I think for most people what happens is there is no more excitement of planning on ideas of improving and buying fish or equipment. when the tank is at it's full potential. No need of planning or buying equipment or fish leads to loss of interest. So you are constantly thinking of new ideas that keep you interest when things should be left alone. This usually leads to Multiple Tank Syndrome.
I fully agree with your statements, but after multiple tank syndrome gets boring, (for some people, like me) it eventually evolved into plants being more fun than the fish part. (The fish part comes REAL easy real quick). Aquarium plants, terrestrial plants in hydroponic situations, seeing what can grow and what can't, lighting mounting creativity for all the new plants, dry ferts and learning the chemistry of what does what for what plants, substrate and root tabs experiments.... It's a never ending road if you stand back and see why you're bored and what can happen if you think about things a bit. For me it's evolved into a living room full of house plants, and then evolved into a hanging garden of all plants outside and rolling into greenhouse idea situations with outdoor ponds and water gardens making the full circle. Being obsessed with one hobby is never limited to that one hobby, it often evolves like a vine crawling thru new ideas of creativity.
This helps, my 30 gallon tank is my first and I have had it for three years, it looks elementary and I want to redo it but the fish are happy and healthy. I guess I am getting bored of the decor in it but I also don't want to spend more money unless I buy my dream tank 100 gallon.
You're right. That Yellow Lab tank has always been my favorite tank you have. Even though I typically keep more of a South American style tank like your oscar tank. ... Just a great idea and not many people do an all yellow lab tank like that. .. just cool. glad you still enjoy it.
I have almost as much enjoyment hot rodding my filter as I do having plants and fish. Some day I’d love to have an aquarium wildly overstocked with peaceful community fish with a large hidden reservoir, pond filter, and plumbed in water exchanger
I have a 75G that I started setting up in January and stocked with plants & fish by April so its been 8 months. I'm in the same position as you. This is aquarium that I've been waiting to set up for YEARS. When I first moved into my current house 8 years ago, I knew I was going to be doing a major renovation and didn't want to set up a big aquarium before I did. So I got a 15G to have fun with and have something for my new baby to look at. But once my house was done, I knew it was time to set up my tetra & angel tank. I was so happy with it at first. Now, getting close to a year later? its not even close. The tank looks slightly more lived in. The plants are well maintained but have taken over the tank. Any time I think about doing anything to it, I just stop myself. Everything is already the way I want it.
My fish tank always looks a little messy with a pair of oscars, bala sharks, clown loaches and a very cheeky Featherfin. I spend my morning and evening coffee with them and they always seem pretty happy and active. It's a deep substrate with rocks and live plants, low tech, but had everyone in there for years. Too many people get caught up in technology and money grabbing outlets, that don't care about fish, just want your money. Great video. All the best from Australia.
My Endlers are hard to catch. They are fast little boogers. Lol. I moved them to a bigger tank, and I had a crazy time catching them. As soon as I put them in the bigger tank, they were so happy. I am going to try these fish traps that say it's an alternative to trying to catch your fish with a net. Hope it works. 😂
I never understood why people hate the fact the white sand gets so dirty fast. I like the sand having a few shades of dirt cause it makes it look more natural to me.
Good to see Carl helping. I always and thinking about what to do to my tanks and have had to stop myself a few times. Usually by the time I add up what I want it to do, it is better to get a new tank.
Looks awesome... I've always been scared to stack rocks up against the glass though. Finally lost my dreaded Auratus that I've had for around 7 years. The Ole malowi bloat. Didn't bother trying ta save him.👍
Add the wave pump to keep muck in water column so main filter can clean up and those fish like some good water movement. Tank looks amazing though. I have some myself and they are super awesome fish to have.
I remember the video of this aquarium design. I was amazed at the weight you could put in that "glass box". Is the bottom a flat glass frame that sits flush with the stand, or is it a tank that has the black frame around the bottom that leaves a space between the glass and stand? I ask because I have aqueon tanks with the black plastic frame and would love to use big rocks but afraid the seal around the bottom glass won't hold.
My last aquarium setup. African cichlids of various types, some of the most aggressive ones even. Took me three months, but eventually I eliminated territory disputes mostly, had a LOT of fry seemingly weekly. I had dozens of people telling me I was doing literally everything wrong 😂
Though, right or wrong, every 6-8 months, I did change up the tank..change the caves etc, I believe that helped cut down on the fighting but more importantly I only had 2 more tanks and they were only 55 and 75 gallons..so I had to limit breeding here n there until I could give away and sell some of them
I did this for years! Finally I said, STOP IT! And I learned to live with it and suddenly more into my own tanks as to the ones I compared them to. I could not agree more, unless the person was already in need of a heater or plants, or it was inadequately filtered, like a 375 marine land on a 220 gallon tank. I live in and around my tanks so what’s I wanted to do differently I did it in those tanks. And I might have been doing a similar idea when I did that even to be honest so I can’t say do it the way I did it either. My suggestion is, look at your fish, admire their colours and swimming, pair that with how well they are taken care of and suddenly a sense of satisfaction could be achieved. Stay happy and healthy my friend!
I think i remember when you were setting that tank up whats funny is when your making a video and you can see that tank in the video i always watch those fish swimming around in the background and listening to you or Lisa another great video John
ADD THE FX6!! I just took out my seamless sump and added canister filters and my tank has never looked better.. So much quieter and my water is polished and crystal clear instead of all the particles floating all the time
as a fishkeeper what would concern me if that was my tank would be about the amount of detritus behind those rocks that wont be able to be filtered, plus any fish that die yada yada yada.
I have loved this tank from the day you set it up...even though it was inappropriately behind Lisa back then LOL. Now, with the changes you made when you moved...it is as close to perfect you can ever get. The fry darting in and out is probably the best thing about this tank...a natural environment thriving...your best tank you have ever established John. My vote is no FX6...it works now...leave it alone. People who change for the sake of changing instead of just enjoying have too much idle time on their hands and do not enjoy near perfection. To pick on this tank is like picking on Tom Brady...gee...he only won 7 Super Bowls...it should have been 15 Super Bowls if he was any good. Adult Labs with fry...THAT is YOUR 7 Super Bowls brother...just enjoy it!!!!!
Was in the trade for over 20 years and during that time I have seen and heard of more tank disasters because the owners could not leave them alone after they were established.
Yes, you are 100% right, I just changed(upgraded as you know to Sicce 110), I lowered the flow rate because I have 17 of Jake Adam's salt water mollies, now that I added a Watchman Goby, my flow rate for my food distribution has changed from what my critters needed at that time to what my flow rate is needed now for my Gobie who is living in the cave/tunnel that his ancestors lived in to have the frozen/ dry food get to him on the opposite side of my 75 gal. tank, yes I will adjust my filter flow for him because my Mollies just want to eat, and my Tomato Clown will, when he has to move to a different location to eat, he will ! Great truth in what you said in this video, because sometime in our lives we want and have no choice but to upgrade our equipment, flow rate in a larger aquarium is a must factor in a filter.
Algae scrubbers, UV sterilization, and sock filtration sumps make my tanks look amazing. I use saltwater led lighting on both fresh and salt tanks. The fish colors pop as 5000 k(color) is sunlight color where our eyes are adapted vs dirty T shirt colored lighting, incandescent. Compare old school car headlights(dirty T shirt) halogen vs led new car headlights. Your vision is hugely improved at night with 5000 k vs 3000-4000k.
UV+scrubbers in freshwater is obviously overkill for most freshwater tanks. However I have experimented with them and yeah, they are incredibly powerful tools especially for "overfed" tanks. That + auto water change system can be game changing if youre aiming for a particular kind of tanks. Gear doesn't replace good practices, and you can get pretty far without much gear. But good practices+good gear can unlock new things that wouldn't otherwise be possible!
for someone who might want to set up something similar, but not so big, and have some rocks and make a cichlid tank where there might be some breeding and fry, would you say Yellow Labs is one of the easiest and most likely to breed as far as Mbuna? How about a dimorphic species where males and females are different colors? Lastly, what is your opinion on some natural rocks and a top layer using some of the Cichlid Stones that are hollow with holes in them?
I’m gonna say that people get bored with their tank(s) the way their set up after a while, I know after a year or so I get bored and need to change something so I don’t get bored. Last year I changed the substrate in a couple big tanks from pea gravel to blasting sand and then a few months ago I changed out a couple of 20gal tanks substrate from aragonite to pool filter sand. Some times change is good and it’s needed to grow👍👍👍👍
I was trying to be funny and broke a long algae scraper over my knee and if flew up and sliced Jay Wilsons face really bad. I'll never try to be funny again lol.
Three years ago, you were hanging half in, half out of that thing with your phone blowing up because some Zakk Wylde (who let himself go) dude kept texting you. 😂😂😂
Hello! I have 3 tanks, 2 of them are ready for new fish, i have cleaned them and they have cycled and are lovely. I have always had fancy tail goldfish, they are easy to care for and grow big and pretty. What type of fish should i get for my 20 gallon tanks? I love bright colored fish and need some that dont get big 😂
in the past few years.. "Neglect" is the best thing to do with Nature, the more we involve in it the more we destroy. Nature finds its way , it has always been. I ignore my Aquarium and don't change much and I see my Plants and Fish Thriving
At first, I was WTF are you talking about. That tank inspired me to set up my Saulosi. Then you tricked me 😅. I agree that if it's not broken, don't fix it. It might give you more problems in the long run.
Hello I just found your channel a couple days ago and have already learned so much from you and your wife. I have a question. Do y’all ship fish to Georgia. I found your site but didn’t see any fish 🎣. Do you sale fish?
Somebody gotta tell me what to add to my tank. I got a 150 liter tank with 2 dojo loaches, maybe 10 platys, one bristlenose pleco. The tank has a lot of hiding places and I would like to add a pair of medium sized fish, something similar to angel fish. What should/can I add there?
👍🤠 John, that’s my favorite of your tanks by far. I agree it looks better than than when you set it up, fish a whole lot bigger. Where’s Dude? I know you have no idea, just messing with you. I hear “Redskins”might be coming back.
I think for most people what happens is there is no more excitement of planning on ideas of improving and buying fish or equipment. when the tank is at it's full potential. No need of planning or buying equipment or fish leads to loss of interest. So you are constantly thinking of new ideas that keep you interest when things should be left alone. This usually leads to Multiple Tank Syndrome.
I fully agree with your statements, but after multiple tank syndrome gets boring, (for some people, like me) it eventually evolved into plants being more fun than the fish part. (The fish part comes REAL easy real quick). Aquarium plants, terrestrial plants in hydroponic situations, seeing what can grow and what can't, lighting mounting creativity for all the new plants, dry ferts and learning the chemistry of what does what for what plants, substrate and root tabs experiments.... It's a never ending road if you stand back and see why you're bored and what can happen if you think about things a bit. For me it's evolved into a living room full of house plants, and then evolved into a hanging garden of all plants outside and rolling into greenhouse idea situations with outdoor ponds and water gardens making the full circle. Being obsessed with one hobby is never limited to that one hobby, it often evolves like a vine crawling thru new ideas of creativity.
I remember when you set up that tank ! I guess I've been watching you for a while!🐠🎸🤓
This helps, my 30 gallon tank is my first and I have had it for three years, it looks elementary and I want to redo it but the fish are happy and healthy. I guess I am getting bored of the decor in it but I also don't want to spend more money unless I buy my dream tank 100 gallon.
Get a 6 foot tank. It’s incredible.
People need to remember, it's a hobby -- not a competition!
I’ve always loved your species only yellow labs tank. Good to hear that it’s doing well and better than ever!
I absolutely love that tank. Beautiful ❤️ so many places to hide and the babies!
You're right. That Yellow Lab tank has always been my favorite tank you have. Even though I typically keep more of a South American style tank like your oscar tank. ... Just a great idea and not many people do an all yellow lab tank like that. .. just cool. glad you still enjoy it.
I have almost as much enjoyment hot rodding my filter as I do having plants and fish. Some day I’d love to have an aquarium wildly overstocked with peaceful community fish with a large hidden reservoir, pond filter, and plumbed in water exchanger
I have a 75G that I started setting up in January and stocked with plants & fish by April so its been 8 months. I'm in the same position as you. This is aquarium that I've been waiting to set up for YEARS. When I first moved into my current house 8 years ago, I knew I was going to be doing a major renovation and didn't want to set up a big aquarium before I did. So I got a 15G to have fun with and have something for my new baby to look at. But once my house was done, I knew it was time to set up my tetra & angel tank. I was so happy with it at first. Now, getting close to a year later? its not even close. The tank looks slightly more lived in. The plants are well maintained but have taken over the tank. Any time I think about doing anything to it, I just stop myself. Everything is already the way I want it.
And the yellow labs are a good natured mbuna too, which I love. Good for John
My fish tank always looks a little messy with a pair of oscars, bala sharks, clown loaches and a very cheeky Featherfin. I spend my morning and evening coffee with them and they always seem pretty happy and active. It's a deep substrate with rocks and live plants, low tech, but had everyone in there for years. Too many people get caught up in technology and money grabbing outlets, that don't care about fish, just want your money. Great video. All the best from Australia.
Interesting video, John. I appreciate the information and the personal story. Also, loved the cameos by Carl. 😂
My Endlers are hard to catch. They are fast little boogers. Lol. I moved them to a bigger tank, and I had a crazy time catching them. As soon as I put them in the bigger tank, they were so happy. I am going to try these fish traps that say it's an alternative to trying to catch your fish with a net. Hope it works. 😂
I never understood why people hate the fact the white sand gets so dirty fast. I like the sand having a few shades of dirt cause it makes it look more natural to me.
Good to see Carl helping. I always and thinking about what to do to my tanks and have had to stop myself a few times. Usually by the time I add up what I want it to do, it is better to get a new tank.
Looks awesome... I've always been scared to stack rocks up against the glass though. Finally lost my dreaded Auratus that I've had for around 7 years. The Ole malowi bloat. Didn't bother trying ta save him.👍
Add the wave pump to keep muck in water column so main filter can clean up and those fish like some good water movement. Tank looks amazing though. I have some myself and they are super awesome fish to have.
I remember the video of this aquarium design. I was amazed at the weight you could put in that "glass box". Is the bottom a flat glass frame that sits flush with the stand, or is it a tank that has the black frame around the bottom that leaves a space between the glass and stand? I ask because I have aqueon tanks with the black plastic frame and would love to use big rocks but afraid the seal around the bottom glass won't hold.
My last aquarium setup. African cichlids of various types, some of the most aggressive ones even. Took me three months, but eventually I eliminated territory disputes mostly, had a LOT of fry seemingly weekly. I had dozens of people telling me I was doing literally everything wrong 😂
Also, I used live plants here n there but I used river rocks and a ton of slate, created caves, little "mountains" etc.
Though, right or wrong, every 6-8 months, I did change up the tank..change the caves etc, I believe that helped cut down on the fighting but more importantly I only had 2 more tanks and they were only 55 and 75 gallons..so I had to limit breeding here n there until I could give away and sell some of them
I did this for years! Finally I said, STOP IT! And I learned to live with it and suddenly more into my own tanks as to the ones I compared them to. I could not agree more, unless the person was already in need of a heater or plants, or it was inadequately filtered, like a 375 marine land on a 220 gallon tank. I live in and around my tanks so what’s I wanted to do differently I did it in those tanks. And I might have been doing a similar idea when I did that even to be honest so I can’t say do it the way I did it either. My suggestion is, look at your fish, admire their colours and swimming, pair that with how well they are taken care of and suddenly a sense of satisfaction could be achieved. Stay happy and healthy my friend!
That tank looks amazing
I think i remember when you were setting that tank up whats funny is when your making a video and you can see that tank in the video i always watch those fish swimming around in the background and listening to you or Lisa another great video John
ADD THE FX6!! I just took out my seamless sump and added canister filters and my tank has never looked better.. So much quieter and my water is polished and crystal clear instead of all the particles floating all the time
as a fishkeeper what would concern me if that was my tank would be about the amount of detritus behind those rocks that wont be able to be filtered, plus any fish that die yada yada yada.
Looks Amazing!!!
I have loved this tank from the day you set it up...even though it was inappropriately behind Lisa back then LOL. Now, with the changes you made when you moved...it is as close to perfect you can ever get. The fry darting in and out is probably the best thing about this tank...a natural environment thriving...your best tank you have ever established John. My vote is no FX6...it works now...leave it alone. People who change for the sake of changing instead of just enjoying have too much idle time on their hands and do not enjoy near perfection. To pick on this tank is like picking on Tom Brady...gee...he only won 7 Super Bowls...it should have been 15 Super Bowls if he was any good. Adult Labs with fry...THAT is YOUR 7 Super Bowls brother...just enjoy it!!!!!
Was in the trade for over 20 years and during that time I have seen and heard of more tank disasters because the owners could not leave them alone after they were established.
Yes, you are 100% right, I just changed(upgraded as you know to Sicce 110), I lowered the flow rate because I have 17 of Jake Adam's salt water mollies, now that I added a Watchman Goby, my flow rate for my food distribution has changed from what my critters needed at that time to what my flow rate is needed now for my Gobie who is living in the cave/tunnel that his ancestors lived in to have the frozen/ dry food get to him on the opposite side of my 75 gal. tank, yes I will adjust my filter flow for him because my Mollies just want to eat, and my Tomato Clown will, when he has to move to a different location to eat, he will ! Great truth in what you said in this video, because sometime in our lives we want and have no choice but to upgrade our equipment, flow rate in a larger aquarium is a must factor in a filter.
Algae scrubbers, UV sterilization, and sock filtration sumps make my tanks look amazing. I use saltwater led lighting on both fresh and salt tanks. The fish colors pop as 5000 k(color) is sunlight color where our eyes are adapted vs dirty T shirt colored lighting, incandescent. Compare old school car headlights(dirty T shirt) halogen vs led new car headlights. Your vision is hugely improved at night with 5000 k vs 3000-4000k.
UV+scrubbers in freshwater is obviously overkill for most freshwater tanks.
However I have experimented with them and yeah, they are incredibly powerful tools especially for "overfed" tanks. That + auto water change system can be game changing if youre aiming for a particular kind of tanks.
Gear doesn't replace good practices, and you can get pretty far without much gear. But good practices+good gear can unlock new things that wouldn't otherwise be possible!
What I really need to do is chill out and enjoy my tanks a whole lot more
I have always adored that tank. And there's Carl!
That's a beautiful tank, for sure.
OMG those babies!!! 🥰
this kinda motivates me to do stuff with my aquarium
prismatic diffuser great idea. Nice tank
100 percent agree with you. Thanks for sharing
for someone who might want to set up something similar, but not so big, and have some rocks and make a cichlid tank where there might be some breeding and fry, would you say Yellow Labs is one of the easiest and most likely to breed as far as Mbuna? How about a dimorphic species where males and females are different colors? Lastly, what is your opinion on some natural rocks and a top layer using some of the Cichlid Stones that are hollow with holes in them?
I have said many times on the live streams that this tank is the most beautiful tank I have ever seen
I’m gonna say that people get bored with their tank(s) the way their set up after a while, I know after a year or so I get bored and need to change something so I don’t get bored.
Last year I changed the substrate in a couple big tanks from pea gravel to blasting sand and then a few months ago I changed out a couple of 20gal tanks substrate from aragonite to pool filter sand.
Some times change is good and it’s needed to grow👍👍👍👍
Last important person that was here I sent to the emergency room. I couldn’t help but laugh but now we need context 😂
I was trying to be funny and broke a long algae scraper over my knee and if flew up and sliced Jay Wilsons face really bad. I'll never try to be funny again lol.
12:56 funniest moment in the video...
Labs: Hey guys let's troll John
Three years ago, you were hanging half in, half out of that thing with your phone blowing up because some Zakk Wylde (who let himself go) dude kept texting you. 😂😂😂
I love the lab tank I remember the vids when you first made it!
Great video your so right
I enjoy watching this tank also could you make it your new background for tanktalk? Its just so much fun
Hello! I have 3 tanks, 2 of them are ready for new fish, i have cleaned them and they have cycled and are lovely. I have always had fancy tail goldfish, they are easy to care for and grow big and pretty. What type of fish should i get for my 20 gallon tanks? I love bright colored fish and need some that dont get big 😂
Cichlid fish and Discus very close to saltwater fish colors. Cichlids are very hardy fish with that piranha type swarming with feeding.
in the past few years.. "Neglect" is the best thing to do with Nature, the more we involve in it the more we destroy. Nature finds its way , it has always been. I ignore my Aquarium and don't change much and I see my Plants and Fish Thriving
I think I’ve said a few good little words to my beloved fish too, I think, no, I’m sure of it.
RIGHT!! If it aint broke, don't fix it. If you want to make a change, do it in a new tank.
Hi John. Just don't mess with it I think it's beautiful just in y
Looks at my tanks. Nope I’m good. Fish are happy so I’m happy
At first, I was WTF are you talking about. That tank inspired me to set up my Saulosi. Then you tricked me 😅. I agree that if it's not broken, don't fix it. It might give you more problems in the long run.
Hello I just found your channel a couple days ago and have already learned so much from you and your wife. I have a question. Do y’all ship fish to Georgia. I found your site but didn’t see any fish 🎣. Do you sale fish?
Somebody gotta tell me what to add to my tank. I got a 150 liter tank with 2 dojo loaches, maybe 10 platys, one bristlenose pleco. The tank has a lot of hiding places and I would like to add a pair of medium sized fish, something similar to angel fish. What should/can I add there?
I had a Triumph way back in 83, it was a 1967 Bonneville 650 .....wish I still had it!
even though I'm way to fat to ride a 650 these day !!!!!
Would love to hear about the lighting
Do your cichilids interact so close to each other in the background tanks?
KGT i got an idea get a pond and put a stingray cuz its cool
I mean to say you should just enjoy it.
Where were you able to buy those stones in bulk? I am planning a mbuna tank for my spare room when it is finished.
With the weight of the rocks, how did you stack it without worry of the rocks falling?
What kind of rocks did you use for this?
Besides the financial cost of chasing something more or better, is that in trying to improve the tank you can create problems.
Yup. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
👍🤠 John, that’s my favorite of your tanks by far. I agree it looks better than than when you set it up, fish a whole lot bigger. Where’s Dude? I know you have no idea, just messing with you. I hear “Redskins”might be coming back.
Air stone maybe
"Marathon runners die all the time that are 30 years old" ... hahahahhahaha
Hahaha we are not performance fish , beautiful display.
Is little Dude still in there ? I think you guys named him because he was the smallest .🙂
He is but we have no idea which one is him ha ha
@KGTropicals what substrate is that
Caribsea African Cichlid mix
Will u get arawanas again ???
Hey it’s the ups man! I never get a first comment I love y’all.
Is there such a thing as to much flow
Depends on the fish, some fish like bettas are weak swimmers and can get tired out by high flow
Of course there is lol. But it all depends
How does I t work with no plants. My fish keep eating my plants and they are expensive
Guys i need a reason to have more rummynose give me one plz
Hey man love your channel its honestly been a huge help for me. 🫡