Babel Tower of Nimrod

  • Опубліковано 4 лип 2024
  • The tower of babel is one of the most famous buildings of all time. In this episode, Ancient Echos comments on the eleventh chapter of Genesis. After covering the most common take on the matter, we discuss some of the more alternative beliefs on the location and purpose of the tower. #nimrod #towerofbabel #babylon #bible #bookofgenesis #ancient #ancienthistory #genesis #history


  • @dudeaggy
    @dudeaggy 4 дні тому +3

    Finally, a new video. Let's go!!

  • @seanhanlon5867
    @seanhanlon5867 3 дні тому +1

    Thanks again boys, i am thoroughly enjoying these conversations. Its a way deeper dive than ive ever taken before. A 3 day walk around the base of this tower kinda puts in perspective the collosal size of this thing. I cant wait for the next one, while checking out what youve done before as well. More power to your elbows boys and God Bless you both, you are helping to widen our veiw on what has gone before us 🙏🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @jordanwhatley8312
    @jordanwhatley8312 4 дні тому +2

    This is what I've been learning about lately glad you guys added to my available resources lol

  • @konnerlafon5468
    @konnerlafon5468 4 дні тому

    I have been eagerly awaiting this video!! Great job guys 😊

  • @Iammelodic
    @Iammelodic 4 дні тому +2

    Some say Mt. Kailash.

  • @superfly7948
    @superfly7948 3 дні тому +1

    I had a buddy of mine show me a paper on this story and what happened to people at the tower. And in the paper it showed a 2004 census where New York City had every ethic race on earth in one town, in one country. The times are eerily the same.. SO this makes you wonder, in today's times with the internet and all these apps, tictoc ect ect... And all the technology now.. PEOPLE ARE AS ONE AGAIN.. SO WHATS COMING NEXT?????

  • @JungleJargon
    @JungleJargon 4 дні тому +2

    Sooner or later people are going to have to face the fact that the continents broke apart in the days of Peleg, 100 years after the global flood. The asteroid hitting the Yucatán Peninsula could have been a major contributing factor.
    * It’s the reason for the glacial striations stamped on top of bedrock like a gigantic broken seal in South America, Africa, India and Australia from glaciers that were moving from south to north from the time when they were all still connected to Antarctica at the South Pole. Of course this was after the sediment layers from the global flood were deposited.
    * It’s the reason fossils and sediment layers line up between South America, Africa, Madagascar, India and Australia. (The fossils and sediment layers were deposited first and then the continents broke apart, 100 years after the global flood.)
    * It’s also the reason there are many frozen animals and forest ecosystems buried by tsunamis from the rise of sea levels in North America and Siberia as the continents were being shoved into the Arctic from the centrifugal force after the earth broke apart, possibly due to hardening of the sediments and other factors.
    * It’s the reason animals made it to South America from Africa and humans did not since they were still trying to build the Tower of Babel before the breakup of the continents. Jaguars were separated from leopards, greater grisons were separated from African honey badgers, tapirs were separated from …tapirs, otters were separated from otters and all of the other animals arrived at various places around the world before the breakup of the continents.
    * It’s the reason why the lifespan of humans was cut in half a second time since the global flood from a less than 500 year lifespan to a less than 250 year lifespan.
    * It’s the reason why the meaning of the word Peleg in Hebrew that meant “divided” turned into “as (where) the waters flow” in the later Aramaic form of Hebrew. That’s quite an impressive change in meaning.
    * It’s the reason people isolated into family groups and began speaking their own language. (Everything that happens is of course by the power of God.)
    *Last but not least, it’s the reason penguins never made it to the Arctic since there was no land there for them to breed in the Arctic. …And now you know the rest of the story, the whole story.

    • @gary_stavropoulos
      @gary_stavropoulos 4 дні тому

      I can’t imagine what it must be like to think this way.

    • @zajournals
      @zajournals 4 дні тому

      Faith-based belief in the supernatural and pseudoscience. But nice try.

    • @JungleJargon
      @JungleJargon 3 дні тому

      @@zajournals I have faith in the most logical explanation.

    • @JungleJargon
      @JungleJargon 3 дні тому

      @@gary_stavropoulos You must believe in matter and energy making and directing themselves for no reason based on no science.

    • @zajournals
      @zajournals 3 дні тому

      @@JungleJargon not according to incontrovertible, substantiated science. Yours is a faith-based belief in the supernatural, not reality. Fortunately you are free to have faith in whatever you want. That's not possible in some countries. And just for the record, I'm not an gnostic atheist. No belief in the supernatural can be proven nor disproven.

  • @genelott5757
    @genelott5757 4 дні тому +1

    Babel was 31/2 miles wide and 5 miles long.

  • @Iamironclay
    @Iamironclay 2 дні тому

    The Land of Shinar is the Sinai

  • @genelott5757
    @genelott5757 4 дні тому +2

    This is the problem with christianity. Worshipping nimrods birth on dec 25, his son on valentines and his wife ishtar on easter. Call YAHUSHA a different name. Who they worshipping?

  • @genelott5757
    @genelott5757 4 дні тому +1

    Nimrod was from cush. Who was from Hamm. No word of Japeth? Noah had 3 sons and a daughter.

    • @konnerlafon5468
      @konnerlafon5468 4 дні тому +1

      where in the Bible does it say Noah had a daughter?? (it doesn’t)

    • @genelott5757
      @genelott5757 4 дні тому

      The kjv bible doesn't tell the entire story. Only certain verses chosen. Torah, Ethiopian Bible etc. Much older.

    • @MartialArtsSilhouette
      @MartialArtsSilhouette 3 дні тому

      The Torah is in the kjv though..
      Ethiopian bible has the apocrypha and some clement writings.. which are all well known and readily available to everyone. I've read almost all of them. I haven't heard anything about noah having a daughter. Where are you getting this from?

    • @genelott5757
      @genelott5757 3 дні тому +1

      @@MartialArtsSilhouette no your right I was driving and just mistyped thinking.

  • @davidroberson8030
    @davidroberson8030 4 дні тому

    You know you sit here and think about this Tower of Babel they're going to build it all the way to heaven huh Right if you get up so high you run out of oxygen how are they going to do that they going to seal it in then or run oxygen from the bottom up how tall can you build a building??? It's always better to use a little logic when you think about it and then think about the story a building going to heaven it's always bugged me, how is that supposed to even work???

    • @gary_stavropoulos
      @gary_stavropoulos 4 дні тому

      It is religion it works best if you don’t think.

    • @zajournals
      @zajournals 4 дні тому

      It doesn't work, because it's fiction, mythology, a faith-based belief in the supernatural.

  • @gary_stavropoulos
    @gary_stavropoulos 4 дні тому

    How are you quantifying “better translation”? If you are talking about accurately relaying what the oldest texts say then no the kjv is not superior, if you mean literarily that is subjective, but is defensible.

    • @genelott5757
      @genelott5757 4 дні тому

      I am just stating, the TRUTH is out there. Very easy to find. In history and in sacred texts.
      I was guilty as any.
      I learned as a Christian I was worshipping the same crap that the ppl of babylon was. Idols, deities and false doctrines.
      All the locations of the Bible, are in Africa. You can see the Garden yourself.
      You can find all these locations on very old maps. You can see yourself.
      Babylon still exists. Here's the path you can follow through history. Cain and nimrod were builders of civilisations. So here you go. Babylon, Egypt, Rome, Europe. The tribes of YAHUA were cursed and scattered across the world for worshipping idols, deities etc.
      They are native peoples of the world. In bondage. When you know the truth, blessed.
      Christians really can't explain why the true sabbath and the feasts of YAHUA are not even observed.
      Oh, new covenant, the only thing that was changed was sacrifices bcuz a cows blood cannot wash and MANS sins. Just the beginning.

    • @peggyfranzen6159
      @peggyfranzen6159 34 хвилини тому

      @@gary_stavropoulos Nim rod was all about brawn- not brains.

    • @gary_stavropoulos
      @gary_stavropoulos 17 хвилин тому

      @@genelott5757 that has nothing to do with what I asked.
      It appears that you are making the fallacious claim that since the place is real the stories are real. Also no you can’t trace Cain or nimrod through history.

  • @iamme5714
    @iamme5714 4 дні тому +7

    Why God even bother to prevent what Nimrod was doing? If God is the truly Most High, He should’ve not to worried & He could’ve easily destroy the tower after it built, right? Food for thought…

    • @huejazz4937
      @huejazz4937 4 дні тому +3

      Idk know it all. Go read, find out for yourself. Learn what's been hidden from you

    • @zajournals
      @zajournals 4 дні тому +1

      Because the god of Abraham doesn't exist.

    • @konnerlafon5468
      @konnerlafon5468 4 дні тому +1

      this makes no sense.

    • @peggyfranzen6159
      @peggyfranzen6159 3 дні тому +1

      Because parents love their children- no matter what. ♥Bad or good,

    • @peggyfranzen6159
      @peggyfranzen6159 3 дні тому +1

      That's what love is about Patience.

  • @JungleJargon
    @JungleJargon 4 дні тому +2

    People are ignoring actual known human history. The actual historical records and DNA migrations show that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially the sixteen original civilizations… from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. Learn ancient history before trying to learn science.
    1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal
    2. Thracians (L) Tiras
    3. Mediterranean Greek sea people (T) Javan
    4. Siberians (N) Meshek
    5. East Asians (O) Magog
    6. Medes (PQ) Madai
    7. Western Europeans (R) Gomer
    8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad
    9. Elamites (H) Elam
    10. Assyrians (G) Asshur
    11. Arameans (F1) Aram
    12. Lydians (F2) Lud
    13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush
    14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim
    15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan
    16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut
    The D paternal haplogroup Sino descendants of Canaan migrated from Canaan east to China all the way to Japan and Tibet. The C paternal haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated as far as South Asia, the Pacific, Mongolia and all the way to the Americas accounting for the Olmec civilization as well as the Q haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes that crossed the Atlantic to Central America.
    The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the Semitic N lineage accompanied the Eurasian Q paternal haplogroup to Central America. The C&D maternal haplogroups belonging to the Eurasian M lineage also accompanied the Atlantic crossing of the Q paternal haplogroup Medes and probably the C paternal haplogroup to Central America. The Semitic B maternal mtDNA haplogroup seems to have crossed the Pacific Ocean to South America.
    The Mediterranean paternal R1b and the maternal X2a also found in Galilee represent another Atlantic crossing of the Phoenicians in the days of King Solomon considering also the Mediterranean paternal haplogroups of T, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, E and B in addition to the R1b in Native American Populations. J1 and J2 is Arabs and Jews. (I1 is most likely Dan and I2 resembles the movements of the tribe of Asher)
    Of course there is also the Cohen modal haplotype of J1 P58 as well which identifies the IJ lineage of Hebrews and Arabs that are descended from Arphaxad. J2 M172 is the largest group of descendants probably of the House of the kings David and Solomon. Now you know a lot more of what is verified human history.

    • @zajournals
      @zajournals 4 дні тому +2


    • @gary_stavropoulos
      @gary_stavropoulos 4 дні тому +1

      Except that “history” is not verified, the only person you mentioned that has been verified is David. You should look into the history of Egypt and China, those regions were inhabited before during and after the time when these events are claimed to have happened.

    • @JungleJargon
      @JungleJargon 3 дні тому

      @@zajournals It’s DNA evidence that doesn’t lie.

    • @JungleJargon
      @JungleJargon 3 дні тому

      @@gary_stavropoulos You clearly don’t know about the original known ancient civilizations.

    • @zajournals
      @zajournals 3 дні тому +1

      @@JungleJargon I'm a theologist. Yours is a faith-based belief in the supernatural. That's what I was referring to.

  • @jonk777
    @jonk777 4 дні тому

    Paul said it was given by angels because Yahweh isn’t the Most High. Jacob was Yahwehs inheritance from the Most High. Jesus said no one has seen or heard the Father, also said all who came before me are thrives and robbers. Paul said a veil gets put over the eyes of those who read the Old Testament. Jesus message was to tell the Jews Yahweh wasn’t the Father. They didn’t understand His words so He told them they are sons of satan. I can explain this in depth but here is two verses that show it clearly.
    2 Sam 24
    1 Chron 21
    Calling Yahweh the Father is saying satan is your father. This is very clear if you understand Revelation and Genesis. I understand that’s not easy, few understand Revelation.
    Jesus had the words that lead to life and the truth. The framework of His words mean everything. He consistently corrected Yahweh. Jesus parables are pointed at Yahweh as comparison. If you ask your Father for a fish He will not give you a snake, this points to the exodus. The examples are endless as it’s one of the main things as Yahweh is the dragon who the whore rides… Yahweh is more like the prodigal son