BORIS GODUNOV - Nesterenko, Arkhipova - Bolshoi, 1978, English subtitles, Годунов, Большой

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • This epic opera based on Pushkin's play is notoriously difficult to stage in the West. Powerful music is inseparable from as powerful classic Russian, language carrying the same load as notes. This version from Bolshoi may be the best forging of the two existing on video, and Godunov of Nesterenko is one of the starkest 'Pushkin magnitude' interpretations of the role. Timing below.
    Boris Godunov - EVGENY NESTERENKO
    Grigory Otrepyev (False Dimitrii) - VLADISLAV PIAVKO
    Marina Mnishek - IRINA ARKHIPOVA
    Prince Shuiskii - ANDREY SOKOLOV
    Innkeeper - LARISA NIKITINA
    Tsarevich Fyodor - GLAFIRA KOROLEVA
    Tsarevna Xenia - GALINA KALININA
    Father Varlaam - ARTUR EIZEN
    Music: Modest Mussorgsky
    Conductor -BORIS HAIKIN
    Director - LEONID BARATOV
    15:05 - The Coronation Scene (Red Square; Godunov, boyars, chorus - Сцена коронации)
    19:22 - My soul is sad... (Monologue of Godunov- Скорбит душа...)
    24:21 - One more, the final record, and my annals are ended... (Chudov Monastery; Pimen, Grigory - Еще одно, последнее сказанье)
    40:27 - The Inn Scene (Lithuanian Border; the Innkeeper, Grigory, Varlaam - Cцена в корчме)
    1:01:11 - The Scene in the Tsar's Palaces (Godunov, Fyodor, Xenia, the Nurse, Shuiskii - Сцена в царских палатах)
    1:11:33 - I have achieved supreme power... (Monologue of Godunov - Достиг я высшей власти...)
    1:30:34 - The Polish Scene (Castle of Voevoda Mniszech; Grigory, Marina, chorus - Польские картины)
    1:49:26 - The Holy Fool Scene (Square before a Cathedral in Moscow; Godunov, The Holy Fool, chorus - Сцена c Юродивым)
    1:59:19 - The Scene in the Forest (Varlaam, Misail, Grigory, chorus - Сцена в лесу)
    2:16:37 - The Death of Tsar Boris (The Cremlin; Godunov, Shuiskii, Fiodor, chorus - Смерть Царя Бориса)
    2:30:58 - Farewell, my son, I am dying... (The final monologue of Godunov - Прощай, мой сын, умираю я...)


  • @tamara6169
    @tamara6169 5 місяців тому +4

    Je suis à Moscou dans mon salon et sur grand écran je suis en admiration devant les chanteurs ❤️🇷🇺❤️🇷🇺❤️ et les costumes grandioses !!!! Décors👍💕⚜️💕⚜️🇷🇺 💕 fabuleux merci pour cette merveilleuse soirée ❤️

  • @enricorossi4909
    @enricorossi4909 4 роки тому +10

    Divina...cos'altro dire?! Le prime due scene sono da brividi, solo l'Holländer wagneriano riesce a farmi provare le stesse sensazioni. La scena, i costumi, Nesterenko, i cori , l'orchestra e la direzione, il cast, tutto forse eguagliabile ma non superabile. Quand'anche avesse composto solo il Godunov Mussorgsky sarebbe entrato nell'Olimpo dei compositori ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @walterbenjamin1386
    @walterbenjamin1386 11 місяців тому +9

    The scene with Arkhipova and Piavko (her real life husband) is unforgettable. Archetypal great Russian/Soviet singers. Breathtaking!

  • @evsztratiszsanliurfa6543
    @evsztratiszsanliurfa6543 4 роки тому +30

    I have seen and listened to Boris many times. Once in the MET but it was not the real thing. Then I listened to a performance with the conducting of Abbado... it sounded like an Italian opera, in spite of the main roles were sung by Russion singers. Then with the Kiiv Opera. But the most formidable performance was in Budapest with Nesternko. I was sobbing at the coronation scene. Yes, at the coronation scene and not when Boris dies, because Nesterenko performed it in a way that we could forseen the events to come to him. This was one of my greatest opera experience.

    • @thomastereszkiewicz2241
      @thomastereszkiewicz2241 4 роки тому +2

      I saw it at the Met in 1975 quite riveting, I remember the main actor Boris, forgot who was playing it, crashing down a set of stairs, audience gasped, was this an accident or stagecraft?

  • @hat3th1sw0rld7
    @hat3th1sw0rld7 2 роки тому +25

    2:54 пролог л/м пристава
    3:29 На кого ты нас
    5:00 Митюх, а Митюх
    14:20 вступление к 2 картине пролога
    16:18 хор Слава
    19:25 1й монолог Бориса
    24:30 1 д 1 к.сцена и монолог Пимена
    38:15 ариозо Гришки
    45:15 1 д.2 к. Песня Варлаама
    52:00 сцена с приставами
    1:12:20 2 д.2й монолог Бориса
    1:18:30 сцена Бориса и Шуйского
    1:27:00 сцена бреда
    3 д.2 к. 1:45:24 сцена Гришки и Марины
    4 д.1 картина
    1:53:10 песня Юродивого
    1:55:00 хор Хлеба
    2:19:54 сцена бояр и Шуйского
    2:31:00 3й монолог Бориса
    2:01:30 4 д.3 к.хор Не сокол
    2:05:35 хор Расходилась
    2:14:10 песня Юродивого Лейтесь

    • @ludimagister-2005
      @ludimagister-2005 Рік тому +1


    • @armandssurins3364
      @armandssurins3364 Рік тому +1

      1:13 muzika:
      1:13 orkestrovoe vstuplenie k opere: 1:13 1.tema, 2:08 2.tema (leitmotiv pristava), 2:08 1 картина пролога (nachalo scenicheskogo deistvia),
      2:54 leitmotiv pristava v orkestre, 3:28 hor "На кого ты нас pokidaesh ? ",
      5:00 horovoi rechitativ "Митюх, а Митюх ! ", 5:53 vozvrashchenie i gnev pristavov, 6:05 leitmotiv pristava, 6:43 prikaz pristava narodu orat' za Borisa,
      6:52 repriza hora "На кого ты нас ? " (v orkestre postoianno leitmotiv pristava),
      14:13 вступление к 2 картине пролога (kolokol'nii zvon) -> scena koronacii,
      15:55 repliki kniazia Šuiskogo : "Da zdravstvuet car'... ! " i 16:11 "Slav'te ! ",
      16:15 хор "Слава" ("Uzh kak na nebe solncu krasnomu slava, slava ! " ) ,
      19:18 ( 19:22 ) 1й монолог Бориса "Skorbit dusha... Kakoi to strah nevol'nii",
      20:05 "O pravednik", 21:26 "Teper' poklonimsia...", 21:43 "A tam - szivat' narod ! ",
      22:13 pred'ikt -> 23:00 ( 23:03 ) repriza хора "Слава",
      24:10 1 д 1 к : сцена v monastire (vo vstuplenie - 1й leitmotiv hronista Pimena),
      24:38 монолог Пимена "Eshtsho odno, poslednee skazanie",
      38:08 ариозо Гришки --> 38:28 leitmotiv carevicha Dimitria v orkestre,
      39:20 1 д 2 к : сцена v korchme u granici Litvi, tema pesni Varlaama v orkestre,
      45:00 -> 45:08 -> 45:15 -> 45:23 zastol'naia pesnia Varlaama "Kak vo gorode bylo vo Kazani" ( 45:53 , 46:14 , 46:39 , 47:04 dal'neishie strofi i 47:27 koda),
      52:24 iavlenie pristavov i scena, 52:53 -> 52:58 Varlam i Misail: "Starci chestnie",
      53:14 leitmotiv Dimitria v orkestre,
      1:01:12 2 д : scena v Kremle,
      1:12:01 2й монолог Бориса, 1:12:20 1 chast' "Dostig ia vysshei vlasti... ",
      1:13:00 "Naprasno mne kudesniki suliat", 1:13:35 "V sem'e svoei",
      1:14:20 2 chast' "Tiazhka desnica groznogo sud'i ", 1:15:21 "Molitvoi tioploi",
      1:15:56 "A tam donos, boiar kramola", 1:16:23 repriza 2 chasti "I v liutom gore",
      1:16:55 koda "I dazhe son bezhit" (podgotovlenie sceni gallucinacii),
      1:18:30 сцена Бориса и Шуйского -> 1:26:03 scena gallucinacii Borisa:
      1:26:03 razvitie rasskaza Šuiskogo o careviche Dimitrie ->
      -> 1:26:20 Boris: "Dovol'no!" (progonit Šuiskogo), 1:26:45 Boris: "Uf, tiazhelo ! ",
      1:27:00 сцена бреда, Boris: "Ia chuvstvoval - vsia krov'", 1:27:20 "O sovest' ! ",
      1:27:34 chasi s kurantami zvoniat (ostinato tritona v orkestre),
      1:28:36 Boris uvidel prizraka Dimitria, "Von..., von tam... ! Chto eto?",
      1:29:15 orkestrovaia kul'minacia, 1:29:35 Boris: "Gospodi, Ti ne hochesh smerti",
      1:30:36 3 д (pol'skoe), 1:30:50 leitmotiv Dimitria,
      1:45:24 ариозо Марины в сцене Гришки и Марины,
      1:48:55 4 д 1 к, scena u sobora Vasilia Blazhenogo,
      1:52:57 vihod Юродивого s mal'chikami,
      1:53:10 песня Юродивого "Mesiac edet, kotionok plachet" (bessmislennii tekst),
      1:54:23 dialog mal'chikov s Юродивым, 1:54:39 mal'chiki grabiat Юродивого,
      1:54:50 zhaloba Юродивого -> 1:55:06 хор "Kormilec batiushka ! Хлеба ! ",
      1:59:20 4 д 2(3) к, scena pod Kromami, v lesu,
      2:01:30 хор "Не сокол letit po podnebesiu",
      2:05:35 -> 2:05:42 хор "Расходилась , razgulialas' sila, udal' molodeckaia", tema, 2:06:19 seredina hora "Oi ti, sila silushka" (tanceval'naia tema),
      2:06:40 pred'ikt (podstrekateli Varlaam i Misail) -> 2:07:09 repriza hora,
      2:07:23 koda hora, 2:07:54 vozglas protesta "Careubiice smert' ! ",
      2:08:05 grigorianskii horal pol'skih monahov "Domine, Domine ! ",
      2:14:09 песня Юродивого "Лейтесь, лейтесь, sliozi gor'kie" (razumnii tekst),
      2:16:36 4 д 3(2) к, scena v Kremle (Granovitaia palata),
      2:24:56 iavlenie hronista Пимена, 2й leitmotiv Пимена,
      2:31:00 3й монолог Бориса "Proshchai moi sin ! Umiraiu... ",
      2:34:00 molitva Borisa "Gospodi, Gospodi, vozzri ! ",
      2:36:30 pogrebal'nii kolokol'nii zvon, 2:36:54 pravoslavnii hor,
      2:38:30 "Povremenite, ia car' eshcho ! " - i smert' Borisa,
      2:39:22 orkestrovaia koda Des dur (filosofskaia ideia operi - iskuplenie greha stradaniami i smertiu greshnika, okonchatel'noe proshchenie cariu Borisu so storoni Vysshih sil);

  • @adalbertsimon1386
    @adalbertsimon1386 2 роки тому +5

    Nem értek aemmit , de azt érzem hogy csodás . Le vagyok nyügözve.olvashatnám is , de az éneklés fantasztikus. Mqjd megint megnézem.

  • @johnsanderson4661
    @johnsanderson4661 День тому +1

    Wish they still did productions like this

  • @emilystares3732
    @emilystares3732 11 місяців тому +6

    Splendid!! Thank you so much for sharing this.

  • @talastra
    @talastra 3 роки тому +10

    I may never get to see this in person, my favourite opera ever. But seeing it here is fantastic. I love the fact that people actually act in Russian opera as well as sing.

    • @bebe7C9
      @bebe7C9 8 місяців тому +3

      I said the same for 10 years but they finally play it in my city ❤ (Budapest)

  • @aspassiaman9081
    @aspassiaman9081 8 років тому +59

    Darya, this upload is a great gift form you to us. Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to read the words of the play, and watch this majestic performance with the glorious costumes and the great number of participants artists, from the time of USSR, the time where a lot of money was spent in Arts in Russia. We can all understand the difference of the artistic value between any play performed on USSR (Opera or Ballet) and the rest of the world, and this will never change. Thank you, once more.

  • @christacartwright9083
    @christacartwright9083 2 роки тому +19

    I love music with a lot of tension in it, and the coronation scene along with its prelude is one of my favourite segments of music. I get chills every time I hear the prelude to it!

  • @marycarol1133
    @marycarol1133 2 роки тому +5

    Thanks for English Subtitles Darya. Mary Chicago

  • @MusicMan-dv7jg
    @MusicMan-dv7jg 5 років тому +25

    15:05 - The Coronation Scene (Red Square; Godunov, boyars, chorus - Сцена коронации)
    19:22 - My soul is sad... (Monologue of Godunov- Скорбит душа...)
    24:21 - One more, the final record, and my annals are ended... (Chudov Monastery; Pimen, Grigory - Еще одно, последнее сказанье)
    40:27 - The Inn Scene (Lithuanian Border; the Innkeeper, Grigory, Varlaam - Cцена в корчме)
    1:01:11 - The Scene in the Tsar's Palaces (Godunov, Fyodor, Xenia, the Nurse, Shuiskii - Сцена в царских палатах)
    1:11:33 - I have achieved supreme power... (Monologue of Godunov - Достиг я высшей власти...)
    1:30:34 - The Polish Scene (Castle of Voevoda Mniszech; Grigory, Marina, chorus - Польские картины)
    1:49:26 - The Holy Fool Scene (Square before a Cathedral in Moscow; Godunov, The Holy Fool, chorus - Сцена c Юродивым)
    1:59:19 - The Scene in the Forest (Varlaam, Misail, Grigory, chorus - Сцена в лесу)
    2:16:37 - The Death of Tsar Boris (The Cremlin; Godunov, Shuiskii, Fiodor, chorus - Смерть Царя Бориса)
    2:30:58 - Farewell, my son, I am dying... (The final monologue of Godunov - Прощай, мой сын, умираю я...)

    • @peaceandlove544
      @peaceandlove544 4 роки тому +1

      15:15 (Inside the Kremlin at the Ascention Church?)

  • @brucedahms4508
    @brucedahms4508 5 років тому +16

    Boris Godunov is my favorite opera. I've seen it in person only once, at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. I must admit that that
    production pales compared to this. Magnificent!!

  • @thomasklugh4345
    @thomasklugh4345 2 роки тому +4

    Beautiful sets; beautiful costumes; just beautiful.

  • @mpaine1779
    @mpaine1779 2 роки тому +6

    I love this opera. From my childhood. I know every note.

  • @Neldidellavittoria
    @Neldidellavittoria 4 роки тому +9

    Thank you very much indeed for this upload. I love this opera. Had a cat I named Boris Godunov.

  • @raulcesari4115
    @raulcesari4115 4 роки тому +3

    Credo che qui ci sia tutta l'anima russa. Nesterenko è magnifico. Ha cantato molto anche da noi. Conosce perfettamente il melodramma italiano e la nostra lingua. E' quasi uno di noi.

  • @КрутойУокер-щ7ч
    @КрутойУокер-щ7ч Рік тому +9

    Лучшая постановка с лучшими исполнителями 👏

  • @giuseppelivolsi3059
    @giuseppelivolsi3059 4 роки тому +3

    Questa è l'opera più immensa di tutti i sono un davanti al Boris anche lui capitola. Queta versione è forse la migliore in assoluto.

  • @markbeck8384
    @markbeck8384 5 років тому +20

    I just watched this; and it was the best Boris I've seen so far. What a wonderful opera. You always learn new
    things. I didn't know that Shuisky knew that Boris killed the Tsarevich. I thought the False Dmitri was terrific,
    and the Marina so cold, manipulating. The Polonaise was handled beautifully. The scene with the Fool,
    where the crowd shifts alliances a couple of times was so clear. Outside of Les Troyens/Cunning Little
    Vixen, this is my favorite opera.

  • @JuanA.S.A.SalinasPortal
    @JuanA.S.A.SalinasPortal 2 роки тому +2

    No viene al caso en este vídeo, sino pondría "desgarrenlos en pedacitos y dolorosamente a los cómplices fuera de Los Olivos de los 2 Robles y de los 2 Taxistafílicos de jirón Recuay en Los Olivos, Lima, Perú. Pero de todas maneras agradecimientos eternos al señor que haya subido este vídeo precioso de fines de los '70s

  • @17big3p
    @17big3p 3 роки тому +5

    This is a masterpiece! Thank you Darya for sharing this amazing piece of music

  • @send2wj
    @send2wj 4 роки тому +6

    What a performance! This is actually the 1908 version of the opera. Not everybody agrees if this is the ‘right’ version of the opera. In this version it’s the 3. Act which is different from other versions but is one of the great highlights of the opera.

    • @nataschaQ7
      @nataschaQ7 4 роки тому +1

      It is the Bolshoi, and I have heard different versions at other opera houses already, but this is the best, especially the intro.
      They are still performing this version in nowadays. I love it.

  • @resnonverba
    @resnonverba 4 роки тому +13

    Thank you Darya. Never before and since a more majestic and perfect version. We deeply appreciate your contribution to our knowledge of other-times magnificent art.

  • @КаринаПотапкина
    @КаринаПотапкина 2 роки тому +3

    2:54 пролог л/м пристава
    3:29 На кого ты нас
    5:00 Митюх, а Митюх
    14:20 вступление к 2 картине пролога
    16:18 хор Слава
    19:25 1й монолог Бориса
    24:30 1 д 1 к.сцена и монолог Пимена
    38:15 ариозо Гришки
    45:15 1 д.2 к. Песня Варлаама
    52:00 сцена с приставами
    1:12:20 2 д.2й монолог Бориса
    1:18:30 сцена Бориса и Шуйского
    1:27:00 сцена бреда

  • @susienorris1300
    @susienorris1300 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much for this glorious experience, Darya! I loved it. My heart went out to the tortured Boris. He was magnificent in the role and I lived it with him.

  • @vanhouten64
    @vanhouten64 4 роки тому +15

    I'd love to sing in an opera like this but I am not godunov.

  • @КаринаПотапкина
    @КаринаПотапкина 2 роки тому +3

    3 д.2 к. 1:45:24 сцена Гришки и Марины
    4 д.1 картина
    1:53:10 песня Юродивого
    1:55:00 хор Хлеба
    2:19:54 сцена бояр и Шуйского
    2:31:00 3й монолог Бориса
    2:01:30 4 д.3 к.хор Не сокол
    2:05:35 хор Расходилась
    2:14:10 песня Юродивого Лейтесь

  • @CUNAN-m5l
    @CUNAN-m5l 4 роки тому +9

    Непревзойденная и увы, невозвратная школа Русского классического вокала , хоровых постановок . БРАВИССИМО !!!

  • @adalbertsimon1386
    @adalbertsimon1386 2 роки тому

    Olyan mint a Bànk Bán .Hazám , hazám te mindenem. Tudom , hogy mindenem neked köszönhetem. Sirnom kell....csak a mienk jobb....volt egyszer egy ember aki ezt fantasztikusan énekelte . Szenvedélyesen ,még a nyála is kifröccsent . Szép , kékszemü magyar volt.

  • @davidsimmons654
    @davidsimmons654 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much for this upload!!!!!

  • @nancyhalvorsen3271
    @nancyhalvorsen3271 6 років тому +7

    Un basso magnifico!!!

  • @pontiuspilate6097
    @pontiuspilate6097 7 років тому +11

    Absolutely phenomenal !!!

  • @keithrodan7763
    @keithrodan7763 3 роки тому +2

    What helps make this great, truly fabulous, all around performance so satisfying is the effective video production that’s well-shot and edited.

  • @hiramcastroescritor3199
    @hiramcastroescritor3199 4 роки тому +6

    Nesterenko is superb!

  • @lycavittos6474
    @lycavittos6474 7 років тому +10

    Arkhipova in the Polish Scene 1:33:41 - what a fine soprano.
    And the squillo of this tenor... 1:47:09

    • @daryakiryushko2246
      @daryakiryushko2246  7 років тому +8

      Most Western listeners only know Arkhipova as Azucena in the Orange Trovatore-72, yet she was one of the most renowned post-war Russian sopranos. Started her career as a professional architect and then brought these lines,
      precision and style into her singing. Try her 60-70s Handel, Tschaikovsky, Caccini; Carmen, Polina, Amneris, Eboli. This is the classic Russian school, very different from what you might be hearing from Russian sopranos of 2000s.

  • @elhamrif.e44
    @elhamrif.e44 4 роки тому +5

    Great soviet production!

  • @troldhaugen
    @troldhaugen 2 роки тому +3

    Wow, this is so much better than regieoper! Imagine if they had used this approach for The Snow Maiden!

  • @charlescoleman5509
    @charlescoleman5509 3 роки тому +5

    R.I.P. Evgeny Nesterenko.

  • @djoulsdrummer93
    @djoulsdrummer93 Рік тому +2

    Absolute master piece

  • @matiasquiroz80
    @matiasquiroz80 5 років тому +5


  • @nicolasdupont7534
    @nicolasdupont7534 3 роки тому +1


  • @chadtv3435
    @chadtv3435 3 роки тому +2

    Не в восторге от того что взяли оркестровку Римского- Коросакова, но костюмы, декорации и исполнение- красота! Все таки с классической мцузыкой в СССР был полный порядок.

  • @majidal-shaltchi7743
    @majidal-shaltchi7743 4 роки тому +6

    Я думаю, что Борис - годунов
    метафиская опера на философскего мысля.

  • @michaeljeran5637
    @michaeljeran5637 4 роки тому +2

    Best opera of Russia! Love it!

  • @peaceandlove544
    @peaceandlove544 4 роки тому +2

    Thank youuuuuu

  • @kastor6647
    @kastor6647 4 роки тому +6

    45:23 Cool tavern song.

  • @Flore206
    @Flore206 6 місяців тому

    La pub en plein milieu c est monstrueux

    • @daryakiryushko2246
      @daryakiryushko2246  6 місяців тому +2

      All ads are disabled in my videos, what you see is what UA-cam forces upon people. Adblockers + cookie trackers can remove 100% of the ads, it is up to you whether to install them.

  • @romearomeo
    @romearomeo 2 роки тому +1


  • @허민-y4f
    @허민-y4f 3 роки тому +2

    19c말 세기전환기
    1- 서유럽 (외 지역) = [민족주의 음악]
    무소륵스키- [보리스 고두노프]

  • @geoycs
    @geoycs Місяць тому

    Is this the Rimsky-Korsikov orchestrated version?

  • @samcotten2416
    @samcotten2416 2 роки тому +1

    Can someone tell me which orchestration this is? Is it Mussorgsky's, or Rimsky-Korsakov‘s?

  • @PatrickMcAsey
    @PatrickMcAsey Рік тому +1

    Why does this version omit the last words of this opera, sung by the Fool or Simpleton: "Poor, suffering Russia"?

  • @gemstone212121
    @gemstone212121 3 роки тому +1

    11:00 - Old Believers enter

  • @lebutzke1890
    @lebutzke1890 3 роки тому +1

    Which version is this: 1869, 1872, or Rimsky-Korsakov?

    • @rgd8625
      @rgd8625 3 роки тому +1

      Rimsky-Korsakov orchestration + St. Basil's scene + Chromi scene, so to be precise, neither of the three. This version was created in 1948 by Leonid Baratov.

    • @lebutzke1890
      @lebutzke1890 3 роки тому +1

      @@rgd8625 Actually, the precise answer you gave in the first part (Rimsky-Korsakov).

    • @daryakiryushko2246
      @daryakiryushko2246  3 роки тому +4

      @@lebutzke1890 According to Russian Wiki, the St. Basil's scene was actually orchestrated by Ippolitov-Ivanov, so the most precise answer is probably Rimsky-Korsakov-Ippolitov-Ivanov...

  • @annahattermann5546
    @annahattermann5546 3 роки тому +1

    I’m sorry but “Na Roussie”= “На руси” it is not “In Russia” . That who made the subtitles is not very good in history

    • @daryakiryushko2246
      @daryakiryushko2246  3 роки тому +6

      "На Руси" = "in Rus" if speaking about professional historical matters. In 'lay' cases, such as subtitles - simply "In Russia". The direct translation - "on Russia" - is not grammatically correct.

  • @talastra
    @talastra 3 роки тому +1


  • @alexkaralin2670
    @alexkaralin2670 4 роки тому +5

    For foreigners this is a good opportunity ti get the feeling about genuine Rissian opera as it was created and as it should be free of Polish or Bulgarian interpretations about things they just have no snallest ideas due to theirs narrow national ideas being limited to Coca-Cola consumtion...
    The Bolshoi in 1970 has had a privileg to create the original operas or ballets no matter how much it costs or how long the preparation will take time to reach the standard level.
    With brake of Soviet Ministry of Culture the humanity has lost the standards of classic culture degradated to the Hollywood movies or to the Monaco's Circus.
    Clowns and TV shows - that's what the modern consumption population needs and expects...

    • @chadtv3435
      @chadtv3435 3 роки тому +2

      Эхх, как же правильно сказано! То что сейчас воротят в большом- это просто пипец!

  • @thomastereszkiewicz2241
    @thomastereszkiewicz2241 4 роки тому +1

    anyone know what orchestration version this is?

    • @Balakirev_
      @Balakirev_ 3 роки тому +2

      I guess its the original orchestration from himself??? The version-problem of this opera is really complicated...😂

    • @thomastereszkiewicz2241
      @thomastereszkiewicz2241 3 роки тому +1

      @@Balakirev_ I know Rimsky Koraskov (spelling) fattened up the original Mossursky Orchestration which was a bit thin and harsh.

    • @daryakiryushko2246
      @daryakiryushko2246  3 роки тому +5

      This is Rimsky-Korsakov but the St. Basil scene was not present in his version and was added in 1948 (as far as I remember, orchestrated by Ippolitov-Ivanov).

    • @thomastereszkiewicz2241
      @thomastereszkiewicz2241 3 роки тому +3

      @@daryakiryushko2246 thank you, it sounded a bit lush for Mussoursky, saw it again recently with the Met, good acting but singing a bit flat. I think that sometimes happens as it's almost too much for the brain to handle acting, singing on pitch and projecting, and keeping accurate rhythm at the same time!

  • @cristianocuffini4254
    @cristianocuffini4254 Рік тому
