Walaikum aslam
Rehan rocked Emir shocked 😁
Когда показывают Кемаль и нарин играет музыка известного азербайджанского композитора тофика кулиева обожаю эту музыку
Kemal and Narin these days❤️❤️❤️their story is much more interesting 💞
Kemal narin bayiliyorum size
evet hemde cok...
Evet süpersiniz yaa
Kemal çok iyi bir adamdır
Bravo Rehan 👏👏👏👏👏😍😂
Ah be Kemal Narin burda deyir o halde bile.😥😥😥
Well done Nigar u heard our voice thanks for spitting in cavidan's coffee😅😅😅😄👂👂👍👍👍
120 episodes later and the wheel is finally starting to turn. Unbelievable!
Look at the hope in Emir s eyes when she says I am not going anywhere .
Carol Lakay I’m with you, however I’m afraid of getting my hopes high .
With this Turkish series you never know!!!
Was I the only one watching the scenes from Narin and Kemal this season that I had deja vu of the first season of scenes with Reyhan and Emir ??:
1. Business guests at Kemal's house, stage in the bedroom, Narin on the bed, Kemal on the floor with aching spine, discuss "loudly" and eventually fall asleep in one bed ... - Reyhan and Emir in the countryside, at Aunt Mukader's, night in one room, Emir with a sore shoulder on the mattress on the floor, Reyhan on the bed, stormy exchanges, and finally fall asleep in one bed ...
2. Kemal rescues Narin, stays "wounded", in an abandoned house in the middle of the forest Narin fights for his life regardless of himself, they spend the night there ... - Emir, saving Reyhan, is wounded, in an abandoned factory in a remote area, Reyhan rescues his life, passes the night ... finally in both cases there is a happy finale ... 🙄🤔
Good observations!😲
Kemal and Narine are my favorites...... i love them both...... they act so well.....
Maşallah Can Verele güzelliğinide oyunçuluğunuda Annesinden almış.Çok başarılı oyunçu.Yağmurumuzda çok güzel çok başarılı Maşallah 🧿 😘Uğurlar
Kemal 💞💞💞💞💞💞Narin
Diziyi Kemal ve Narin için izleyen tek ben miyım?
Saya juga 😂
☝️me too
80% of this show comprises Reyhans tears and Emirs anger
Sure does, very emotional
I dont know when Rehyan sufferings will end . I think the writer has dragged to much javida and cemre character . Even the show is getting boring . Nothing new is happening
You're right...sometimes i feel bored....also i hate reyhan...why can't she tell everything to emir....emir will solve the problem...also reyhan's crying makes me bored
thats true
Supersen narin senen yoxdu seni cox seviren😘
Narindən yoxdu daa serialda yeganə maraqlı oyunçu.sənə görə izləyirik..Azərbaycandan salamlar🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿❤️
Gör ey.
@@semaeliyeva1360 dgjjfdfgg
@@semaeliyeva1360 gjhffgyijhfddst
Reyhan is back. Emir's life will go upside down again. He loves? He hates? He loves? He hates? He loves like crazy actually Reyhan is back. The more he tried to hate, the more she haunted him. Make it simple Emir, keep loving her. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Beautiful words ...
Bir 100 bolum reyhanin yemini ortaya cixsin deye seyr etdik indide bir 100 bolumde seyredeki cavidanan cemrenin yalani ortaya cixsin bezdim artiqqq
😂😂😂😂Budaa Turk dizisi😂😂😂😂
vallahıda düzdü 🤣
Шуни айтинг
The only persons Hikmet can trust are reyhan and melike. Can't wait for Hikmet to rise and spew everything bottled inside and cast the two witches out of the mansion
Naiiyak na talaga ako 🥺. Kakaisip kung ano pinag uusapan nila 🥺🥺.
Cavidan Cemle mundarlar defolun diziden Reyhan geri döndü Hadi görelim seni Reyhan
Kemal &Narin cok tatlisiniz🌹
@@fadimekutlu6433 bencede🧿🤗❤♥️
Gülesim geldi
Reyhan ancak davar davar bakar durur Hiç bir ise yaramaz
Reyhan zaten kendi cemreyle mücadilə edecek emirle də evləniyorlar kəsin bilgi amma bu sefer de yonetmen hep ayni şey yazarsa bikarim artik
Öldüm bittim ben Kemala Narine bişey olcak diye Şükürler olsun sağsalim kurtuldular 😥
One of my favorite drama❤😘😘.......lots of love frm india🇮🇳
I was interested the story about Reyhan and Emir 🥰🥰💖
Me to very romantic sence
Reyhanda bu cürət hardandı? Əvvəl də azca cürətli olsaydı ayrılmazdı Emirdən.
I wish you could have English subtitles please I want to know what they say I was watching with English subtitles until episode 100 then it stopped please English subtitles please
In 2024 watch it then found a few people who posted their summary in English
Seriala Narin qatilandan sonra serial daha da maraqli oldu 👏
Axır ki Nigar heç olmazsa bir dəfə də olsun yaxşı bir iş gördü.Allah Reyhanın yardımçısı olsun🙏Yaxşı ki Reyhan qonağa döndü.Kaş ki Emirin də gözləri açıla,gerçəkləri görə.Çox şükür ki Narinlə Kamal da sağ salamatdırlar.Allah onları daim qorusun,mutlu olsunlar.Allahım Reyhanın sevgisini Emirin qəlbinə elə sal ki heç bir zaman onu unutmasın.İnşaallah o da olar🙏
Wow ! Girl power 💪 Brovo Reyhan and Nigar 🤩
Наконец то Рейхан Бог дал разум, наверно после этой записки, которую она прочитала и вернулась сама в особняк. Решила действовать тихо но решительно.Теперь можно быть спокойно за сюжет.
da no do razvoda ne mogla ona skazat eti slovo jemre? v etom serii reixan ochen pravilno skazala vsie v lico jemre
@@dariabasiladzemumu я думаю Рейхан стала смелей, после того когда она прочитала какую то записку, показали в конце серии и она вернулась в особняк, что было там написано узнаем завтра. Она перестала боятся шантажа Джемре.
Я думаю с их сценаристами мы кашу не сварим,одно и тоже самим не нажоело им этот бред нести
@@ЦарицаРуслана и этот бред у одного человека в голове. Всё зависит от него, чем это может закончится.
Hi friends , after long time, I came to this comment section. Because there were very boring episodes and had nothing to comment here. 🙃🙃
But today kemal and narin's acting was perfect . Do you see ,How much love and carering in their eyeses? Their love story is going to be real marriage . I am became very happy after watching their love 💘 💖😍 💘
And emir and reyhan's seances were not bad today. The truth is going to be revealed .But the problem is their story is always turn to negative side. So i don't know what happen in future . 🤷🤷🤷🤷
however i am glad to see all of you here. Love you all from sri lanka 🇱🇰 😍💖🙏
You came just in time? How?
May I ask you when is my time for a winning lotto?
@@anifrunza6921 😂😂😂 yes i came here in time because my twin sister also watchs yemin too. So when she told me that boring episodes had gone and kemal and Narin's new chapter is started , i came to watch this.
Yes. I'm also srilanka. Watching emanet and yamen
@@asanimadushika96yes, Kemal and Narine are amazing.... I fell in love with them..... They look great together...
Narin cox gozelsin sene gore baxiram senin oldugun sahnelere
narin çok düzel oynuyor .her kes onun için bakır
Heart breaking 💔 no ending 💔💔
Bella serie ...Maravillosos Emir y Reyhan !!!
Reyhan is strong but patient and I like her for this personality....
Nigar now only she's awake... Afraid of Emir Mother that much cruel thing she has done.. Nigar afraid if her n she was supporting for both Cemre n his mother... Hereafter she won't keep quite.. Emir has to change a lot for Reyhan poor girl... I feel pitty on her..
Shükür Bu günü de gördük, reyhan agillandi:))
Я не понимаю для чего подслушивает Нигяр, если она боится Джавидан как огня, разговаривая со стенкой она смелая,но дальше её смелость исчезает. А Хикмет начинает медленно, но поправлятся с помощью Рейхан. Все радуются.
Надеюсь скора что та измениться уже. А так достала это сопля.
Видать она баременно. Теперь сценарист чёрт что натворить ещё незнаю.
Finally she used her brain for once very happy for her
Bravo baby girl. Well done 👏
Ay emir gör Kamal emin hər dəfə narinə neçə köməy edir izləyir səndə izlə reyhanı qurtar
I love kemal and narin tandem!
This series watching only reason for emir🔥🔥🔥
Emir and Reyhan Heart and fight love but nice love story I'm enjoy
На Эмира смотреть невозможно, как он смотрел ей в след😭😭😭 хоть это и сериал, но и в жизни такое бывает 😔 сердце разрывается
Hopefully the show starts again, in a better, realistic way..
Goldberg is priceless. He doesn't need words. The actress playing Narin is talented, beautiful, have you seen her family?
Yes, I have. She is not married and she has a mother and a sister. Her mother is also an actress in Azerbaijan. i have no info about her father.
How is her family?
Ehhh be Reyhan bu cemreye son sahnede soylediklerini keski bosanmadan once soyleseydin😡😡😡
Emirin tepkileri olmasaydi,onu da demeyecekdi
dogri sölirsennn👍👍😊
Bes filmi nece uzatsınlar
Mr, Emir looks more handsome in anger 😘😘😘💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Reyhan 💚💙💗💟💛💜💖❤💖💜💟💛💚💙💗💔💕💖💚💙💗💔💛💜💖❤💟
Simdi helal olsun sana reyhan.boyle git ablacm
59:48 best scene 😍