Kara and Lena || Come back home

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024
  • We saw them sad, we saw them crying, fighting, screaming. Can we now see them kiss?
    I think the ansgt is finally over, isn't it?


  • @Queenof_Dark937
    @Queenof_Dark937 4 роки тому +30

    I was so pleased when Lena finally saw what she was doing. However I don't agree with the term that she was a Villain as in reality Lena genuinely thought she was doing good when in reality you can't fix humanity, even though we may want to. Nothing is perfect in this world. I knew that once she realised what she was doing she would stop immediately, and she did. Lena just proved that she's human.
    How she found out about Kara was awful.. Lex is very good at manipulating Lena when she's at her most vulnerable- we've seen that time and time again. Also adding the fact when she discovered Kara was Supergirl she most likely remembered all those times during season 3 where Kara had James look in her vault, all those harsh comments toward her, etc- she then realised it was Kara all along.. Of course she would question whether Kara was truly honest in their whole friendship by all the conflicts with Supergirl, then there's adding all the other betrayals she has had through her life growing up with a family like the Luthors. She doesn't know how to deal with her feelings and puts them into little boxes until they eventually break out all at once.. Lena is a very deep character with many sides to her.. She isn't a villain, however neither is she a hero, she's merely a human with a brilliant mind, and brilliant minds have the habit of self destruction more.
    Lena is also an extremely floored and broken character too: each time she begins to put her pieces back together again something happens to break her again.. You can only put yourself back together so many times before you just give up entirely.. I think she pretty much reached that point, Kara was just the final straw.
    Now I'm not completely defending her actions, as our actions are out own and I'm glad she's owning that and admitting her mistakes now. I also felt sorry for Kara too in the sense that she didn't want to lose Lena. She left it too late.. However what irritates me is that people forget season 3. Even people who adore Kara as much as I do were getting pissy with her attitude towards Lena when it came to the kryptonite.. Treated her like a villain when she was Supergirl then was completely different as Kara. If I were in Lena shoes it wouldn't upset me that she didn't tell me - I'd most likely understand that part - what would upset me more is all the conflicts and disagreements I'd had with Supergirl because in reality it was Kara all along- I'd be questioning which side of Kara was real and which one was fake because I'm extremely insecure that way which is something I don't like to admit.
    Seeing characters that I can relate to hits home for me. I've been left by every friend I've ever had, and I have always been quick to blame myself for everything that goes wrong. With Aspergers syndrome it has always made me feel disconnected from people with extremely high anxiety and depression since the age of twelve, however panic attacks began when I was around six, but back then I didn't know what they were and thought I was going to die the first time. I remember coming down the stairs and lying to my mom that I had a nightmare because I was scared and didn't know what was going on with me. When I see characters whom are flawed, I have the habit of reading into them in order to understand them more.. Mainly because I feel a connection with them more than people around me which saddens me. My one friend I have hasn't left yet, and she was pissed off when she discovered what happened with everyone else and how quickly I am to blame myself for it.. I'm very afraid of hurting her by mistake, however she is just as afraid of losing me, however I assured her that the only way she'd lose me is if she deliberately hurt me or used my self destructive past against me.. I can cut people off in a flash no matter how much it hurts me inside if they do something unforgivable.
    This is where I see myself in characters like Lena and always hope to learn more about them. Just to make one thing clear AGAIN I am NOT defending her actions entirely. As I said before our actions are our own and we need to own them and take responsibility for them, even if we were manipulated into doing so- being accountable for your actions makes you a stronger person in the long run, and a better person at that mostly..
    Before my comment becomes a mile long, which I presume it already is I shall finish with the "Supercorp" dilemma. 😂 I have simply adored them together for a few years, and the writers are beginning to irritate me.. They seem to make something look a certain way in order to attract more view's which is wrong and isn't going to end well soon. I've been writing for a while, and I'm not an expert in it as I'm self taught. I haven't been to school since I was twelve and due to the learning difficulties we were unaware l had I didn't learn anything when it came to grammar and spelling-- so, due to not having a tutor I decided to teach myself everything I know.. After the few hundred followers I gained I learned to listen to my audience, however also not to pine to them either. If they thought a storyline with characters was going a certain way, I'd tell them immediately that it wasn't instead of allowing them to get excited over something that wouldn't happen. So with that in mind I wish the Supergirl writers would just say "we're not going to do it" like the Once upon a time writers did and be done with it. People will understand, however if they keep teasing people they're going to lose even more views than before.
    END OF RANT! Like to add that your videos are always excellent.. I like your music choices and editing style

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +4

      Hey you, first of all, you can always rant under my videos and you can write millions of words. Every word is happily accepted here and I always love hearing all your thoughts and opinions.
      This season hasn't been the greatest, the writers have ruined it with useless plots and let's say the truth, this season has been on Lex, not even on Supergirl, just on Lex. I hope season 6 will be far better but I do not trust supergirl's writers and I'm sure they'll make another mess, but still I hope there will be better plotlines for everyone, especially for Kara and Lena, and Alex and Nia. Alex wants a kid since season 3 and she still hasn't one. GIVE HER A KID!!!!
      Speaking on the last episode, I'm glad that after Lena has realized everything, she immediately went to Kara and she finally apologised to her. All these times we have just seen Kara apologising to Lena so many times but Lena never did, so I'm glad she finally did. And, for how much I wished that Kara would hug Lena at the end, I knew that it wouldn't be fair. It's too soon, Kara was protecting her feelings, she took two steps back and that's okay. I read some posts on Tumblr where people said that Kara didn't fight for Lena's soul. I don't agree with them. Kara fought hard for Lena, she didn't give up on her but then, eventually she did, she has lost hope. I don't like though, how they made believing Kara that Lena was working with Leviathan. I din't like that part.
      In my opinion, Lena has never been the villain, she was just hurt and she let herself go. She didn't want to lose Kara but she didn't want to be hurt and betrayed again. By letting Kara go, she wanted to protect herself and she wanted to do something good in the world, but not always making good things mean making right things.
      Kara and Lena are both guilty for what happened to their friendship, and now I hope they'll work together and heal together. I don't care about Supercorp as long as these two are fine.
      I'm sorry for what you've been through. Losing friends is hard and so painful but you can't always blame yourself for that. If someone leaves you, without any reasons, that is not your fault, if someone leaves you because they don't like something about you, it's not your fault. It's their fault. Plus, if one of your friends start hurting you, what's the point of keeping them in your life? People like that dont' deserve your friendship. Real friends don't hurt, real friends don't abbandon people, no matter what. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault and you're wonderful just the way you are. Thanks for watching and commething, take care and much love to you!!

    • @Queenof_Dark937
      @Queenof_Dark937 4 роки тому +2

      @@jennifer.s1512 I just want them to be okay too. I'm glad Lena went straight to Kara as soon as she realised what she was doing.
      I just wish the writers weren't messing around so much, it isn't a smart thing to do. I absolutely loved Emma's and Regina's relationship during ONCE, however I never sent hate toward them or kicked off, I accepted that it wasn't going to happen and appreciated the friendship the writers managed to create between them.. If the writers in Supergirl would quit messing around instead of trying to be dramatic or trying to get views they'll find themselves having a larger audience.. Personally I like meaningful storylines that grip you.. So far this season nothing has gripped me other than my hope that things will become better..
      One thing I dislike the most in any show is where writers will randomly put characters together when it clearly doesn't work.. Kara and William is so forced like how Lena and James were and makes me cringe.. I thought that Lena and Jack worked, I liked their banter.. But of course you remember his fate. The good pairings they have in the show they usually end up neglecting
      Thanks for replying

  • @ListenToyourHeart9898
    @ListenToyourHeart9898 4 роки тому +15

    I’m actually glad Kara is still mad at Lena because she needs to feel that because how she has treated her and Kara shouldn’t had lied to her about who she really was for so long but she did it because she loved Lena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +14

      They have a really complicated relationship right now. Kara had already apologized a lot to Lena and now we saw the first apology from Lena to Kara. For how much I would have loved to see a hug between Kara and Lena, I know it didn't have to happen. Kara was protecting herself, I don't think she was so mad at Lena but she was protecting her feelings. Let's hope they will work out together and heal together. They deserve a happy ending.

  • @bobsquaretriangle3896
    @bobsquaretriangle3896 4 роки тому +3

    The fact that just seeing kara’s and lena’s faces when kara opens the door to Lena almost made me cry shows how strong there relationship is and how hurt they both are.

  • @luntiangrace
    @luntiangrace 4 роки тому +9

    I screamed again like someone is going to murder me in the ending part. Yes! Yes! 👏👏👏 It's so beautiful! Melts my luthor heart.

  • @barb2435
    @barb2435 4 роки тому +9

    the writers are letting the show fall apart,,they need the strenght of these two to hold this series together,,,

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +4

      The writers ruined this season, they didn't write anything good but anyway, I'm not surprised anymore. Supergirl's writers are the worst.

    • @tgflux
      @tgflux 4 роки тому

      Wow, I really disagree. It was a slog, for sure---and way too much Lex, and super-annoying contrived Brainy 2.0 (the weaknesses!)---but it was a slog that, in terms of SuperCorp, totally HAD to happen. I think the season-long fight was actually a GOOD thing for SuperCorp (and here I mean less "Kara&Lena, as they exist in the story", and more "the characters of Kara and Lena, as fans perceive them---esp as a romantic couple"!). The length (and depth) of their fight *raised the stakes* for their reunion. Making S5 all about their separation was like hanging an enormous sign (by the showrunners!) which said "The Relationship Between Kara and Lena is the Most Important Thing about This Show." *Believe it* . SuperCorp IS Endgame...though it will still take longer to get there, than we'd like...

  • @james4jane4
    @james4jane4 4 роки тому +15

    Tears. Also the part where the song says doesn’t she know that “we bleed the same,” XD. Like they do it’s just that it’s harder for Kara to unless she is under the influence of crypto it but they technically still do bleed and such 😆

  • @ListenToyourHeart9898
    @ListenToyourHeart9898 4 роки тому +11

    It’s about time she realised he was a monster just like Kara told her and now she finally is realising it herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +2

      Yup! That's our girl!

    • @ryanabate1981
      @ryanabate1981 11 місяців тому

      But she realized it to late and had done to much by then. We need to be real about what Lena actually did. She mentally and physically abused Kara, she didn't just ignore her or abandon her she set out to cause actual pain. She let herself go to far and in my head cannon the day she showed up at Kara's apartment to throw herself at Kara's mercy, she knew she had blown her chance to be with the woman she was in love with. I honestly believe that Lena knew she could never be with Kara after she reacted the way she did. I think that is why it took her so long to actually try and fix things because she knew her reaction had destroyed any chance of them being together so because of that she wouldn't let herself fix things

  • @lachiacchia8541
    @lachiacchia8541 4 роки тому

    Questo video...con questa canzone... SPETTACOLARE😍😭

  • @rosypoinsot7243
    @rosypoinsot7243 4 роки тому +2

    Jennifer you just read my mind! As usual....... this las episode well it was the new beginning and with your fingerprint you open the gate to the Supercorp emotions let me stand and give to you a BIG HUG! thank you for everything you do to all of us, please stay safe, stay home and I can’t wait for the new one ok love u little girl

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +2

      A new chapter is about to start for Kara and Lena. Hope it will be better and happier. Thanks for watching and commenting! Hugs, take care.💕

  • @lilbean4417
    @lilbean4417 4 роки тому +1

    They are so meant to be. When Lena was with Olsen you never saw that spark, when Kara was with Mon-el you never saw that spark either. The way Kara and Lena look at each other, the emotions, they both care deeply for each other. I jus wish the writers could be brave enough to make them a couple. They fit so well together, the chemistry is out of this world. Btw great vid.

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      You're so right! The chemistry that Kara and Lena have is just so magical and so strong. The writers are dumb and have no talent. The only talent they have is to make toxic relationship and to push Kara into every new male character.
      There is a new Male character? Let's make him Kara's new lover.
      Glad you liked the video, thanks for watching and commenting. Take care!💕

  • @mariarilou6977
    @mariarilou6977 4 роки тому

    Firstly thank you very much for the song. Secondly WOW!!! The video was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      You're so kind!! I'm so glad you liked it, thank you. Take care!💕

  • @ChicaGallardo
    @ChicaGallardo 4 роки тому +2

    Good job!!!! 💙
    Kara's attitude has changed a lot. Very radical

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +2

      She has really changed a lot. She went from "she's not a villain" to "I'll treat you as a villain" and to think that Lena was working with Lex and Leviathan. It's not that I blame her, she had lost hope in Lena and stopped trusting her. I read some posts on Tumblr where people said that Kara didn't fight for Lena at all, well that's not totally true. She did fight for her, she didn't give up on her but then she lost hope. Anyway, I hope they'll work things out together and that theyll both heal. They deserve better. Thanks for watching and commenting! Hope is everything okay, take care!💕

    • @tgflux
      @tgflux 4 роки тому

      It was partly "lost hope in Lena", but I that it was more that, after her session w/ Mixy (5.13), Kara stopped punishing herself.

  • @alondramulero5915
    @alondramulero5915 4 роки тому +1

    As soon as Kara called Lena a villain i was like "FFIINNNALLYY"
    Lena is the one with big crocodile tears😂

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      Lol okay, I don't agree with what you said😂 In my opinion Lena has never been a villain. She did bad things but just because she wanted to do something good.

  • @lancesanvers
    @lancesanvers 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you Jen S for this! I love 2:14, the exact moment when Kara opens the door and the lyrics "Come back home"..Yes! Shes back! (She fought for her own damn soul). Just hug already, you both need it

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +2

      I started editing this video with a completely different song, then I added the scene from the last episode and I changed the song and I'm glad I did, this song fits better, especially with the part you mentioned. And yessss, Lena is finally back. Let's see what will happen in the last episode. Thanks for watching and commenting! Take care.💕

    • @marie0935
      @marie0935 4 роки тому

      yeah, i thought the same

    • @marie0935
      @marie0935 4 роки тому +3

      @@jennifer.s1512 thank you sm for this video. their relationship rn is a mess and i hope at least writers took care to recover it wisely and properly bcz it is what they need from each other - forgiveness and acceptance 💕. thank you sm again, send you lots of love 💖🥺

    • @lancesanvers
      @lancesanvers 4 роки тому +1

      @@jennifer.s1512 Tbh When I saw the prev ep I was waiting for your video to come out 😁 Im glad u stick with this song, it fits perfectly well with their current situation - waiting for each other to come back home. You too Take care! 💕

    • @lancesanvers
      @lancesanvers 4 роки тому +1

      @@jennifer.s1512 After rewatching the video i noticed how they look like ex lovers who had a bad breakup but still love each other... however too many hurtful things had been said and done ..so now theyre in a mess 😅

  • @bernardamarambiogajardo4681
    @bernardamarambiogajardo4681 4 роки тому +1

    I have to say...the Lena's pain...I can feel it,...in my stomach and heart...💔

  • @drivingfruity
    @drivingfruity 4 роки тому +6

    Damn...that’s beautiful 😭😭❤️

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      So glad you liked it. Thank you so, so much! Take care. 💕

  • @abigailsmith3532
    @abigailsmith3532 4 роки тому

    We definitely should of had some scenes where Kara lost control of her powers because of her emotions. The CW letting us down, in every aspect atm 😬. Amazing edit btw 🥰

  • @rebel_born_free
    @rebel_born_free 4 роки тому +1

    Maaaaan, the chemistry these two have😍 beautiful video👏👏👏

  • @em-ju9wc
    @em-ju9wc 3 роки тому


  • @marie0935
    @marie0935 4 роки тому +1

    love this love this loove thisss 🥺😭😭😭😭💖 welcome home, babies 🤧🥺

  • @ListenToyourHeart9898
    @ListenToyourHeart9898 4 роки тому +7

    Wow this song this them so perfectly and specially Lena because when she first met Kara she taught that there was only darkness in her life but Kara saw something more inside of Lena she actually saw goodness in her like nobody else has ever done and that’s one of the many reasons why she became friends with Kara in the first place ✅

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +3

      Totally agree. I believe before meeting Kara, Lena had a lot of sadness inside of her but with Kara's friendship and love, she didn't fall apart.

    • @tgflux
      @tgflux 4 роки тому

      You know, I wonder whether Kara doesn't have some insecurities too.
      We know she isn't terribly well-educated (Classic "What the What?!" face re Quantum Entanglement!). And I bet she feels some "Imposter Syndrome": I mean, what did ever really do to *deserve* to be the Maid of Steel, except fall out of the sky from Krypton (to our "yellow sun")? Might she think that everyone just loves her for her brawn, so to speak? Is it ever a *burden* to be the "Paragon of Hope"? [I kinda got that in 5.19, when she was just EXPECTED to crank out another speech!]
      I think it's their mutual/complementary strengths and weaknesses---beyond pure physical chemistry! ;-) ---that makes SuperCorp so compelling.

  • @amazinggraciegurl
    @amazinggraciegurl 4 роки тому

    Wow...you actually managed to make Season 5 look GOOD in this video! Now, that is an accomplishment! Impeccable editing as always!!! 😊💕

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      you're so kind, thank you soooo much!

    • @amazinggraciegurl
      @amazinggraciegurl 4 роки тому +1

      @@jennifer.s1512 Of course! You deserve every compliment you get! 😊💗

  • @asiamarques4341
    @asiamarques4341 4 роки тому +3

    *screams from here to Argo* THIS SONG USED FOR SUPERCORP... 😭😭😭 Ugh the feels!! My heart was shattered now mended back together w/ this thing of beauty ❤ This is so beautiful and the song fits so well for the scenes you chose and for Supercorp. Honestly as much as I'm disappointed w/ this Season and how the show handled Kara & Lena's story arc (among other characters' arcs), Melissa & Katie gave phenomenal performances and it proves why they shine in their scenes together. Interesting enough, critics/reviewers from media outlets see it too and praised their work. But yeah, I'm glad Lena came to Kara and hopefully this is the first step for them to move forward and start to rebuild their relationship.
    Side note: And hopefully they get to finally confess their true feelings and kiss. 😚 ❤ I will go down w/ this ship. 😂 🤡 #SupercorpEndgame #SupercorpRainKiss

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      This season has been sooooo bad, the writers have ruined it. It has been all on Lex. Anyway, I hope season 6 will be far better than this but... I don't trust supergirl's writers. I'm so glad you liked this new video, this song fits so well with the last scene, I agree. Thanks for watching and commenting! Hope everything is okay, take care. 💕

    • @NoneofURBiz297
      @NoneofURBiz297 4 роки тому +1

      They need to hire the Batwoman writers on SG. Batwoman just gets better and better this season.

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +2

      @@NoneofURBiz297 I've just seen the first episode of Batwoman, I need to catch up. Also, Legends of Tomorrow's writers seem to be doing a really good work. I love LOT and there is a lot of representation.

    • @NoneofURBiz297
      @NoneofURBiz297 4 роки тому +1

      I started watching Batwoman recently and OMG I am hanging by a thread on every episode... On Sundays I’m a actually looking fwd to see Batwoman more than SG now. I think they dragged this season out too much, the writing made it boring. Also Alice is such a good villain, I love her! Highly recommend it!

    • @asiamarques4341
      @asiamarques4341 4 роки тому

      @@jennifer.s1512 This Season was such a hot mess. Talk about a dumpster fire. 💀 Yes, too much focus on Lex and William. We can all hope for a better next Season but like you I don't trust the writers either or should I say I definitely don't trust JQ & RR. They weren't good producers for GG and Dallas respectively (the latter got cancelled after the 3rd Season ended in a cliffhanger in which they killed off one of the main characters in a car bomb. And that was just the final nail in the coffin for the show's list of problems) and they surely aren't good producers/show-runners for SG. As long as they're still running this show...yikes. 😬 But yeah you're welcome! Thanks and I'm doing fine. 🙂 Hope everything is okay and you take care as well. 💕

  • @sherrye150
    @sherrye150 4 роки тому


  • @luciacavalli9612
    @luciacavalli9612 4 роки тому

    Aí que bom que a Katie esta na sexta temporada 💗💗💗💗

  • @barb2435
    @barb2435 4 роки тому

    thank you jen,,,;)

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому

      Thanks for watching and commenting! Take care!💕

  • @leticiaredante4772
    @leticiaredante4772 4 роки тому

    Nossa amei

  • @pricimeenu4725
    @pricimeenu4725 4 роки тому


    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching and commenting! 😊

  • @emmaisconfusion
    @emmaisconfusion 4 роки тому

    we weren’t ready for season 5

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      Oh you can say that, too much angst. We were not expecting it!

  • @ryanabate1981
    @ryanabate1981 10 місяців тому

    The entire time Lena was manipulating Kara, Katie made the acting choice to show doubt. Lena hated doing it, every bad choice she made she hated it. Whenever she made Kara smile she felt horrible knowing it was a lie. I always felt like Lena convinced herself she was just venting. I think Lena fully intended on fixing things and thought Kara would be there when she finally calmed down. 5x13 crushed her, actual tears in her eyes when Kara told her she could no longer turn a blind eye and that she would actively pursue stopping Lena. I think Lena doubled down not out of anger, but desperation to prove to Kara she wasn't evil. If she could make her plan succeed, then she could fix things with her head held high and show Kara she never turned bad. Unfortunately Lex showed her that the moment she shook his hand, she went villain.

  • @leticiaredante4772
    @leticiaredante4772 4 роки тому


  • @ryanabate1981
    @ryanabate1981 Рік тому

    My problem with season 5 is how gullible they made Lena seem.

  • @tgflux
    @tgflux 4 роки тому

    In some ways I think Ep 5.18 would have been stronger if it had ended as you end your vid above: just w the door opening to Lena. Cliff hanger!

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому

      Good point!😂 but hey! They let it finish with Kara saying "Sit down" to Lena! Pretty hot.

  • @jasminebenigno-hall1596
    @jasminebenigno-hall1596 4 роки тому +1

    I hope they can patch things up.

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      I'm sure they will. It will take time but they will. Thanks for watching and commenting.💕

  • @catianascimento9570
    @catianascimento9570 4 роки тому

    Tomara que katie fique na sexta temporada para dar final decente para as personagens dela e de melissa no qual elas ficam e juntas

  • @mariadayanadayana7931
    @mariadayanadayana7931 4 роки тому

    Legal ...

  • @girltokyo925
    @girltokyo925 4 роки тому

    did that meaing soon they are supercope 🤔🤔🏳️‍🌈new love story 😁

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому

      Eheheh anything is possible right??? Are we gonna see Kara and Lena married in season 6? Hope so. LOL

    • @girltokyo925
      @girltokyo925 4 роки тому

      @@jennifer.s1512 yeh I hope my dream 🌈🏳️‍🌈😭😁

  • @joycegabriel9312
    @joycegabriel9312 4 роки тому

    What's life without love,, I'm 29 single lesbian,, you??.

  • @_florine_1045
    @_florine_1045 4 роки тому

    Song ?

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому

      The song is "Where is my love".

    • @_florine_1045
      @_florine_1045 4 роки тому

      @@jennifer.s1512 thank you :)

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому

      @@_florine_1045 anytime! Hope you liked the video and that you're staying safe. Take care!

  • @luciacavalli9612
    @luciacavalli9612 4 роки тому

    Tomará que a katie fique na sexta temporada de supergirl.

    • @jennifer.s1512
      @jennifer.s1512  4 роки тому +1

      Sim. Katie estará na sexta temporada. Vamos torcer para que nesta nova temporada, Kara e Lena sejam grandes amigas novamente. Obrigado por comentar.

  • @ryanabate1981
    @ryanabate1981 Рік тому

    The confrontation in 5x17 was just bad writing, there was no need to make Lena look stupid by falling for Lex's lies again only to have Lena do running back to Kara in 5x19.