You're such an under rated youtuber. I hate guys like Mike Chang and other bullshit broscience guys that don't know shit about the basics. You really know how to break down form and the basics of biomechanics that allows you to have optimal strength gain. You weigh less than me, and you still put up numbers higher than I do. Granted I'm 6'3 but none the less it's quite impressive. It's also quite obvious that you're mostly natural. I can't say the same for guys like Mike Chang. Keep up the good work man. Your knowledge is great, and anyone who's trying to start lifting should listen to people like you, whom are knowledgeable and don't spout out stupid broscience. This is just a long ass thank you message I suppose. TL;DR: Thank you for not being cancerous.
Thank you very much! I will have the belt from now on so the weights should be increasing. And I appreciate the support, the positivity just makes me want to go that much harder in the gym and to make more videos!
That is exactly what I love to hear! I appreciate when people compliment me, but in the end of the day I am doing this to help you, so knowing I hit the goal is a great feeling! Its funny that hearing that I help you, helps me be even more motivated
No problem, and you better believe I will make additional videos on all of my training! Will film a mobility routine today actually. I do not do front squats. If you want to do them, do them right after squats. So it would be 3 sets squats, 2 sets front squats, 2 sets deadlifts. You dont have to front squat to get stronger in the lift though, I have a video on how to front squat where I do 315 for an easy 6, and that was the first time I ever front squatted heavy.
Yes. Doing continuous reps allows for inconsistent reps, as the angles of the lift are altered when bouncing. And you end up lifting too heavy. Because any weigh you can complete 1 full rep, you can then bounce out 2 more. So bottom line, the most important aspect of form is consistency. So letting the barbell come to a complete rest is the safest way to deadlift.
I just do 6's like in this video. Approach the warm ups as power work though. So do only 2-4 reps on most warm up sets, firing on all cylinders. This will give you a good mix of low rep power, with higher rep work in the same workout.
I'd suggest using straps, and doing lighter sets of stiff legged deadlifts. If that is not doable, hamstring curls on a machine will be your fallback option. Sprinting is a good but not quite the same as the posterior chain lifts. Sprinting is more of an addition than a replacement for any lifts.
Thank you very much, I have your comment is extremely nice I dont know what to say! And that is a great question. I was mad I forgot to mention stretching in this video. I stretch after legs, never before. And I dont do static stretches, rather I do dynamic stretches and jumping always to gain flexibility. As far as what I do specifically, I think I may have to make a vid on that soon :). Its easier to show than explain in a comment
Yes. There really is no mass vs strength dichotomy between those 2 styles. Just one involves the hips a bit more and the other (ATG) is a bit more on the quads. I'd simply suggest going ATG if you have the flexibility. So you're fine. Even though the hips are worked slightly more stopping just below parallel, the ATG squats still works everything as well as having a bigger ROM. So I simply suggest slightly below parallel if you cant ATG squat, if you can ATG squat, go as all the way down
I'm sorry you didn't find the commentary to be helpful. Yes I showed the entire workout which consists of heavy squats and deadlifts only. All working sets (excluding warm ups) listed in the beginning of video.
You have two options. Lean a bit more forward, or allow your knees to come forward. Toppling backwards is the result of trying to keep an unrealistic vertical torso while keeping the knees from moving forward. Something has to give to reach ATG. Most likely both need to give just a little for the best balance
I have tried both, I have seen people use high frequency, and I have always seen people get the best results with low frequency. There are other ways to do things, for example most oly lifters squat everyday. Does it work? Sure. But I do not believe it is optimal. And what is great about squatting once a week is not only is it the most efficient, but it prevents overuse injuries. That is why I am making such big improvements still today despite my strength level being pretty good already
thanks for taking the time to answer my question, will give this a try. and cant wait for your 6 week program to come out, keep pushing the envelope bro.
5'7" 180. Yes powerlifting is actually what I do! Looking to set some records and win USAPL raw nationals come summer, for 20-23 wt class! Thats if everything goes well of course
Yes I always keep it strict and dont do touch and go. Personally, I believe it makes the most sense because using tough and go, you can typically do 3-4 reps if you can get the first rep. So you end up working with way too much weight. And then added onto that, lower the bar is the most dangerous part of the deadlift. I have never been injured lifting 400+ every workout, and I believe this is largely due to resetting after each rep, making everything consistent and tight. No sloppy reps
I have a feeling you will too. Some time with dedication, a defined plan, and you are bound to starting hitting the big numbers! Thank you for the positive comment, we'll both look back a year from now and laugh that we considered this to be heavy!
Good Routine.. I also like the 'Russian Routine" but only do it once a year. I only do it for squats. Not sure if you've heard of it. You basically work up to 6 sets of 6 reps at 80% of your max. Then you take it down each week thereafter but increase the weight. Great way to get through plateaus. You do squat three days a week but the other sessions are really just light and very low rep.
Actually it is likely that you are too vertical (forcing your knees too far foward). Allow your torso to lean a bit more forward (while still keeping back from caving). Also, you may want to point your feet out a bit more. I have found that is commonly an issue when coming up on the toes.
That is tough, because I do the Max OT leg workout, but dont use Max OT for upper body lifts. I use an upper/lower split and recommend it. However, Max OT isnt by any means a bad program to follow, If you google "Max OT routine" you'll find a bunch of different splits. The key is the sets are all 4-6 reps and very intense. Which does make it difficult to do a 5 day split. You have to be very focused
181. I believe for raw nationals it is converting to IPF weight class, so it will be 183 for that competition. Or at least that is what I have been told. And that is very exciting! You should compete at raw nationals in Florida this summer!
Do you wear a belt? If you do, there is a very good chance it is just too tight. I have had that feeling, loosened the belt a notch, then it was fixed. Also you actually should hold your breath when squatting. It increases intrabdominal pressure making the lift stronger, and will give you a rhythm to your breathing. Of course do so while being cautious.
You are very smart when it comes to body mechanics so you take this seriously-- I cycle now for endurance and heart health more than try to handle heavy pounds but from what i have read most people say once per week natural is fine with high intensity I am 57 now and had open heart surgery in 2002, a 4x bypass- i am fine now and actually cycle to my Cardiologists office 30 miles each way, needless to say i am her finest patient-- Do you do any cardio such as running?
Thank you, no I do not. However, I believe counting your macros is a good idea. I do a great deal of cardio and just generally read labels to have a good idea of my caloric intake. I do eat 2 servings of whey protein daily as well.
Good luck with your first competition! Also, you are lucky that the USAPL is supposedly moving to the IPF weight classes, so for raw nationals, it should be 83kg, which is 183lbs. So you have an extra 2 pounds to work with
This isnt a percentage based routine. I would say starting with 75% would likely be best, but there is no rule. Just start with a weight you know without a doubt you can do 6 for all 3. Then move up each week, so each week is intense. My 6 week program coming soon will be all percentage based and very clear.
Yes, at least it should be. No matter the form of squat, the actual bar path should always be straight. Everything around the bar just differs from form to form.
About a month to reach good mobility. 6 months to a year for excellent mobility. On my hip mobility vid, I give you the guidelines. 5 exercises. 5 sets. 4-8 reps each set. 1-4 times a week. Anymore and you will be too flat. Must be sharp. Three times a week is likely ideal. But just doing it once a week after leg day would also be adequate.
VERY normal. Not just normal. It is actually a fantastic sign. I always have the exact same issues when switching. This means you are using your hips properly. And at first you will actually do less doing the hybrid than you did in the oly squat because of this! But stick with it, then after a couple of weeks your hips will get stronger and you will be hitting bigger numbers than before. (For example in this vid I only do 415 x 6 hybrid when I've done 405 x 10 ATG but now hit 455 x 4 hybrid)
Exactly. No I just eat a lot of protein while at maintenance, usually a bit over so that I gain a pound a month or so. Sometimes I do jump up 5-10 pounds, then maintain until I'm the same bf % at the heavier weight. I am not a fan of cutting weight while under 25 years old. Doesnt make sense to me given the hormones we can take advantage of to build up muscle/strength
Just wait a week and a half, because then I'll release my 6 week program. And that will be closer to being optimal. After the 6 weeks then switch to Max OT if you want, or run the 6 weeks again. At least this is what I suggest. As far as weight. Just use something that easy to start with, 75% would likely be a good starting point, then constantly add weight.
Thanks for the response. :) I inhale when I descend and exhale when I come up. I've squatted belt free for years. Even on the heavy lifts. I started heavy squatting again, and the experience reinforced why I was sticking to to loading up the leg press and pushing poundage, 'cause I'm not over that dizzy throw up feeling from heavy squatting.
I just partnered with a youtube network with all the major fitness channels being in my network, so who knows that might be possible. And StrengthProject recently subscribed/commented on a vid, and he has 128,000 subscribers! His channel is great too
Got such a crazy amount of respect for you. Your numbers are phenomenal, form is impeccable, training philosophy is spot on and you seem like a nice guy. I'm really trying to dial my form in these two lifts, I find my flexibility in the hip flexors/calves/hamstrings are making the ROM quite difficult in the hybrid squat, any pointers on flexibility? Do you do any foam rolling/dynamic stretching before or after? I find after stretching that I go back to the same tightness the very next workout!
This is exactly week 3. No, I wouldn't recommend doing that. My program is made with a mix of what I've learned. I still always use heavy weights with a high intensity. Just now I do sometimes squat twice a week with lower per workout volume (like in the program) My program is made to be a bit more complete. This video is just emphasizing a big part of what I've discovered.
Thanks for making this video. I was waiting for this. Hopefully you will make additional videos covering the rest of your training aspects: upper body routine, cardio routine and stretching/mobility routine. Lastly, do you ever switch up to doing front squats? Or can I do this and then do front squat on a separate day? Thanks.
I do almost exacly the same routine as you. I can attest to it's efficiency. In less than 2 months, I busted my full squat plateau and my 1MR feel a lot easier. I will try doing a squad-deadlift only day, as I usually do full body workout with the enphasis on squats. Thanks for sharing!
Yes hitching is bad because it shows a weakness in the hamstrings/hips. When you hitch you are taking the pressure off of those muscles, and resetting essentially. This makes the lift more dangerous on your spine and less effective as an overall muscle-building movement. For powerlifting a hitched deadlift does not count. So it is best to just let go of the weight rather than hitching.
Awesome channel, watched a lot of your videos and are very informative. But let me ask you a personal question, what kind of split are you on? 3 day? 4 day? 5 day? Full body or different muscles per day? Thanks
Holy crap dude, that's amazing! Also, do you have any suggestions on calf training? Because my upper legs are alright, but my calves are pretty slim and don't seem to grow at all.
Ty mang I like your attitude ! I have 2 quick questions. First can you tell me how often I should put in mobility work and how long it takes to reach good mobility ? Right now my mobility sucks and I don't know I just need some numbers. Everywhere I hear "as often as you can" ... just super curious. Second what do you think about negative bench press ? Good way to improve your bench ? If yes which rep scheme etc. or just too dangerous and unnecessary ? Thanks !
Whats up Johnnie. 1. Is it a good idea to use this same exact workout plan for the upper body? 2. When you said "Doing it once a week in the heavy weights in high intensity is the most efficient way to build up legs" were you talking more towards the strength side or the hypertrophy side? 3. Is doing this Max OT once a week for the lower and once a week for the upper along with training for a sport too much on the CNS in your estimation?
You caught me, but see its a different gym, the pins are at an awkward height, so you can see on my set with 315 the plates were running away. I had no choice i tell ya!
Hey, Great work. Just one question, please respond. Do you always do strict deadlifts? even on higher reps, 6 to 12? I see in all of your training videos that you do not do touch and go reps. Why is that? What's your opinion on touch and go deadlifts?
You know it! Come summer the MAC will be home again. We could film some workouts together if you want, by summer I expect this to be on another level in terms amount of viewers so it could be legit
I didn't say it's not helpful, I just couldn't believe that was it, two exercises. I think I was expecting something else. I like your simple approach, and your videos are very nice, but you use a lot of terms I don't understand. Would you recommend this for a beginner? I Currently do lunges, dead lifts, some weird squat with legs apart and feet pointing outward, the hamstring curl, and the other curl for the thigh. I weigh like 100lbs and am 5'10
Johnny, PLEASE do a video on deadlifts for people with short arms. My arms are short and i feel like they can be a bit more difficult for someone like me as opposed to someone with longer arms. Thanks bro.
Good to see you're posting videos again :) Any advice for deadlifts btw, I have a video of 152.5kgx3, I'm thinking of lowering the weight to 140kg and then starting to increase it again as my lower back seems to be bending too much :/
I do believe Jeff Willet is natural, neither of us know. However, I am not nearly strong/big enough to be accused of using steroids just yet. Don't worry, when I'm 28-32 years old, then the accusations will sound better.
Candito- I noticed you let the barbell come to complete rest before your next deadlift rep. Do you recommend this vs. doing continuous reps of deadlifts?
Could you apply this template to Bench and Overhead Press? Could someone with slightly less than intermediate lifts perform this routine twice a week - say Monday and Friday?
Hopefully you can answer this. You've been squatting heavy for years. Have you ever gotten that light headed feeling after squatting heavy? Every-time I get to 315 and 405 on the squats a few minutes after racking the barbell I, all of a sudden, get dizzy and feel like collapsing. I don't hold my breath when I squat, yet I think it's the pressure of the barbell on my trapezius cutting off some circulation. If this happens to you, how do you deal with it?
full recovery. That could mean 5 minutes, it could mean 20. Whatever it takes to get your mind and body ready to be at absolutely 100% capacity to crush the next set.
Candito, how do you know what weights to use? i dont see any percentages, of what should be used. only reps? i know this is a stupid question, but we use our 5-6 rep range we have right now?
Puaha although I don't consider myself successful in powerlifting (at all) yet, I'd love to see where you go with your business (and perhaps be a part of it later!). Best of luck to you, Johnny. P.S. I don't have an Android /:
Hey Johnnie! I was just wondering what your stretching routine is like, I mean, that including stretches for your shins/ankles if you do anything like that. If there's anything in particular that you do, a video or response would be really cool :D PS; Your advice to me is quite sound.
I have an injury to my right hand, so I can't deadlift very much (my hand gives out at about 250), but I can squat. What can I do that will supplement what I'm losing from a lack of deadlifts? I usually sprint after gassing out from squatting, is that the same thing/good enough?
honestly best squat form ive seen in general bro.
David Andrasi he has the best ass too among all youtubers imo lol wonder why
+Luxurria gay af
+Jean Carlos Medina ayy man homo or no homo great ass is great ass. keepin it real
Luxurria just stop you are making it worse
+David Andrasi johnny is great, but i think bradley martyn takes the best squat form place imo
You're such an under rated youtuber. I hate guys like Mike Chang and other bullshit broscience guys that don't know shit about the basics. You really know how to break down form and the basics of biomechanics that allows you to have optimal strength gain. You weigh less than me, and you still put up numbers higher than I do. Granted I'm 6'3 but none the less it's quite impressive. It's also quite obvious that you're mostly natural. I can't say the same for guys like Mike Chang. Keep up the good work man. Your knowledge is great, and anyone who's trying to start lifting should listen to people like you, whom are knowledgeable and don't spout out stupid broscience. This is just a long ass thank you message I suppose. TL;DR: Thank you for not being cancerous.
moral of the story, fuck mike chang
You hate Mike Chang? I am an Asian! and I hate him too! hahahahha
A compression shirt. If I dont show off my muscles at all times they start to feel sad :(
Yes sir! Its great to see more people joining in, we can look back and say we were there when it was just a vision!
Thank you very much! I will have the belt from now on so the weights should be increasing. And I appreciate the support, the positivity just makes me want to go that much harder in the gym and to make more videos!
That is exactly what I love to hear! I appreciate when people compliment me, but in the end of the day I am doing this to help you, so knowing I hit the goal is a great feeling! Its funny that hearing that I help you, helps me be even more motivated
No problem, and you better believe I will make additional videos on all of my training! Will film a mobility routine today actually.
I do not do front squats. If you want to do them, do them right after squats. So it would be 3 sets squats, 2 sets front squats, 2 sets deadlifts.
You dont have to front squat to get stronger in the lift though, I have a video on how to front squat where I do 315 for an easy 6, and that was the first time I ever front squatted heavy.
Yes. Doing continuous reps allows for inconsistent reps, as the angles of the lift are altered when bouncing. And you end up lifting too heavy. Because any weigh you can complete 1 full rep, you can then bounce out 2 more.
So bottom line, the most important aspect of form is consistency. So letting the barbell come to a complete rest is the safest way to deadlift.
Yes. Without a doubt. It is the best for strength and if you've seen my legs, there is no question it is great for mass as well.
Idk if anyone commented on this it’s a small thing but the music and commentary volume were just so perfectly balanced, really nice
Yes absolutely.
I just do 6's like in this video. Approach the warm ups as power work though. So do only 2-4 reps on most warm up sets, firing on all cylinders. This will give you a good mix of low rep power, with higher rep work in the same workout.
I'd suggest using straps, and doing lighter sets of stiff legged deadlifts. If that is not doable, hamstring curls on a machine will be your fallback option. Sprinting is a good but not quite the same as the posterior chain lifts. Sprinting is more of an addition than a replacement for any lifts.
Thank you very much, I have your comment is extremely nice I dont know what to say!
And that is a great question. I was mad I forgot to mention stretching in this video. I stretch after legs, never before. And I dont do static stretches, rather I do dynamic stretches and jumping always to gain flexibility.
As far as what I do specifically, I think I may have to make a vid on that soon :). Its easier to show than explain in a comment
I dont bulk or cut. I'll make a vid on why soon.
Yes. There really is no mass vs strength dichotomy between those 2 styles. Just one involves the hips a bit more and the other (ATG) is a bit more on the quads.
I'd simply suggest going ATG if you have the flexibility. So you're fine. Even though the hips are worked slightly more stopping just below parallel, the ATG squats still works everything as well as having a bigger ROM.
So I simply suggest slightly below parallel if you cant ATG squat, if you can ATG squat, go as all the way down
I'm sorry you didn't find the commentary to be helpful. Yes I showed the entire workout which consists of heavy squats and deadlifts only. All working sets (excluding warm ups) listed in the beginning of video.
You have two options. Lean a bit more forward, or allow your knees to come forward. Toppling backwards is the result of trying to keep an unrealistic vertical torso while keeping the knees from moving forward. Something has to give to reach ATG. Most likely both need to give just a little for the best balance
I have tried both, I have seen people use high frequency, and I have always seen people get the best results with low frequency.
There are other ways to do things, for example most oly lifters squat everyday. Does it work? Sure. But I do not believe it is optimal. And what is great about squatting once a week is not only is it the most efficient, but it prevents overuse injuries. That is why I am making such big improvements still today despite my strength level being pretty good already
We miss you!!!
1 Train by A$ap Rocky. I adjusted the speed to avoid copyright issues.
thanks for taking the time to answer my question, will give this a try. and cant wait for your 6 week program to come out, keep pushing the envelope bro.
5'7" 180. Yes powerlifting is actually what I do! Looking to set some records and win USAPL raw nationals come summer, for 20-23 wt class! Thats if everything goes well of course
Yes I always keep it strict and dont do touch and go. Personally, I believe it makes the most sense because using tough and go, you can typically do 3-4 reps if you can get the first rep. So you end up working with way too much weight.
And then added onto that, lower the bar is the most dangerous part of the deadlift. I have never been injured lifting 400+ every workout, and I believe this is largely due to resetting after each rep, making everything consistent and tight. No sloppy reps
I have a feeling you will too. Some time with dedication, a defined plan, and you are bound to starting hitting the big numbers! Thank you for the positive comment, we'll both look back a year from now and laugh that we considered this to be heavy!
3:40 That is some serious 'mirin.
Good Routine.. I also like the 'Russian Routine" but only do it once a year. I only do it for squats. Not sure if you've heard of it. You basically work up to 6 sets of 6 reps at 80% of your max. Then you take it down each week thereafter but increase the weight. Great way to get through plateaus. You do squat three days a week but the other sessions are really just light and very low rep.
Actually it is likely that you are too vertical (forcing your knees too far foward). Allow your torso to lean a bit more forward (while still keeping back from caving). Also, you may want to point your feet out a bit more. I have found that is commonly an issue when coming up on the toes.
That is tough, because I do the Max OT leg workout, but dont use Max OT for upper body lifts. I use an upper/lower split and recommend it.
However, Max OT isnt by any means a bad program to follow, If you google "Max OT routine" you'll find a bunch of different splits. The key is the sets are all 4-6 reps and very intense. Which does make it difficult to do a 5 day split. You have to be very focused
This video is great. Beastly weight,immaculate squat form.
You are an inspiration to me.
whats the instrumental/beat in the background
181. I believe for raw nationals it is converting to IPF weight class, so it will be 183 for that competition. Or at least that is what I have been told. And that is very exciting! You should compete at raw nationals in Florida this summer!
the amount of information I learn in your channel is not even fair man! shit this is great, im a beginner and finding this great material is crucial.
Do you wear a belt? If you do, there is a very good chance it is just too tight. I have had that feeling, loosened the belt a notch, then it was fixed.
Also you actually should hold your breath when squatting. It increases intrabdominal pressure making the lift stronger, and will give you a rhythm to your breathing. Of course do so while being cautious.
You are very smart when it comes to body mechanics so you take this seriously--
I cycle now for endurance and heart health more than try to handle heavy pounds but from what i have read most people say once per week natural is fine with high intensity
I am 57 now and had open heart surgery in 2002, a 4x bypass- i am fine now and actually cycle to my Cardiologists office 30 miles each way, needless to say i am her finest patient-- Do you do any cardio such as running?
Never ran Smolov myself but I like the program a lot just from looking at its set up. No reason for the forward walk out, purely for the camera :)
I just wrote down the topics for the next 8 videos, and a video on calves is on the list!
Thank you, no I do not. However, I believe counting your macros is a good idea. I do a great deal of cardio and just generally read labels to have a good idea of my caloric intake. I do eat 2 servings of whey protein daily as well.
Good luck with your first competition! Also, you are lucky that the USAPL is supposedly moving to the IPF weight classes, so for raw nationals, it should be 83kg, which is 183lbs. So you have an extra 2 pounds to work with
As long as needed. Sometimes it can be very long. 5-10 min between the working sets is typically what I take to get 100% ready.
This isnt a percentage based routine. I would say starting with 75% would likely be best, but there is no rule. Just start with a weight you know without a doubt you can do 6 for all 3. Then move up each week, so each week is intense.
My 6 week program coming soon will be all percentage based and very clear.
Yes, at least it should be. No matter the form of squat, the actual bar path should always be straight. Everything around the bar just differs from form to form.
About a month to reach good mobility. 6 months to a year for excellent mobility.
On my hip mobility vid, I give you the guidelines. 5 exercises. 5 sets. 4-8 reps each set. 1-4 times a week. Anymore and you will be too flat. Must be sharp. Three times a week is likely ideal. But just doing it once a week after leg day would also be adequate.
He was very clear in his explaining of the program only being squats and deadlifts
been doing your program brotha, i love it. I would highly recommend it
This guy is so absolutely amazing. Such phenomenal strength for his size, impressive.
VERY normal. Not just normal. It is actually a fantastic sign. I always have the exact same issues when switching. This means you are using your hips properly. And at first you will actually do less doing the hybrid than you did in the oly squat because of this!
But stick with it, then after a couple of weeks your hips will get stronger and you will be hitting bigger numbers than before. (For example in this vid I only do 415 x 6 hybrid when I've done 405 x 10 ATG but now hit 455 x 4 hybrid)
Exactly. No I just eat a lot of protein while at maintenance, usually a bit over so that I gain a pound a month or so. Sometimes I do jump up 5-10 pounds, then maintain until I'm the same bf % at the heavier weight.
I am not a fan of cutting weight while under 25 years old. Doesnt make sense to me given the hormones we can take advantage of to build up muscle/strength
Just wait a week and a half, because then I'll release my 6 week program. And that will be closer to being optimal.
After the 6 weeks then switch to Max OT if you want, or run the 6 weeks again. At least this is what I suggest. As far as weight. Just use something that easy to start with, 75% would likely be a good starting point, then constantly add weight.
Thanks for the response. :) I inhale when I descend and exhale when I come up. I've squatted belt free for years. Even on the heavy lifts. I started heavy squatting again, and the experience reinforced why I was sticking to to loading up the leg press and pushing poundage, 'cause I'm not over that dizzy throw up feeling from heavy squatting.
I just partnered with a youtube network with all the major fitness channels being in my network, so who knows that might be possible. And StrengthProject recently subscribed/commented on a vid, and he has 128,000 subscribers! His channel is great too
83kg. The 181 weight class is moving to 183 in the USAPL. Raw nationals is going to be something serious!
Got such a crazy amount of respect for you. Your numbers are phenomenal, form is impeccable, training philosophy is spot on and you seem like a nice guy.
I'm really trying to dial my form in these two lifts, I find my flexibility in the hip flexors/calves/hamstrings are making the ROM quite difficult in the hybrid squat, any pointers on flexibility? Do you do any foam rolling/dynamic stretching before or after? I find after stretching that I go back to the same tightness the very next workout!
Yes. 5-15lbs each week.
This is exactly week 3. No, I wouldn't recommend doing that. My program is made with a mix of what I've learned. I still always use heavy weights with a high intensity. Just now I do sometimes squat twice a week with lower per workout volume (like in the program)
My program is made to be a bit more complete. This video is just emphasizing a big part of what I've discovered.
Jesus christ.... Wow, god damn. The strength you have buddy. And perfect form. Gonna subscribe...
this man do not lie ,,just straight to the point ,,
Total agree with David Andrasi, great form!
Yes that is the wise decision. Never let your back round on a consistent basis. I dont ever let my back round no matter what
Thanks for making this video. I was waiting for this. Hopefully you will make additional videos covering the rest of your training aspects: upper body routine, cardio routine and stretching/mobility routine.
Lastly, do you ever switch up to doing front squats? Or can I do this and then do front squat on a separate day? Thanks.
I do almost exacly the same routine as you. I can attest to it's efficiency. In less than 2 months, I busted my full squat plateau and my 1MR feel a lot easier. I will try doing a squad-deadlift only day, as I usually do full body workout with the enphasis on squats. Thanks for sharing!
Yes hitching is bad because it shows a weakness in the hamstrings/hips. When you hitch you are taking the pressure off of those muscles, and resetting essentially. This makes the lift more dangerous on your spine and less effective as an overall muscle-building movement.
For powerlifting a hitched deadlift does not count. So it is best to just let go of the weight rather than hitching.
Awesome channel, watched a lot of your videos and are very informative. But let me ask you a personal question, what kind of split are you on? 3 day? 4 day? 5 day? Full body or different muscles per day?
Holy crap dude, that's amazing!
Also, do you have any suggestions on calf training? Because my upper legs are alright, but my calves are pretty slim and don't seem to grow at all.
Upper/lower. Once a week lower, 3 times upper.
Awesome channel man. Keep up the good work.
Ty mang I like your attitude ! I have 2 quick questions. First can you tell me how often I should put in mobility work and how long it takes to reach good mobility ? Right now my mobility sucks and I don't know I just need some numbers. Everywhere I hear "as often as you can" ... just super curious. Second what do you think about negative bench press ? Good way to improve your bench ? If yes which rep scheme etc. or just too dangerous and unnecessary ? Thanks !
As much as you need. Sometimes its takes 15-20 minutes for that last set for me. You just have to be able to bring it 100%!
Whats up Johnnie.
1. Is it a good idea to use this same exact workout plan for the upper body?
2. When you said "Doing it once a week in the heavy weights in high intensity is the most efficient way to build up legs" were you talking more towards the strength side or the hypertrophy side?
3. Is doing this Max OT once a week for the lower and once a week for the upper along with training for a sport too much on the CNS in your estimation?
You caught me, but see its a different gym, the pins are at an awkward height, so you can see on my set with 315 the plates were running away. I had no choice i tell ya!
always love yuor videos man. straight and to the point. And its always impressive to see someone throwin around weight like that like its nothing haha
nice video man, great channel, do you count your macros?
Hey, Great work. Just one question, please respond. Do you always do strict deadlifts? even on higher reps, 6 to 12? I see in all of your training videos that you do not do touch and go reps. Why is that? What's your opinion on touch and go deadlifts?
Thank you very much :)
You know it! Come summer the MAC will be home again. We could film some workouts together if you want, by summer I expect this to be on another level in terms amount of viewers so it could be legit
I didn't say it's not helpful, I just couldn't believe that was it, two exercises. I think I was expecting something else. I like your simple approach, and your videos are very nice, but you use a lot of terms I don't understand.
Would you recommend this for a beginner? I Currently do lunges, dead lifts, some weird squat with legs apart and feet pointing outward, the hamstring curl, and the other curl for the thigh.
I weigh like 100lbs and am 5'10
Lovin the vids keep it up your a machine. I was wondering about lunges though??
Under Armour's website, any sporting goods store has tights. They arent anything special
Great videos dude. However I just wanna ask, why are the two most physically taxing lifts (deadlifts and squats) on the same day?
Excellent squat form, mate. Congrats.
Johnny, PLEASE do a video on deadlifts for people with short arms. My arms are short and i feel like they can be a bit more difficult for someone like me as opposed to someone with longer arms. Thanks bro.
try pulling sumo
Good to see you're posting videos again :)
Any advice for deadlifts btw, I have a video of 152.5kgx3, I'm thinking of lowering the weight to 140kg and then starting to increase it again as my lower back seems to be bending too much :/
Thanks for the fast reply, favourite part about you and your channel!
I do believe Jeff Willet is natural, neither of us know. However, I am not nearly strong/big enough to be accused of using steroids just yet. Don't worry, when I'm 28-32 years old, then the accusations will sound better.
Candito- I noticed you let the barbell come to complete rest before your next deadlift rep. Do you recommend this vs. doing continuous reps of deadlifts?
amazing training!
@CanditoTrainingHQ that'l sounds good to me man. I've been working hard. I've regained
Could you apply this template to Bench and Overhead Press? Could someone with slightly less than intermediate lifts perform this routine twice a week - say Monday and Friday?
Hopefully you can answer this. You've been squatting heavy for years. Have you ever gotten that light headed feeling after squatting heavy? Every-time I get to 315 and 405 on the squats a few minutes after racking the barbell I, all of a sudden, get dizzy and feel like collapsing. I don't hold my breath when I squat, yet I think it's the pressure of the barbell on my trapezius cutting off some circulation. If this happens to you, how do you deal with it?
hey candito, great vid. How long was rest times between work sets (on both deads/squats)?
subbed I'm just getting into lifting and need some form advice n all that
full recovery. That could mean 5 minutes, it could mean 20. Whatever it takes to get your mind and body ready to be at absolutely 100% capacity to crush the next set.
Candito, how do you know what weights to use? i dont see any percentages, of what should be used. only reps? i know this is a stupid question, but we use our 5-6 rep range we have right now?
I think I'm going to try this out as soon as I get more comfortable going for squat maxes (sorry for repost)
Puaha although I don't consider myself successful in powerlifting (at all) yet, I'd love to see where you go with your business (and perhaps be a part of it later!).
Best of luck to you, Johnny.
P.S. I don't have an Android /:
Could you tell me how many times a week you do this workout. Are there any other routines or exercises you do during the week?
one day, i'm going to pull those weights as well. truly inspirational
MrQuick92 where are you now man after 4 years
@@k-cm4m604where are you now after 6 years?
Hey Johnnie! I was just wondering what your stretching routine is like, I mean, that including stretches for your shins/ankles if you do anything like that.
If there's anything in particular that you do, a video or response would be really cool :D
PS; Your advice to me is quite sound.
I have an injury to my right hand, so I can't deadlift very much (my hand gives out at about 250), but I can squat. What can I do that will supplement what I'm losing from a lack of deadlifts? I usually sprint after gassing out from squatting, is that the same thing/good enough?
candito. in your opinion what is the best rep range to train deadlifts? singles? triples? 5+?