HU, the sound of all sounds

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @Ferruccio_Guicciardi
    @Ferruccio_Guicciardi 15 років тому +15

    Simple HU exercise anybody can do:
    1. Find a nice place a home where you can be in peace for 5-10 minutes.
    2. Relax. Take a deep breath and just let it be.
    3. Close your eyes.
    4. Put your attention at the point between your eyebrows. Let images and feelings of something nice, like something, somewhere or someone you love fill your inner vision.
    5. Take a deep breath and sing HU ... make HU vibrate your head, the air surronding you.
    6. After 5-10, just stop, listen... let it go...surrender

  • @mmarjani
    @mmarjani 15 років тому +1

    Thank You, HU is the strongest, deapest and oldest word I ever heard. It just need you to practice this song 5-10 min. a day.
    Thanks again for introducing HU

  • @mettahu
    @mettahu 14 років тому +2

    @susanshelit : Yes, this is thousands of human voices singing HU at an Eckankar seminar. Although it seems there are instruments, there are actually none. What you hear are inner sounds. :-)

  • @heehawluck1
    @heehawluck1 14 років тому +14

    It is the most incredible sound. It's impact upon me is many emotions....all of them good.......caressing me.....beautiful. Quite beautiful.

  • @chicoslimani
    @chicoslimani 15 років тому +5

    HU is the smallest sound found in existence, in atoms in HUmans in animals etc, the Sufis Know this as the essence of God/AllaHU, it is the last letter of Allah, Hu which mean it is Him, he confirms himself to himself by himself, they wholly koran states, that everything praises God/Allah so man and animals do it through breath, when ever you inhale and exhale you make the sound HU. may love peace and joy be with you all

  • @Ferruccio_Guicciardi
    @Ferruccio_Guicciardi 13 років тому +7

    HU ...opens you heart to love.. to divine presence of the ECK... ECK is Light and Sound...Holy Spirit.. The Life Force ..that sustains all... Be HU... Be All.. Be one with God's divine spirit first.... softly allow your tirsa til (third eye) to feel the HU... until HU is all around...

  • @thepasture
    @thepasture 13 років тому +1

    I stared at the screen and saw figures spinning and then exiting towards the left. Then I saw many people rushing towards the screen and passing me by as if I was on a very crowded street. Sometimes shocking but incredable to see. Thank you for the video.

  • @Zaalogg
    @Zaalogg 14 років тому


  • @Ferruccio_Guicciardi
    @Ferruccio_Guicciardi 15 років тому +1

    HU is an ancient name for god...
    first word SUGMAD (god) said was HU.
    the word SUGMAD(god) is always saying is HU
    the workd SUGMAD(god) will always say is HU
    ...sing HU
    ... become the HU
    ... you are Soul... you can become tonight one with Holy Spirit

  • @mysticmeg111
    @mysticmeg111 14 років тому

    @blackwavy-your soul is ascending thru the various worlds and planes .
    The oscillating sound like a wire whip is a very high frequency and the soul is becoming illuminated. Look to your dreams which are the forgotten language of God.

  • @nyc723
    @nyc723 14 років тому +1

    @MASTEKEITH it's different for everyone, give it a try and see. i believe different mantra's work for different people. (some people chant om, ah, etc) i have found hu to be extremely calming and centering for me, especially in times of great stress.

  • @gammebetaalpha
    @gammebetaalpha 14 років тому

    @severedlimbs4 That sounds awesome, I'm so happy for you...and nope, I don't think you're crazy :)

  • @filsderobin
    @filsderobin 14 років тому +1

    I always thought that Chuck Norris was the sound of all sounds...

  • @Ferruccio_Guicciardi
    @Ferruccio_Guicciardi 13 років тому +1

    Tomorrow I will meet in Dublin City Center with a couple of spiritual friends to sing HU as a group. We really like the energy when we sing this song together.

  • @manbird12000
    @manbird12000 15 років тому +1

    If you play this over the Radio sound waves of sounds exactly the same. However, the sound of the Earth is completely changed, more lower depressive and fearful frequencies.

  • @arshdeep125
    @arshdeep125 16 років тому +1

    HU is ALL FREQUENCY my fellow beloved. This is the amazing thing about HU. and OM. Its all the same thing. But different frequencies. Coexisting with one and another.

  • @brodamo
    @brodamo 15 років тому

    God Says in the Quran " ALLH bared witness that there is no deity but (HU),and the angels and those who posses the knowledge,following justice, no deity but (HU) the noble the wise"
    the word (HU) in Arabic means (him).

  • @chocoboasylum
    @chocoboasylum 14 років тому +1

    @EGMAG Maybe the Moody Blues were on to something ^_^

  • @byronmaine
    @byronmaine 16 років тому +1

    This is really a beautiful video. I try to watch it every day.

  • @mysticmeg111
    @mysticmeg111 14 років тому +1

    @Truzzzzzi The sound that is emitted from the Ocean of Goodness and Mercy -or Great Central Sun is a beautiful tone and the HU is similar although the human voice cannot replicate that ethereal music which emanates from God. We in Ek use this tone much like an inner resonance and call to God. The Living Master states that the Hu can be heard in the songs of birds, the hum of a refridgerator and we just have to listen intently.

  • @JadinShore
    @JadinShore 15 років тому

    If anyone doubts the power of this sound, try playing it for a fussy baby. Provided that the baby's physical needs have been met you will see an almost immediate response. The baby quiets and listens intently or drifts into a peaceful sleep. To further confirm it try with different similar sounds and you'll see a very different result.
    I came across this "coincidentally" and now want to learn more.

  • @oromuisca
    @oromuisca 13 років тому +8

    Allah Huuuuuuu

  • @DhunamiCE
    @DhunamiCE 14 років тому +1

    lets organize the biggest, longest "Hu Song" service!

  • @sherlock17783
    @sherlock17783 13 років тому +1

    For myself, it's more of a hissing sound that I always get when I meditate or have quieted my mind.Just saw a white flashing light while typing this.

  • @Joshtch
    @Joshtch 14 років тому +1

    I swear to god, I heard "First time" by Lifehouse as I was listening to this. No joke.

  • @mysticmeg111
    @mysticmeg111 14 років тому +1

    @eagletalons-I advise you not to use the 'OHM' it is a lower freqency which gets you into the lower heaven with the pearly gates. HU ascends above this to the higher planes of God.

  • @scotnick59
    @scotnick59 14 років тому +1

    Easily the most peace-inducing, soothing and calming site i have yet to experience on youtube!!! I have been going to Eckankar classes here at Salem at CCC and it's awesomely inspiring: soul travel is normal for HU people!

  • @hopeforchange
    @hopeforchange 16 років тому

    HEY thuggeest YOU SAID "the creation has nothing divine" and that is wrong!!!!!!!!!!! why would you say that. WE ARE ALL ONE. Creation was made for experience and free will. We have that, choose to believe what you will...

  • @severedlimbs4
    @severedlimbs4 14 років тому +1

    You know, while I was listening to this I heard singing inside me and not just the HU,but I heard something inside me singing some beautiful music in some language and it was amazing...I have never before in my life achieved a higher self except when listening to sitar music which helps alot too but I think my soul was singing or something....Maybe I'm crazy...I have no idea.

  • @PSPsongs
    @PSPsongs 14 років тому +1

    omg, i came to this vid thinking it was hollywood undead o.O but that sound is soothing

  • @D0W666
    @D0W666 13 років тому +1

    @lordhelpyou Thats what I thought
    good stuff

  • @createallow3126
    @createallow3126 13 років тому +3

    I made the om sound along with this. It was nice

  • @lamentofhorde
    @lamentofhorde 16 років тому

    Wow, I wasn't watching the video, just listening, but I lost track of time. It felt like hours had passed, not five minutes. I feel more at peace, thank you.

  • @herndonboy13
    @herndonboy13 14 років тому

    Does Hu in this video have anything to do with sufi islam? like as in Allah hu?

  • @EGMAG
    @EGMAG 14 років тому +1

    sounds like the Moody Blues hahaha

  • @Ferruccio_Guicciardi
    @Ferruccio_Guicciardi 14 років тому

    @MASTEKEITH HU develops a relationship between Soul (you) and ECK force (Light and Sound). ECK is also known as Holy Spirit. To become one with God is better to start becoming one with Holy Spirit. Then everything is possible. Soul is the divine part of you, that part that never dies, eternal part, part of God, God inside of you.

  • @byronmaine
    @byronmaine 14 років тому

    for truzzzzzi- This is the sound that the Audible Life Stream makes as it goes throughout the universes. It precurses the atomic level. Atoms are formed from this Sound (which is an extension of the body of God) and then go on to create things at the molecular level, etc. Truth comes from the heart. Can I give you the "facts" on this? Can you tell me what ontological empiricism is about? This is the Source of all life because everything happens at a vibratory level. Basic physics.

  • @susanshelit
    @susanshelit 14 років тому

    @francodiazi Try running several pages simultaniousy. They blend in perfectly no matter how they are timed. This is amazin. and so soothing and peacefull and refreshing all at once.

  • @coammaoc
    @coammaoc 14 років тому


  • @grchacha
    @grchacha 16 років тому

    I have just found out about all these new things I have known but yet did not know. I am excited to learn more... We will see (cha)

  • @blackwavy
    @blackwavy 14 років тому

    I hear the nada sound. It's like a monotone sound of a bell. Its very low. I also hear a oscilating sound when listening to my ipod too.

  • @TheOrganiston9th
    @TheOrganiston9th 15 років тому

    Truly, TRULY beautiful. Question: if any exists, what is the relation/connection to the chanting of ANIHU? At the suggestion of a trusted spiritual advisor, I've been chanting ANIHU for years - are they the same, similar or different? Thanks again, so much!

  • @scotnick59
    @scotnick59 14 років тому +1

    very nice and peacefully energizing!

  • @MatthewMuhammad
    @MatthewMuhammad 14 років тому

    @herndonboy13 - Yes, that is where they got it from, but they are not a Sufi or Muslim organization.

  • @mysticmeg111
    @mysticmeg111 13 років тому

    @Oneisus Careful about the high pitched whistle-it is not what everyone experiences. If it is heard outside of contemplation then clinically I would look for ear disease. Some hear the flute, a train whistle , the sound of the conch shell. I have always heard a soft gentle'hissing' surrounding the head-at all times since early childhood.

  • @jmlamela
    @jmlamela 16 років тому

    I would like to know where the specific sound
    of this video can be downloaded. The sound recording of the HU sound in the ECK websites is not as good as this one. Thank you for your kindness.

  • @mysticmeg111
    @mysticmeg111 13 років тому

    @ACMaster24 Your awareness is being aroused as the Soul ascends thru various planes. The Hu Is the resonance to attach oneself to this Light and Sound. R U sure U R not hearing the sound of a Conch Shell??
    U can also hear a train whistle , bagpipes and a whipping wire.Pay attention to your dreams.

  • @HuChantMusic
    @HuChantMusic 15 років тому

    For me, when i listen to music, if i chant hu while listenning, it opens up the experience and some sort of movement occurs. I like the word "projection". When we project the substance of meaning into the hu chant, then some sort of contact is made with the inner master. For me, the inner master is the wrapper that surrounds the inner voice that explains and guides us on the inner journey. Hu,... Its a good word to know. We can wisper it inside at any point in the day. Thank You

  • @Tsadik6251
    @Tsadik6251 14 років тому

    HU is in the world. ECKANKAR shares the Word in its teachings. HU has always been in the world. The teachings of ECKANKAR brings out the mechanics and practice of the HU under the guidance of a Inner Spiritual Guide presently manifested and currently working with life in an outer form, as the Mahanta, the Living ECK master.

  • @superAweber
    @superAweber 14 років тому

    @ReReandJsun well I've never heard of anyone seeming so much younger, but have heard many stories about people being told: "there's just something different about you" right after a seminar.
    It's because there's a real spiritual energy. It'll show up differently in different cases. Did you ever try singing HU at home?

  • @darksinthe
    @darksinthe 15 років тому

    lol i just realized while listening to this my eyes are as wide open as i have ever had them lol

  • @chocoboasylum
    @chocoboasylum 14 років тому

    If you play this video at the same time as The Hu Song video (link's probably somewhere to the right) it's awesome ^_^
    I'm going to create a CD with an hour's worth of HU to play in the morning just before I have to get out of bed :)

  • @gobbysauce
    @gobbysauce 13 років тому

    Eventually, I hear a sound in the background that sounds like a car honking...... How is this the source of all sounds?

  • @TaimMasheen
    @TaimMasheen 14 років тому

    I can make light with my index finger! Just press it against a wall or something like that... See it works!

  • @susanshelit
    @susanshelit 14 років тому

    Is this just the sound of Hu?? I hear a lot of instruments and at one point I swear, I even hear singing.

  • @RoboticusMusic
    @RoboticusMusic 14 років тому

    @Oneisus try turning off your computer screen. even incandesce light bulbs make that sound. lol

  • @gammebetaalpha
    @gammebetaalpha 15 років тому

    Eckankar's concept of soul travel is as old as, or infact, older than life of earth.

  • @CityGaad
    @CityGaad 14 років тому

    humans have too much sence for their own good ull never know the truth

  • @santhoshignatius1887
    @santhoshignatius1887 14 років тому

    @Oneisus can u say more about that it like the sound of cricket???

  • @rtxas
    @rtxas 13 років тому +1

    omg, my head stopt hurting !

  • @MissSuzyT
    @MissSuzyT 16 років тому

    the sound of something starting... yes, a beautiful way to start the day . x x

  • @cavaleer
    @cavaleer 15 років тому

    Magnificent! Do you know how to translate Hertz into musical notes??

  • @vladjackguy
    @vladjackguy 14 років тому

    @MASTEKEITH you can do enething if you believe in it

  • @ManNotAgain
    @ManNotAgain 14 років тому

    static shock on my carpet...neurons in my brain is light...

  • @m4cklove
    @m4cklove 13 років тому

    hu is anu i said it..anu is the heavenly one. ( who is god ?) ( hu is god. )

  • @sidal888
    @sidal888 13 років тому +1


  • @ruuku00black
    @ruuku00black 14 років тому

    this is not the source of all sound. the source of all sound is air. you cant have sound without the movement of air. sound is just a perception, its the way we perceive the vibration of air particles. the frequency of the sound, is just how fast the particles are vibrating, the faster the vibration the higher the frequency.

  • @maluahv
    @maluahv 13 років тому


  • @134448
    @134448 14 років тому

    Dancke für disen beitrag es berühte mein Herz.

  • @govindaharihari
    @govindaharihari 15 років тому

    HU AU!

  • @arbkhan
    @arbkhan 15 років тому

    Allah Hu

  • @eristderbeste
    @eristderbeste 15 років тому

    best bigges big "thx" .

  • @geoffdundee
    @geoffdundee 14 років тому


  • @wakeup089
    @wakeup089 14 років тому

    what about "aum"?

  • @jayneejames
    @jayneejames 16 років тому

    Thank you...wonderful!.

  • @BarbaraJean1
    @BarbaraJean1 14 років тому

    Heavenly Sound Huuuu

  • @MaatsMerkaba
    @MaatsMerkaba 13 років тому

    @Oneisus interesting!

  • @Illiyuwn
    @Illiyuwn 15 років тому

    wow! so relaxing!

  • @kisgenya
    @kisgenya 16 років тому

    HU :) Hungary? :D:D:D

  • @SilenceTour
    @SilenceTour 15 років тому


  • @byronmaine
    @byronmaine 16 років тому

    I love the HU.

  • @dragonlovesdolls
    @dragonlovesdolls 16 років тому

    Blessed Be!

  • @WaBe2012
    @WaBe2012 13 років тому

    i think i need

  • @jluz23
    @jluz23 14 років тому


  • @DeafMuteZombie
    @DeafMuteZombie 13 років тому

    Whoa shit!

  • @sshhrriinnee
    @sshhrriinnee 13 років тому +1

    you guys do realize saying 'hu' is essentially the same as saying 'you' right

  • @migreeni
    @migreeni 15 років тому

    that means you failed the meditation

  • @superAweber
    @superAweber 14 років тому

    @Oneisus I like your post. Personally I hear it off the side - to the left side of my head. I know some other people hear it on the right side. Actually I'd like it to be louder sometimes. I've heard of a fellow gliding out of his body via concentrating attention on it for a while.

  • @Isabels100day
    @Isabels100day 15 років тому

    I started swaying back and forth.

  • @TwoWorldsII
    @TwoWorldsII 13 років тому

    so Hollywood undead is the sound of all sounds? what has this world come to? hahah just kidding

  • @hughdiock
    @hughdiock 14 років тому

    is this the sound of God's yawn??

  • @sybyllah
    @sybyllah 15 років тому

    love and peace
    luce e amore
    syby e.