It's okay I started again with Christ a year or two ago? I know some people have the date stuck in their head but it was much more subtle with me and right now I'm 61 and I'll be 62 this year. God bless you
Shalom, "70", I am also your age, but, not a beginner, there is much to learn, stay humble, stay ready, guard your heart with all diligence, fight the good fight of faith, AMEN 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Same here ... a late Bible Bloomer .. and a Baby Boomer, at 65 years 😃 ...... So many fascinating stories, I find it hard to follow a pathway .. someone will mention a particular verse or Book so I jump over to that Book and become engrossed in it. But am so blown away by how what's happening in the world today has been prophesied and recorded 2000 years ago. How can anyone not believe??? God Bless 🙏
jacqui, you should know better. You've watched human beings fuck the human race for 70 years and your answer is God!!!!! Humans! Thicker than shit itself!
Pastor Brandon, this is the second time I watched this. I attended the live chat the first time. I got so much out of it this time. Thank you for helping me understand this and the other prophetic books of the Bible. I do believe that the Holy Spirit is working in my life big time lately. He has revealed a lot of things to me just since the beginning of this year alone. I look back over the years to where I was and see how far I've come, it astounds me. I feel like I'm being swept off my feet. Thank you Jesus! And thank you, too, as God has place you in all of our lives at the proper time. God bless your ministry, Pastor Brandon.
Quite true. John was writing to persecuted churches. The early Christians knew what the symbols meant. He was uplifting them during a time of persecution. He was not writing a prophetic book of future time as conservative Christians believe. The rapture is also non biblical doctrine that did not exist prior to around 1840.
I find Revelation fascinating as well? It's all that Hebraic apocalyptic language. Revelation is all about the great tribulation of 70 AD. It was the end of the Old Covenant age of Israel, the beginning of New Covenant age of the Church, the second coming (parousia) of the Son of Man in 70 AD, judgement of apostate Jerusalem in 70 AD, and the resurrection of the dead in 70 AD. But most importantly, it's about the divinity of Jesus.
Thanks again Pastor Brandon. I'm older than you and have been going to mainstream churches my whole life, and much of what you explain I am hearing for the first time. Thank you so much and please continue to help me understand scripture. I may not get to meet you this side of heaven, but you have my gratitude and respect.
This is a good reason to read the Revelation 👇 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and obey what is written in it, because the time is near. -- Revelation 1:3 --
Brandon, thank you for your videos, your explanations, your heart and love for our Heavenly Father! Thank you that your wife and family! Their gracciousness is giving and supporting you in sharing your heart and knowledge with us! Thank you for helping me grow in my faith, understanding and deeper love for our Heavenly Father! May God bless you and your family more than you could ever imagine! ❤
I love the analysis you assemble! For an analytical mind who's been trying to understand this amazing book it's literally a God send - Thank you! I only find it sad that this "decoding" as you put it, does not seem to be taught. Great work!
What is God's purpose and main message in Chapters 4 and 5? One day I began to meditate on chapters 4 and 5. Finally, after a week or two, I got stuck on John weeping much, and I could not get away from that. I began to bug God about that, asking Him why we needed to know why John wept, and why it was “much.” That day I had an encounter with God. He spoke to me and said, *“It shows timing.”* Again, I spent days reading and meditating and praying in the Spirit, and I could not find timing anywhere, so continued to bug Him about it. Finally, perhaps two more weeks, and He said, *“It also shows the movement of time.”* Again, I studied, read, meditated, prayed in the spirit, and again I could not find any “movement” of time! I kept bugging God about this, telling Him I could not find timing or the movement of time anywhere. Finally, God had great mercy on my slowness, and spoke to me: *“Son, I will ask you three questions about this passage of scripture. Until you can answer these questions correctly, you will never understand this vision.* 1. *“Why did John not immediately see Me at the right hand of the Father in chapter four? I ascended back into heaven years before John saw this vision. There are over a dozen verses showing that I went to be at the right hand of the Father. Stephen SAW me there. Why then did John not immediately see Me at the right hand of the Father?”* 2. *“John watched a search to find one worthy to open the seals-a search that ended in failure-and that is the reason John wept much: no man was found worthy. However, if you read ahead, you find that I was found worthy to break the seals. Why then was I not found in that first search?”* 3. *“If you notice in chapter 4, the Holy Spirit was still in the throne room. I told the disciples that as soon as I ascended, I would send Him down. Why was the Holy Spirit still in the throne room in chapter 4?”* if someone reads this and posts, I will tell how our Lord showed me the answers. I could not answer any question at first.
💯% True, also conflating The Meat and Potatoes of O.T. with The Meat and Potatoes of The N. T. Rather than learning from and gleaning from O.T. during this dispensation of Gods Grace of Faith and Faith alone In Jesus of Nazareth Death, Burial and Reurrection believing in our hearts, God raised him from the dead on the 3rd day according to the Scriptures of The O.T. and confessing with our mouths that Jesus is who He claimed to be and denied not himself, with Holy Spirit POWER , onto Salvation. 😊
Just to prove your point... I live in South Africa and I had no clue what your image of the elephant and donkey meant. (I had to Google the image). Thank you for this beautiful teaching. Makes me fall in love with the Word even more.
Just not having knowledge of what words in the Bible actually mean for years has caused me to understand what is being conveyed incorrectly. Which has made me study the words that seem plain a lot deeper to get that true meaning.
I wanted to share some thing Pastor Brandon that I’m going through right now. A woman in our church texted me about five weeks ago and asked me to pray for her daughter. And I told her of course I will pray for her. And I’ll pray that the Lord’s will would be done in her daughters life. Well, this friend let me know about 20 minutes after I sent her that prayer, that I was not praying the way she wanted me to pray. That she wanted me to pray her way that her well would be done in her daughters life. And I shared with her the only way I know how to pray, as for the Lord‘s will to be done in our lives. I was bold enough to ask her through text message if she reads the Bible. Because on Sundays, she likes to boast about knowing the Bible. So the next Sunday at church, the same person came up to me and confronted me about not knowing how to pray the proper way. And told me that everything she had said the other day make no sense anymore and start making excuses For our conversation. And became extremely argumentative in church. And I let her know that if she ever wanted me to pray for her and her daughter, I would be honored to, but I always pray that the Lord’s will will be done. Again, she was not happy. So, as time passes on, now, she ignores me. Is saying things behind my back. And I just give those to God. And this morning, when I was praying and reading the word of God, I ask Jesus about this. And He let me know that He is weeding people out of my life. And I praise the Lord for that. But it just makes it hard that this individual feels it’s OK for her to say slanderous things behind my back to other people.
Great lesson, I'm sure I will watch it again! I do have a question, something you may have covered in earlier teachings, can you tell me what are the titles of the books that are always by your side?
The 4 living represents all of Israel as these were the 4 banners (1 per cardinal direction..3 tribes per banner) and the 24 elders represent the 24 divisions of levites which make sense because the levites were encamped around the tent of meeting were not under any of the 4 living creatures. Love your videos and would love to hear what specifically changed in your Christian life to feel the way you do about the Bible because what you are saying has been my EXACT experience.
The early Church didnt 'drop' Revelation. They just hadnt figured out which books should be normative as Christian Scripture. The Council of Rome, Carthage and Hippo in the 4th century is probably the first time our current canon is listed. And probably only when the Pope ordered the translation into Latin that the question was sealed
I've got to share this with a dear friend ! Thank you so much for these Behind the Words vudeos Brandon. I always take away something much needed in my Bible study. I've tippy toed my way around Revelations in my 65 years of life, but you have me wanting to dig in ! Thank you Brother! God bless you and keep you and yours!
Woah.. in My dream last night a woman told me the number 4 to look it up, and I said what about 4444 and we agreed on 4444. Looked it up abound it was a story about Ruth? Laying down.. I prayed laying down today maybe it was a message to rest. BUT then I see this video too. I keep getting told parts of the bible I don't know much about in my dreams, a few days ago it was the story of Job a man was talking about in My dream
Oh my goodness you're making videos while you're in Israel? Oh Brandon I just don't know how you could be any kinder to us!! God bless you mightily, and your family and those you love. THANK YOU IMMENSELY PS. I have saved all your holy land updates to a special folder called 'Jesus' in my own Facebook.
God bless you Brandon and glory to God for the anointing upon you to teach, I definitely can feel your passion when you teach these lessons. Blessings.
In Haifa, Israel, there is a statue that depicts these "living creatures" (obviously from the O.T. scriptures) - they're beautiful! As I majored in architecture in college I knew these creatures were absolutely stunning. I looked at the statue while everyone else in my group looked at a bride and groom whom were there. 😃
The sea, lampstands, thrones and 4 creatures also describe the Temple and elements of Eden. It describes the new worship of God with heaven. Read the Lambs Supper by Scott Hahn
I heard a preacher say the beast, Eagle, Ox, Man and , Lion represented the 4 unified Gospels.... each image representing Matthew, Mark, Luke and, John. I guess it goes to show you cant believe everything a preacher tells ya!
WHO AM I, THE PARACLETE OF JESUS. PERHAPS YOU HAVE HEARD OF ME. THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE LORD. THE HYMN OF JESUS. THE ALPHABET. Aleph 1 - ALEPH 1000. Glory to Thee, Word. Glory to Thee, Father. Glory to Thee, Grace. Amen! Glory to Thee, Holy One. Glory to Thee, Glory. Glory to Thee. Spirit Amen! Now whereas we give thanks, I say: 1 We give thanks to Thee, O Light, In Whom Darkness dwells not. I would be born, and I would Beget. Amen! 2 We praise Thee, O Father. I would be thought, Being Wholly Thought. I would mourn Your Absence, lament ye all. Amen! 9 I would eat, 10 And I would be Eaten. Amen! 3 We praise Thee, O Presence, I would understand and Be All Understanding. I will dance, and The World Dances With Me. Amen! 5 I am a Lamp unto thee, who Seeth Me, 6 And I would hear, and I Would Be All-Hearing Amen! 4 We love Thee, Who is our Rock, yet ye Gather not I am a Door to thee, who knocketh at Me. A mirror am I, to Thee who Perceiveth me. Amen! 7 I have no Places, 8 Yet I have a Place in Your Book. 20 As your House, I am The Christ, that Lights up the World. Yet I have no houses, a time to cast away stones. I would be Adorned, I am All Adoring. Amen! 90 I would flee, and I would Stay. 100 I would turn, and I would be Turned to Peace. Amen! 40 I am a Way to thee, a wayfarer, A Heart of Mercy to thee, who has found Me. An Intoxication to thee, who knoweth Me. Amen! 30 The number Twelve, Dances on High. 50 Grace Danceth to the pie-piper, pipe to Life, ye all. Amen! 80 Yeah, I am The Gate to Salvation, and I am saved. A time of caution, And a Time of Retribution. Amen! 60 I would be wounded, and I would Wound. 70 A time of laughter, and a Time to be Loosened. Amen! 200 I am The Queen of The World, and I am the children, I am a Mountain, for thee, who climb Me. I am The Inner Breath, that Raptures thee. Amen! 200 I am a Time to Refrain from Embracing, 800 Yet, The Number Eight, Sings and Embraces us. Amen! 400 A Time to Plant Trees of Good Fruit. I am an Apple for thee, to eat Me. Eternal Life and Soul, for those who seek me. Amen! 300 The Holy Spirit breaks down and Glorifies Me. 500 The Lord builds up and Blesses me. Amen! 700 And a Time to Pluck what was Planted. The Whole on High participates in our Dancing, I am the Chosen, who enter The Land Promised Amen! 600 The Good Earth provides fruit nourished in Heaven, 900 I would be washed, And I am Washed by Rain and Fire. Amen! 1000 I would be united, and I Unite. I was, I am, I will be. I am, the First, and I am The Last. Amen forever and ever! Glory be to Thee, Our God and Lor
What made them pretend to have ears that hear eyes see known to the true virgin mother creator understand what see and hear can explain is understanding . Trust none question all many false prophets he will be known before he was born choose before he was born perfectly undeniable three times over Proclaimed three times over before he was born . Known to true virgin mother creator and won't taste death and he will understand the world. So it's amazing how many pretend to understand guess know deceiving self exactly void in know unknown swine unforgiven that direction
Thank you, brother. I learn a lot from you. To add some of what I’ve learned elsewhere, when Jesus introduces Himself as the first and last, it has something to do with jasper and carnelian. The high priest’s breastplate that had the 12 tribes represented with stones, had the oldest (first) son, Rueben, represented as jasper, and the youngest (last) son, Benjamin, represented as carnelian. Not only that, but Rueben’s name means “behold, a son” and Benjamin’s name means “son of the right hand.” Also, the tribes each had a place encamped around the tabernacle. The only tribe that didn’t have a single spot was Levi (the priests). Levi’s place completely encircled the tabernacle which contained the mercy seat/throne. Levi’s gemstone is represented as emerald. That may be why the rainbow that John sees only has the emerald color instead of the typical rainbow color.
I always thought the crystal sea was a heavenly form of the molten sea from Solomon's Temple. The edge of that sea was thick enough for a man to stand on and walk around. It makes more sense when (chapter 15 vs 2) he says he saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them... stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. It sounds like the fire is reflecting through this basin or the fire is alight in the basin, and there are these persons standing along the edge of it. Not all places where the revelation of Jesus mentions sea means basin, there are places where sea refers to many people, and places where sea alludes to a literal sea as on earth. What do you think? Does the idea about the basin resolve some meaning to these passages? Thanks for this video, I love your studies with the scriptures.
Hi Brandon, I almost caught the live. Who do you think is the "The commander of the Lord's army" in Joshua??? He was allowed to bow! Where in Revelations, the angel tells John not to bow because he is not God. 🤔Some people think it is AA Michael but why would he be allowed to bow?🤔
Most scholars believe it is the preincarnate Yeshua. Only Yeshua, the Father or the Spirit would tell him to take off his sandals as the ground he is standing on is holy. Yeshua appears preincarnate many times in the Old Testament. The Angel of the Lord vs. an angel of the Lord. Who is the commander of the army in Revelation 19? Yeshua, riding down from heaven on a white horse to take back the world. I hope this helps.
Hey Brandon. This comment is not in reference to this video. We had somewhat of a spirited discussion last night on TikTok with a prophecy teacher regarding the series” the chosen”. I’ve watched all the episodes and I’ve seen you discuss episodes on your channel. I saw an interview with Dallas Jenkins, the producer who was interviewing a famous Mormon talk show host.(Glenn Beck). Dallas stated and I quote” they worship the same Jesus”. This floored me. Our discussion last night came to the conclusion that we should cease watching the series, especially future episodes as it can be difficult to know when it may go subtlety off accurate teaching. Just curious on your take. Your an amazing teacher and I think it may be a topic that you or someone of your caliber needs to address. I’m very sad about all this as I was truly enjoying the show
This is what happen when you change the word of God. Rev:4-3 / KJV. it describes he who sat on the throne was to look upon like a Jasper stone and a Sardine stone. These are two semi-precocious dark brown stones. Why was this emphasized twice ? If he was trying to describe how bright the appearance then hey would have said diamonds or opal.
First of all, when you look at the stars/ spcace you are looking at heaven. When the door opened in heaven it was either a portal or the door of a ship. John was describing what he seen as best he could with what he knows, theres no hidden meanings. The scene goes as follows. Its happening somewhere in space. He sees God and describes him as a redish type of opal, opal is holographic so that means God is a living being in space that created space. Sitting on a throne with lightning shooting out of it, means he was describing a type of technology/ energy source. The 7 lamps or 7 spirits of God are God's chariots or space ships if you will, under the sea of glass where you can see them in space. Genisis one says God's spirit was hovering above the waters, Sumarian scriptures says its a ship not a spirit. The eyes on the wings of the 4 living beings are galaxies with black holes in the middle, 4 beings 4 corners of space, could be used to go anywhere any time. they would look like eyes to someone who never seen a galaxy on a photo. The 24 other thrones represent managers of different space times for heaven is a big place. Prove me wrong
Liked and subscribed and now commenting. It's not a book of revelations of things to happen in the future it's THE Revelation (disclosure or unveiling, not a destruction) of who Jesus the Christ is. The whole book of Revelation summarizes who Jesus is for those who did not get it in the previous 65 books. "You think by searching the scriptures you will gain life but those very scriptures talk about me." Jn 5:39 (My paraphrase). Would appreciate anyone's thoughts on the Revelation Series done by UA-cam channel "Perfected by Blood" as they, in general, are presenting a view that is not mainstream but I can't fault their enthusiasm, sincerity and their knowledge of and dependence on the Bible.
A sea of "glass"... hummm when was glass invented? Answer: Glass was first made in the ancient world, but little is known about man’s first efforts to make glass. Amulets and solid beads were made in Mesopotamia as far back as 2500BC. Later, glass making was further developed in Egypt around 1500BC. Sheets of glass were very hard to make because of the high temperature required. It was most likely very expensive and only for the wealthy and elite.
I looked on the internet and I found that there are 25,000 different Christian Denominations around the world, now why do you think it's like this? I mean, each Denomination has it's own set of Christian values, and each church in each Denomination has it's own set of service along with it's own music. Now this list doesn't include the Catholic church, but I'm sure that they themselves have off shoots of their faith. Now as a new believer, how am I suppose to choose the right Denomination and the right church since I know nothing about the faith? They say that faith requires trust, but I'm new and trust is not my strong point. And who says that I pick right? After all, those people that belong to those 25000 Denominations believe they picked right, but if they did, why is there 25000 Denominations? But I am not a new believer! I have been following Christ now for over 25 years. Still, what I said is true, even for me, for who am I to say the path I follow is the correct one? Well the Spirit of God says it! He told me to live by the fruits of the Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit is vast! Scripture only gives us a taste of them, and they're still more! The one thing I have learned is that the Spirit is always right. Even when I am not so sure of myself, the Spirit is always right. If a person made their decisions on the fruits of the Spirit, what would happen? They would know the correct path to take. Should I watch this show? What does the fruits of the Spirit say? Goodness, kindness, love, truth, hmm, truth I'm looking for knowledge to gain truth, so yes! I should hear him out. In that, I might learn something. You can learn the different images on the coming of Christ, but it won't do you any good for we have no idea when Christ will come. But living in the fruits of the spirit will prepare the believer for the day. Jesus said that when the time comes, even the strongest Christian will fall to the Anti-Christ. He also said that the days that will come, will be short or there won't be anyone left to take up. The only way we will survive in our spirit is through the fruits of the Spirit. This guy should do a video on the fruits of the Spirit.
Humm. 24 robed elders. I wonder if it could have been something really different... something that even John didn't understand at the time, for example, 24 dimensions of our universe. Right now there is an argument as to the number of dimensions of our universe.
I appreciate your effort. However, some of your titles suggest that you look like the only one who promote these teachings. I think you need to be more humble!
Looking forward to this, so much to learn as a beginner (at 70 lol) ❤️from England
It's okay I started again with Christ a year or two ago? I know some people have the date stuck in their head but it was much more subtle with me and right now I'm 61 and I'll be 62 this year.
God bless you
Shalom, "70", I am also your age, but, not a beginner, there is much to learn, stay humble, stay ready, guard your heart with all diligence, fight the good fight of faith, AMEN 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Same here ... a late Bible Bloomer .. and a Baby Boomer, at 65 years 😃 ...... So many fascinating stories, I find it hard to follow a pathway .. someone will mention a particular verse or Book so I jump over to that Book and become engrossed in it. But am so blown away by how what's happening in the world today has been prophesied and recorded 2000 years ago. How can anyone not believe??? God Bless 🙏
I'm 60 and enjoying having the Bible explained. Love learning all I can about it
jacqui, you should know better. You've watched human beings fuck the human race for 70 years and your answer is God!!!!! Humans! Thicker than shit itself!
Pastor Brandon, this is the second time I watched this. I attended the live chat the first time. I got so much out of it this time. Thank you for helping me understand this and the other prophetic books of the Bible. I do believe that the Holy Spirit is working in my life big time lately. He has revealed a lot of things to me just since the beginning of this year alone. I look back over the years to where I was and see how far I've come, it astounds me. I feel like I'm being swept off my feet. Thank you Jesus! And thank you, too, as God has place you in all of our lives at the proper time. God bless your ministry, Pastor Brandon.
I, also, am 70 and am enthralled by every part of the Bible I have read.
Quite true. John was writing to persecuted churches. The early Christians knew what the symbols meant. He was uplifting them during a time of persecution. He was not writing a prophetic book of future time as conservative Christians believe. The rapture is also non biblical doctrine that did not exist prior to around 1840.
I've been studying Revelation since 1970. I was 14. I'm looking forward to studying with you. You explain things so well. Thank you Brandon.
I find Revelation fascinating as well? It's all that Hebraic apocalyptic language. Revelation is all about the great tribulation of 70 AD. It was the end of the Old Covenant age of Israel, the beginning of New Covenant age of the Church, the second coming (parousia) of the Son of Man in 70 AD, judgement of apostate Jerusalem in 70 AD, and the resurrection of the dead in 70 AD. But most importantly, it's about the divinity of Jesus.
This video is legit. I felt Holy Spirit goosebumps especially when you started talking about how all of creation will worship Jesus. Praise God!
Thanks again Pastor Brandon. I'm older than you and have been going to mainstream churches my whole life, and much of what you explain I am hearing for the first time. Thank you so much and please continue to help me understand scripture. I may not get to meet you this side of heaven, but you have my gratitude and respect.
I'm one of those who said I don't understand it so why read it. Thank you and Thank God.
This is a good reason to read the Revelation 👇
Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and obey what is written in it, because the time is near.
-- Revelation 1:3 --
Brandon, thank you for your videos, your explanations, your heart and love for our Heavenly Father! Thank you that your wife and family! Their gracciousness is giving and supporting you in sharing your heart and knowledge with us! Thank you for helping me grow in my faith, understanding and deeper love for our Heavenly Father! May God bless you and your family more than you could ever imagine! ❤
I love studying Revelation. Thanks Brandon.
When I was a kid and first read Revelation I thought wow God made the coolest looking animals for heaven lol.
Best prayer I have ever witnessed and totally in agreement. Thank you for all you do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Love you like Jesus .
Ah so That was why The Four creatures ... Made sense ... All The Animal Kingdom including Humanity...Amen 🙏 Namaste 🌈 Hallelujah 🖖🧙♂️🧡☮️💙😇
We. Bow to Yeshua every moment of Our Lives. We ❤️ Our God. AMEN
One must have the Holy Spirit to understand the word of God!
Thank you, my brother, for all that you do. I so appreciate your minitrsy. Preach!
24 ascended masters ....assistants in christ consciousness. God is everything, including all religions
Thank you, again, so much for sharing your wisdom and insights in the Bible!! 🙏🙌☝️
So excited to hear your explanations of God’s Word
I love the analysis you assemble! For an analytical mind who's been trying to understand this amazing book it's literally a God send - Thank you! I only find it sad that this "decoding" as you put it, does not seem to be taught. Great work!
Thank you brother, this is valuable to even those of us who have been in the Church for ever! May God bless you. Love from the bottom of my heart!
What is God's purpose and main message in Chapters 4 and 5?
One day I began to meditate on chapters 4 and 5. Finally, after a week or two, I got stuck on John weeping much, and I could not get away from that. I began to bug God about that, asking Him why we needed to know why John wept, and why it was “much.” That day I had an encounter with God. He spoke to me and said,
*“It shows timing.”*
Again, I spent days reading and meditating and praying in the Spirit, and I could not find timing anywhere, so continued to bug Him about it. Finally, perhaps two more weeks, and He said,
*“It also shows the movement of time.”*
Again, I studied, read, meditated, prayed in the spirit, and again I could not find any “movement” of time!
I kept bugging God about this, telling Him I could not find timing or the movement of time anywhere. Finally, God had great mercy on my slowness, and spoke to me:
*“Son, I will ask you three questions about this passage of scripture. Until you can answer these questions correctly, you will never understand this vision.*
1. *“Why did John not immediately see Me at the right hand of the Father in chapter four? I ascended back into heaven years before John saw this vision. There are over a dozen verses showing that I went to be at the right hand of the Father. Stephen SAW me there. Why then did John not immediately see Me at the right hand of the Father?”*
2. *“John watched a search to find one worthy to open the seals-a search that ended in failure-and that is the reason John wept much: no man was found worthy. However, if you read ahead, you find that I was found worthy to break the seals. Why then was I not found in that first search?”*
3. *“If you notice in chapter 4, the Holy Spirit was still in the throne room. I told the disciples that as soon as I ascended, I would send Him down. Why was the Holy Spirit still in the throne room in chapter 4?”*
if someone reads this and posts, I will tell how our Lord showed me the answers. I could not answer any question at first.
💯% True, also conflating The Meat and Potatoes of O.T. with The Meat and Potatoes of The N. T. Rather than learning from and gleaning from O.T. during this dispensation of Gods Grace of Faith and Faith alone In Jesus of Nazareth Death, Burial and Reurrection believing in our hearts, God raised him from the dead on the 3rd day according to the Scriptures of The O.T. and confessing with our mouths that Jesus is who He claimed to be and denied not himself, with Holy Spirit POWER , onto Salvation. 😊
Great clear good Teaching about The King of King 🤴 not fear of The beast 666 ... Amen 😇🌈🖖🧙♂️🧡🙏💙😇
Just to prove your point... I live in South Africa and I had no clue what your image of the elephant and donkey meant. (I had to Google the image). Thank you for this beautiful teaching. Makes me fall in love with the Word even more.
Just not having knowledge of what words in the Bible actually mean for years has caused me to understand what is being conveyed incorrectly. Which has made me study the words that seem plain a lot deeper to get that true meaning.
I so enjoy your teachings. Thank you.
I wanted to share some thing Pastor Brandon that I’m going through right now. A woman in our church texted me about five weeks ago and asked me to pray for her daughter. And I told her of course I will pray for her. And I’ll pray that the Lord’s will would be done in her daughters life. Well, this friend let me know about 20 minutes after I sent her that prayer, that I was not praying the way she wanted me to pray. That she wanted me to pray her way that her well would be done in her daughters life. And I shared with her the only way I know how to pray, as for the Lord‘s will to be done in our lives. I was bold enough to ask her through text message if she reads the Bible. Because on Sundays, she likes to boast about knowing the Bible. So the next Sunday at church, the same person came up to me and confronted me about not knowing how to pray the proper way. And told me that everything she had said the other day make no sense anymore and start making excuses For our conversation. And became extremely argumentative in church. And I let her know that if she ever wanted me to pray for her and her daughter, I would be honored to, but I always pray that the Lord’s will will be done. Again, she was not happy.
So, as time passes on, now, she ignores me. Is saying things behind my back. And I just give those to God.
And this morning, when I was praying and reading the word of God, I ask Jesus about this. And He let me know that He is weeding people out of my life. And I praise the Lord for that. But it just makes it hard that this individual feels it’s OK for her to say slanderous things behind my back to other people.
Great lesson, I'm sure I will watch it again! I do have a question, something you may have covered in earlier teachings, can you tell me what are the titles of the books that are always by your side?
Thank you for the blessing of discovering the deeper meaning of God's word and grace. Bless you, watching from Australia 🇦🇺 already subscribed
I would like to see a teaching on the Sabbath and High Holy days and God's other Sabbath festivals please
The 4 living represents all of Israel as these were the 4 banners (1 per cardinal direction..3 tribes per banner) and the 24 elders represent the 24 divisions of levites which make sense because the levites were encamped around the tent of meeting were not under any of the 4 living creatures. Love your videos and would love to hear what specifically changed in your Christian life to feel the way you do about the Bible because what you are saying has been my EXACT experience.
You are one of the best scripture teachers. ❤
Scripture and your teaching both point to our world today and what is likely to come - soon.
Thanks Brandon 😊 for the video it's so helpful 😀 ❤.
Thx u so much for your explanation ❤. I am touched by the powerful words. Amen. Worthy is our Lord Jesus ❤️🙏🏻
This makes me feel less afraid. Thank you!
It's so wonderful to understand what John was saying. 🙏
I’m a beginner at 71. Love my new info 🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼
The early Church didnt 'drop' Revelation. They just hadnt figured out which books should be normative as Christian Scripture. The Council of Rome, Carthage and Hippo in the 4th century is probably the first time our current canon is listed. And probably only when the Pope ordered the translation into Latin that the question was sealed
I've got to share this with a dear friend ! Thank you so much for these Behind the Words vudeos Brandon. I always take away something much needed in my Bible study. I've tippy toed my way around Revelations in my 65 years of life, but you have me wanting to dig in ! Thank you Brother! God bless you and keep you and yours!
Thank you Brandon....will keep following....
Woah.. in My dream last night a woman told me the number 4 to look it up, and I said what about 4444 and we agreed on 4444. Looked it up abound it was a story about Ruth? Laying down.. I prayed laying down today maybe it was a message to rest. BUT then I see this video too. I keep getting told parts of the bible I don't know much about in my dreams, a few days ago it was the story of Job a man was talking about in My dream
Oh my goodness you're making videos while you're in Israel? Oh Brandon I just don't know how you could be any kinder to us!!
God bless you mightily, and your family and those you love.
I have saved all your holy land updates to a special folder called 'Jesus' in my own Facebook.
"But there's more..." I just love that!
My Mema said to never pray for patience.
God bless you Brandon and glory to God for the anointing upon you to teach, I definitely can feel your passion when you teach these lessons. Blessings.
Thank you for this video. I always look forward to your next video.
Always enjoy your videos Brandon thank you so much💝
In Haifa, Israel, there is a statue that depicts these "living creatures" (obviously from the O.T. scriptures) - they're beautiful! As I majored in architecture in college I knew these creatures were absolutely stunning. I looked at the statue while everyone else in my group looked at a bride and groom whom were there. 😃
The sea, lampstands, thrones and 4 creatures also describe the Temple and elements of Eden. It describes the new worship of God with heaven.
Read the Lambs Supper by Scott Hahn
Thank you!
Good teaching!
Kentucky here!
So helpful. Thank you!
Excellent 👍😊 as always!!! God bless you!!! Ready for next teaching 😃👍
It's either they don't know or it is too scary. Pray before you read.
Thank you for sharing this video.
The 24 elders was the 24 divisions of the Aaronic priesthood.
Thanks for sharing! as a cross reference check out Isaiah 11:1 and 2... It tells us what are the 7 Spirits of God.
Thank You
Amen Amen
Thank you so much.
I love this focus❤
Weren’t the banners of the twelve tribes an ox a lion a man and an eagle also
I heard a preacher say the beast, Eagle, Ox, Man and , Lion represented the 4 unified Gospels.... each image representing Matthew, Mark, Luke and, John. I guess it goes to show you cant believe everything a preacher tells ya!
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Hello Brandon 👋
Very poignant and powerful message. Thank you.
Good afternoon
Glory to Thee, Word.
Glory to Thee, Father.
Glory to Thee, Grace.
Glory to Thee, Holy One.
Glory to Thee, Glory.
Glory to Thee. Spirit
Now whereas we give thanks, I say:
1 We give thanks to Thee, O Light,
In Whom Darkness dwells not.
I would be born, and I would Beget.
2 We praise Thee, O Father.
I would be thought, Being Wholly Thought.
I would mourn Your Absence, lament ye all.
9 I would eat,
10 And I would be Eaten.
3 We praise Thee, O Presence,
I would understand and Be All Understanding.
I will dance, and The World Dances With Me.
5 I am a Lamp unto thee, who Seeth Me,
6 And I would hear, and I Would Be All-Hearing
4 We love Thee, Who is our Rock, yet ye Gather not
I am a Door to thee, who knocketh at Me.
A mirror am I, to Thee who Perceiveth me.
7 I have no Places,
8 Yet I have a Place in Your Book.
20 As your House, I am The Christ, that Lights up the World.
Yet I have no houses, a time to cast away stones.
I would be Adorned, I am All Adoring.
90 I would flee, and I would Stay.
100 I would turn, and I would be Turned to Peace.
40 I am a Way to thee, a wayfarer,
A Heart of Mercy to thee, who has found Me.
An Intoxication to thee, who knoweth Me.
30 The number Twelve, Dances on High.
50 Grace Danceth to the pie-piper, pipe to Life, ye all.
80 Yeah, I am The Gate to Salvation, and I am saved.
A time of caution,
And a Time of Retribution.
60 I would be wounded, and I would Wound.
70 A time of laughter, and a Time to be Loosened.
200 I am The Queen of The World, and I am the children,
I am a Mountain, for thee, who climb Me.
I am The Inner Breath, that Raptures thee.
200 I am a Time to Refrain from Embracing,
800 Yet, The Number Eight, Sings and Embraces us.
400 A Time to Plant Trees of Good Fruit.
I am an Apple for thee, to eat Me.
Eternal Life and Soul, for those who seek me.
300 The Holy Spirit breaks down and Glorifies Me.
500 The Lord builds up and Blesses me.
700 And a Time to Pluck what was Planted.
The Whole on High participates in our Dancing,
I am the Chosen, who enter The Land Promised
600 The Good Earth provides fruit nourished in Heaven,
900 I would be washed, And I am Washed by Rain and Fire.
1000 I would be united, and I Unite.
I was, I am, I will be.
I am, the First, and I am The Last.
Amen forever and ever! Glory be to Thee, Our God and Lor
Revelations says not to take away from the prophecy. Then they almost dropped it several times in history.
Food for thought. There are 24 official languages in the EU/ Christian Europe ( the 24 elders in white?) Peoples, languages and nations.
What made them pretend to have ears that hear eyes see known to the true virgin mother creator understand what see and hear can explain is understanding . Trust none question all many false prophets he will be known before he was born choose before he was born perfectly undeniable three times over Proclaimed three times over before he was born . Known to true virgin mother creator and won't taste death and he will understand the world. So it's amazing how many pretend to understand guess know deceiving self exactly void in know unknown swine unforgiven that direction
4 heads for all living creatures and 6 wings for creation days?
Thank you, brother. I learn a lot from you. To add some of what I’ve learned elsewhere, when Jesus introduces Himself as the first and last, it has something to do with jasper and carnelian. The high priest’s breastplate that had the 12 tribes represented with stones, had the oldest (first) son, Rueben, represented as jasper, and the youngest (last) son, Benjamin, represented as carnelian. Not only that, but Rueben’s name means “behold, a son” and Benjamin’s name means “son of the right hand.” Also, the tribes each had a place encamped around the tabernacle. The only tribe that didn’t have a single spot was Levi (the priests). Levi’s place completely encircled the tabernacle which contained the mercy seat/throne. Levi’s gemstone is represented as emerald. That may be why the rainbow that John sees only has the emerald color instead of the typical rainbow color.
I always thought the crystal sea was a heavenly form of the molten sea from Solomon's Temple. The edge of that sea was thick enough for a man to stand on and walk around. It makes more sense when (chapter 15 vs 2) he says he saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them... stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. It sounds like the fire is reflecting through this basin or the fire is alight in the basin, and there are these persons standing along the edge of it. Not all places where the revelation of Jesus mentions sea means basin, there are places where sea refers to many people, and places where sea alludes to a literal sea as on earth. What do you think? Does the idea about the basin resolve some meaning to these passages? Thanks for this video, I love your studies with the scriptures.
Hi Brandon, I almost caught the live. Who do you think is the "The commander of the Lord's army" in Joshua??? He was allowed to bow! Where in Revelations, the angel tells John not to bow because he is not God. 🤔Some people think it is AA Michael but why would he be allowed to bow?🤔
Most scholars believe it is the preincarnate Yeshua. Only Yeshua, the Father or the Spirit would tell him to take off his sandals as the ground he is standing on is holy. Yeshua appears preincarnate many times in the Old Testament. The Angel of the Lord vs. an angel of the Lord. Who is the commander of the army in Revelation 19? Yeshua, riding down from heaven on a white horse to take back the world. I hope this helps.
What is the name of the 4 living creatures, the24 kings or elders, and the7 spirits of god?
Are you putting the praise that is addressed to The Father to the Son? In Chapter 5 the scroll is in who’s right hand?
They worshipped on earth they worship in heaven and there is people on earth who don't worship who don't even believe😢
In Ezekiel it is four wings and in Revelation it is six wings. Kindly explain
Hey Brandon. This comment is not in reference to this video. We had somewhat of a spirited discussion last night on TikTok with a prophecy teacher regarding the series” the chosen”.
I’ve watched all the episodes and I’ve seen you discuss episodes on your channel. I saw an interview with Dallas Jenkins, the producer who was interviewing a famous Mormon talk show host.(Glenn Beck). Dallas stated and I quote” they worship the same Jesus”. This floored me.
Our discussion last night came to the conclusion that we should cease watching the series, especially future episodes as it can be difficult to know when it may go subtlety off accurate teaching.
Just curious on your take. Your an amazing teacher and I think it may be a topic that you or someone of your caliber needs to address.
I’m very sad about all this as I was truly enjoying the show
The Bible doesn’t say who the 24 elders represent or who they are. So we don’t know.
This is what happen when you change the word of God. Rev:4-3 / KJV. it describes he who sat on the throne was to look upon like a Jasper stone and a Sardine stone. These are two semi-precocious dark brown stones. Why was this emphasized twice ? If he was trying to describe how bright the appearance then hey would have said diamonds or opal.
First of all, when you look at the stars/ spcace you are looking at heaven. When the door opened in heaven it was either a portal or the door of a ship. John was describing what he seen as best he could with what he knows, theres no hidden meanings. The scene goes as follows. Its happening somewhere in space. He sees God and describes him as a redish type of opal, opal is holographic so that means God is a living being in space that created space. Sitting on a throne with lightning shooting out of it, means he was describing a type of technology/ energy source. The 7 lamps or 7 spirits of God are God's chariots or space ships if you will, under the sea of glass where you can see them in space. Genisis one says God's spirit was hovering above the waters, Sumarian scriptures says its a ship not a spirit. The eyes on the wings of the 4 living beings are galaxies with black holes in the middle, 4 beings 4 corners of space, could be used to go anywhere any time. they would look like eyes to someone who never seen a galaxy on a photo. The 24 other thrones represent managers of different space times for heaven is a big place. Prove me wrong
I read the Bible like our government is Rome now. We are living the Bible now
Liked and subscribed and now commenting. It's not a book of revelations of things to happen in the future it's THE Revelation (disclosure or unveiling, not a destruction) of who Jesus the Christ is. The whole book of Revelation summarizes who Jesus is for those who did not get it in the previous 65 books. "You think by searching the scriptures you will gain life but those very scriptures talk about me." Jn 5:39 (My paraphrase). Would appreciate anyone's thoughts on the Revelation Series done by UA-cam channel "Perfected by Blood" as they, in general, are presenting a view that is not mainstream but I can't fault their enthusiasm, sincerity and their knowledge of and dependence on the Bible.
A sea of "glass"... hummm when was glass invented? Answer: Glass was first made in the ancient world, but little is known about man’s first efforts to make glass. Amulets and solid beads were made in Mesopotamia as far back as 2500BC. Later, glass making was further developed in Egypt around 1500BC. Sheets of glass were very hard to make because of the high temperature required. It was most likely very expensive and only for the wealthy and elite.
I looked on the internet and I found that there are 25,000 different Christian Denominations around the world, now why do you think it's like this? I mean, each Denomination has it's own set of Christian values, and each church in each Denomination has it's own set of service along with it's own music. Now this list doesn't include the Catholic church, but I'm sure that they themselves have off shoots of their faith.
Now as a new believer, how am I suppose to choose the right Denomination and the right church since I know nothing about the faith? They say that faith requires trust, but I'm new and trust is not my strong point. And who says that I pick right? After all, those people that belong to those 25000 Denominations believe they picked right, but if they did, why is there 25000 Denominations?
But I am not a new believer! I have been following Christ now for over 25 years. Still, what I said is true, even for me, for who am I to say the path I follow is the correct one? Well the Spirit of God says it! He told me to live by the fruits of the Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit is vast! Scripture only gives us a taste of them, and they're still more! The one thing I have learned is that the Spirit is always right. Even when I am not so sure of myself, the Spirit is always right. If a person made their decisions on the fruits of the Spirit, what would happen? They would know the correct path to take.
Should I watch this show? What does the fruits of the Spirit say? Goodness, kindness, love, truth, hmm, truth I'm looking for knowledge to gain truth, so yes! I should hear him out. In that, I might learn something.
You can learn the different images on the coming of Christ, but it won't do you any good for we have no idea when Christ will come. But living in the fruits of the spirit will prepare the believer for the day. Jesus said that when the time comes, even the strongest Christian will fall to the Anti-Christ. He also said that the days that will come, will be short or there won't be anyone left to take up. The only way we will survive in our spirit is through the fruits of the Spirit.
This guy should do a video on the fruits of the Spirit.
I don't understand how Jesus is Lord I understand Jesus is the son of God I have heard phases Father, Son Holy Ghost.
Humm. 24 robed elders. I wonder if it could have been something really different... something that even John didn't understand at the time, for example, 24 dimensions of our universe. Right now there is an argument as to the number of dimensions of our universe.
I appreciate your effort. However, some of your titles suggest that you look like the only one who promote these teachings. I think you need to be more humble!