Raffaele Picca: Viewports: An Overview

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ekagaurangadas
    @ekagaurangadas Рік тому +19

    WTF Godot is more technically capable that I knew.... These kind of talks are gold. Thanks

  • @luckyknot
    @luckyknot Рік тому +3

    The Godot community is pretty lucky to have this guy sharing his knowledge. Much appreciated sir!

  • @Polygarden
    @Polygarden Рік тому +13

    Really great talk! I really enjoyed the format of it. And I'm glad I'm not the only one mentioning how powerful viewports actually are.
    I personally use it to create procedural terrain textures via shader, copy the data to a texture and delete the viewport again. This makes it the ultimate procedural tool.

  • @MrUltyx
    @MrUltyx Рік тому +9

    This just fixed like 5 bugs I had and reduced my camera code by ~50 Lines 😀

  • @mattseaton5832
    @mattseaton5832 Рік тому +16

    You can also use viewports to implement game logic. I've seen people use viewports for light based detection in stealth games, and for ground detection on splat map terrains to determine what kind of sound effect should be playing.

    • @maymayman0
      @maymayman0 Рік тому

      Oh for sure, you can use the debug draw mode for viewports set to just display lighting information, as well as other useful modes like the normal buffer! I have seen one project where they were using a viewport drawing only lighting to see which sides of an octahedron where lit/shadowed and using that to detect amount & direction of light the player was exposed to for stealth detection system akin to thief

  • @CoreFlux
    @CoreFlux Рік тому +3

    I really like the usecase of using it for stuff like tire marks without much cost. I've dabbled a bit with viewports for an animated comic, but obviously there's still so much untapped potential. Great talk!

  • @bitbraindev
    @bitbraindev Рік тому +1

    Wonderful talk. I am sad I missed it (I did a talk next door) - this was personally the most anticipated talk at GodotCon 2023. I'll definitely use viewports going forward.

  • @WarrenMarshallBiz
    @WarrenMarshallBiz Рік тому +1

    Beautiful talk, thank you! Really got me thinking about uses for viewports now, haha...

  • @Jasonsumm
    @Jasonsumm Місяць тому

    Such a great talk!! @picster for the win!

  • @hhoney7
    @hhoney7 Рік тому +3


  • @realMenta
    @realMenta Рік тому +1

    Amazing talk, thank you!

  • @AG-cd2it
    @AG-cd2it Рік тому

    Great talk!

  • @nullvoid3545
    @nullvoid3545 Рік тому +1

    BRO! That logo for twitter/X is 🔥🔥🔥

  • @Eupolemos
    @Eupolemos 7 місяців тому

    8:49 - Note-to-self

  • @thecarvedfoxgames
    @thecarvedfoxgames 2 місяці тому

    Hello ! I'm really interested to learn more about this use case here 10:52, where could I find more informations about this ? I tried searching but I don't find any tutorial, and people barely mention it.

  • @zZMazeZz
    @zZMazeZz 10 місяців тому

    Amazing talk

  • @antonsimkin
    @antonsimkin 7 місяців тому

    god i love him. cant wait for ludum dare video.

  • @CoreFlux
    @CoreFlux 10 місяців тому

    Currently doing my first experiment with multiple environments, and very glad to be able to come back here and see that "own 3D world" was the solution to my problem. Which is kind of funny, since I'm working fully in 2D, and I have disable 3D turned on on the viewport even. 🙂

  • @agodjust6768
    @agodjust6768 3 місяці тому

    How were the effects at 13:02 done?

  • @juliol.7081
    @juliol.7081 Рік тому +1


  • @discerningfreedom4124
    @discerningfreedom4124 Рік тому +1

    If a viewport is set to "Own World" it will also process physics separately.

  • @mattseaton5832
    @mattseaton5832 Рік тому

    I wonder how he got the viewport texture to overlay the ground texture. Is it a decal? Is he feeding it into the ground shader?

    • @mattseaton5832
      @mattseaton5832 Рік тому

      Never mind. Just realized you can set a material's albedo texture to a viewport texture. Pretty easy.

  • @Chafmere
    @Chafmere Рік тому

    Just need shadows to come through the base environment and we golden.

  • @nahuakang
    @nahuakang 26 днів тому

    Not even that unsubtle, unnecessary keffiyeh wearer can ruin a good talk.

  • @antonsimkin
    @antonsimkin 7 місяців тому

    omg godot profiler is no good, godot physics is no good, gdscript is no good, gdscript editor is no good. what is even good abt godot?

    • @azzaamnasir5819
      @azzaamnasir5819 7 місяців тому

      what exactly did you find bad? In my experience all of these are good, especially gdscript and the editor