Yesterday, for the first time ever, I folded a fitted sheet nicely WITHOUT needing to reference this video. Shout out to this video for all the help it’s given me over the past year or two!!
This is amazing. It’s a bit tricky to finally get it, but once I did I was blown away. What a neat folding trick. My fitted sheet looks better than my non fitted sheet now. Thanks!
The problem is when you fold the corners there is no square edge because fitted sheets nowadays have elastic all the way around. So basically you should just fold it in half and then use the folded edge as your outside edge.
I just figured my arms are too short but that doesn’t explain my inability to fold the fitted sheet on a flat surface so I walked away concluded my legs are also too short. It’s a mystery.
Thank God!, I am not the only girl that is hopelessly lost (and this is the second UA-cam video I have studied). My sheets are now back in the closet, neatly rolled into incomprehensible madness.
So I thought that after 32yrs of living on God’s green earth that today would be the day I learned how to finally fold the fitted sheet… but after watching the full 1:03 tutorial on how to do so, I’m comfortable with conceding to the fact that it’s way too much effort for the desired result 😂 - for me, at least lol At least the crumpled up mess will make it recognizable from the regular sheet, and I accept the fitted sheet for however it chooses to present itself! 💁🏽♀️ But still! Great video! Perhaps one day I’ll ascend that pinnacle level of adulthood lol
I'm sitting in my living room trying to lean how to fold God's curse of humanity aka. fitted sheets, and laugh at your comment because I have the same feeling 😂
This is the one that worked for me. The other couple videos like this that I watched just made me mad. They either went too fast or *shocker* didn’t face away from the viewer so that we could see which left and which right. Thank you for this.
This changed my life. Now I can tell people casually “oh yeah, I fold my fitted sheets” and they’ll go “that’s impossible!” And I will be able to demonstrate and inspire shock and awe.
I am 21 years old and have never been able to fold a fitted sheet to save my life. I can not tell you how much this video helped me. I finally folded a fitted that doesn't look like a crumpled mess and I can not stop smiling. THANK YOU!!! 😁😁
So helpful for this brain to see the printed words explaining what she is doing with each step! Yes, had to watch several times, and pause even more times, but I can do it now!❤
This honestly helped me. I had always watched my mother in amazement as she folded the fitted sheets. I, like a dumbo, never asked if she'd teach me how to do it as well. Thank you ♡
I feel that. My mother just passed away a few months ago and I regret never asking her how to do this. She was a fabric folding master. Glad youtube exists to learn these things.
Great video. Much better than the confusing 'Living on a Dime' video, which inexplicably has 20 million views. THIS needs to be the default 'go to' video for fitted sheet folding!
holy crap this is amazing, thank you so much. i never thought it was possible till today, my first one took a bit and came out pretty bad, but after that the others i have folded have come out great! 10/10 would recommend
@@YawmSaub I did not know that! I can't fold a fitted sheet for nothin' - but THIS I can do. And I didn't think I learned anything from watching this video🤣 Thanks, Eric!!
It took me so many tries but I finally got it! The trick is to watch this video every time cause there's no way I'm going to remember all the steps lol 😂
Success! I've spent the last half hour trying to fold my sheet and didn't understand the inside-out and folding business until this video. The tutorial was fast, but I could follow along by just pausing the video at each step, following the instructions, then starting again. Thank you for this!
Success!! I recently entered retirement and finally, after all those years of raising 4 kids while working full time, I’ve learned how to fold a fitted sheet (even a king size!). Thanks to your straightforward video, I’ve accomplished the impossible: I can actually see all the way to the back of the linen closet! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
BEST. VIDEO. EVER. I had to pause and back up a bunch of times (because I forgot you can change playback speeds) but after many years and many different videos, this is the one that did it!!!
FINALLY! Finally I got this. Other videos were weird, because of the perspective, but this one is in OUR perspective, so I understood. Thank you so much!
Yoooo! I GOT IT! Thought the video was too fast but decided to give it a solid try and get each step right before trying to move on. I've unlocked the next level in life. This accomplishment deserves party and drinks 😝
Finally! Geez Louise! I have watched 10 frickn videos over the past 2 years trying to figure this out. Every single other video leaves out some crucial step in their explanation on how to fold a frickn fitted sheet. I have felt like such a dunce time and time again and just end up rolling the damn thing into a ball, stuffing it into one of the pillowcases and not trying again for 3 to 6 months. I came across your video after watching 2 other videos that totally made me feel like i was born this morning and was just barely finding out i had hands! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have redeemed myself at last and only had to watch your video 10-12 times. Why does it seem so difficult for some of us? I am a highly intelligent individual yet folding a fitted sheet has been so elusive to me. Its not rocket surgery!
This “How to Fold a Fitted Sheet” video was a life saver for me! I remember watching a video like this in my 20s thinking I would never need this information, but boy was I wrong. When these sheets are not folded correctly, they can really take up so much room and make your sheets look sloppy and wrinkled. This video is extremely useful, effective, and easy to follow. I think anyone who wants to be organized and tidy will find this video useful and once you watch it you will most likely be using this technique for the rest of forever when it comes to folding your fitted sheets.
WOWOWOWOW! So yes I agree its a bit too fast but lets be honest we chose it coz the thumbnail said it was just over 1 minute 😉 also nailed it first go! I'm sharing this everywhere haha
Good video, I watched a few times with a pause button at some points and was trying to fold and I finally got it, this folding is so good because I am so tired of messy sheets. Thanks!
Got it. 2 mins later: watches video again. 4 mins later: watches video again 5 mins later: reverts to old "folding" technique. 6 mins later: Places at bottom of bed linen pile. Looks neat to me.
About to move out for college and needed to know this. Took about 15 minutes of trial and error and dissecting what you were doing but now that I understand it it's so helpful. THANK YOU!!
yes, You "put right hand corner over left hand corner " take the left hand out. You put right hand corner over left hand corner you take the left hand out. And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about.
It took me watching 3 videos including this one at 0.25 speed, with multiple rewinds, until I finally got it. This video is the clearest for me, thank you 😮💨😮💨😮💨
Thank you for doing this, I honestly don't know how many videos I watched or how many times I've attempted it and given up, right as I was about to explode with rage I decided one more and I'm so thankful I did, this is by far the easiest step by step video I have seen in 8yrs so thank you thank you thank you
im 16 and just accomplished this life skill after watching a couple times bc it was too fast for 1 watch. but i can now proudly say 🔊I FOLDED A FITTED SHEET🔊 *crowd cheers in the background* :’D
Almost 29 years of life on earth and I finally looked this up and can now easily fold a fitted bed sheet. Damn. Didn't realize it was that easy. Thanks a bunch!
Watched at .75x and then .5x playback speed, rewinding several times watch for details and keep up with her. Amazing! So glad I thought to check UA-cam for once.
I do agree. Needs narrative to be able to hear directions and follow them better. Especially for those who may not be able to read the small and fast moving words coming in. Well you can see it has to be inside out at first to get it to become right side out. The magic happens while folding. The folds it says to do bring it from inside out, to rightside in.
We watched at least 20 videos on how to fold a fitted sheet and yours was the most straightforward that we have found thank you for making it so easy! Definitely going to subscribe !!!
I was able to do it on the first try, then proceeded to do another without referencing the video right behind the first one. My life has been altered. Thank you for this great video! 🙏
The music is irritating as fuck. She’s got her back to us, which I understand we’re supposed to be able to see it better but her body is covering most of it and all I can see is her arms flipping all over the place and sheets are flipping here and flipping there and it’s just irritating to even watch her at this point and it’s going way too fast, so my sheets are going in a ball
For everyone still struggling, I found it helpful to watch the video in its entirety first, pausing when needed, then folding my sheet along with the video. ❤
This was amazing! My whole life strulugling to fold them a half wqy decent, and now i can fold them right! It seemed confusing at first, but i tried it and it all made sence! Thank you!! So much!!
As straightforward as she makes this look, I can't seem to make it work after multiple tries. The flaps I'm suppose to grab and overlap are always missing, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong
Yeah same! After she does she first part and puts the right side corner into left side corner, that next part where she runs her hand along the legnth to grab the next corner - it's not there. Mine looks completely different. Its like I need to be standing on the other side of the sheet I can't fucking work it out and it's doing my head in
Wow this actually helped so much! I'll probably have to watch it while I fold fitted sheets for at least 7 times before I get it, but this is the neatest I've ever gotten it, thankyou!! is called a fitted sheet for a reason - it stretches to fit the bed, thus removing the wrinkles from being put in the matching pillowcase! The top sheet is easy peasy to fold sans wrinkles. Side note...this is the first time I've heard of anyone other than mmyself putting all matching bedding inside one of the set's pillowcases 😁
After years of trying to fold a fitted sheet, I finally did it after watching this video. It was so easy to do because if I can do it, so can anyone. I now want to change our sheets everyday so I can fold the fitted sheet.
I finally figured out what she is doing here. It looks like she is grabbing the two corners together, but she just lets go of the right corner. Look carefully at the position of the sheet after the “turn so elastic faces you”. She is only holding two corners and the other one fell down. The key position you want to be in there is that two top corners are flipped so elastic faces you. And the two bottom are facing away.
Another way to look at it: the position you are in after step 2, when you flip the corners. You want to just get to the other side of the sheet. Like if you imagine a person standing across from you. Putting their hands into the pockets/corners you are holding up
Wow! Bring on the fitted sheets! I just tried to fold one. I’m tempted to u do it but I’ll wait until I’ve washed it then, hopefully, I’ll enjoy folding! Thanks
Video too fast? Go to video settings - speed and pick 0.25. Oh, still too fast for you? Ok, well just throw the sheet in the fireplace because that's where shitted sheets belong.
oh my god i got it its just a single process that you do 2 more times to reach the last undone edge!!!! just have to master that first part with the flipping omg thank you
I keep coming back to this video every time I need to fold my fitted sheet. I’m not very good at it, but these instructions have helped me fit the sheet into the storage bag at least lol
Thank you!!! I’ve been struggling with this for years and I told myself I’ll take a look at a video to learn how to do this and now the fitted sheets are super neat.
Watched 3 different videos, watched this one twice stopping at each step, got it! This might be easier to understand with a sheet that is obviously a different color on the reverse side.
I cannot tell you how many videos I have watched where the lady takes the fitted sheet, and magically turns it from an obscure shape to a perfectly folded rectangle before ending the video with "see? Its that easy!". If you blink, you miss the entire process. I have watched so many, studdied countless times, and every time I have failed miserably. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this video. Today, for the first time in my entire life, I successfully folded a fitted sheet . I did it. I made it here. I folded it, then took it to my boyfriend to show him. He, at first, thought it was a flat sheet folded - the joy that brought me is indescribable.
1) Wrap sheet in ball
2) Flatten
3) Stuff in drawer
4) Drink a refreshing cold beverage
That's exactly what I do ha, ha! 🤣 I tried to fold it like she did, but I soon forgot how... I gave up after 8 seconds 😒😔
@@antoniacalderon2257 - You lasted 8 seconds?? That's 8 more than I lasted....
Johnny Botts 😂😂😂
Johnny Botts I like your easy to follow 🤣
Thank you for getting to the point! No backstory or incessant rambling to sit through before you showed us what we came here to see!😊
Honestly this is the only time I would have wanted to see this drawn out because they lost me at the first step 😂
if i ever get this down, i will have succeeded at life
I got it today. Next laundry day will be another story.
😂😅 I agree with you 💯 I’ve been balling my fitted sheets for years.. only piece I never knew to fold! Lol, much luck 🤞🏼
I have watched multiple videos and still dont get it. Hopefully this is the one😂
this, and a french omelette by Jacques Pepin
Yesterday, for the first time ever, I folded a fitted sheet nicely WITHOUT needing to reference this video. Shout out to this video for all the help it’s given me over the past year or two!!
This is amazing. It’s a bit tricky to finally get it, but once I did I was blown away.
What a neat folding trick. My fitted sheet looks better than my non fitted sheet now.
I've watched this 4 times and still don't get it.
same, the only thing I got watching tgis was a nervous breakdown
Neither do I. I think what the video means is go out and buy oversized flat sheets and throw out the fitted stress building fitted POS
The problem is when you fold the corners there is no square edge because fitted sheets nowadays have elastic all the way around. So basically you should just fold it in half and then use the folded edge as your outside edge.
How about the 5th time?
@@markburns4777 Thre are still the 4 corners though. Use those as instructed in the video and you will get the corners.
I've cracked the code. See ya'll on the other side.
Hey wait for me I just got it too
Oh my gosh this took me forever to figure out and it's still not the way my mom wants them folded!
@@bryanrodriguez6915 ☠️☠️☠️☠️
"Grab two corners lengthways"
Aaaaand I'm lost.
Exactly !!
I haven’t made it past that step either lol
I just figured my arms are too short but that doesn’t explain my inability to fold the fitted sheet on a flat surface so I walked away concluded my legs are also too short. It’s a mystery.
Thank God!, I am not the only girl that is hopelessly lost (and this is the second UA-cam video I have studied). My sheets are now back in the closet, neatly rolled into incomprehensible madness.
So I thought that after 32yrs of living on God’s green earth that today would be the day I learned how to finally fold the fitted sheet… but after watching the full 1:03 tutorial on how to do so, I’m comfortable with conceding to the fact that it’s way too much effort for the desired result 😂 - for me, at least lol At least the crumpled up mess will make it recognizable from the regular sheet, and I accept the fitted sheet for however it chooses to present itself! 💁🏽♀️ But still! Great video! Perhaps one day I’ll ascend that pinnacle level of adulthood lol
This is the funniest comment. And it's so honest. Lolololo.
I'm sitting in my living room trying to lean how to fold God's curse of humanity aka. fitted sheets, and laugh at your comment because I have the same feeling 😂
This is the one that worked for me. The other couple videos like this that I watched just made me mad. They either went too fast or *shocker* didn’t face away from the viewer so that we could see which left and which right. Thank you for this.
This changed my life. Now I can tell people casually “oh yeah, I fold my fitted sheets” and they’ll go “that’s impossible!” And I will be able to demonstrate and inspire shock and awe.
Weird flex, but ok
That's gold, might have to use it as a pick up line now hahaha
Who paid you!?
I'm not sure why, but this is the most I've smiled in the three months since my wife left me. I suppose knowledge is therapeutic.
I tried watching this at 0.25 speed to follow along and honestly it’s terrifying
There's a point where it's TOO slow. Try like .75x, and then just go back & repeat the parts that don't click.
Oh my gosh, I'm going to play this video on loop over my speakers this Halloween because yes that is terrifying 😂 all the children will be terrified 💯
I did the same and I somehow missed a step cause my sheet looks awful! 😭😂
haha. i watc hed it at twentyfive also. muted it tho. lololol
I am 21 years old and have never been able to fold a fitted sheet to save my life. I can not tell you how much this video helped me. I finally folded a fitted that doesn't look like a crumpled mess and I can not stop smiling. THANK YOU!!! 😁😁
Oh yea, well I'm 49 and STILL can't do it! 😂😂
@@concretgod8085 yeah same at 39 lol
Try being 54, and clean houses for a living. Smh. 🤷🤔🙄🫨🤬
Lies, you need a physics degree to understand this video.
So helpful for this brain to see the printed words explaining what she is doing with each step! Yes, had to watch several times, and pause even more times, but I can do it now!❤
Hello. I’m 35 years old and today was the first day I was able to fold a fitted sheet. 🤣
I'm 31 & about to attempt it for the first time...I'm gonna start with the crib fitted sheets though because that should br easier.
I'm 34 and I won't be able to do it today.
Haha. Saame... not sure why it took me so long to want to organize my linen closet.
I am 66 and still am having a hard time doing this!!
Don't feel bad, I just learned this and I'm 53.
This honestly helped me. I had always watched my mother in amazement as she folded the fitted sheets. I, like a dumbo, never asked if she'd teach me how to do it as well. Thank you ♡
I feel that. My mother just passed away a few months ago and I regret never asking her how to do this. She was a fabric folding master. Glad youtube exists to learn these things.
Great video. Much better than the confusing 'Living on a Dime' video, which inexplicably has 20 million views. THIS needs to be the default 'go to' video for fitted sheet folding!
holy crap this is amazing, thank you so much. i never thought it was possible till today, my first one took a bit and came out pretty bad, but after that the others i have folded have come out great! 10/10 would recommend
I understood this and it works like a charm! No clue why people find it so hard to follow.
This is the best video but it's WAYYY too frickin fast. I had to pause and rewind and replay countless times
Courtney Wilde, go to setting and toggle between the speed option.
you can slow videos down mate
@@YawmSaub I did not know that! I can't fold a fitted sheet for nothin' - but THIS I can do. And I didn't think I learned anything from watching this video🤣 Thanks, Eric!!
Courtney Wilde right?! And then you have to take your hand out of the sheet to fold it!
It took me so many tries but I finally got it! The trick is to watch this video every time cause there's no way I'm going to remember all the steps lol 😂
Success! I've spent the last half hour trying to fold my sheet and didn't understand the inside-out and folding business until this video. The tutorial was fast, but I could follow along by just pausing the video at each step, following the instructions, then starting again. Thank you for this!
I agree lol it was difficult at first but now I can fold a fitted sheet
Step 1: conduct wizardry
There is no step 2
Success!! I recently entered retirement and finally, after all those years of raising 4 kids while working full time, I’ve learned how to fold a fitted sheet (even a king size!). Thanks to your straightforward video, I’ve accomplished the impossible: I can actually see all the way to the back of the linen closet! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
So I'm struggling as a kid- with a king sized-
BEST. VIDEO. EVER. I had to pause and back up a bunch of times (because I forgot you can change playback speeds) but after many years and many different videos, this is the one that did it!!!
I feel like I’ve made it to the next evolution. I had to pause a couple times to catch up but I folded my first ever fitted sheet! Thank you!
Same for me! And I’m 57 years old 😂😂😂
I have watched a lot of videos trying to learn this and was unsuccessful. After watching your video I finally got it!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
Thanks for your comment! That's so good to hear :)
Finally, someone who knows how to record an instruction video! Many other videos don't show the critical hand swaps. Thank you!
FINALLY! Finally I got this. Other videos were weird, because of the perspective, but this one is in OUR perspective, so I understood. Thank you so much!
Same. Did it first try. Although video was a bit fast, and I had to pause just to read and look at directions... I got it.
Why y'all lying?
So u see your self from the back?
Same ,, Omg I did it !! The Best lesson I found , thank you !!
Yoooo! I GOT IT! Thought the video was too fast but decided to give it a solid try and get each step right before trying to move on. I've unlocked the next level in life. This accomplishment deserves party and drinks 😝
Finally! Geez Louise! I have watched 10 frickn videos over the past 2 years trying to figure this out. Every single other video leaves out some crucial step in their explanation on how to fold a frickn fitted sheet. I have felt like such a dunce time and time again and just end up rolling the damn thing into a ball, stuffing it into one of the pillowcases and not trying again for 3 to 6 months. I came across your video after watching 2 other videos that totally made me feel like i was born this morning and was just barely finding out i had hands! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have redeemed myself at last and only had to watch your video 10-12 times. Why does it seem so difficult for some of us? I am a highly intelligent individual yet folding a fitted sheet has been so elusive to me. Its not rocket surgery!
This “How to Fold a Fitted Sheet” video was a life saver for me! I remember watching a video like this in my 20s thinking I would never need this information, but boy was I wrong. When these sheets are not folded correctly, they can really take up so much room and make your sheets look sloppy and wrinkled. This video is extremely useful, effective, and easy to follow. I think anyone who wants to be organized and tidy will find this video useful and once you watch it you will most likely be using this technique for the rest of forever when it comes to folding your fitted sheets.
oh my god i did it! this video is the best one out there because she has her back to you. the other ones out there are even harder to follow.
Wow this video is amazing for the first time I actually folded a fitted sheet and it actually looks half decent 😊👌💯
WOWOWOWOW! So yes I agree its a bit too fast but lets be honest we chose it coz the thumbnail said it was just over 1 minute 😉 also nailed it first go! I'm sharing this everywhere haha
True 👍
Great tutorial! Really easy to follow along and I got it on the first try. I can't believe I know how to fold a fitted sheet now🤭🤭
Thanks finally I can fold everything neatly and make it look like I’m a tidy person
Good video, I watched a few times with a pause button at some points and was trying to fold and I finally got it, this folding is so good because I am so tired of messy sheets. Thanks!
Me too!!
The best video ever, exactly and no superfluous words.
Got it.
2 mins later: watches video again.
4 mins later: watches video again
5 mins later: reverts to old "folding" technique.
6 mins later: Places at bottom of bed linen pile.
Looks neat to me.
Finally found the how to fold a fitted sheet video that I successfully folded a fitted sheet! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
About to move out for college and needed to know this. Took about 15 minutes of trial and error and dissecting what you were doing but now that I understand it it's so helpful. THANK YOU!!
Wow. Just did it! It doesn’t look perfect but it looks folded instead of bunched up like I usually do it!! Thank you!!
I have watched this video so many times and I still have to come back and watch it every time is time to do laundry lol
I messed up at “put right hand corner over left hand corner”... I’m just gonna stuff it in the pillow case it came in
yes, You "put right hand corner over left hand corner " take the left hand out. You put right hand corner over left hand corner you take the left hand out. And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about.
@@greydogmusic Bwahahaha!
It took me watching 3 videos including this one at 0.25 speed, with multiple rewinds, until I finally got it. This video is the clearest for me, thank you 😮💨😮💨😮💨
Thank you for doing this, I honestly don't know how many videos I watched or how many times I've attempted it and given up, right as I was about to explode with rage I decided one more and I'm so thankful I did, this is by far the easiest step by step video I have seen in 8yrs so thank you thank you thank you
Tip from a weird (pre)teenager:
learn this at a young age.
Life Skills
im 16 and just accomplished this life skill after watching a couple times bc it was too fast for 1 watch. but i can now proudly say 🔊I FOLDED A FITTED SHEET🔊 *crowd cheers in the background* :’D
@@Annie.aa4 YES QUEEN! I’m 12, yet knowing how to do this makes me feel like a wizard😎
@@piggysareawesome5338 haha same, it’s definitely helpful to know
Almost 29 years of life on earth and I finally looked this up and can now easily fold a fitted bed sheet. Damn. Didn't realize it was that easy. Thanks a bunch!
32 years myself! Feels like cheating after so long...
As others have said, I tried other videos but yours was the only one I could follow. THANK YOU!
Watched at .75x and then .5x playback speed, rewinding several times watch for details and keep up with her. Amazing! So glad I thought to check UA-cam for once.
I was today years old when I learned from you how to fold a fitted sheet. Thank you for your time.
Why did you have to use a sheet were you couldn't easily tell the inside from the outside?
Agreed. This video could be better...needs a narrator so that we can pay attention...the moving words distract from what she's doing
I do agree. Needs narrative to be able to hear directions and follow them better. Especially for those who may not be able to read the small and fast moving words coming in.
Well you can see it has to be inside out at first to get it to become right side out. The magic happens while folding. The folds it says to do bring it from inside out, to rightside in.
Just managed to do this, my fitted sheet has never looked so amazing and I am screaming
We watched at least 20 videos on how to fold a fitted sheet and yours was the most straightforward that we have found thank you for making it so easy! Definitely going to subscribe !!!
Definitely one of the better step by step videos I have found! Slowing down the playback speed really helps too!
Great video, now I can finally fold my fitted sheets and store them away properly!
Figured it out after about 10 attempts while watching this video. Thank you so much for making a tutorial! ✌️❤️
Just skip to 00:50
Skill level: mastered.
perfect. And someone commented above just stuff it into a pillowcase till needed. I think I got it down now.
This is absolutely THE BEST fitted-sheet folding tutorial out there!!! Thank you so very much!!!❤️❤️❤️
I did it! I watched it at 1/4 speed and paused at each step. Thank you so much for a really great video.
I was able to do it on the first try, then proceeded to do another without referencing the video right behind the first one. My life has been altered. Thank you for this great video! 🙏
Got to 21 seconds and realized I’ve gone down another weird rabbit hole of UA-cam again...sigh...
Lol daily story of my life. I feel ya
mentos2424 You haven’t seen rabbit holes until you’ve checked out my channel LOL
But this one is a rabbit hole with nicely folded sheets! :)
Haha 😂
Thank you! The perfect video for people who could already do it!
I did it. I had to watch and pause a few times but by golly I got it.
Anyone else get to 0:39 and had a fkn aneurysm? Just me? ok.
The music is irritating as fuck. She’s got her back to us, which I understand we’re supposed to be able to see it better but her body is covering most of it and all I can see is her arms flipping all over the place and sheets are flipping here and flipping there and it’s just irritating to even watch her at this point and it’s going way too fast, so my sheets are going in a ball
Yeah I said FI and just rolled it up as usual…
For everyone still struggling, I found it helpful to watch the video in its entirety first, pausing when needed, then folding my sheet along with the video. ❤
This was amazing! My whole life strulugling to fold them a half wqy decent, and now i can fold them right! It seemed confusing at first, but i tried it and it all made sence! Thank you!! So much!!
As straightforward as she makes this look, I can't seem to make it work after multiple tries. The flaps I'm suppose to grab and overlap are always missing, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong
Yeah same! After she does she first part and puts the right side corner into left side corner, that next part where she runs her hand along the legnth to grab the next corner - it's not there. Mine looks completely different. Its like I need to be standing on the other side of the sheet I can't fucking work it out and it's doing my head in
After 10 tries, 2 beers, 1 pepsi max and 2 episodes of anime later. The sheet is stuffed up on the shelf again.
I got stuck at 0:33.
watching at 0.5x speed while folding along is perfect i can’t believe i’m actually folding fitted sheets for the first time in my life
Wow this actually helped so much! I'll probably have to watch it while I fold fitted sheets for at least 7 times before I get it, but this is the neatest I've ever gotten it, thankyou!!
I'm lost at 0:13
In bedrooms throughout all four corners of the world, this music is playing while middle aged folk swear at their textiles
Nope. Remove clean fitted sheet from dryer. Either 1) put it on bed right away or 2) stuff in pillow case until ready
Love it. Much easier
Dryer?! Infernal, electricity-wasting machines! Dry it in the air! is called a fitted sheet for a reason - it stretches to fit the bed, thus removing the wrinkles from being put in the matching pillowcase! The top sheet is easy peasy to fold sans wrinkles.
Side note...this is the first time I've heard of anyone other than mmyself putting all matching bedding inside one of the set's pillowcases 😁
This is the best way I've seen someone teach how to fold a fitted sheet, thank you, makes it really easy!
After years of trying to fold a fitted sheet, I finally did it after watching this video. It was so easy to do because if I can do it, so can anyone. I now want to change our sheets everyday so I can fold the fitted sheet.
My sheet still isn’t folded and now I’m just angry
0:14 Doesn’t make any f***en sense. I’m following the EXACT same steps and doesn’t work for sh**. “Turn sheet so elastic faces you” my a$$
I'm 11, just started learning how to do laundry, AND I STILL RELATE 😭😭😭
I finally figured out what she is doing here. It looks like she is grabbing the two corners together, but she just lets go of the right corner. Look carefully at the position of the sheet after the “turn so elastic faces you”. She is only holding two corners and the other one fell down. The key position you want to be in there is that two top corners are flipped so elastic faces you. And the two bottom are facing away.
Another way to look at it: the position you are in after step 2, when you flip the corners. You want to just get to the other side of the sheet. Like if you imagine a person standing across from you. Putting their hands into the pockets/corners you are holding up
@@MagneVikjordTHANK YOU SO MUCH this was the exact thing I was confused about
Guess I won't ever be learning to fold a fitted it appears after watching and pausing this video 4 times.
This is the best vid for folding fitted sheets - I watch every time I have to do one!
I like to believe innovation drives humanity forward, and fitted sheets are invading monsters from the multiverse.
Thanks for a great video.
u went way to fast
Pause button helps.
You can adjust the playback speed
Her outfit tho. Cute lol
I swear to god this is harder than a workout.
Man I should NOT have needed a tutorial for this. Thank you for making to painfully easy!
Wow! Bring on the fitted sheets! I just tried to fold one. I’m tempted to u do it but I’ll wait until I’ve washed it then, hopefully, I’ll enjoy folding! Thanks
Video too fast?
Go to video settings - speed and pick 0.25.
Oh, still too fast for you? Ok, well just throw the sheet in the fireplace because that's where shitted sheets belong.
I’ve never been so angry in my life...
oh my god i got it its just a single process that you do 2 more times to reach the last undone edge!!!! just have to master that first part with the flipping omg thank you
I keep coming back to this video every time I need to fold my fitted sheet. I’m not very good at it, but these instructions have helped me fit the sheet into the storage bag at least lol
I have mastered it! I have a king size bed and it was hell trying to do this but I managed thanks to this video.
i LOVED the way you showed in our perspective! finally understood how to do it after so many years!
Just found this vid. Got it right on the second try. So simple once you know how. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
such a simple and effective video, thank you for getting to the point and the clear instructions. 10/10
This was so helpful!!! First time I’ve successfully folded a fitted sheet thanks! ❤ but I won’t lie I had to watch the video a few times first
Did it in one go!!! I wasn't folding fitted sheets from past 6 yrs:( now I can thanks to you 😘
Thank you!!! I’ve been struggling with this for years and I told myself I’ll take a look at a video to learn how to do this and now the fitted sheets are super neat.
Had to watch a few times BUT finally got it!! Made my little brain happy to know what I was doing
Watched 3 different videos, watched this one twice stopping at each step, got it! This might be easier to understand with a sheet that is obviously a different color on the reverse side.
I'm trying to get into housekeeping, this has really helped me! Thank you!
I cannot tell you how many videos I have watched where the lady takes the fitted sheet, and magically turns it from an obscure shape to a perfectly folded rectangle before ending the video with "see? Its that easy!". If you blink, you miss the entire process. I have watched so many, studdied countless times, and every time I have failed miserably.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this video. Today, for the first time in my entire life, I successfully folded a fitted sheet . I did it. I made it here. I folded it, then took it to my boyfriend to show him. He, at first, thought it was a flat sheet folded - the joy that brought me is indescribable.