i’m so glad there’s someone talking about the addiction of valorant and the negativity it can bring, you’ll feel yourself becoming more toxic, it’s so hard to let go because once you’ve put in so many hours, it’s impossible to give up
7x radiant player, played this game very often (played since release), whether it was on smurfs, scrims or my main account I can say that this game stole my life, im working on myself now - cool video btw
I used to be addicted to Valorant. I had a serious anger issue, and no one wanted to play with me because they were afraid I would yell at them. (I also dropped out.) I saw the consequences and stopped playing, Started focusing on improving myself. I got better and achieved high grades in school. I would say it wasn't worth it, but if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't have found such awesome friends. I'm glad you're talking about this so more people won't make the same mistake I did :)
@@dior487 The ranking in video games is a poison. This is just to compare you and make you dependent on a game that developers are making money off of behind your back. I’m currently gc3 on rocket league I almost touched the ssl and I admit that I am lost: should I continue? Should I stop? I keep asking myself the question but every time I play it and I get even more frustrated. It makes me forget my responsibilities in real life (I’m a college student). For me, the ranked is a real problem for everyone.
@@dior487 The ranking in video games is a poison. This is just to compare you and make you dependent on a game that developers are making money off of behind your back. I’m currently gc3 on rocket league I almost touched the ssl and I admit that I am lost: should I continue? Should I stop? I keep asking myself the question but every time I play it and I get even more frustrated. It makes me forget my responsibilities in real life (I’m a student at the faculty). For me, the ranked is a real problem for everyone.
I played this game for 2 years when it first came out, was very addicted but I quit it. Now after watching some gameplay and new updates I tried it out and have been addicted for 3 days straight, it really does ruin your life, 3 days were enough to get me addicted and forget my responsibilities in life. I would much rather play single player games which are more enjoyable and not so demanding of time and attention. I would advice people who are addicted to it, press the uninstall button no matter how hard it seems, and build other habits to improve yourself and play good single player games. Eventually in due time you will forget about valorant.
I am addicted to this game cause I was lonely and decided to play with my close friends, after I cut them off due to personal reasons. I was grinding like crazy cause I was at my lowest point in life and couldn't seem to get out of it, till the end of 2022. When I was open to change and befriend with some of my schoolmates, I was happy, but I knew there was something that could change my life, something that drove me to play mad and grind hard in not only games but my whole entire life. Maybe I've regretted to play many hours of Valorant or not, but at the end of the day, it taught me a lot of lessons as I was willing to desire for my goals and lessons to teach me how to overcome myself. This game to me may have died out but I was proud to be a player but never to cut out so much time with my friends. This year, I see a even brighter light ahead, seeing myself slowly detach myself form Valorant, expect for the goal of immortal(thats why I am grinding so hard q-q), other than that. I am ready to change my lifestyle for the better with the great things to come
after that last sentence "was it worth getting addicted" i actually got goosebumps bro. this man sent shivers down my spine while at the same time making me wanna quit valorant more than any other video on this topic
That statement you made about how no one needs to grind valorant like crazy unless it's their full time job really resonated with me, and probably a lot of people watching this. I, luckily, haven't gotten addicted like someone i know has. Initially when we would queue together he was nice, same skill level as us, and we played to have fun. I stopped playing with him a few days ago, he got to addicted to the game, bought multiple skin bundles, became extremely toxic, and averages around 10 ranked games a day, along with playing swift and unrated. seeing what he did to himself was really a wake up call to me, to stop, or at least play less before its too late You've done a really good job in delivering that sentiment, well done
I'm not addicted cuz of studying, having rly great time w/ friends just talking irl, i can accept the things which i did wrong during valorant matches, i just wanna be the best of everything, even balance between healthy lifestyle and playing games like valorant (or other games) in case, thx 4 explaining everything, i hope to watch more of your channel GL in UA-cam 🔥
I used to do a lot of the 7. That all ended once I hit immortal in Ep3 and just kinda went “…..ok now what?” I knew I didn’t want to put in the effort to get to top 500, I had college to focus on. I started playing only for fun and with friends. I gravitated towards Yoru from the more “viable” agents because he was just more fun to play. Glad I don’t have this problem anymore.
Man thanks for everything. I am telling myself to not play everyday (2days with no playing) but when I play I usually stay for 5 hours straight in the weekends and 3 on the other workdays. Thanks you for talking about that and I will try my best to limit myself.
Omg that’s so fucking true I stand up at the morning and I say bro I quit my soloqeue I stop that game but at the evening I’m playing for hours. I think the only help there will be quit ranked and go back ranked. The biggest problem is that no one will care about ur rank and why should u playing ranked when u can have fun with casual modes or different games without ranking system
I have always made sure to put school before valorant. On a weekday, maybe I can have a game after school but other than that I will focus on getting my homework and jobs done. And when I am in that exam heavy time of school I just take a break from gaming entirely and focus on my studies. It rlly helps and it feels good to achieve high grades in school and after your exams have finished you feel like you have earned that break. When I am on holidays, I use the school-free time and play some valorant with my friends, sometimes even late nights, and once school starts again I go back into the *“one game a day”* routine until the weekend of course.
Beautifully written video my man! This topic doesn’t really get discussed often in the gaming community. Glad you also include other activities you can do beside gaming, since we sometimes forget just how much free time we have to do literally anything else if we just don’t play too much games
great video with a great message. When i was watching it i was thinking how this issent just a video abought Valorant but abought videogames in general.
This video made my day and also this changed my mindset to do more things in time to school or other chores than playing valorant 7 hours a day. Thank you so much! :D
Amazing video, i was addicted last summer, i played until late, but thank god for some reason (and probably beacuse my friends stopped playing much too) i stopped playing for months, and after re-entering some weeks ago, i saw my "locker" and i was destroyed by how much i spent for no reason (100€, i'm 16 so i have no income). Fortunately now i spend that time doing things that make me fell better (gym, coding, going out ecc.). I hope that this video can help people who fell like this.
bro i don't comment often, but i can help someone here so u know there is uninstall button right, that's the answer. Now I am not saying you have to delete it forever, but just delete it for couple of weeks till your brain gets back to normal (harmonically : if that's a word relating to harmonal balance) and then u set some ground rules when you download it back, cuz u don't want to corrupt your brain again. Do you?
Back in the day, I was addicted to CSGO in high school, playing 8-9 hours in front of the pc,being angry at the smallest things in my life,I remember the time when I seriously lost it after our wifi stopped working....I bashed the Wi-Fi in anger as I got disconnected from the match. Lot of things happened after that. But after time I found my purpose in life I quit the game and only came to play when I needed to chill, and chill I did. Now when I shifted to valorant never really got addicted to it... This video really highlights this topic well.. To all the teens watching this I want to tell you this It's really not worth it....play for fun not for satisfaction in life, for that you need to focus on academics..
I feel like, that I'm not adicted but some points you said are true. I do have no fun in ranked anymore and I was looking for people having fun in swiftplay etc. but there are just a few. I also stopped playing Valorant for like 1-2 months but now the same thing happens. Love your video, it's very important that people stop playing too much ranked
I played back in year 1 and this video hit home. However everything you said relates to all competitive shooters in my opinion. And sadly I’ve found myself hitting all those boxes with siege, the finals, or overwatch. I wish I could just have fun and not treat gaming like it’s another full time job like when I was a kid
I feel like FOMO(feeling of missing out” is part of it. But i also have this feeling but i only play for like 1 hour and 30 mins or 2 hours a day and after that i do some cardio like basketball for 30 mins or 1 hour or more.so if you still want to play valorant keep it moderate and also be moderate on exercising
I don't think anyone has a gaming addiction, it's not a thing. The addiction that people really have is feeling like they have control over their lives, because you are living in a world where you otherwise feel helpless, bills are stacking up, you're not as talented as your peers, you're not as smart as them, not as athletic, but you wanna know what YOU DO HAVE? skill in a videogame, skill that makes you feel that maybe there's a reason that I'm better, maybe I AM better than these people in some way. And that's the addiction people have, feeling like they actually have something that can set them apart or that they can have the opportunity to work towards becoming someone who is set apart from everyone else
I... Didnt want to face it first but I started playing Valorant first in October 2022 and over not even 1.5 years I amassed roughly 850h of playtime, more than I have in most games in general. The worst part about this is, I amassed these hours in a time when I should absolutely not play an easily addicting online competetive shooter as I got diagnosed with a severe depressive episode and crippling depressive disorder in November of 2022 so any time I have should be (as far as I can) put into improving my situation. And it did- somewhat. I went to a psychiatric hospital and therapy and my overall mental state has improved drastically. But in the meantime I unknowingly got addicted to Valorant and I know, if it wasnt for Valorant I probably wouldve gotten addicted to another game but the addiction to Valorant is much more severe. It really does not mix well with the state im in and altough I played with the thought of being addicted I never truly thought about it. This video was a wakeup call and a slap in the face because fucking hell im addicted asf. I have no sleep schedule (typing this at 5am) and because I have nothing else to do over the day I sit down at my pc and play Valorant because thats the only thing keeping me entertained and disconnected from my oh so brutal reality. I think my best chance at escaping this addiction is to tell my friends about it so they can monitor me a bit and to force myself to adopt a more healthy sleep schedule and occupy my day in any other form, even if it is with other games. Im pretty sure many others are in a similar situation as me and even though the circumstances are different I hope my story might help you! Im also deeply thankful for your video as it really caught me.
I’m so sorry to hear this…. Don’t be discouraged about the amount of hours you put in, rather you can now slowly get out of it :) Try not to think too much of it because it’ll overwhelm you! I wish you the best!!
Trust me guys, you dont need to play 10-20 matches a day, i went immortal by only playing 2-3games a day, the truth is back when i was plat (in late 2022) i used to play 8-9 ranked games a day if i had a bad day this would hit my mental health alot, ranked games used to determine how my mood is for the next day. Thus i started to take control and have decipline, somedays i would just win one game and not play that day cause i was satisfied and didnt feel like i need one more win to be happy, even if i lost 2 games out of the 3 I’d stop cause if i lose another one I’ll feel worse and if i won I would get a dopamine hit to queue another cause winning feels nice. As i got deciplined and formed a schedule and ever since then my rank slowly but surely increase and finally on last december 21st I hit immortal and since then i havent played a single ranked game, i have played a few unrated and swiftplays with my lower ranked friends
hey, can you go into more detail on this? i'm currently in the spot you were in because i'm trying to hit immortal but i end up playing too much, so would you say that playing less is better for playing better, anyway? not that that's the main goal, but it would be more convincing to play less if playing too much means i'd play worse, anyway.
@@lB-ov3yn playing less doesnt mean that you'll play better but if you are playing too much on a bad day, it'll be hard for your mental to keep up. Sometimes aim or util usage isnt the issue on bad days its mostly the mental that holds you back. Being on a losing streak unconsciously reduces your confidence and makes you more cautious about your mistake, therefore leading you to overthink and that overthinking will make you whiff shots because you thinking too much at the same time. Now that i've reached my goal rank, i havent had much of a tilting experience with the game because i dont have that hunger to win and somehow this has made me more consistent in the game cause im not scared of losing and i dont overthink as much. Yes some defeats are still heartbreaking or its totally the team's fault, still to this day if i feel tilted i just stop playing and do something else. hope it helps and if you need any more advices feel free to reply. Goodluck king
Yeah its so easy to fall into addiction. I used to olay valorant everyday for hours, ranked game after ranked game. You know what it payed off in some way i hit my goal (Diamond at the time). But then what i lost all motivation, realised that it doesn't really matter. I still love Valorant although I still want to climb i only play two games a day. Everything in moderation guy. 😊
Tbh youth has so much energy and drive to be the best, The game abuses that and consumes all the energy into constant dopamine rewards, rankings, 40 minutes per match minimum to get you hooked, and if you leave, punishment as if you did something major wrong. Then they reset the seasson so you are always 3 elows down and that you would need to play more. The truth is, only 100 players will get a pro card in the world, which lasts for 1 year or months for most pros, 1 - 4 get their community set of new teenagers who are eager or hooked with the game, they grow up and realise they have to work, start a family, then the fresh new teenagers comin in, thats the community. 2-3 players as shroud, hiko get the base set in 5-8 years. So the maths says riot is addicting youths energy to become more toxic, mentally ill(fatigued, or litrally on mental medicines from illness as an effect of stress), and the cycle continues, The twitch streamers will make you want to play, you will play, your youth energy will ask you to climb, you get hooked in the rabit hole, if this energy is used in something irl that you want as dream. For me being in top 0.01% radient constant toxic enviroment isnt it. I hope majority relaise it too, Offline casuals were always the best, they actually give energy rather than take. Hope someone finds this helpful
I spend a lot of time playing Valorant every day, but I'm not sure if it counts as addiction. I would say it feels more like a means to escape reality. I do often try other activities but they always make me feel worse. I always feel like my performance (in everything) is really bad and all my efforts are a waste of time. In the end, I end up playing Valorant again.
I usee to be addicted to valorant, i always screamed ,yell and cursed. Suddenly a mircle happend i stooped playing valorant is stoped watching vidoes for loke 5 monthes. Here we got todey i dowlonad valorant BUT i am not addicted i am play 1-2 hours a day and i am not screaming or whatever also before 5 monthez i played like 6-7 hours a day, todey i am not. GUYS DONT DO THE SAME MISTAKE I DID IF YOUR ADDICTED THEN DONT WASTE YOUR TIME BEFORE ITS TO LATE.
This is realy true, even if not addicted to Valorant, whene i think that i in the future i have to stop play it, sell my account, my pc and lose all my skill level, i fell inside of me sadness, i don't know ifthis is good or not, wha
i actually dont understand how anyone can be addicted to valorant i get bored after 2-3 games of ranked and even when i feel competitive i cant play more than 5ranked games
It was not worth it. I basically didn't study because I got addicted and I failed to get good enough marks to get into my dream college. This time I've deleted this shit somehow ( trust me its super hard if you're addicted). I've redownloaded this crap so many times just feel that dopamine hit one more time only to waste the whole day again and again and ignoring my studies. But this time I actually quit it and won't open it again before getting in a good college or job. Valorant addiction is certainly on the level of alcohol and drug addiction that mostly affects your mental health and social life. If I get a chance to redo it all again, I would like to forget this game existed
to be honest you dont need to play a lot of games to climb up the ranks, have a consistent training routine and watch guides on how to improve and pro players and only play a few matches every day you will slowly start to see improvement and rank ups, for me playing 2-3 games already works for me as slowly but surely i went from bronze 1 to silver 2
i think i am addicted to valorant, but i still go to the gym practise art, read books, and spend time with my family, is it really that bad then? I was really addicted, but to fix the problem i told myself i will draw for atleast 1 hour per day and read a book one hour a day.
I also noticed the more you lost the match, the more you wanted to play! because in my mind I need to get those MMR back before I logout till 3am lol and the loop goes on. after hundreds of games, I realized maybe this is not worth it anymore and I will never hit Radiant or even Diamond because if am a good player i should be Radiant by now. I saw top radiant players who only have few games played maybe average 100 to 150 games per act while a player like me who has 400 to 600 games still not even platinum.
Being good at a game as competitive as Valorant makes it easier to get good at other games or at least it gives you an outline of what you will go through in the pursuit of reaching your desired skill so overall I don't regret getting addicted
bro if u have over 80IQ u won't be addicted to valorant. At my country there is a year we call "exam year" wich we study for an exam for 10 months. When it started I ovbiously stopped playing valorant and stop playing it was easy. Valorant is fun but its also stressful. Just don't play it for a week and you won't miss the game. (I were playing the game for 2 years when the exam year started and I didn't played valorant for 10 months without missing it)
To be great you have to be absolutely possessed by your goal. - in this context if you wqnt to go pro, grind your ass of, but that doesnt mean qeueing one ranked after another …
if yall want a new game to play try elden ring or god of war 4 (aka god of war 2018), open world games RPGs that are slower and relaxing to play (you may need to search up guides for your first play through of these games like I am).
I have a better method to quit it.. Install an automatic blocker (I used cold turkey) and you dont have to manually think how much you want to play it'll automatically block the game According to the schedule you set or a time limit... personally i straight up set it to permanently blocking the game for 6 months when i had my 12th grade in school and simply got used to it after like 2 days of being annoyed/having an unproductive day.
now that’s something entirely different! if that’s you’re true passion, then you go for it! it would be different when you’re putting in the time to scrim with teams, practice mechanics, and putting yourself out there. i would call that a passion rather than an addiction
I used to play valorant like 7-8 hours everyday and your video motivated me to stop and focus on myself before getting good ranks that isn’t even going to improve my life but going to make it angrier and sadder now I have made only 1 hr 30 min or only 1 hour to spend time in gaming and now I have more friends social life and the most important happiness a lot of happiness W video you made me a good person thank you so much man!❤ Edit-Now I have been completely avoiding competitive
Fucking easy, you just grind rank until you are so hardstuck and frustrated and you have teammates that play like two division worse , you will automatically give up hope, despite how much money you have spent.
i’m so glad there’s someone talking about the addiction of valorant and the negativity it can bring, you’ll feel yourself becoming more toxic, it’s so hard to let go because once you’ve put in so many hours, it’s impossible to give up
just say your hard stuck iron
? im not lol. i dont even play anymore and if you think low elo player r somehow more addicted than higher, ur braindead.@@ealkhiyami9737
7x radiant player, played this game very often (played since release), whether it was on smurfs, scrims or my main account I can say that this game stole my life, im working on myself now - cool video btw
I used to be addicted to Valorant. I had a serious anger issue, and no one wanted to play with me because they were afraid I would yell at them. (I also dropped out.) I saw the consequences and stopped playing, Started focusing on improving myself. I got better and achieved high grades in school. I would say it wasn't worth it, but if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't have found such awesome friends. I'm glad you're talking about this so more people won't make the same mistake I did :)
i’m happy to hear that you got out of it! i’m glad you’re much better now! it’s a huge thing that i’m sure no one wants to talk about
valorant is NOT that serious
u can still play the game and hit radiant without yelling and being an asshole 🫨🤯
@@dior487 The ranking in video games is a poison. This is just to compare you and make you dependent on a game that developers are making money off of behind your back. I’m currently gc3 on rocket league I almost touched the ssl and I admit that I am lost: should I continue? Should I stop? I keep asking myself the question but every time I play it and I get even more frustrated. It makes me forget my responsibilities in real life (I’m a college student). For me, the ranked is a real problem for everyone.
@@dior487 The ranking in video games is a poison. This is just to compare you and make you dependent on a game that developers are making money off of behind your back. I’m currently gc3 on rocket league I almost touched the ssl and I admit that I am lost: should I continue? Should I stop? I keep asking myself the question but every time I play it and I get even more frustrated. It makes me forget my responsibilities in real life (I’m a student at the faculty). For me, the ranked is a real problem for everyone.
I'm not addicted to valorant, but I might get addicted to this guy's videos
I played this game for 2 years when it first came out, was very addicted but I quit it. Now after watching some gameplay and new updates I tried it out and have been addicted for 3 days straight, it really does ruin your life, 3 days were enough to get me addicted and forget my responsibilities in life. I would much rather play single player games which are more enjoyable and not so demanding of time and attention.
I would advice people who are addicted to it, press the uninstall button no matter how hard it seems, and build other habits to improve yourself and play good single player games. Eventually in due time you will forget about valorant.
I am addicted to this game cause I was lonely and decided to play with my close friends, after I cut them off due to personal reasons. I was grinding like crazy cause I was at my lowest point in life and couldn't seem to get out of it, till the end of 2022. When I was open to change and befriend with some of my schoolmates, I was happy, but I knew there was something that could change my life, something that drove me to play mad and grind hard in not only games but my whole entire life. Maybe I've regretted to play many hours of Valorant or not, but at the end of the day, it taught me a lot of lessons as I was willing to desire for my goals and lessons to teach me how to overcome myself. This game to me may have died out but I was proud to be a player but never to cut out so much time with my friends.
This year, I see a even brighter light ahead, seeing myself slowly detach myself form Valorant, expect for the goal of immortal(thats why I am grinding so hard q-q), other than that. I am ready to change my lifestyle for the better with the great things to come
i wish you all the best! :)
@@matthewccrocker fr though
after that last sentence "was it worth getting addicted" i actually got goosebumps bro. this man sent shivers down my spine while at the same time making me wanna quit valorant more than any other video on this topic
When u said "smokers" i was thinkin bout brim....
That statement you made about how no one needs to grind valorant like crazy unless it's their full time job really resonated with me, and probably a lot of people watching this. I, luckily, haven't gotten addicted like someone i know has. Initially when we would queue together he was nice, same skill level as us, and we played to have fun. I stopped playing with him a few days ago, he got to addicted to the game, bought multiple skin bundles, became extremely toxic, and averages around 10 ranked games a day, along with playing swift and unrated. seeing what he did to himself was really a wake up call to me, to stop, or at least play less before its too late
You've done a really good job in delivering that sentiment, well done
I'm not addicted cuz of studying, having rly great time w/ friends just talking irl, i can accept the things which i did wrong during valorant matches, i just wanna be the best of everything, even balance between healthy lifestyle and playing games like valorant (or other games)
in case, thx 4 explaining everything, i hope to watch more of your channel
GL in UA-cam 🔥
I used to do a lot of the 7. That all ended once I hit immortal in Ep3 and just kinda went “…..ok now what?” I knew I didn’t want to put in the effort to get to top 500, I had college to focus on. I started playing only for fun and with friends. I gravitated towards Yoru from the more “viable” agents because he was just more fun to play. Glad I don’t have this problem anymore.
Man thanks for everything. I am telling myself to not play everyday (2days with no playing) but when I play I usually stay for 5 hours straight in the weekends and 3 on the other workdays. Thanks you for talking about that and I will try my best to limit myself.
Omg that’s so fucking true
I stand up at the morning and I say bro I quit my soloqeue I stop that game but at the evening I’m playing for hours. I think the only help there will be quit ranked and go back ranked. The biggest problem is that no one will care about ur rank and why should u playing ranked when u can have fun with casual modes or different games without ranking system
I have always made sure to put school before valorant. On a weekday, maybe I can have a game after school but other than that I will focus on getting my homework and jobs done. And when I am in that exam heavy time of school I just take a break from gaming entirely and focus on my studies. It rlly helps and it feels good to achieve high grades in school and after your exams have finished you feel like you have earned that break. When I am on holidays, I use the school-free time and play some valorant with my friends, sometimes even late nights, and once school starts again I go back into the *“one game a day”* routine until the weekend of course.
Great video man, Not to mention when I reduced my playtime I eventually was performing better as getting my sleep in and address my responsibilities.
Your concentration will also improve
Beautifully written video my man! This topic doesn’t really get discussed often in the gaming community. Glad you also include other activities you can do beside gaming, since we sometimes forget just how much free time we have to do literally anything else if we just don’t play too much games
Thank you! I really appreciate your comment :) it means a lot
Idk how can i thank u man
This video made me realise the horrible mistakes ive made
there’s nothing wrong with that! u can move forward with it :)
what if you only check one of those out@@azenftw
great video with a great message. When i was watching it i was thinking how this issent just a video abought Valorant but abought videogames in general.
This video made my day and also this changed my mindset to do more things in time to school or other chores than playing valorant 7 hours a day. Thank you so much! :D
Amazing video, i was addicted last summer, i played until late, but thank god for some reason (and probably beacuse my friends stopped playing much too) i stopped playing for months, and after re-entering some weeks ago, i saw my "locker" and i was destroyed by how much i spent for no reason (100€, i'm 16 so i have no income). Fortunately now i spend that time doing things that make me fell better (gym, coding, going out ecc.). I hope that this video can help people who fell like this.
bro i don't comment often, but i can help someone here
u know there is uninstall button right, that's the answer. Now I am not saying you have to delete it forever, but just delete it for couple of weeks till your brain gets back to normal (harmonically : if that's a word relating to harmonal balance) and then u set some ground rules when you download it back, cuz u don't want to corrupt your brain again. Do you?
i quit this game and now my daytime feels bigger
Back in the day, I was addicted to CSGO in high school, playing 8-9 hours in front of the pc,being angry at the smallest things in my life,I remember the time when I seriously lost it after our wifi stopped working....I bashed the Wi-Fi in anger as I got disconnected from the match. Lot of things happened after that. But after time I found my purpose in life I quit the game and only came to play when I needed to chill, and chill I did. Now when I shifted to valorant never really got addicted to it... This video really highlights this topic well.. To all the teens watching this I want to tell you this It's really not worth it....play for fun not for satisfaction in life, for that you need to focus on academics..
I feel like, that I'm not adicted but some points you said are true. I do have no fun in ranked anymore and I was looking for people having fun in swiftplay etc. but there are just a few. I also stopped playing Valorant for like 1-2 months but now the same thing happens. Love your video, it's very important that people stop playing too much ranked
good video I feel like so many people adopt the playtime and lifestly of streamers and pro players it can be pretty unhealthy
couldn’t agree more!
You changed my life dude
I have no language to thank you .
I played back in year 1 and this video hit home. However everything you said relates to all competitive shooters in my opinion. And sadly I’ve found myself hitting all those boxes with siege, the finals, or overwatch. I wish I could just have fun and not treat gaming like it’s another full time job like when I was a kid
I feel like FOMO(feeling of missing out” is part of it. But i also have this feeling but i only play for like 1 hour and 30 mins or 2 hours a day and after that i do some cardio like basketball for 30 mins or 1 hour or more.so if you still want to play valorant keep it moderate and also be moderate on exercising
I don't think anyone has a gaming addiction, it's not a thing. The addiction that people really have is feeling like they have control over their lives, because you are living in a world where you otherwise feel helpless, bills are stacking up, you're not as talented as your peers, you're not as smart as them, not as athletic, but you wanna know what YOU DO HAVE? skill in a videogame, skill that makes you feel that maybe there's a reason that I'm better, maybe I AM better than these people in some way. And that's the addiction people have, feeling like they actually have something that can set them apart or that they can have the opportunity to work towards becoming someone who is set apart from everyone else
I... Didnt want to face it first but I started playing Valorant first in October 2022 and over not even 1.5 years I amassed roughly 850h of playtime, more than I have in most games in general.
The worst part about this is, I amassed these hours in a time when I should absolutely not play an easily addicting online competetive shooter as I got diagnosed with a severe depressive episode and crippling depressive disorder in November of 2022 so any time I have should be (as far as I can) put into improving my situation. And it did- somewhat. I went to a psychiatric hospital and therapy and my overall mental state has improved drastically. But in the meantime I unknowingly got addicted to Valorant and I know, if it wasnt for Valorant I probably wouldve gotten addicted to another game but the addiction to Valorant is much more severe. It really does not mix well with the state im in and altough I played with the thought of being addicted I never truly thought about it. This video was a wakeup call and a slap in the face because fucking hell im addicted asf. I have no sleep schedule (typing this at 5am) and because I have nothing else to do over the day I sit down at my pc and play Valorant because thats the only thing keeping me entertained and disconnected from my oh so brutal reality. I think my best chance at escaping this addiction is to tell my friends about it so they can monitor me a bit and to force myself to adopt a more healthy sleep schedule and occupy my day in any other form, even if it is with other games.
Im pretty sure many others are in a similar situation as me and even though the circumstances are different I hope my story might help you!
Im also deeply thankful for your video as it really caught me.
The worst part is that im still Silver 😭💀
I’m so sorry to hear this…. Don’t be discouraged about the amount of hours you put in, rather you can now slowly get out of it :) Try not to think too much of it because it’ll overwhelm you! I wish you the best!!
Thank you :D @@azenftw
bro ur so underrated, the quality is so good u deserve so much better
this channel is extremely underrated
how do you only have 932 subscribers you should have at least 1 mill this is to good i cant wait when you hit 1k im subscribing
this video changed my whole mindset
Trust me guys, you dont need to play 10-20 matches a day, i went immortal by only playing 2-3games a day, the truth is back when i was plat (in late 2022) i used to play 8-9 ranked games a day if i had a bad day this would hit my mental health alot, ranked games used to determine how my mood is for the next day. Thus i started to take control and have decipline, somedays i would just win one game and not play that day cause i was satisfied and didnt feel like i need one more win to be happy, even if i lost 2 games out of the 3 I’d stop cause if i lose another one I’ll feel worse and if i won I would get a dopamine hit to queue another cause winning feels nice. As i got deciplined and formed a schedule and ever since then my rank slowly but surely increase and finally on last december 21st I hit immortal and since then i havent played a single ranked game, i have played a few unrated and swiftplays with my lower ranked friends
hey, can you go into more detail on this? i'm currently in the spot you were in because i'm trying to hit immortal but i end up playing too much, so would you say that playing less is better for playing better, anyway? not that that's the main goal, but it would be more convincing to play less if playing too much means i'd play worse, anyway.
@@lB-ov3yn playing less doesnt mean that you'll play better but if you are playing too much on a bad day, it'll be hard for your mental to keep up. Sometimes aim or util usage isnt the issue on bad days its mostly the mental that holds you back. Being on a losing streak unconsciously reduces your confidence and makes you more cautious about your mistake, therefore leading you to overthink and that overthinking will make you whiff shots because you thinking too much at the same time. Now that i've reached my goal rank, i havent had much of a tilting experience with the game because i dont have that hunger to win and somehow this has made me more consistent in the game cause im not scared of losing and i dont overthink as much. Yes some defeats are still heartbreaking or its totally the team's fault, still to this day if i feel tilted i just stop playing and do something else. hope it helps and if you need any more advices feel free to reply. Goodluck king
a really really really good quality video man
Damn, this video was really good.
Keep up the hard work, I know this took a while to make
you deserve more subs man keep up the vids
such a good video man!
i was addicted but one day idk what happened it just wasnt fun anymore
Today I learnt that the insanity quote was spoken by Einstein not Vaas from far cry 3 lol.
Ur so underrated man i love your vids
Yeah its so easy to fall into addiction. I used to olay valorant everyday for hours, ranked game after ranked game. You know what it payed off in some way i hit my goal (Diamond at the time). But then what i lost all motivation, realised that it doesn't really matter.
I still love Valorant although I still want to climb i only play two games a day.
Everything in moderation guy. 😊
the most needed one is realization and accepting im not gonna lie
Tbh youth has so much energy and drive to be the best, The game abuses that and consumes all the energy into constant dopamine rewards, rankings, 40 minutes per match minimum to get you hooked, and if you leave, punishment as if you did something major wrong. Then they reset the seasson so you are always 3 elows down and that you would need to play more. The truth is, only 100 players will get a pro card in the world, which lasts for 1 year or months for most pros, 1 - 4 get their community set of new teenagers who are eager or hooked with the game, they grow up and realise they have to work, start a family, then the fresh new teenagers comin in, thats the community. 2-3 players as shroud, hiko get the base set in 5-8 years. So the maths says riot is addicting youths energy to become more toxic, mentally ill(fatigued, or litrally on mental medicines from illness as an effect of stress), and the cycle continues, The twitch streamers will make you want to play, you will play, your youth energy will ask you to climb, you get hooked in the rabit hole, if this energy is used in something irl that you want as dream. For me being in top 0.01% radient constant toxic enviroment isnt it. I hope majority relaise it too, Offline casuals were always the best, they actually give energy rather than take. Hope someone finds this helpful
I spend a lot of time playing Valorant every day, but I'm not sure if it counts as addiction.
I would say it feels more like a means to escape reality.
I do often try other activities but they always make me feel worse. I always feel like my performance (in everything) is really bad and all my efforts are a waste of time. In the end, I end up playing Valorant again.
bro this video helped me so much
I usee to be addicted to valorant, i always screamed ,yell and cursed. Suddenly a mircle happend i stooped playing valorant is stoped watching vidoes for loke 5 monthes. Here we got todey i dowlonad valorant BUT i am not addicted i am play 1-2 hours a day and i am not screaming or whatever also before 5 monthez i played like 6-7 hours a day, todey i am not. GUYS DONT DO THE SAME MISTAKE I DID IF YOUR ADDICTED THEN DONT WASTE YOUR TIME BEFORE ITS TO LATE.
Forgot to say the biggest Advide: DONT START.
watching 1 year after quitting valorant.
Realizing how much time I wasted on this game feels astonishing now
This is realy true, even if not addicted to Valorant, whene i think that i in the future i have to stop play it, sell my account, my pc and lose all my skill level, i fell inside of me sadness, i don't know ifthis is good or not, wha
thats real talk and its true
i actually dont understand how anyone can be addicted to valorant
i get bored after 2-3 games of ranked
and even when i feel competitive i cant play more than 5ranked games
I used to be so addicted, then I stopped. And now I started again, tf do I do😭
It was not worth it. I basically didn't study because I got addicted and I failed to get good enough marks to get into my dream college. This time I've deleted this shit somehow ( trust me its super hard if you're addicted). I've redownloaded this crap so many times just feel that dopamine hit one more time only to waste the whole day again and again and ignoring my studies. But this time I actually quit it and won't open it again before getting in a good college or job. Valorant addiction is certainly on the level of alcohol and drug addiction that mostly affects your mental health and social life. If I get a chance to redo it all again, I would like to forget this game existed
to be honest you dont need to play a lot of games to climb up the ranks, have a consistent training routine and watch guides on how to improve and pro players and only play a few matches every day you will slowly start to see improvement and rank ups, for me playing 2-3 games already works for me as slowly but surely i went from bronze 1 to silver 2
cool video man
wasted 3 years of my life only to just slightly fall short of going pro... will have a whole life and will never get those years back.
i think i am addicted to valorant, but i still go to the gym practise art, read books, and spend time with my family, is it really that bad then? I was really addicted, but to fix the problem i told myself i will draw for atleast 1 hour per day and read a book one hour a day.
Im not addicted to valorant I'm built different
Jk I don't have a pc I play 3 hrs on Sunday in a game center because I'm too busy with studies
im not addicted just very dedicated
W vid
Great vid
also new bundle looks so sick but 9500 vp is way too much..
I also noticed the more you lost the match, the more you wanted to play! because in my mind I need to get those MMR back before I logout till 3am lol and the loop goes on.
after hundreds of games, I realized maybe this is not worth it anymore and I will never hit Radiant or even Diamond because if am a good player i should be Radiant by now.
I saw top radiant players who only have few games played maybe average 100 to 150 games per act while a player like me who has 400 to 600 games still not even platinum.
Being good at a game as competitive as Valorant makes it easier to get good at other games or at least it gives you an outline of what you will go through in the pursuit of reaching your desired skill so overall I don't regret getting addicted
Me getting addicted and quitting valorant because I rage quit
guess im not addicted to valorant
I'm glad I'm not addicted
bro if u have over 80IQ u won't be addicted to valorant. At my country there is a year we call "exam year" wich we study for an exam for 10 months. When it started I ovbiously stopped playing valorant and stop playing it was easy. Valorant is fun but its also stressful. Just don't play it for a week and you won't miss the game. (I were playing the game for 2 years when the exam year started and I didn't played valorant for 10 months without missing it)
To be great you have to be absolutely possessed by your goal. - in this context if you wqnt to go pro, grind your ass of, but that doesnt mean qeueing one ranked after another …
if yall want a new game to play try elden ring or god of war 4 (aka god of war 2018), open world games RPGs that are slower and relaxing to play (you may need to search up guides for your first play through of these games like I am).
aint no way u only have 700 subs
Can’t end on a loss bro 💀💀💀
I love this game but, I'm putting aside my responsibilities and homework from university 😢 I feel bad asf, I'm gonna quit from this game right now
i play like 3 or 4 games but i just sit on my phone would progesive overload work?
How can anyone be addicted to a game like this game takes too long to end and it’s boring most of the time
This concept sounds familiar haha
can’t beat the original !
banger vid
this hit hardd
I have a better method to quit it.. Install an automatic blocker (I used cold turkey) and you dont have to manually think how much you want to play it'll automatically block the game According to the schedule you set or a time limit... personally i straight up set it to permanently blocking the game for 6 months when i had my 12th grade in school and simply got used to it after like 2 days of being annoyed/having an unproductive day.
this is so real
yeah lmao
this is a good ass video
im diamond rn tho shii immortal still looking tasty af
what after that?@@tofu3942
But Azen what if i want to become pro?
now that’s something entirely different! if that’s you’re true passion, then you go for it! it would be different when you’re putting in the time to scrim with teams, practice mechanics, and putting yourself out there. i would call that a passion rather than an addiction
subed in the 1st 10seconds, loved the video, i hope u make it
I was addicted to valorant for a solid while until I found a wonderful girlfriend who is now my wife and I only really play with her or friends.
I used to play valorant like 7-8 hours everyday and your video motivated me to stop and focus on myself before getting good ranks that isn’t even going to improve my life but going to make it angrier and sadder now I have made only 1 hr 30 min or only 1 hour to spend time in gaming and now I have more friends social life and the most important happiness a lot of happiness W video you made me a good person thank you so much man!❤
Edit-Now I have been completely avoiding competitive
soooooooo truee
i just wanna sell my account and forget about valorant but nobody would buy it
I got 1/7 I wonder why
quick answer HELL NO
Fucking easy, you just grind rank until you are so hardstuck and frustrated and you have teammates that play like two division worse , you will automatically give up hope, despite how much money you have spent.
nooooooooooooooo T_T
Like anyone can get addicted to this shit game ( I love valorant btw )