HATE for Final Fantasy (And Square Enix) NEEDS TO STOP

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @iNsOmNiAcAnDrEw
    @iNsOmNiAcAnDrEw 3 місяці тому +13

    I think it's because Square themselves seem to be preoccupied with making money. Their attitude wears off on the consumers, wouldn't it?

  • @Perplexum
    @Perplexum 3 місяці тому +8

    Well, it's not like Square didn't step on every garden rake that came their way for years (are they still that obsessed with NFTs?) And after decades of Final Fantasy's qualitative and popular decline, they tried to revive the franchise with XVI and the FF7 reimagining, but it didn't do as well as they'd hoped, and of course people and the media are talking about all that. Why wouldn't they?

  • @ectogamut
    @ectogamut 3 місяці тому +10

    Odd. MY experience of FF7 Rebirth on UA-cam over the past 2 months has been like 90% theorycrafting videos and interpretations of the ending and only 10% people complaining about sales. Until THIS week, of course.

  • @MapleYum
    @MapleYum 3 місяці тому +20

    I played the game for a hundred hours and avoided all conversation about it for 2+ months. There was some stuff I didn’t like-mostly the minigames-but overall it’s one of the best games Ive played in a long time. The game was made with tremendous care and love. Unless I read internet forums, which claim it was hack job and lazy etc etc. You can not like something and still appreciate the effort that went into creating it.

    • @SyLuX636
      @SyLuX636 3 місяці тому

      Unfortunately, they do not do the same for their other games, only FF7.

  • @wmen48
    @wmen48 3 місяці тому +3

    If square sold badly in the 90s ppl would say the players didn't grew up/have no taste for their masterpieces. Nowadays however...

  • @UndeadEggmiester
    @UndeadEggmiester 3 місяці тому +6

    Every ip will have fans and non fans if series. I've played nearly every FF game and i realized I'm not a fan of the series but just a few games in the series. I will say that i don't believe in blind loyalty to a company because of the product they make.

  • @sehaltielazurite2969
    @sehaltielazurite2969 3 місяці тому +19

    Well, I guess this video helped me remember why I don't usually go on communities to talk about games I like. I can get why people are angry, cause sometimes, I am, too. Sometimes, we don't understand some companies' decisions, and we can give our opinion, but lashing on everything and everyone, to the extent where you insult people who actually enjoyed it is just too much.
    I hope people are gonna be nice enough to not go to this length against you, and I wish the best :D

    • @__BlacklotuS__
      @__BlacklotuS__ 3 місяці тому +3


    • @venus446
      @venus446 3 місяці тому +4

      I agree with this point. Ive had this happen to me, and after that I stopped talking about ff to this day. It's been 3 years so far.

  • @YigaClanBananaKeeper
    @YigaClanBananaKeeper 3 місяці тому +5

    With all due respect, there was a very significant portion of, at the minimum, American gaming history where if a JRPG wasn't by Square Enix, it flat out got shat on. Immediately. Not even given a fair chance. JP game bad was a problematic sentiment in the US at one point and still occasionally shows up today in modern gaming journalism. FF was the golden child that could do no wrong and some, not all, of the Nintendo IPs got to sort of tag along too. At least, that's how it was where I grew up. The best you could hope for was niche success if a game you liked got lucky enough to find the right people before the loud media reception scared stores into not carrying the games. So maybe this is a difference between the UK and the US, but what you said about Japanese devs never being scrutinized the way Square is right now is just entirely wrong. At least when it comes to the US market. As a long time fan of the JRPG genre at large, that's just entirely not true.
    It was only during the Wii/PS3/360 era that other franchises finally started to even remotely receive even a fraction of the level of respect that Final Fantasy initially earned with VII. Even then, FF was king. So to answer your question about when it became "normal" for it to not to be okay to just like something, this has been an issue for the wider JRPG community for decades--well before UA-cam even existed in its current capacity. Being subject to sensationalized dirty headlines, dragged through the mud for ratings, generally made fun of using sales numbers or other information like it's the cool thing to do. This issue didn't randomly start recently. FF, and by extension, some of SE's IPs just had the privilege of not being hounded this way until more recently. Regarding your sales metric question: Pokemon specifically tends to come under fire using sales metrics pretty often. "10 million in three days for this slop?! Disgusting!" (Related to Scarlet and Violet) Zelda has also recently come under fire for a very similar issue! "Tears of the Kingdom peaked barely 4 months into its launch? Glorified DLC. Should have given us traditional Zelda instead."
    There's also a lot of bitterness towards FF because of its seeming golden child treatment in the US at least. Take Xenoblade for example. They do something, oh anime cringe bad. The second FF does literally the exact same thing: damn bro, that was so cool. Cause and effect. You're gonna gonna get a bunch of chronically online people praying for something's downfall when that's their perception of a franchise's community. Xenoblade's community isn't the only victim of this phenomena either. FF Community west-side has had this issue for nearly two decades now, worsening that tribalism issue you described. An unfortunately vocal minority have just completely lost the ability to leave people be without professing their undying hatred for something. As a passerby who wound up here on accident, I genuinely feel bad because I'm sure I won't be the only person who will leave a history lesson essay, but I feel like it's important to add to the discussion that FF wasn't just randomly selected to be bullied by the internet while the other JP devs are getting off scott free. That is just completely false. Even then, I do feel like you didn't mean it the way it sounded, so I really am sorry for how long this is and how it reads. Twitter-sized posts just don't do it for situations like this.
    To be clear: I am not trying to say you're wrong for feeling this way. On many levels, I completely agree that all of this is messed up and some of it very much so stems from people inserting themselves into conversations with bad intentions, but I think this issue extends beyond the issues within just the Final Fantasy community at this point. There's a lot of external context to the matter as well. It's probably hard for a handful of people in the wider JRPG space to look at FF with any sympathy when they were the very same fandom that treated other franchises the way they did for years. I know some people who liked or were even neutral to FF until the Xenoblade and FF communities got into a big fight online and took a hard "I hate those guys and their overrated games" stance post incident. Really a shame as both franchises are great. Unfortunately, it probably adds to the negativity dog pile that FF occasionally finds itself under from time to time.

    • @wolfstfox
      @wolfstfox 3 місяці тому +1

      maybe it's a difference of where and when in the US you lived vs where I did, but Game Freak, Atlus, and Neverland all gave SE a run for their money in the US JRPG market, Neverland's Lufia and the fortress of Doom series is still considered among the greatest of all time among fans and critics alike, and no one can argue that Pokemon hasn't been popular and successful. while Atlus is known for pumping out whatever as long as it's a JRPG and has gotten community flak for it, they've also brought games like Persona. while FF and other SE game have been placed on a JRPG pedestal, they were never up there alone.

  • @AvengeBasketball
    @AvengeBasketball 3 місяці тому +1

    Don’t know what some of the haters are saying cuz I enjoyed every single FF series since FF6

  • @ogun6464
    @ogun6464 3 місяці тому +5

    I think it is your perception, but that's OK. I see the same sort of coverage for Bethesda, and I see even more obsession over Blizzard games. The problem is SE games are supposed to be good

  • @69eyes2191
    @69eyes2191 3 місяці тому +1

    I personally loved FF XVI and Rebirth. Yeah I hated all the mini games in rebirth, but these are two of the better games I've played in the past few years

  • @jahazielvazquez7264
    @jahazielvazquez7264 3 місяці тому +1

    I had straight up stopped clicking on all these garbage hateful videos until I saw this title

  • @zurajanaisephirothda3886
    @zurajanaisephirothda3886 3 місяці тому +14

    Not the best time to post this as Sqex is currently laying off a lot of people due to "restructuring".
    Also Sqex is a mess, they bring out a lot of bangers but also a lot of bad games, the range from good games like FF7Rebirth to the Quiet Man is something.
    The president going all in on NFTs in shareholder meetings is also another thing. Their gacha games are also a topic one could argue about.
    To end this, Its rly hard to understand this company from the outside

  • @lenen9456
    @lenen9456 3 місяці тому +1

    Ima just say this, i feel like Final Fantasy Fans have overhyped Final Fantasy VII. Like it’s the Persona 5 of the Final Fantasy series in my opinion (A game thats just alright but its fans make it out to be the best game ever.) and that they act like its the gold standard and every game after isn’t good cuz its not FFVII. I will say this though, me looking at FFVII the original PS1 game it is just alright it’s not bad but alright, but the Remakes i just don’t like them and I feel like its disrespecting the original game since its changing things and their “changing fate”.
    Im not trying to be a contrarian or spread negativity but i wanted to say how i feel. And to anyone who reads this, if you love FFVII good for you I’m glad you do. Sorry if this whole thing came off messy but i tried to get how i feel about Final Fantasy, but we’re all different so if you disagree with my opinion do so i wont care.

  • @zedzod7066
    @zedzod7066 Місяць тому +1


  • @embryonx
    @embryonx 3 місяці тому +3

    As someone who also works in the industry, I also feel this weird tribalism escalating. That perception is likely a result of the specific niche we inhabit, but it still feels "real." Even if it's not the universal truth--so few people on this earth comprise the vocal minority of capital-G Gamers on social media--it's hard not to feel overwhelmed when the most visible diatribes online are loud and snide and grossly uninformed.
    There are a lot of fans of video games who desperately want some stake, some sense of ownership in the industry of products they align with emotionally. Because if they aren't Gamers, then what are they? I've felt this deep dread myself. I still do sometimes. To devote so much of yourself to a hobby and to feel it slip from your fingers in some way, even some imaginary way that you never had a grip on in the first place, is scary.
    I think the healthiest thing you can do is pursue your own joy and continue to create a community of like-minded individuals who want to engage with you in good faith. You seem to be doing that here on this channel already. Glad to be a small part of it, even asymmetrically, as a frequent viewer and occasional commenter.

  • @threeswordssama
    @threeswordssama 3 місяці тому

    Totally agree with your take here. Square Enix is a great company that makes great games. They're not gonna make everyone happy every time they make a game.

  • @wjr341
    @wjr341 3 місяці тому

    Root for their success and celebrate whatever you genuinely feel if it is a positive experience!
    Side note... I hope they are working on a World of Final Fantasy Sequel!

  • @phatpanduh123
    @phatpanduh123 3 місяці тому +6

    I mean it is true that SQEX is struggling at this point. But damn consumers need to chill a bit. But i do hope SQEX finds their footing again. Unpopular opinion, but i enjoyed FF16. The dark theme that goes with the story is quite nice.

  • @egorobotentertainment8057
    @egorobotentertainment8057 3 місяці тому +11

    It's just a trend to get clicks and views.

  • @TheJCghost
    @TheJCghost 3 місяці тому

    As someone who joined this series with FF15 ive loved every entry since and my love for FF just gotten stronger. Just sad to see they being negative to a new found love for me

  • @oreotaku4017
    @oreotaku4017 3 місяці тому +1

    I started FF with 10 and worked backwards. But with each new one I picked it up. 12 was hard to get into for me. Not an MMO player so I skipped 11 and 14. I absolutely loved 13, its sequels and the spinoff games. 15 was a mixed bag but wasn’t bad. 16 was really good, but not fantastic. And 7Remake and especially Rebirth has been one of the best games I’ve played in a while.
    Not to mention I’m also a big fan of KH, Nier, BD, TWEWY, and DQ.

  • @maj0ga.
    @maj0ga. 3 місяці тому

    Its not just Square Enix, I see the same criticisms with others as well. Blizzard, Bethesda, Amazon, etc. They even do it with sales that do well like Genshin or Star Rail saying oh this banner sales didn't do as good as the previous banner and so forth.
    As for wanting to talk about the actual game, I used to love doing that but like you said someone like me that refuses to buy a PS5 just to play a game the same time as everyone else when the talks are actually relevant I've lost that spark. With news of SE dropping console exclusivity I've never been happier.

  • @Malacite
    @Malacite 3 місяці тому

    I think a lot of the 16 and Rebirth hate has to do with people who are just mad that they need a PS5. Like we're what, 6 years into the console's life cycle?
    GET OVER IT. They have been readily available for a while now and those of us who do own one are sick of last gen holding things back. Videogames are first and foremost a luxury item so while I do think it's fair to criticize the overall rising prices of them and egregious predatory tactics by companies such as EA, Ubisoft and Activision (and yes SQEX as well sorry) complaining that they aren't still catering to last gen owners this late into the current gen is just asinine and childish.
    I've actually seen comments from people demanding a PS4 version of 16, like are you kidding? The hardware could never handle it - Remake was already pushing it to the limits and had to be locked to 30FPS, which as the Intergrade proved was a huge detriment to the combat as the full 60 FPS on PS5 made things flow far more smoothly and it was much easier to react and dodge & do cancels etc.
    I will disagree slightly in that I personally don't find at least some of the malcontent towards SQEX and FF to be unwarranted - the franchise has been languishing for years, on top of the executives having unrealistic sales expectations.
    That being said, it is definitely getting to be a bit much lately. Their recent announcement about quality over quantity has many worried that we won't see gems like Harvestella and Octopath going forward anymore, but that remains to be seen.
    I'm still excited for Dawn Trail and Visions of Mana. And there's talk now of Sony experimenting with PS2 emulation on PS5, so maybe there's hope we can even get XI ported over though even if that were possible I doubt it would ever get approved at this point.
    TL;DR I think cautious optimism is what's needed currently. Rebirth definitely screwed some things up (badly) but overall was a fun and well put together game and IMO a strong showcase of what's possible going forward.

  • @nashdash6404
    @nashdash6404 3 місяці тому +1

    As you said "I undestand, it's an action game. It's not what a lot of FF fans expected".
    The same can be said about FF7 Remake and Rebirth. They are not what a lot of FF7 fans expected. Fans have been treated with a lot of disregard in the last few years. Star Wars, Marvel and now their favorite games. Companies are doing whatever they want with very little regard to their core audience. And those games are not free. People pay for them, you know. The vitriol is well deserved. Love and hate are intertwined. A company can turn that hate into love again. When fans feel nothing more than apathy then the brand is dead. Let the hate flow through you.

  • @samniel
    @samniel 3 місяці тому +6

    I believe it's perfectly fair to criticize SE as a company, and they've done a great deal of stuff to criticize them for, but at some point it's turned into salivating over SE's "downfall". And like you said it's some weird form of tribalism in which you can't just dislike something because it's not your thing, you have to justify it as the thing being "objectively bad", usually by ignoring the good spots and blowing out the bad. It's just exhausting to be in fandom these days (years)

  • @zupasha
    @zupasha 3 місяці тому +5

    "Staying in our lane" is probably my reaction to all this. It's not our place.

  • @D3bugMod3
    @D3bugMod3 3 місяці тому

    I almost skipped this. Because the way we talk about gaming is frankly exhausting. And I just wasn't in the mood for more. Opinions are too often said & taken as facts. Which is only further distorting the conversation. Glad I took time to check this out.
    Take care and have a good one

  • @ETHomerin
    @ETHomerin 3 місяці тому

    I'm very happy to have watched this video. And I agree with you! I've never not enjoyed an FF game! Great attitude, brother!

  • @dreamphoenix
    @dreamphoenix 3 місяці тому +1

    Great talk. Thank you.

  • @jefftheindianchief8279
    @jefftheindianchief8279 3 місяці тому

    Square deserves scrutiny for a lot of their poor decisions, like NFTs, but it's only when they deliver great games that they're worthy of praise. You can't overlook the bad aspects of a company, otherwise you enable their more exploitative nature.

  • @joeschmoe4698
    @joeschmoe4698 3 місяці тому

    Thank you! Finally someone speaking up about this! For years I tried to figure out where this hatred stems from, which to be frank started a few years after FF7 popularity. At first I thought these were FF6 fanboys or Nintendo fanboys, because they always drew comparisons, but as years went on, I seen repetition, and in these last few years I figured it out why the doom and gloom. This hatred stems from leftoids, and if you learned anything from these past few years, these activists act like a hivemind of pessimism, they have a deep hatred for Japan, success, and capitalism. They also had a deep stranglehold on social media, so they had full control over the influence and narrative, so any negativity stems from them. But just like politics, you don't have to agree with any of it, so unless you agree with their politics, it's safe to say their opinions are terrible!

  • @firekungfuhero1150
    @firekungfuhero1150 3 місяці тому +1

    I do agree that people spend too much time complaining about the sales and the state of the company more that just talking about the lore of games like FF16 like you have with previous FF games. If i come to realization that majority are turned off because that game isnt turn based with party members, then thats sad and biased

    • @SyLuX636
      @SyLuX636 3 місяці тому +2

      Lore isn't that impressive when it's all discarded and forgotten at the end for another we got to kill God trope once again. Clive is so overpowered that literally nobody is a challenge and everyone loves him. Cid imo was the only likable and memorable character in the story.

    • @lpstweetytv5242
      @lpstweetytv5242 3 місяці тому

      @SyLuX636 Was Cid that likeable? I forgot about him the moment he died lol

    • @firekungfuhero1150
      @firekungfuhero1150 3 місяці тому

      @lpstweetytv5242 not every Final Fantasy game has to have a very complex story for it to be good, there are games that either have moderate complexity or simple storytelling but it can be written well, you don't think that principle exsist?

    • @lpstweetytv5242
      @lpstweetytv5242 3 місяці тому +1

      @firekungfuhero1150 Of course, that's true! But 16 is not well written. Complex or simple

  • @vincentcloud
    @vincentcloud 3 місяці тому +3

    The reason isn't the games themselves. It's they way they were presented, exclusives. Sure, there were some mindless drones that shelled out money for the system. Most were wise to that ploy. So fans showed their displeasure and wished for their failure. Our wish was granted. They announced they would aggressively be pushing multi platform releases going foward due to sales not meeting expectations for Rebirth.

    • @MTGHedgefund
      @MTGHedgefund 3 місяці тому

      That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What a bunch of immature children. Never met anyone so butthurt over a few hundred dollars. You're just mad you bought the shitty system 😂 or you're a PC elitist with half a brain.

  • @m.rifqiarief
    @m.rifqiarief 3 місяці тому

    It's smell of a conspiracy...
    Hahaha. Well, actually, who is it that really care about the company anyway? I'm certainly not. The company have their own way. Let them do their job. We as customers are not really need to think about it. If we dont like their product, we can go complain to their customer service or we can just not buy from them again... Its that simple.
    As you said, the game is an art. And what we must see and judge is the art, not who made it. Thats how a healthy criticism is.

  • @andrepayne4349
    @andrepayne4349 3 місяці тому

    Rebirth failed because now people know it's not an actual remake.

    • @ademirc5937
      @ademirc5937 3 місяці тому

      Which is odd because after having played Remake and Rebirth, it's pretty clear that it's 90% the exact same story.

    • @andrepayne4349
      @andrepayne4349 3 місяці тому

      @@ademirc5937 90% if you're generous and optimistic

    • @ademirc5937
      @ademirc5937 3 місяці тому

      @andrepayne4349 I played the OG in 97, went on to play it to conclusion 23 more times after. Just finished Rebirth a few a few weeks ago. A few bells and whistles have been added that have led to a few small deviations. Other than that it's the same things happening beat for beat. This, of course, could all wildly change in part 3, but up until now it's all roughly the same.

    • @andrepayne4349
      @andrepayne4349 3 місяці тому +1

      @@ademirc5937 I also played through the game multiple times back from 97 to 99. I didn’t obsessively play through it 100 times like you and other people, I moved on to other games, but I still remember it well.
      I never expected a 1:1 remake, but……
      Spamming Sephiroth from the beginning, destroying the ominous impact he had.
      Bringing characters back to life.
      Those random, distracting kingdom hearts whisper things.
      The alternate timeline multiverse BS.
      Tons of padding with forced mini games and side quests.
      Aeris being dead………but not really.
      I could keep going but because FF7R was false advertisement that spit in the face of fans, I predicted not as many people would buy Rebirth and I was correct. It serves them right, I’m glad it failed.
      Same will happen for the final game.

  • @MMuraseofSandvich
    @MMuraseofSandvich 3 місяці тому +2

    Joe, if I may suggest: Strange Rebel Gaming's FF7R streams are some of the most wholesome I've ever seen.
    I feel that there's more than a little toxicity bleeding into the conversation (if we can call it that), a little "I am justified in hating so I can feel better about the teams I support", which I've seen in pro sports fandoms *_SO_* often. I don't play that game. Ever. If I'm watching a game of sports and I see a good play, I applaud it even if it's the rival team. They beat my team fair and square? GG, they clearly earned it. That's been a liberating experience for me, for example the last World Baseball Classic championship game was between the USA and Japan and I am a second-generation Japanese-American. When my Japanese boss asked me who I'm rooting for, I said, "Both!" because why in the world would I root against Shohei Ohtani or Mike Trout? (He tried to force me to pick one, I told him, very politely, "F*** off, you can't make me.").
    Similarly for most games, I now treat online commentary with a few pounds of salt, I watch gameplays without commentary (or commentary from content creators I trust) to see if the style and gameplay appeal to me. I've found over the years that I don't experience what bloggers comment about (I gave my copy of Breath of the Wild to my nephew after just a few hours' worth of frustrating gameplay), and the things that people complain about are often molehills made into mountains and they're eventually patched out.

    • @ectogamut
      @ectogamut 3 місяці тому

      Strange Rebel, Night Sky Prince, Maxdood, BltzZ, Schrodingersbabyseal, and Soldier_1stClass. These are the content creators I've been watching who contribute such positive vibes to the FF7 Rebirth community these past few months.
      Shoot, that's only 6 content creators...
      Okay, here, I'll throw in a 7th: Curious Corduroy

  • @relevanttangent8442
    @relevanttangent8442 3 місяці тому

    2024 is the year of the Grifters. First it's Suicide Squad, then Sweet Baby Inc, then Black Girl Gamers, then Sony with FF7R2, then Sony with Stellar Blade, then Sony with Helldivers, then with Microsoft with Tango. These Grifters are so fantastic that they reached into their butts and pulled out a Square-Enix investor's report from an alternate dimension which they claim literally says FF16 and FF7R2 completely flopped and that Square-Enix is done with Sony. These Grifters don't like adding context because it's hard to make four videos a day if you're slowing down to explain that Avengers, Outriders, Babylon's Fall, Foamstars amd NFTs were all terrible ideas.

  • @kayink558
    @kayink558 3 місяці тому +3

    People are entitled to their opinions. The hate will only stop when they'll feel like respected customers once again, that's all. People staying silent are the ones enabling this situation, just as much as "blind fan" believing SE like it's the Vatican.
    "The fanbase seems to want that to happen." Some history is due. The Fanbase of SE supported the company blindly for years, never questionning its direction. Now that people are more informed on how SE operate, it is perfectly normal (and expected) that some fans are going all-in. Between the NFT, the forced new direction of the main franchise, and the stubborness of exclusivity while complaining their revenue isn't enough, and their will to lead the whole industry into more costly games (they were among the first to ramp up their prices), what baffle me is why people don't understand why the fanbase (part of) is mad.
    You just need to see what SE did the last 10 years, not just with game release, but especially with their policies. And then, you'll understand this discussion is pointless. Some people are done eating sh*t, and others will keep eating it forever because their mom did it. Hopefully, there'll be less and less mommy boys as time progress.

  • @__BlacklotuS__
    @__BlacklotuS__ 3 місяці тому +5

    if FF made the new one turn based i would start playing the series again

    • @fayte0618
      @fayte0618 3 місяці тому +1

      Its called octopath traveler and bravely default

  • @Minamoto1989
    @Minamoto1989 3 місяці тому +8

    Edit: I love your content, not flame to you but to SE.
    Why? I used to love Square Enix and Final Fantasy in general. Final Fantasy VIII, followed by VII, VI, and IX, are the reasons I started gaming. But those times are long gone. Every new major SE title feels like a lottery at best. There are some good titles, and I won't deny it, but it feels random. I don't think it's normal to fear whether a game will be good or not before every release (a problem the whole industry is facing at the moment). But we can all agree that Final Fantasy in particular has been disappointing.
    Final Fantasy XV is garbage, and Final Fantasy XVI has a great story but pathetic gameplay for an action RPG. Fans of SE and RPGs want RPGs. If I go to a grocery store, I want to buy groceries, not clothes. Let's not forget that the so-called outdated turn-based combat won the Game of the Year for Baldur's Gate 3. I think SE has lost track of what made them great. I disagree with constant negativity, but big corporations need to feel the fear of losing customers (and money) or they will not change how they work.

    • @randalwillis1099
      @randalwillis1099 3 місяці тому +3

      Completely agree! In the past, each game seemed really solid. Could expect quality. Nowadays, who knows if the game will actually be good. Especially with Final Fantasy, each title takes years to make, so even if just one of the main series is meh, and I would argue that most of the recent ones are, it could be ten years waiting for a decent game. I think they've made a lot of bad decisions, so hopefully the backlash and poor financials are a wakeup call.

    • @kayink558
      @kayink558 3 місяці тому +3

      Negativity is needed with big companies, or they'll never stop. Helldiver 2 is a prime and recent exemple. People being negative isn't the issue. The issue is why they're negative. I hope they won't stop being negative until SE understand, or...

    • @Dayv018
      @Dayv018 3 місяці тому +1

      I can agree on 15, but 16 and Rebirth were both great games for me. I can understand some of the complaints about 16, but it was a much better experience than any other non MMO FF (14 is great) since...honestly 10 (although I like 12 to a degree). Then Rebirth came out and was just absolutely fantastic.

    • @Minamoto1989
      @Minamoto1989 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Dayv018 Not a fan of the "new" ff 7 story but the game is solid, in fact I didn't mention it along the bad games. FF 16 I disagree, great story, graphics and music but gameplay wise, it is an action not an action rpg. I like rpgs so I was disappointed and I am not alone in that.

    • @Dayv018
      @Dayv018 3 місяці тому

      @@Minamoto1989 You can not be alone in that, while there are still plenty of people who really enjoyed the game. Gameplay was pretty good, even if I prefer Rebirth's more hybrid combat. For what they tried, I think they put out a very solid title that was miles better than XV overall. I can completely agree with some complaints about "rpg elements" being sparse in certain aspects of the game, but there's still way more good there, than bad.
      It's funny how even with "new" elements, the FF7 story is still basically exactly where it was at the same points at the end of Remake and Rebirth as it was in the OG.

  • @jamescook2973
    @jamescook2973 3 місяці тому +2

    I love final fantasy and I don't have social media 🙃 I'm vindicated cuz I still game like it's the 90s til I beat the game lol I still watch reviews and stuff but only after I beat it. But I refuse to be apart of most gaming communities cuz %99.9 are toxic. 😅

  • @brandonpritchard6696
    @brandonpritchard6696 3 місяці тому +4

    I call it the nickelback syndrom. No matter how good or bad it is its just popular to hate them. SE would be screwed either way. If they keep every game a turn based rpg people will complain they are lazy if they change things then people complain "its not my final fantasy"

  • @DICEBOY22
    @DICEBOY22 3 місяці тому +3

    honestly you know what this feels like? Die hard fans ganging up to theoretically beat FF and Square with nail bats than the rest of the joe shmoe industry walking up and going "Uh... can I join in to to?" and... yeah! its very freaking annoying!

  • @shrap3d
    @shrap3d 3 місяці тому +7

    Stop hating Square? Did they fix anything or are they still censoring shit right and left?
    No, sir. They deserve everything they get.

  • @TheMcswilly
    @TheMcswilly 3 місяці тому

    Agreed, there is too much gravy train riding on you tube nowadays, I'm so sick of being told what to think by people on here, and then it turns out to be untrue or exaggerated and the real companies trying to shaft us all still win.

  • @wolfstfox
    @wolfstfox 3 місяці тому

    I understand the SE hate, personally SE is dead to me, I don't hate them but I simply have no trust that they will ever make an RPG I want to play with a storyline I want to experience. people are passionate about their games, and to many people FF7Remake felt like SE strip-mining their wallets and patience, personally the FF1Remake was the last straw(also known as FF CHAAAAAAOOOOOOOSSS!!!)and after that debacle if someone told me SE would never be allowed to remake a final fantasy game again my reply would be "good", not because I hate them, but simply because I have no faith in the company, and I think some of the hate is just because tone doesn't always come through.
    and as a side note when you bring up other games don't have their sales brought up as the standard by which the games are rated or justified condemning you brought up Capcom as an example, but Resident Evil 5 & 6 did go through the same thing until RE7 redeemed the series in the public eye.

  • @HolyJonte
    @HolyJonte 3 місяці тому +1

    Great video.

  • @KarakuraNinja
    @KarakuraNinja 3 місяці тому +2

    I dont think persona is that good. They rest on their laurels and make the same old game but then they pull things like low effort expansions where yoi have to buy the whole game again and have hardly ever made decent spin offs outside of P5S.
    Final fantasy has experimented way more and tries a lot of different things, which is why imo it gets so much flack because unlike the rehashed persona, final fantasy never rehashes so some prefer medieval, some emotional, some turn based, etc too much diversity of thought instead of an aligned expectation and accepted what was likely to get made.

  • @aulayna
    @aulayna 3 місяці тому +1

    I enjoy games, sure it sucks if a game gets cancelled but I really don't care about a company's annual report.

  • @PaleRaida13
    @PaleRaida13 3 місяці тому +3

    I don't hate Square Enix. I'm instead extremely disappointed in them. I'm sick and tired of being treated like I'm just a guinea pig for the developers of my favourite JRPGs, and I'm sick to death of SEs own business ethics. It started with the mess that was 15, the Episodes being content extracted from the game's narrative to sell as DLC. This was the first domino in the chain, and SEs first step away from a path that previously harmonised with most fans rather than alienated them.
    I could stand here all day and hold sermon on how many of SEs own bullets are currently lodged in their own feet. The company having content losses in the hundreds of millions, when the CEO and a few other choice heads of the SE hydra are openly supportive of NFTs and Blockchain games are due to the company's own greed and ignorance. That is not something the workers of SE and their fans should be paying for. And yet here we are. I'm sorry but I'm out of options Joe. There is no other way to hold SE accountable for their dreadful attitude. They won't listen to fans, and any AAA developer, especially one of such high prestige, that has content losses of approximately 140 million dollars is obviously deluded beyond repair. The issues are internal, Square Enix' current state is not due to fan hatred. Maybe a small negligible percentage. But not on a major scale. No way.

    • @lpstweetytv5242
      @lpstweetytv5242 3 місяці тому +4

      I'm a new player when it comes to ff. I wanted to get into it after playing ff7 and 10, but their new games are such a mess, it's impossible. Seeing 16, after playing the old games first, was like whiplash. Unless you like MMOs, which I don't. Modern ff has nothing to offer, sadly.

  • @warriorfromhammerfell1557
    @warriorfromhammerfell1557 3 місяці тому +1

    4:38 it's been always like that forever. It just so happens that people are now vocal and we hear more voices because of the internet unlike before.. These days if you like something that has poor or average review, people will look at you with disdain. At this point, I do not care about how OBJECTIVELY good or bad a game is anymore.. At the end of the day, I buy video games to TO HAVE FUN. If I enjoyed it then great, money well spent and the game served it's purpose. If not, then lesson learned. Problem with people nowadays is they scrutinize something even before playing it.

    • @darksaint0124
      @darksaint0124 3 місяці тому

      Why are you acting like the internet didn't exist before? The internet has been in worldwide use for over 2 decades at this point.

    • @KarakuraNinja
      @KarakuraNinja 3 місяці тому

      Tbf it has been 2 whole decades since it began lol
      Final fantasy x-2

  • @makisbizarreadventure4669
    @makisbizarreadventure4669 3 місяці тому

    Square will be fine once they start releasing on more consoles instead of just PS5 for their releases. The sales for the PS5 weren't even the greatest.

    • @relevanttangent8442
      @relevanttangent8442 3 місяці тому

      Square will be fine once they start releasing on more consoles instead of just Switch for their releases. Square has released more exclusive games on Switch than any other platform. Most of those games were newer IPs or AA games and could have performed better if they had a wider release.

    • @makisbizarreadventure4669
      @makisbizarreadventure4669 3 місяці тому

      @@relevanttangent8442 true i meant more so bringing games to pc more

  • @thrillhouse4151
    @thrillhouse4151 3 місяці тому

    I just realized there will never be a Tobal. 3… They blew their chance! Now he’s *dead* dammit! 😭 One of many reasons to criticize Enix-Square! The finances and sales are kinda weird to focus on though, I’ve seen that a lot lately with gacha games. I could care less about how much games make, I remember when sports games were always clogging up the top tens.

  • @elderboucher5849
    @elderboucher5849 3 місяці тому

    I hope you don't lose heart when it comes to talking about Final Fantasy. Love your content and hearing you talk about these games. I agree though, it seems like people feel comfortable just steeping themselves in negativity. I don't want to any more to your day so i just wanted to say as much as i would love another turn based final fantasy game i also love how innovative they have been with the franchise, i love that for each of my nieces and nephews there as been at least one final fantasy they have enjoyed, stanger of paradise and 16 for the action leaning ones, World of FF for the pokemon lovers and ff14 for the teenagers who still have all the time to no life a game haha. Also just to give a shout out because i bought my tickets for their November event in Vancouver today, Kupo Con exists and if you want to see some fans lose thier minds in a celebration of all things Final Fantasy i can't recommend their events enough. Hope you have a wondeful day, and don't let the 24 hour coverage of copro nonsense get you down and turn you away from the things have passion about.

  • @okeyjay
    @okeyjay 3 місяці тому +1

    Im very out the loop with this but one thing I can say is... I just finished rebirth, took me 102 hours and loved 90% of it aha was it perfect? noh, am i sad its over? yes.

  • @DICEBOY22
    @DICEBOY22 3 місяці тому

    also I personallythink FF as a franchise finds itself in this grey area odd spot where its pushed around/bullied from different directions
    . CoD shooter gamers and Sport ball gamers thinking its to gay or "other homophobic slurs
    . Cartoony barely a plot Mario or cell shade gamer types thinking its to dramatic

  • @DICEBOY22
    @DICEBOY22 3 місяці тому +1

    what is good/bad/canon/good canon dragonball is another example of fiction tribalistic vitriol and I hate it.

  • @firekungfuhero1150
    @firekungfuhero1150 3 місяці тому

    I mean is FF16 being ignored because character and story is too simple and/or uninteresting, or its simply not FF7/Kingdom Hearts material, its written as a bad game!?

    • @lpstweetytv5242
      @lpstweetytv5242 3 місяці тому +1

      The bad story and gameplay changes seem to be what turned a lot of people off. But Rebirth didn't fare much better either so, maybe ppl just don't care about ff anymore. Which seems to be the case because even the average ps5 player barely noticed its release

    • @firekungfuhero1150
      @firekungfuhero1150 3 місяці тому

      @lpstweetytv5242 I mean what's wrong with the story in FF16? Is it too brain dead and not alot of substance for people to catch interest?

    • @lpstweetytv5242
      @lpstweetytv5242 3 місяці тому +1

      @@firekungfuhero1150 Yeah pretty much, bad stories can really harm a game

    • @firekungfuhero1150
      @firekungfuhero1150 3 місяці тому

      @lpstweetytv5242 what makes you think ff16 story sucks?

    • @lpstweetytv5242
      @lpstweetytv5242 3 місяці тому +1

      @@firekungfuhero1150 It's boring, uninspired, juvenile and the characters are one note. It doesn't commit to is dark fantasy atmosphere and goes the generic jrpg route. It all plays out more like Shonen than anything else, which is for young teens, not adults. I can see the appeal, but a lot of people don't like that kinda story

  • @Furyon1987
    @Furyon1987 3 місяці тому +3

    I wanted a FFVII remaster, not a remake. I Also want a full complete game from a single purchase. Not in 18 parts across 5 Console generations with separate dlc for each individual part. Final Fantasy 16 sidequests are awful and killed my interest in completing the game despite the combat feeling good and the story being interesting, although suffering from pacing issues.
    FFXIV is insanely stale. There’s barely any innovation at all and what little original content we see literally lasts a week and you‘re done with the patch. What little new content they gave us in Endwalker has no worthwhile rewards and no replayability.
    Gear in FFXIV feels completely pointless unless you are doing savage or ultimates. They also killed crafting for profit by giving people more time to get ready at a new savage tier release.
    They are also getting lazier and lazier about the rewards they actually do offer in game because they are pushing more and more mogstation crap down our throats.
    As a consumer that pays Square Enix on a monthly basis so that they can serve me new fun content every now and then, I sure do feel entitled to let them know my discontent with their current quantity and quality of their products. Here‘s hoping Dawntrail will be FFXIV‘s equivalent expansion to what Legion was to WoW. Not impressed with Endwalker past the 6.0 launch at all.

    • @Dayv018
      @Dayv018 3 місяці тому

      "18 parts across 5 console generations with a seperate dlc for each individual part". Good thing this is all complete exaggeration. Also they said from back as far as 2015 it wasn't just going to be a remaster, and we also knew it was going to be multiple parts for years in advance.
      Mostly disagree on your XIV complaints as well, there's always been lulls in content, that's by design, they expect people to play and take breaks throughout.

    • @Furyon1987
      @Furyon1987 3 місяці тому +2

      You're free to disagree, I assumed you would.
      I exaggerated certain things to make a point. It's a general problem in the gaming industry today to release half finished games and pump them full of dlc bullshit, but that does not only affect Square Enix and their games. It's an industry wide issue.
      When it comes to FFXIV, all I want is a reason to log in and play the game. If you're going to make an mmo with a monthly subscription you have to give people things to do. I would have unsubbed for 3/4ths of Endwalker if it wasn't for the 45 day demolition timer on houses, which is a problem in itself as it is a retention mechanic that adds no value to the player.
      Anyway, the negativity is in my opinion justified. A lot of people are sick and tired of being nickel and dimed for every little thing in games these days. It has gotten to the point for me personally where I can't get excited for new games anymore. I'm stuck in the past playing older modded versions of 7, 8, 9 and 10 because they are just more enjoyable to me, and it's the full game...

    • @Dayv018
      @Dayv018 3 місяці тому

      @@Furyon1987 Yoshi P literally tells people they should take breaks from XIV when they are out of content they want to do, etc. They expect people to cancel sub when they aren't playing much and renew when they are. That said, the amount of actual content out there it's pretty hard unless you're at the very bleeding edge of everything to say you've done it all...assuming you'd want to. If not, cancel sub for awhile, come back when there is more you want to do. Simple as that.
      Frankly after XIII and XV, I would have said it was justified, but XIV having a new expansion coming up that will not be affected by covid in any way, along with XVI and especially Rebirth pretty much have them on the upswing for me. This is even more true knowing they aren't going to be releasing a lot of A/AA games anymore while doing multi-platform releases.

  • @kevinburke1325
    @kevinburke1325 3 місяці тому +5

    No, we won't stop.

  • @SyLuX636
    @SyLuX636 3 місяці тому +1

    All this video was him scared that his top Content (Square Enix games) takes a drop and he loses money. Doesnt help that he works with Square Enix so hes very biased.

  • @003SONE
    @003SONE 3 місяці тому

    I always look forward to your videos.
    I feel that we gamers have become quite spoilt with the amount of games and the quality of games that have come out over the last 10 years or even more than that. Also it seems that there's a great number of people who just want to insult other people's favourite games just because they want a reaction or they want to be horrible to them.
    CDPR have come under a lot of hate and it's taken them a long time to rebuild their fanbase but some people just seem to want to hate on companies now. It's quite sad after the amazing history these game companies have created.

  • @AccessBypass
    @AccessBypass 3 місяці тому

    I agree with you 100%!! I personally loved FF7 rebirth. It’s annoying to see so much hate from the community - particularly fans of the original

  • @mydemonedge
    @mydemonedge 3 місяці тому +1

    love the remake, but i question the 16😂😂😂 ive stopped it completely got bored

  • @bigmarv8073
    @bigmarv8073 3 місяці тому +2

    Would love to never hear about square enix's business model again. I just want to play games !! The rest does not matter to me personally !!!

  • @Zeadrea
    @Zeadrea 3 місяці тому

    Finally a video that’s not all doom and a weird take based on just reading headlines and commenting on it

  • @JebberGamingJaws
    @JebberGamingJaws 3 місяці тому

    Great video, good points. I am also tired from the incessant babbling about companies from people who have no actual insight or understanding into how the industry works, and shouldn’t care even if they did. Discuss the game itself, not the inner workings of game company finance! So weird. Again, great take, refreshing!

  • @TwigletSparkle
    @TwigletSparkle 3 місяці тому +4

    I can understand people's issues with Sony screwing over Helldivers 2, Blizzard's treatment of its workers, or Microsoft axing a successful studio.
    What have Square Enix really done wrong here?

  • @assassinak0474
    @assassinak0474 3 місяці тому +2

    Us fans should appreciate them for remaking ff7 they are doing the best they can

  • @Wesgarbarwil1420
    @Wesgarbarwil1420 3 місяці тому

    The main problem is Square Enix are forgetting their fanbase who have been with them for years and are too focused on pleasing new customers with games that are moving away what makes Final Fantasy games "Final Fantasy". In the late 80s and throughout the 90s, if a game was developed by Squaresoft/Enix/Square Enix, it was almost a seal of approval that it was going to be awesome. Nowadays, I see Square Enix and I think "let's wait and see". FF16 for me wasn't an inherently bad game, but it is easily one of my least favourite FF games. I still finished it, but it was a SLOG!
    Also, lets just remember that some of the most popular and successful jrpgs of recent years have been "old school" turn based. Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes, Octopath Traveller 2, SMT V amd Baldur's Gate 3. There is still a want for good, traditional turn based rpgs!

  • @chrisbennett1358
    @chrisbennett1358 3 місяці тому

    I don't know what it is, but I just feel like SE have lost their magic. I enjoyed rebirth, but it just didn't have that sense of wonder and magic that I associate final fantasy games with. Maybe because it's a remake so I'm not surprised. 16 was still miles better than the 13 saga or 15, but again it was lacking that magic. It's an odd thing I can't really quantify, but it just feels like they lost it. I think their pursuit of visuals over anything else is hurting the series

  • @htogr26
    @htogr26 3 місяці тому +3

    Square is seriously struggling to come up with a realistic and comprehensive business model that actually plays to its strengths without alienating some of its older consumers. They've got to do some serious introspection. I've definitely lost faith in them, but I'll still give them the chance to earn back my trust and respect.

  • @JJ-dm3lt
    @JJ-dm3lt 3 місяці тому

    The latest FF game is a Game of Thrones knock off... no original or interesting story. It's a button masher with very little RPG elements. It's an action game. SQE decided to chase trends and make a cheaper game as action games are typically cheaper and easier to make than RPGs. The guy in charge went over budget on it. The company is never going to turn a mass profit off that game. It isn't a good game.
    FF7 rebirth was ok. The forced mini games the entire game was again chasing trends. SQE has been chasing trends and not producing what they do best. What the company has been known for since it was Squaresoft. Rpgs.
    SQE has stated that they are going back to basics. Which is why they fired the guy in charge of all the chasing trends and overbudgetted games. He was solely an action game guy. Per his own words. That was his vision for FF. It reflected in both of those games. Button mashing mini games. His views reflected in both of those games poorly. SQE themselves fired the guy that made those choices.
    SQE is fully aware that the newest FF and FF rebirth are not well liked or received by the actual Square community.
    Maybe instead of trying to defend a viewpoint that SQE obviously doesn't agree with. You support them in the decision to go back to basics.

  • @turntapeover5749
    @turntapeover5749 3 місяці тому

    Well. You can't spell Squarenix without EA. And the last few years, they've become their Japanese equivalent. Sometimes it feels like a contest between the two on who's gonna have the biggest live service graveyard. As to 16 specifically, well, PS5 exclusive. Bad decision, pissed people. I'd be salty too if I was forced to buy a 700$ brick to play the new hype final fantasy. 16 was not 7. It wasn't a console seller, it was not groundbreaking, it was just an above average action games that didn't sell ps5s despite the fat check Sony gave them to be exclusive. So like... I get some people just bitch about SE just for the fun of it, but they deserve the vast majority of it. And, just saying, it's gonna take them a while to get rid of the bad rep they got during their nft phase. That made them a gaming lolcow. And it was by their own doing and that's why they are trying to regain trust. They lost it. Remember the gem cap Joe. That's the kind of decision they are still making but with time, people's patience have eroded and they've had it with Squenix and I get it.

  • @Edowin-jz2sj
    @Edowin-jz2sj 3 місяці тому

    I think FF7 Remake, FF 16, and FF7 Rebirth are the three best games that SE has released in over 20 years (Rebirth might be their best game ever), and ironically, the press and general public seem to be at an all time high in portraying SE and FF in a negative light.

  • @user-ml4me5mh2f
    @user-ml4me5mh2f 3 місяці тому

    Imagine if your company was like Square Enix and you say hey for all you people who play on Xbox and PC go out of your way to buy a PlayStation if you want to play our game.
    I would love to have given both of them a shot Square Enix lost the right to get full-priced money from me when they did this dumb move
    SE Final Fantasy 7 and 16 did not meet our sells expectations so now we're going to switch up our strategy and make sure these games are available for everyone when they should have been available for everyone in the first place

  • @leopoldotapia3534
    @leopoldotapia3534 3 місяці тому +1

    I just want to play Final Fantasy games. The only reason I play them is because I love them no matter what, even if they have some faults in them they are all great.

  • @DerkaDerkaMuhammondJihad
    @DerkaDerkaMuhammondJihad 3 місяці тому +2

    The games are masterpieces.

    • @wildinstinct1585
      @wildinstinct1585 3 місяці тому +5

      Its the customers that decide that, not you. And they dobt sell like masterpiece. They dont retain the word of mouth in the general public. Its mid

    • @ocean_0602
      @ocean_0602 3 місяці тому

      ​@@wildinstinct1585 Rebirth is a masterpiece... according to the customers. Sales are fine contextually speaking. Definitely not mid based on the data. Whatever helps you sleep at night though.

    • @wildinstinct1585
      @wildinstinct1585 3 місяці тому

      @@ocean_0602 provide this contextual data, something that square is unhappy with. You fanboys and your copium adduction. Go drink some coke

    • @wildinstinct1585
      @wildinstinct1585 3 місяці тому

      @@ocean_0602 you must be the computer at square enix bcos square is not happy with sales. Dont know what u are on

    • @ocean_0602
      @ocean_0602 3 місяці тому

      @@wildinstinct1585 What Square wants and what the numbers show are two different things. Square has a habit of saying their games underperform, even when they don’t. Their expectations are just too high for some reason. Numbers-wise Rebirth is doing fine if you look at the data.

  • @Axaul
    @Axaul 3 місяці тому +1

    The stuff I have no time for is the culture war nonsense that’s being projected onto these discussions who try and blame success/failure on how woke something is.

  • @jahazielvazquez7264
    @jahazielvazquez7264 3 місяці тому

    Yea 100%. wtf. Square enix has brought us incredible masterpiece after masterpiece. And while they're not perfect, why would you want to see an entity that continues to bring these incredible works of art, to die.
    You want them to go full trash lootbox milking route?

  • @yuzuichikawa
    @yuzuichikawa 3 місяці тому

    All the hate or most of it is coming from xbots.

  • @daimons7261
    @daimons7261 3 місяці тому +1

    I want square to survive, even if they are no longer a playstation exclusive its okay cause it's more money for them if they go multiplatform in addition more games for us the gamers. Hating on them isn't going to solve anything, I personally ignore all these mainstream media gamer journalists they are to toxic and I just tune them out. If you don't like a game just don't buy the game. Anyway finished rebirth 2weeks back and it was amazing loved it ❤️

  • @FatalSama7
    @FatalSama7 3 місяці тому

    People not understanding tribalism is funny we as a species at a basic level form tribes for everything. SE and a host of other companies rightfully get some hate for somethings it also seems SE is never happy with their own sales of nearly any of their games while also being gungho about NFTs and other shady monetazation.

  • @lpstweetytv5242
    @lpstweetytv5242 3 місяці тому +3

    I'm sorry man, SE is just kinda lame rn
    Also, art is not subjective, common misconception, but its true. There are ways to quantify good vs bad art. Beauty is subjective, but not art.

  • @nachtflugel3947
    @nachtflugel3947 3 місяці тому

    I don't think these people are SE/FF fans. From what I observed, they're JRPG elitists/hipsters who are fans of other JRPG franchises. They still see SE as the mainstream JRPG publisher. You also have some Nintendo/Xbox fans who wish to see games like FF16 and Rebirth fail because they're PS5 exclusives.

    • @doriansz3130
      @doriansz3130 2 місяці тому +2

      Ok thats some hard copium you are on.
      Final fantasy 7 rebirth is a mid game thats all ,also people have problems with story changes and those multiple universe bs that Tetsuya Nomura is known for he already ruined his own game Kingdom Hearts to the point, where it didn't start to make any sense.
      People waited 15 years for a remake of FF7 ,and than they decide to split it into 3 parts for Profit and not only that are changing the story to the point, where its not a remake but a different game.
      Its ok ,if you like the game I also liked part 1 ,but rebirth is a mess.

  • @azrealle9474
    @azrealle9474 3 місяці тому +12

    SE deserves the criticism. FF7 Rebirth, FFXV, FFXVI, all just pure garbage. FFXIV was poised to be great, but fell apart hard.

    • @hosh3335
      @hosh3335 3 місяці тому +17

      what a garbage take 😂

    • @stinkduck1360
      @stinkduck1360 3 місяці тому +3

      lol wow

    • @Spenerico
      @Spenerico 3 місяці тому +5

      This take just kept falling apart hard

    • @katherinemerkel3505
      @katherinemerkel3505 3 місяці тому

      FF XIV is actually great such a piss poor take.

    • @willchurch8376
      @willchurch8376 3 місяці тому +1

      ...you think FF has been terrible since...14? That's a poorly supported hypothesis.

  • @sukiduke348
    @sukiduke348 3 місяці тому +3

    * look at tomb raider games, a British company at the time there certainly wasn’t much strong female character lead and it wasn’t force because there wasn’t any other game like it. the uncharted series is a clone of tomb raider, that wasn’t force too it was a new IP.
    but sadly Lara Croft is now considered problematic she now not a tomb raider and that lies the issue people are having. The finger or pointing blame isn’t youtubers but as you said the press journalists remember the gamers are dead articles that spark gamergate. I bought tomb raider remaster and found out it was censored. 😫
    Edit: but the biggest upset I have, is the rather ingenious of people defending censorship and Wokeism in game older games hasn’t had it. it seems to come 2016 and not talking about game Devs attacking Fans, film directors attacking Fans, and journalists attacking fans like I said above “gamers are dead” believe me the press journalists have some say and can sway Devs to go a opposite of what gamers want. and it isn’t your fault. And anybody else but them.

  • @sukiduke348
    @sukiduke348 3 місяці тому +2

    Ask yourself this then why did devs that made Red faction 1 and 2 and Saint row before the reboot sold quite well. is it ok for shift up to promise a uncensored game in a tweet and just bait and switch when it was released.
    If anybody in U.K. in a work force tell any kind of lies they be kicked out, The reason games sold badly isn’t due to costs but square Enix ethics department. with Force DEI and censorship. forspoken flop because it has a narrative. I suppose we can’t have escapism no more. and who have thought that censorship and woke politics in games make profits are simply lying.
    they saying that square didn’t market Rebirth right was a big factor according to one youtuber. it had more trailers like KH3 has. It had journalists saying how wonderful the game full of “diversie” and “inclusive” and you wonder why the game didn’t sold well. lol 😂