It is interesting that after the 2005-2006 cease fire the UN required that there be no terrorist facilities south of the Litani river. The IDF has dismantled numerous terrorist facilities south of the Litani river. These facilities are in contravention to what the UN stipulated in 2005-2006 and yet there has been no condemnation of HEZBOLLAH by the UN. But if Israel does anything to defend itself from hostile groups that surround it, it is condemned by the UN. How come?
Don´t listen to the ignorant people condemning your actions. They don´t know what Israel is fighting against. They ignore jewish history. They ignore everything the jews have done for the world. God bless you Israel and the IDF!
God had to allow the solidification of the hardening of the heart of pharaoh so mercy could come not just to the Jews, but to all the Israeli people and the foreigners with them. God loves the Jews, the other Israeli’s and the saved by God’s grace foreigners who reject evil and with a soft seeking of the heart see the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as only good and worthy of praise! God doesn’t force people to reject him and his good, he hands people over to their choices and the consequences. I pray that the people in Israel keep their hearts soft for the Lord and obey his commands, and by this God, who is merciful will continue to bless and protect Israel and the foreigners among them who stand with them and God rather than to sin and worship a god who is not only good.
Saya seorang Kristen suku Batak dari ujung bumi Indonesia selalu mendukung IDF lewat doa,IDF didampingi Bapa Sorgawi kita,Tuhannya Abraham,Ishak dan Yakob dan yang kami kenal didalam nama Nya Yesus Kristus penjagamu,terimaksih ku buat IDF selalu berdiri didalam kebenaran mengejar musuhmu,si pemilik ajaran kebencian,di indonesia kami juga selama ini selalu diserang ajaran mereka saat beribadah,gedung gereja kami dibakar,dibom,dan hari-hari ini sering pengikut ajaran kebencian itu melarang ibadah,baik didalam gedung gereja baik berdoa di dalam rumah,mereka sudah dirasuki iblis hatinya,telinganya
kamu memang sudah memakan semua propaganda yang salah dari orang yang goblok, cuman karena sebagian muslim melakukan hal buruk bukan berarti semuanya buruk.
Most Godly way of war. There is a time for war, and a time for peace. The way God brings about mercy to those in need is by bring justice to stop others cruelty. The attacks on Israel stop now in Jesus’ name! No weapon formed against them shall prosper. This is the Christ followers prayer to the Father in the name of the son who was the perfect scapegoat for our sins.
Will someone please, please, please start telling people about the true history of Israel!!! The idea of a Jewish National Homeland was formally established in the early 1900s. Emir-King Feisal I bin Al-Husseini bin Ali Al-Hashemi agreed to it, as shown in the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement, which was signed by both parties on January 3rd, 1919. The agreement included provisions for Jewish immigration, as it was understood that the Jewish People needed a Homeland. It was also agreed to by the European Powers who, along with the Jews and the Arabs, defeated the German and Ottoman Empires in WWI. King Feisal was not a British puppet king. He was the most prominent and respected Arab leader at the time, by Arabs as well as other peoples. He was the King of all of Arabia the Hajaz and the Grand Sharif of Mecca. He signed the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement on January 3rd, 1919 with his full name and title showing that he understood and supported the Agreement. The Jews and the Arabs fought together for their independence in WWI against the harsh and oppressive Ottoman Empire. The understanding was that the Jews would receive a territory sufficient for their religion and their people, and that the Arabs would receive all the other Ottoman territories which are very extensive and about twenty times larger than what was to become the Jewish State of Israel. This has been fulfilled on the Arab side of the agreement. It has yet to be fulfilled for the Jews. "A land without a people, for a people without a land." "A land without a people, for a people without a land." This statement was coined by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, also known by the title; Lord Shaftesbury. There are 100s of travel logs by travelers, writers, and reporters that have stated the same about the land of Israel. The following is a quick and abbreviated list of some of these reporters: 1697, Thomas Shaw, English traveler - 18th century historian, French Count Constantine Francois Volney - 1816, James Silk Buckingham, English traveler - 1836, British nobleman Alexander William Crawford Lindsay - 1837, British Royal Commission - 1840, Lord Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper 7th earl of Shaftesbury - 1852, English Clergyman Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton - 1853, Reverend Arthur G. H. Hollingsworth - 1857, British Council in Palestine - 1857, Herman Melville, American writer, author of 'Moby Dick' - 1860, Henry Baker Tristram - 1869, Mark Twain, American writer - 1888, Sir John William Dawson - 1888, English Clergyman Reverend Samuel Manning This being said there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel and in the Middle East, dating back to the times of Moses and to the days of Israel himself. Most Palestinians who are in Israel now, came during the first half of the 20th century, for better job opportunities and perhaps as interlopers taking over and taking claim and credit for the improvements the Jews were making to Israel. This is reflected in their surnames which are from other and surrounding countries. One of the most common Palestinian surnames is Al-Masri. In Arabic, Al-Masri literally means "the Egyptian." You'll also see Palestinians named Hourani, from Houran in southern Syria, - Tzurani, from Tyre in southern Lebanon, - Zrakawi, from Mazraka in Jordan, - Hijazi from the Hijaz province of the Arabian peninsula, - Mughrabi, from the Maghreb, - Elmisri, from Egypt, - Chalabi, Syrian, - Mugrabi, North Africa, - Habash, from Ethiopia. Many other names point to the Palestinian's true hereditary and geographical origins. The reason that there are so many Palestinian refugees is Number one; a Palestinian needed only to be living in Israel for two years prior to 1948 to be considered a refugee. Number two; Palestinians pass down their refugee status to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on and so forth. Number three; Once settled in their own country, such as Gaza, an independent country for seventeen years, they still retain their refugee status. Number four; They double their population through procreation every fifteen years. It was originally intended that the Jewish people would receive all of what is now Israel and the area that is now Jordan as well. The maps of the Mandate for Palestine clearly show this. The British were given a documented international legal Mandate to manage the land of Israel/Palestine by the League of Nations which received legal title it from the defeated Ottoman Turks. The Palestinians didn't accept the arrangement. In 1922, Winston Churchill put in place the first Two-State Solution, which could be called Israel-Jordan. The Israelis were to receive Israel, and the people who are now called Palestinians did receive Jordan. Jordan is two times larger than Israel. Today, two-thirds of Jordan's population are Palestinians. Again the Muslims would not accept this solution, and riots fighting and war broke out. 1933 saw the rise of Nazism and Hitler. World War Two took over much of the world's energy and consciousness between 1939 and 1945. Palestinian Arabs collaborated with the Nazis during this time and helped to promote and instigate the Holocaust. Their leading Supreme Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, as well as other "Palestinian" Muslim leaders, met with Hitler and his high-ranking officials several times and helped to recruit Muslims into the Nazi forces. They even promoted the use of concentration camps. The Mufti lived in Germany for most of WWII where he headed up anti-Jewish propaganda. He continued his anti-Israeli propaganda until 1974 when he died. Yasser Arafat is the Mufti's grandson. He has also continued the Mufti's propaganda, war and genocide campaigns. WWII and the Holocaust ended in 1945. In 1947 the UN, now in control of the area, put in place the second Two-State-Solution, which gave the people who are now called Palestinians good portions of Israel, while they already had Jordan and while Jerusalem would become an international city. Israel agreed to this and declared themselves the independent State of Israel. Again the Arab Muslims wouldn't accept this solution and Israel was attacked by five surrounding Arab nations. This was the Israeli 1948 War of Independence. Israel won this war and gained a bit more territory. Since 1948 close to a million Jews have been pogromed out of Arab Muslim nations into Israel. Mostly from places and lands where they had lived for centuries and even millennia. Almost all of them having no place to go except Israel. The first massacre of Jews by Islamists occurred in Madhammad's day and was carried out by Madhammad himself. It was because the Jews would not "submit" to Islam. This conflict has been going on for a long time. Since 1920 several Two-State-Solutions and other solutions have been put in place: In 1920 the Israel-Jordan division plan, in 1937 the Peel Commission, in 1939 the British White Paper, 1947 the UN Partition Plan, 1979 Egypt-Israel peace negotiations offered the Palestinians autonomy. Then there are the Oslo agreements of the 1990s. In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank. In 2008 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered to withdraw from almost the entire West Bank and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis. In addition, from 1948 to 1967, Jordan controlled the West Bank. The Palestinians could have received an independent state from the Jordanians. Each time Israel agreed to these solutions and the Palestinians did not and started conflicts and war. It wasn't until the 1960s that the Palestinians as a separate group started calling themselves Palestinians, perhaps trying to claim the land for themselves in that way, or because people didn't know what else to call them or they didn't know what to call themselves. Before that 'Palestinian' meant all peoples living in either Israel or Jordan, whether they were Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith or belief system. The word "Palestinian" actually comes from the ancient Jewish word 'plishtim' which means 'invaders'. In 2005 the Palestinians received an independent state in Gaza. They could have built a beautiful country with all the aid and assistance they received, and sitting on the Mediterranean like they are. Instead, they made a psychotic terrorist network out of the entire country and used it as a launching pad to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023. There is more information and details concerning all these things. However, this is part of the history of events in Israel from the 1800s up until the present day.
Overvej hvem der er terrorister din racist. Typisk racister når de ikke kan argumenter mere kalder de alle for terrorister selvom man modbeviser det og prøver bekæmpe de rigtige terrorister.
Usa og Israel havde ingen rigtig begrundelse for invader muslimer. Hvorfor er de ikke terrorister, krig betyder jo ikke man har ret til udryd folk og indespærre dem. De stadig terrorister og starter det.
May the Lord bless and protect you; May the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you; May He be gracious to you, show you His favor, and give you His peace. Numbers 6:24-26 (TLB). My fervent prayer for Israel with her IDF! True Christian America Loves Israel!
Racist hvordan kan det ikke være terror når Israel og usa glædeligt henretter folk og vil omdan egen stat. Er man terrorist kun fordi man forsvar sig imod dette
Thank you, Nadev. God keep you and your families safe and true. Keep going. The LORD sends his angel ahead of the IDF to prepare the way and keep you safe. Hallelujah!
Idf er de eneste terrorister når de vil overtage jord og omdan egen stat ved start krig, husk hvem der startede krigen. De ku bare frigiv gidsler og stop med invader
@Mr_Doritos 50% 🇮🇱🕎✡️/50%🇵🇸☪️ If you believe that God dont Help us Muslims are you stupid because God Is King Allah 99 One And when The Jewish Messias Comes The Antichrist Then We will have a Islamic State in a Part of Jerusalem Iam Sure
@Mr_Doritos @Mr_Doritos 50% 🇮🇱🕎✡️/50%🇵🇸☪️ If you believe that God dont Help us Muslims are you stupid because God Is King Allah 99 One And when The Jewish Messias Comes The Antichrist Then We will have a Islamic State in a Part of Jerusalem Iam Sure
Please try to help share the true history of Israel. Thank You! The idea of a Jewish National Homeland was formally established in the early 1900s. Emir-King Feisal I bin Al-Husseini bin Ali Al-Hashemi agreed to it, as shown in the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement, which was signed by both parties on January 3rd, 1919. The agreement included provisions for Jewish immigration, as it was understood that the Jewish People needed a Homeland. It was also agreed to by the European Powers who, along with the Jews and the Arabs, defeated the German and Ottoman Empires in WWI. King Feisal was not a British puppet king. He was the most prominent and respected Arab leader at the time, by Arabs as well as other peoples. He was the King of all of Arabia the Hajaz and the Grand Sharif of Mecca. He signed the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement on January 3rd, 1919 with his full name and title showing that he understood and supported the Agreement. The Jews and the Arabs fought together for their independence in WWI against the harsh and oppressive Ottoman Empire. The understanding was that the Jews would receive a territory sufficient for their religion and their people, and that the Arabs would receive all the other Ottoman territories which are very extensive and about twenty times larger than what was to become the Jewish State of Israel. This has been fulfilled on the Arab side of the agreement. It has yet to be fulfilled for the Jews. "A land without a people, for a people without a land." "A land without a people, for a people without a land." This statement was coined by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, also known by the title; Lord Shaftesbury. There are 100s of travel logs by travelers, writers, and reporters that have stated the same about the land of Israel. The following is a quick and abbreviated list of some of these reporters: 1697, Thomas Shaw, English traveler - 18th century historian, French Count Constantine Francois Volney - 1816, James Silk Buckingham, English traveler - 1836, British nobleman Alexander William Crawford Lindsay - 1837, British Royal Commission - 1840, Lord Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper 7th earl of Shaftesbury - 1852, English Clergyman Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton - 1853, Reverend Arthur G. H. Hollingsworth - 1857, British Council in Palestine - 1857, Herman Melville, American writer, author of 'Moby Dick' - 1860, Henry Baker Tristram - 1869, Mark Twain, American writer - 1888, Sir John William Dawson - 1888, English Clergyman Reverend Samuel Manning This being said there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel and in the Middle East, dating back to the times of Moses and to the days of Israel himself. Most Palestinians who are in Israel now, came during the first half of the 20th century, for better job opportunities and perhaps as interlopers taking over and taking claim and credit for the improvements the Jews were making to Israel. This is reflected in their surnames which are from other and surrounding countries. One of the most common Palestinian surnames is Al-Masri. In Arabic, Al-Masri literally means "the Egyptian." You'll also see Palestinians named Hourani, from Houran in southern Syria, - Tzurani, from Tyre in southern Lebanon, - Zrakawi, from Mazraka in Jordan, - Hijazi from the Hijaz province of the Arabian peninsula, - Mughrabi, from the Maghreb, - Elmisri, from Egypt, - Chalabi, Syrian, - Mugrabi, North Africa, - Habash, from Ethiopia. Many other names point to the Palestinian's true hereditary and geographical origins. The reason that there are so many Palestinian refugees is Number one; a Palestinian needed only to be living in Israel for two years prior to 1948 to be considered a refugee. Number two; Palestinians pass down their refugee status to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on and so forth. Number three; Once settled in their own country, such as Gaza, an independent country for seventeen years, they still retain their refugee status. Number four; They double their population through procreation every fifteen years. It was originally intended that the Jewish people would receive all of what is now Israel and the area that is now Jordan as well. The maps of the Mandate for Palestine clearly show this. The British were given a documented international legal Mandate to manage the land of Israel/Palestine by the League of Nations which received legal title it from the defeated Ottoman Turks. The Palestinians didn't accept the arrangement. In 1922, Winston Churchill put in place the first Two-State Solution, which could be called Israel-Jordan. The Israelis were to receive Israel, and the people who are now called Palestinians did receive Jordan. Jordan is two times larger than Israel. Today, two-thirds of Jordan's population are Palestinians. Again the Muslims would not accept this solution, and riots fighting and war broke out. 1933 saw the rise of Nazism and Hitler. World War Two took over much of the world's energy and consciousness between 1939 and 1945. Palestinian Arabs collaborated with the Nazis during this time and helped to promote and instigate the Holocaust. Their leading Supreme Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, as well as other "Palestinian" Muslim leaders, met with Hitler and his high-ranking officials several times and helped to recruit Muslims into the Nazi forces. They even promoted the use of concentration camps. The Mufti lived in Germany for most of WWII where he headed up anti-Jewish propaganda. He continued his anti-Israeli propaganda until 1974 when he died. Yasser Arafat is the Mufti's grandson. He has also continued the Mufti's propaganda, war and genocide campaigns. WWII and the Holocaust ended in 1945. In 1947 the UN, now in control of the area, put in place the second Two-State-Solution, which gave the people who are now called Palestinians good portions of Israel, while they already had Jordan and while Jerusalem would become an international city. Israel agreed to this and declared themselves the independent State of Israel. Again the Arab Muslims wouldn't accept this solution and Israel was attacked by five surrounding Arab nations. This was the Israeli 1948 War of Independence. Israel won this war and gained a bit more territory. Since 1948 close to a million Jews have been pogromed out of Arab Muslim nations into Israel. Mostly from places and lands where they had lived for centuries and even millennia. Almost all of them having no place to go except Israel. The first massacre of Jews by Islamists occurred in Madhammad's day and was carried out by Madhammad himself. It was because the Jews would not "submit" to Islam. This conflict has been going on for a long time. Since 1920 several Two-State-Solutions and other solutions have been put in place: In 1920 the Israel-Jordan division plan, in 1937 the Peel Commission, in 1939 the British White Paper, 1947 the UN Partition Plan, 1979 Egypt-Israel peace negotiations offered the Palestinians autonomy. Then there are the Oslo agreements of the 1990s. In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank. In 2008 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered to withdraw from almost the entire West Bank and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis. In addition, from 1948 to 1967, Jordan controlled the West Bank. The Palestinians could have received an independent state from the Jordanians. Each time Israel agreed to these solutions and the Palestinians did not and started conflicts and war. It wasn't until the 1960s that the Palestinians as a separate group started calling themselves Palestinians, perhaps trying to claim the land for themselves in that way, or because people didn't know what else to call them or they didn't know what to call themselves. Before that 'Palestinian' meant all peoples living in either Israel or Jordan, whether they were Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith or belief system. The word "Palestinian" actually comes from the ancient Jewish word 'plishtim' which means 'invaders'. In 2005 the Palestinians received an independent state in Gaza. They could have built a beautiful country with all the aid and assistance they received, and sitting on the Mediterranean like they are. Instead, they made a psychotic terrorist network out of the entire country and used it as a launching pad to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023. There is more information and details concerning all these things. However, this is part of the history of events in Israel from the 1800s up until the present day.
Will someone please, please, please start telling people about the true history of Israel!! The idea of a Jewish National Homeland was formally established in the early 1900s. Emir-King Feisal I bin Al-Husseini bin Ali Al-Hashemi agreed to it, as shown in the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement, which was signed by both parties on January 3rd, 1919. The agreement included provisions for Jewish immigration, as it was understood that the Jewish People needed a Homeland. It was also agreed to by the European Powers who, along with the Jews and the Arabs, defeated the German and Ottoman Empires in WWI. King Feisal was not a British puppet king. He was the most prominent and respected Arab leader at the time, by Arabs as well as other peoples. He was the King of all of Arabia the Hajaz and the Grand Sharif of Mecca. He signed the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement on January 3rd, 1919 with his full name and title showing that he understood and supported the Agreement. The Jews and the Arabs fought together for their independence in WWI against the harsh and oppressive Ottoman Empire. The understanding was that the Jews would receive a territory sufficient for their religion and their people, and that the Arabs would receive all the other Ottoman territories which are very extensive and about twenty times larger than what was to become the Jewish State of Israel. This has been fulfilled on the Arab side of the agreement. It has yet to be fulfilled for the Jews. "A land without a people, for a people without a land." "A land without a people, for a people without a land." This statement was coined by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, also known by the title; Lord Shaftesbury. There are 100s of travel logs by travelers, writers, and reporters that have stated the same about the land of Israel. The following is a quick and abbreviated list of some of these reporters: 1697, Thomas Shaw, English traveler - 18th century historian, French Count Constantine Francois Volney - 1816, James Silk Buckingham, English traveler - 1836, British nobleman Alexander William Crawford Lindsay - 1837, British Royal Commission - 1840, Lord Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper 7th earl of Shaftesbury - 1852, English Clergyman Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton - 1853, Reverend Arthur G. H. Hollingsworth - 1857, British Council in Palestine - 1857, Herman Melville, American writer, author of 'Moby Dick' - 1860, Henry Baker Tristram - 1869, Mark Twain, American writer - 1888, Sir John William Dawson - 1888, English Clergyman Reverend Samuel Manning This being said there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel and in the Middle East, dating back to the times of Moses and to the days of Israel himself. Most Palestinians who are in Israel now, came during the first half of the 20th century, for better job opportunities and perhaps as interlopers taking over and taking claim and credit for the improvements the Jews were making to Israel. This is reflected in their surnames which are from other and surrounding countries. One of the most common Palestinian surnames is Al-Masri. In Arabic, Al-Masri literally means "the Egyptian." You'll also see Palestinians named Hourani, from Houran in southern Syria, - Tzurani, from Tyre in southern Lebanon, - Zrakawi, from Mazraka in Jordan, - Hijazi from the Hijaz province of the Arabian peninsula, - Mughrabi, from the Maghreb, - Elmisri, from Egypt, - Chalabi, Syrian, - Mugrabi, North Africa, - Habash, from Ethiopia. Many other names point to the Palestinian's true hereditary and geographical origins. The reason that there are so many Palestinian refugees is Number one; a Palestinian needed only to be living in Israel for two years prior to 1948 to be considered a refugee. Number two; Palestinians pass down their refugee status to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on and so forth. Number three; Once settled in their own country, such as Gaza, an independent country for seventeen years, they still retain their refugee status. Number four; They double their population through procreation every fifteen years. It was originally intended that the Jewish people would receive all of what is now Israel and the area that is now Jordan as well. The maps of the Mandate for Palestine clearly show this. The British were given a documented international legal Mandate to manage the land of Israel/Palestine by the League of Nations which received legal title it from the defeated Ottoman Turks. The Palestinians didn't accept the arrangement. In 1922, Winston Churchill put in place the first Two-State Solution, which could be called Israel-Jordan. The Israelis were to receive Israel, and the people who are now called Palestinians did receive Jordan. Jordan is two times larger than Israel. Today, two-thirds of Jordan's population are Palestinians. Again the Muslims would not accept this solution, and riots fighting and war broke out. 1933 saw the rise of Nazism and Hitler. World War Two took over much of the world's energy and consciousness between 1939 and 1945. Palestinian Arabs collaborated with the Nazis during this time and helped to promote and instigate the Holocaust. Their leading Supreme Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, as well as other "Palestinian" Muslim leaders, met with Hitler and his high-ranking officials several times and helped to recruit Muslims into the Nazi forces. They even promoted the use of concentration camps. The Mufti lived in Germany for most of WWII where he headed up anti-Jewish propaganda. He continued his anti-Israeli propaganda until 1974 when he died. Yasser Arafat is the Mufti's grandson. He has also continued the Mufti's propaganda, war and genocide campaigns. WWII and the Holocaust ended in 1945. In 1947 the UN, now in control of the area, put in place the second Two-State-Solution, which gave the people who are now called Palestinians good portions of Israel, while they already had Jordan and while Jerusalem would become an international city. Israel agreed to this and declared themselves the independent State of Israel. Again the Arab Muslims wouldn't accept this solution and Israel was attacked by five surrounding Arab nations. This was the Israeli 1948 War of Independence. Israel won this war and gained a bit more territory. Since 1948 close to a million Jews have been pogromed out of Arab Muslim nations into Israel. Mostly from places and lands where they had lived for centuries and even millennia. Almost all of them having no place to go except Israel. The first massacre of Jews by Islamists occurred in Madhammad's day and was carried out by Madhammad himself. It was because the Jews would not "submit" to Islam. This conflict has been going on for a long time. Since 1920 several Two-State-Solutions and other solutions have been put in place: In 1920 the Israel-Jordan division plan, in 1937 the Peel Commission, in 1939 the British White Paper, 1947 the UN Partition Plan, 1979 Egypt-Israel peace negotiations offered the Palestinians autonomy. Then there are the Oslo agreements of the 1990s. In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank. In 2008 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered to withdraw from almost the entire West Bank and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis. In addition, from 1948 to 1967, Jordan controlled the West Bank. The Palestinians could have received an independent state from the Jordanians. Each time Israel agreed to these solutions and the Palestinians did not and started conflicts and war. It wasn't until the 1960s that the Palestinians as a separate group started calling themselves Palestinians, perhaps trying to claim the land for themselves in that way, or because people didn't know what else to call them or they didn't know what to call themselves. Before that 'Palestinian' meant all peoples living in either Israel or Jordan, whether they were Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith or belief system. The word "Palestinian" actually comes from the ancient Jewish word 'plishtim' which means 'invaders'. In 2005 the Palestinians received an independent state in Gaza. They could have built a beautiful country with all the aid and assistance they received, and sitting on the Mediterranean like they are. Instead, they made a psychotic terrorist network out of the entire country and used it as a launching pad to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023. There is more information and details concerning all these things. However, this is part of the history of events in Israel from the 1800s up until the present day.
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12:3 "For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye." Zechariah 2:8 "[8]But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. [9]Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. [10]Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. [11]Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish." Isaiah 41:8-11 🇮🇱 *AM YISRAEL CHAI* 🇮🇱 ✡️ *DESTROY HEZBOLAH!* ✡️ 🕎 BARUCH H'SHEM 🕎
Dios bendice Israel y a su IDF le asiste el derecho a la defensa de sus ciudadanos, y su libertad como nación, Colombia los apoya esta con ustedes, 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴
No 1 Soldiers in the world IDF I salute and appreciate praying for God's protection safety provisions peace victory wisdom courage guidance and Salvation Shalom
Hvem er terrorister ved konstant smid bomber racist. Derfor skal vi hele tiden støt Gaza og bliv ved sende hjælp til dem. Når du og andre racister hylder terrorister
It is interesting that after the 2005-2006 cease fire the UN required that there be no terrorist facilities south of the Litani river. The IDF has dismantled numerous terrorist facilities south of the Litani river. These facilities are in contravention to what the UN stipulated in 2005-2006 and yet there has been no condemnation of HEZBOLLAH by the UN. But if Israel does anything to defend itself from hostile groups that surround it, it is condemned by the UN. How come?
Because the UN is wholly antisemitic, pure and simple.
Don´t listen to the ignorant people condemning your actions.
They don´t know what Israel is fighting against.
They ignore jewish history.
They ignore everything the jews have done for the world.
God bless you Israel and the IDF!
They do know! Their hate consumes them
God had to allow the solidification of the hardening of the heart of pharaoh so mercy could come not just to the Jews, but to all the Israeli people and the foreigners with them. God loves the Jews, the other Israeli’s and the saved by God’s grace foreigners who reject evil and with a soft seeking of the heart see the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as only good and worthy of praise! God doesn’t force people to reject him and his good, he hands people over to their choices and the consequences. I pray that the people in Israel keep their hearts soft for the Lord and obey his commands, and by this God, who is merciful will continue to bless and protect Israel and the foreigners among them who stand with them and God rather than to sin and worship a god who is not only good.
You are correct, the useful idiots don’t know what river and what sea.
Saya seorang Kristen suku Batak dari ujung bumi Indonesia selalu mendukung IDF lewat doa,IDF didampingi Bapa Sorgawi kita,Tuhannya Abraham,Ishak dan Yakob dan yang kami kenal didalam nama Nya Yesus Kristus penjagamu,terimaksih ku buat IDF selalu berdiri didalam kebenaran mengejar musuhmu,si pemilik ajaran kebencian,di indonesia kami juga selama ini selalu diserang ajaran mereka saat beribadah,gedung gereja kami dibakar,dibom,dan hari-hari ini sering pengikut ajaran kebencian itu melarang ibadah,baik didalam gedung gereja baik berdoa di dalam rumah,mereka sudah dirasuki iblis hatinya,telinganya
kamu memang sudah memakan semua propaganda yang salah dari orang yang goblok, cuman karena sebagian muslim melakukan hal buruk bukan berarti semuanya buruk.
Kamu tau tentang cerita seorang muslim yang mengambil bom dan lari untuk menyelamatkan gereja?
Saya tidak meminta semua israel untuk mati.hanya untuk mereka damai dengan palestina
Standing with you Israel from England. Standing against islamic terrorism. 🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Du grunden til vi konstant støtter hizbollah og hamas når du hylder terror og taler imod det. Overvej hvem som er terrorister her
Ja støt du voldtægt, vold, drab og besættelse af tusinder
Great job, IDF. Western governments should watch and learn.
Most Godly way of war. There is a time for war, and a time for peace. The way God brings about mercy to those in need is by bring justice to stop others cruelty. The attacks on Israel stop now in Jesus’ name! No weapon formed against them shall prosper. This is the Christ followers prayer to the Father in the name of the son who was the perfect scapegoat for our sins.
Du et glimrende bevis på hvor syg din ideologi er når du går ind for drab på tusinder
@@SRose-vp6ew Jews don't follow Christ bud
@@JewishChristianevangelicalwhat does the Talmud say?
God bless Israel.🙏🙏🇮🇱🇵🇭♥️
Tak for styrk os sammen og gøre vore støtte til hamas større
Standing with israel❤
Because you like seeing hundreds of kids die every week?
Så du sys besættelse,vold og drab er det bedste
God bless and protect Israel ❤
Hvad er det for en gud der hylder drab og vold som du støtter
From Zionism ✊
I love Israel,IDF🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
God Bless Israel and protect the IDF!
Støtter din gud terror , siden du hylder og støtter det din nazist
standing with you from Germany 🇩🇪🤝🇮🇱
Yes, Naz1 recognize one another.
Will someone please, please, please start telling people about the true history of Israel!!!
The idea of a Jewish National Homeland was formally established in the early 1900s. Emir-King Feisal I bin Al-Husseini bin Ali Al-Hashemi agreed to it, as shown in the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement, which was signed by both parties on January 3rd, 1919. The agreement included provisions for Jewish immigration, as it was understood that the Jewish People needed a Homeland.
It was also agreed to by the European Powers who, along with the Jews and the Arabs, defeated the German and Ottoman Empires in WWI.
King Feisal was not a British puppet king. He was the most prominent and respected Arab leader at the time, by Arabs as well as other peoples. He was the King of all of Arabia the Hajaz and the Grand Sharif of Mecca. He signed the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement on January 3rd, 1919 with his full name and title showing that he understood and supported the Agreement.
The Jews and the Arabs fought together for their independence in WWI against the harsh and oppressive Ottoman Empire. The understanding was that the Jews would receive a territory sufficient for their religion and their people, and that the Arabs would receive all the other Ottoman territories which are very extensive and about twenty times larger than what was to become the Jewish State of Israel.
This has been fulfilled on the Arab side of the agreement. It has yet to be fulfilled for the Jews.
"A land without a people, for a people without a land."
"A land without a people, for a people without a land." This statement was coined by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, also known by the title; Lord Shaftesbury.
There are 100s of travel logs by travelers, writers, and reporters that have stated the same about the land of Israel. The following is a quick and abbreviated list of some of these reporters:
1697, Thomas Shaw, English traveler - 18th century historian, French Count Constantine Francois Volney - 1816, James Silk Buckingham, English traveler - 1836, British nobleman Alexander William Crawford Lindsay - 1837, British Royal Commission - 1840, Lord Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper 7th earl of Shaftesbury - 1852, English Clergyman Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton - 1853, Reverend Arthur G. H. Hollingsworth - 1857, British Council in Palestine - 1857, Herman Melville, American writer, author of 'Moby Dick' - 1860, Henry Baker Tristram - 1869, Mark Twain, American writer - 1888, Sir John William Dawson - 1888, English Clergyman Reverend Samuel Manning
This being said there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel and in the Middle East, dating back to the times of Moses and to the days of Israel himself.
Most Palestinians who are in Israel now, came during the first half of the 20th century, for better job opportunities and perhaps as interlopers taking over and taking claim and credit for the improvements the Jews were making to Israel. This is reflected in their surnames which are from other and surrounding countries.
One of the most common Palestinian surnames is Al-Masri. In Arabic, Al-Masri literally means "the Egyptian." You'll also see Palestinians named Hourani, from Houran in southern Syria, - Tzurani, from Tyre in southern Lebanon, - Zrakawi, from Mazraka in Jordan, - Hijazi from the Hijaz province of the Arabian peninsula, - Mughrabi, from the Maghreb, - Elmisri, from Egypt, - Chalabi, Syrian, - Mugrabi, North Africa, - Habash, from Ethiopia. Many other names point to the Palestinian's true hereditary and geographical origins.
The reason that there are so many Palestinian refugees is Number one; a Palestinian needed only to be living in Israel for two years prior to 1948 to be considered a refugee. Number two; Palestinians pass down their refugee status to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on and so forth. Number three; Once settled in their own country, such as Gaza, an independent country for seventeen years, they still retain their refugee status. Number four; They double their population through procreation every fifteen years.
It was originally intended that the Jewish people would receive all of what is now Israel and the area that is now Jordan as well. The maps of the Mandate for Palestine clearly show this.
The British were given a documented international legal Mandate to manage the land of Israel/Palestine by the League of Nations which received legal title it from the defeated Ottoman Turks.
The Palestinians didn't accept the arrangement. In 1922, Winston Churchill put in place the first Two-State Solution, which could be called Israel-Jordan. The Israelis were to receive Israel, and the people who are now called Palestinians did receive Jordan. Jordan is two times larger than Israel. Today, two-thirds of Jordan's population are Palestinians.
Again the Muslims would not accept this solution, and riots fighting and war broke out.
1933 saw the rise of Nazism and Hitler. World War Two took over much of the world's energy and consciousness between 1939 and 1945. Palestinian Arabs collaborated with the Nazis during this time and helped to promote and instigate the Holocaust. Their leading Supreme Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, as well as other "Palestinian" Muslim leaders, met with Hitler and his high-ranking officials several times and helped to recruit Muslims into the Nazi forces. They even promoted the use of concentration camps. The Mufti lived in Germany for most of WWII where he headed up anti-Jewish propaganda. He continued his anti-Israeli propaganda until 1974 when he died. Yasser Arafat is the Mufti's grandson. He has also continued the Mufti's propaganda, war and genocide campaigns.
WWII and the Holocaust ended in 1945.
In 1947 the UN, now in control of the area, put in place the second Two-State-Solution, which gave the people who are now called Palestinians good portions of Israel, while they already had Jordan and while Jerusalem would become an international city.
Israel agreed to this and declared themselves the independent State of Israel.
Again the Arab Muslims wouldn't accept this solution and Israel was attacked by five surrounding Arab nations. This was the Israeli 1948 War of Independence. Israel won this war and gained a bit more territory.
Since 1948 close to a million Jews have been pogromed out of Arab Muslim nations into Israel. Mostly from places and lands where they had lived for centuries and even millennia. Almost all of them having no place to go except Israel.
The first massacre of Jews by Islamists occurred in Madhammad's day and was carried out by Madhammad himself. It was because the Jews would not "submit" to Islam.
This conflict has been going on for a long time.
Since 1920 several Two-State-Solutions and other solutions have been put in place: In 1920 the Israel-Jordan division plan, in 1937 the Peel Commission, in 1939 the British White Paper, 1947 the UN Partition Plan, 1979 Egypt-Israel peace negotiations offered the Palestinians autonomy. Then there are the Oslo agreements of the 1990s. In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank. In 2008 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered to withdraw from almost the entire West Bank and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis. In addition, from 1948 to 1967, Jordan controlled the West Bank. The Palestinians could have received an independent state from the Jordanians.
Each time Israel agreed to these solutions and the Palestinians did not and started conflicts and war.
It wasn't until the 1960s that the Palestinians as a separate group started calling themselves Palestinians, perhaps trying to claim the land for themselves in that way, or because people didn't know what else to call them or they didn't know what to call themselves. Before that 'Palestinian' meant all peoples living in either Israel or Jordan, whether they were Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith or belief system. The word "Palestinian" actually comes from the ancient Jewish word 'plishtim' which means 'invaders'.
In 2005 the Palestinians received an independent state in Gaza. They could have built a beautiful country with all the aid and assistance they received, and sitting on the Mediterranean like they are. Instead, they made a psychotic terrorist network out of the entire country and used it as a launching pad to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023.
There is more information and details concerning all these things. However, this is part of the history of events in Israel from the 1800s up until the present day.
Støt du terrorister og gør os en tjeneste ved vi hele tiden hylder og hjælper hamas din racist.
keep good job👍
Stay Strong ‼️ Love from the Netherlands 🇳🇱
Jesus Christ bless you!
Yes, colonialism knows one another.
Sincerely, Indonesian
@@ovidiopopa1227man =god? Stupid real
Så du elsker terrorister der udelukkende vil henret folk og jubler efter på tv. Hvad har det med fred og gøre racist
IDF = Nat zees
Stand with Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇳 prayer for Israel 🇮🇱🙏🏻
Only Israel 🇮🇱💙
Shalom Israel!
Overvej hvem der er terrorister din racist. Typisk racister når de ikke kan argumenter mere kalder de alle for terrorister selvom man modbeviser det og prøver bekæmpe de rigtige terrorister.
Tak nazist for hjælpe os med hylde og støt Gaza din racist
All civilized people stand with Israel 🙏
Usa og Israel havde ingen rigtig begrundelse for invader muslimer. Hvorfor er de ikke terrorister, krig betyder jo ikke man har ret til udryd folk og indespærre dem. De stadig terrorister og starter det.
Så du Beder for terror og tror du på en gud der støtter det, hvad er det for en gud du har siden du hylder drab
You misspelled isnotreal
Det beviser hvor syg du og din ideologi er siden du kan glædelig over tusinders ullykke
Du netop grund til vi konstant skal forsvare gaza
Israel in our prayers always
Israel dancuk
Isrial 🇮🇱 is the land of God ❤❤❤
AM ISRAEL CHAI. God bless Israel. 🇧🇷🇮🇱🙏
May the Lord bless and protect you; May the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you; May He be gracious to you, show you His favor, and give you His peace. Numbers 6:24-26 (TLB). My fervent prayer for Israel with her IDF! True Christian America Loves Israel!
We don't interpret 2nd and 3rd sentiments quite this way. But Amen.
Israel bombs churches, hypocrite
Racist hvordan kan det ikke være terror når Israel og usa glædeligt henretter folk og vil omdan egen stat. Er man terrorist kun fordi man forsvar sig imod dette
Lad os bliv ved med fortæl Israels terror og gå på gaden samt vise verden deres barbari så de hylder gaza
Dio benedica Israele e protegga IDF! 🙏🏻🇮🇱💕
God bless the IDF
God doesn't bless descendants of Babylon
IDF = Nat zees
You mean the muslims.
🕊️🙋🙏🙏🇮🇱🙏🙏🕊️ Well done IDF. May God bless you 🙏
فلسطين حره✌️
God bless and protec Israel and all IDF 🙏🇮🇱
Man=god you crazy human😅😅😅😅😅😅
افراشته باد پرچم پر افتخار اسرائیل 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
پاینده باد ایران آزاد از جمهوری اسلامی
I love Israel
Godbless israel, shalom from indonesia ❤
Stay on course brave sons and daughters of Israel in IDF,God protects you all.
God bless IDF Israel
Hvad er edet for en gud du tror på der forsvare terror din racist
Where do I mail diapers for the forces?
Siger din gud man skal dræbe voldtage og skab ufred?
Any god who would bless an army that slaughters innocent civilians, women and children is an evil and malevolent entity!
Thank you, Nadev. God keep you and your families safe and true. Keep going. The LORD sends his angel ahead of the IDF to prepare the way and keep you safe. Hallelujah!
Israel shit
Iam al quds military ,you loser
Idf er de eneste terrorister når de vil overtage jord og omdan egen stat ved start krig, husk hvem der startede krigen. De ku bare frigiv gidsler og stop med invader
I can literally smell the two state solution.FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸
Is this a joke?
@Mr_Doritos 50% 🇮🇱🕎✡️/50%🇵🇸☪️ If you believe that God dont Help us Muslims are you stupid because God Is King Allah 99 One And when The Jewish Messias Comes The Antichrist Then We will have a Islamic State in a Part of Jerusalem Iam Sure
@Mr_Doritos @Mr_Doritos 50% 🇮🇱🕎✡️/50%🇵🇸☪️ If you believe that God dont Help us Muslims are you stupid because God Is King Allah 99 One And when The Jewish Messias Comes The Antichrist Then We will have a Islamic State in a Part of Jerusalem Iam Sure
Proud of IDF!
Shavua Tov from me to you awesome IDF ♥
Du sku skamme dig og kald dig muhammed men hylde terrorister. Du grunden til idf konstant skal blive stoppet. Når du kan forsvare terror
I am from Indonesia and Java, I support Israel ❤
Please try to help share the true history of Israel. Thank You!
The idea of a Jewish National Homeland was formally established in the early 1900s. Emir-King Feisal I bin Al-Husseini bin Ali Al-Hashemi agreed to it, as shown in the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement, which was signed by both parties on January 3rd, 1919. The agreement included provisions for Jewish immigration, as it was understood that the Jewish People needed a Homeland.
It was also agreed to by the European Powers who, along with the Jews and the Arabs, defeated the German and Ottoman Empires in WWI.
King Feisal was not a British puppet king. He was the most prominent and respected Arab leader at the time, by Arabs as well as other peoples. He was the King of all of Arabia the Hajaz and the Grand Sharif of Mecca. He signed the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement on January 3rd, 1919 with his full name and title showing that he understood and supported the Agreement.
The Jews and the Arabs fought together for their independence in WWI against the harsh and oppressive Ottoman Empire. The understanding was that the Jews would receive a territory sufficient for their religion and their people, and that the Arabs would receive all the other Ottoman territories which are very extensive and about twenty times larger than what was to become the Jewish State of Israel.
This has been fulfilled on the Arab side of the agreement. It has yet to be fulfilled for the Jews.
"A land without a people, for a people without a land."
"A land without a people, for a people without a land." This statement was coined by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, also known by the title; Lord Shaftesbury.
There are 100s of travel logs by travelers, writers, and reporters that have stated the same about the land of Israel. The following is a quick and abbreviated list of some of these reporters:
1697, Thomas Shaw, English traveler - 18th century historian, French Count Constantine Francois Volney - 1816, James Silk Buckingham, English traveler - 1836, British nobleman Alexander William Crawford Lindsay - 1837, British Royal Commission - 1840, Lord Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper 7th earl of Shaftesbury - 1852, English Clergyman Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton - 1853, Reverend Arthur G. H. Hollingsworth - 1857, British Council in Palestine - 1857, Herman Melville, American writer, author of 'Moby Dick' - 1860, Henry Baker Tristram - 1869, Mark Twain, American writer - 1888, Sir John William Dawson - 1888, English Clergyman Reverend Samuel Manning
This being said there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel and in the Middle East, dating back to the times of Moses and to the days of Israel himself.
Most Palestinians who are in Israel now, came during the first half of the 20th century, for better job opportunities and perhaps as interlopers taking over and taking claim and credit for the improvements the Jews were making to Israel. This is reflected in their surnames which are from other and surrounding countries.
One of the most common Palestinian surnames is Al-Masri. In Arabic, Al-Masri literally means "the Egyptian." You'll also see Palestinians named Hourani, from Houran in southern Syria, - Tzurani, from Tyre in southern Lebanon, - Zrakawi, from Mazraka in Jordan, - Hijazi from the Hijaz province of the Arabian peninsula, - Mughrabi, from the Maghreb, - Elmisri, from Egypt, - Chalabi, Syrian, - Mugrabi, North Africa, - Habash, from Ethiopia. Many other names point to the Palestinian's true hereditary and geographical origins.
The reason that there are so many Palestinian refugees is Number one; a Palestinian needed only to be living in Israel for two years prior to 1948 to be considered a refugee. Number two; Palestinians pass down their refugee status to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on and so forth. Number three; Once settled in their own country, such as Gaza, an independent country for seventeen years, they still retain their refugee status. Number four; They double their population through procreation every fifteen years.
It was originally intended that the Jewish people would receive all of what is now Israel and the area that is now Jordan as well. The maps of the Mandate for Palestine clearly show this.
The British were given a documented international legal Mandate to manage the land of Israel/Palestine by the League of Nations which received legal title it from the defeated Ottoman Turks.
The Palestinians didn't accept the arrangement. In 1922, Winston Churchill put in place the first Two-State Solution, which could be called Israel-Jordan. The Israelis were to receive Israel, and the people who are now called Palestinians did receive Jordan. Jordan is two times larger than Israel. Today, two-thirds of Jordan's population are Palestinians.
Again the Muslims would not accept this solution, and riots fighting and war broke out.
1933 saw the rise of Nazism and Hitler. World War Two took over much of the world's energy and consciousness between 1939 and 1945. Palestinian Arabs collaborated with the Nazis during this time and helped to promote and instigate the Holocaust. Their leading Supreme Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, as well as other "Palestinian" Muslim leaders, met with Hitler and his high-ranking officials several times and helped to recruit Muslims into the Nazi forces. They even promoted the use of concentration camps. The Mufti lived in Germany for most of WWII where he headed up anti-Jewish propaganda. He continued his anti-Israeli propaganda until 1974 when he died. Yasser Arafat is the Mufti's grandson. He has also continued the Mufti's propaganda, war and genocide campaigns.
WWII and the Holocaust ended in 1945.
In 1947 the UN, now in control of the area, put in place the second Two-State-Solution, which gave the people who are now called Palestinians good portions of Israel, while they already had Jordan and while Jerusalem would become an international city.
Israel agreed to this and declared themselves the independent State of Israel.
Again the Arab Muslims wouldn't accept this solution and Israel was attacked by five surrounding Arab nations. This was the Israeli 1948 War of Independence. Israel won this war and gained a bit more territory.
Since 1948 close to a million Jews have been pogromed out of Arab Muslim nations into Israel. Mostly from places and lands where they had lived for centuries and even millennia. Almost all of them having no place to go except Israel.
The first massacre of Jews by Islamists occurred in Madhammad's day and was carried out by Madhammad himself. It was because the Jews would not "submit" to Islam.
This conflict has been going on for a long time.
Since 1920 several Two-State-Solutions and other solutions have been put in place: In 1920 the Israel-Jordan division plan, in 1937 the Peel Commission, in 1939 the British White Paper, 1947 the UN Partition Plan, 1979 Egypt-Israel peace negotiations offered the Palestinians autonomy. Then there are the Oslo agreements of the 1990s. In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank. In 2008 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered to withdraw from almost the entire West Bank and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis. In addition, from 1948 to 1967, Jordan controlled the West Bank. The Palestinians could have received an independent state from the Jordanians.
Each time Israel agreed to these solutions and the Palestinians did not and started conflicts and war.
It wasn't until the 1960s that the Palestinians as a separate group started calling themselves Palestinians, perhaps trying to claim the land for themselves in that way, or because people didn't know what else to call them or they didn't know what to call themselves. Before that 'Palestinian' meant all peoples living in either Israel or Jordan, whether they were Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith or belief system. The word "Palestinian" actually comes from the ancient Jewish word 'plishtim' which means 'invaders'.
In 2005 the Palestinians received an independent state in Gaza. They could have built a beautiful country with all the aid and assistance they received, and sitting on the Mediterranean like they are. Instead, they made a psychotic terrorist network out of the entire country and used it as a launching pad to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023.
There is more information and details concerning all these things. However, this is part of the history of events in Israel from the 1800s up until the present day.
Prayers from the yidden in America
Will someone please, please, please start telling people about the true history of Israel!!
The idea of a Jewish National Homeland was formally established in the early 1900s. Emir-King Feisal I bin Al-Husseini bin Ali Al-Hashemi agreed to it, as shown in the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement, which was signed by both parties on January 3rd, 1919. The agreement included provisions for Jewish immigration, as it was understood that the Jewish People needed a Homeland.
It was also agreed to by the European Powers who, along with the Jews and the Arabs, defeated the German and Ottoman Empires in WWI.
King Feisal was not a British puppet king. He was the most prominent and respected Arab leader at the time, by Arabs as well as other peoples. He was the King of all of Arabia the Hajaz and the Grand Sharif of Mecca. He signed the Feisal-Weizmann Agreement on January 3rd, 1919 with his full name and title showing that he understood and supported the Agreement.
The Jews and the Arabs fought together for their independence in WWI against the harsh and oppressive Ottoman Empire. The understanding was that the Jews would receive a territory sufficient for their religion and their people, and that the Arabs would receive all the other Ottoman territories which are very extensive and about twenty times larger than what was to become the Jewish State of Israel.
This has been fulfilled on the Arab side of the agreement. It has yet to be fulfilled for the Jews.
"A land without a people, for a people without a land."
"A land without a people, for a people without a land." This statement was coined by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, also known by the title; Lord Shaftesbury.
There are 100s of travel logs by travelers, writers, and reporters that have stated the same about the land of Israel. The following is a quick and abbreviated list of some of these reporters:
1697, Thomas Shaw, English traveler - 18th century historian, French Count Constantine Francois Volney - 1816, James Silk Buckingham, English traveler - 1836, British nobleman Alexander William Crawford Lindsay - 1837, British Royal Commission - 1840, Lord Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper 7th earl of Shaftesbury - 1852, English Clergyman Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton - 1853, Reverend Arthur G. H. Hollingsworth - 1857, British Council in Palestine - 1857, Herman Melville, American writer, author of 'Moby Dick' - 1860, Henry Baker Tristram - 1869, Mark Twain, American writer - 1888, Sir John William Dawson - 1888, English Clergyman Reverend Samuel Manning
This being said there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel and in the Middle East, dating back to the times of Moses and to the days of Israel himself.
Most Palestinians who are in Israel now, came during the first half of the 20th century, for better job opportunities and perhaps as interlopers taking over and taking claim and credit for the improvements the Jews were making to Israel. This is reflected in their surnames which are from other and surrounding countries.
One of the most common Palestinian surnames is Al-Masri. In Arabic, Al-Masri literally means "the Egyptian." You'll also see Palestinians named Hourani, from Houran in southern Syria, - Tzurani, from Tyre in southern Lebanon, - Zrakawi, from Mazraka in Jordan, - Hijazi from the Hijaz province of the Arabian peninsula, - Mughrabi, from the Maghreb, - Elmisri, from Egypt, - Chalabi, Syrian, - Mugrabi, North Africa, - Habash, from Ethiopia. Many other names point to the Palestinian's true hereditary and geographical origins.
The reason that there are so many Palestinian refugees is Number one; a Palestinian needed only to be living in Israel for two years prior to 1948 to be considered a refugee. Number two; Palestinians pass down their refugee status to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on and so forth. Number three; Once settled in their own country, such as Gaza, an independent country for seventeen years, they still retain their refugee status. Number four; They double their population through procreation every fifteen years.
It was originally intended that the Jewish people would receive all of what is now Israel and the area that is now Jordan as well. The maps of the Mandate for Palestine clearly show this.
The British were given a documented international legal Mandate to manage the land of Israel/Palestine by the League of Nations which received legal title it from the defeated Ottoman Turks.
The Palestinians didn't accept the arrangement. In 1922, Winston Churchill put in place the first Two-State Solution, which could be called Israel-Jordan. The Israelis were to receive Israel, and the people who are now called Palestinians did receive Jordan. Jordan is two times larger than Israel. Today, two-thirds of Jordan's population are Palestinians.
Again the Muslims would not accept this solution, and riots fighting and war broke out.
1933 saw the rise of Nazism and Hitler. World War Two took over much of the world's energy and consciousness between 1939 and 1945. Palestinian Arabs collaborated with the Nazis during this time and helped to promote and instigate the Holocaust. Their leading Supreme Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, as well as other "Palestinian" Muslim leaders, met with Hitler and his high-ranking officials several times and helped to recruit Muslims into the Nazi forces. They even promoted the use of concentration camps. The Mufti lived in Germany for most of WWII where he headed up anti-Jewish propaganda. He continued his anti-Israeli propaganda until 1974 when he died. Yasser Arafat is the Mufti's grandson. He has also continued the Mufti's propaganda, war and genocide campaigns.
WWII and the Holocaust ended in 1945.
In 1947 the UN, now in control of the area, put in place the second Two-State-Solution, which gave the people who are now called Palestinians good portions of Israel, while they already had Jordan and while Jerusalem would become an international city.
Israel agreed to this and declared themselves the independent State of Israel.
Again the Arab Muslims wouldn't accept this solution and Israel was attacked by five surrounding Arab nations. This was the Israeli 1948 War of Independence. Israel won this war and gained a bit more territory.
Since 1948 close to a million Jews have been pogromed out of Arab Muslim nations into Israel. Mostly from places and lands where they had lived for centuries and even millennia. Almost all of them having no place to go except Israel.
The first massacre of Jews by Islamists occurred in Madhammad's day and was carried out by Madhammad himself. It was because the Jews would not "submit" to Islam.
This conflict has been going on for a long time.
Since 1920 several Two-State-Solutions and other solutions have been put in place: In 1920 the Israel-Jordan division plan, in 1937 the Peel Commission, in 1939 the British White Paper, 1947 the UN Partition Plan, 1979 Egypt-Israel peace negotiations offered the Palestinians autonomy. Then there are the Oslo agreements of the 1990s. In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank. In 2008 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered to withdraw from almost the entire West Bank and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis. In addition, from 1948 to 1967, Jordan controlled the West Bank. The Palestinians could have received an independent state from the Jordanians.
Each time Israel agreed to these solutions and the Palestinians did not and started conflicts and war.
It wasn't until the 1960s that the Palestinians as a separate group started calling themselves Palestinians, perhaps trying to claim the land for themselves in that way, or because people didn't know what else to call them or they didn't know what to call themselves. Before that 'Palestinian' meant all peoples living in either Israel or Jordan, whether they were Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith or belief system. The word "Palestinian" actually comes from the ancient Jewish word 'plishtim' which means 'invaders'.
In 2005 the Palestinians received an independent state in Gaza. They could have built a beautiful country with all the aid and assistance they received, and sitting on the Mediterranean like they are. Instead, they made a psychotic terrorist network out of the entire country and used it as a launching pad to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023.
There is more information and details concerning all these things. However, this is part of the history of events in Israel from the 1800s up until the present day.
Israel army the best,
IDF on the Mark, keep on ROCKING!!
Idf loser,
God Bless Israel IDF forever
❤ 🇮🇱 ❤ 🇮🇱 ❤ 🇮🇱 ❤
Free Palestine, May Allah help people of Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🍉
May Palestine help themselves by surrendering
Keep going
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
Genesis 12:3
"For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye."
Zechariah 2:8
"[8]But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.
[9]Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.
[10]Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
[11]Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish."
Isaiah 41:8-11
Det beviser hvor syg du og din ideologi er når du kan hylde drab.
ನಮಸ್ತೆ ಇಸ್ರೇಲ್....🇮🇳🫶🇮🇱
ನನ್ನ ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ಬೆಂಬಲ ಇಸ್ರೇಲ್ ಗೆ
🙏 ಶುಭವಾಗಲಿ ಇಸ್ರೇಲ್ ಗೆ 🙏
Du grund til vi konstant skal bekæmpe og spred had om israel
I love you guys. 🇮🇱
Love from South Africa. 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇿🇦
Israel forever with Jerusalem as it’s capital
Thanks IDF..
O Deus de israel dará a vitória
Força IDF
O Senhor Deus os guiará ⚡️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇧🇷🇮🇱🇮🇱
Dios bendice Israel y a su IDF le asiste el derecho a la defensa de sus ciudadanos, y su libertad como nación, Colombia los apoya esta con ustedes, 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴🇮🇱🇨🇴
God bless Palestine!
Cope harder
God bless Israel
Amazing. Go ahead. God bless you.
God? God a man😂😂😂😂
Conhecimento nos liberta devemos sempre restabelecer a verdade tipo uma gigantesca corrente do bem sempre Deus no comando de tudo
Do not be afraid
Shared on other Social Media platforms.
Protect your country, Amen
Love from Iran (not the Islamic republic).
Gracias por vuestro valioso trabajo. Disfrutar de vuestras familias y descansar.
Din racist hvad med om du pissede over til dine terror glade venner og bevis verden hvordan vi hele tiden hjælper hamas
Praying especially for the IDF, PM Netanyahu and for healing, safety and peace in Israel and Jerusalem. God bless and protect you all, always
Bring them home bring them home bring
PM stop the genocide
Orando por Israel 🙏🏾
😅orando dancuk
IDF you are AWESOME!
Nitzachon to Lochemei Tzahal.
Am Yisrael Hai.
God bless you all. ❤️✝️🏴🇮🇱
Thank you JESUS for watching over ISRAEL
God bless and protect Israel and the IDF. 🙏
The hard and dangerous work of the IDF is worth our admiration.
Please don’t stop and bring your truth to the US
Bedito jembut
HaShem protects and blesses the Lions and Lionesses of Israel. From the U.S. Am Yisrael Chai !
No 1 Soldiers in the world IDF I salute and appreciate praying for God's protection safety provisions peace victory wisdom courage guidance and Salvation Shalom
Shalom Shalom Shalom ❤
Kol HaKavod to all you brave Holy Warriors, my heart and my prayers are covering you constantly.... to G-d be the Glory for His Name Sake.
Not warior but loser
Hvem er terrorister ved konstant smid bomber racist. Derfor skal vi hele tiden støt Gaza og bliv ved sende hjælp til dem. Når du og andre racister hylder terrorister
God bless and protect Israel. Long live Israel. Full support for Israel
God does not protect child killers, sorry
Shalom Israel🙏🇮🇱💪
Jayalah Israel, Semoga Tuhan selalu menyertai mu. Amin
Salam dari Indonesia 🇮🇩