Luka Doncic vs Nikola Jokic MVP race. Different criteria or what? What changed?

  • Опубліковано 19 гру 2024


  • @MaSa-ht8wh
    @MaSa-ht8wh 9 днів тому +3

    Extra pristransko pomoje.

  • @Anda-s7n
    @Anda-s7n 9 днів тому +2

    Last year sounded crazy bad for media bias against Luka.

  • @CTRiver14
    @CTRiver14 9 днів тому +2

    Absolutely agree the criteria is crazy, I like Jokic too, but Luka was robbed last year. The media for sure has a bias against Luka. Luka is playing really well now with a higher seeded team this year. Hopefully if he keeps playing at an MVP level he will be considered for MVP. I know Luka's main focus is on a championship. Luka and the whole team needs to stay healthy and I think they will go far this season.

    • @drmaccify
      @drmaccify 8 днів тому

      : Not of all Luka last year is 33.9 ppg for 23.6 FGA and 8.7 FTA 9.2 rpg 9.8 apg 1.4 spg 0.5 bpg and 4.0 Tov Jokić this season is 32.3 ppg for 21.8 FGA and 6.7 FTA 13.6 rpg 10.2 apg 1.8 spg 0.7 bpg and 3.7 Tov every stat he is better even if he shoot same like Dončić he will more than 34 ppg you can also compare last year and you will seen!

  • @tenXXIII
    @tenXXIII 9 днів тому

    i agree theres bias vs euro's, but luka is currently not better, its a long season though... so the stats are better and you have the most extreme +/- with jok.
    also there are no clear rules, youre right, either its the best player on the best team or is it the biggest floor raiser

    • @drmaccify
      @drmaccify 8 днів тому

      People dont understand efficiant and that is why Jokić is King Luka last year for 33.9 ppg shoot 23.6 FGA and 8.7 FTA Jokić this year for 32.3 shoot 21.8 FGA and 6.8 FTA can you seen difference?? Let alone every other stats where he is better also last years for 26.4 ppg shoot 17.9 FGA and 5.5 FTA

  • @K-Dot94
    @K-Dot94 7 днів тому

    Jokic is the best player in the world, however trust me he will not win mvp if his record/standing stays as it is, him leading just now has nothing to do with who will win.
    Also if we’re being real, as great, all time great even, as luka is, theres still a gap between jokic and him. Jokic is just that good, it doesn’t mean luka isn’t one of the best offensive players ever.
    I wouldn’t have minded seeing luka win last year, however i really do think jokic deserved it, and if he climbs the standings enough this year, he will undoubtedly deserve it again. Thats just what happens when you’re going up against a player playing at peaks that are unheard of.

  • @gfs8957
    @gfs8957 7 днів тому

    I dont get it why the nba are starting so early with the mvp race let at least be 20-25 games played and than you can start with the mvp race and as nugget and big jokic fan jokic shouldnt be leading the mvp race right now but i think the nba doenst care about the seed so early in the season but if for example 30 games already played and the nuggets are 7th jokic wouldnt lead the mvp race unless the top mvp canidates are injured

  • @elflvr04
    @elflvr04 9 днів тому

    Well, this is going to happen every yr that Luka and Nikola are playing NBA because they are the best players out of Europe. I feel like the media are pitting them against each other so people just join in. I love them both but only one can win MVP. It should be Luka but the ones who vote won't change their minds about him personally.😢 Thanks for your thoughts Gregor :)

    • @gregscourt
      @gregscourt  9 днів тому

      Thanks for your comment L!

  • @Lazar_
    @Lazar_ 7 днів тому

    I'll be the first one who's go to hell and back claiming that Luka should win at least one MVP by now. But... This year blew his BEST chance in just 10 games,and this season MVP was his to lose. Mainly he was playing so bad by forcing ridiculous amount of bad shots, especially in the 1st quarter when he likes to dominate, where they would go -10 sometimes even -20, and so many games ended up L by single possession, and him forcing the shots he shouldn't take at first place.
    He desperately needed to rest this off season, and we all saw that during playoffs where he was at 60-70% because how much weight he needed to carry during first half of the season because team was so bad and Kyrie missed over 25 games. But instead he went to play for the Slovenia and then hear the tour with the Nike which resulted him showing up out of form like never before.
    I'm a big Luka supporter, but the way he approached this season almost instantly eliminated him from MVP race and it's not even a fair towards Dallas organization. I genuinely hope he can turn the page during this season, but he can forget about MVP.

  • @goldenbuckets23
    @goldenbuckets23 8 днів тому

    Hi Greg. I'm a big fan of both jokic and luka.
    I agree that luka could have been mvp last seaaon. But I believe that Americans who are xenophobic (especially the media) want to divide the European fanbase by causing resentment by Luka fans and Giannis fans against Jokic.

    • @goldenbuckets23
      @goldenbuckets23 8 днів тому

      I think we should celebrate these legends.
      Luka will go down as a top 3 point guard ever if he wins a ring. If Jokic wins a second title he will become the best big man ever.

  • @zhilla7
    @zhilla7 9 днів тому +1

    Smesno je res to hejtanje Luke. Lani so imeli argument proti njegovi MVP kandidaturi ekipni neuspeh, letos pa zgleda da tut ce bo ekipni uspeh bojo pa njegova individualna statistika problem, pa tut ce bo imel 30/8/8. Bo pa obramba problem, nekaj bojo ze nasli..tako kot si rekel, spreminjajo kriterije vsako leto, da ja ne bo Luka zmagal. Ampak konec koncev je sigurno njemu bolj kot MVP vazen prstan in FMVP katerega mu bojo pa tezje ukradli, ce Dallasu letos morda kako le uspe prit do konca.

    • @gregscourt
      @gregscourt  9 днів тому +1

      @@zhilla7 👌👌👌🤝

    • @drmaccify
      @drmaccify 8 днів тому

      Jokić je imel lani sezono 26.4 12.4 9.0 1.4 0.9 in 3.0 zgubljene žoge
      Dončić 33.9 9.2 9.8 1.4 0.5 in 4.0 zgubljene žoge tudi +- je bil na Jokičevi strani prestrežene podaje preden se obregneš na dosežene točke imej v vidu da je Luka metal 5.7 krat več kot Jokić na koš in 3.2 prosta meta. Letos recimo ima Jokić 32.3 ppg pa kljub temu meče 1.8 manj kot Luka lani in 1.9 manj prostih metov tko da ob enakih metih lani letos bi brez težav imel povprečje 34-35 točk na tekmo.Luka je fantastičen da nebo pomote lani je imel brutalno sezono! Bi si zaslužil MVP nedvomno prav tako si ga je Jokić! Letos si ga pa trenutno ob zgodovinski sezoni Jokića žal ne.In ja 28/8/8 se definitivno nemore kosati z 32/13/10 mečeta trenutno popolnona enako oba 21.8 FGA 6.7FTA. Luka je le minimalno boljši po ukradenih in izgubljenih žogah sezona je še dolga Luka še lahko dvigne nivo Jokiću pa pade…

  • @1SLON1
    @1SLON1 9 днів тому

    Jokic is by far the best player in the world, but he is not on my MVP ballot (1-5). How can he be, Denver has the 11th best record in the league?? Basketball is a team sport, great individual stats without winning are empty stats. My basic rule should be adopted: you must be on a top 8 team, 65 games played to be eligable. Easy rule like a sunday morning.
    My MVP ballot as of today:
    1. Tatum
    2. SGA
    3. Mitchell
    4. KAT
    5. Doncic
    Doncic is a crybaby. Everybody I ask that follows a little basketball what is the first thing that you think about Doncic: he whinnes all the time.
    PS - gremo Olimpija razbit Venezio, najboljši smo v Eurocupu. Zadnjič na tekmi z gladiatorjem Spartakusom iz Bačke sem po milijon letih vidu standing ovation za moje zelene. Dobesedno so se metal na trepalnce za zmago. To hočmo gledat, borbo za zelene barve, brez stokanja.💚💚💚💚

    • @gregscourt
      @gregscourt  9 днів тому

      P. S. Bil na tej tekmi. Za ta nivo res dobra kosarka in ja, borba, Tivoli. Vse.. Plus tale Brynton Lemar. Malo sem se "zaljubil" vanj.] e pred poškosbo sicer a tole je res klasa od igralca.

    • @1SLON1
      @1SLON1 9 днів тому

      @@gregscourt pohvalno da navijaš. Jaz rabm še minimalno par mescev da sem all in. To jo blo tok let slabga dela, stalnega menjanja kadra, trenerjev, da sem čist pozabu, da je Olimpija včasih bla institucija v Evropi, kjer so se vsi bal igrat v LJ.

    • @drmaccify
      @drmaccify 8 днів тому

      KATA in Mitchella si dal pred Jokića?😂😂 poglej kakšno ekipo ima Cleveland še kako je važno kakšne soigralce imaš Denver je igral polovico sezone brez Gordona 5 tekem brez Murrya ki roko na srce je zelo slab trenutno! Dejstvo je da je Denver brez Jokića 28-30 ekipa tako pa so 11 ali v svoji konferenci bi bili nekje 14-15! Net rating ima 27.3 na 100 posesti poguglaj koliko ima drugo uvrščeni. vpliv na moštvo ima največji od vseh igralcev! Včasih je prav smešno kakšne bučke ljudje kvasite. MVP je individualna nagrada kater igralec je najkoristnejši za ekipo ne katera ekipa je najboljša to je trenutno Cleveland.Spoštujem tvoje mnenje ki pa ni niti malo spovneš leta ko je Embid osvojil MVP pa je Jokića nek trener dal na 7 oz celo 8 mesto?😂

    • @1SLON1
      @1SLON1 7 днів тому

      @drmaccify se strinjam z vsem kar si napisal, z izjemo ene stvari. V moji predstavi o košarki igralec ne more biti na mvp listku, če je član playin tima. To je vse. Jaz imam osebni prredpogoj za moj listek, da je tim top 8 v ligi. Drugač pa ve se, da je Jokic v drugi stratosferi igralcev kot sta KAT in Mitchell. Napiš svoj MVP listek. Ne vem zakaj se Slovenčki tko bojijo svoje kritične besede. Vsak ima svojo obrazložitev. Ajde, 1-5 MVP po tvojem mnenju??

    • @drmaccify
      @drmaccify 7 днів тому

      @ : Vsak ima pravico do svojega mnenja definitivno se ne bojim kritike drugače se nebi spuščal v debato, če je to letelo name osebno, Jokić,Giannis,SGA,Dončić,Tatum. Westbrook z slabšo sezono 2016/17 je osvojil MVP pa je bila OKC na 6. Mestu Karem je osvojil MVP leta 1973 se mi zdi ko so bili Lakersi na 9 mestu z rekordom minus 40-42,vsak ima svojo mnenja druga so pa objektivna dejstva trenutno je Denver na 7 mestu…