Great interview as always. Nick & Gabriel both have a true talent in simplifying theory for the masses, kind of the exact opposite of what some western marxists and liberals do in academia and literature by overly complicating language, name-dropping, being presumptuous and dismissive, taking organized extremist positions when they're punching down and mostly silent when they should be punching up, elitist in general, and ultimately alienating most people, including some of their most loyal allies. There are many parallels with celebrity community but not gonna open this can of worms right now. Thanks so much and all support to Red Media and Red Nation for their great work.
@@verdfromage7595 Indeed! Honestly I just hope there's a chance to practice. And I don't mean spending a week in Cuba. It's seeing what Marxism can solve within your own community, seeing that change can naturally separate the good academics and theorists from the bad.
Hot damn, that was a RICH dialogue for just over an hour! Two of my favourite “tankies” discussing Losurdo’s analysis of “Western Marxism,” cutting through all the liberal-fascist BS to undo what the culture industry of faux-Marxist/-“leftist” has done hand-in-hand with the ruling class economics of the past four or five decades, neoliberalism, to destroy the authentic anti-imperialist Left in the West-and Nick and Gabriel bring us back down to ground level, where we all NEED to be gathering, dialoguing and centring a deep and committed solidarity around anti-imperialist struggle. Struggle in the material world, where, to varying degrees, we are all feeling the blows from the imperialist ruling class. We need to get on THIS page, together, and really resist, be engaged in the class war that’s being waged against us.
What does it matter to the worker if they are being exploited by the state or by a private individual? Similarly what does it matter to the worker whether that private individual or state is run by someone with the same skin tone and speaking the same language? It doesn't. The relation to capital and the mode of production stay the same.
State building doesn’t inherently mean labor exploitation because to do the work of delivering services to the public is not based on generating profit. Look at the civil servants who approve passports, driver’s licenses, provide library cards, create street signs, maintain parks, roads, and public schools. And you’ll soon experience what it’s like to not have any of that because of the Trump administration.
@selalewis9189 They all create value. Commodities are part of a production chain. Each piece of labour that goes into the production adds to the value of a commodity. If value is created exploitation is happening Do you think maintaining roads does not create value? Donald Trump's victory is the result of two different factions of bourgeoisie fighting for control. A bourgeois civil war. Which ever side comes out on top will continue to mercilessly oppress and exploit the working class.
32:41 this point of idealization of early communalism is really annoying for me as well. I see it being fetishized so much by anarchists especially, but it doesn't make sense historically. They completely omit the nuance, the difficulties and contradictions that these early communal societies had and that ultimately made them develop tribal alliances and then states. It also doesn't make sense historically because reverting to that model of small self-sufficient communities would be impossible from our point in history where society is built on wide economic cooperation of a completely different magnitude and I'm sure most people don't want to give up the benefits of these economics of scale. Communsits have to think about how to make these economies of scale serve the needs of the public, be fair, accountable to the workers and consumers, efficient in their functioning and sustainable environmentally and economically instead of just dismantling them and leaving potentially billions of people without an economic basis for subsistence.
such an important point, and it directly parallels what the Western Marxists fetishize about the early part of revolutions in USSR, Cuba, China, etc. The aesthetic of impoverished, rugged, struggle is so powerful that it eclipses the less sexy but equally important work of building up productive forces. Rockhill talks about this in more depth in his interview with India Global Left (if you liked this vid, highly recommend that as well)
Such a sanity of words is very refreshing to my worried outlook! I agree that power is not inherently bad, but I do believe that there is a spiritual aspect that is greater, of course it is love, compassion, empathy, generosity. A state that is supported by these values is hard to sustain in the face of ego foolishness, greed, colonialism, and other wasichu behavior. "Our leaders don't realize that the American dream is no longer the big house with the white fence and new car in the drive. The American dream is clean air and pure water and a sustainable economy based on clean technology and renewable energy." -Nicole Horseherder, Dine’
On the other hand, Indigenous teacher, Pat McCabe says that intellectual knowing is the least reliable way of knowing, that Indigenous cultures have many other ways of knowing. In addition, she says that culture is Mother Earth's expression of what it is to be human in a particular place. While I enjoy a good intellectual discussion, I think the way that Western culture has gone wrong is in disconnecting from other more embodied ways of knowing. Each place will need its own way of being, which makes theory a bit superfluous. Maybe it is better to speak of learning from each other's strategies rather than building theories which can easily move into totalizing thinking.
It's been hard holding these positions even inside the so called Communist circles. I've often thought that there needs to be a kind of ideological de-colonialism in dialectical materialism. Unfortunately most Marxists are not educated properly on how the Vulgar Materialists use their ideology to influence science, and even Marx embraced teleological and colonial ideology when developing his theories of Social Evolution and Development. This contradicts historical materialism as economic forces being the primary cause of social change and Marxist critiques of Human Nature. Kondiaronk is just one individual that seems to fly in the face of our biased concepts of progress. Thank you for shedding light on this problem.
32:37 I think the identity politic conversation is not being framed correctly- “Whiteness” was the original identity politics particularly in the New World iteration of imperialism. The racialized capital of the British Empire was in contrast to the hegemonic power of the Catholic Church- where you could be an inquisitor and be Black- you were united under the Church- the construction of Whiteness provided a cohesion to include most of white European Americans. Using the racialized inferiority of enslaved Africans and indigenous populations was and is constitutive of the Pax Americana ( taking over from the Old Colonial powers) The work of Dr Gerald Horne is particularly useful. So one can still apply dialectical historical materialism AND discuss how identity politics has been co- opted by neo cons and neoliberals…
The anti colonial project must be the main focus, but first it is so difficult to be psychologically clear about why and how our minds have been muddied, polluted, contaminated. Western Psychology must have played a negative role in this. Please talk about this also.
First time viewer, this conversation was great. I've got Losurdo's book on Stalin, it's on my reading backlog, will be adding Western Marxism to the list as well. Subscribed and I'll be checking out the Critical Theory Workshop as well.
Jebus H Priste! Wow! So much knowledge dropped. Concepts and ideas I've only started hearing about. Man, I've got so many threads to follow up on. Thank you for this interview! 🙏
Awesome! The Marxist-Leninist theory is incredibly powerful, and M-Ls have created powerful and compelling interpretations of historical episodes and lived colonial and imperial experience, indicating paths forward and means of achieving success. So many emancipatory struggles have been and are parts of greater economic class struggles. Enjoy the work ahead of you following up on those threads.
I like Foucault and Negri. I also am a Marxist-Leninist. I think is value in the arcane tomes of the "postmondernists" they predicted the informational dystopia we now live in. and through the analysis therein, we can find out way through, at the very least in terms of messaging.
I like them too. I think you can use them without supplanting Marxism with them. But I know some people have done that. I just think they’re liberals and liberals gonna liberal.
This conversation was a breath of fresh air. So many issues I've been shouting from the rooftops for a while! At the very least everyone serious about ending capitalism needs to learn dialectical materialism. Once you grasp diamat, everything falls into place: the importance of the workers' state, the dangers of Utopianism, and the realization that what socialism (and eventually communism) will look like depends on the material conditions of each region.
It's awesome to hear someone else of similar perspective remembering growing up in South Dakotas incredibly undense population, I'm just a pale thin blood but had the fortune of a couple close friends whose family moved to town from res, trying to find underground punk and shared world understanding out there. Much blessings and appreciation for your work, will send more support 🌞 Cheers outta Madison back in the day
I think what Gabriel has to say about the perversion of Marxism should also be understood as the perversion of other critical and radical theories- especially decolonial theory and identity politics. They are both deeply misunderstood!!!
I try to pay taxes for the majority of my blood being a tenant in others land. It would be nice if those contributions to the people whose blood the land belongs most to could be more meaningful than what is collected by the holding administration, if they wished to align themselves under the rightful stewards of the land so be it but, at least if I can make some amount of contribution to tribal well being, I just have to hope my contributions wont be wholy used against me but more used to build the better society and make the rights that are needed. I suggest contributions, if we were able to make our rent as substantial it would be a significant thing I try to share this view with other families whose blood is more guest to the land 😇 The issue encountered mostly is how to beat make these tithes, for many families they only know how to make exchanges favorable to the local tribes by way of casino, and it just doesn't seem as centered on well being there but I suppose taking out the gambling aspect, we are all contributing and some people even recover kick back, but most going to trive has proportional styphon from the foreign administrators still aye? How to better connect with my local tribes for trading? Bringing them business? Or even to offer volunteer labor some weekends to help them have more lucrative facilities perhaps?
i think there’s contexts in which it can be (said’s use of frankfurt and french theory, the situationists support for the simba rebellion, etc) but they need to be put into those contexts, because they are not revolutionary on their own
Is he ever going to call out anti-communist charlatans that most American leftists have actually heard of, like Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, and Chris Hedges?
China / Tibet? Han / Uyghur? Perhaps Rockhill grades these on a wildly sharp curve and possibly justifies it as being advantageous to Tibetans and Uyghurs.
The Uyghurs? Do you mean the Turkestan Islamic Party, which has its Headquarters in Idlib, Syria, the country currently being destroyed by them as part of Timber Sycamore?
This is the absurdity of Stalinist "anticolonialism" - regardless of what it claims, it is colonialist in real fact. Or does anyone here dare claim that Stalin's forced sedentarization of the nomadic indigenous herdspeople of Kazakhstan, which killed half of the Kazakh population, was advantageous to them? Stalin completed the Tsarist colonization of Siberia and the steppe! These are features, not bugs of "socialism in one country"! Snap out of it, people!
Eastern Ukraine was a land of Eurasian semi-nomadic people called the Cossacks, this is the ancestors of Eastern Ukrainians of the region - the land was literally imperialized and colonized by Russians during the time of Catherine the Great who deported most Cossacks to Kuban. It's OK to say Russians belong in the Donbas but to remove the Indigeneity of Ukrainians from the region is western neo-colonialism at best
You should ask chris cutrone to come on for an episode he would be good for a counter point to gabrial's claims about so called western marxism, and Im sure would be interesting non stalinist perspective on marxism
Chavez was influenced by Antonio Negri I believe. It's been some time since I've really studied Negri, I know he talks about constituent power. Negri was actually a legal scholar, I think (how he started out in academia anyway). I think around the same time that Venezuela made a new Constitution Bolivia did as well. Evo Morales is of course Aymara.
I recommend you the work of Mirsaid Sultan Galiev, who even in 1920's explicitly said that even if the proleteriat came to power in the west, colonialism and imperialism would continue. For the western proleteriat too benefits from colonialism and imperialism, albeit to a much lesser extent than the capitalist class. After all it is also a part of the capitalist system. Another thinker who takes exactly this same view is Ali Shariati. Later social scientist developed core-periphery theories to systemise these ideas. And these ideas have been corroborated by all events ever since. For example Labour governments in UK starting with Attlee have been only slightly less imperialistic than their conservative rivals. The same goes for Democrats of US etc.
Neither the Labour Party nor the Democratic Party are worker / proletariat parties. Nor have they been for decades, if they have ever been. Since the lurch to the right by both of these Parties during the 1990s their capture by the neoliberal capitalist oligarchy has been clear. Their “worker” representation since that time has been at best merely performative. It’s doubtful the Democratic Party in the U.S. has even been a working class, anti-capitalist party; their best representation of the working class could be characterized as “trade-unionist” which is a form of economic compromise with capital and capitalists, not a true state of working class rule, the situation you hypothetically proposed in your comment. A western working class, proletarian government would not be a compromise state with the capitalists. It would now more than ever in the advanced degeneracy of western fascistic capitalism need to be socialist in toto, or the remnant colonialist and imperialist characteristics of its capitalists would dominate foreign policy as you rightly point out. This is why socialist states historically tend to be … uncompromising… with their former capitalist elements … the tendency of the capitalist characteristics to utterly dominate domestic and foreign affairs once they are compromised with in any way makes them bad family members, and bad neighbors. Try going to the channel “SocialismForAll” here on UA-cam where you’ll find he reads many many texts that discuss the issues I’ve alluded to here. Some of Lenin’s works of the time around the 1910s discuss the problem of compromising with capitalists by halting the process of social change at mere reform and trade unionism. At the time they called this type of thinking “Economism” … that merely turning the working clsss into the ruling state capitalists by increasing their share of the capitalist benefits and Lenin pointed out the problems with this way of thinking … it leaves the nationalism, colonialism and imperialism problems unaddressed and unresolved. Our current Labour and Democratic Parties … all non Marist-Leninist parties in the west … are mere working class “economist” parties that reach a compromise with the capitalists and will not resolve the problems of capitalism either at home or abroad. SocialismForAll. Great channel. So many texts to listen to and the host’s intelligent “footnote” commentary is excellent … a product of over twenty years of working in the trenches doing the organizing and doing all the theoretical reading too.
Indeed the western Marxists, including Marx himself and his contemporaries, were generally aloof and divorced to colonialism. This is necessarily so as the western Marxist thinkers were no less the product of the very same axioms, axiology and the sociology and epistemological principles of knowledge and scholarship. This western axiological paradigm is innate and intuitive and inherent to both the genetic and cultural conditioning determined by the geographical and natural conditions of life under which the European emerged onto the world stage. What is so paradoxical and vexing is how even the natives and or the colonized themselves get so fanatically captured and embroiled by this distinctly European epi-genetic and cultural axiological mutated world view that has no relation with their organic natural history, norms and beliefs. These types are, sometimes, more ogre fundamentalist than original purveyors of the creed.
@@jero4059 China is hyper-capitalist which it why it is touted as the model for the world by Larry Fink (BlackRock), Stephen Schwartzman (Blackstone), Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. If China was genuinely anti-imperialist would these men praise them?
Love this analysis of the labor aristocracy in the imperial core. I wasn't able to articulate that feeling before but there it is. its hard because no one else dares describe it without risking describing their apathetic selves. Me included. I think its good someone is upholding the gravity of solidarity and not letting us have our cakes and eat them too.
We really need to remove the name of "Marxism". This gives the movement a european focused lens, with a lot of terrible mistakes in theory based on Marx's own imperialist colored lens. The only accurate names for the movements and theory should be Communism and Socialism. You could follow the theory of Lenin, or of Mao, but never of Marx alone. It's too flawed on its own.
As much as i find a certain reflexive "anti-statism" unproductive too, without a fundamental shift in in the way approaching such concepts. Any merre "how can we organize a mass consumer society with more equal distribution" would of course not be worse but to me not that much better in principal. Living here in Germany and having seen it in its last days at least and considering the type of people it produced i can say there was nothing desirable about the DDR / GDR, just another version of Germans being awful people. And Chinese cities are as much concrete cancer lumps as American cities. Being locally organized and somewhat sustainible is probably the most important thing when the globalized economy finally collapses
Liked the interview but Rockhill is very apt to explain a phenomenon in a very 'professorial' way laced with too many polysyllabic terms, making access to the content (which is not hard to get) not that easy. I listened to him on other platforms too, like his 'knowledge production' in my case, but if he explains in a more 'chomsky-ian' style, it would be very helpful. Thanks for the great interview though!
I think you need to state clearly what your position is? Are you for the return of all Native land to the Natives? Are you for Natives governing all of Turtle Island? You seam to support European mind sets and governing styles. Where exactly do you stand?
I think that the comments made about being wary of the label of “Indigenous” and how it’s used by far-right politicians, fascists in Ukraine and the genocidaires of the State of Israel would imply that it’s not a substantial enough position to say “all Native land to the Natives” since “Natives” are not a homogenous group. The criticism of identitarianism perhaps would support this as well. Also, personally, I don’t think it’s necessarily true that it *must* be stated clearly one’s position. It would seem Losurdo might agree in the sense of how the book doesn’t necessarily expand on a detailed programme, as was stated in the video. From what I got out of the video, a useful position to take could possibly be one of curiosity rather than assimilative assertions of the absolute.
this is an awkward post of yours, given all the information put out in this video and on this channel. sloganeering is important, but people who are busy shouldn't have to continually repeat themselves every time someone happens upon their bodies of work.
@@xa1531 fascists in ukraine? wtf are you talking about.. whether leftists or fascists, ukrainians are natives of ukraine and imperialism and colonialism led to russian settlement in ukraine literally after the time of catherine the great - so I'm not sure what your talking about
Marx was obviously a complicated figure, I am not disputing that and I think there's much he can teach us but I take issue w/ "Marxism" for a number of reasons. One of them is that are many figures who can teach us, why does this particular guy demand our special revelry? I mean, why not have De Boisism, or Chomskyism? Personally, I think there's more to learn from Robert Fisk than Karl Marx, not that I'm knocking him. Thoughts?
@@NaderNabilart I see. Well, in his book the Great War for Civilization: A History of the Middle East, he points out that history isn't just simply the past but that it's a trajectory and projects itself into the future. I didn't really know it till recently, even though I had read Fisk in the past but he's very influential w/ various resistance organizations in the Middle East.
Marxism has little to do with marx as a person other than the fact that he is the one who synthesized it correctly, and did excellent work utilizing it. Being the most important figure, it was named after him. Marxism, simply, is a method utilized to find the objective truth. Your mistake is viewing marxism as an ideology, and assuming that all ideologies (of which you posit marxism as one) are equally valid. This is incorrect. To say "marxist reality" is a tautology, because marxism is the only valid method for understanding the world. It is based on and constantly adapts to Science.
@@erick.liebler6470 You didn't know that history is not just about the past but that it projects into the future? It is not Robert Fisk's theory (and I adore Fisk), it has been around since before Marx even.
Anti colonialism is generally wrong and not Marxist, and not materialist. The same can be said for colonialism. The average proletarian in most of the world would prefer to be a colonial subject if those were the only 2 choices. But the point of Marxism is a 3rd choice
What in the world do you mean? Do you support the pro-colonial counterrevolutionaries on the right wing of the 2nd International? Do you support Labor Zionism, or the old anti-Aboriginal whites only labor movement in Australia? Colonialism is absolutely incompatible with proletarian revolution.
Great interview as always. Nick & Gabriel both have a true talent in simplifying theory for the masses, kind of the exact opposite of what some western marxists and liberals do in academia and literature by overly complicating language, name-dropping, being presumptuous and dismissive, taking organized extremist positions when they're punching down and mostly silent when they should be punching up, elitist in general, and ultimately alienating most people, including some of their most loyal allies.
There are many parallels with celebrity community but not gonna open this can of worms right now.
Thanks so much and all support to Red Media and Red Nation for their great work.
And on top, know little about economics, which is kind of the point of Marxism.
@@verdfromage7595 Indeed! Honestly I just hope there's a chance to practice. And I don't mean spending a week in Cuba. It's seeing what Marxism can solve within your own community, seeing that change can naturally separate the good academics and theorists from the bad.
@@verdfromage7595Look for god then. As you obviously are looking for an all-knowing entity to solve ALL your problems all AT ONCE. Jesus!!!
I love Gabriel Rockhill. Anytime I want to learn I type his name in the search bar and I know I'm in good hands. Critically, of course.
I love what you said Dr. Nick, "There's only so many books you can read. Theory comes from struggle." thanks for that!!!
It's such a basic, obvious thing. What about it was so empowering ?
@@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 Sometimes just a reminder is enough to be empowerment... Why be so patronising, oh, you enlightened-struggling one?
Struggle, study, organize, struggle, repeat. That's the only way we're gonna get anywhere.
Appreciating this conversation so much.
Great conversation. Connected a lot of dots for me. Thank you both
Great Conversation Nick and Gabriel ‼️
Great conversation. Thank you.
Thank you both for this vital conversation - as always ❤🔥
Hot damn, that was a RICH dialogue for just over an hour! Two of my favourite “tankies” discussing Losurdo’s analysis of “Western Marxism,” cutting through all the liberal-fascist BS to undo what the culture industry of faux-Marxist/-“leftist” has done hand-in-hand with the ruling class economics of the past four or five decades, neoliberalism, to destroy the authentic anti-imperialist Left in the West-and Nick and Gabriel bring us back down to ground level, where we all NEED to be gathering, dialoguing and centring a deep and committed solidarity around anti-imperialist struggle. Struggle in the material world, where, to varying degrees, we are all feeling the blows from the imperialist ruling class. We need to get on THIS page, together, and really resist, be engaged in the class war that’s being waged against us.
What does it matter to the worker if they are being exploited by the state or by a private individual? Similarly what does it matter to the worker whether that private individual or state is run by someone with the same skin tone and speaking the same language? It doesn't. The relation to capital and the mode of production stay the same.
State building doesn’t inherently mean labor exploitation because to do the work of delivering services to the public is not based on generating profit. Look at the civil servants who approve passports, driver’s licenses, provide library cards, create street signs, maintain parks, roads, and public schools. And you’ll soon experience what it’s like to not have any of that because of the Trump administration.
@selalewis9189 They all create value. Commodities are part of a production chain. Each piece of labour that goes into the production adds to the value of a commodity. If value is created exploitation is happening Do you think maintaining roads does not create value?
Donald Trump's victory is the result of two different factions of bourgeoisie fighting for control. A bourgeois civil war. Which ever side comes out on top will continue to mercilessly oppress and exploit the working class.
Especially appreciated the professor being laid back enough to do the interview in his pajamas.
Great conversation
This conversation is what I like to think I'd sound like if I could form my thoughts coherently. Thank you!
A great conversation! Thank you!!
32:41 this point of idealization of early communalism is really annoying for me as well. I see it being fetishized so much by anarchists especially, but it doesn't make sense historically. They completely omit the nuance, the difficulties and contradictions that these early communal societies had and that ultimately made them develop tribal alliances and then states. It also doesn't make sense historically because reverting to that model of small self-sufficient communities would be impossible from our point in history where society is built on wide economic cooperation of a completely different magnitude and I'm sure most people don't want to give up the benefits of these economics of scale. Communsits have to think about how to make these economies of scale serve the needs of the public, be fair, accountable to the workers and consumers, efficient in their functioning and sustainable environmentally and economically instead of just dismantling them and leaving potentially billions of people without an economic basis for subsistence.
a reasonable observation
such an important point, and it directly parallels what the Western Marxists fetishize about the early part of revolutions in USSR, Cuba, China, etc. The aesthetic of impoverished, rugged, struggle is so powerful that it eclipses the less sexy but equally important work of building up productive forces. Rockhill talks about this in more depth in his interview with India Global Left (if you liked this vid, highly recommend that as well)
Loved this so much, thanks nick! So happy to find and follow this account.
Such a sanity of words is very refreshing to my worried outlook! I agree that power is not inherently bad, but I do believe that there is a spiritual aspect that is greater, of course it is love, compassion, empathy, generosity. A state that is supported by these values is hard to sustain in the face of ego foolishness, greed, colonialism, and other wasichu behavior.
"Our leaders don't realize that the American dream is no longer the big house with the white fence and new car in the drive. The American dream is clean air and pure water and a sustainable economy based on clean technology and renewable energy." -Nicole Horseherder, Dine’
Okay, then why believe in better virtues at all if you think we’re only built to govern on our worst impulses?
@selalewis9189 That is a choice, not an requirement.
On the other hand, Indigenous teacher, Pat McCabe says that intellectual knowing is the least reliable way of knowing, that Indigenous cultures have many other ways of knowing. In addition, she says that culture is Mother Earth's expression of what it is to be human in a particular place. While I enjoy a good intellectual discussion, I think the way that Western culture has gone wrong is in disconnecting from other more embodied ways of knowing. Each place will need its own way of being, which makes theory a bit superfluous. Maybe it is better to speak of learning from each other's strategies rather than building theories which can easily move into totalizing thinking.
intellectual teaching was born of those other ways of knowing.
Great wisdom. Thank you for this! I needed to read it out loud.
Red Nation , Having professor Syed Mohammad Marandi on the show would be a fantastic conversation.
Great conversation.
It's been hard holding these positions even inside the so called Communist circles. I've often thought that there needs to be a kind of ideological de-colonialism in dialectical materialism. Unfortunately most Marxists are not educated properly on how the Vulgar Materialists use their ideology to influence science, and even Marx embraced teleological and colonial ideology when developing his theories of Social Evolution and Development. This contradicts historical materialism as economic forces being the primary cause of social change and Marxist critiques of Human Nature. Kondiaronk is just one individual that seems to fly in the face of our biased concepts of progress.
Thank you for shedding light on this problem.
Excellent discussion, thank you.
This was GREAT.
32:37 I think the identity politic conversation is not being framed correctly- “Whiteness” was the original identity politics particularly in the New World iteration of imperialism. The racialized capital of the British Empire was in contrast to the hegemonic power of the Catholic Church- where you could be an inquisitor and be Black- you were united under the Church- the construction of Whiteness provided a cohesion to include most of white European Americans. Using the racialized inferiority of enslaved Africans and indigenous populations was and is constitutive of the Pax Americana ( taking over from the Old Colonial powers)
The work of Dr Gerald Horne is particularly useful. So one can still apply dialectical historical materialism AND discuss how identity politics has been co- opted by neo cons and neoliberals…
The anti colonial project must be the main focus, but first it is so difficult to be psychologically clear about why and how our minds have been muddied, polluted, contaminated. Western Psychology must have played a negative role in this. Please talk about this also.
Oh snap this has opened my eyes
Vast appreciation for this conversation and the work you all do in this world.
First time viewer, this conversation was great. I've got Losurdo's book on Stalin, it's on my reading backlog, will be adding Western Marxism to the list as well. Subscribed and I'll be checking out the Critical Theory Workshop as well.
Jebus H Priste! Wow! So much knowledge dropped. Concepts and ideas I've only started hearing about. Man, I've got so many threads to follow up on. Thank you for this interview! 🙏
Awesome! The Marxist-Leninist theory is incredibly powerful, and M-Ls have created powerful and compelling interpretations of historical episodes and lived colonial and imperial experience, indicating paths forward and means of achieving success. So many emancipatory struggles have been and are parts of greater economic class struggles. Enjoy the work ahead of you following up on those threads.
I like Foucault and Negri. I also am a Marxist-Leninist. I think is value in the arcane tomes of the "postmondernists"
they predicted the informational dystopia we now live in. and through the analysis therein, we can find out way through, at the very least in terms of messaging.
Gramsci predicted the self perpetuating capitalist distortion of cultutre. He was a Marxist. He wrote before Foucalt. He also wasn't a pedophile.
I like them too. I think you can use them without supplanting Marxism with them. But I know some people have done that. I just think they’re liberals and liberals gonna liberal.
💝❤️💖💗🦋🌹 Enrique Dussel, Juan José Bautista, Katya Colmenares, Ramón Grosfoguel, Franz Hinkelammert, interesting bibliography also.
This conversation was a breath of fresh air. So many issues I've been shouting from the rooftops for a while! At the very least everyone serious about ending capitalism needs to learn dialectical materialism. Once you grasp diamat, everything falls into place: the importance of the workers' state, the dangers of Utopianism, and the realization that what socialism (and eventually communism) will look like depends on the material conditions of each region.
It's awesome to hear someone else of similar perspective remembering growing up in South Dakotas incredibly undense population, I'm just a pale thin blood but had the fortune of a couple close friends whose family moved to town from res, trying to find underground punk and shared world understanding out there. Much blessings and appreciation for your work, will send more support 🌞
Cheers outta Madison back in the day
I think what Gabriel has to say about the perversion of Marxism should also be understood as the perversion of other critical and radical theories- especially decolonial theory and identity politics. They are both deeply misunderstood!!!
@Nick could you share a citation for the origin of settler-colonialism as a framework in Palestinian discourse ? thanks for putting that on my radar !
great interview. is Gabriel wearing silk pajamas?
This discussion is about Western Marxism. Mao was absolutely not Western as he was Chinese.
Wrong mao is from Jacksonville Florida
Long Live Restoule v. Canada Decision Indigenous Rights Victory 2024
What would an Indigenous State look like within the US? What would be needed?
why within? the usa shouldn't be allowed to exist. It should be dismantled and all Indigenous governance returned to each Indigenous nation
I try to pay taxes for the majority of my blood being a tenant in others land. It would be nice if those contributions to the people whose blood the land belongs most to could be more meaningful than what is collected by the holding administration, if they wished to align themselves under the rightful stewards of the land so be it but, at least if I can make some amount of contribution to tribal well being, I just have to hope my contributions wont be wholy used against me but more used to build the better society and make the rights that are needed.
I suggest contributions, if we were able to make our rent as substantial it would be a significant thing
I try to share this view with other families whose blood is more guest to the land 😇
The issue encountered mostly is how to beat make these tithes, for many families they only know how to make exchanges favorable to the local tribes by way of casino, and it just doesn't seem as centered on well being there but I suppose taking out the gambling aspect, we are all contributing and some people even recover kick back, but most going to trive has proportional styphon from the foreign administrators still aye?
How to better connect with my local tribes for trading? Bringing them business? Or even to offer volunteer labor some weekends to help them have more lucrative facilities perhaps?
I live in Saclan Miwok land now
Can you get Profs Michael Hudson and Richard Wolf on here?
Would rather hear this on a panel where there's pushback on some of these ideas.
i think there’s contexts in which it can be (said’s use of frankfurt and french theory, the situationists support for the simba rebellion, etc) but they need to be put into those contexts, because they are not revolutionary on their own
Content like this is why I'm a member. Thanks, this was inspiring.
I'd have to read this book before I can say anything. Are you familiar with Sandy Grande's Red Pedagogy? Really good read.
Great conversation 23:00 Walter Rodney is key to understanding state power from a post colonial perspective, and black leftism
Is he ever going to call out anti-communist charlatans that most American leftists have actually heard of, like Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, and Chris Hedges?
They're anti western communists just like losurdo
China / Tibet? Han / Uyghur? Perhaps Rockhill grades these on a wildly sharp curve and possibly justifies it as being advantageous to Tibetans and Uyghurs.
The Uyghurs? Do you mean the Turkestan Islamic Party, which has its Headquarters in Idlib, Syria, the country currently being destroyed by them as part of Timber Sycamore?
This is the absurdity of Stalinist "anticolonialism" - regardless of what it claims, it is colonialist in real fact. Or does anyone here dare claim that Stalin's forced sedentarization of the nomadic indigenous herdspeople of Kazakhstan, which killed half of the Kazakh population, was advantageous to them? Stalin completed the Tsarist colonization of Siberia and the steppe! These are features, not bugs of "socialism in one country"! Snap out of it, people!
Great talk! Now for some praxis.
Eastern Ukraine was a land of Eurasian semi-nomadic people called the Cossacks, this is the ancestors of Eastern Ukrainians of the region - the land was literally imperialized and colonized by Russians during the time of Catherine the Great who deported most Cossacks to Kuban. It's OK to say Russians belong in the Donbas but to remove the Indigeneity of Ukrainians from the region is western neo-colonialism at best
You should ask chris cutrone to come on for an episode he would be good for a counter point to gabrial's claims about so called western marxism, and Im sure would be interesting non stalinist perspective on marxism
Western Marxism is not left-wing enough for him.
Industrialism is the problem, doesn't matter who runs it, left or right, it's about extending power and control over people.
Chavez was influenced by Antonio Negri I believe. It's been some time since I've really studied Negri, I know he talks about constituent power. Negri was actually a legal scholar, I think (how he started out in academia anyway). I think around the same time that Venezuela made a new Constitution Bolivia did as well. Evo Morales is of course Aymara.
I can’t argue at all, except to note that mine is.
Limited Hangout drivel
Wow, what an impressive conversation
I recommend you the work of Mirsaid Sultan Galiev, who even in 1920's explicitly said that even if the proleteriat came to power in the west, colonialism and imperialism would continue. For the western proleteriat too benefits from colonialism and imperialism, albeit to a much lesser extent than the capitalist class. After all it is also a part of the capitalist system. Another thinker who takes exactly this same view is Ali Shariati. Later social scientist developed core-periphery theories to systemise these ideas. And these ideas have been corroborated by all events ever since. For example Labour governments in UK starting with Attlee have been only slightly less imperialistic than their conservative rivals. The same goes for Democrats of US etc.
Neither the Labour Party nor the Democratic Party are worker / proletariat parties. Nor have they been for decades, if they have ever been. Since the lurch to the right by both of these Parties during the 1990s their capture by the neoliberal capitalist oligarchy has been clear. Their “worker” representation since that time has been at best merely performative. It’s doubtful the Democratic Party in the U.S. has even been a working class, anti-capitalist party; their best representation of the working class could be characterized as “trade-unionist” which is a form of economic compromise with capital and capitalists, not a true state of working class rule, the situation you hypothetically proposed in your comment. A western working class, proletarian government would not be a compromise state with the capitalists. It would now more than ever in the advanced degeneracy of western fascistic capitalism need to be socialist in toto, or the remnant colonialist and imperialist characteristics of its capitalists would dominate foreign policy as you rightly point out. This is why socialist states historically tend to be … uncompromising… with their former capitalist elements … the tendency of the capitalist characteristics to utterly dominate domestic and foreign affairs once they are compromised with in any way makes them bad family members, and bad neighbors.
Try going to the channel “SocialismForAll” here on UA-cam where you’ll find he reads many many texts that discuss the issues I’ve alluded to here. Some of Lenin’s works of the time around the 1910s discuss the problem of compromising with capitalists by halting the process of social change at mere reform and trade unionism. At the time they called this type of thinking “Economism” … that merely turning the working clsss into the ruling state capitalists by increasing their share of the capitalist benefits and Lenin pointed out the problems with this way of thinking … it leaves the nationalism, colonialism and imperialism problems unaddressed and unresolved. Our current Labour and Democratic Parties … all non Marist-Leninist parties in the west … are mere working class “economist” parties that reach a compromise with the capitalists and will not resolve the problems of capitalism either at home or abroad.
SocialismForAll. Great channel. So many texts to listen to and the host’s intelligent “footnote” commentary is excellent … a product of over twenty years of working in the trenches doing the organizing and doing all the theoretical reading too.
Sultan-Galiev was a nationalist right-deviationist.
Indeed the western Marxists, including Marx himself and his contemporaries, were generally aloof and divorced to colonialism. This is necessarily so as the western Marxist thinkers were no less the product of the very same axioms, axiology and the sociology and epistemological principles of knowledge and scholarship. This western axiological paradigm is innate and intuitive and inherent to both the genetic and cultural conditioning determined by the geographical and natural conditions of life under which the European emerged onto the world stage. What is so paradoxical and vexing is how even the natives and or the colonized themselves get so fanatically captured and embroiled by this distinctly European epi-genetic and cultural axiological mutated world view that has no relation with their organic natural history, norms and beliefs. These types are, sometimes, more ogre fundamentalist than original purveyors of the creed.
To simplify, watch the 1954 movie that was banned in the United States. Salt of the Earth.
Ask Villanova what happens between Gabriel and his female students during his summer workshops
Where is this written up?
Have y'all read Settlers by Sakai?
We support the idea of a red media system. Let us join!
Chinese Capitalism is not Anti-Imperialism Gabriel.
Chinese anti-imperialism is not capitalist.
@@jero4059 China is hyper-capitalist which it why it is touted as the model for the world by Larry Fink (BlackRock), Stephen Schwartzman (Blackstone), Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
If China was genuinely anti-imperialist would these men praise them?
Love this analysis of the labor aristocracy in the imperial core. I wasn't able to articulate that feeling before but there it is. its hard because no one else dares describe it without risking describing their apathetic selves. Me included. I think its good someone is upholding the gravity of solidarity and not letting us have our cakes and eat them too.
Thanks for talking about Hannah Arendt!
okay so lots of emotional language to just say i believe in third world-ism. Un-interesting and dumb
Have you come around to studying any of Ludwig Von Mises work? I think he doesn't get mentioned nearly enough as he should by modern thinkers.
Russian empire was wild wild east before USA.
nope.. it didn't exterminate indigenous people and it didn't enslave them either. Analogy is false.
Western Marxism? I don't understand why the qualifier before Marxism, though. I woulid watch but ... well, I'll try.
Millennial pause
came here hoping for some good arguments only to see someone simplify everything going on with palestinian resistance to whatever that was. jfc
Rockhill is a apologist for Chinese expansion.
We really need to remove the name of "Marxism". This gives the movement a european focused lens, with a lot of terrible mistakes in theory based on Marx's own imperialist colored lens. The only accurate names for the movements and theory should be Communism and Socialism. You could follow the theory of Lenin, or of Mao, but never of Marx alone. It's too flawed on its own.
Equally so, anticolonialism by itself is neither Marxist nor leftist
Like giving them arrows with no point
Ask Gabriel Rockhill to do an interview with Alex Mckay of the CPGB-ML.
As much as i find a certain reflexive "anti-statism" unproductive too, without a fundamental shift in in the way approaching such concepts. Any merre "how can we organize a mass consumer society with more equal distribution" would of course not be worse but to me not that much better in principal. Living here in Germany and having seen it in its last days at least and considering the type of people it produced i can say there was nothing desirable about the DDR / GDR, just another version of Germans being awful people. And Chinese cities are as much concrete cancer lumps as American cities.
Being locally organized and somewhat sustainible is probably the most important thing when the globalized economy finally collapses
What? Cancer is socialism's fault?
Liked the interview but Rockhill is very apt to explain a phenomenon in a very 'professorial' way laced with too many polysyllabic terms, making access to the content (which is not hard to get) not that easy. I listened to him on other platforms too, like his 'knowledge production' in my case, but if he explains in a more 'chomsky-ian' style, it would be very helpful. Thanks for the great interview though!
I think you need to state clearly what your position is? Are you for the return of all Native land to the Natives?
Are you for Natives governing all of Turtle Island? You seam to support European mind sets and governing styles. Where exactly do you stand?
What's your position? Expel all non natives?
I think that the comments made about being wary of the label of “Indigenous” and how it’s used by far-right politicians, fascists in Ukraine and the genocidaires of the State of Israel would imply that it’s not a substantial enough position to say “all Native land to the Natives” since “Natives” are not a homogenous group. The criticism of identitarianism perhaps would support this as well. Also, personally, I don’t think it’s necessarily true that it *must* be stated clearly one’s position. It would seem Losurdo might agree in the sense of how the book doesn’t necessarily expand on a detailed programme, as was stated in the video. From what I got out of the video, a useful position to take could possibly be one of curiosity rather than assimilative assertions of the absolute.
this is an awkward post of yours, given all the information put out in this video and on this channel.
sloganeering is important, but people who are busy shouldn't have to continually repeat themselves every time someone happens upon their bodies of work.
@@xa1531 fascists in ukraine? wtf are you talking about.. whether leftists or fascists, ukrainians are natives of ukraine and imperialism and colonialism led to russian settlement in ukraine literally after the time of catherine the great - so I'm not sure what your talking about
@@joaokowalski9736 - Fascists in Ukraine, that's what he's talking about. I'm sorry if you are just beginning to learn about fascists in Ukraine.
why would you read chomsky ffs eww
Chomsky's pro-imperialist positions are very similar to the pro-imperialist positions articulated by people like Rockhill and Estes.
It would be wise to completely de-register as a voter.
I think a decent rule of thumb is "western" _anything_ is pretty bad.
Marx was obviously a complicated figure, I am not disputing that and I think there's much he can teach us but I take issue w/ "Marxism" for a number of reasons. One of them is that are many figures who can teach us, why does this particular guy demand our special revelry? I mean, why not have De Boisism, or Chomskyism? Personally, I think there's more to learn from Robert Fisk than Karl Marx, not that I'm knocking him. Thoughts?
tell me you live in the imperial core without telling me you live in the imperial core
Did Robert Fisk drop a new theory we don't know about? Why would he have a theory named after him?
@@NaderNabilart I see. Well, in his book the Great War for Civilization: A History of the Middle East, he points out that history isn't just simply the past but that it's a trajectory and projects itself into the future. I didn't really know it till recently, even though I had read Fisk in the past but he's very influential w/ various resistance organizations in the Middle East.
Marxism has little to do with marx as a person other than the fact that he is the one who synthesized it correctly, and did excellent work utilizing it. Being the most important figure, it was named after him.
Marxism, simply, is a method utilized to find the objective truth.
Your mistake is viewing marxism as an ideology, and assuming that all ideologies (of which you posit marxism as one) are equally valid. This is incorrect.
To say "marxist reality" is a tautology, because marxism is the only valid method for understanding the world. It is based on and constantly adapts to Science.
@@erick.liebler6470 You didn't know that history is not just about the past but that it projects into the future? It is not Robert Fisk's theory (and I adore Fisk), it has been around since before Marx even.
Anti colonialism is generally wrong and not Marxist, and not materialist. The same can be said for colonialism. The average proletarian in most of the world would prefer to be a colonial subject if those were the only 2 choices. But the point of Marxism is a 3rd choice
What in the world do you mean? Do you support the pro-colonial counterrevolutionaries on the right wing of the 2nd International? Do you support Labor Zionism, or the old anti-Aboriginal whites only labor movement in Australia? Colonialism is absolutely incompatible with proletarian revolution.